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Sin City #5

Sin City, Vol. 5: Family Values

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There's a kind of debt you can't ever pay off, not entirely. And that's the kind of debt Dwight owes Gail. The girls of Old Town have their own family values, their own laws-and when someone too dumb to know better breaks them, an example needs to be set. Dwight's got his own reasons for taking the job, and deadly little Miho . . . Miho likes to play with them a little first.

128 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1997

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About the author

Frank Miller

1,281 books4,897 followers
Frank Miller is an American writer, artist and film director best known for his film noir-style comic book stories. He is one of the most widely-recognized and popular creators in comics, and is one of the most influential comics creators of his generation. His most notable works include Sin City, The Dark Knight Returns, Batman Year One and 300.

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

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Profile Image for Baba.
3,811 reviews1,224 followers
December 12, 2021
A snow ridden desolate landscape broken up more by the background noise of life than the people themselves. Flakes flutter down incessantly during this night in which Dwight and Miho have a mission to complete - they need to talk to a family.

A startling volume, in which the now very comfortable duo of Dwight and Miho get to work. Having to story set against the foreground and backdrop of heavy snowfall absolutely helps to further enhance what Miller can do with his monochrome artwork using inks, shadows and white spaces. The only downside that could possible be sighted is how near this is to a 'mainstream superhero' style book albeit more in the vein of Daredevil. 8.5 out of 12.

2019 read
Profile Image for Matthew.
1,221 reviews9,614 followers
November 2, 2018
Well, this brings a great series to a screeching halt. 2.5 stars – I am rounding up to 3 because of track record with this series, but this volume really fell flat. Looking at some other reviews, it seems I am not alone.

Maybe if it was not part of such a great series it would not stand out so much to me as a dud. Sure it has a few twists and a couple of interesting points, but it just isn’t fleshed out like the previous titles. It felt like I was going from Shakespeare to a Kindergarten reading primer. From The Godfather to Howard the Duck (now, I loved Howard the Duck, but I figure people would recognize it as a movie generally panned by movie goers and critics alike!) I wanted to love it as much of the previous ones, but I just couldn’t.

The story is very straight-forward and linear. Maybe this was on purpose as the others ones are not – they have complex relationships, layered characters, twists and turns, etc. – and Miller wanted to be different this time. Instead, it just felt blah. The first time you meet and learn about each character, that is who they are till the very end. Maybe okay in some cases, but it just was not what I have come to expect with Sin City.

Filler – so much filler! This story probably could have been told and had the same impact in 10 pages. Lots of repetitive action frames and plot points revisited (which isn’t super-necessary in a plot as linear as this one). And, there was so much potential background on the story that feels like it could have been fleshed out and just wasn’t. Instead, we just get more fight scenes and good guys trying to sound all tough to the bad guys.

The artwork felt like it got lazy. Miller established a pretty awesome black/white contrast comic book art form with the Sin City series - and here it got sloppy. There were a few frames that hit the old glory, but most of it ran together so much it was hard to tell what was going on. This was the first Sin City where I had to stare at some of the panels for a long time to figure out what I was looking at. Also, and maybe this was done just to contrast with everything else in the volume, but Miho was so bland and one dimensional that it was distracting. I was not impressed with any of the Miho artwork (not that I could do any better, but as a consumer I have come to expect more from this product!)

So, I am just a guy who has been enjoying this series and, maybe for you, my opinions on it will be totally off base. When I have become used to a stellar product, it is more likely that my opinion is going to be stronger. If this was the first Sin City volume, I probably would not have had quite so many issues. I am hoping the next one returns to form!
Profile Image for Algernon (Darth Anyan).
1,624 reviews1,038 followers
August 30, 2015

"Family Values" is vintage Frank Miller: what I have come to refer to as a typical visit to the dark underbelly of his Sin City noir universe. Two old acquaintaces, Dwight the photographer turned vigilante and Miho the diminutive ninja hooker, investigate a mob assassination in a rundown diner. The usual suspects feature in the case: the ladies of Old Town, the Mob bosses and their henchmen, corrupted cops, hard-fisted anti-heroes. An alcoholic hooker tells her sob story to Dwight along with the relevant details about the diner shootout. Later, Miho gets to do her dance of death with the bad guys and Dwight lets loose with some snarky humour.

