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Nightingale Square #2

Poppy's Recipe for Life

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Things haven’t always been straightforward in Poppy’s life but her dreams are finally within her reach.

She's moving into a cottage in beautiful Nightingale Square, close to the local community garden, where she can indulge her passion for making preserves and pickles. She may not have the best relationship with her family but she is surrounded by loving friends, and feels sure that even her grumpy new neighbour, Jacob, has more to him than his steely exterior belies.

But the unexpected arrival of Poppy's troubled younger brother soon threatens her new-found happiness and as the garden team works together to win community space of the year, Poppy must decide where her priorities lie and what she is prepared to fight for …

430 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 30, 2019

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About the author

Heidi Swain

30 books1,035 followers
Although passionate about writing from an early age, Heidi Swain gained a degree in Literature, flirted briefly with a newspaper career, married and had two children before she finally plucked up the courage to join a creative writing class and take her literary ambitions seriously.

A lover of Galaxy bars, vintage paraphernalia and the odd bottle of fizz, she now writes contemporary fiction and enjoys the company of a whole host of feisty female characters.

Heidi can be found at the keyboard at all hours of the day and night and quite often scribbling longhand in her car during her lunch break. She lives in stunning south Norfolk with her wonderful son and daughter and a mischievous cat called Storm.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 251 reviews
Profile Image for Lisa M.
476 reviews28 followers
March 12, 2019
I have been eagerly awaiting this book - it was one of those where I knew I would enjoy it before I started, because Heidi never lets me down!

I read "Sunshine and Sweet Peas in Nightingale Square" just before this as I understood it was based in the same setting and Heidi is a genius for including characters, even just in passing, throughout her novels so I did not want to feel I was missing out not knowing anyone. With that said, you could easily read this novel as a standalone but if you haven't read the former, why deny yourself more of Heidi's exquisite story-telling?!

Set approximately a year after "Sunshine and Sweet Peas...", I was pleased that a large part if this story revolved around the other residents and the community garden (Grow-Well) they shared that I fell in love with in the last book. There was an even deeper sense of friendship amongst the group and I adored how they gathered in the newcomers liking clucking hens, unwilling to take no for an answer to share their experiences and joy.

The main story here revolved around Poppy and Jacob - both new to Nightingale Square although Poppy was indeed a character we've met previously, working in the greengrocers. She uses all the produce grown on their shared allotment to make all kinds of yummy sounding foods, it was quite refreshing to read about savoury items for a change to baked goods especially because it is literal garden to plate stuff. As the title alludes, there is more to this cooking and her recipes but I'll save that for you to find out - suffice to say it was a brilliant idea!

Poppy works with the other residents in trying to coax Jacob into joining in with the community garden, however he has deep reservations about this and clearly has some trust issues. You get the impression he is hiding from something but Poppy takes a calm and measured approach to helping Jacob come out his shell. It wasn't hard to envisage what had caused this lack of trust from Jacob but it was endearing to see him open up eventually to Poppy.

Jacob also helps Poppy; she has a younger brother (Ryan who is 16) who has been left home alone by their mum and so she offers for him to stay with her especially as she thinks he is going off the rails. This aspect of the storyline was fabulous as Poppy tries to build a sibling relationship with Ryan and calm his supposedly 'boisterous' ways by teaching him independence skills and also trying to get him involved in the Grow-Well garden. Jacob steps in to help with this although I found Ryan helped himself in this regard really, when we are first introduced to him he is helping an elderly lady off the train and so I understood from the get-go he was kind-hearted, he was a welcome inclusion.

Yet another captivating story from Heidi, I have honestly run out of superlatives for her work now and simply can't wait to be whisked away to her next setting!

My many thanks to Simon & Schuster via NetGalley for providing me with this advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Prabhjot Kaur.
1,063 reviews197 followers
November 2, 2020
Heidi Swain's books have some gorgeous covers. And because of that very reason I bought some of her books this year in lockdown.

Poppy's recipe for life is the second book in the Nightingale Square series. Whilst I didn't like the first book in the series, this turned out to be better. One good thing about Heidi Swain books is that she doesn't write the whole series from one character's POV and that's why I was willing to not abandon this series.

This is set roughly after a year from Sunshine and Sweet Peas in Nightingale Square and starts out with Poppy starting to rent the gorgeous Nightingale square mansion as Kate has moved in with Luke from the previous book. We also find out in the very beginning that Kate has had her baby now.

