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Mighty Jack #3

Mighty Jack and Zita the Spacegirl

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Jack and Lilly are no strangers to heroics. They’ve befriended dragons, battled giants, and even earned the loyalty of a goblin army. So when they meet Zita the Spacegirl, fresh from her interplanetary travels and seeking their help to face a new threat, they’re more than ready for another adventure.

But the danger growing just outside the door to their world is greater than anything the new friends could have imagined. An army of giants and screeds stands ready to lay siege to Earth, determined to put the age of humans to an end.

With the gate between worlds growing weaker and time running out, can the heroes come together to save their world from their greatest enemy yet?

272 pages, Hardcover

First published September 3, 2019

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About the author

Ben Hatke

47 books1,183 followers
Ben Hatke is an author and illustrator of graphic novels and picture books. Most notably he is the creator of the Zita the Spacegirl graphic novel series.

He posts art and stories online at:


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 224 reviews
Profile Image for Spencer Orey.
595 reviews185 followers
June 7, 2021
This is the most excited I've ever seen my kid get about a book. It's action packed and a huge crossover between the two series. Great art and characters, with a few generic super hero crossover movie cliches (but appropriate for the genre). Anyway yeah. Read all the other books first.
Profile Image for Brittany McCann.
2,296 reviews528 followers
June 4, 2023
I was lucky enough to win a copy of this to enjoy with my son.

It was nice to pick up where the last book left off, but if someone were starting in at just this book, the beginning would feel like walking into the middle of a conversation.

Illustrations continue to impress and reach the targeted audience and the story remains unique ang engaging. Can't wait to see the full-color version

Overall a solid 4 star book
Profile Image for Josh Nisley.
32 reviews2 followers
July 7, 2024
Zany and absorbing. This was a collaborative effort with my 6-year-old son who is just starting to read—I read the words and he explained character arcs and how the world of Jack and Zita works. The 5th star is me deferring to his pre-critical sensibilities; he pores over these books for hours. I have no experience to speak of with graphic fiction, but Hatke seems to be doing something right.
Profile Image for Hilda.
1,192 reviews264 followers
May 19, 2020
This was a great mash up of Mighty Jack and Zita the Spacegirl. Seriously great!! I loved it so much. That fight was a little Still, it was a very good story. The kids all grew up a little. It was so good to see it in the illustrations. That are amazing by the way. One of the best comic drawings, visually pleasing, and so beautiful.

The ending was pretty open ended. I can’t wait to see if these adventures go on more intergalactic quests. And I’m so glad I put these books in my Amazon Teacher Wish List. I can’t wait for my next group of kids to fall in love with these stories.
464 reviews24 followers
July 16, 2019
For fans of Ben Hatke's two graphic novel series, Zita the Spacegirl and Mighty Jack, the second Mighty Jack graphic novel left us with a mighty cliffhanger that had us clamoring for more. This newest graphic novel is the fulfillment of that promise and a return to the spectacular worlds we have come to love, and an advancement of the relationships between many characters.

The first few pages provide a short recap of the action in each of the series, and then the new action continues with a formidable enemy in place and advancing on our very own Earth. Throughout the story, character learn that they need to come together like never before, in ways they did not feel possible in order to have any chance to save our planet.

This is a really great addition to the series. 4.5 stars!
Profile Image for Raven Black.
2,400 reviews5 followers
June 4, 2019
Obvious story line, but slightly unusual ending. While closed the story, it is left open for more adventures.
Profile Image for Derek.
1,316 reviews8 followers
February 10, 2020
I had this big rant all ready about Hollywood and my-God-why-haven't-you-acted-on-this, but a quick Google later indicates that the Zita stories have been optioned for an animated feature. So good on you, intelligent Hollywood producer-type, and get the hell moving on it.

My 9 year old, once hearing that this book was physically present in the house, immediately retrieved it and was blissfully incommunicado for nearly a whole hour.

