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Breaking Free: Discover the Victory of Total Surrender

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A best-selling book now available in paperback for the first time!

Do you want to know God and really believe Him? Do you want to find satisfaction in God, experience His peace, and enjoy His presence? Do you want to make the freedom Christ promised a reality in your daily life?

In Breaking Free , Beth Moore embarks on a study of selected passages from the book of Isaiah, drawing several parallels between the captive Israelites and today’s Christians, in order to show how to make freedom in Christ a daily reality. Moore teaches readers to remove obstacles that hinder freedom by identifying spiritual strongholds in their lives and overcoming them through the truth of God’s Word—truth that will set us free.

304 pages, Paperback

First published June 1, 1999

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About the author

Beth Moore

343 books2,478 followers
Beth Moore has written many best–selling books and is a dynamic teacher and a prolific Bible–study author whose public speaking engagements take her across the United States to challenge tens of thousands. Beth is focused on teaching women all over the world and is known and respected wherever she goes. She is a dedicated wife and mother of two adult daughters and lives in Houston, Texas, where she leads Living Proof Ministries and teaches an adult Sunday school class. Beth is one of the best known women in the evangelical Christian market.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 239 reviews
Profile Image for Becky.
18 reviews3 followers
July 27, 2010
An insightful study in the book of Isaiah. I fully expected God to reveal more of Himself as I gave my attention to Him but did not expect to "see" so much more of myself. While the process is painstaking it's also a relief and helpful in knowing what obstacles are on the path of my Christian walk. Gained a lot of insight into areas that I need to surrender and the model for how to do that. Loved this study!

Profile Image for Angela.
36 reviews3 followers
March 20, 2012
Holy Toledo. In going through a year's counseling and really watching God peel of the layers of stuckness from my life a few years back, I went into this Bible study with 2 things stacked against it:

1) I thought I was going to struggle through Beth Moore as an author (I was judging a book by it's cover - or an author by their reputation in this case - and just didn't think she was going to be an author that I would easily hear from)
2) I went into it knowing I would learn things & seeking God's voice in the matter, but was mostly looking for the voice of God in the collective dialog of my Bible study group & not so much about my own journey.

Boy, was I wrong on both accounts. I had to let go of my irritation about Beth calling me 'beloved' all the time and there was so much to be gained from the group dialog, but I fully underestimated God's hand in Beth's voice and God's designs on my life through this study.

It's true that it's terrific material if you know you're stuck in some area of your life. But what's most impressive about it is how useful the information can be for EVERY SINGLE person to light up their spiritual walk. I honestly would recommend this book/Bible study to anyone looking for something 'more' in their walk with God. Whether you're trying to break out of something or trying to run towards something you see hinted at in the lives of people you respect spiritually, or just get a grasp on something you're pretty sure is out t here spiritually but that you just can't seem to capture...Beth's use of God's words packs a powerful punch.
Profile Image for Jen.
247 reviews157 followers
August 19, 2009
Where I live it is possible to ask women if they've had their BM for the day and they understand it to mean Beth Moore. I read this book as part of a womens' study at a church I used to attend, at a time when Beth Moore was just beginning to be the bee's knees. Her writing is hardly revolutionary, but since the christian sub-culture is behind on almost everything, she was considered to be a new voice.

This particular book was about breaking free from things that have held you back from living the life that you were intended to live. If you like reading popular self-help Christian writing, this book is as good a place to start as any.

I am changing my rating from didn't like it to it was okay because I just remembered that this book did outline the signs of sexual abuse fairly well, and dealt with it gently. In fact, although I don't want to admit it- that chapter was a big help to me. What you don't know might not hurt you but it sure can mess you up. So, two stars. And I've now had my BM for the day.

Profile Image for Pamela.
4 reviews1 follower
July 17, 2012
This book helped me learn what I needed to learn of Gods love and grace and how to recognize and then to let go of what kept me prisoner. A must read in my opinion for everyone who has junk in their life that they carry guilt and or are ashamed for others to know and have regrets or living with consequences that hurt. Get it, read it, study it, do it - get free :)
Profile Image for Lori.
1,164 reviews47 followers
January 12, 2019
Many women find Beth Moore's Bible studies wonderful. I found myself less thrilled with them. The study focused on a passage in the prophet Isaiah. Much of my problem with the book is stylistic. This felt more like a typescript of a speaking engagement in places than a book. It was overly familiar. I cannot fault her insights into God's Word, but the manner in which she presents it falls flat for me. I prefer for the writing to be leaner and more to the point. She includes the first and second person too much in the content for the style that works best for me. Most women will probably enjoy this study more than I did.
Profile Image for Sherri Hayes.
99 reviews10 followers
September 29, 2012
Amazing that Beth Moore can write a book on four lines of scripture, Isaiah 61:1-4. I have memorized this passage and it will forever be close to my heart. Overcoming a stronghold is powerful. Coming face to face with it may be hard, but once you face it and give it to God....well, you can probably write a book :-) I love Beth Moore and her candid speaking of how she has (and still is) overcome her obstacles. I learned my love for Bible Study from Beth Moore. She makes it a fun adventure.
Profile Image for Annette.
902 reviews26 followers
December 16, 2015
I have read and heard Beth Moore mention Breaking Free, "had been one of the most difficult books" she'd written. It is difficult because of her own painful memories of abuse.
Breaking Free's main theme is liberty in Christ Jesus. Liberty from strongholds and oppression, specifically directed at those who have been victimized through sexual abuse.
Breaking Free's main focal passage from the Bible---