Poppy isn't on good terms with her family and it is explained why so. But Poppy's mother wants Poppy's brother Ryan to move in with Poppy as it will be easy for Ryan to commute to his college. Poppy extends a hand to her estranged brother but he doesn't exactly return the gesture. Also, Poppy finds out that she has a newish neighbor, Jacob who stays shut in and doesn't want to be part of the community. So, naturally Poppy goes over to start a friendship with him and he doesn't like it at first but then warms up to her.

Poppy's brother Ryan starts to live with her and she finds out why he is the way he is as their mother hasn't been the best mother. But they start to get to know each other and start working on their relationship. Ryan also starts working in the community and people start to like him and Ryan starts to get some confidence. Ryan is only sixteen and Jacob also helps with Ryan as Jacob is a primary school teacher and also volunteers at the youth center.

Lisa, Kate and some others make couple of appearances but nothing to overwhelm me as I don't like them but some things about their lives are explained. They all continue working at the community garden, Grow-Well and even get themselves nominated for an award for that. There was still a lot of things to do together and all but it wasn't as overwhelming as the first book in the series.

Much like the other Heidi Swain MCs, I couldn't like Poppy. She was judgy, whiny and wants everything to go her way otherwise ends up complaining and forcing you until you do exactly what she wants. Her going over to Jacob and telling him to be part of the community was very annoying. Not everyone wants to be part of the community all the time. Some people prefer to be doing their own thing or things their own way and she was quick to judge Jacob and even Ryan without knowing everything. She was barely at work. In fact, all the people were barely at work. Also, all these people don't have lives of their own.

I didn't mind Jacob but I didn't understand his sudden change of attitude. He's been shut in for months and suddenly he joins in the community garden and he is a hit with children and everyone else. I did like his backstory though.

I loved Ryan and his character development and his story and that's the only reason that I am giving this book three stars because nothing happens until Ryan shows up. I especially liked the ending. All in all, not a bad read.

3 stars
Profile Image for Frenchorchidea.
403 reviews41 followers
April 16, 2019
First time for me to read a book by Heidi Swain! I am really happy that I did! This book is about love between siblings, trust, neighborhood spirit and if you love gardening you will love this book even more! And of course there is some beautiful and delightful romance going on in this book! To be honest with you, I found the 30 first percent of this book quite boring and I was wondering when the story would start to be more eventful. But then something happen after the 30 / 40 percent mark, and the story became absolutely thrilling and I just couldn't put the book down anymore! I would have given this book 5 stars out of 5 if the 30 first percent of the book would have been more eventful. But really, if you are like me, a bit bored at the beginning of the story, don't panic and be patient because after a little while the book become a page-turner!!!!! I will definitely read the next book by Heidi Swain!!!!
Profile Image for Laura Kemp.
Author 15 books93 followers
April 26, 2019
Another glorious heart-warmer from Heidi. Lovely to be back in the hug of Nightingale Square’s community.
Profile Image for Nicola Clough.
879 reviews37 followers
June 5, 2019
So enjoy Heidi's books and was so looking or ward to this next book and my word it didn't disappoint me at all. Had many twist and turns and you were hooked straight away just love it and didn't want it to end at all. Full of family issues, friendship, romance and trouble and of course gardening. The setting is brilliant and can't recommend the book enough as simply brilliant.
Poppy doesn't have the best of relationships with her family and she is trying to get her life on track she is offered to rent a house on nightingale square and she really thinks her life is starting to get on track and she enjoys working in the community garden and making pickles and preserves and giving recipes to her friends. She soon learns when she moves in that her neighbour is very grumpy and tries to keep himself to himself but she wants to get him more involved and as they work in the garden together they realise they both have troubled families. Poppy's troubled brother comes to stay with poppy as their mum has gone away leaving him behind poppy really wants to build up relationships with him and he starts making friends and helping in the garden but when the big house is broken into she wonders if her brother knows anything and he over hears and runs off with a friend but does let Jacob know he's ok. Jacob and poppy are getting closer but trying not to get to close as they don't want a relationship after going through issues on the past but as they get closer they hear the community garden has also been vandalised she worries about Ryan and that he will hear but when the police turn up on the doorstep with Ryan saying he's not behind it and helped them with poppy and go be able to build bridges and will they be able to be happy especially when their mum turns up unexpectedly and they learn something that might help Ryan. Ryan opens up to what happened and what he's going to do now in the future will everyone support him and will poppy and Jacob get together or not. People also suggest that poppy puts all her recipes into a book what will she think.
Fantastic read can't recommend it enough.
Profile Image for Kaisha (The Writing Garnet).
655 reviews182 followers
May 31, 2019
All reviews can be found on my blog at https://thewritinggarnet.wordpress.com

Oh she's a good egg this one, isn't she? Heidi Swain has delivered yet again. Never mind Poppy creating recipe cards, I think this author needs to create her own recipe cards so we all know how she does it!

