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I had a plan, and it was solid.

Track down what was hidden away and take pleasure in toying with it.
Toying with her.

It worked like a charm.
Until it didn’t.

Turned out, the feisty little thing I found was far from what I hoped for.
She was different from all I knew and more than I expected.

She was light, and I’m the bastard who led her into darkness.
But this girl... she followed with a smile.

I told her I break pretty things.
She asked me to promise.

This is a 125k word standalone novel. No other books of mine have to be read in order to read and enjoy this book.

490 pages, Paperback

First published November 17, 2020

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About the author

Meagan Brandy

38 books14.1k followers
USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Meagan Brandy writes New Adult romance books with a twist. She is a candy crazed, jukebox junkie who tends to speak in lyrics. Born and raised in California, she is a married mother of three crazy boys who keep her bouncing from one sports field to another, depending on the season, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Starbucks is her best friend and words are her sanity.

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Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,409 reviews9,900 followers
November 21, 2020

MY REVIEW AND OTHERS: can also be found on my blog:

🌀BREAK ME:🌀 Is a full length, stand-alone angsty, new adult romance book by Meagan Brandy. Even though this can be read as a complete stand-alone, I personally would suggest you read this as part of the series in order as it does have carry on characters and will give you more background knowledge of these boys backgrounds and what shaped them into the boys they are today.

The perfect ending to a perfect series! But what a bittersweet moment it was, this series, these boys and the girls that claimed them will always hold a special place in my heart.

Each book, each boy stole my heart along with the girls that claimed them. Oh how I loved these two!
I went into this on tippy toes because I knew the author would bring her A-Game and she did! Those angsty feels hit me straight away, these two were perfection!

Going into this I didn't know what to expect because all along Captain had literally stolen my heart along with all previous readers, so I couldn't imagine Royce would be able to burrow his way in there too, but colour me surprised, he surpassed all my expectation, I just loved him.

Revenge was forefront of Royce's mind, he had it all planned out in minute detail which included Brielle, that is until he actually encounters her for the first time and all those plans he had set up fall to the wayside. She turns him inside out and outside in, she's a tiny wee thing with fire in her veins with an attitude to boot. She's nothing like what he expected her to be like.

She thinks the world of her brother who had to leave her behind and make a better life for himself always with the thought in mind that he would come back for her and save her from the life she'd been dropped into, she's been living with her Aunt who she despises and cousin. But things change drastically when she's comes under the radar of Royce.

"I swear, you're like...a Pizza Pocket.
Hot on the outside, so you start eating it,
but if you don't get the timing just right,
you find out it's cold in the middle."
- Brielle

This is quite possibly the most memorable, captivating, and gripping series I have had the pleasure of reading. Highly recommend.

Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,920 followers
September 26, 2021

Finishing this book left me with two kinds of feelings... Sad because all the brothers are paired up now ... and satisfied as fuck because this book absolutely rocked!!

https://www.google.nl/search?q=blown away gif

I figured Captain's book would be the best and Royce's would disappoint me, but I am so happy to say that it blew me away instead!! This one is definitely my favorite out of all. And the two awesome main characters are the reason for that.

I loved Brielle, from the moment she stepped on-page and Royce... wow what a dick, but I couldn't help but love him. Even though Brielle took so much of his shit, it was so nice to read her thoughts and know why she was so accepting of his behavior. I think I have a girl crush going on.

Now unfortunately I can not go into the plot at all... I would spoiler everything and especially with this series, it is a big no-no. I would also advise all the sneaky spoiler readers (I am usually one of them), to just not do it. These books are so much more enjoyable, without any spoilers. 

https://www.google.nl/search?q=don't do it gif

So you are all just gonna have to trust me when I say: "Read this freaking series!! Give it a go and see how you feel about it. I was intrigued with the first book, but by the second I was hooked.

Sure I had to suspend my disbelief a bit, but who freaking cares... I don't read a book for the reality of it ... I read them to escape reality ;)

https://www.google.nl/search?q=escape reality book

I am gonna keep a close eye on Meagan Brandy and hopefully, there will be more to come... soon.

I highly recommend this series. 
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,788 reviews1,343 followers
November 19, 2020

5 Hot Pocket Crowns

I’m so sad the Brayshaw series is over. I feel bereft, lost. What am I to do with my life now, knowing we won’t ever be back? But know this, Meagan Brandy ends this series with a bang, bringing the story not only full circle but also giving our beloved bad boy the perfect HEA.

Royce Brayshaw wrecked me. We got glimpses of his insecurities he masked with his playboy exterior, but we loved him because of them and because of the heart he has for his family. Royce is truly a lost boy in this book, now more than ever, and my heart ached for the man who has the biggest heart. I wanted him to see his worth and find love and be happy, truly happy. I wanted someone to come along and show him his ability for light, and boy did Meagan deliver a heroine who did all this and more.

Brielle Bishop is not only the perfect girl for a Royce, but she is also the perfect fit for the Brayshaw crew. She is enchanting with her easy demeanor and overall charm. She is quick to win over the hearts of the whole crew in an authentic and unsuspecting manner. She just fits, the missing puzzle piece. I loved seeing her spar with Royce, rise to the challenges he laid at her feet, and love him so fiercely. She changes our beloved lost boy into a true Brayshaw King, loving him the way we all do.