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion-to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. Isaiah 61:1-4.
My Thoughts:
This year I've been working through an abusive relationship I was in at the age of 16-17. When the relationship ended, and it took several repeated attempts at breaking free from this guy, I shut the door on that part of my life. I did not tell anyone what happened. I did not acknowledge I'd been in an abusive relationship until a few years ago. Over the course of this year, memories I'd forgotten have been remembered, and those I had remembered in small portions are now vivid. I remember the physical pain, the fear, humiliation, and shame.
I'd read Breaking Free several years ago, but not with the attitude I needed its message. Reading Breaking Free a second time, and reading it with the mindset this book is directed at me, has helped peel away memories and begin a healing process. But, underneath these memories are wounds, and they feel fresh, even though its been years ago when the abuse happened.

A few significant points in the book:
We cannot heal on our own. We need Jesus Christ. We need His Spirit to work in our inner person through prayer and His Word.
Writing and memorizing Scripture. Writing Bible verses on index cards and leaving them in well seen places is a help. Memorizing Bible verses for use as a sword against strongholds and oppression is crucial. Satan uses a painful past to hold us back, to steal our joy, to cover us with shame and silence, and to hold us back from God's beautiful purpose in our lives. Nevertheless, God's Word soothes, sustains, cleanses, and heals.
Do not hold back any part of our lives from the Lord.
The abuse does not define me.
A few favorite quotes:
"Perhaps the most profound miracle of all is living through something we thought would kill us. And not just living, but living abundantly and effectively-raised from living death to a new life. A life indeed absent of something or someone dear but filled with the presence of Resurrection and the Life." Page 135.
"Virtually anything that cheats you of what God has for you could be considered sin." Page 236.
"...the life of the disciple requires a 'long obedience in the same direction.'" Page 268.
3 reviews18 followers
May 10, 2010
great book for self examination...... if you are ready to be honest with yourself.
Profile Image for Melissa.
332 reviews20 followers
August 13, 2015
I have never gotten so much from Isaiah before. Beth Moore is amazing at putting together modern examples of captivity and using Biblical truths to set us free.
100 reviews
February 26, 2010
Reading this for the second time...the woman at our church are doing the in-depth Bible study of this topic, but I am doing the less-intense version since Baby #3 is due this month.
Finally...and I do mean FINALLY I finished this book. It is probably a much better study than it is a book, but I enjoyed it and was challenged, so it was definitely worth the time I spent reading it...which was at a snail's pace, I assure you. The point of the book--that you can be saved and still be living in bondage--is all too true for me. But Moore breaks it down and shows the reader how areas of bondage should be exposed, broken down, and replaced with God's truth. I'd like to do the study someday.
Profile Image for Ebookwormy1.
1,804 reviews320 followers
November 14, 2019
A phenomenal study that I was privileged to complete with a wonderful group of women. This study is about seeking out strongholds of the enemy in your life and how to find freedom in Christ.