I have been a huge fan of Heidi Swain's novels from the very beginning, and I can honestly say that with each new book she releases, the standard just gets higher and higher. She truly does not disappoint at all.

We are back in Nightingale Square, but this time with a new resident called Poppy. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to move into her dream home due to her mothers selfishness. However, Poppy had her own little guardian angel who helped make her dream come true and she swiftly became the new name on the garden's rota.

Unfortunately for Poppy, her happiness was short lived. Families eh, who'd have them? I won't delve into the why's and wherefores, but let's just say that the phrase 'you can't pick your family...' is very apt in this book, that's for sure.

'Poppy's Recipe For Life' had me changing emotions like the weather. One minute I was feeling all tender and warm due to the community spirit, and then the next I was angry because of stupid choices which had a domino effect on the rest of the community. I just wanted to knock some of the characters heads together and tell them to stop being so stupid, and no, I don't mean Poppy and Mr Grizzle.....!!!!

This is such an uplifting, cosy novel which took me under its wing from the get go. In no time at all I was able to lose myself in Poppy's life, watch the community in Nightingale Square go from strength to strength, and be a part of several characters journeys to self discovery. I never knew that a garden could have so many magical powers, yet this particular garden went above and beyond with the magic, and so did the people involved. I have never read a story which enveloped me in such love and joy, all because of a garden, as 'Poppy's Recipe For Life' did.

Heidi Swain really knows how to make her characters come alive in a way that will have her readers hanging onto her every word, wishing that the story wouldn't come to an end. Another story which has been written from the authors heart, straight into the hearts of the readers in the way that only Heidi Swain can. A tender, uplifting, and huggable novel with humour that will make you add 'snorting like a pig' to your list of party tricks on Tinder.
Profile Image for Sarah.
2,777 reviews202 followers
May 3, 2021
Poppy finds herself moving to the wonderful location of Nightingale Square which is somewhere, where she has wanted to move to for a while but had never been quite in her reach. This is a small community where everyone knows each other and there is a great relationship between them all. Although Poppy’s new neighbour, Jacob, seems to be quite reluctant to get involved and get to know the other residents.

Over the course of the book we see Jacob’s frosty exterior start to melt and the friendship between Poppy and him growing. I so enjoyed reading of the relationship between Poppy and her brother Ryan also. Things are definitely off to a rocky course and I felt for both Poppy and her brother who haven’t had the easiest of family life with a mother like theirs!

For a small community, there is lots going off to keep the reader entertained. Lots of wonderful little threads with some of the other residents and romance is certainly in the air amongst other things.

Poppy’s Recipe for Life has all the ingredients for a great read. I loved the community spirit and it is generally a sweet and uplifting story. Was a lovely story to lose myself into over the weekend and had me envisioning the upcoming summer months as well as making me wanting to do a spot of gardening! Although not being green fingered, that may be a bit of a disaster waiting to happen! If you love a light hearted read that is both meaningful and will leave you feeling all warm and happy, then can whole heartedly recommend this one.
Profile Image for Jeanniehay64 .
449 reviews36 followers
July 9, 2019
This book was charming, and proved a lovely relaxing read for me in comparison with my usual thrillers.

I have never read any of Heidi’s books before but this wasn’t a drawback because I found it easy getting to know and love the characters of Nightingale Square.

The story revolves around Nightingale Square and its community garden , Grow Well, it. I loved the sense of community in this book. I grew up in a small rural community and miss how neighbours look out and care for each other.

The main story revolves around Poppy and Jacob. Poppy is a whizz at creating beautiful pickles and chutney. My mouth was watering reading the pages. Jacob is new to Nightingale Square and seems to be reclusive but can Poppy and her neighbours bring him out of his shell? Will they share a love of gardening and maybe more ?

