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Hester and Crow #2

Wicked by Design

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Four women sit in the candlelit drawing-room at Nansmornow, an ancient Cornish manor house. The air is thick with unspoken suspicion and secret malice. As Hester Lamorna pours tea for her three guests, she has no idea one of them is about to rock her new marriage to its very foundations.

Half a world away, Hester's impossible and charmismatic husband, Jack 'Crow' Crowlas, will be caught up in a chess game of sexual manipulation, played out across the sumptuous ballrooms of St Petersburg. All Hester and Crow hold most dear will be tested to the limit and beyond: their love for each other and their child, and for Crow, the loyalty of his only brother.

464 pages, Hardcover

First published September 5, 2019

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About the author

Katy Moran

15 books59 followers
Katy Moran began writing BLOODLINE while she was still in college. A former children’s book editor, she now spends her days writing in her garden shed in London.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews
Profile Image for Bookphenomena (Micky) .
2,693 reviews521 followers
January 14, 2020
I feel all the things on finishing this book, so many emotions. I didn’t expect such an angsty ride but it worked so well and I’m feeling a bit wrung out from the journey.

This was an epic historical novel, epic in that it spanned continents and the storytelling was vast and deep. There is a previous book about these characters (FALSE LIGHTS) but this book isn’t marketed as a series and it stands alone perfectly. WICKED BY DESIGN was a book with two main characters but it was so much about a family and the side characters were crucial to the story. The book was written in the era of the Napoleonic wars, where France was at war with England and the Cornish people were a separate country as such. I did some quick history brushing-up through my read of this book but I kept up with things well.

Lord John ‘Crow’ Lamora was a respected figure in the recent wars and was married to Hester, a black woman, daughter of a sea captain. Their marriage seemed to have begrudging acceptance in society but Hester was not truly accepted, only tolerated for the sake of her husband and his rank. The power dynamic between Hester and Crow was everything funny, heartbreaking and empowering. What these character went through in this book can only be described as hellish but I was glued to the page.

I went from really liking Crow to absolutely detesting his behaviour whilst understanding some of it. It was so hard to watch what happened to this man, to witness it and to feel it; and feel it I did. Not only for Crow but for Hester too, talk about putting my heart through the grater! Crow’s brother Kitto was a key character who I really liked. He was a bit young and impetuous but I found myself having a soft spot for him. The dynamic between Crow and Kitto however, was a difficult one. There needs be a little mention of Nadia’s character, she was superb in her gender role. Eventually, the story took these characters from Cornwall to St Petersburg. The description was rich but not heavy and it transported me to the sights, sounds and smells.

Katy Moran took me from page one and battered emotions out of me all along the way, right up until that last line. I felt dangled on a string, I wanted to lash out at the characters sometimes but all I can say is that her writing, her story made me feel. This is a historical fiction with some romance but more historical fiction than anything, I highly recommend it.

This review can be found on A Take From Two Cities.
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,323 reviews291 followers
September 13, 2019
I really enjoyed False Lights, the book that first introduced me to Lord Lamorna, aka Jack ‘Crow’ Crowlas, and the then Hester Harewood. (The book has since been republished under the title Hester and Crow.) I was thrilled to learn there was to be a follow-up and opened the book with high expectations; I’m pleased to say I wasn’t disappointed. Although Wicked By Design can be read as a standalone, give yourself a treat and start with the first book in order to experience every sizzling moment of the development of Crow’s and Hester’s relationship.

Hester – spirited, resourceful, fearless – and Crow – troubled, brooding, sultry – make an ideal hero and heroine. There’s constant crackling sexual tension between them and who can be surprised when the book includes references to Crow’s ‘illustrated expanse of lean torso’ or his precise knowledge of how to leave a woman ‘in his power and wanting more’. (Excuse me a moment while I go and cool down.)

Continuing the alternate history premise first introduced in False Lights – that Wellington lost not won the Battle of Waterloo – Wicked By Design sees Crow’s loyalty to the government of England doubted despite his pivotal role in freeing the country from French occupation. Crow has made himself some dangerous and powerful enemies and it soon becomes clear they will stop at nothing to exact revenge. Across the Channel, Napoleon Bonaparte is still a force to be reckoned with and no-one knows quite where the sympathies of Tsarist Russia lie.