With every book in this series, we have intrigue and suspense. Meagan Brandy has laid clues for an ending one won’t suspect. It was such a phenomenal ending to the story, and I loved how it all tied together. It has the grit and heart and intrigue we have loved in every single one of her Brayshaw books. More than anything, though, the final pages were a bittersweet ending. She gives a the full blown, smile ear to ear happy, but I was so sad. Sad to have to say goodbye to one of my favorite series.

What do you saw when the end comes? You know it has to. An author can’t stay in the same world forever, but it doesn’t make it any easier. This is a crew I truly have fallen in love with. Their ideals of family and loyalty, and the way the Brayshaws love their women with their hearts and soul made me want to a part of this world always. I’m going to truly miss these characters and this world, but I have hope we will se cameos and maybe one day get to enter the Brayshaw world again.

167 reviews8 followers
December 5, 2020
ROYCEE is getting his own book. Hell yess!!

Update- just read Royce’s pov at the end of ‘be my brayshaw’ and got to know that he is with Brielle Bishop. BISHOP AS IN BASS BISHOP’s SISTER.
Can’t wipe the smile off my face right now.

Update- 3.5 stars
I was suffering from a reader’s block fir months, but I managed to read this book, so I would say it was good, but the first book is still my favourite in this series.
Profile Image for Drey.
167 reviews1,008 followers
Want to read
January 19, 2021
I liked Royce. So, I'll give this one a try! Hope this won't disappoint me like the first book did.

Profile Image for Phuong ✯.
671 reviews8,071 followers
November 20, 2020
3.5 stars

Good news: This book was much better than Be My Brayshaw.
Bad news: Still wouldn't call this god tier literature.
I step back, smiling at the girl in the mirror, and unexpected moisture fills my eyes, because for the first time, the girl who smiles back?
I believe her.


Royce better not disappoint me the way Captain did 😩

After Be My Brayshaw I know to keep my exceptions for this book low.
Profile Image for ❤️ Nanda ❤️.
755 reviews412 followers
November 21, 2020


What a ride... Oh my God!
I'll miss my Brayshaw family with all my heart... (even Cap! Just kidding 😂)

Royce's book was one of my most anticipated releases this year, and sure as hell, Meagan Brandy didn't disappointed! At. All.

This book stars at a slow pace, showing the shallow surface of a deep and angry river, and leaves you guessing more than anything 'Where the hell are my party and carefree Ponyboy?"

This feeling ends pretty quick once you're able to dive deep into those dark and angry waters, and uncover what's hidden underneath his pretty boy status and easy smiles.

A lost boy.
A broken soul.

Royce don't do love... Shit... He even don't do virgins, to avoid the expectations and broken hearts.

I was so rooting for some strong and fierce girl, who could shake his world and balance everything that makes Royce my favorite Brayshaw, in the curve of her hips, and with a smile on her face, and then BANG!
Brielle Bishop arrived as a fucking hurricane, to shake those shallow waters, and expose that deep dark beautiful river!

Brielle is the perfect fit into the Brayshaw family and I could not believe that after RaeRae and VicVee, the author was also able to create such fierce and pure FMC, and so different from the other girls, but at the same time, as loyal and amazing as them.

Brielle is everything that Royce needs and even dreamed about, but never knew if was capable of have.

She's one in a million, who turned her dark past into light, and you're just be attracted to her shine bright self, as a moth to a flame. Just like Royce and everyone else.
Their chemistry is everything!
Their banter is the most entertaining foreplay ever, and I really love it!

This book is everything that I expected, but told in a way that I didn't expect, AT ALL!

I cried, I laughed, I rant and I got my heart broken and mend together by them. All the angst, the push and pull, the rawness, the love, the broken soul pieces that fit in each other like a kismet puzzle... This book is everything!

It was a perfect end to a series that will be forever with me!
I love my Brayshaw family, and I can't wait to read the next generation!
Yes... I need them!

So Meagan... Just give me Bass' and Zoey's book and were okay to go! 💙

Profile Image for FictionalDen.
256 reviews253 followers
November 19, 2020
Five Stars


I only had two moods while reading this book.

I was either




My head hurts from all the crying. Soooo they were a few scenes that made me cry and trust me when i say that I went full out on the crying part.


In my defense it’s also the time of the month for me so 😂😂😂😂. However, I feel like I would have still teared up a little if I wasn’t on my periods, maybe not full on cried like a baby as I did now but I would have for sure teared up.

Maybe like this

He kisses me again, slower, softer, and my chest tightens when he whispers, “For the record, as far as I’m concerned you were already mine, and baby girl... know that I’m yours.”

Royce had this whole revenge plan on Bass Bishop planned out. It was to go and mess with his sister and then come back and tell him all the details. But his plan completely backfires when he meets Brielle , a 5 foot tall smart ass brat.

I look to the girl, still sitting in my lap, not fighting me, not wide-eyed and worried, not pissed off and punching. She should be doing one of those things. She’s not. She’s calm and cool, and it’s pissing me off. Maybe she’s not all there? Right as I think it, her right hand lifts, and I’m pretty fuckin’ convinced I’m right, ‘cause that hand, it doesn’t come down to scratch or hit me. Nah, the freshly snatched mini thing slips it between the seats in a dumbass move to introduce herself to the getaway man. “I’m Brielle,” she says.