And it is lovely to sink into this--into any Hatke piece really, take this as commentary on them all. The striking, inventive visuals. The relatable characters. The scale, the sense of a real, weird setting with rules and history. The connectedness among the Zita and Mighty Jack stories and proven out here. The set pieces. The seeing of little details ("1 UP"... go find it).

The sense that all these characters are somehow becoming, and each has his or her thing.

The fact I just noticed, reviewing the Zita covers, at least: the characters are getting older. Time passes.
Profile Image for Sean McQuay.
125 reviews13 followers
December 7, 2022
I can't express how much I love the Zita and Jack serieses. Everyone with children, read these. Everyone planning to have children, buy copies in preparation. You will all be happy.
Profile Image for Kaethe.
6,506 reviews511 followers
May 10, 2021
Part of my 365 Kids Books challenge. For a fuller explanation see my review for 101 Amazing Facts about Australia You can see all the books on their own shelf.

Apparently I have read the first Jack, but not the second. Since I retained none of it, I appreciate the recap. Zita is awesome, and I love Lilly king. Also, Jack looks like Hatke himself which delights me. Fun stuff.

Library copy
Profile Image for Becky B.
8,348 reviews141 followers
August 20, 2019
A little time has passed since Jack, Lilly, and Maddy had their adventures overthrowing the ogre king, and Zita & Joseph, Madrigal & Piper have been back on Earth for a while since their adventures in space. Regular life is a little hard after you’d adventured elsewhere. When giants threaten to break the door between the inbetween and invade Earth, Jack, Lilly, Maddy, Zita, Joseph, and the rest of the gang have to find a way to stop the invasion and save Earth.

It was so nice to be adventuring with Jack, Lilly, Zita, Joseph, and gang again. They manage to visit places and see creatures on their adventure trying to stop the invasion that harken back to both of their past series of adventures. I like that they have to work out how to work together. It seems very natural when you’ve been two separate teams that it would take a little work to get into a flow with more people and for everyone to find how they fit in. Hatke’s illustrations are amazing as always. He’s added a little bit of a touch of Norse mythology into this story, while also having shades of various Jack & giant fairy tales. Not that it feels like a rewrite of someone else’s story. This is all Hatke’s own. And I like that the characters work to make every effort to solve things peacefully. There’s enough opening at the end that it looks like Jack and Zita and friends could have more adventures either together or separate. And I really hope there are more. Hatke’s books are so wonderful for both avid readers and getting reluctant readers reading, and they appeal to a wide age range. Highly recommended to just about any reader.

Notes on content: No language issues. No sexual content. Violence is threatened, but no fatalities and the worst injuries are suffered by a skeleton-like creature that seems able to regenerate.

I received an ARC of this title from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Yoomi.
190 reviews17 followers
May 18, 2019
I received an advance reader copy from Netgalley. I have been waiting for this ARC ever since Ben Hatke posted a preview. I was not disappointed!! New adventure, old friends. My only complaint is that it went too fast. I wasn’t ready to leave these characters. I really hope this is the beginning of Jack and Zita’s adventures. For now, I think I’ll console myself and reread the series from the beginning.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,329 reviews232 followers
October 11, 2019
Having had some cameos of characters from the Zita cast in the earlier Mighty Jack books, Hatke now goes into full-on crossover mode for his two big series. It's jam-packed with adventure and references to all the previous books. I probably won't remember it for long since it is mostly just a bunch of people running around, but I enjoyed it in the moment.
Profile Image for Kendra.
605 reviews32 followers
November 2, 2019
I missed these guys so much. It's such a good bringing together of two incredible series.
Profile Image for Matt Graupman.
975 reviews16 followers
September 9, 2019
I thought it was impossible for me to love Ben Hatke’s Mighty Jack series of graphic novels after his first two books were such smashing successes but here we are: “Mighty Jack And Zita The Spacegirl” is probably the best volume yet! By combining his two largest franchises in one epic crossover comic, Hatke has brought all his toys to his biggest sandbox yet, unleashing his imagination like never before. Multiple dimensions can’t contain his boundless creativity! Combining dragons and giants with robots and spacecraft, there’s really nothing else quite like “Mighty Jack And Zita The Spacegirl” in the world of YA graphic novels.