Transporting the reader from the rugged coastline of Cornwall (ideal for those pining the absence of Ross and Demelza Poldark from their lives) to the salons of St. Petersburg, Wicked By Design races along like a golden Turkoman mare galloping across the steppes. Along the way there are twists and turns, vividly depicted action scenes and unexpected revelations. I loved every suspenseful, breathless minute of it, especially the riveting final chapters and that ending which I’ll confess left me a little blurry-eyed. Please, please tell me this is not the end of Hester’s and Crow’s adventures?

If you like your historical fiction to come with leading characters you really care about (flaws and all), an intriguing period backdrop, a storyline that encompasses deception, personal and political intrigue, betrayal and revenge plus a generous helping of spice, then Wicked By Design is the book for you.
Profile Image for Eleanor.
858 reviews212 followers
September 12, 2019
Quite possibly even better than False Lights, with more politicking and intrigue as well as the romance and adventure that the first book did so well. Moran knows what she's doing; it's so rare to read a book that's both delightful fun and skillfully written.
Profile Image for Vivienne.
Author 2 books109 followers
February 20, 2020
A historical romantic adventure set in alternative Europe

My thanks to Head of Zeus for a digital edition via NetGalley of ‘Wicked by Design’ by Katy Moran in exchange for an honest review. It was originally published in September 2019 in hardback, ebook and audiobook and it is due out in paperback on 5 March 2020.

I have since purchased its ebook/audiobook editions for an immersive experience and to support this innovative title.

‘Wicked by Design’ is a fascinating work of historical fiction that is set in an alternative early nineteenth century. In the opening Moran writes:

“The events in this book take place during a period of history that never happened. Several years after Napoleon defeated the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo, the French Occupation has at last been expelled from Britain. The country is on the brink of revolution–and the English throne is still empty.“

Cornwall, 1819. Recently married Hester, Lady Lamorna and her charismatic husband, Jack ‘Crow’ Crowlas, Lord Lamorna, find themselves caught up in international intrigue.

Currently the British prime minister, Lord Castlereagh, and most of the Cabinet are staying at Nansmornow, the ancient Cornish manor where Jack and Hester live. Lord Castlereagh has it in for Jack and blackmails him into travelling to Russia on a secret mission for the British government. Hester is left behind with their infant daughter and quickly finds herself in danger.

Although the new cover suggests that this is a light Regency romance, it actually is a more serious and darker work. An epic adventure that enjoys exploring its alternative history. There is sex, thrills, betrayals, reversal of fortunes and yes, romance.

While it works as a stand-alone, Moran had written an earlier novel about Hester and Jack titled, ‘False Lights’. It has recently been reissued by Head of Zeus as ‘Hester and Crow’. I plan to read it.

This was a wonderful read, great fun yet thought provoking. It was skilfully written with rich descriptions throughout. Her alternative history was very convincing and she clearly knows the period even while creating a different outcome for the Napoleonic War.

Will there be more adventures set in this alternative nineteen century and for Hester and Crow? Whether or not I am certainly interested in reading more of her writing and will also keep an lookout for her future projects.

It’s the kind of novel that I adore for its creativity and complexity while proving an immersive reading experience.

Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Jennifer .
1,335 reviews26 followers
March 30, 2020
I loved this swashbuckling Regency romance with a twist.
Set in 1819, in an alternative Europe, Hester Lamorna is entertaining guests with afternoon tea at her Cornwall manor house, Nansmornow. The atmospheric candlelit drawing-room in Hetser’s ancient manor house is stifling with suspicion, gossip and secret malice. One of her guests pieces of gossip will rock Hester’s marriage to its foundations. Hester and Jack are newly married and Jack Crowlas, known as, Crow, is half way round the world in St Petersburg. Jack is a handsome and charismatic charmer of a man who whisked Jane of her feet in a romantic courtship. Having got caught up in a game of chess, he finds himself mixed up in a game of sexual manipulation played out in the sumptuous ballrooms in St Petersburg. Hester and Jacks love and all they hold dear is tested in this thrilling Regency romance, which is both sexy and suspenseful with so many twists it kept me guessing and thoroughly entertained until the end.
Profile Image for Leggi Sogna e Ama.
837 reviews33 followers
August 2, 2022
La storia di Hester e Crow non ha un’attimo di pace, e infatti in questo secondo romanzo li vedremo alle prese con una distanza di cui nemmeno loro erano pronti a sostenere,sarà però come sempre l’amore a vincere sotto ogni punto di vista, anche questa volta. In questo romanzo vedremo il dolore di Crow dato dall’amore che prova per Hester, vedremo molta più guerra e scontri. Lo vedremo vacillare per poi tornare a vivere. La loro storia mi ha appassionato tantissimo, ma quello che mi ha tenuto incollata alle pagine questa volta è la suspence e il mistero che alleggia intorno ai fatti che si susseguiranno.