Poppys younger brother Ryan comes back into her life grief stricken over his fathers death and bruised from his mother’s treatment of him. I loved how Poppy put all her energy into trying to build a relationship with him and how she understood how his attitude was mainly due to how broken he was.

This book with family, gardening, cooking and community spirit at its heart will fill your heart with happiness. I did guess where the story was going but I feel that was part of its charm. If you fancy a feel good charming book then this definitely is the one for you .
Profile Image for Nessa.
1,696 reviews68 followers
July 31, 2019
I listened to this on audiobook.

I absolutely love adore Heidi Swain books, and know that whenever I read one, I'm always in for a treat. This one certainly didn't disappoint, loved it from start to finish. It really did put a smile on my face everything I started to listen to the story during my commute to work and back.

I really enjoyed the storyline, kept me entertained throughout, loved getting to know all of the characters, seeing how they developed throughout. I had a huge soft spot for the little dog Gus, he sounded completely adorable.

So if there are any readers out there that haven't discovered Heidi Swain, then do not delay any further, as her books are a delight, her settings/locations are always so beautiful that you end up loosing yourself within them.

Profile Image for Aoife.
1,420 reviews616 followers
October 27, 2021
It's finally Poppy's turn to move into Nightingale Square, and she's ready to get on with the new stage of her life. But things become interesting as Poppy gets into helping with the community garden, and becomes closer with grumpy new neighbour Jacob and her younger brother comes to live with ehr and two reconnect.

This is a very cosy, wholesome book that is perfect for anyone looking for a nice read. I enjoyed this a lot more than the first book in the trilogy as I think I got on a lot better with Poppy as a character but also her group of friends as a whole were a nicer bunch. Some of the character that irritated me in the Sunshine & Sweet Peas (Lisa and Carole) took a back seat in this book, and their nosy parker attitudes didn't bother me so much.

I liked the storyline of Poppy getting to know her brother better though I did find some of her history with her mum a little bit dramatic and over the top (such as not knowing her former stepdad had died, and just how awful her mum was). But I'm always here for a nice brother sister story (especially older sister/little brother) and I loved this aspect of the book, and how Ryan became a part of the community.

The romantic part of the story very much played a minor role in comparison to everything else going on and I quite liked that it was the be all and end all of Poppy's story, and she and Jacob had a really solid friendship between them as well as a romantic attraction. He's definitely probably the worst 'first impressions' love interest I've experienced in a book - he was truly awful - but I liked that he warmed up into a lovable grumpy bear of a man but one with a good heart.

And last thing - I liked Poppy's interest in preserves and picking. It was really cool to hear about and I actually would have loved some real examples of recipes in the book!
Profile Image for Joan.
2,199 reviews
May 17, 2021
I only read to 3% when I encountered this:

I was certain the pair of them were missing their beloved Uncle Alowishus.

Alowishus?? This IS set in the UK isn't it?

Has someone invented a new spelling?? Isn't it ALOYSIUS?? (it is, actually)

Words fail me.

Of course, if ALOWISHUS is a genuine, English name with genuine people using that spelling, I'm happy to remove this review.

(rolls eyes here. My grandfather, Joseph Aloysius Xxxxx would be turning in his grave.)

As for the story it required me to suspend any belief in the character's lives etc. I am fed up of stories where young women seemingly make enough money to live in impossible luxury while running a cake shop/book store/ pet parlour in a small village etc. Life isn't like that.

Profile Image for Trish Hills.
477 reviews11 followers
June 7, 2019
Love this book!! Seriously adored every single word! The characters, the setting, the dialogue, the romance and drama were all so brilliant! Heidi is an author that you know won't disappoint you, her books are always wonderul.
Profile Image for Stacey Bennett.
191 reviews5 followers
June 10, 2019
To be fairly honest I did struggle a little bit to get into this book and then suddenly I was hooked! Lovely read :)
Profile Image for Sherrie.
540 reviews22 followers
September 24, 2021
A new author for me, it was ok, but a bit slow and quite a bland storyline.
Profile Image for Oriana Blyth (_head_in_a_book).
135 reviews14 followers
June 29, 2020
After my recent Heidi Swain binge, it is quite obvious that she has cemented a place in my heart 💓 as one of my favourite authors!!!

“Poppy’s recipe for Life” was another beautiful book by Heidi and I fell in love with Poppy and her younger brother Ryan. I don’t know what kind of magic Heidi has hidden up her sleeves, but whatever it is, I insist on anyone who loves to read, to pick up her books!!