This is the most intense Beth Moore study I have done. The personal application is challenging and intimate. Groups/ individuals may need to work through it slower than the one week one chapter and/or review it. A life changing study.
Profile Image for Debbie Taylor.
25 reviews5 followers
August 24, 2012
One of the most powerfully moving Bible Studies I've ever undertaken. Although some scoff at her fill-in-the blank methods, the content was deeply thought provoking and emotionally stirring. I came away changed and healed after participating in this study!
Profile Image for Shalena.
24 reviews2 followers
July 15, 2012
Moore starts the book off with a challenge….memorizing the word of God. That in its self gets my mind rolling with a slight tinge of anxiousness. Moore emphasizes verses from Isaiah which help one’s mind to “break free” from the stronghold of idols, pride, legalism, prayerlessness, and unbelief and to make “Him to become God alone to you with a powerful story to tell”. Many self examples are used to paint the picture of overcoming these strongholds. The use of Hebrew/Greek words and definitions made the book a little boring to me. To say that I became closer to God after reading the book is an understatement. There were some great points made but I just didn’t get the “Aha” moments I was expecting to get. This book was written to be read along with taking the Bible study and I feel like I would have received more from it if I had been in a study with other women. This was a first book by Moore that I have read and I pray that I can read others and get a chance to have a better opinion of her work.
Profile Image for Amytiger.
86 reviews22 followers
May 27, 2015
Once upon a time, the clouds parted to reveal a single beam of sunlight that hit nothing but Amytiger as she learned this concept of pro-con charts. In the background, a church choir, for no apparent reason, sung "Ohhhhhhh." A single tear ran down her cheek at the beauty of this concept of pro-con charts.
Slightly exaggerated from how I first found out there were pro/con charts (actually, when I was in the sixth grade a fellow student explained it to me, but that's not as fun
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Paula.
2 reviews
Currently reading
March 25, 2010
A Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for her. Breaking Free proves God's words in Galatians 5:1, "It is for freedom that Christ has se us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." This Bible Study's themes come from the book of Isaiah. A must read for all Christian women!
Profile Image for Beth Peninger.
1,663 reviews2 followers
June 25, 2022
Originally I gave this title 5 stars. I am revising my stars to zero.

The reason I am doing so is that since reading this title, several things about my faith journey and expression have changed and I no longer subscribe to evangelical ideologies.

I respect Beth Moore but cannot stand behind stars/reviews I have given based on prior readings.
Profile Image for Dana Arcuri.
Author 10 books47 followers
April 22, 2012
Another awesome bible study by Beth Moore! Dig deep into hidden area's within your life where God is seeking to turn trash into beautiful treasures. Surrendering is key to growth as a Christian & despite the pain involved, it's quite necessary. Very empowering!
Profile Image for Amy.
249 reviews4 followers
February 24, 2009
Went through this for a women's bible study. I think I liked the bible study and the women in it more than the actual book.
Profile Image for Tyra.
97 reviews3 followers
October 27, 2017
This book was good enough that I read it twice because I didn't want to forget the important and helpful information Moore reveals. So glad I found this read.
117 reviews
July 6, 2020

I would recommend this book to everyone. It was such an eye opener for me. Inspirational and healing. Drawing close to Jesus is most wonderful
Profile Image for Miriam Cantwell.
414 reviews4 followers
August 16, 2023
This was good, but I personally had some places that were a little bit of an eye roll because they were soooooo Southern Baptist church lady. I plan on doing the workbook though because I think I'll get more out of it. And like she says, the study of God's Word has its own reward.
Profile Image for Patsy.
153 reviews4 followers
December 29, 2015
The women's study group that I am a part of at my church started studying this book last fall. Beth Moore is one of the few people who can write such a lengthy book on four lines of scripture, Isaiah 61:1-4. The first section is a brief historical overview of the kings of Israel and the different captivities of the Israelites. Then Ms. Moore leads you through a study about the obstacles that keep us from knowing God as we should and summarizes some of the benefits of knowing God more deeply. Then you move into the heart of the work - breaking free of those things that prevent you from living a victorious Christian life - be it a heart hardened by loss or betrayal, pride, idolatry, or prayerlessness. Overcoming a stronghold can be an emotional and lengthy work. This portion of the book created in each of us the desire to share the personal struggles we have had in the past as well as current struggles. I feel confident to say that this study has brought us all closer to God as well as each other.

I have heard video of Beth Moore giving her life testimony. It is obvious that she writes from her own personal experiences in life. But as our group leader has said, almost all writing is autobiographical at some level.

The take-away from this book, complete spiritual freedom is found only in complete surrender.
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 39 books644 followers
January 25, 2011
Author: Beth Moore
Publisher: Broadman & Holman
2007 (reprinted from 2000)
ISBN: 1-59328-028-9
Genre: Inspirational/Christian living

Do you want to find satisfaction in God, experience His peace, and enjoy His presence? Do you want to make the freedom Christ promised a reality in your daily life?