Una storia davvero originale che mi ha fatto emozionare e rimanere con il fiato sospeso in molte occasioni. I protagonisti mi hanno stupita per la loro esuberanza e il loro essere coraggiosi sopra ogni cosa. Tutto questo sullo sfondo della meravigliosa Cornovaglia fino ad arrivare ai salotti di San Pietroburgo.
Profile Image for Jo Shaw.
471 reviews28 followers
February 23, 2022
This is the second book in the series and is set in 1819.

When betrayals send Crow and Hester in opposite directions we find ourselves transported to a St Petersburg very reminiscent of Tolstoy’s War and Peace.

With the alternative history that Katy Moran has applied to this series we are taken across the European continent and into the depths of Russia.

Avoiding spoilers, this story had my heart in my mouth for pretty much the entire book!

With Kitto now a war hero in his own right, much of the story follows Kitto and Nadezhda (or Nadia), who is travelling with him, in an effort to transport a herd of horses from the Steppes into St Petersburg. At the same time, Crow is trying to find Nadezhda in an attempt to prove he is not betraying England in favour of Napoleon, because of his French ancestors. Hester is alone, fleeing for her life, having chosen to separate herself from their daughter to protect her, and is trying to find her way to Crow.

With plenty of political intrigue, betrayals and danger, this beautifully written novel continues with Hester and Crow and their challenging life together in a Europe rocked by war.

I loved the location of this book in the series, with the dissolute salons of society in St Petersburg at complete odds with the expansive travels by horseback across country. I loved the development of Kitto’s character from the child in the previous book, and loved to see the connection between him and Nadezhda, although that may not turn out to be quite so straightforward as their story advances.
Profile Image for Kasia.
100 reviews26 followers
October 15, 2019
I don't think this is being advertised as book 2 and I think it definitely should be. I feel like I missed out on a lot of the history between the two main characters and the dynamics were frankly quite confusing at times. This is a very interesting story nonetheless and if you are a fan of political and court intrigue, you'll probably enjoy it. Plus a bit of Cornish history is always a bonus.
Profile Image for Margaret.
2,805 reviews23 followers
February 11, 2022
The second book in the series returns to conflict between Britain and France. The French have been run out of Britain, but are in Russia. Is Russia an allie for the British or French? Where is Napoleon? Maybe Belgium or even Russia. Crow's life is on the line to find the young lady in line for the throne in Russia. His wife, Hester with their child flee Cornwall. Ketto is sent to Russia to bring horses from one area of Russia to another for the troops. He and Crow are betrayed by a powerful leader in London. News follows Crow, his wife and child are dead. What does he care whether he lives or dies! It was easier to accept the difference of what really happened in history to what happens in this book. It's another dimension.
I would recommend reading Game of Hearts first.
Profile Image for Teresa.
12 reviews
September 16, 2019
Absolutely fantastic binge-worthy sequel to the first novel, and just as engaging. Historical fiction meets alternate history in Cornwall and Russia in this perfectly balanced tale of intrigue and romance. Beautifully written, and if you get the audiobook, beautifully narrated by the incredibly talented Emma Spurgin-Hussey. I’m hoping this isn’t the end of Crow and Hester and would love to see this made into a television series. Poldark fans will fall head over heels for the hair-raising, twisty-turny adventures of the tumultuous Lord and Lady Lamorna and an intriguing cast of heroes and villains.
Profile Image for Katy Booklover.
645 reviews4 followers
July 25, 2022
3,5 stelline

Una minaccia dal passato è il secondo volume della burrascosa storia della famiglia Lamorna.
In questo nuovo capitolo l’autrice decide di lasciare perdere i fatti storici reali e di concentrarsi solo sulla fiction. Il risultato è sicuramente in linea con il primo volume della serie, anche tra queste pagine non mancano la politica, le macchinazioni e i diversi tentativi di eliminare Crow, il Conte Lamorna. Ancora una volta l’autrice va ben oltre i classici romanzi storici e ci regala una storia dove le azioni e le loro conseguenze restano il fulcro per tutta la durata del libro.

