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Happy Cat #2


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I didn’t mean to kidnap the groom.

It was an accident.


At least I didn't take much time to plan it. It was more of a spur of the moment kidnapping. Does that count?

One minute, the town’s bad boy is standing at the altar about to marry the world’s most evil kindergarten teacher. The next, he’s passed out in my Vespa sidecar with his bride hot on our tail.

But I didn't have a choice! I couldn't stand by and watch Jace O’Dell be blackmailed into a loveless marriage. And besides, what’s a little kidnapping between friends?

Okay, so maybe we’re not just friends...

And maybe I can’t quit thinking about that night at his bar when he closed up early and had me on the rocks.

And maybe this crazy stunt is going to blow up in both of our faces.

If it does, I’m blaming the moonshine.

Even though the only thing I’m hammered on when it comes to Jace is love—straight up, no chaser.

242 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 14, 2019

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About the author

Pippa Grant

55 books9,135 followers
Pippa Grant wanted to write books, so she did.

Before she became a USA Today and #1 Amazon bestselling romantic comedy author, she was a young military spouse who got into writing as self-therapy. That happened around the time she discovered reading romance novels, and the two eventually merged into a career. Today, she has more than 30 knee-slapping Pippa Grant titles and nine published under the name Jamie Farrell.

When she’s not writing romantic comedies, she’s fumbling through being a mom, wife, and mountain woman, and sometimes tries to find hobbies. Her crowning achievement? Having impeccable timing for telling stories that will make people snort beverages out of their noses. Consider yourself warned.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 543 reviews
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,694 reviews25.1k followers
May 24, 2019
Hammered is book two in the Happy Cat series by Pippa Grant and Lili Valente. This is a sweet, silly and a bit steamy romantic comedy. It can be read as a stand alone but the characters from the first book are also present in this one.

Jace O’Dell is the younger brother of Ryan whom we met in the first book. Jace owns the bar, The Wild Hog, in Happy Cat. Jace views himself as kind of the town screw up. He was a bit wild when he was younger and has gotten himself into his share of trouble. Now, as an adult, he tries to keep himself out of trouble but the town cop has it in for him and is always waiting for him to do something wrong.

Jace has had an on again, off again relationship with Ginger for years. At one time, Jace had hopes of them ending up together. Their on again times were happy. But not anymore. They’ve been off for over two months now and he knows it’s finished. Jace has had a bit of a crush on Olivia since the first time she came into his bar. It seemed like sunshine followed her everywhere. Then that night happened, when they had a little bit too much to drink and stared into each other’s eyes. And somehow ended up on the floor in the moonlight. It was the best night of their lives. Jace could finally see a future that he never dreamed possible. Until Ginger came back into his life and ruined it all.

“She’s the right in a world that’s always felt a little bit wrong.”


Olivia Moonbeam is a bit of a free spirit. She drives around town in a Vespa and believes in auras and crystals and all the woo woo stuff. People may think of Olivia as a bit ditzy and maybe they are right. But of one thing she is sure, she and Jace are meant for each other. But when Ginger comes back into Jace’s life, she tries to do the right thing and forget about him. Try as she might, though, she just can’t. Olivia has a tiny, adorable pet hedgehog named Princess who has been abandoned and is a bit traumatized so she just needs to concentrate on taking care of her. Fate keeps putting Jace in her path, though. How are they supposed to be strong when every time their eyes meet, that connection just seems to grow.

“She makes me feel worthy. And I want to prove I am.”


First, I want to say that this was so sweet. These two really were adorable. But this is where I have to say that I think the problem is completely mine. They were just a bit too adorable. I had trouble connecting at all with Olivia. She was just a bit too out there for me. And Jace just seemed clueless at times. But, I have to give these authors credit that they surprised me. There was a very unexpected twist I would say about the last thirty five percent. I was so surprised.