I may have over-indulged in Miller's type of stories, because this last one didn't feel up to his usual high standards. The plot was more streamlined than usual, not necessarily a bad thing, but in this particular case it lacked the intensity and the originality of previous albums. The ending though was more than OK: a proper reference and underlining of the importance of family, even in criminal circles. The timeline is ambiguous and with minimal references to the other albums, making "Family Values" more of a standalone issue than part of the series. The dialogues are still hard-boiled and the nudity is toned down, but Dwight still feels a lightweight lead after Marv and Hartigan.

My biggest peeve is though with the artwork - instead of the clear lines, clever camera angles and stark shadows I have come to expect, I got an unpolished and messy jumble of wavy, twisted, crowded spaces. Miho is an exception, here in a new all-white outfit instead of her usual ninja black. The extreme, explicit violence is no longer a surprise in a Frank Miller story, but even for him, it steers too close to becoming gratuitous.


I am a compulsive finisher of series, and I plan to continue with Sin City. It's possible that the lowering of my expectations will help me be less critical of the next album.
Profile Image for Mohamed Metwally.
606 reviews81 followers
June 2, 2024
Seemed like an add-on or a special episode, not entirely inline with the series so far, might reconsider my review if this is an intro for a gang war to come in Vol 6?

Profile Image for Carmen.
2,070 reviews2,303 followers
April 29, 2015
There's nothing really to this novel. A bunch of killing. Only the barest shreds of a plot. It's disappointing.

Great illustrations, as usual.

Also, Dwight is the main character. I hate Dwight. At least he didn't hit any women in this volume. If he did, this would be 1-star instead of 2. But even though he's not practicing his usual women-beating ways, I still hate the way he talks and acts towards women. Zero points. He's still a jerk, in my opinion.

There's a lesbian couple in this novel, and again I'm surprised that Miller treats it so ... well, I don't want to say respectfully, but he doesn't exploit the hell out of it and that's something.

Again, no real plot. Not worth reading unless you're just a big fan.
Profile Image for Steven  Godin.
2,610 reviews2,827 followers
July 18, 2022
I'm not sure whether Frank Miller had a bang on the head, hadn't sleep for a week, or just couldn't be bothered to put his heart and soul into this volume like the previous four in the series. Not even close to the likes of A Dame to Kill for, or, my personal favourite, That Yellow Bastard. Might even put me off completing the whole series now. Still, it certainly wasn't bad, but Miller set such a high standard before this one. Pity.
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.8k followers
February 18, 2015
A simple tale of mob revenge by Dwight with his assassin Miho, who is one of the great characters in this series. Dwight, Marv, others that look and act like them, they all seem to be one character, (though I admit they are one entertaining character in this series!) but Miho is unique and great and undermines for a bit the claims of misogyny that are made against Miller. This is a short volume in the series, but has all you want in noir… though it is not subtle like Chandler, it is Big and Beefy and Gory… but with great noir dialogue and this splashy art. The Yellow Bastard that preceded this was better, artistically, for me, and it was unique in the series for many reasons. Family Values is sort of typical of the series, but good stuff.
Profile Image for Beto.
105 reviews27 followers
January 9, 2018
Mistério, Violência e, no final, Vingança!
Estes são os “Valores Familiares” que são explorados neste volume de Sin City!

Mantendo as suas características de base – o que agrada pois já falamos do 5º volume da saga! – e, não obstante, a envolvência de algumas das suas personagens mais carismáticas, designadamente a implacável Miho e o grande amigo Dwight, de toda a saga, esta foi a história que menos me encantou na cidade do crime. Admito que a narrativa surpreende ligeiramente na reta final pois somos confrontados com um “tema” e com um “motivo” até então nunca abordados, deslocando-nos por completo da suposta razão inicial a que a leitura nos vai conduzindo na busca implacável de vingança, contudo não considero o suficiente quando comparado com outros volumes mais intensos e criativos da saga.

De acordo com a minha opinião e mais completa (aborda também o grafismo, a narrativa e a estrutura do livro), aconselho a seguinte revisão: http://miscomis.blogspot.pt/2007/08/s...
Profile Image for Nikki "The Crazie Betty" V..
803 reviews127 followers
September 30, 2022
I am loving this series! Although I haven't reviewed them all yet, I've been fortunate enough to receive the first 7 of this series (4th editions) via Edelweiss. They are dark and compelling and I love the characters! There's basically not one character in this series that is simply a good guy, although there are definitely some 100% bad guys (I'm looking at you yellow bastard). The morally grey aspect of basically all of the story lines is fantastic. I also truly love the art style of this series. For being in black and white only, the art is striking and detailed.

