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Cash is a car mechanic with a secret. Head down, sleeves up, he hides from the past as much as his shattered heart, until a reluctant stumble into a Tottenham bar ends in the one night stand of his dreams.

Hunt saboteur Rae can’t believe his luck when he wakes up the next morning. Cash is gorgeous, and the hottest hook up he’s ever had. He doesn’t expect to see him again, until a twist of fate lands him on Cash’s doorstep a few months later.

United by a cause that’s broken Cash before, they are drawn together. They have more in common than they ever imagined, but with Cash haunted by the past, and Rae so tangled in the present, it’s not long before love isn’t enough to keep them alive.

Part of a series, but can be read as a STANDALONE.

266 pages, Paperback

First published January 16, 2019

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About the author

Garrett Leigh

90 books2,233 followers

Bonus Material available for all books on Garrett's Patreon account. Includes short stories from Misfits, Slide, Strays, What Remains, Dream, and much more. Sign up here: https://www.patreon.com/garrettleigh

Facebook Fan Group, Garrett's Den... https://www.facebook.com/groups/garre...

Garrett Leigh is an award-winning British romance author and artist. Her debut novel, Slide, won Best Bisexual Debut at the 2014 Rainbow Book Awards, and she is a 4 time LAMBDA finalist.

In 2017, she won the EPIC award in contemporary romance with her military novel, Between Ghosts, and the contemporary romance category in the Bisexual Book Awards with her novel What Remains.

Garrett is also an award winning cover designer, taking the silver medal at the Benjamin Franklin Book Awards in 2016. She designs for various publishing houses and independent authors at blackjazzdesign.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 169 reviews
Profile Image for Judith.
724 reviews2,870 followers
January 19, 2019
4 Stars.

I wasn't entirely sure what to expect here.Whenever I see Garrett Leigh has a new book I just go into grabby hands mode.One of the things I love about her books is how British she always keeps things and that's certainly the case here.Tackling such an emotive subject and making it so real.The 'sport' of Fox Hunting has been a topic of great debate over the years in England.Opinions differ,some see the unnecessary cruelty while some regarded it as a form of pest control.As an animal lover I'm firmly in the former camp and I really commend her for this story.

A hot encounter one night was supposed to be just that....a one off.Cash definitely wasn't looking for anything more or a repeat performance with Rae but, his past and Rae's present were about to collide.Something neither man saw coming.

I loved how,after their initial encounter,they didn't immediately fall into bed.Things between them developed at just the right pace for the story.In fact their romance wasn't the main focus here.Rae being a hunt saboteur and Cash's connection in that regard ran hand in hand here and it worked.They were both passionate about the cause and as a result their emotional connection was so strong.Their chemistry was palpable and extremely hot!

Fan's of the previous book will be happy that Dom and Lucky feature a lot here as well.I truly loved the development and closeness of Cash's relationship with Lucky and,as the book progressed,with Dom.

Overall,a difficult subject written extremely well by this Author.And a story of love and friendship and staying true to your beliefs.


An Arc of Cash was kindly provided to DirtyBooksObsession in exchange for an honest review.

This review is posted on DirtyBooksObsession

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Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
724 reviews42 followers
January 28, 2019
***3 - 3.5 Stars***

There are a**holes out there that make me simply speechless. How someone in his right mind could hurt - much less kill -something cute like this...

... and call it sports FFS! is beyond me!

Call me naive, but even if I know that fox hunting had a long tradition in the UK, I was not aware that it's still illegally practiced after being banned years ago and hard fought by hardcore activists, so the topic itself was very interesting and an eye-opener for me. Yes, sometimes it was a bit technical, but I think this topic is near and dear to the author, so she tried to be as accurate as possible.

For almost the first half this would have been a solid 4-star-read for me. Unfortunately, from that point on I had some issues with the romance between Cash, the former hunt sab (saboteur) and Rae the active sab, which was in my opinion borned by pursuing their cause. At first it wasn't fast enough for me and in the end it was too fast, if that even makes sense.

Both guys hit it off pretty quickly in a booze-induced cloud of hormones

~ to dwindle down into the friends category - which I was totally fine with,

~ then fall back into some kind of stranger-mode - wherefore I couldn't reconcile the reasoning,

~ over hitting a misunderstanding - which caused an eye-roll from me and led to some additional drama,

~ only to let the romance flare up into L-word territory out of nowhere - which almost made my eyes pop out of my head.

I liked the guys individually, but their connection was not really well-developed IMO. Although this book seriously needed better editing, I overall still enjoyed it (especially the cameos of Lucky and Dom which thankfully happened quite often *heart-eyes*), but not as much as I hoped I would. I'm still looking forward to the next book in this series, though!

