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The Lady Rogue

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“A swashbuckling adventure.” — Booklist
“A rollicking Indiana Jones flick with a female lead.” — BCCB

The Last Magician meets A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue in this thrilling, “breathless” ( Kirkus Reviews ) tale filled with magic and set in the mysterious Carpathian Mountains where a girl must hunt down Vlad the Impaler’s cursed ring in order to save her father.

Some legends never die…

Traveling with her treasure-hunting father has always been a dream for Theodora. She’s read every book in his library, has an impressive knowledge of the world’s most sought-after relics, and has all the ambition in the world. What she doesn’t have is her father’s permission. That honor goes to her father’s nineteen-year-old protégé—and once-upon-a-time love of Theodora’s life—Huck Gallagher, while Theodora is left to sit alone in her hotel in Istanbul.

Until Huck returns from an expedition without her father and enlists Theodora’s help in rescuing him. Armed with her father’s travel journal, the reluctant duo learns that her father had been digging up information on a legendary and magical ring that once belonged to Vlad the Impaler—more widely known as Dracula—and that it just might be the key to finding him.

Journeying into Romania, Theodora and Huck embark on a captivating adventure through Gothic villages and dark castles in the misty Carpathian Mountains to recover the notorious ring. But they aren’t the only ones who are searching for it. A secretive and dangerous occult society with a powerful link to Vlad the Impaler himself is hunting for it, too. And they will go to any lengths—including murder—to possess it.

385 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 3, 2019

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About the author

Jenn Bennett

25 books4,875 followers
Jenn Bennett is the author of over a dozen books for children and teens, including: ALEX, APPROXIMATELY; STARRY EYES; and GRUMBONES. She also writes romance and fantasy for adults. Her books have earned multiple starred reviews, been Goodreads Choice Award nominees, and have been included on annual Best Book lists for both Kirkus and Publishers Weekly. She lives in a haunted house near Birmingham with one husband and two dogs. Visit her at www.jennbennett.net.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,312 reviews
Profile Image for jessica.
2,590 reviews44.8k followers
September 16, 2019
jenn bennett is a queen of contemporary, so i was very eager to see what she could do with some historical fantasy, and she does not disappoint.

i am so relieved that her signature witty and carefree writing is just as present in this as her other books. it also translates really well into the main characters, which have always been bennetts strong point. the well-developed and entertaining leads, paired with quick and devourable writing, makes for a successful combination. i also adore that this is set in eastern europe, specifically romania. thats not a very popular setting, so the novelty of it is quite intriguing.

but what i wanted more was the actual storyline itself. it just feels a little weak. maybe if it had been developed more (someone suggested as a series), it may have increased the stakes and made the plot feel more adventurous. im not sure. but it just fell a little short for me, personally.

regardless, i am quite pleased with this. i know it can be stressful when a favourite author deviates from their known genre, but sometimes the risk pays off. and in this case, it does!

4 stars
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,875 reviews12.6k followers
July 9, 2023
**4.5-stars rounded up**

The Lady Rogue is pure entertainment start-to-finish!

Stalking Jack the Ripper meets A Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue in this fast-paced, historical YA-romp.

Our protagonists, Theo and Huck, make a great team and following them on their mystery-filled, rescue mission through the rustic Carpathian Mountains was hella fun!

Theodora's father is a treasure hunter, hired by a mysterious aristocrat to track down the legendary war ring of Vlad the Impaler.

Yes, that Vlad. To my knowledge, everyone's favorite Vlad!

Along with his assistant, Huck Gallagher, also Theo's former beau, he begins his search discovering clues and following leads.

Poor Theo gets left behind in a hotel, as she usually does, and is more than frustrated with that turn of events. She wants adventure too and is extremely good at solving puzzles. She just cannot understand why her father wouldn't want to utilize her talents.

When Huck arrives back at the hotel, without her father, Theo is shocked. According to Huck, he has no idea where her father went, but he does have his cryptic travel journal. Theo's mind is put to the test as she tries to decode her father's writings and figure out his location.

Did he go willingly, or was there foul play involved?

I loved so much about this. The mystery, the intrigue, the dark historical connections, the partnership between Theo and Huck, the setting, it was all very up my alley.

I have never read a Jenn Bennett book before, but I believe this is a bit of a genre shift for her. I thought she did a fantastic job.

Although some of the paranormal aspects were a little wonky, I was having so much fun with the story, it really didn't phase me.

Further, I am not sure if this is slated to be a standalone, or a series, but I really hope this is not the last we see of this courageous duo!!!

The characters mention at the end of this book a location they may be traveling to next......and I really NEED that to happen.

Who do I contact about that?

Let's do this, Bennett!

Thank you so much to the publisher, Simon Pulse, for providing me with a copy of this to read and review.

I always appreciate the opportunity!

Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.2k followers
October 4, 2021
”Why does the entire world think the female species possesses brains made of cotton candy?”.


¡No saben lo mucho que me sorprendió este libro! Tiene todos los elementos que a mí me enganchan a una historia: ambientación de siglos pasados, una protagonista impresionante, una aventura casi sobrenatural por los Cárpatos, historia de Europa y algo de tensión romántica. Pero bueno, empecemos por el principio.

La Orden del Dragón, que es como se llama este libro en español, nos narra la historia de Theodora, la hija de un reconocido aventurero y cazador de reliquias. Cualquiera diría que su vida estaría llena de expediciones y momentos inolvidables, pero la verdad es que, tras la muerte de su madre, su padre le prohibió participar en las búsquedas y, en cambio, la deja en hoteles mientras él recorre los lugares más exóticos y misteriosos del planeta. El libro empieza con Theodora en Estambul, esperando a que su padre regrese de buscar en los Cárpatos un anillo que supuestamente perteneció a Vlad Drăculea. Sin embargo, pasan los días y el hombre no aparece, pero quien sí llega a buscarla es Huck, su mejor amigo del pasado y gran amor frustrado. Así, los dos tendrán que descifrar pistas del diario de viaje del padre de Theodora para recorrer sus pasos y salvarlo del inminente peligro en el que está por involucrarse con la reliquia más importante de la Orden del Dragón.