If you haven't read Sin City yet and you're fan of graphic novels and noir/crime, you definitely need to pick this up.

Received via Edelweiss
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,649 reviews13.2k followers
July 6, 2012
“Family Values” is the shortest Sin City book (barring “Booze, Broads, and Bullets” which is a collection of short stories) featuring Dwight (from “A Dame to Kill For”)and Miho (from “The Big Fat Kill”) as they set their sights for revenge against one of Basin City’s mafia families. The story is standard fare if you’re familiar with Sin City; if not, the story is told in black and white with flashes of primary colour (often red) and reads like the hard boiled noir thrillers of the 30s and 40s by Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett put out by publishers like Black Cat.

Which isn’t to say it’s no good – it’s very entertaining, a solid book by the great Frank Miller and a fine instalment in his masterful series. Though, besides a twist at the end it’s fairly straightforward and not as inventive as other Sin City books of which I recommend the first four books that precede this fifth volume as wonderful reads and works of art. But what you do get is the kind of stuff readers and fans of Sin City have come to know and love about the series: lots of moody scenes at night in alleys in the pouring rain, sleazy bars filled with worn out whores and jaded bartenders, honourable street thugs, bullets and guns aplenty, and lots of killing, some of them quite funny, courtesy of bloody-minded Miho.

It’s a fast read but still great fun and holds up real well. I read the Sin City series years ago and every time I pick up a volume to remind myself of and re-read the greatness, I always come away impressed with what Frank Miller achieved with his signature work. “Family Values” is not the best in the series, in fact the book could be ranked in the order it appeared – fifth – but considering the incredible quality of the first four, it’s no less brilliant for it. Well worth a look and a cracking read.
Profile Image for Erika .
93 reviews103 followers
October 21, 2018
Affari di famiglia è il quinto volume della serie a fumetti Sin City di Frank Miller. La storia riprende i personaggi di Dwight Mc Carthy e Miho da Un'abbuffata di morte e narra le vicende di Dwight impegnato nell'indagare su una sparatoria avvenuta davanti a un bar.

Da un estratto di Sergio Brancato, vorrei spendere qualche parole sul genere noir e, soprattutto, sul genere noir adoperato da Miller.
Il noir è un genere - o, meglio, uno stile fortemente connotato all'interno del genere poliziesco - che racconta l'inquietudine del soggetto moderno, immerso in una trasformazione sociale che non risolve le violente contraddizioni tra vecchi e nuovi sistemi di valori e lo fa ricorrendo alle figure della tradizione letteraria, ma rivoltandole da capo a piedi. Miller disgrega definitivamente quella tradizione e ne utilizza le rovine per le sue avventure disperate e mortali, in cui crimine e peccato che impattano sul corpo individuale sono la metafora della malattia più profonda che investe il corpo sociale. Recupera la memoria del fumetto noir ma ne accentua i toni drammatici fin quasi al punto di rottura della loro "dicibilità", estremizza la violenza delle rappresentazioni grafiche dei corpi e delle loro performance, ma lo fa all'interno di un disegno che punta nel suo insieme a coinvolgere i sensi del lettore/spettatore, sollecitando la partecipazione emotiva. Ricorre al bianco e al nero, ma trasformando i vuoti/pieni in una bicromia ai limiti dell'informale. Grazie a questa sofisticata operazione, Miller può recuperare topoi e simboli, tecniche e visioni, per declinare il potenziale informativo delle sue figure in un nuovo contesto culturale e rende nuovamente attuale questo stile narrativo e fornisce la sua migliore realizzazione nel campo dell'immaginario disegnato. Miller utilizza, dunque, lo spazio oscuro di Sin City, relitto novecentesco dell'utopia metropolitana, per sperimentare possibili futuri del fumetto oltre il tramonto delle comunicazioni di massa.
Profile Image for Frédéric.
1,391 reviews67 followers
June 3, 2022
Maybe I’ve read too much noir through the years but I saw this one coming from miles.
Take it easy, it’s still good Miller stuff, with good inner monologues and some stunning b&w pages.
Still, it’s been done and re-done already so there’s not much new under the snow.
5,630 reviews5 followers
February 14, 2015
This book was the shortest in the series so far but had plenty of action.Miho wiped the floor with a bunch of mobsters.All out action and great dialogue and artwork.Onto the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Wonda.
1,140 reviews8 followers
September 17, 2022
What the poop! Miho was the best part...just felt thrown together. No heart!
Profile Image for catherine ♡.
1,392 reviews164 followers
February 1, 2021
Two stars for the artwork, as per usual. The plot for this one kind of went way over my head.
Profile Image for Benji's Books.
311 reviews1 follower
July 29, 2023
An extended "filler-episode" of the series, but the artwork remains consistent and the story remains fast-paced.