I flew through this book and am gutted that I need to wait a few months for her next book to be released! An easy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for me, I just hope Heidi Swain continues to write for as long as possible ♾ because I ADORE her 🥰
Profile Image for Chelsea.
41 reviews2 followers
September 8, 2019
This was a 3 1/2 stars for me...I found that it was a pretty slow read and took a bit longer for me to get into it I didn't dislike this, it's just not what I'm used to. I also think that the pace was fairly realistic and reflective to real life and how relationships and life does progress. I like that it took time to build up.

Overall it was a pleasant read and I would recommend this as an easy summer read that's not too heavy with very mild angst/drama.
Profile Image for Bookworm Blogger.
826 reviews25 followers
March 24, 2022
After enjoying my first trip to Nightingale Square I couldn’t wait to get back there and see what was instore this time round.

What I love about Heidi’s books is the community feel you get from them. Yes everyone is very much living in each other’s pockets and it is impossible to keep anything a secret but everything about Nightingale Square just screams home! From Lisa who is determined to get everyone involved in the community project, to curtain twitcher Carol or Colin with his second hand book shop there are so many wonderful and lovable characters.

I could understand why Poppy was thrilled to finally move into her own part of Nightingale Square and get involved in the local community projects. Poppy’s relationships with her family were quite strained and after a few telephone conversations with her mother I could understand why. No wonder Poppy kept her distance, but I was sad that this had had an effect on her relationship with her brother Ryan. This was why I was so pleased when he came to the square to live with Poppy. Whilst there were some rocky moments I really enjoyed seeing how Ryan’s character progressed and his involvement in the square.

As is always the case with Heidi’s books we had our slow burning romance and Luke was definitely the dark and moody sort. He had obviously come to Nightingale Square to escape something horrible and wanted to be left alone. Unfortunately the formidable Poppy and Lisa had other ideas and I could see from the start that Poppy and Luke would soon embark on a heated romance. The will they won’t they of the story was highly amusing and made me giggle on a few occasions.

I think Nightingale Square is starting to become my favourite of the three series that Heidi has written. Each book I read I don’t think she can possibly get any better but each time she surprises me in the most lovely way!
Profile Image for Lisa Whittaker.
308 reviews6 followers
May 18, 2019
Returning to Nightingale Square, I was delighted to be reunited with the characters I met the first time round. This book follows the story of Poppy, who works in the local greengrocers and has always wanted to live in the square.

Poppy moves into the home once occupied by Kate, who now lives in Prosperous Place with Luke, his daughter and their new baby daughter. Poppy is looking forward to being a part of the square and helping in the community garden. She isn’t the only newcomer to the square. Jacob is her neighbour and is moody and reclusive. He makes it very clear to Poppy that he has no interest in the garden.

Poppy has a very strained relationship with her Mum and isn’t surprised when she finds out that she’s off to Spain, leaving her brother Ryan to fend for himself. Poppy invites Ryan to come and stay with her. He eventually decides to take her up on her offer and moves into Poppy’s home in the square.

Yet again, Heidi has given a wonderful insight into the lives of these characters and you can’t help but feel like you’re there with them all, enjoying a bbq in the garden at Prosperous Place or sitting in Poppy’s garden with a glass of something cold.

I adored this book and didn’t want it to end. I really hope we get another visit to Nightingale Square as it’d be lovely to see how the new relationships that were built in this book progress.

Thank you Heidi for writing yet another glorious book. A definite ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from me. Thank you to Net Galley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jennifer (Jaye).
879 reviews34 followers
August 6, 2024
*Fun & Sunshine*

**3.5 Stars**

This is book two of five in the Nightingale Square series. The main character is Poppy as the title says. When she gets an opportunity to rent a house in the square she jumps at it.

Her mother is a nightmare and is usually so self absorbed that she thinks nothing of going away with her new man and leaving her teenage son Ryan to fend for himself. When Poppy calls to ask him to stay with her as it is closer for him to commute to college. Poppy is taken aback that he jumps at the chance. He has his reasons….

Poppy creates recipe cards for people to take and make something wholesome. She is instrumental in getting her grumpy neighbour to join in things. She also has a terrible habit of automatically expecting the worst in some situations and jumping to conclusions without all the facts. I found this quality sometimes grated on me.