A decir verdad, este es uno de esos libros que enganchan desde la página uno y, además, me fascinó que jugara con el concepto de que subestimaran las habilidades de Theodora por ser una chica y, al final, fuera ella quien, tras recorrer media Europa, salvara a todos y descifrara el misterio que decenas de aventureros y caza tesoros no pudieron entender.

Además, creo que Jenn Bennett investigó tremendamente bien todo el confuso árbol genealógico y la historia real de Vlad Drăculea, su padre y la línea que les siguió. En muchísimos libros los tratan como si fueran prácticamente la misma persona, pero Jenn Bennett logró diferenciarlos de una manera genial y, por si fuera poco, le dio un giro único a la posible explicación de por qué Vlad hijo se convirtió en el sanguinario Empalador que es tan famoso en los libros de historia.

Otra de mis cosas favoritas del libro fue la ambientación y los parajes de Europa del Este. Creo que no es un secreto para nadie que, además de que me fascina el pasado, estoy obsesionada con países como Rumanía, Hungría y, en general, todo lo que suceda en los Cárpatos. Me parece que esas tierras están tan llenas de magia y leyendas antiguas que quisiera leer todo sobre ellas. Y eso fue lo que me dio La Orden del Dragón. Theo y Huck viajan en tren, caravanas e incluso aviones por montañas, ríos, villas y pequeñas ciudades y, se los juro, me sentí allí con ellos. ¡Ah! Y puntos extra por el uso del rumano en algunos momentos de la trama. Adoro cuando los libros utilizan palabras en los idiomas del lugar en donde se desarrollan.

Pero bueno, más allá de la ambientación y todo lo demás, la trama de La Orden del Dragón fue increíble. Me sentía leyendo una especie de crossover entre La Guía del Caballero para el Vicio y la Virtud y alguno de los libros de Dan Brown. O sea, COMBINACIÓN SÚPER GANADORA. Amé todos los enigmas, las pistas que Theo y Huck iban encontrando, los problemas en el camino, las dudas y, sobre todo, esos momentos en los que finalmente todas las piezas del rompecabezas iban encajando. Y es que, madre mía, la explicación final sobre el misterio del anillo de Vlad Drăculea y otras revelaciones que no puedo comentar porque son spoiler me dejó con la boca abierta. De verdad, espero que Jenn Bennett escriba más libros con Theo y Huck como protagonistas porque este lo disfruté infinitamente.
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,609 reviews2,223 followers
September 5, 2019
I requested this book for one reason, really, and one reason only : the name next to "author". I'm a big fan of Bennett's contemporaries and I've dabbled in her adult PNR series (which I still have to finish!) so seeing her switch from YA contemporary to YA historical/fantasy didn't concern me. I was excited. I might not have loved SERIOUS MOONLIGHT but I love her writing, her previous books, and had every reason to expect the same of this one.

But nope.

This book was a chore to read. I pushed through it quickly because the last thing I needed was another slump, and it wasn't too long, and I just kept waiting for the spark. Or any spark, really. I felt nothing for the characters who were, respectfully, spoiled and or sulky as well as overdoing the charm to the point of not being charming. I felt nothing for the angst over the romance which we were beat over the head with to a ridiculous degree. And honestly the Vlad the Impaler plot/mystery that sent these two gallivanting all over Eastern Europe just.. didn't really hook me and, like, did it ultimately even matter? I'm so confused.

I also want to say the pitch comparison to THE GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO VICE AND VIRTUE definitely had me thinking this was queer. And it is not.

I didn't love the characters, the angst, the romance, the plot. Even Bennett's writing, which I normally love, felt different and failed to entice. If this hadn't been an ARC, I would've DNF’d. If this was any other author, I would probably one star. But I just can't bear to. And I do think maybe this is a me problem? Despite everything?

Anyway, I don't think this is a series, so I'm relieved about that, but even if it was.. I wouldn't be reading on.

** I received an ARC from the publisher (thank you!) in exchange for an honest review. **


This review can also be found at A Take From Two Cities.
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,866 reviews747 followers
September 3, 2019
I went into this not knowing what it was about. I will absolutely read anything Jenn Bennett puts out.

I loved Theo and Huck. She’s smart and tired of being left behind. He’s charming and maybe a little uncertain. Together they have a lifetime of history and a bit of a rocky future. I loved reading them figure things out. There are a few side characters who are delightful, but I won’t get into detail on that.

Plot wise, it was a bit of a slow start for me. Even though I was intrigued, I didn’t get captivated until they were really on the run. I was loving all of the history and city descriptions and I don’t know how much of the Vlad stuff was true, but it was interesting.

I will say that I wanted a bit more from the ending. The entire story was a build up to this one event and in a couple of pages, it was resolved and the story was over. It felt rushed and that was sort of disappointing.

Overall, it was a unique to me story with characters who were easy to root for. I can’t wait to see what Jenn comes up with next.

**Huge thanks to Simon Pulse for providing the arc free of charge**
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,097 reviews396 followers
August 19, 2019
Oh my goodness I really hope this becomes a series! So darn good. Full review to come.

Is there anything better than a Jenn Bennett book? Why yes there is. A book by Jenn Bennett that is unlike anything that she has every written before. A touch of the magical and mysterious. Romance and even better still, set all in a beautiful mysterious historical setting and time that appeals to my ever love of the genre itself.

I never knew what I was missing until this book came into my life. Jenn Bennett writing a historical mystery with a touch of romance, danger, and the paranormal. Goodness, yes please!

And all I can say is WOW! This meet my expectations and then thoroughly blew them away. I loved every single things about it. To the legends, lore, witchcraft. Curses. Black magic, love, family dynamics, mystery...goodness, just all of it. I want more. I am hoping, wishing and keeping my fingers crossed that this becomes a series but heck yeah does this girl want more.

Theodora was everything I love in a stubborn, smart, and strong willed heroine. Huck in a fun loving, support, and swoon worthy hero and her father, even he was hard to like, but not to love. ;)

So well done, so much fun, and so addictive. I need more!

*ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for Mel (Epic Reading).
1,013 reviews314 followers
May 18, 2020
This was okay. Nothing overly special here. Felt a lot like Indiana Jones, but with a leading gal and an attractive boy sidekick her age. The Dracula pieces of the story are not vampire-like at all; but instead focus on the actual Vlad Dracul, human, who did exist. Good enough but nothing spectacular.

If you want to go on a treasure hunt you might find The Lady Rogue has something for you. If you're hoping for blood, gothic overtones, and vampires this is NOT the book for you. Those looking for an intriguing mystery are also likely to be let down. While there is a mystery here, and it should be the focus of the story, it's not that entrancing. This is more of a girl coming into her own teen book than anything. The love story is meh as the chemistry between the characters is missing.

Overall this was a very disappointing read for me. I would perhaps try another book by Jenn Bennett in the future. There was enough here that with some good editing, focus on mystery writing, and a less snowflake-like heroine; I could see Bennett telling us some interesting stories. Sadly The Lady Rogue isn't up to par; especially in the high saturated teen fantasy genre.

Please note: I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for JenacideByBibliophile.
222 reviews142 followers
September 3, 2019
Disclaimer: This book was sent to me by the publisher, Simon & Schuster – Simon Pulse, for an honest review.

A historical adventure fantasy about treasure hunters searching for a lost ring, that belonged to Vlad the Impaler


Count Dracula


Mass murderer of THOUSANDS


Romania's crowned jewel and the worlds nightmare.


Oh, you KNOW it's going to be good.

Theodora Fox is used to her father abandoning her in five star hotels around the world, while he slinks off to uncover hidden treasures and unearth rich history. So when he disappears again, leaving her in yet another ritzy establishment in Istanbul, she is forced to stay behind with only her crossword puzzles and obsession for history to keep her company. That is until Huxley Gallagher turns up in her hotel room, handing over her father's journal and claiming that he is missing. What Theodora assumed was a typical expedition, turns swiftly into a hunt for her father and the truth behind his current hunt – to find the long lost ring of Vlad the Impaler for a wealthy client. Nobody said this adventure would be easy, especially when traveling with the boy who broke her heart and never spoke to her again. But what Theodora is about to uncover will change her and her family's life forever.


This book kicks ass!

The lady Rogue is dripping in adventure, mystery, intrigue, wit and a TON of history! The author has artistically woven historical events with fantastical elements to bring a legendary story fit for any thrill seeker. Perfect for fans of Tomb Raider, National Treasure, Count Dracula, the Occult, dragons, fantasy...and, really everything.

This book is PHENOMENAL.

Set in the late 1930's, this historical fantasy takes main characters Theodora and Huck to Romania in search of Theo's missing father who is chasing after a much sought-after ring. The only clues of his whereabouts come from Huck, her father's protege and a young man that her father took in at a young age. At an excavation in Hungary, Huck and Theo's father, Fox, uncover a metal box with strange symbols encasing it that warned of the dangers kept inside. What they hoped was the resting place of Vlad's long lost ring, turned out to be an empty box. Dismayed, they travel back to their hotel, where Fox suddenly disappears, leaving behind strict instructions for Huck to find Theo in Istanbul, where he is to give her Fox's travel journal, and escape to Hudson Valley.

And so begins the WILD adventure that Theo and Huck embark on in search of Fox and Vlad's infamous ring. While the two travel to Romania, Fox's last known whereabouts, they are chased by dangerous men hellbent on taking them out.

And I don't mean for dinner and a movie.

I'm talking murder, ladies and gents.


Because this book is PACKED with action! These characters are CONSTANTLY tiptoeing the lines of death and swing-dancing with fate. Both Theo and Huck are talented treasure hunters with extensive experience and passion for what they were raised around, and it shows. Theo is obsessed with history and any ancient topic that might involve a haunting or some form of magical element. She is proficient in multiple languages, has an uncanny ability to decipher codes, and above all else...this girl is witty as hell! Her sharp comments and sarcastic remarks had me nodding my approval during my entire read. She's a saucy little minx who curses, throws obscene gestures in the air and has an epic drunken outburst where she dubs herself Lady Rogue – a lady of independent and royal standing!

Huck is also quite sarcastic and playful, but has a different set of skills and hates anything to do with spirits and magic. He is a pilot, a great lock-picker, and oh yeah...Theo's ex. Once inseparable best friends as children and teens who began to have feelings for each other, now we meet them at a time when they haven't spoken in over a year – due to events that later become revealed. This is the obvious romance of the story, but DON'T WORRY. This isn't one of those books that has a killer premise and then becomes overshadowed by mushy teen love.


This book focuses SOLELY on the premise, and you will be so incredibly thankful for it. Because it is spectacular, exciting and downright addicting. The author did an outstanding job implementing actual historical events and facts into the story, which in turn lead me to researching different historical figures so I could learn more about them. There are countless elements that make up this gripping tale, and there is a little something in there for every type of reader. But I think what really struck me while reading, was Jenn Bennet's uncanny ability to create a flawless book. It is detailed, well-constructed, comical, suspenseful and a TON of fun!

The book ends with everything wrapped up nice and tight, no cliffhangers in sight. BUT I am curious if Jenn plans on writing a sequel, because how everything is left, she definitely set it up to be a possibility. If so, you know I am going to be at the front of that line demanding a copy!

And I'll just leave on this note:

Profile Image for Sophie.
493 reviews195 followers
December 25, 2019
I am so disappointed with this book. I wanted a fun historical adventure but instead so much of it was taken up by this poorly written bickering relationship between the 2 main characters, who'd been together before the book but had been separated from each other. I didn't feel the tension between them. More of the adventure developed later on, but it never was what it could have been. The historical stuff was also so poorly written that it might as well have been a contemporary novel rather than one that takes place in the 1930s. It just made the whole book feel so weird.
Profile Image for ✨ A ✨ .
441 reviews2,258 followers
Want to read
February 6, 2019
I might not like the cover but I am LOVING the title!!

Jenn Bennett + historical fiction + fantasty?? HELL YEAH
Profile Image for Susan's Reviews.
1,164 reviews660 followers
October 3, 2019
My thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I love Jenn Bennett: she has such a huge imagination, and I love her quirky writing style. (She tends to have a little gimmick for each story: in this one, her use of word clues in various crossword puzzles was such fun!) This is young adult - borderline new adult - novel delves into the Occult and is set in 1938. I tend not to do paranormal, but for a chance to read a new Jenn Bennett, fresh off the presses, I will definitely go there!