Two more to go! Also, call me late to the party, but it just occurred to me there are Seven Deadly Sins and seven of these volumes.
Profile Image for André.
255 reviews79 followers
April 12, 2019
"Family Values" is probably the simplest story of all the volumes, therefore, Miller presents a 128-page graphic novel.
Published in October 1997, this volume tells the tale of Dwight and Miho in a clash against the Mob.
It all starts when Gail asks Dwight to go on a mission to dig up information about a recent mob hit at a small dinner. Dwight enters into a bar where the hit happened. He talks to a woman named Peggy who gives all the information about the hit. Peggy reveals that Bruno, the target, was killed by one of Don Don Magliozzi's nephews and hitmen. Dwight leaves the bar and confronts Vito with his beloved ally, Miho. Events get harsh when Dwight and Miho, confront the mob by themselves.


On the verge of a mob war due to a transversal hit, family values stand equally for the mob, and for the old town girls who also take part in the action.
Once again, Miho single-handedly takes the course of the action scenes on her own. In this volume, Dwight proves once again to be the faithful ally of the old town girls in the worst situations.
In general, Miller's Family values is a tight, short story, involving the Mob, prostitutes, and the good old Dwight.


Rating: 3.5/5 stars
Profile Image for Michael J..
860 reviews26 followers
May 17, 2022
FAMILY VALUES is one of the shortest SIN CITY graphic novels, and also my least favorite. But it still deserves high marks and is several steps up from standard crime comics.
It seems like Miller sacrificed some of the story to experiment and play with the art more, and it does have its share of impressive panels as well as hard-to-define panels. Miller set this big action-movie-on-a-page during a snowstorm, with the falling flakes enhancing (and sometimes distorting) his black and white contrasting pencils and inks.
There's a mob assassination at a diner. Bulky Dwight the photographer partners with small but deadly ninja prostitute Miho to investigate and bring justice. Dwight lacks the power and intensity of other Sin City leading characters and is not further developed here. Miho is certainly engaging in her aggressive methods but there is even less character development and a lighter appearance to her profiles (sometimes on the cartoonish side) which detracts from what should be a very powerful impact.
Still, this is a highly enjoyable SIN CITY entry. If you're new to the series, just don't start with this one.
Profile Image for Chrissy.
442 reviews93 followers
February 7, 2012
Miho is my favourite character in this series; I love the way she's drawn in lighter lines than any other character, wispy as if she wasn't really there. Contrasted with the heavy black lines and bold strokes of most other characters, she really stands out. You can feel her deadliness in the way Miller draws her. And without any dialogue, he brings her completely to life in this volume. The story was mediocre, as usual, but damn if that isn't some slick art. I'd forgotten since the last volume how spectacular a feast the series is for the eyes and ears (I'm thinking onomatopoeia here). I look forward to finishing it now that my library has completed their collection.
Profile Image for Drew Canole.
2,370 reviews8 followers
November 26, 2020
The book takes a few pages before it really gets going, but even then the plot is pretty thin and doesn't really go anywhere. The are is inconsistent, some pages are amazing but others look sloppy.

I didn't like the Miho character as she didn't have any depth. I also didn't like the way she was drawn, it's almost as if Miller drew her on a different page, cut the image of her out and pasted it on the final page with the rest of the characters and background. She seems detached from the world.