All in all, this was a fun book. Just for me, that’s all it was is fun. I didn’t get any feels out of it. As I mentioned, though, once I hit the last section, I had to keep reading to see what happens next.

For more about this book and so many more, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for Nova.
2,585 reviews101 followers
July 14, 2019
I have been dying to read this book since I read Hosed and the second book in the Happy Cat series was worth the wait. It follows Jace and Olivia’s story, if you are looking for a laugh out loud, light and thoroughly entertaining read then I cannot recommend this book enough.

Jace O’Dell was and is still known as Happy Cat’s resident bad boy, making silly choices as a teen has followed him through the past few years even though he is now a successful business owner with his own bar. He has been trapped in a destructive relationship for years with Ginger, on again and off again he has decided that this time it’s for good especially with Olivia Moonbeam sat across from him in the bar, she radiates sunshine where ever she goes and could not be any more opposite to his toxic ex. He has always been attracted to Olivia and that night he makes his move, after a magical night together he finally has all that he wants but it wasn’t meant to last. Ginger announces that she is pregnant and he watches his chance of happiness with the girl of his dreams drift away, determined to do the right thing and be the best father he can will he make the ultimate sacrifice and marry Ginger and will the towns sheriff finally stop his vendetta?

Olivia Moonbeam moved to Happy Cat with her best friend Savannah to help her start her sex toy business, she is quirky and bright and always makes everyone around her smile. She has always been attracted to Jace O’Dell but knew he was off limits that is until one night they both confess their feelings and spend a perfect night together, not only does she finally have her shot with Jace but she has found a friend in princess the hedgehog and her watchful stuffed squirrel but her happiness is short lived when Jace ends things with Ginger being pregnant she knows that she needs to move on but when things start to not make sense she knows she has to try and save Jace, plus what’s a kidnapping on his wedding day between friends?

This is such a fantastically light and funny read I could not help but smile all the way through and such entertainment from the four legged fur babies in this book I am so looking forward to the next one. Highly recommended book, story and series.

Profile Image for Melody Cox.
1,499 reviews169 followers
October 3, 2019
This book was okay but I am not fond of evil OW who become the evil ex who cause trouble throughout the entire book. That part of the story was troubling for me because I have triggers and this hit a major one. This ex wasn't just evil but was involved in a kidnapping and tried to do harm to her ex's new GF.

I am also not fond of heroes when they are written as though they aren't too bright. When a woman makes a claim that will affect you and the real love of your life for the rest of your natural lives you need to demand proof instead of dumping the woman of your dreams because of something you did not get confirmation on. Wake up and smell the coffe. This alone left a bad taste in my mouth and I didn't think so highly of the hero after this.
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,856 reviews1,481 followers
May 29, 2019
A racoon, a hedgehog and a squirrel dressed as Sherlock Holmes walk into a bar . . . no, seriously . . . it’s the town of Happy Cat after all.

In book 2 of this fun, flirty, hilarious Happy Cat series, Hammered celebrates the wild and crazy anything goes joie de vivre that the town of Happy Cat is known for. It’s also the story of the relationship that no one could have predicted—Jace and Olivia.

Jace is known as the town screw-up. He’s made plenty of mistakes in his life but falling for Olivia Moonbeam isn’t one of them. Now if he could only move past a few small hurdles, such as getting married to his long term, on and off girlfriend.

Free-spirited Olivia just wants to find a home—and someone who loves her to share it. And she has—but he’s a little bit taken at the moment. But Olivia is a true believer in karma—and while karma can be a b&*$%h, she does take care of her own.

And karma does take care of many things that needed her, err . . . special touch in Hammered. And you can't help but root for Jace and Olivia to find their happily ever after.