Overtime as Ryan gets used to the people in the square he starts to thrive. He even joins in with the community efforts to create a space that reflects them all. He has a secret …. This secret will come back to haunt him and he will not be the only one affected

This story has all the Ingredients that Heidi Swain throws in, quite a few colourful characters to navigate but somehow she makes it work. There are assumptions, misunderstandings, comical moments, with a touch of love and trouble on the horizon.
Profile Image for Pat Brackenbury.
61 reviews
October 25, 2023
I really enjoyed the storyline in this book of Heidi's for me. Poppy supported her Brother and gave him home a secure home well done ! Great story a must read for your fans!
Profile Image for Kate.
3 reviews
August 15, 2023
A lovely holiday read to lose myself in at the beach.
Profile Image for Rachel Gilbey.
3,036 reviews552 followers
July 22, 2019
Such a sheer joy to be back among the residents of Nightingale square. Some fabulous familiar faces but a whole new story.

Poppy after a false start that allowed us a glimpse into her family life, us finally able to move into her dream home in Nightingale square.

She wasn't counting on her next door neighbour to be incredibly grumpy and rude, not that before long that she would have her estranged brother living with her.

I loved seeing how both these men in her life developed as the story went on, and also reading every last detail of life in the square.

Heidi Swain has such a familiar and comfortable writing style, that you can't help but be sucked into the pages of this fabulous story.

I loved the sense of community in this book as everyone rallies around each other. There is also an adorable dog, a fantastic sounding bookshop, new relationships, some secrets, and a whole lot of preserves and chutneys.

I couldn't help but fly through the pages, while enjoying every last moment. I just couldn't get enough of it all.

Another immensely enjoyable story from the talented Heidi Swain.

Thank you to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.
Profile Image for Agi.
1,623 reviews100 followers
May 29, 2019
Poppy is new to Nightingale Square, though I have a feeling that she’s not new to the residents of the Square, that all of them know and love her. Jacob is also new, but he’d rather keep himself to himself. Poppy works at the local greengrocers and creates all kinds of yummy sounding food. When her teenage brother Ryan suddenly appears in her life as a “full – time job”, Jacob offers to help Poppy to take a calm and measured approach in helping him coming out of his shell. Poppy takes this offer, as she was desperate to coax Jacob into joining in with the community garden.

“Poppy’s Recipe for Life” was not my first book by Heidi Swain but my first journey to Nightingale Square (yep. Apologies. From the bottom of my reading sofa. I have the other book but haven’t read it yet, must have been living under the rock) and as much as I had a feeling that the characters know each other really, really well, that they share a history and background, I didn’t feel left out, as if I was missing on something, so this is already a bonus point for the author and the book, to make it so inviting and drawing me straight into the heart of the story. Have I just written the longest sentence ever?

At the beginning the book reads just like your normal book, it was a nice story but on the average level, but then there came a moment, and I’m not even sure when it has happened, that the story started to feel totally different, more eventful and somehow I found myself not being able to put it down. Poppy was such a lovely character, caring and hard working and she always wanted all the kindness in the world for other people – but it didn’t make her feel too meh, no she was determined and passionate and she never gave up. Which could also be annoying but that was the way she was, so take it or leave it. The other characters, the inhabitants of Nightingale Square, were all so friendly and welcoming and no, it also didn’t make them feel too weak, they all had their own personality and distinctive voice. They supported each other and welcomed all new people with open hands, even the troubled Ryan, they understood the reason he was like this and it was so great to see them all help him to come out of his shell.

It was a lovely, heart – warming story about families, relationships, community spirit, friendship, trust and forgiveness. And gardening – don’t forget the gardening. But no worries guys if you, just like yours truly, don’t have green thumbs (I can kill every single plant in the world. Except for my orchids. No idea how I’m doing THIS), the gardening in this book is important but not too overpowering and overwhelming. And, to be honest, I’ve always admired those who can plant something and enjoy the results. Admired and envied. So altogether, “Poppy’s Recipe for Life” was a charming, lovely and cosy read with this so difficult to grasp feel – good factor. It was a tad predictable, yes, but it didn’t bother me too much, as it was full of other benefits and quirky characters, and the author has given a brilliant insight into their lives, really bringing them all to life, and the sense of community and the friendship were simply great. Recommended!

Copy provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Marjorie.
667 reviews6 followers
July 23, 2019
I really enjoyed this second visit to Nightingale Square, which was somewhat of a relief after having been very disappointed with my last couple of Heidi Swain books. Fortunately the author seems to have got her mojo back and this has resulted in a warm book that constantly begs you to just read one more chapter.