I wouldn't recommend this book unless you are reading the whole Sin City series. This is the weakest one.
Profile Image for Jedhua.
688 reviews56 followers
Shelved as 'gave-up-on'
December 9, 2015
My Brief Bookshelf Overview: badass-to-the-extreme, bold-or-unapologetic, gave-up-before-finishing, grim, mature, story-not-intriguing-enough, unrealized-potential, violent

Additional Notes: This collection contains Sin City: Family Values issue #1.

Miller doesn't seem to be particularly adept at writing dialogue. He's much better suited to narration. And ever since the last volume, his increasingly numerous attempts at humor have been embarrassingly ineffective and annoying. All this, combined with a weak introduction, caused me to give up about halfway through this volume.
Profile Image for Alex.
778 reviews33 followers
October 22, 2019
Ok, vol.5 still going strong. Not as much as the first three, but still way above average for a neo-noir comic book. I dare say, I detected some influences from Sergio Toppi in "Family Values"? The only thing I was a bit bumped about is the way he drew micho. I'd prefer her style in vol. 2 & 3. The one here was too much "The Dark Knight strikes again" ;)
Profile Image for Joseph Inzirillo.
340 reviews30 followers
July 22, 2017
A short story in Sin City. Not my favorite but still good. Violent but overall more about family. Interesting spin on the Sin City world.
Profile Image for Penny Raspenny.
301 reviews71 followers
January 18, 2016
I didn't enjoy this one as much as the previous ones. The story hadn't much to say, and the sketches were not as marvelously made as in the other books. It took me a long time to finish it, because somewhere in the middle I got bored and left it asided to read another book.

I feel I have to point this out, but I was realy dissapointed from this novel. We could find Miho in a leading role here (as leading as it can be, since she never talks), and I like Miho as a character (hope to hear her story in one of the other ones), but I didn't like at all the way she was sketched in "Family Values". In her sketches there were no shadows in that cryptic and beautiful way the Sin City novels are sketched in, only lines to point out the shape. No shadows, no depth, no nothing. And only her drawings where like that. *shakes head disappointed*

Anyway, I will continue with the novels in hope that it was only one lapse in an otherwise awesome graphic novel series!

Profile Image for Mark.
1,462 reviews161 followers
July 12, 2014
It is a well told tale of revenge all in a Noir kind of style in which one man searches for the truth behind a hit on a mobster. He is closely followed by Miho a skating assassin of little words and a rather impressive arsenal of weapons all in the no-gun variety. To call her a Ninja would be apt but she wears a shiny white outfit that gives her a more angelic style.
The tale is told in a sparse way you have to read all the way to the end to know what it is all about.
The Art is true to Frank Miller and very recognisable for me.

An enjoyable read and a nice collections of drawings to accompany you on the ride.
Profile Image for 'kris Pung.
192 reviews28 followers
July 31, 2014
While still fun this was my less favorite of the Sin City books I've read so far.
Profile Image for Janne Paananen.
994 reviews31 followers
June 14, 2018
Perhearvot on puhdas kostotarina. Syrjäkatujen karski "sankari" saa homman selvittää, kuka ja miksi on laittanut tuulemaan paikallisessa kuppilassa. Murhaajan jälkiä lähdetään luonnollisesti haistelemaan räkäisestä kuppilasta, jossa jo parhaat päivänsä nähnyt iloluontoinen tyttö paria paukkua vastaan auttaakin eteenpäin. Ja kaiken aikaa silmanurkassa vilahtelee rullaluisteleva kuolema, Miho.

Taattua Sin Cityä, niin hyvässä kuin pahassa. Miho on edelleen toimiva hahmo. Loppukäänne selitetään lopussa näppäräsi yhdellä aukeamalla ja palasten pitäisi loksahtaa mukavasti paikoilleen. Ainoastaan, ettei juonessa juuri annettu täkyjä lopullisista syistä tai sitten olin todella puusilmä niitä näkemään.

Eipä taida olla Sin Cityissä enää mitään uutta tarjottavaa. Luen silti vielä kaksi seuraavaa albumia.
Profile Image for Kačaba.
1,003 reviews249 followers
May 10, 2020
Mně se tento díl hrozitánsky nelíbil. Dějově mě nebavil a přišlo mi, že se trochu pozměnil styl kresby, který úplně nevím, místy mi se mi to zdálo jako nevydařená omalovánka (dost pravděpodobně z velké části šlo o autorký záměr, ale prostě ne). Přitom Millera já můžu!
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