If you’re looking for a fun, flirty, sexy rom com, don’t hesitate to pick up Hammered. It’s laugh-out-loud craziness along with a sweet romance is a perfect afternoon escape. ~ Missy, 4 stars
Profile Image for Carmen Rae.
1,569 reviews184 followers
May 30, 2019
Squeeeeeeeee!!! Oh my god that was awesome and just as adorbs as Hosed. I picked it up this afternoon and fell so deep into Happy Cat I literally couldn't put it down. I had forgotten that this was the second book in the series and just started reading it and it all came flooding back with George Cooney. Damn I love that little rodent.

Olivia was so airy fairy and I remember her from the first book and although that's not my thing I loved everything about her. And I actually felt her sunshine presence as I read the book. She was just so much sunshine and light I could feel it radiate onto the huge smile I had the whole time I was reading the book.

And even though there was a bit more emotion in this than the first one it was still funny as hell in parts and the whole vibe of the book was so happy. I am still smiling just thinking about it and yet it still had some great chemistry and despite the fact Jace was marrying someone else for half of the book the romance was sweet as cake.

But before you panic no it isn't really a love triangle kind of thing you just have to trust Jace and see. Because Jace was awesome and I loved how he dealt with everything. It just felt so genuine and caring and he was so swoony. I loved seeing him with Olivia and hearing his inner thoughts just made him even sweeter.

And now I am even more obsessed with Happy Cat and it's inhabitants and I can't wait to see who is the next couple to be getting their story told. Fingers crossed it's Hope, although Savannah deserves it after her ex's stunts. But no matter who it is I will be one clicking like a hedgehog on a squirrels tail 😉
Profile Image for M.
657 reviews280 followers
May 6, 2022
3.5 stars

This was a super fun and quick read! Who knew that a hedgehog, an alpaca, a raccoon, a vespa, the so called town screw up bartender and a quirky blonde who loves auras, crystals and moonbathing would be so darn entertaining. Totally helped me waste this rainy day away!

Jace and Olivia, along with all their furry little friends made me giggle so much!
Sometimes taking a chance can shake your world up and make it worth living.

Careful, you just might get swept off your feet by these two and the fun shenanigans they encounter and make happen. It was never a dull moment.
Profile Image for Ambriehl Khalil.
Author 2 books158 followers
January 24, 2020
⭐️ [4/5 Stars] ⭐️

I can’t stop giggling at the second epilogue. I fucking love these books they’re so entertaining and I love that the epilogues are the let’s POV. Ugh. This one was freaking adorable, just like every other book by these authors. I found Jace’s feelings for Olivia to be so believable, and the way he yearned for her was so dang sweet. This literally had everything in it that I’d normally hate, trope wise, yet I still enjoyed myself while reading. Now THAT’S what I call a success.
Profile Image for Karen Lovvorn.
1,932 reviews11 followers
November 8, 2020
Fun series!

Happy Cat, Georgia is the place to be! Between the sex toy factory, the crazy raccoon and nosy neighbors, there’s trouble to be found all around the town. There’s also loads of love there.
Profile Image for Tami Talbert.
452 reviews17 followers
May 29, 2019
Hammered brings us back to Happy Cat and the second collaboration between authors Pippa Grant and Lili Valente. It is the story of Jace and Olivia, two souls that were bound together from the moment their eyes met. But when Jace’s on and off again ex interferes, things get a little bit crazy. With the return of the cast we met in the first book of this series, as well as George the raccoon and a hedgehog named Princess, the outrageous fun and, to be honest, a bit more quirkiness, more escapades ensue. The storyline moved a bit slow for me in the beginning, hence the 4 stars; but I enjoyed all of the characters and loved the romance, as well as the bit of suspense and fantastic finale to Jace and Olivia’s story which made it all worthwhile.
193 reviews40 followers
August 4, 2019

I honestly don't even know how to review this book. When I started the book, I thought it would be a nice fun read. The heroine seemed to be a little crazy and the hero was all for it, but then it really just got OTT. Heroine reads people's auras, she moon bathes topless in public, she carries a hedgehog in a baby sling thing, heroine finds a stuffed squirrel (one that had been alive, and someone stuffed it) in a trashcan and keeps it, the hero's brother has a raccoon as a pet and sleeps with it, etc

Hero has an on again off again girlfriend. They ended things and he finally got together with the heroine...he said his life was looking up. After their magical night, hero's ex drops a bombshell (pregnant) on him. Hero decides not to pursue heroine because he wants to try to be a family with the ex. He said he wanted to give his child a chance even though he no longer had feelings for his ex. Nothing happened with her after they got back together. He was just miserable and wanted to be with the heroine.