***Despite RL throwing a curve ball and all time differences be damned, Cupcake and I did it!!! We had our first BR! Thank you for reading this with me, CC, and what's more, being on the same page here! ❤***
Profile Image for Ele.
1,311 reviews40 followers
January 11, 2019
I went into this with low expectations because the blurb didn’t really call to me. But it’s impossible for me to resist a Garrett Leigh book even when the subject matter doesn’t appeal to me a lot. Plus, I absolutely LOVED Lucky, the first book in the series. Well, there's a reason this author is in my top favorites. In the end I end up not only rooting for the couple, but I was also very invested in everything that was going down all around them.

Cash is packed with heart stopping action, romance and scorching hot steamy scenes. I usually prefer a slower build up but I have realized that I love it when Leigh starts off with a hook up and later on the MCs accidentally meet again and kick things off. This is exactly what happens in this book. The coincidence seemed a little far fetched but I rolled with it.

This is not a very angsty book compared with Leigh's other books, meaning that the MCs don't have a troubled background or a tragic past.

I admit I didn’t know much about the extent of illegal fox hunting in UK and the role of saboteurs who fight against it but it was perfectly explained, I had no problem following. The theme is like a third character, equally proportional to the romance. I liked that Cash and Rae weren't only attracted too each other, but they were also connected on a higher level which had to do with their beliefs.

Lucky and Dom are very present and play a big role in this story. I loved them even more here. Dom especially steps up and shows the kind of man he is.

I’m pretty excited for the third book. The excerpt was amazing.

Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,713 followers
February 4, 2019
3.5 Stars!

I feel like it took me a really long time to read this one, and it wasn't that long. I thought the story-line was interesting; I had never heard of sabbing. But it didn't really hold my interest, if that makes any sense.

Strangely, I don't remember Cash from book 1. But I feel like I connected more with his character than Rae's. Both were likable enough. I don't know, it just didn't grab me.

Overall, a good book but not my favorite Garrett Leigh.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,257 reviews259 followers
January 18, 2019

I went into Cash by Garrett Leigh expecting to love it; then I worried that the action would take me out of the story. Cash isn't your typical Garrett Leigh book, and I'll admit I'm not big into action, suspense, mystery or anything of that nature. My eyes will sort of start to glaze, and my mind wonders off BUT not here. I'm not going to rehash the blurb and just get down to the nitty-gritty.

Some highlights:

-Great main characters. While both Cash and Rae were complicated and times frustrating I believed in their actions making me fall in love with the characters.

-The chemistry between both men is palpable. You know in earlier GL books I read one of my complaints is that I always wanted a little more steam (sorry not sorry smut lover here!). I don't know what changed, but I love the added sexy times to her stories! I'm a sucker for a casual hook up that turns into more, and that's just what occurs here.

-Cash isn't a laid back read, as mentioned earlier it's action-packed and also covers fox hunting- which is a fucking atrocious practice.

-The romance is raw and emotional as expected from any GL book.

-The writing is exceptional, GL is always consistent.

-There's some hurt/comfort, but this is not the typical angst fest most GL stories contain.

All in all, this was a surprising hit for me.

I'm ready for book 3.

4 Stars.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,745 reviews378 followers
January 28, 2019
From 'The Beautiful Game' in Lucky to Blood Sports in Cash, Garrett Leigh's new release takes readers through a tumultuous narrative which may be confusing to those not aware of all the ins and outs of Fox Hunting and the saboteurs that come along hand in hand.

This isn't typical romance genre fare, there's a deeper understanding to this story of how far under a saboteur can get involved in trying to disrupt a hunt and the unusual lengths some hunts go to try and get round the present ban on hunting foxes with packs of more than two hounds.

The romance in this is also a more complex one as it is so intricately entwined with that of the book's message about blood sports.

It fluctuates between intense passion and understanding to dislocation and mistrust and all points in between and I honestly don't think this will be for everyone.

My own opinion is that is exceptionally detailed, an incredibly strong narrative with great pacing and the characters are compelling but I'm not actually sure if I can say it's a 'sit back and chill' read.

I have mixed feelings about the behaviour of hunt saboteurs in the same way as I have similar feelings about the hunts themselves. I'm not sure that two wrongs ever make a right and illegal activity shouldn't be condoned on either side.

I think in this instance there is clearly a right and a wrong side to be on however, as it befits the storyline being told and it is told well.

Both Cash and Rae are engaging and equally frustrating men, with their own foibles and unique stubbornness and they play well against the other when they're on the same page but also when they're on the outs.

There's wonderful extended cameos from Dom and Lucky, who are on hand throughout to offer up their own brand of unasked for help and advice but also unwavering loyalty and friendship.

There's a fully fleshed out set of secondary characters and a clever plot which unveils itself steadily throughout.

So, while I haven't 5*-ed this one, that's more down to my own experiences growing up in a Yorkshire market town surrounded by active farming communities and my journalism history of being an agricultural correspondent and rural affairs specialist.