Theodora Fox and Huxley Gallagher (aka Theo and Huck) are star-crossed lovers, who meet again - quite unexpectedly - in Istanbul. Theo's father, Richard, Fox was an amateur "Gentleman Adventurer" and he and young Huxley would go off on wild, hair-raising adventures, always leaving Theodora safely behind in one hotel or another - much to her aggrieved chagrin. This time Theodora was left kicking her heels with her hired female companion in Istanbul while Fox went off chasing an "enchanted" ring that may have belonged to the Dracula family, and which may possess supernatural powers.

The sudden arrival of Huck at her hotel bodes ill: just the previous year, Huck had been sent back to Ireland when Theo and Huck were caught in flagrante delicto in her bedroom, doing what teenagers often will do! (No spoiler alerts here!) Richard Fox had taken Huxley in and raised him along with Theo when Huxley's Irish immigrant parents were killed in a streetcar accident. But when friendship blossomed into attraction between the young teens, Theo's father accused Huxley of betraying his trust and packed him off to Huxley's aunt in Ireland, separating the young lovers.

Huxley and Theo are still secretly pining for one another.. Theo is upset with Huck because he never responded to any of her letters (unsolved mystery there!) and Huxley was told by Richard that Theo has moved on and is dating other eligible young men. Well, the story heats up with non-stop action: the young lovers hardly have time to sort out their personal affairs, they are so busy running away from the deadly band of men who are also looking for the enchanted ring.

I loved the descriptions of all the countries Theo and Huck traveled through: Istanbul, Bulgaria, Romania, and finally, Transylvania! And yes, we do get to go inside an ancient haunted castle and experience magic at its deadliest!

I sensed a sequel in the making: there are a few unresolved matters, and Jenn Bennett does tend to serialize her paranormal adventure novels. I really enjoyed this fast-paced read: the story is action-packed and the rekindled romance between Theo and Huck was too sweet for words! I look forward to more stories involving Theo, Huxley and Richard! Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Estíbaliz Montero Iniesta.
Author 61 books1,283 followers
June 1, 2021
Resulta que Jenn Bennett no solo es buena escribiendo romances contemporáneos, sino que ha escrito un fantástico libro de ficción histórica con ciertos toques de magia y fantasía.

Siempre disfruto consumiendo historias que tienen que ver con la caza de un tesoro o el descubrimiento de una reliquia antigua, así que sabía que este libro probablemente me gustaría, pero aun así no esperaba lo mucho que me ha atrapado desde la primera página. Me ha sorprendido un montón, sobre todo por su dinamismo.

Es una historia que rebosa acción, y el ritmo no baja en ningún momento (a mi parecer), por lo que es un torbellino de aventuras. Creo que el misterio está muy bien entrelazado en la trama y ha habido un par de giros, sobre todo hacia el final, que no me vi venir.

Además, los personajes principales me han gustado mucho, tanto Theo como Huck. Algo que siempre hace Jen Bennett es dar a sus personajes pasatiempos curiosos, y aquí por ejemplo, Theo es una apasionada de los crucigramas. Aparte de eso, me ha gustado que sea un personaje tan inteligente, tan vital y con tanto arrojo, pero a la vez tan humana, ya que no hay más que ver el lío de sentimientos que le provoca Huck.

Huck me ha parecido un buen contrapunto a Theodora, me gusta la relación que se establece entre los dos y los momentos de humor que nos proporcionan a costa de tomarse el pelo mutuamente y también de tirarse varias pullas. Aunque hubiera deseado que la tensión romántica fuera un poco más intensa y todo.

El único al que no he soportado (y eso que casi no aparece) es al padre de Theodora. Por dios, qué señor tan insufrible.

Y el telón de fondo de Rumanía y los Cárpatos en los años 30 ha aportado un toque diferente a la historia que me ha gustado mucho, porque no es una zona (ni una época) sobre la que haya leído mucho. Que el folklore y las leyendas de Europa del este juueguen un papel en esta historia me ha parecido un toque novedoso y que, al menos por mi parte, ha sido bienvenido.

Es un libro ideal para aquellos a los que les gusten las historias sobre folclore y cazas del tesoro, muy del estilo de Indiana Jones 0 Cazatesoros.
Profile Image for Maryam.
319 reviews200 followers
November 12, 2019

Jenn Bennett is one of my favorite contemporary authors. I’ve read all of her books and I sure wasn’t going to miss this one.

Here are some of my thoughts:

- This was highly entertaining and adventurous. It was also quick and easy to read. I’ve always loved that about Jenn’s writing. Theo and Huck go in a trek across Romania in search of Vlad the Impaler’s cursed ring. and let me say that I need more books with Romanian setting and history! I’ve read books involving the history of the infamous Vlad the Impaler before but this is the first time that I felt truly engrossed and enraptured by the tale of Vlad.

-Jenn’s books always feel aesthetic to me and especially this one. I don’t know they seem to have an atmosphere of their own. am i making sense? probably not😂

- Theo and Huck were well formed characters if not a little annoying at times😅though i loved their banter (i laughed a few times) and their sweet relationship. They were both witty. Theo was a smart character and Huck was so sweet❤️

- Although this is labeled “fantasy” it’s not much of a fantasy because there was little mention of fantastical elements other than the ring. I wished that we would’ve seen more of the supposed witches and spellworks that were briefly mentioned. So my main issue was that I hoped the storyline was more developed and that the ending wasn’t rushed and a little weak.

Nonetheless, I though this was a good story. Entertaining, witty, fast and historical. Jenn’s first try at fantasy is strong. I’m excited to see what she writes next.
Profile Image for Sahitya.
1,124 reviews240 followers
August 9, 2019
I have always wanted to read Jenn Bennett’s contemporaries because many of my fellow bloggers seem to love them but it just never happened. So, when I realized that she is writing a historical fantasy, I found it way more interesting and immediately requested for this advance copy. And that turned out to be a great decision because this was a very fun reading experience.