Hero had no backbone, he just let his ex guilt trip him into marriage. They do not get married. The ex goes into her evil rage and kidnaps heroine.


The End
Profile Image for Leila.
411 reviews78 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
August 20, 2019
DNF @ 27%

I tried, I really did but the heroine was driving me a bit batty. I'm all for talking about auras, crystals, star charts, but Olivia was too neurotic about it. I feel like the authors were trying too hard in this one to be funny and it just didn't work out.
Profile Image for Tilak.
52 reviews13 followers
May 1, 2021
This series do have thriller climax.
Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews485 followers
December 21, 2021
Hilarious, sweet, with all the feels…

In the dictionary, beside the words ‘romantic comedy’ should be this series! I’m only two stories in and I am smitten. The hoops that Jace and Olivia had to go through were filled with funny pitfalls, delightfully over the top situations and all of them – all of them! – fit their courtship perfectly…

These characters were at a crossroads. It felt like they were starting over and each was looking at the other with stars in their eyes. Falling in love should be sweet and swoony And it was, if crazy characters and off the wall four-legged friends were included…

Olivia reminded me of a serene flower child with a sunny outlook that couldn’t be squashed no matter the provocation. Jace responded to that light, was drawn to it, and would fight all obstacles to be the man she deserved. To be her man. With George Cooney’s help (he’s back y’all and he was the best!), and the able assistance of a horny hedgehog (yup, you read that right!), each crisis triggered laugh out loud moments and swoony, loving devotion.

Their road was full of sweet moments, steamy scenes, snarky texts (gotta love family, right?) with an oh-so-satisfying conclusion… ~Diane, 5 stars
Profile Image for Jaime Fiction Fangirls.
1,636 reviews156 followers
August 22, 2019
3.5 Stars

I hate that I didn't completely and totally love this book. Unfortunately, I think that the release came at a time where I'm struggling with almost everything that I read. I am a total mood reader and sometimes when my mood isn't great, my opinions aren't either. Timing is everything!! Not that 3.5 stars is a bad rating but it's doesn't aline with my usual ratings/feelings about Pippa Grant and Lili Valente's writing so it feels worse than it is.

Ultimately my issue with this story lies in my own inflated expectations. I built up Jace in my head as brooding, angry and a little bit hopeless so I think I expected his story to be more angsty. I mean, I obviously knew that this is a rom-com and I knew that there would be plenty of silly antics and laugh out loud moments but I think I expected more of an internal struggle from Jace in regards to his feelings for Olivia. Weirdly I guess I just wanted more drama, which is not something you normally here from me.

My rating is more of a reflection of me and what I was hoping for from this story than the authors and their story telling ability. Their writing was fantastic and I did totally laugh throughout the book. I just wanted...more.
Profile Image for Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction.
1,062 reviews825 followers
May 18, 2023
This was such a cute story! Here is my bullet point review:

- A relatable writing style that captures the reader's attention from the get-go.
- Awesome characters that are distinct and unique.
- Lots of humor.
- An incredible cast of secondary characters that add a lot of depth to the story.
- A plot with great execution.
- A pet hedgehog named Princess!

- This story was really fast-paced so the story and especially the romance felt rushed.
- There was no build-up to the romance which made it less believable.

Overall, this was a funny and delightful story that I really enjoyed. I have come to really care about these characters so I can't wait for the next book in this series!