I perhaps have a slightly different view than most of the fox as a creature capable of devastating destruction as well as the beautiful subject of much wildlife photography. Not that I think chasing them to exhaustion with a pack of hounds is the solution either mind.

This is a brilliantly drawn narrative but focused on a subject I'm not truly at ease with and it's certainly coloured my own enjoyment.

Ultimately I think the message about illegal hunting practices outweighed the romance just a little bit for me to thoroughly enjoy the book as a whole fully.

However, we do also get a sneak peek into book three of the series which is beyond tempting and I can't wait to find out more about how that will play out.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Christelle.
808 reviews
January 21, 2019
Second book in the Lucky series written by the talented Garrett Leigh, this can be read as a standalone, but it’s really nice to reconnect with Dom and Lucky, the MCs from the previous book making appearances as friends of Cash.

Cash is a secretive and brooding mechanic and owner of an old house in London he’s revamping. One night, he’s surprised to be intrigued by Rae, a guy he meets in a pub. However, he put that spark aside and doesn’t even try to contact him again. So, he’s very surprised to see him showing on his doorstep and even more stunned that Rae is connected to his past as an activist fighting against fox-hunting.

Both men are strong-willed, stubborn and not very good at communicating - emphasis on "not good". Despite their undeniable chemistry towards each other and their shared passion for fighting illegal fox-hunting, their temper and Cash’s previous bad experience with his lover keep getting on the way to their attraction.

As usual, Garrett Leigh’s is great, the characters are well fleshed out and the angst is deliciously sprinkled. However, the romance took a back seat in favour of the focus on fox-hunting and hunt saboteuring. That focus was too much for me and my interest faded after a while -nothing to do with the writing quality nor the storyline ; just me being a little bit interested but no more than that by that topic-, until it picked up again when the story came back to Cash and Rae’s relationship and their journey to a strong HFN.

Not my favorite from this author but an enjoyable read nonetheless : after all, I was ready to virtually "shake" Cash and Rae to make them talk to each other, so it means that this story did grab me somehow !!

ARC of “Cash” was generously provided by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,788 reviews3,926 followers
February 2, 2019
BR with Simone!

It takes an extremely talented writer to take two flat characters and a charged topic prone to having readers turn away in disgust and transform it into something readable. Though the romance didn't work for me I do appreciate the edification on fox hunting.

Which, to be clear, isn't actually a sport. It's barbarism in the guise of sport. Hunting is something that takes skill and usually hunters enjoy being challenged. Fox hunting is nothing more than a bunch of toff brutes getting dressed up for the sole purpose of being cruel to animals. What I found so shocking was not just the senselessness of caging an animal, keeping it alive only to later kill it in the most brutal way, but how the dogs and horses were treated as well. In a word, sickening.

The underground world of "sabbing", as it's called brings Cash, a former sab, and Rae, a current sab, together. Rae's crew is short on people and long on fox hunting toffs, so he's sent to see if Ciaran Walsh a.k.a. Cash a.k.a. his hookup from a few weeks ago would entertain re-joining the ranks of saboteur.

Cash isn't keen on this due to a past debacle but then relents with stipulations. The stipulations were kinda wonky and... thin .

Neither of these characters were well defined nor dynamic but their devotion to the cause of saving as many foxes as possible is a laudable one and they get brownie points for good humaning. I can deal with a lukewarm romance for a cause and this cause I honestly knew nothing about until this book. I'd always envisioned fox hunting as an elaborate excuse for a bunch of WASPs to dress up and ride around the countryside whilst male bonding with their dogs.

I know, stupid American.

Anyhoo, I squirrelled. But IMHO the fox hunting took precedence over the romance which was lackluster with pedestrian sex. The sex had so much potential what with Cash having something of a penchant for a little pain but... it never came to fruition on page.

The bright spots in the story for me were Dom and Lucky with my interest waning with Cash and Rae continually waffling on whether or not they wanted to couple. Then again, Dom and Lucky were AMAZING characters who cast large shadows and continued to be amazing in a multitude of ways in this book.

However, I would be interested in continuing with this series. Mostly for the updates on Dom and Lucky but also open-minded enough to be wrecked by another couple too.

As always, my opinions are my own and YMMV. Also, the editing wasn't great so be aware of words missing, extra words, etc.


A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Bev .
2,076 reviews459 followers
September 6, 2019
It was okay, but not my favourite GL book. I wasn't overly fussed on Cash, in fact he was a bit of a tit if I'm honest. I just couldn't connect with him and his hot and cold/push and pull/let's hurt Rae AGAIN got old.

I needed more romance between Cash and Rae, they didn't get to spend much time together "being" together as it was overshadowed by the whole sabbing thing (which I totally get BTW). And speaking about sabbing and Cash's reasons for walking away from that whole shebang years before, I really don't get why the whole thing was just side swiped. See, I'm a vindictive cow and I wanted him to pay on page, not just as an aside in the epilogue.