Now, if you haven’t read the two previous Mighty Jack books or the Zita The Spacegirl trilogy, “Mighty Jack And Zita The Spacegirl” is not the place to start. This book is jam-packed full of continuity and new readers are gonna be completely lost; longtime fans, though, will be treated to Hatke’s finest work. Over the years, Hatke has developed a much looser, sketchier style, almost sloppy and even amateurish at times, but there’s a lively confidence to his pages now that is tremendously energizing. In this book, he’s truly mastered the wide angle establishing shot, letting his lush worlds spread across two pages. I was also struck by how distinctive his character designs are; often Jack and Zita and their cohorts are tiny, basic shapes amongst soaring alien vistas but their unique coloring and silhouettes make them easily identifiable. The crux of the comic is the heroic friends battling a clan of giants trying to invade Earth, but it’s the fun interplay of the characters (with a dash of adolescent drama) that really drives the story. Despite such a large cast, every character gets their moment to shine, leading up to a rather unconventional ending that, in typical Mighty Jack fashion, comes as sort of an unexpected twist. From the first panel to the last, “Mighty Jack And Zita The Spacegirl” is Ben Hatke working at the height of his powers.

It’s not often that a comic has the ability to give me shivers but there’s one double-page spread of Hatke’s heroes gathered together to take on their formidable opponent that totally gave me goosebumps. “Mighty Jack And Zita The Spacegirl” is the culmination of years and years of top notch work and it’s a showstopper. I have no doubt that Hatke has more wild stories to tell, maybe involving Jack or Zita or maybe both, especially because he seems to have really hit his creative stride. This graphic novel is an unmitigated triumph.
Profile Image for Jenna.
3,638 reviews46 followers
September 22, 2019
A little anti climatic at the final battle scene, but it did end on a well-done note that left things open for future books (we can only hope!). I wish there had been an epilogue or, at least, more sketches and insight from the artist on this final volume.

I like the drawing style but I do wish there was more detail on the faces. Having said that, the sketchiness has a very original feel about it.
Author 1 book3 followers
December 22, 2021
DNF. Gave it a valiant effort - page 50 - I liked some of Hatke's other books but just lost interest in this one.
Profile Image for Joseph Brink.
445 reviews32 followers
January 27, 2024
Well that was depressing. Reminded me too much of real life. *sigh*

Probably a good thing I'm done with these books. I really love them and really love reading them, but they always leave me missing my ex, who introduced them to me... I'm such a sucker for punishment and keep coming back anyways.