Profile Image for Thuy Taylor.
1,339 reviews17 followers
May 28, 2019
I was sooo excited to go back to Happy Cat and see to Jace and Olivia's happily ever after. Jace and Olivia have this connection, but he hasn't had the best luck in the past. He's deemed trouble in town, but lately has gotten himself on the right path. He doesn't feel like he deserves anyone as good as Olivia. But, she knows better.

Olivia is so different, so much fun. She's quite quirky, and loves to see the best in people. This story has characters from the previous books which I love. George is back and I absolutely love him! He is sooo stinkin Georgeeee!!! We have a hedgehog, an alpaca, a trash digging coon, and just fun everything. I can't wait to see whats next in Happy Cat. Love Love Love this book.
Profile Image for Amazeballs Book Addicts.
2,811 reviews243 followers
May 27, 2019
Hammered is book two in the Happy Cat series. It can be read as a standalone. When I picked this one up, I didn't realized it was part of a series but now I'm going to go back and read Ryan's story. Hammered is Jace and Olivia's story. It's lighthearted and funny read with a little bit of crazy thrown in. Jace has the reputation of being the town screw up but he's really a great guy. Olivia see him for who he is. Olivia is a little out there with her beliefs but she's super sweet and nice. Jace has a crazy ex that pops back into his life and even though I didn't like her Jace showed how much of a good guy he is when dealing with her. I loved these characters and their crazy town. This is one you should definitely one click.

Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,913 reviews16 followers
May 26, 2019
Hammered by Pippa Grant & Lili Valente is book Two in the Happy Cat Series. This is the story of Jace O’Dell and Olivia Moonbeam. I have red the previous book, but feel you can make this a standalone book if you wish to do so.
Jace when he was younger made some dump choices but now he is the owner of The Wild Hog and works to make better decision in his life, no longer wanting to be the joke of the town. One thing is a on / off relationship with Ginger but its been off for about two months now. Jace know that she isn't what he wants any more because he starting to have feelings for Olivia. Olivia and Jace had a hot encounter but then who walks back into Jace life...Ginger. Olivia thought to step aside but that didn't last and now she is out to save Jace.
Enjoyed their story...it was actually had some really funny parts that kept me turning the pages.
Profile Image for Franci Neill.
2,164 reviews91 followers
May 27, 2019
4 Raccoons, Hedgehogs and Alpacas Oh My Stars!!!

While this is the second book in this series, this is my first book by Ms. Grant and Ms. Valente as a writing duo. And I thoroughly enjoyed myself while reading this quirky, sassy and sweet romance. Don't get me wrong, there's some definite heat in this book but the story itself centers around Jace O'Dell and Olivia Moonbeam and how they fall in love in between the machinations of his crazy on and off girlfriend, a deputy sheriff and the menagerie of all the animals that play pivotal roles in this story.

I loved how these two just kind of gravitated towards each other and even though Jace is kind of dating someone he just can't help himself one late evening when Olivia is in his bar lamenting into her very watered down drinks and well things get all kinds of sexy!

I found myself laughing and snort laughing at different parts of this book, generally when one of the animals that have piece of everyone's hearts especially when they're saving lives. There's George Cooney the Raccoon, Princess von Spooksalot and Chewpaca the Alpaca that's basically in love with Olivia!! I'm not sure how the authors managed to keep this from being too cheesy but they did and they did it magnificently!!

Jace knows who he wants to be with but he's doing the right thing....at least he thinks he is and this is where all the shenanigans come in. Let's just say there are some people in this little town of Happy Cat that aren't huge fans of our H/h and they'll stop at nothing to make their lives miserable.