I want to thank the author for writing about hunting, such an emotive subject. I will never understand how humans can get a thrill from chasing an animal to exhaustion then let their dogs rip it to shreds and call it a sport. I get that foxes are considered vermin by some, but dear god why make it a cruel and violent "sport" to cull them? Seriously?? Sorry, but that's beyond my comprehension.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
January 27, 2019
3.5 stars rounded down because still no 1/2 stars here on GR...full review to follow soonish!

So turns out this wasn't quite lucky number 13 for me...

'Cash' is the 13th story by this author that I've read and while it was a good read and I liked it for me it just wasn't quite what I was anticipating. I was really looking forward to this one. I read 'Lucky' the first book in this series and I absolutely loved it. Plus I don't think I would have enjoyed this one even as much as I did if I hadn't read 'Lucky' since the MCs from the first book are fairly present in this story as well. So yes, you can read this story without benefit of having read Lucky but again having read the first book it helped me to make a stronger connection with the characters here in Cash.

We first met Cash in 'Lucky' when he starts to work at the same garage as Lucky and Lucky later becomes his roommate. Plus we do actually met Rae in that book as well...sort of and if you read Lucky you'll know what I mean but if not...see what I mean about stronger connections?

Rea's life is that of a 'Saboteur'. Saboteur's are another level of animal rights activist and while this story focused on their work in protecting foxes by sabotaging fox hunts,as well as badger culls and other small game species for the purposes of this story the author has focused on fox hunts and on a practical level I understand why animal culls are sometimes done but would I ever go hunting...no, do I think that hunting especially in the manner that is used for a fox hunt is justifiable or in any way humane...no, never. Personally I'd be out there with Rae if I could.

While there were times that the issue of the fox hunt overshadowed Rae and Cash's story and I did feel a tiny bit frustrated by it on occasion, I also saw how integral it was to their story for the author to make us understand the passion, intensity and dedication that the saboteur's life demands from a person and I don't think I would have felt that as much if Ms Leigh hadn't taken the time to emerge me into their world.

However, while this gave me a better understanding of both men and their values as well as filling in some gaps in Cash's background, it did come at the cost of my connection to them as a couple...which still not a total loss here because when all was said and done I still really liked both Cash and Rae.

In summary maybe I didn't find this one quite as riveting as...say 'Between Ghost' or 'Misfits' this was still an above average read for me at 3.5 stars and I'm looking forward to continuing this series with the hope that along with a new pair of MCs we'll also get to see more of Lucky, Dom, Cash and Rae...even if it's just a peek to see how they're doing now.


An ARC of 'Cash' was graciously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews186 followers
January 25, 2019
Every time I begin a new story by Garrett Leigh my fingers tremble and my heart beat picks up. I know if I pay attention, I will learn something new. It’s never just a story with her. There’s always something more; sometimes it’s painful and sometimes it’s pain-free. Okay, who am I kidding? It’s never pain-free. But if I had to check off one of those lists in the doctor’s office rating ‘what’s your pain level?’ Cash would rate much lower than most other GL specials. It is still intense and thought-provoking but the torment pivots around their lives and not necessarily with them. Fox hunting is entirely foreign to me. I had no clue this was a…sport. When I think of fox hunting the first thing that comes to mind is Disney’s Bambi or The Fox & the Hound. So it took me a minute to grasp the severity of this acute situation. However, I immediately understood that Cash and Rae need to fight to maintain a relationship in the midst of balancing life living as a sab. Course Garrett takes it up a few notches and we find them fighting for more than friendship.

What's to like: Both Cash and Rae share a passion. They are animal rights activists that live and breathe their beliefs with absolute devotion. Cash lived the sab life until it nearly did him in. He retired but could never completely shut the door to that part of his soul. Because being a saboteur isn’t something you do…it’s who you are. When a chance encounter with a hookup turns into something bigger, Cash panics. He burns with a deep desire for Rae but he’s not sure he can watch his lover put his life on the line. Especially when his shitkickers are sitting in the back of the closet taunting him. Just as he reaches a decision, his past comes back to haunt him. There’s more than his heart on the line and this time, it could take everything.

What's to love: At first glance, this story may appear simple. That assumption would be wrong. Two men share a path but walk on different timelines. Cash has been where Rae is. He chose to leave it and take another branch in the road. He’s happy with his choices but doesn’t realize the depth of his loneliness. He has his roommate and bestie, Lucky. Which by default includes Dom. He has his job. But he doesn’t have anything that lights him up anymore. He was betrayed and won’t put himself in a situation for a repeat. Nope. Been there, done that, won’t do it again. Then Rae comes along and rustles up a part of himself that he buried. He’s convinced Rae isn’t good for him. But try as he might, he can’t stay away. Rae is fierce and determined. He’s also uttered dedicated to his cause. Can he find a way to save the beloved foxes and keep Cash? You might find your heart in your throat a time or two, but I think you should find out.