I’m a huge fan of adventure novels, especially where the protagonists are searching for historical relics or artifacts while being chased by unsavory villains. That’s one reason I religiously read every new Steve Berry release each year and I was so glad that the author gave me a similar experience with this book, albeit with a younger heroine and a good amount of focus on the romance. The story is very fast paced and we are thrown smack dab in the middle of it all right on the first page and I loved that. The author also does a wonderful job making us clearly picture every single scenery and location that the characters travel, making us feel like we ourselves are on a journey through the Romania of the 1930s. Amidst all the mayhem, we get some very interesting history (both real and fictional) about Vlad the Impaler and also general history about Wallachia and Transylvania and the Ottoman Empire, alongwith a good dose of supernatural folklore of the Romani people. All of this made for a very fascinating and riveting read. There are also secret societies and cursed rings which are some of my favorite tropes and I had so much fun getting to read about it all. Events also keep happening in very quick succession and we as a reader are kept our toes, worrying about what would happen next. I thought the overall writing was very good and it’s surprising that this is the author’s first fantasy novel.

We only get to read Theo’s POV in the book but she is a fun protagonist to follow. Born to two historian/adventurer parents, she has the same curious heart but is frustrated because her father is very protective. But she is strong, determined, resourceful, has a great knowledge of all things occult and mysterious, and will never stop once she makes up her mind. But she is also a privileged teenager and we get to see her petulant, sulky side. The author lets us see all the quirks of her personality which felt nice. Huck on the other hand didn’t feel very developed, because we only see him through her heartbroken eyes. He makes for a good companion, each of them trying to control the other’s impulsive decisions and trying to decide a more reasonable course for their adventure. They also meet some delightful characters on their journey, who mostly turn up just when they need them and provide them some relevant information, but I still loved all the tales they told.

This is almost like a second chance romance, so there is a lot of angst. Theo especially struggles a lot to come to terms with her feelings and what she sees as a betrayal, but she also can’t forget that she fell in love. There is a lot of banter too, the familiarity between the two of them really reflecting off the page, making for some very entertaining conversations. While their relationship is one of the main focus of the book, it’s almost a given right from the beginning that they love each other and we just wait till they are finally able to tell each other the same. That’s what I found a bit ironical about the story here - it focuses on the relationship but it’s not exactly a romance that develops on page - but it was still very enjoyable to read.

To conclude, this was a romp of a novel which I felt thoroughly entertained while reading, and felt that I was on an adventure myself traveling through Romania. If you enjoy reading books by Dan Brown or Steve Berry and wouldn’t mind a similar themed book but with younger characters, you should definitely check this out. Just keep in mind that you will also be getting a romance alongside the adventure.
Profile Image for Amanda .
432 reviews176 followers
February 20, 2020
You can also read my review here: https://devouringbooks2017.wordpress....

Review: 3 Stars

I was pretty excited for this book, but it wasn’t as incredible as I had anticipated it to be. I picked this up because I really loved one of Jenn Bennett’s previous novels, Starry Eyes (read my review here), even though I’m not a big fan of contemporary romance novels. When I heard that she was writing a fantasy novel I was absolutely thrilled. But I feel like this book was more of a historical romance with some fantasy elements. I found it to be pretty similar to Starry Eyes actually, but I didn’t enjoy it as much. In both books a girl and her ex lover/boyfriend go on an adventure where absolutely everything goes wrong and they wind up reconnecting. While it was full of banter and an enjoyable read, I had just expected it to have more fantasy elements to it.

The plot felt kind of slow paced and drawn out for me. There were a lot of filler chapters that focused more on the romance than the adventure. I also didn’t even realize that this wasn’t set in modern day until about a quarter way through the book. It just felt like a modern read to me, the only thing that felt historical was the research about the original Dracula. At about 45% in the fantasy elements finally showed up and I found myself getting more invested in the story. Even though the book was under 400 pages it just felt really long and drawn out to me. I think the slow paced romance just wasn’t for me.

I found Theodora and Huck to be fun characters to read about. There was lots of banter between them and they felt like real people. Jenn Bennett has a talent bringing her characters to life by sharing their interests and hobbies with the reader. I also really enjoyed how Huck always messed up proverbs, it added a humorous element to the book during heavier scenes. All of these little things that Jenn Bennett includes in her books makes her characters stronger and feel like real people. While I didn’t really love the romance between Theo and Huck I loved both of them individually.

Overall I am a little disappointed because after I loved Starry Eyes so much I thought that I would love Jenn Bennett writing fantasy even more. If you are looking for a fantasy adventure novel I might look elsewhere, but if you enjoy romance or are a big fan of Jenn Bennett I would totally give this one a shot.
Profile Image for Nastassja.
424 reviews1,217 followers
April 11, 2019
“When life gives you ghosts, make ghost lemonade?”

And this quote is a perfect description of this book. It turned upside down my expectations of a dark gothic historical and turned it into a funny and light adventure, which is not a bad thing and actually made me giggle a lot during the book.

The Lady Rogue follows the story of a young Theodora Decker - Theo - the daughter of a famous treasure-hunter. Her father goes missing, and finding herself alone and destitute in a foreign country, Theo will have to follow her father's journal and unwind the secret of a legendary and magical ring that once belonged to infamous Vlad the Impaler. But she is not alone in that quest: her first love and childhood friend Huck Gallagher will assist Theo in this journey as well as a very powerful and dangerous secret society will hunt star-crossed lovers to get their hands on the ring first.

Well, as I said before the annotation leads the reader a little bit away from the light and fluffy mood, but once you open the book you'll see that the mood is exactly fluffy and light. Probably if you read other Jenn Bennett's books before you'll get a hint as to what expect from the story. As for me, I would compare this book to These Vicious Masks or my childhood favourite adventure movie Romancing the stone.

I had a lot of fun and giggled like a little girl during Theo's and Huck's adventures, and this is one of those cases when cheesy rant between the characters was full of chemistry and made me ship these two a lot. And as the story is from Theo's POV we don't get inside Huck's head, which didn't prevent him from showing his personality in full - literally and figuratively:
“Listen,” I said forcefully. “If you don’t start explaining everything that’s going on here in the next five seconds, I will hurt the softest parts of you.”
“Ah, see there. You have missed me,” he said, one corner of his mouth twisting up. I pointed the journal at his towel.
“Something’s going to be missing, all right.”
“You know what they say. Violence makes the heart grow fonder.”