La trama, come accennavo all’inizio della recensione, non si rifà a fatti realmente accaduti e questo ha reso possibile ai protagonisti di muoversi più liberamente. Tuttavia, per stessa ammissione, l’autrice ha preso spunto da un fatto realmente accaduto e che coinvolge i nobili russi. Non mancano l’originalità e le tante linea narrative che hanno reso la lettura interessante e un po’ più fluida rispetto al primo romanzo, forse anche perché ho “imparato” ad apprezzare il ritmo narrativo dell’autrice.
Lo stile di scrittura di Katy Moran è molto asciutto, diretto, anche per l’uso di alcune espressioni molto vivaci. La sua penna si sofferma poco sugli aspetti tipici del genere e forse è stato questo a rendere più imprevedibile la gestione della trama. I protagonisti si comportano in modo molto autonomo e se per Crow questo aspetto trova una buona base, discorso diverso vale per Hester.
L’aspetto avventuroso resta predominante, gli intrighi politici, notizie false, macchinazioni e tentativi vari di eliminare Crow restano il fulcro della trama. La storia d’amore tra Crow ed Hester è travagliata ma poco romantica e il finale forse un tantino affrettato, mi sarebbe piaciuto osservare meglio la reazione di Crow davanti a un certo avvenimento.

Recensione completa: https://virtualkaty.blogspot.com/2022...
Profile Image for Sabrina.
Author 14 books103 followers
September 9, 2022
Oggi sono qui per parlarvi di un'altra bellissima opera che Leggereditore ha portato nelle nostre librerie. Come sapete sono una grande amante del genere, quindi potevo mai farmi scappare l'opportunità di leggerlo? Assolutamente no!
Questo è il secondo volume di una trilogia regency composta da:
• Un gioco di cuori
• Una minaccia dal passato
• Una sconvenevole alchimia
Ci ritroviamo di nuovo protagonisti Crow e Hester che nonostante adesso abbiano una bambina e abbiano formato una famiglia, non possono dire addio del tutto alle difficoltà poiché i nemici di Crow sono sempre dietro l'angolo, pronti a tramare contro di lui.
Per prima cosa arriva un pettegolezzo nell'alta società che presume un altro figlio di lui, questo mette in discussione ogni cosa, anche il suo rapporto con Hester che nonostante lui non abbia colpe per il proprio passato che niente ha a che vedere col presente, ne resta comunque scossa.
Questo allontanerà Crow dalla sua famiglia e lo metterà sempre più in difficoltà e seppur Hester sia è pronta a tutto pur di aiutarlo, deve anche pensare a proteggere sua figlia.
" Amore mio, tutto quello che posso fare è sperare che Vansittart e gli altri riescano finalmente a vedere Castlereagh per quello che è: un fanatico. E allora forse ci lasceranno in pace. "
Questo volume ci porta tra la Russia e la Cornovaglia e devo dire che l'autrice è stata bravissima a narrare di questi bellissimi luoghi ma al tempo stesso se il primo libro mi ha preso di più, questo secondo specialmente per quanto riguarda Crow non mi ha entusiasmato nello stesso modo.
Comunque sia mi sento ugualmente di continuare a consigliare questa trilogia del quale ultimo volume parleremo in questi giorni.
Profile Image for The Idle Woman.
791 reviews33 followers
May 16, 2021
At the sprawling Cornish manor house of Nansmorrow, key members of the British Cabinet gather to discuss their country’s future. It is 1819 and the French forces which have occupied Britain since Napoleon’s victory at Waterloo have finally been driven out; but what kind of government should take their place? Despite the polite veneer, suspicion simmers between the Prime Minister, Lord Castlereagh, and his host, the enigmatic Lord Lamorna (Jack ‘Crow’ Crowlas). Crow has committed the crime of becoming too popular: disaffected Cornishmen rally to his name and threaten the integrity of the new Britain. English troops roam the Cornish lanes, waiting for an excuse to strike. And, when duplicitous and ambitious Lord Castlereagh gives the signal, Crow is torn away from his beloved wife Hester and their young daughter Morwenna. As Hester and the child flee, Crow is offered a mission he can’t refuse. His destination is Russia, where Tsar Alexander dilly-dallies over his allegiances, Napoleon nibbles at the borders, and Crow must – if he wishes to live – find the hidden heir to the British throne...