Beware of: Saboteurs walk a thin line. They have good intentions but will resort to any means necessary to succeed. There’s also a bit of yoyo action going on. Mixed signals can be frustrating for everyone. But there’s also pure and rich passion…for a cause near and dear to their hearts and for one another.

This book is for: All Leigh fans! Lucky swept me off my feet last year and I was beyond thrilled to have another piece of him and Dom here. If you haven’t read their story, you don’t need it before meeting Cash & Rae but I implore you to add them to your list.

Book UNfunk
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,792 reviews294 followers
June 27, 2019
Too angsty with too little payoff.....

This was a drama fest everywhere I looked. In fact, the only truly happy thing in this book was Dom and Lucky’s relationship from the first book in the series.

Cash and Rae hookup. Yes, it’s hot, but it’s over as soon as the book starts. Then comes the sabbing (sabotaging fox hunts) and the drama.

Cash, an ex-sab, has some secret he won’t tell anyone. He’s mistrustful of Rae, the Sab. They fight. They run from each other. They come together. They fight, they run. On and on.

During this back and forth we see sabs trying to stops hunts to save the foxes. I can take this as an educational experience, because I didn’t get much else out of this book. I even tried switching from audio to reading and back. I didn’t feel the chemistry between them nor the love when the declarations ‘o love came around.

Nope. I’m being generous with the three stars. I know this is Garrett Leigh and that Angst is her middle name, but this was just a morass of gloom with zero—epilogue aside—sunlight.
Profile Image for Papie.
780 reviews166 followers
August 1, 2022
Just a note for myself. DNF. Apparently I really don’t care about fox hunting. 🤷‍♀️
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,392 reviews325 followers
January 23, 2019
The main story arc of this book revolves around the fox hunting in UK and the saboteur, in this case both the protagonist. Cash is Lucky's roommate and he already left his old life as a saboteur behind after an incident. A random hook up with Rae eventually lead him back to a life he never thought of revisiting.

Is eye opening to read about the fox hunting from an English author, who I assume have an in depth knowledge about the issue she's writing. The injustice make me rage and whenever Rae and Cash went out on a mission, I find myself holding my breathe and hoping that everything will turn out fine. The entire story arc involving the saboteur members are well plotted out.

However, I can't say I was rooting for the romance between Cash and Rae. I feel that the plot regarding the sab overshadowed the romance. To me, both Cash and Rae are so deeply passionate about the sab life that to them they are sab first, lover second.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,030 reviews102 followers
February 1, 2019
I've been a fan of Garrett Leigh since way back in the days of Pete and Ash (Slide...a must read!). I adore her writing and her British boys! Not surprisingly, I fell fast for Cash and Rae. Is there anything sexier than a guy who's passionate for a cause? And when that cause is animal rights, I'm a goner. I love how they met and that they didn't instantly fall in love, even though they had amazing chemistry. Their attraction grew as they got to know each other and found out how much they had in common. I found this book to be very informative as well. I had no idea fox hunting was still a thing or that people like sabs existed. A great read!! Recommended!

Find me on Instagram @whats_amy_reading
Snack-sized reviews... because I'm a reader, not a writer :)
Profile Image for Annika.
1,378 reviews98 followers
January 22, 2019
I'm a huge fan of Garrett Leigh's. She's written some pretty fantastic books, but sadly Cash was not one of them. It missed the mark for me, big time.

Look, I don't need books to focus solely on the romance or the main characters. I love police procedurals where the romance takes second or even third fiddle to the investigation and solving crimes. But I also know that going into a mystery or suspense novel. For this book, there were no hints, no warning about that. I was expecting a love story. Never an easy or angst free one with Leigh's books, but still a love story all the same. But that's not really what we got with this book. Instead we got activism, and I'm sorry, that's not what I was after - at all.

Maybe I should start with a disclaimer. And that just feels wrong to me, that after reading a book and subsequently reviewing it, I feel like I need to express my beliefs, point of view just so that no one will mistake my disliking of the book as anything near as acceptance of what was going on. But that’s where we are…. I am not nor have I ever been okay with hunting and killing animals for sports, that’s just wrong on so many levels that I can’t and won’t even begin to list them here. I do believe in animal rights and protecting them from harm and cruelty.

That being said, this book was just too much, or not enough depending on how you look at it. I get that both Rae and Cash were hard core sabers (saboteurs) of fox hunts and that in itself I don’t have any problem with. What I do have a problem with was the pages and pages of details of the hunts, preparing for the hunts, the evilness of killing foxes and so on, and so on. It got old fast. It was too much and felt like preaching. Around halfway through the book I felt like I had enough and I was seriously considering letting the book go. Stubborn as I am, I stuck to it, but sadly nothing much changed.