“When you come back, we’ll make a plan,” he told me, eyes shining in the firelight. “It’s not the end of the world. I was wrong. Happens on occasion.”
“What’s the proverb for that? Never point out the mistakes of others with a dirty finger?”
“Just for the record, you can put your dirty fingers on me any ol’ day, banshee.”

And trust me when I say I can quote every dialogue of Theo and Huck's and it will be as funny as these quotes.

Overall, surprisingly nice, relaxing read full of adventures and romantic angst that will make you smile and giggle and root for the characters until the end. I wish I were in the mood (damn reading slump!) to enjoy it properly.
Profile Image for MoodyJess.
427 reviews33 followers
October 27, 2019
I really enjoyed Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennet. Is it because I don’t normally read this genre and don’t have much to compare it to? Or because it was just that good? Or because I’m a sucker for the supernatural?

I had no idea what to expect but in the end I feel like I’ve just watched an extremely entertaining mystery blanketed in dark magic, witches, folklore and more. The writing was so rich and realistic I was completely consumed and under a spell while reading this scary tale.

Theo was the hero. There’s no doubt about it. Huck was definitely the side-kick, who was useful at times but really there for his Irish lilt, humour and accompaniment for Theo. Their dynamic was needed to keep the transitions flowing and to have something to look forward to when the shit stopped hitting the fan. In the end, they’re back to being what they initially lost in one another and that was comforting. But I will be honest, I never felt like these two had scorching chemistry at all. Which was a bit lacking in my opinion. Anything would have been nice. Their few chaste kisses didn’t do much for me, unfortunately.

Theo’s dad: Fox. Total fool. He’s underestimated his daughter for years and his inability to bring her into his confidence caused this catastrophe in the first place. Stupid, naive man without a woman’s helpful touch. Losing his wife threw him off course, literally. Also, did anyone get a vibe for the relation between Jean and the Fox??!!

The chase. The scare. The race to solve the horror of those magically destructive rings was effective in keeping me turning the page. I loved the characters we met along the way, the help that was given by strangers, and the notion that there was going to be a light at the end of the very dark tunnel, had me yearning for more.

Such a great read. Perfect for this time of year and entirely on the Spooky brand.

Give me more, Jenn 👊🏼
Profile Image for Amélie Boucher.
741 reviews310 followers
November 9, 2019
Actual rating: 3.5 stars

Jenn Bennett is a queen of contemporary, and, incidentally, one of my favorite authors, so I was quite looking forward to seeing her dive into historical fantasy.

I'm still not sure what I think about this.

On one hand, you have two great main characters. Theo and Huck are well developed and have quite the history, which makes their relationship entertaining and interesting to read about. Both of our leads are witty and quick on their feet, and I really enjoyed reading their banter. However, I'll be completely honest here, it's probably my least favorite pairing of Jenn Bennett's. It wasn't bad at all, it just didn't make me swoon as much as her contemporary work did.

There's also a beautiful setting. The story starts off in Istanbul and then travels all the way to Eastern Europe - more specifically Romania -, and the descriptions, without being too heavy, made me feel like I was right there with the characters. This is not a very popular setting to begin with, so it intrigued me quite a bit.

On the other hand though, I thought the plot was a little weak. For the most part, I think Jenn Bennett concentrated her efforts on the romance, and while I did enjoy it, I wanted more of the actual storyline. I feel like the story kicked in only in the second half of the book, and that's the part I enjoyed the most. Still, the outcome was a little bit predictable and fell short for me.

Also, on a completely different side note, I don't really feel like this was fantasy at all? There were a few fantastical elements sprinkled here and there throughout the book, but it's only really at the end that we go into full fantasy mode. I know fantasy isn't Jenn Bennett's usual genre, but I just didn't really feel like I was reading a fantasy novel. For some, that might be great, but I have to admit that I was a little let down by that.

Overall, I did enjoy it, but I was also a little bored with it. I wish this would be a series because I see so much potential in these characters and their story!
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,679 reviews213 followers
November 3, 2019
What a really fun read!

The Lady Rogue has been on my mind since I first saw it on GR. I didn't hesitate one bit when I saw this at B&N but I did, however, hesitate to dive into it. Mostly because I didn't have the time to sit down and just enjoy a physical book. Heck, I still don't but I definitely try to make it happen. Not even disappointed in this one because it was so freaking good!

Definitely got vibes from other books/series that I've read before and that's probably why I enjoyed it so much. In it, you will meet Theo and Huck. Now these two were the real gems of the book. If you ever end up disliking one of them or both, then I feel sorry for you.

I didn't expect to love everything in this book - the mystery, the characters, and the adventure alone were keeping it a page turner. Next time I dive into this, I might try the audio - maybe the narrators will give me something that the voice inside my head didn't do justice.
Profile Image for Ashlee » libraryinthecountry.
784 reviews720 followers
May 6, 2021
This book was so incredibly fun. It’s a bit like The Historian combined with Stalking Jack the Ripper, and I could not be more pleased.

The story quite literally jumps right into the action and maintains that sort of pace throughout, as we travel along with Theodora and Huck through southeastern Europe in search of her missing father and a mysterious ring linked to Vlad the Impaler.

I have to say that there is a lot to love about this, but what truly jumped off the page for me was Huck as a character overall and Theodora’s inquisitive mind. I loved the humor, banter and camaraderie between these two, and especially loved seeing them happy together, after they’ve had the courage to clear the air and lower their boundaries.

If you’re looking for a story with an enticing mystery and witty characters, look no further! Enjoy the ride!
Profile Image for Amber.
1,122 reviews
November 18, 2019
When Theodora's Father Mr. Fox goes missing after searching for Vlad the Impaler a.k.a. Count Dracula's Bone ring, she and her friend Huck Gallagher go on the search to find him. Will they succeed or die trying? Read on and find out for yourself.