For the full review, please see my blog:
Profile Image for Karen.
272 reviews7 followers
March 21, 2023
Well this book needs another couple of stars!!

The second book in the series is a triumph. I loved False Lights and the racy, lush, smart and actioned packed story continues. Gorgeous Cornwall, gorgeous people and a gorgeous story. The lead characters are simply yummy.

The premise of these books is what could have happened if Napoleon had beaten Wellington at Waterloo and then conquered England with virtually all the royal family dying of 'gaol fever'.

I am most grateful to Emma Spurgin Hussey for her information that K J Wittaker who wrote False
Lights had followed up this fab book with 2 more books published as Katy Moran. Thank You Emma. Emma is the exciting narrator of these brilliant books on Audible.

The pace never slows, except when there is some beautifully written lovemaking. I'm not a big fan of romance books, romance usually gets in the way of a good story for me, but Katy Moran writes so naturally that it's a pleasure to read. A bit breathless and very visual it could be annoying but just stays the right side of irritating.

On finishing this 2nd book I immediately started the 3rd in the series - Scandalous Alchemy - I needed my alternative Regency fix
Profile Image for Luisa Jones.
Author 6 books15 followers
March 16, 2020
I'd rate this book 3.5 if I could. Aspects I enjoyed include the vivid and atmospheric settings, which were skilfully and evocatively presented. I also found the four main characters engaging, and the author made me care about what happened to them, even if the surprises weren't very surprising. Hester and Nadezhda make for feisty and distinctive heroines. The concept of an alternative history was entertaining and plausible enough.
Unfortunately, I did feel quite confused at times, as if I'd missed half a conversation or background knowledge that would have helped me understand what was going on. Perhaps I'm just not very clever where intrigue and politicking are concerned!
Crow, who seemed to be a character any Poldark fan should swoon over, was so enigmatic that I found him completely unfathomable at times, but I did appreciate the author's exploration of his inner demons.
All in all, an interesting and engaging read, but might have been more easily understood if I'd read the prequel first.
Profile Image for Sonia Donelli.
2,513 reviews103 followers
August 24, 2022

Sono sempre più appassionata di questa trilogia, piena di intrighi e avventura, con un protagonista a cui il doppiogioco viene facile come respirare e una protagonista che non si fa nessuno scrupolo nel porre fine alla vita di chi minaccia lei e la sua famiglia. Mai avrei pensato che un libro che parla del periodo Regency potesse essere così e invece la Moran non va per il sottile e mischia con grande maestria romance e politica.