I liked both Cash and Rae, they had some pretty great chemistry together. But the times where they actually got to spend some quality time together were so few that I couldn't really believe in them - at least not for anything deeper than intense lust. There was no time for that in-between the hunts, secrets and mistrust. I would have loved to see them spend some real time together; to really build on a relationship, but it just didn't happen.

As mentioned before I thing and believe Garret Leight is a fantastic writer, just think that her enthusiasm for saving foxes led her astray for this book and Cash and Rae was forgotten in the hunt.

A copy of this book was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Jewel.
1,868 reviews271 followers
June 20, 2020
I just love Garett Leigh's brand of romance. A little heavy at times, but there is so much substance I can't help but gorge on her words.

We first meet Cash at the end of Lucky as the guy that got hired on at the garage where Lucky worked. Cash was a bit mysterious, quiet, and a really good guy and he became Lucky's housemate. We see plenty of Lucky and Dom in Cash, too, and I could not be happier for it. I always enjoy visiting with previous MC's whom I already love, while getting to know a new pair.

Rae and Cash first meet purely by chance and they have a night of passion that neither could forget, as much as they both tried. They had no idea that one's past is so very aligned with the other's present. That is until Rae is sent to find Ciaran Walsh and finds his one-time hookup, Cash, instead, making sure that past and present collide.

Cash is a bit jumpy and distrustful, at first, having not only been burned by his last relationship, but also having lost his taste for the fight. He still cares what happens to the foxes, but he can no longer let the fight consume him - because that's what it did, and he nearly didn't survive it the first time. Cash isn't sure he can do it again.

Rae's whole life revolves around his work as a saboteur. He sleeps rough most of the time, he uses his journalism degree to run a blog about the work they do, and every weekend he's out in the field trying to save the animals savagely being hunted by those that think they are above the law.
While many of this author's characters have traumatic or tragic backgrounds, that really isn't the case in Cash. Instead, the trauma is all in what the MC's are trying to stop -- illegal fox hunting. I could not help but hurt for foxes as I read about the saboteurs risking all to stop the hunts.

This picture that Garett Leigh paints is vivid, without being graphic. It is storytelling at its finest, letting us as readers fill in the missing bits, and I am very glad for that because my imagination is vivid enough. And while I don't necessarily agree with activist terrorism, I can empathize with what drives them.  

Cash is a bit heavy, but not all that angsty. The heaviness comes from the subject of blood sports, rather than tragic pasts and trauma not healed. Still, the story shows the toll that such activism takes on a person's trust and spirit. The price is high, but fear not, we do get a happy ending.


ARC of Cash was generously provided by the author, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Rafa Brewster.
257 reviews23 followers
January 8, 2019
3.5 Stars

This is the first time for me that I felt that a Garrett Leigh book failed to put the romance first. Cash and Rae's relationship was far too tumultuous for me to rate them too highly, but even if I had enjoyed their story more, the book's focus on fox hunting (or more to the point, hunt saboteuring) far outstripped the romantic elements in CASH. That being said, I was really fascinated with the insight into sabbing (or saboteuring), unpleasant though some of it was. It was clear to see that the author is passionate about and well-versed in the subject matter and it showed in her writing - from the logistics of the day to the dangers of the hunt, the heartbreak and despair, but most of all, the fierce dedication of the few who've pledged their lives to protecting wildlife from being brutally killed in the name of sport.

Angst isn't usually my thing even though I've always enjoyed Leigh's particular brand of it. In CASH, the angsty nature of their on again/off again connection spilled into (or was deeply tied to) their passion for sabbing. Despite their intense chemistry, it definitely muddied the waters of their budding relationship for me. The fact that they were in different places in their lives, Cash's murky past and their frustrating inability to communicate also made a solid HEA a very tall order indeed.

To that end, I was pleasantly surprised at the course their story took, and the HFN ending left me adequately content. Not my favorite romance from the author, but a great look into hunt saboteuring. Dom and Lucky featured heavily in the book, which also did not hurt!
Profile Image for Snjez.
878 reviews801 followers
January 27, 2019
This story failed to grab me in the way that most of other GL books did.

I quite liked Rae, but I can't say the same about Cash. Throughout most of the story he can't decide what he wants. Not when it comes to Rae and not when it comes to sabbing. He says one thing, then does the opposite. He changes his mind countless times and never fully commits to anything. His relationship with Rae is a constant push and pull and lacking communication. Yes, I get why he was the way he was, but that didn't make his behaviour less annoying. As a result, I just had a hard time rooting for them as a couple.

What I liked about this book was the writing. The beginning was wonderful and there were some really lovely moments in the story, when Cash didn't ruin them. I absolutely loved seeing more of Lucky and Dom. They were such a vital part of this story, that it sometimes felt like a sequel to their story. And I really appreciated learning more about issues concerning fox hunting in the UK.