Brielle, has been living with her aunt and cousin in a town she hates and has been desperately waiting for her brother to come and save her. Her brother had already briefed her about the people he works for, the brayshaw brothers and to run the other direction if they ever come near her. But when Royce comes for Brielle, she isn’t afraid of him at all for some reason. And soon figures out that he is just a boy who wants to be loved but is too scared to let anyone close to him.



She had a traumatic and sad past but she didn’t let it define her. She was so strong and sweet and amazing! She wasn’t one of those kind doormat annoying heroines. She had an amazing sense of humor and knew exactly when to stand up for herself and didn’t let Royce walk all over her. She picked her battles with Royce wisely and out smarted him in hilarious ways. One of the main reasons she entertained him was simply because only lonely person can recognize another lonely soul.

Back to how amazingly Brielle handles Royce 😂😂*Sneak Peek*

“We talked about this.” I shake my head. “Bark orders, be transparent, and all that.”

“She laughs when she should be scared, jokes when she should be mad, and—” “So she’s Royce-proof?” Victoria interrupts me, making Raven laugh. “Girl, quit playin’!” I shout, backing up to escape being caged between Bonnie and Bonnie. “All I said is she’s off. Meet her, talk to her, scare the piss out of her, I don’t care”


Wanna fuck a Brayshaw? Go for the fucked up one with tattoos you could never understand and a mind you could never live inside, a soul you could never reach. One and done. You don’t have to get to know him, you don’t even have to like him, and the chump won’t even care, he’s that detached.

This boy. He was busy playing the hot and cold game with Brielle when deep down all he actually wants is what his brothers have. To be someone’s king. Have someone who cares about him and will love him unconditionally. To finally not be alone and be needed by someone.

“I want to be the guy a girl closes her eyes at night and sees. The one she wakes thinking about ‘cause she wants to fuck me or fuck with me, fight with me. And not because she wants to gain something or prove something, but because I’m all that she can see and she feels blind without me, even if she wishes she didn’t sometimes. I want to be her light and dark and, yeah, sometimes her fucking nightmare. A fucking king in her eyes and she’d be all those things right back, the queen in mine. Of mine.”

I'm sorry but can you hear that? The sound of me crying in the corner

Brielle, his baby girl who makes him nervous because she wakes up something inside of him he doesn't understand and have control over and he tries his best to push her away but sometimes would get lost in the moment with her or would go full on possessed alpha mood when someone else besides him touches her

”My little Tink,” he rasps. “Help me fly...” An unquenchable tingling stirs low in my stomach as he brings himself closer. “Help me fly, ‘cause this lost boy is on his way down, baby girl...” He quiets, his hold tightening. Those tingles,

Can you imagine when Royce was breaking Brielle’s heart I was like
Brielle we both know why he is doing this! I know you are strong! Stand there for a few more minutes! He just needs to get slapped once and he will start begging for forgiveness! Just wait for the baby boy 🥺

Ngl I’m the type of reader who loves when the guy fucks up because then I get to read some hardcore groveling scenes. Normally I’m rooting for the girl to play hard to get for as long as possible but here I was just waiting for Royce to get a wake up call and for Brielle to be waiting for him. My heart broke for both of them, even with Royce pushing her away he would be apologizing in his head and would be begging for her to stay 😭😭😭😭 it made it really hard for me to hate him 😭😭 I just wanted to go and hug him and then slap him on his head 😭😭

With a tight-lipped smile, she waves the water out for me, a fog dimming the color of her eyes, like she told me ‘happens sometimes,’ but this is different. This is hurt.
Did my words hurt, baby?
She blinks and it’s still there. I don’t like it. I want to see them bright and wide. Alive. Stimulated.

My brain to my heart


But at last they got their HEA and I’m so happy for them!

“So.” I clap my hands and turn toward Maddoc and Captain, to Raven and Victoria. “How many times I gotta come inside her to put a mini-me in there?” They gape at me, and all at once, the three of us start laughing and my body eases. This is it. This is where it’s at.

Honestly, I kept on forgetting they were still in high school. Every time I would be reminded of it I would start laughing but it’s okay. I ignored it because of how much I was enjoying Royce and Brielle’s relationship. I also felt like the drama towards the last was not really needed but still I was okay with it because that meant more of Playboy and little TINK. So I am clearly biased here and...


Now I need to go read the other two brayshaw brothers books 😂😂😂
Profile Image for ✨ Lucy ✨.
327 reviews94 followers
November 23, 2020
“He will love fiercer than anyone ever could, deeper than most would think possible , but chances are, he’ll tear you apart in the process”

This story is so good that is almost painful to read.

But you can’t help to love every single page and every single moment .

It’s all we wished for and even more.

It’s more than an epic end. I feel like it’s a terrific new beginning . Where finally the circle is completed and the real story can now began .

It was really worth the wait.

Royce was really something else, he’s on a complete different level built only for him and his EGO .

“Royce Brayshaw has a heart.

It might be coated in toxic candy, but It’s there.”

We finally got to see what’s behind his joker mask , what’s really hiding in the deep of his soul.

He his sourranded by the people who loves him , he is respected and feared by everyone , he can have all the girls he wanted with a blink of an eye . But he can’t help feel lonely , laying at bad at night when all the dark thoughts take over . He feels like no one would ever accept him, if they saw who he really was . He desperately wanted the kind of love that his brothers found , but he’s sure he can’t have it. So he use is jokes and playboy facade to keep everyone at distance.