This one was good, as always, but my least favorite of the bunch. Normally I'm an advocate for stories reflecting reality, but this was one series where I'd come to expect fun escapism and got instead a dose of heavy, brutal, real life (amidst another crazy fantasy/sci-fi adventure of course).
Profile Image for Seth.
53 reviews1 follower
September 4, 2019
The whole adventure was wonderful & had lots of excellent twists and turns, but my favorite part right now is the conflict resolution at the climax--no spoilers here--I had to do a double take when I turned the page & flipped back and forth a couple times to make sure I wasn't missing anything, and yes, it does resolve the way it does... and it's a really, really great moment. I also really appreciated Jack's final decision and the quiet, reassuring epilogue. Thanks, Ben, for yet another great book. Y'all should read this, but maybe after reading Zita & Mighty Jack, which are both fantastic arcs themselves. MJ&ZtSG is especially great if you like adventures & quests, coming of age, sci-fi & fantasy settings, friendship & teamwork, or goblins. (the goblins are my favorite. Goblins good.) Hatke's art and pacing are top notch, and you can stare at all of his background creatures forever.
Profile Image for Rafal Poplawski.
25 reviews
December 2, 2021
Nice Story! It was a real pleasure to follow adventures of all magical creatures, Zita, Jack, Mandy and Lilly! Well done, Ben Hatke! Looking forward to more stories.
4 reviews
December 2, 2019
In the book "Mighty Jack And Zita, The Spacegirl" The main characters come across a lot of problems. Angered giants found a portal and try to come to Earth so Zita and Jack have to stop them. They did everything possible, They tried blowing up the entrance to Earth but nothing was working. In the text, it says, "Zita, We must cause a delay. They are breaking through to fast. The group decided to split up into 2 and one group went to find help from minions because Zita saved them before so they looked up to her. They find a giant on the way to the minions and they free him but he betrays Zita causing a huge impediment. Luckily they found a jump crystal, and they got to go back to Earth and see one of Jack's robots which helped destroy the portal later on. Jack ended up talking to the giants and got them to go back to their world. I would recommend this book to someone who wants to have a good time reading and needs a break from bigger books.
Profile Image for Kam Yung Soh.
828 reviews42 followers
May 19, 2020
Two people and their companions have to unite to save the Earth from an invasion of Giants. But can they, when rivalries and jealousies threaten to break them up until they learn to work together.

The interesting conclusion to two series bought together by the author. But a number of sequences and settings in it are best enjoyed by the reader who is familiar with the previous Zita the Spacegirl series by the author.
Profile Image for Zac.
227 reviews52 followers
September 13, 2019
I loved this! The worlds of Zita and Jack just came together so seamlessly. All of my favourite characters came together to save Earth, getting stuck on other worlds along the way. Cameo appearances from minor characters made me laugh and Ben returned us briefly to some of Zita's worlds. The ending was great too, leaving it open for another adventure. I certainly hope we get to see these characters again.
Profile Image for Christopher.
524 reviews20 followers
October 22, 2019
Picked this up at the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE). Sadly Ben Hatke had to cancel due to family tragedy. It hurts to say that that knowledge affected my enjoyment of this book.

Jack, Lilly, and especially Zita all look just a bit older in this volume.

I had heard a friend say the book was a bit of a "greatest hits" volume and therefore loose in plot and I can see that. Deeper plot was mostly on two fronts: tension between Zita and Lilly that ultimately revolve around responsibility and guilt, and the idea of an "Age of Heroes". Lilly and Jack have both been changed by their time in the In-Between to effectively become super-heroes. Lilly has trouble seeing what Zita should be able to keep up with them. But Zita is a paragon - she's the Captain America of the book - able to focus on facing the problem in front of her and leverage the power of others.

The rather one-dimensional antagonist giants in the book are shown near the end to (in part) see themselves as a necessary evil. Earth can be united by grand heroes if Jack will let them out to ravage the planet. It's a weak argument, but the response of doing what is right when it is right in front of you resonates more deeply. As much as bad actions in the local and short-term can't be justified for an amorphous good later, you also can't spend all your time beating yourself up for amorphous bad consequences for immediate and local good actions.

I'm not sure it all works as philosophy.

Profile Image for Deanna.
274 reviews
September 15, 2019
Jack, Zita, Lilly and the gang must save earth from the powerful giants. The story was action-packed, the characters had great development, and the ending left me a little sad. If this is the final book, I am satisfied with the ending. However, I could probably read about all their adventures for a long time.
Profile Image for Mitchell Friedman.
5,214 reviews207 followers
December 23, 2019
Fun combined end of both series. Or at least end for now? The characters are all different and are still figuring each other out. Sure it's silly. But it's also a lot of fun. And the adventure ping pongs from place to place and from world to world. And a whole lot of old tech magic stuff gets to get used.
Profile Image for Just a Girl Fighting Censorship.
1,929 reviews121 followers
February 25, 2022
These two characters fit together quite well, I think they are stronger together. However, I was a bit disappointed by the ending, it went out with a fizzle.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 224 reviews

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