Profile Image for Alisa.
1,835 reviews198 followers
January 26, 2019
This was really good. I loved Cash & Rae together. They had a ton of chemistry.

What I enjoyed the most was their role as animal advocates/hunt saboteurs. I didn't know fox hunting even existed anymore. It was an unique and fascinating backdrop for this story.
Profile Image for Nicole.
177 reviews
January 25, 2019
This was an interesting book again by Garrett Leigh where the most critical thing to the story was saving foxes!

Cash is a car mechanic with a past he doesn’t want to go back to. An encounter with Rae though complicates things.

Rae is a sab, saboteur, who tries to sabotage hunters from killing foxes. It’s not easy and there are a lot of loses. But Rae won’t give up even if Goon’s clan of hunters are trying to stop them.

Cash and Rae’s relationship is difficult. Cash doesn’t want to go back to being a sab even though he feels like you never left it behind. When Rae seems to have problem with Goon’s people, Cash can’t resist helping them.

The pair goes back and forth with wanting each other but sabbing seems to be stopping them. Lucky and Dom are there in the background and trying to help when they learn what is going on, and it was good to see them again plus a few of Dom’s teammates.

It was very interesting the whole sab and hunting part, seeing that there is a real issue and I had no idea this was happening. I’d have loved a little less of it and more to be spend in the strengthening of their relationship, I think it needed that little more.

Overall I had no other issue and I enjoyed it a lot! Cash was a very cool character that I’d have loved to see more of!

I am excited for the next one! I can’t wait to see what surprises Garrett Leigh has in store for us. I am looking forward to Jude!
Profile Image for Reading Rommance.
444 reviews8 followers
July 16, 2024
Wow this book surprised me in so many ways! As a vegetarian and life long animal lover, it kind of hurt (in a good way because Cash and Rae are making me proud). However, it was super sad. Overall, I couldn't put it down! Cash is kind, but elusive. He has trauma and it still affects all his relationships. Rae is fiesty and firey and sweet. I love that these two get a second chance, yet it's so affected by Cash's past. I get the back and forth. I also enjoy their shared love for animals. Oh and I love Dom so much more in this book than in his own. That was fun to see him and Lucky again. They're good people and it shows even more in this book.

Notes: 2/5 spice levels, second chance, hook up to lovers, activists, mechanic/journalist, vegetarians, past relationship trauma
Profile Image for JenMcJ.
2,390 reviews324 followers
January 26, 2019
This was one of the rare GL books that didn't grab me with unforgettable characters and intense storytelling. I'm sure it's there I just didn't get hooked by it. I think that I was less engaged because this book starts off with such an unbelievable coincidence that it could only happen in real life, not in fiction. Since the beginning turned me off so much, I just never did get as invested in this book as I usually do. In fact, I almost DNF'd this as soon as Rae turned back up on Cash's doorstep but I didn't feel like trying to decide what book to read next so I just kept reading this one.

I did like visiting with Lucky and Dom again. In this book they seemed a lot more like a real devoted couple than the way I felt about them in their own book.

Profile Image for Esra.
Author 48 books85 followers
September 17, 2021
3 stars for the sake of Rae and those cute foxes...
So much sabbing and less loving...
So this wasn't my cup of tea...
But witnessing Cash and Lucky's friendship develop, and Dom's involvement in this was worth every damn minute.

Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,504 reviews70 followers
March 16, 2019
DNF at 56%, but I still felt it deserved three stars.

This is Garrett Leigh and I still love her writing, her attention to detail and the Britishness of her books.
However, the topic of sabbing fox hunts simply didn’t draw my interest. Not that it isn’t wrong to kill innocent animals in the name of a (so called) sport, but watching the MCs and all their actions left me uncomfortable and at some points a bit bored.

I’m sure there will be plenty of people who totally love his book and good on them! It just wasn’t my cup of tea.
Profile Image for ~nikki the recovering book addict.
1,247 reviews2 followers
January 24, 2019
4.5 stars

Wow... I honestly didn’t know what I was expecting when reading this. I didn’t understand sabbing or even fox hunting. I do feel ridiculously happy...well, happy isn’t the right word, perhaps...respect? Yes, respect is more like it. I do feel mad amounts of respect for authors who not only are able to craft an entertaining story but also highlight issues that are often overlooked.

Case in point, this book, Cash. It highlights the utter inhumane sport of fox hunting. Granted, it might be embellished to fit a more dramatic arc. But honestly, I doubt that. After all, truth is stranger than fiction. Which also means, truth is often more brutal than fiction.

Getting back to the story, it started as a bit of a cliffhanger in Lucky. And I think that’s a really smart gimmick. So in a way, it feels like the story continues straight off from Lucky, even though it starts a bit before the end of Lucky.