He is vendictive and prickly , so when he had the opportunity to make Bass Bishop pay for his choices regarding Raven he surely jumped the boat.

“…but you do bend the rules until they make sense in your favor, sort of ride the line to the very edge, forever jumping before you have a chance to fall”

Little did he know that everything’s gonna change and it all had to do with a pair of turquoise eyes and a smile so big to brighten the darkest sky .

Brielle Bishop was everything we’ve been waiting for. She was the missing piece. The beacon of light in Royce dark mind .

She arrived with a big smile and a kind soul . Her presence only was intoxicating . Everyone wanted to be near her .

“She’s soft, but not in a weak way. Kind but not to trick. Generous but not for clout .” I sigh, my body relaxing in the seat. “Loyal but without hatred , trusting but not blind “

Everyone but Royce. He fight so hard his feelings for her. She kept surprising him. She didn’t get scared or intimidated by the true Royce , she challenged him . She was his Norther star .

“I hate her , she don’t listen . I like her, she challenges me. I can’t stand the sight of her, she distracts me. I can’t function when she’s out of sight, she’s all I want to see.”

With her purity and true kindness she gained a place with the Braishaw or she was just lost for a bit and had finally come back were she was supposed to be all along .

“We’re the five points of the star, and she’s the circle that’ll seal us in”

The chemistry , the feelings and all the love that came from this book was mind-blowing .

And we finally had to see Raven giving birth . That water broke scene was priceless .

The deepness of this story is scary, the connection between Brielle and Royce was something I haven’t read about in a long time. I cried like a baby (almost as much as when Derek sheperd died ).

“The sun meets the moon.

And my soul , it wraps around his.”


I gave it absolutely 5 stars⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I hope you’ll enjoy it like I did.


For now I’ll read it another 36733 times , I’M NOT READY TO LET THIS SERIES GO.
Profile Image for Ems620.
16 reviews
Want to read
October 3, 2019
I can't be the only one hoping the female lead isn't Cloe :/ Please be someone else. PLEASE *on my knees*.
Profile Image for The Romantic Rush Blog.
2,070 reviews916 followers
November 18, 2020
Meagan has saved the best for last, delivering a perfect ending to the series that has captivated us all! Break Me Brayshaw has all the angst, alpha intensity, and intrigue that makes this series so addictive, but it also has a poignant emotional center that had Royce and Brielle stealing my heart.

My favorite Brayshaw boy’s story is everything I ever wanted- and somehow so much more. THIS is the Meagan Brandy I love- THIS is what makes the Brayshaw series so amazing. Everything starts with secrets, with the thirst for revenge, for power, for control- and like each Brayshaw boy before him, Royce finds himself powerless to a doe eyed girl. His story is every bit as angsty and addictive, but I found his story to be the most beautiful of the three- the most moving, in part because this doesn’t just complete Royce’s story, it completes everyone one’s, but also because there is something special about Brielle and Royce- they have a tender vulnerability, a raw openness to their connection that squeezed my heart tight.

ROYCE. Oh my heart- I loved him before, but I would die for him now. Meagan peels back all the layers of bravado, anger, and swagger so we can see the multi-facted heart of this sweet and loyal man. We got glimmers of it before, but we finally see that there is a sadness to Royce Brayshaw- he’s lonely, lost, feels unworthy and unsure, and mired in the bittersweet tinge of being wrapped up in his brothers’ happiness. His family has changed, but Royce is the same- but does he want to be? Break Me is right, Meagan- because Royce BROKE me. My heart hurt for him. And as much as his beautiful family SAW him (because they do), he needed someone to complete his soul, to fill his heart- to draw in his pain and anger and unleash his joy. And I was not convinced someone could, but wow, does she ever.

But the TRUE revelation of this story, and in my opinion this whole series, is Brielle. I wasn’t sure if I would even like her, let alone love her- but I FLOOOOVE her. Meagan brilliantly gives us a heroine SO different than the others- she’s somewhat submissive, patient, tender and soft. She is so full of love and kindness that there’s a lightness in every word I read from her- a warmth that just charms and soothes you. Unlike everyone else, she trusts and loves easily, gives her heart openly, and has unrelenting optimism, despite the crappy hand she’s been dealt. It’s not wonder she captures everyone’s hearts, including mine so easily, but what makes her so magical is that she can also stand on her own- she sasses, she dishes out the banter, and she doesn’t back away from her feelings- no matter how intentionally or unintentionally Royce tries to break her. Because she loves SO hard, so unconditionally, she refuses to accept the worst in him, to accept his fear and anger. She is SO special- she could not be more endearing.

And their love is SO precious. He helps her find the life she wanted- gives her someone who finally fights FOR her, even if Royce doesn’t always understand why he wants to do that. And Brielle, well she’s the soothing balm to them all. She’s the beating heart- she heals and soothes. Their chemistry is HOT, but it is also so intimate and solid- their is a magnetic pull between their souls from the moment they meet- it gripped me, and it did not let me go.