Ritroviamo i nostri splendidi Crow e Hester e c’è molto spazio anche per l’evoluzione di Kitto che da ragazzino pieno di ideali è diventato un giovane impetuoso, che ricorda molto il fratello maggiore per alcuni versi, ma non essendo il primogenito ha molta più libertà di azione e può permettersi di essere se stesso fino in fondo.
Profile Image for Dan Bassett.
422 reviews68 followers
February 1, 2020
This really is a gem of a book and fans of romantic regency romance will devour this in a few sittings! Katy Moran has done a brilliant job of setting such gorgeous scenes that you really can get lost in and may never want to return from. I loved the Strong character of Hestor who is only trying to do what is right, and that of Crow who is slightly more selfish with his own intensions not always easy to see...
The author takes you on a journey of high action, soul searching and good old fashioned romance! From Cornwall to Russia( With much love!)
I usually don't read too many romance novels but this has a lot of action which kept me wanting to know what would happen next!
Historical fiction with an alternative timeline which holds you captive and will leave you wanting more.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
63 reviews8 followers
May 8, 2021
3.5 stars- the second book in Hester and Crow's story. I spotted a review dubbing these books a 'A cross between Georgette Heyer, Dorothy Dunnett and Poldark' and there's certainly a lot to like here. Evocative settings from the windswept beaches of Scilly and Cornwall to the ballrooms of St Petersburg. They tick off many of my fictional guilty pleasures - the tortured, misunderstood hero (somebody give Crow a hug!), the strained filial dynamic with Kitto, the fiery romance with a a love/hate dynamic - all pulled off without descending into cliché. Overall though, closer to Poldark than Dunnett. The writing is solid but a little repetitive in places, particularly when describing emotions and the many references to bodily fluids. Lacking the depth that would have had me truly invested.
Profile Image for Helen White.
856 reviews14 followers
October 5, 2020
Brilliant sequel. As always it would really help if the characters didn't have about 4 names each (John Jack Crowe Lamorna and Kitto Christophe Helford) but once I'd worked out who was who again this romped along at a speedy pace. Crowe and Hester barely get chance to have a quiet married life when they are separated and Crowe set to hang for treason while he believes Hester dead. Through varied paths everyone ends up in Russia trying to not commit treason (or maybe commit helpful treason) and find an heir for the British throne in the shape of a young illegitimate Russian woman who Kitto is rather taken with. Easier to follow than it sounds.
Profile Image for Liviu.
2,374 reviews673 followers
February 10, 2021
Similar in style to the first novel in the series (Hester and Crow) and set in the same universe a few years later, the novel follows the same main characters from England to Russia. While I thought Hester and Crow somewhat better - the alt-history setting reads quite originally there, while here it loses some of the power and same with the characters who are now more "established" so to speak, I still quite enjoyed this one too and I definitely plan to get and read the third series installment due later in 2021
Profile Image for Beccy Thompson.
806 reviews19 followers
March 30, 2020
I received a copy of this book from TBC Reviewers request- Thank you
An absolute break from my norm with this novel and it paid off massively. I adored it! It genuinely has directed me to another type of novel and I’m certain it’s a genre I will keep reading.
The book works so brilliantly because it’s so complex it keeps the reader enthralled and as you read each page there is tiny gem of something hidden in the words.
A beautifully written novel –thank you!
Profile Image for Claire.
658 reviews13 followers
October 27, 2021
Having reached a happy ending in book one, author Katy obviously decided that her leads needed to be put through the wringer in this instalment. Indeed she was so awful to them I had to skip ahead, then read the final book before I could return to the middle section. So don't say you weren't warned!

Having said that it still manages to be enthralling. Hester and Crow are fantastic creations and the machinations, political and sexual shenanigans, and behaviour of all of the characters are totally understandable particularly in the context of the 19th century mores.
Profile Image for Beth Younge.
1,079 reviews8 followers
November 19, 2019
This was an okay read but i think that it lagged a little too much for me given how exciting and thrilling the opening was, i found the middle portion a bit flat. The two leads, Hester and Jack, were interesting but because i didn't read the first one I feel like I missed something and that meant i didn't get the book fully.

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Suzanna Salter.
65 reviews4 followers
March 28, 2020
I had not read a book by this author before, so, was a little unsure as what to expect, I was pleasantly surprised.

I quite enjoyed reading all about Hester and Jack, although I sometimes felt a little uneasy. I was not able to put the book down. Intrigue, deceit, love it’s all in here and I soaked it all up.

I recommend this book, very nicely written
44 reviews
July 31, 2024
Another brilliant re imagination of if history was different. This one was instantly easier to get into than the first so had me gripped pretty early on. Plenty of twists and turn that didn't seem outlandish for the situation. On to the 3rd book I think
Profile Image for Hannah-Rose.
331 reviews1 follower
April 30, 2020
Good historical romance/international relations combo. A bit Outlander-like without the time travel. Would make a great movie/book.
Profile Image for Book Monitor.
832 reviews13 followers
August 15, 2020
I didn't really enjoy this book but I think it is probably mostly me not the book.
There were some interesting and engaging aspects in this story but they were outweighed by the poor pacing, the sometimes seemingly anachronistic language and although it is set in an alternate historical world I didn't feel it was a good depiction of the era.
I lost interest on more than one occasion, and I do wonder if it would have been better to have read the previous book.
It didn't do it for me this one.
Profile Image for Vicki.
166 reviews43 followers
September 7, 2020
Loved this! Poldark collides with War and Peace with a healthy slice of scandal, spice and intrigue. So much fun. Already looking forward to the sequel!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews

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