This was a pretty good and action-packed read. Be sure to check this book out at your local library and wherever books are sold.
Profile Image for disz.
262 reviews14 followers
June 29, 2024

This book's main plot felt all over the place. So many things were undeveloped, especially the magic that existed. Even though a big twist for the main character finally happened, it felt rushed. By the ending, I was very disappointed that the story just ended like that. The characters are so annoying; I didn't feel any connection with them or see any development in them. The romance itself was so bad. There was banter, but it wasn't good enough because there was no chemistry between them.

It was really promising with its journey, adventure, and magical secrets, but it didn't live up to my expectations. Okay, I enjoyed their journey, but that's all. Also, it was slow-paced. I had such a hard time getting back to it to finish, but I did eventually.
Profile Image for Cami L. González.
1,295 reviews521 followers
October 24, 2021
Me gustó mucho este libro, no tenía la más mínima idea de qué iba cuando lo empecé, por lo que fui gratamente sorprendida por este estilo de aventura histórica/fantástica de siglo XX.

Theodora Fox es la hija del famoso Richard Fox, cuando está en Turquía esperando a su padre y este no llega comienza a preocuparse de que su último trabajo no fuera tan bien como debería. Todo empeora cuando su examigo de la infancia llega a buscarla y le dice que tienen que escapar pues los están siguiendo. Qué es lo que investigaba su padre y dónde está es lo que Theo, junto a Huck Gallagher, tienen que descubrir en este viaje frenético por Europa.

De verdad no sé cómo definir a estos libros de fines del s.XIX e inicios del s.XX en el que los protagonistas son buscadores de tesoros, historiadores, profesores, etc. que van siguiendo pistas para llegar a distintas reliquias, ya sea de culturas antiguas o personajes históricos/mitológicos. Similar a lo que ocurre con la Momia o Indiana Jones, la trilogía de Helena Lennox, El mundo perdido, Les Aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec e historias por el estilo. Realmente soy fan de este tipo de relatos.

A lo anterior se suma que Jenn Bennet es muy buena con romances, así que la química entre Huck y Theo era divertida y sassy y me encantaba leerla. La dinámica entre ambos personajes mientras van descubriendo pistas y escapando de un lado a otro le daba un toque muy entretenido, pues cuando Theo era la cabeza, Huck era la fuerza o talento de calle; cuando Theo era la valiente y decidida, Huck estaba aterrado. Así que fueron personajes muy divertidos de leer. Lo que sí me hubiera gustado era que el papá apareciera antes, me hubiese gustado más de la dinámica familiar que vimos para el final del libro.

Me gustó el tema de las pistas y los códigos con el diario de Richard Fox, la forma en que van uniendo la información para ir decidiendo los pasos a seguir. Sí que por momentos se sintió un poco desordenado, fue algo caótico y de la nada el cómo decidían y tomaban ciertas decisiones, pero no tanto como para que el libro en sí se sintiera desordenado. El libro tiene varias escenas de acción, más que peleas, de escape o de persecuciones en los que nuestros protagonistas tienen que ingeniárselas para ponerse a salvo.

Admito que el final no me gustó del todo, estuvo bien, pero fue lo mismo de siempre. Lo que se sabía que iba a pasar y ni siquiera fue tan espectacular como podría haber sido, no lo sé. Sobre todo considerando que era un encuentro que se fue construyendo todo el libro y para cuando ocurrió fue algo deslucido. Insisto que no lo odié, fue coherente porque era lo que lógicamente sucedería, solo que esperé un poco más en este aspecto.

Me gustó que quedara abierta la ventana a más posibles historias del mismo estilo ambientadas en distintos lugares. Estos libros con historias autoconclusivas, pero el mismo grupo de exploradores me gustan mucho.

La Orden del Dragón es un libro autoconclusivo (quizá inicio de una serie) ambientada en la primera mitad del S.XX con una familia de exploradores y buscadores de tesoros. Llena de pistas, ciudades exóticas (para los de este lado del charco), historias oscuras de Vlad y un romance con la química clásica de Jenn, es una historia divertida para leer.

"La magia está en todas las cosas de la naturaleza. Espera en las hierbas, y florece en las flores. Está concentrada dentro de los metales, en las profundidades de la tierra, y la lleva el viento. La magia le habla a todo aquel que se tome el tiempo de escuchar"
Profile Image for Krystal.
2,005 reviews435 followers
Shelved as 'ehhhh'
November 27, 2019
So this is interesting.

I'm currently reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova and the plot of this book sounds ALMOST THE SAME.

Like, more of a YA, condensed kinda version, but still, the resemblance is uncanny.

But does this make me not want to read it?? When my biggest criticism of The Historian so far is that it's way too long? I mean, doesn't that make this book kinda perfect?

Such a conundrum.

Stay tuned, folks.
Profile Image for andrea ✨.
82 reviews51 followers
Want to read
July 18, 2019
this is being compared to the gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue (aka one of my all time favourite books) so obviously i’m intrigued
Profile Image for julia ♥.
490 reviews104 followers
August 22, 2019
read this review on my blog: here

"He said the beauty of travel was that if you never came home for long,
you never had to face your problems.
There was always another town, another country, another treasure to distract."

Pitched as The Last Magician meets Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, Jenn Bennett's latest YA Fantasy novel The Lady Rogue immediately peaked my interest. As is hopefully well-known, The Gentleman's Guide is one of my all time favorite YA books, so I'm always on the hunt for something that could potentially give me that same feeling. I'd also previously read a few of Jenn Bennett's contemporary YA's, and her writing style is right up my alley. Needless to say, I couldn't wait to dive into this one!

What is this book about?
The Lady Rogue is quite different from Bennett's usual YA's. This fantasy follows Theo, who is hungry for adventure. Having been under her father's protection her whole life, she longs to discover and explore. Together with her once-upon-a-time-lover Huck, the two embark on a trip through a Gothic Europe to find a ring that belonged to the infamous Vlad the Impaler.

“I’ve yet to hold the devil’s handiwork.
Everything evil I’ve found was made by human hands.”