What has made the Brayshaws so captivating is not just the romance or even the suspense (and this one has both- HOT and a WTF twist), but is it is really this amazing family- the CHOSEN family that the Brayshaw boys have created with their permanent braygirls. They are loyal to a fault, sharing a love and connection that few would understand. And Meagan honored that so beautifully in this book. We get to see this crew solidify- this isn’t just about Royce and Brielle, it’s about completing their family, all the pieces fitting together. Everyone having their space that is comfortable and familiar and safe- the sum total. We get to see all the magic we wanted to see- what happens with Raven’s pregnancy, more Uncle Bro and Zoey charm, a dash of sage insight from the delightful Mabel… but really, this story all works up to a big feeling of WHOLENESS. My heart feels full and completed- because Brielle is the missing piece.

This is a series you can’t put down, one that has redefined writing in the new adult genre, and one that I will forever return to as an all time favorite. The Brayshaws are pure magic- and I’m not ready to let them go! But, Meagan gave me a perfect ending. I couldn’t be happier with how everything resolved- and as we heard so aptly in this story "I need for you to remember what feels like the end, is always the beginning." This might be the end of our time, but it is only the beginning of the hard fought happiness and family these Brayshaws have earned. I just feel fortunate that I got to know them- and I’ll never forget them.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
January 29, 2021
**** 4.5 Stars!!!****

What an amazing ending to a wonderful series! I fell in love with the Brayshaw Boys, as well as the young women they fell in love with!! This last book in particular was so fabulous! I will admit that Royce’s behaviour was terribly frustrating at times... but when he finally let his walls down for Brielle... the wait was more than worth it!

Speaking of Brielle... she was one of those heroine’s that was impossible not to adore! There was such a vulnerability and innocence to her that she ended up being one of my all time favourite leading ladies!!! Even with her gentleness though, she had a will of steel!! She was able to grab the hardest of the brother’s attention and there was no turning back for him!

This series is full of secrets, loyalty, love, sex, and violence! If you want to be entertained then for sure give the series a try!!! I can’t wait to see what this author will bring out next!!!
Profile Image for ABookLover73.
375 reviews226 followers
November 23, 2020

FIVE TINK AND LOST BOY STARS for Brielle and Royce 💙🖤💙🖤!!!





I can’t believe it’s been a little over a year since I've read the first three books of the "Brayshaw High" series and completely fell in love with the Brayshaw world.

Although I loved all the characters from the series, a special place in my heart was occupied by Royce, whose book I eagerly awaited, but also welcomed.

I’m a little sad that the "Brayshaw High" series has come to an end and that’s why I’ve been reading Royce’s book longer than the previous four books.

Meagan did it again!

She has written another great emotional book with funny dialogue between the characters and the perfect rounded ending that this series deserves.

This book has definitely satisfied my expectations and I will surely be rereading it shortly.

"Break Me" is a new adult romance with enemies to lovers and trope which you'll not be able to drop from your hands to the very end.

Brielle is a female character who has shown from the very beginning with her behavior and actions that she deserves to be side by side along with Raven and Victoria as Bray Girl.

Royce is a male character who won my heart back in "Boys of Brayshaw High" and in this book he proved that he deserves that place forever.

Although from the outside he looks like a dangerous guy who has no feelings, his protective attitude towards his family shows just the opposite.

Brielle and Royce’s relationship is special!

Their relationship is complicated from the beginning because, on the one hand, Brielle thinks she is not good enough to be Royce Bray Girl while on the other hand Royce, thinks Brielle is too good and innocent for him and that he would just destroy her.

If you've read previous books from this series and you also love Meagan's writing style then this is a book for YOU!!!

Highly recommended!!!

P.S. I can't wait to read future Meagan's books 💜!
Profile Image for Halle Reads.
855 reviews182 followers
February 15, 2021
2.75 Stars 🌟

This only took me like 2 months to read 🙈🙉🙊

Brielle and Royce were so meh. I love Royce so much but he was just so bland in his own book and I only really kept reading to find out what was happening in the rest of the town. Kinda dissapointed in this series as a whole now but I'm glad I finally finished it.


Edit: yeah now I'm not so sure anymore after the shitshow that was Be My Brayshaw.. 🙈🙈

Royce I love him so much and know his book will be perfect
Profile Image for Abstract ♥ Books.
1,236 reviews1,711 followers
January 31, 2022



"Break Me" is the last book of the "Brayshaw" series by the best selling author Meagan Brandy. Told in dual perspectives , get ready to meet Royce!!

I have been excited for Royce's book for a long long time! His character intrigued me a lot because of his personality switch stuff. One minute he was the charming boy who could bend anyone to his will and the next he was the cold man who scared people. I am so disappointed to say that I did not like his book at all. I mean leave about liking , I didn't even complete it. The starting of the book is ridiculously slow and I just couldn't connect to the characters.

I am someone who never DNFs a book but I am so regretful to say that I DNFed this one. I tried my level best to get into it but just couldn't do it. The first 30% of the book was nothing but Royce going to Brielle's school and then troubling her. Then at about 60% the book became somewhat interesting.

According to me , the book was very boring and I can't really give an honest opinion about the story since I didn't reach the end myself. There are a lot of people who loved this one so I am even more confused about why I found it so bad , but then… can't do anything about it. This is my honest opinion. If you are a fan of this author then maybe you should try this book since people did love it a lot and the rest is your opinion!!

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Profile Image for Keri Loves Books.
1,245 reviews194 followers
November 17, 2020
My FAVORITE Brayshaw! ROYCE was everything I had hoped he would be...yet SO MUCH BETTER than I could have imagined! I am completely, totally and utterly in LOVE with this man and all his broken parts!!! ALPHA MALE PERFECTION!