Overall, I loved this book. The authors did an amazing job of making it seem like the things that happened in Happy Cat weren't too quirky or crazy. I'm definitely going to go back and read book one because I need to spend more time in Happy Cat, Georgia!
Profile Image for Kathy Rouchelle .
969 reviews14 followers
May 26, 2019
An absolute joy to read, this story will have you giggling all the way through, with a few awwwee's, a few moments of wanting to hit someone and best of all, a smile so large it will make your jaw ache. There are a number of wonderfully written supporting characters that surround the lead couple, but the most entertaining are the four legged variety. Those critters will really make you laugh. But it's our lead characters that the story surrounds, the ones who are destined to be together, but have one large, redheaded obstacle and a deputy who has it out for our lead male, Jace. But Jace and Olivia, together are something to behold. Their feelings for each other are instantaneous, and they let their actions speak those feelings. But it seems like they aren't meant to be as Jace's ex announces that she is pregnant and Jace decides that they need to try and make things work for the baby's sake. NOW, let the fun begin as Jace and Olivia try to stay away from each other, only finding that they are falling more in love with each sighting, with each spoken word. But Ginger is digging her heals in and her claws into Jace, forcing a wedding that he does not want but must follow through with for the sake of the baby. And that's where things get fun real quick.

I absolutely loved this story and didn't want to put it down, but family plans interrupted me for the evening. I didn't want to see their story end, but I cannot wait for the next book to come out, which I am sure will have this couple in it somewhere!

I highly recommend this book, this series!!!
Profile Image for belle ☆ミ (thisbellereadstoo).
2,179 reviews173 followers
May 31, 2020
i've been wanting to read jace and olivia's story ever since their potential romance was alluded in hosed. before reading the book, i thought that the kidnapping would happen at the beginning but was pleasantly surprised that the authors decided to spend time establishing their dynamic and the situation first. they didn't make jace seem like an untrustworthy person who doesn't want to take responsibility . furthermore, they showed how dysfunctional and toxic the relationship between jace and ginger was, and how manipulative the latter was to the former.

despite being the troublemaker, jace is a responsible person and wants to be the best possible version of himself. olivia is a ball of sunshine. she's adorably quirky and completely living life the way she truly wants to. she doesn't care if people found her odd when she talks to the animals in her life as if she could understand animal chatter. i really liked the couple's dynamic and the chemistry, and their obvious attraction to one another.

similar to hosed, the authors managed to hint about the main couple for the next book while developing the romance between jace and olivia amongst the crazy things that happened in hammered. i'm looking forward to hitched!
Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
5,175 reviews187 followers
May 23, 2019
I haven’t read the first book in the series but that did not detract from my enjoyment of Hammered.

I have to say that when I read the blurb for this book I quickly put my hand up to read and review. It sounded so intriguing. Especially since the hero is Jace O’Dell a local bad boy who owns a bar and Olivia Moonbeam (just love the name) who despite being classified as a “good” girl works at a sex toy factory.

This is the first collaboration from these two authors that I have read and if this book is anything to go by I will be checking out their other work as soon as possible. I have no idea where one author ended and the other commenced.

Jace and Olivia are opposites and this makes for some laugh out loud moments throughout the book. Hammered is a great example of romantic comedy at it’s best; the romance is at times swoon worthy and there was also enough drama and quirkiness to make the story one that I couldn’t put down.

Jace is often miss-understood and I think he was just what Olivia needed to be honest. Hammered is a light hearted and entertaining read that will engage you and keep you riveted from the first to the last chapter.
Profile Image for Kay Daniels (Kay Daniels Romance).
1,866 reviews61 followers
May 19, 2019
Quirkiness Galore! Hammered is full of adorable animals, quirky characters and lots of laughs!

In the small town of Happy Cat, Jace O'Dell is known as the "Bad Boy O'Dell". With a history of bad decisions and poor choices I suppose Jace is the black sheep of the O'Dell family, even though he now runs a successful business and really hasn't done anything wrong in years, aside from being in a toxic relationship. It is during one of his off-again breakups that he finally has some clarity about just how toxic his relationship with Ginger has been when Olivia Moonbeam is sitting in his bar. Olivia is the complete opposite of Ginger in every way and honestly makes Jace feel happy and good about himself. Even more than that, he likes her and the more he thinks about how much he likes her he comes to realize that he has liked Olivia for awhile, he just wasn't able to act on it due to his relationship status with Toxic Ginger. Well....that is about to change.