What did I think of The Lady Rogue?
First of all, this book reads like a dream. As I mentioned in my introduction, Bennett's writing style is completely my cup of tea in the sense that it's fast paced and very witty. I find that the lighter undertone and the comedic moments mixed with the slightly heavier fantasy setting provides a very nice balance. In that way, it's also indeed very much like Gentleman's Guide as the comparison blurb mentions. I'm someone who very much enjoys speedy fantasies, fantasies where the world-building doesn't generally take ages, and I'm able to immediately jump into the story. This, then, absolutely was one of those.

Now for the negatives: where this book loses some points is the plot. The plot of The Lady Rogue reminded me a lot of Hunting Prince Dracula by Kerri Maniscalco. It has the historical setting, and the subject too is Dracula's lineage. However, contrary to HPD, I didn't find this to be too groundbreaking or original. Some of the plot-points and problems felt a little contrived and were solved a little 'too' quickly. The ending too, is kind of underwhelming and solved the major issue of the book in what feels like seconds. This all meant that a large part of the story didn't really manage to capture my full interest, and I wasn't shocked by any of the revelations or the major twists (because they were already solved by the next chapter!)

Then, the reason I'm giving this book such a high rating is be far characters. Huck, to start with, provided such a refreshing take on the stereotypical YA love interest. He's witty, cocky, but also somewhat of a scaredy cat, which adds a humorous layer to his character. However great Huck is, the real star of the show was the female protagonist Theo. Theo's witty, quick way of thinking and her fiery personality really made the story come together as a whole. Her somewhat impulsive perspective in combination with Bennett's writing style provided such a nice reading experience that pulled me into her as a characters despite the plot not being that interesting. I really enjoy the way Bennett builds and portrays her characters, and because of that, this book almost read like a movie at times.

All in all, I think the main issue with this book, hence why I didn't give this a full 5 stars, is that the plot was too weak for a standalone. When I read a standalone, I expect to be blown away by the plot and world-building since you have less time for build-up. The plot thus has to pull you in. In conclusion, whereas the writing was great and did keep me reading, the storylines weren't original enough to justify a five-star rating. I overall really enjoyed The Lady Rogue and do give it a solid 4 stars thanks to Jenn Bennett's way with characters and her witty writing style. This was, however, definitely a nice fantasy debut, and I hope to see a longer fantasy series in the future!

*Thank you to Netgalley for this Advanced Review Copy!
Profile Image for nia🏹 •shades0fpaper•.
877 reviews123 followers
September 7, 2019
You can find this review on my blog Shades of Paper.

“I’ve yet to hold the devil’s handiwork. Everything evil I’ve found was made by human hands.”

Jenn Bennett has become one of my main auto-buy authors, and it’s for a reason. I’m a huge fan of her contemporary stuff, and when I knew she was coming out with an historical mystery, I immediately added it to my TBR, and I have to say after finishing it that I need more of these type of stories in my life, because not only they are so gripping and entertaining, but also had a lot of layers and are just so interesting to follow.

One of the main thoughts I had when I first started The Lady Rogue was that it reminded me a lot of the Stalking Jack the Ripper series, and everything I loved about them. They each had totally different plot and characters, but I think the atmosphere and the vibe were the same in both of them, so I got super excited as I continued reading the novel. And it was just what I expected and more.

The plot was so intriguing and mysterious. I think the author did such an incredible job at setting the tone and slowly building up the anticipation on the reader. I really enjoyed the mix between historical and fantastical elements, and the part they played in the story. The magical elements added a little extra something to the story that took it to another level, and the mystery was pretty well done and kept me engaged and wanting to know what was going to happen.

My only complain was regarding the pacing. Though it really wasn’t a very long book, the pacing was very slow, and sometimes not much was actually happening and the story was more focused on the characters’ backstory and their dynamics, and that along with some other little things made the book feel longer than it was. It’s true that once I kept reading that feeling disappeared, and it wasn’t that big of an issue to me since I was loving the plot and characters so much, but I still wanted to point it out.

“Magic is in every natural thing. It waits in the grass, and in blossoms in flowers. It’s concentrated inside metals, deep within the earth, and it’s carried on the wind. Magic will speak to anyone who takes the time to listen.”

When it comes to the characters, I have to admit I was so pleasantly surprised. I adore mystery/historical books where the main couple have to pair up to solve the mystery together, and this totally had that, so I was like a child with candy. The dynamics between Theo and Huck were so well done and written in a very realistic way, and I enjoyed seeing them interact and grow throughout the story. I think their personalities complemented each other really well, and added a perfect balance between them that made the story went by quite smoothly.

I was also pleasantly surprised because there were a few revelations made towards the end that totally took me by surprise and wasn’t expecting to see, along with some pretty action packed scenes that kept me at the edge of my seat. Of course, there were a couple of twists that I think were a bit predictable (or at least I totally saw them coming), but I think that the curve of the story was quite well done and in a very interesting way.

Overall, I was so happy I decided to read The Lady Rogue, because I ended up really enjoying the plot and the characters. I’d love to read a sequel with the same characters but in a different setting, because I don’t think I’ve had enough of them yet, and I love me a good historical mystery with a pair of lovers.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. This doesn’t change my opinion whatsoever. All thoughts are my own.

“Beware of hounds on your tail: do not allow anyone suspicious near Theo. If you have a gut feeling about someone, trust it. If possible, try to keep the authorities out of this. We’re beyond their help now anyway.”


Thank you Simon & Schuster for the ARC

Oh my god is this even real?? I’m so excited to read it!

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Profile Image for Fiebre Lectora.
2,096 reviews644 followers
June 1, 2021
Ha sido una historia muy entretenida, con un viaje asombroso a través de Rumania, cuya ambientación estaba tan bien hecha que casi parecía que estuviéramos dentro de la historia con ellos; con sorpresas, secretos, peligros y giros argumentales, y... sí, si algo podía ir mal, les iba mal (tal vez esta haya sido una de las cosas que me ha costado más creer), pero está claro que el dúo de Theodora y Huck ha dado muchísimo juego, por sus personalidades y sus conversaciones, y no olvidemos el frustrado romance que se traen entre manos, y que me habría gustado que se explotara mucho más.

Reseña completa: http://fiebrelectora.blogspot.com/202...
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