A cool head. A warm heart. A forgiving soul. The light to his dark. Soon she'll become his everything. Brielle was everything Royce never knew he craved.

Brielle never had an easy life. She escaped one abusive home only to find herself playing Cinderella in the next. Her brother took her there to make her safe, yet all she had was loneliness. He left her and Brielle learned to survive alone and still hold onto the good that escapes so many in similar circumstances. She was truly a light in the darkness.

Royce seeks her out in a plot of Revenge against her brother. What he finds is nothing he expects. She dumbfounds him at every turn. He just doesn't understand her. She should be angry and bitter. Yet she is anything but those things. She whittles down his defenses little by little without even trying. She forgives him when he lashes out as she sees him for what he is. He's always felt like an outsider, the last choice. Brielle is about to open his eyes to everything she sees.

This is a favorite series of mine because at it's core it is about the love of family. Not the family you were born to, the family you made. Bound to one another by love and loyalty. Unbreakable bonds. They always stand with one another. They protect, they endure, they love. Together they are a force. One piece was missing, until Royce found the other part of his soul.

It's easy to get swept up in the Brayshaw world. These multi-dimensional characters captivate and draw you in. Royce was broken in some ways, but he truly loves body, mind and soul. His alpha protective side is fierce and will consume you. The chemistry and connection between Brielle and Royce was super sexy and incredibly sweet. Once she took hold of his heart, there was no coming back.

The broken boy gets the girl and a dream come true. Royce stole my heart!
Profile Image for M.
657 reviews280 followers
November 25, 2020
Oh my gosh, Royce has my heart! All the stars! All the stars!!

There are no words for just how great this story was. Wow, this entire series consumes you in the best way. These guys love and they love unapologetically. They are fiercely protective of their family...

But Royce, he stole the show for me. He was broken, he was lonely. He was known for his humor and for being the one who held his brothers together. With doing so, he lost himself along the way.
That was into a silver haired little thing turned his world upside down. In a magical and enticing way.

Brielle was absolute perfection for him. She knew how to love all his broken pieces. Met him right where he was. She made him whole. She fit in his heart and in his crew. She brought the light into his darkness. The soft to his hard. He thought he wasn't good enough for her to love him, but she wouldn't let him go out like that. Wouldn't let him push her away.
They fought for their love and they conquered. Oh man, when Royce loves, he doesn't hold back.

I'm sad to see this series end, but I am thankful that it ended with the playboy who's heart turned to mush for the girl who brought the stars to earth for him. Gahhh, my heart!

Tink and the Lost Boy forever 😍

Profile Image for Alexandraa XX.
686 reviews586 followers
July 31, 2021

He always wants her and then don’t want her and push her away and let her in ALL THE FREAKIN TIME... WHAT IS THIS? SH*TSHOW🥵🥵🥵🥵




Profile Image for Miftahul.
369 reviews194 followers
April 7, 2022

Brielle and Royce! Holy fuck! Oh god! I am not okay! I loved be my brayshaw and i was not that excited about Break Me...but i started reading as soon as it was available and OH MY GOD! ( janice’s voice) I FUCKING LOVEE ROYCE, i mean..i cant. God help me. I wanna cry. He is so broken but the way he loves. Brielle was just perfect for him, she was the missing piece they all needed. I think i love her character the most, she is broken too but she doesnt hide it, she is so different from the brayshaws cuz even with her shitty past she always has a smile on her face and helps others. I thought royce ll get a badass like raven, not that brielle is not a badass but she is so soft and kindhearted and EXACTLY WHAT ROYCE FUCKING NEEDED. LIKE HOLYYYYY THE CHEMISTRY? THE FUCKING BONDING? DONT GET ME STARTED WITH THESE CUZ WOAHHH. Their bonding was so strong and the chemistry was firee! I really dont know how to explain but i cried, this book was emotional. Seeing royce, the trouble maker playboy so broken and alone and trying not to fall in love with Brielle but couldnt help himself was heartbreaking. I didnt think Brielle would fit in their group cuz she is so fucking different, she always smiles and thats what I absolutely love about her. She is loyal, genuine and broke through Royce’s walls, she earned his and Brayshaw’s trust and they accepted her as one of them. It was so amazing so precious to see royce fall in love, he tried so hard not to but Brielle my girl, my dude she is my goddess. I love her so much, i could cry! The ending was heartbreaking as fuck but it has a hea! I WANNA RE READ THIS BOOK CUZ I CANT GET OVER ROYCE AND BRIELLE. Ugh they are perfect for each other. Meagan Brandy ruined me again, you didnt have to do it 😭😭 but i am not gonna complain cuz i fucking love everything about this freaking book which is an example of perfection. Beginning to the end, everything was WOW! I seriously couldnt put it down for a second cuz brielle and royce? They are my precious. I love them. Those two so broken, so different yet perfect for each other.
Profile Image for Jenifer Briggs.
1,452 reviews174 followers
November 19, 2020
Y'all, I struggled with this book SO MUCH. I absolutely hated Captain and the way he treated Victoria in the last book, but I honestly had a soft spot for Royce, and since you all know me and my love for the brooding bad boys with killer cheekbones and psychotic tendencies, I couldn't wait to have this baby in my hands. But oh child. What a mess.