Olivia Moonbeam might be known as the town's cooky girl, but Jace appreciates everything about her. He always looks past her quirks and just sees her. One night while sitting in his bar, they might get a little hammered and confess their feelings, but that doesn't mean their feelings weren't real...does it? Unfortunately, karma comes waltzing back in in the shape of Jace's ex and like the good man he is he goes back to her. It doesn't lessen the pain, but Olivia doesn't mess with karma. That is until Jace really needs rescuing. Like from the alter. On his wedding day. Sorry karma.

Hammered, is so much fun. You will love it if you love laugh out loud romcom's filled with a ton of silly scenarios. Hammered is labeled as the second in the Happy Cat series, but I haven't had a chance to read Hosed yet (sad, but it just hasn't worked into my TBR schedule yet) however, I had no trouble jumping into the Happy Cat world and reading Hammered as a complete standalone. 
Profile Image for Sofia Lazaridou.
2,799 reviews139 followers
May 28, 2019
As I have mentioned a thousand times before, one of the things I hate the most are the misleading blurbs. While this one doesn't mention something that didn't actually happen, it sort of spoils 70% of the actual story. While reading the blurb you think that the book will begin with the kidnapping and when you read the book you see that the story begins with the main characters sleeping together, while Jace has no idea that he is about to be a father since he and his girlfriend had broken things up.

I saw a few people asking on GoodReads if Jace is gonna dump his pregnant girlfriend for the heroine because she gets him more or whatever and I feel like I need to clarify a few things. A) When Jace sleeps and falls for Olivia he is not in a relationship with his toxic girlfriend B) The girlfriend blackmails him into marrying her by threatening to take the child away from him, move to another city and forbid him to see it again and C) Olivia is almost positive that the girlfriend is not actually pregnant, and you should read the book to see how she comes to that conclusion. So no, Jace is not a douche, just a man who is trying to do the right thing.

If you have read book 1 in the series (Hosed) you will already know how crazy everyone is in this town or how over the top things are. George and princess are the animals of the story and probably the best part of the series. These people have weird animals for pets and I believe that it fits with the series' tone.

We got a couple of teases for the couple of the next book and I have to say that the chemistry is there and obvious even from this book. It's going to be a great story imo! Olivia and Jace had a good story too, but I was a little disappointed with the blurb that had prepared me for a slightly different story.
Profile Image for A.BookNerd.Bookseller&Bibliophile.Blog.
2,755 reviews104 followers
May 28, 2019
This is the second book in a trilogy. This book starts off with a bang. Olivia and Jace are perfect together. It's a long, funny way to their happy ending is worth it. The pets, as usual are hilarious, and the villains are mustache curl worthy. This was a really fun book to read.

Reviewed by: Clare M.
Profile Image for Flavs is Mrs David Gandy♥~♥’.
3,214 reviews2 followers
June 21, 2019
This audio was hilarious. I loved the characters and the narrators did an awesome job bringing that across

Jace annoyed me a little when he couldn't stand up to Ginger. But Olivia was bad ass when she went after what she wanted.
And the whole hedgehog thing, freaking hilarious.

Definitely a good one for me
Profile Image for Blushing Reader.
1,236 reviews37 followers
June 22, 2019
3.5 stars. This was cute and fun but got a bit there at the end LOL. Still can’t wait for the next story in this series of zany characters (and animals)
Profile Image for Danny.
887 reviews45 followers
May 21, 2020
Wow! I was not expecting all of this!! The suspense part was crazy! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!!
I loved it. Really funny, cute and interesting story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 543 reviews

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