In BREAKING FREE, Beth Moore introduces the readers to nine different lessons and has several different parts – The lessons are too long to mention here, but the parts are:

I. From Captivity to Freedom
II. Benefits and Obstacles
III. Ancient Rules and Broken Hearts
IV. Dreams Surpassed and Obedience that Lasts
V. Unfailing Love
VI. Freedom and Splendor

This book is a Bible study and a lesson in Christianity that the reader / student won’t soon forget. This is more than a sit down and give two minutes to a devotional type Bible study. This is a pull up a chair, pour a cup of coffee (or tea), grab a pen, notebook and Bible and prepare to spend some time with the Lord. You will be changed as a result. 290 pages.
Profile Image for Jody.
277 reviews
February 3, 2016
I definitely prefer Beth Moore studies in a group with discussion, but there were a number of things that jumped out at me from this book. First, the five benefits: 1. To know God & believe Him; 2. To glorify God; 3. To find satisfaction in God; 4. To experience God's peace; and 5. To enjoy God's presence. I happened to (or perhaps was prompted to) read Chapter 34 about rebellion and discipline just after discussing the rebellion and lack of discipline of a young child. I was thinking how could this child ever be turned around if they never suffer any consequences for their actions.....and boom....there was Chapter 34 about God dealing with rebellion. Much food for thought for me. Another point that jumped out to me at just the right time was her story about believing she had a christian duty to help someone when the Holy Spirit had told her not to get involved in the situation. Quote: "Not every person who comes to you for help has been sent by God!" Valuable lesson that allowed me to let go of some guilt over a situation that was way out of my league.
Profile Image for Maria Elmvang.
Author 2 books105 followers
December 23, 2016
A 2.5 star review.

I've only ever heard good things about Beth Moore's books, so it was with high expectations that I approached this book. Unfortunately it couldn't live up to my expectations. I found her main points interesting and relevant, but unfortunately her examples and anecdotes were much too vague for me to be able to draw any sorts of parallels to my own life. Her reasoning was not to lock the reader into thinking those were the only situations relevant, but unfortunately it didn't work for me.

At the end of the day, I remember her main focus-point (escape satan's strongholds in your life, by seeing his lies for what they are, and focusing on Christ's truths instead) - which is the important thing, of course, though nothing I didn't already know - but nothing else... and I have no better understanding of how to apply that to my life than I did before reading this book.

So I guess I'd recommend the book to a new Christian - but "experienced" Christians (for want of better word) probably won't get much new out of it.
Profile Image for Cookie.
141 reviews3 followers
June 18, 2016
I read this book in preparation for the Summer Book Club at our church. Three books for the summer - read (one each) per a particular month, meet to discuss it, move on to the next month's selection. Frankly, this is the first Beth Moore book I've ever read, and I couldn't exactly say why, except perhaps that I'd seen her on TV before, and she never really seemed to "speak" to me. After reading this book…I'm still not entirely sure she speaks to me, but I do know I want to reread the book - slower, and in smaller "bites." I didn't realize from the onset how much time could be spent in this study of Isaiah (not a full study, but some of Isaiah, anyway). I'd like to go back (and will, after I read the other two books I have to read for the Book Club), and spend more time with this book. I got a lot out of it, but I think I'd get even more - by spending more time and reading it in smaller "bites."
Profile Image for Rhonda D..
427 reviews
August 18, 2011
This book is what you want to put into it. If you just want to skim the surface or go to a nice women's gathering, it might be kind of intense causing you to tune out. If you want to dig deep into God's Word, this might not be "inductive Bible study" enough for you, causing disappointment. Beth Moore is a little intense for my California-ness, but every time she seems to be over the top, she says something so true, it stops me cold.

Breaking Free is part Bible study and part commentary/book. It helps address strongholds in our lives that prevent us from walking in fullness with the Lord, using the book of Isaiah and other scriptures. It is a meaty topic. Having just finished, I feel like I want to do the whole thing over again to understand it better.
Profile Image for Amy.
25 reviews1 follower
June 27, 2017
I have enjoyed many of Beth Moore's Bible studies but this is the first time I have read one of her books based on one of her studies. I thought it was well written and I really liked that it included Bible memory work. I keep a notebook full of quotes I want to remember and I pulled quite a few from this book. Her testimony is full of hard things and she is not afraid to share her struggles which I think makes her very easy to relate to. I found this book very encouraging and I would recommend it. That being said, I do believe that time with a licensed counselor is very valuable if you are dealing with a history that is hard to process. If that is why you are reading this book, please keep reading it but also find a counselor who can help you heal.
Profile Image for Kameron.
115 reviews
May 8, 2011
Awesome. Christ has won the victory and we truly can live in liberty through Him! Beth is amazing. This book was so Bible-focused (the book of Isaiah) and so God centered. Though she could have made it all about her own journey to freedom, she continually points the reader away from herself and onto the Lord. That is why He has blessed her ministry so much. It is amazing to me that even Christians who have the assurance of salvation through Christ, can still get so easily caught up in lies/bondage/dissatisfaction. It is time to release that and turn it all over to the One who will never fosake us or abandon us. Amen!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 239 reviews

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