So, the first few chapters were confusing as heck. I don't know if it was my migraine, my kids acting like animals and not giving me a second to breathe, or the fact that even at chapter two, I was losing steam pretty quickly, (or maybe I'm just dumb) but good Lord. So Royce has a plan up his sleeve to get revenge on his somewhat ex friend/protegee, but nothing is as it seems. And what happens when the biggest twist of all isn't what and who his plans entail, but the fact that he feels something he knows he shouldn't? Will he let this girl who somehow managed to get past his defenses in, or will he always break what he loves the most?

For me, the majority of my problem wasn't Royce's plan, but the infuriating cat and mouse game they played for over half the book. Royce would unwittingly reveal some hidden facet to his soul that Brielle can't help but love, he freaks out, insults her, she gets her feelings hurt, and then repeat. Over. And over. And over again. But surely they have to have a connection, you ask, because I have to be reading for SOMETHING, right? Wrong. There is literally no spark between these two. Their back and fight might have been cute at first, but it got old real fast, and of course Royce couldn't handle it when she dared to look at someone else. The classic "I can't admit I like her, but nobody else can touch her, and she can't be happy without me" scenario. For such a badass, Royce just couldn't man up and tell Brielle how he felt, which made it really hard for me to care about their relationship. And when they finally kiss, there's more pain and betrayal looking ahead, which diminishes the happiness they just had. It always seems they get one step closer, two step backwards with one another, and it was just frustrating. The twists were really predictable too, I thought. Maybe if we had explored their connection a bit more, maybe I would have thought differently?

Look, for all my complaining, my heart strings were tugged a few times, especially during the epilogue. That alone is worth my rating alone. And I did genuinely feel some love between Royce and his Tink, but I needed more. I feel the first 60% could have been nearly cut completely out, and if we had more scenes between our MC's actually falling in love, building on the chemistry that i finally saw in the end, then I would have liked it more. And I am glad I stick it out, because we did have some really good scenes, but that just wasn't enough to make me forget about the first boring half.

Obviously with how much five stars reviews this book has gotten already, I'm in the minority and that's ok. I still like this author a great deal (FITYBI is one of my favorite reads of the year!) But this just didn't do it for me.

I hope you all enjoy this more than I did! Happy reading!

**I received an ARC of this book and these are my honest opinions**
Profile Image for Sarah.
857 reviews
November 21, 2020
Royce Brayshaw did what he does best and he STOLE THE SHOW in the Brayshaw world!!! GAHHH I don't even know if I have the right words for this book. I have always loved Captain the most in this series, but Royce was a very close second, and I think he just knocked Cap off the top...there is just no way you can't love this fun playboy! I always knew he harbored so much more, something deeper that even he didn't understand, and I could NOT wait to read his story. M Brandy did not disappoint...she delivered with her best writing to date, gave us the perfect heroine for our beloved bad boy, and a gripping storyline that held all of the Brayshaw world grit and edginess we love!!!

"I need for you to remember what feels like the end, is always the beginning."

This quote hit hard not once, but twice in this book by the two characters who everyone looks to the most for guidance. I knew Royce would hit rock bottom, I knew he wore a shield of armor around his heart and emotions; but I didn't know how it would all play out when the one person who could crack his shield stepped surprisingly into his life. Brielle Bishop was a force! From the first scene I loved her - her feisty spirit, her grit and determination; and as her story unfolds, I LOVED this girl more and more. She is everything that Royce never knew he needed - she is the light to his dark; and every time I thought she would cower and back down, she did the opposite which was exactly what Royce needed. She literally brought every good quality to the Brayshaw table and had no problems throwing each one down when necessary....kindness, compassion, trust, confidence, boldness and sass all wrapped in a small-size, loyal and fierce package! She brought out the best in not only Royce, but all of the Brayshaws as well.

Every scene in this book was purposeful. Royce gave us his good and bad and everything in between, and when his vulnerabilities showed, it broke me into shattered pieces. I love this man. I broke for him. He pushed and Brielle pulled, and together they were perfection.

M Brandy finished out the Brayshaw series with a mic drop. The scenes we get with Raven, Maddoc, Cap, Victoria & Zoey are all special in their own way; and each one of them have their own one on one moments with Royce & Brielle that show their true character and how they have matured and grown over the series. It was perfectly written and oh so touching. I cried so many tears reading this book, and I refuse to accept that this world is over. Royce & Brielle's story is one that I know I will read again and again, and I hope and pray that we will see them once again!! BRAVO M Brandy...well done once again!
Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,748 reviews919 followers
November 17, 2020
My Rating: 5 Stars
Genre New Adult | Angsty Romance

Not gonna lie, I had MAJOR tears in my eyes when I read THE END on Break Me. Not because the story is SAD (I mean, it does have some seriously emotional moments) but because this is the end of one of my favorite series in the world. These characters have become friends to me in a way. I know, they’re fictional, but when you spend so much time reading about them and going through their journeys with them you feel a deep connection; it’s inevitable. And knowing their stories are finished it’s like loosing friends, ya know? SIGH. I’ll miss this crew so much, but I am super excited to see what world Meagan Brandy resurrects next. I know it’ll be just as amazing!

That being said, BREAK ME is a standalone in the Brayshaw series. You don’t HAVE to read the other books to fully enjoy this one, but you will certainly LOVE it more if you read the prior books in the series (in order) first. Why? Because you’ll have all the background information about all the characters and the things, they have been through that have led up to this point. Trust me, you don’t want to miss ANY of them.