Poppy was all set to move in to Kate's little house on Nightingale Square when her car crash of a mother scuppered her plans so she is still stuck in her tiny flat above the Greengrocers where she works. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but Poppy really, really wanted to get stuck in with the gardening at the community garden - especially as it would mean goodies for her pickling obsession. Still, all comes to she who waits and now the tenants have done a moonlight flit she is all set to move and she can't wait. There are only two clouds on her horizon - a very grumpy, reclusive next door neighbour and the fact that her brother seems to be avoiding her.

Told with warmth and wit there is actually quite a lot going on in this book. The main story centres around Poppy, her brother Ryan and the wonderfully named Jacob Grizzle (the grumpy neighbour). We do get to catch up with Kate and Luke, from the first installment of the Nightingale Square tales but only very briefly. There are also brief mentions of other characters we met way back then too as the action moves to centre around the Community Garden. Back up in this book comes from the bookshop owning Colin and gift emporium entrepeneur Lou.

The characters are all multi-faceted and more or less believable. Poppy can be a little bit too good to be true at times but she does have a tendency to jump to conclusions and put her foot right in it which helps negate some of the self-sacrificing behaviour. The real problem is with the character of Jacob, he is almost Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde for much of the book and it does become a little overdone at times - yes, we get it he's a decent bloke who has had something horrible happen so he's retreated in to his shell to protect himself.

There are also some plot problems. Nothing major but some sections feel very clumsy and almost like afterthoughts to spice up the story. Yes, the reader is in no doubt how things are going to work out for Poppy - to be honest, her relationship arc more or less mirrors that of Kate in the first book. The thing it doesn't matter that you know how things are all going to go, the fun is in the getting there and it is a very enjoyable journey.
Profile Image for Kirsty Oughton.
58 reviews14 followers
February 22, 2019
As if I wasn’t already excited about being part of the cover reveal for ‘Poppy’s Recipe for Life’ it was then added to Netgalley and I was one of the very lucky people to read this beautifully written story.

We meet Poppy and at the beginning it is unclear of her intentions to move her life to the lovely Nightingale Square. She is given an opportunity to move there again and grabs it with both hands. I absolutely loved how Poppy was so eager to move to Nightingale Square to be part of such a special community.

This isn’t our first visit to Nightingale Square however what makes Heidi’s books so great is that they can all be read as stand alone novels. It was refreshing to see Poppy and Jacob’s friendship develop throughout the story, put it this way he was more so called Mr Grumpy at the beginning of the story! I wasn’t expecting Poppy to have to not only deal with moving into Nightingale Square but for her younger brother Ryan to end up living with her. I will let you find out how these particular events unfolded. I love how Heidi packs so much drama into her stories you just don’t know what’s going to happen or how the story will finish. I was engrossed in this amazing story from the first page till the last and finished it in a few days! 😊

All of the characters in this story had their own unique personality however my favourite has to be Poppy. She is caring, hard working and determined to help the Nightingale Square community to the best of her abilities. To me ‘Poppy’s Recipe for Life’ screamed community, friendship, family and love.

I am such a huge fan of Heidi’s writing and I know I will never be disappointed by her imaginative beautifully written stories. I give ‘Poppy’s Recipe for Life’ a 5*/5* ❤️

Thank you to Simon & Schuster UK Fiction and Heidi Swain for an advanced copy of this book via Netgalley.
Profile Image for Anitajt.
469 reviews6 followers
February 16, 2019

Another 5 star plus story from the wonderful Heidi Swain. Such strong, believable and lovable characters you can relate to. Family relationships are the forefront of this story, and family can be defined as a group of people with whom you mostly get on with, Heidi explores what happens when not all families grow up nurtured and respected. Poppy has a half brother and a mother that clearly is not of the maternal kind. We are back in Nightingale Square and of course once you move into this community things can only get better! Throw in a grumpy good looking neighbour, work colleagues who don’t tell each other how they really feel, a community garden and what have you got? Another bestseller that’s what.
Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
1,727 reviews28 followers
May 30, 2019
I need to read more of Heidi’s books they are fantastic. I couldn’t put this little cracker of a read down. Some lovely characters and a dishy neighbour, what more can you ask for? I loved reading about Poppy’s new life moving to Nightingale Square, you can see how good a community that she has come into.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 251 reviews

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