Rae was a pretty solid character. As in, he was consistent throughout, in comparison to Cash which really did feel like he was jerking Rae around if not for Ms Leigh’s skilful writing. It’s like, you know he’s finicky as hell and ordinarily I’d hate on a person like that but his reasons! So valid but also so...unfair! But...reasons!

As with all Ms Leigh’s books, the emotional depth is definitely there. But the tugging at the heart strings this time isn’t all for the main characters, but more for the animals. So as entertaining as the story has been, I do hope it’s also raised awareness for fox hunting.

Good addition to this series. Now please, it’s time for me to go curl up in a corner and process the book. Peace ✌️
Profile Image for River .
450 reviews73 followers
January 24, 2019
This romance was not only good but the way the story and themes in the book were handled was absolutely brilliant.
I honestly did not know much about fox hunting or how this is such a debated topic in England so I wasn't sure if this would make me not connect with the characters. 
I shouldn't have doubted Garret and her amazing talent. She didn't only delivered an beautiful romance but educated me on this subject. 

I liked the development of the romance and how it wasn't even the main focus, at least in my eyes, of this whole journey. 

As a person who absolutely loved the first book, it was lovely to catch up with Lucky and Dom.  

This was overall agreat story and strong follow up to the first book. 
Profile Image for Tammy.
1,209 reviews30 followers
January 12, 2020
This one wasn’t a favorite of mine and had I been reading it instead of listening to it on scribd I would have shelved it DNF.
It was just too focused on Sab (a grp of people trying to protect foxes from being hunted inhumanly) believe me I’m an animal lover but it was just too much for me.
Cash’s emotions were all over the place, he said one thing one moment and than his actions reflected the opposite of what he said 🤪.
I just didn’t really care for Rae or Cash.
Profile Image for UltraMeital.
1,269 reviews47 followers
January 23, 2019
3.5 Stars

I gotta say that though I'm a HUGE fan of Garrett, and I'm saying that after reading ALL of her books, this book simply wasn't for me. I had a hard time connecting with both MCs and frankly with the subject at hand. Cash and Rae have the same calling in life - saving foxes from illegal hunts. While I LOVE animals and I do NOT agree with these kind of cruel acts I also in a way see no point to "Sabing" - Sabotaging (illigal) hunts. The whole thing felt futile from beginning till end and I felt sorry for everyone invloved for how useless it all felt. They DID save foxes' lives at times but mostly they got hurt and no one cared (like the authorities..) about them or their lives, on the contrary, the were hunted by them as well. This is corruption for you..

We've met Cash at Lucky's book. While Lucky and Dom have a very important play in this book it can still be read as a stand alone. Cash lives a quiet life in a house he got from his uncle after he stopped Sabing. Took quite a long time to hear the WHY of that which was extremely sad and heart breaking. So currently he's all about his job as a mechanic (together with Lucky) but besides that he doesn't' have anything else in his life. Lucky for him he has Lucky! and Dom, his "roommates".

Meeting Rae at the bar one night was suppose to be just a one night thing yet it was amazing. More than either expected yet when the night was over they somehow never expected to see each other again.. Until Rae is asked to find a Sab who left this world behind.. He is surprised just as much as Cash to realize they share this calling.

Cash is confused. He doesn't want to return to this life, yet he doesn't think he can have a relationship with someone who DOES live this life. Also returning? that's a thought he can't make himself NOT consider. But Being in a relationship with Rae AND Sabbing sounds ever worse. So what now?

For Rae it's pretty confusing, meaning Cash is. He wants him. He doesn't. He wants to return to this life and yet he doesn't? He keeps his secrets too close to his chest so it's hard for Rae to understand what the hell is going on in his head. I was quite annoyed by it myself. The whole book was about Cash needing distance and lacking the ability to communicate not only with Rae but also with Lucky and Dom.

I liked the idea behind this book but all in all it felt so sad, Rae and his "crew" where fighting against people so much more powerful than them and though the hunt IS illegal they were always the ones to pay. I feel like there should have been something BETTER to do than take matter (and law) into their hands and run around in the woods after men, dogs, foxes and so much more to try and save the day when in the end it was mostly chasing dreams and not reality.

We DO get a HEA in this one. I guess it was in a way satisfying yet I couldn't put behind the thought that it ended well for Rae and Cash (and their friends) but in a way some things couldn't be handled or we don't know what's the real verdict was for the "bad guys".

I read this book on vocation so I guess I need to truthfully say it was hard reading something so depressing while having a GREAT time, then I had my own miscommunication that led in a way to something similar Rae and Cash were dealing with and all I was thinking was DAMN IT! Someone just SPEAK already and say what's on his mind.

If you're into animals, saving animals, animal rights and the determined men and women who have made it their life's mission to save them - this book is for you! There is also the romance which developed along the line, somewhat under the surface of everything that was going on with the Sab life.

I kindly received this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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