Break Me is an angsty, new adult romance. It’s got an enemies-to-lovers vibe too although I wouldn’t necessarily call them mortal enemies. They just don’t FIT well at first and Royce is a bit of a … jerk in the beginning. Seeing this side of him really opened my eyes though and I understood him on such a deep level due to Meagan’s amazing character-building ability. Ladies, you may not like him at first, but I promise if you give him a chance you will LOVE HIM! Brielle is absolutely amazing in every way. My heart literally HURT for her on so many levels, but I love how Meagan wrote he as “imperfect”. I don’t know if that’s the right way to say it as she definitely has some tough things going on, but that’s the only word I can think of to use concerning her troubles. GOSH I loved her though!

If you’re in the mood for a raw, angsty, and somewhat messy love story (not all love stories are perfect, remember that) then this is the book you need in your life. I recommend all the books in this series too so don’t shy away from reading those if you haven’t yet. If you do, you’ll be sorely missing out on some amazing reads!

𝗠𝗬 𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Profile Image for Bells.
32 reviews13 followers
October 21, 2019
Swear I can’t be the only one hoping his love interest is a guy. Particularly bass because let me just say I FELT IT between those two. Damn. Alright Im mainly excited for his book
Profile Image for XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy.
1,486 reviews485 followers
November 19, 2020
I came into this book a little worried about how it was going to go because Royce was just so unpredictable. I was worried he’s cross a line. However, while his actions weren’t always great, they definitely came from a place of deep emotion. Brielle could not have been a better match for him. While she allowed herself to be open and vulnerable to others she was by no means a pushover. I instantly fell in love with her.

The plot was great though some parts were a bit predictable. I loved the continuing look into the Brayshaw universe and it’s intricacies. I definitely see where some of the secondary characters could easily get their own series and I’m really hoping that’s the case.

I am very much looking forward to anything Ms. Brandy puts out. She’s fast become a must read for me.

Complementary copy received and voluntarily reviewed.
Profile Image for Lucía.
179 reviews244 followers
November 20, 2020
Am I bad person if I say that I wanted the book to end on chapter 37? Well if I am, I am not sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️ because it would have been perfect but I am also really happy with how it ended, all the boys reaching their HEA with women who can stand their ground but have hearts of golds for their men.

I don’t think I am gonna say anything about this series because with all its twists and turns I could probably spoil something, so yeah, sad that it reached its end but happy for all of them and how everything turned out☺️

Let’s hope for a Bishop and “The blonde” book 🤞🏻

“For the record, as far as I’m concerned you were already mine, and baby girl... know that I’m yours.”
Profile Image for Sanela.
323 reviews
November 22, 2020
DNF @25%
If hot needy teenagers are your thing and romance without absolutely zero connection between hero and heroine then this book is for you. The first 3 books in this Series were amazing, the storyline was action packed and interesting then not sure what happened with Captain's book but it was totally butchered. I really hoped the author would deliver with this story, this was Royce's moment to shine but unfortunately it was a huge disappointment for me. Although the characters in this series are all young, I never really felt I was reading a high school romance until Break Me. I never wanted to slap a teenager more than with this book.
Profile Image for Alley Ciz.
Author 95 books2,364 followers
November 18, 2020
Wow, I don't even know if I can find the words for this book. This whole series is one of my all time faves. Each of these men have a way of bringing the alpha and the swoon in their own unique way while still finding a way to break your heart in way that makes you just want to be the one to fix them.
But honestly, I think it's the heroines of this series that really win it all for me.

None of these characters is a doormat and they make you want to bleed loyalty for them.

Royce has been the comedic humor for the series, so getting to peel back his layers and see the broken boy beneath the Ponyboy was just perfection. And Brielle, god I can't tell you how much I loved her and loved her for Royce. This book is a def top read of the year for me and I'm so sad we have to let this world go. Brayshaw for life!
Profile Image for &#x1f49c;VGreedyReader&#x1f5a4;.
600 reviews122 followers
November 20, 2020
I went into this without having read the Brayshaw series, since it showed as a standalone, and silly me I didn’t realise it was connected to a series.

That said I can happily say I could follow the story and the author does a good job in giving us background knowledge and history. So no gaps, the story flows smoothly with no bumps.

I would still recommend to read the series before going into this, if you like the genre it’s worth it and it will positively increase your reading experience.

The story of Brielle and Royce is full of pain and torment and this was one of the elements I enjoyed most, what they go through to get their HEA it’s not an easy ride. It is not as dark as I would have expected, it’s trigger safe, but don’t get the wrong idea Royce is no rainbow and unicorns, in fact he’s the opposite. He’s quite the bully and then some, he’s also loyal, fierce, stubborn, unwavering and won’t stop until he gets what he wants. Shame he didn’t take into account that what he wants has a bite.

Brielle was a pleasure to meet and I took an instant like to her, Royce took some time to grow on me but he more than made up for his lack of manners shown at the beginning.

There some parts of the general story I found a bit OTT and far fetched, see teenagers who rule their surroundings and everyone bows to them, thankfully it wasn’t described in length and the story was focused on the two main characters rather than the cultural and social background.

*********ARC provided in exchange for an honest review ****************
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