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Ephemera #2


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In Sebastian, national bestselling and award-winning author Anne Bishop introduced a stunning new realm, a world of strange and magical landscapes connected only by bridges - bridges that may transport you where you truly belong, rather than where you wished to go. But only the magic of the Landscapers can protect this world from the entity determined to enshroud it in darkness....

One by one, the landscapes of Ephemera are falling into shadow. The Eater of the World is spreading its influence, tainting people's souls with doubts and fears, and feasting on their emotions. With each victory, the Eater comes closer to extinguishing Ephemera's Light.

Only Glorianna Belladonna possesses the ability to thwart the Eater's plans. But she has been branded a rogue, her talents and vast power feared and misunderstood. Determined to protect the lands under her care, Glorianna will stand alone against the Eater if she must - regardless of the cost to her body and soul.

But she is not alone. In dreams, a call has traveled throughout Ephemera: "Heart's hope lies within Belldonna." That call has traveled far from the landscapes Glorianna claims and reached Michael, a man with mysterious powers of his own. It awakens a fierce hunger within him to find the dark-haired sorceress he's dreamed of over and over again - a beautiful woman named Belladonna.

As Michael's and Glorianna's hearts call out to each other across the landscaped, together they may offer Ephemera the very hope it needs....

436 pages, Hardcover

First published March 1, 2007

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About the author

Anne Bishop

48 books10.3k followers
Anne Bishop lives in upstate New York where she enjoys gardening, music, and writing dark, romantic stories. She is the author of over twenty novels, including the award-winning Black Jewels Trilogy. She has written a new series, the Others, which is an urban dark fantasy with a bit of a twist.

Crawford Award (2000)

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information.

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100 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 244 reviews
Profile Image for Angie.
3,678 reviews49 followers
May 10, 2012
This book is all about discovering your strengths and who you are and who you are meant to be. Belladonna has always known she is the only one who can take on the Eater of the World. She is the only Guide of the Heart and Landscaper with the power and the connection to Ephemera to take It out of the world and stop it from destroying the Light. She thought when the Eater destroyed the Landscapers school (in book 1--Sebastian) that she was the only Landscaper left holding Ephemera together, but what she discovers in this book is that there are others in distant parts of the land. Others who do not know who they are or what their true power is. They have been holding their parts of the world together without training and knowledge. She meets two of these in Caitlin and Michael. She must help train and guide them as they help hold the Ephemera against The Eater of the World. Along the way she discovers that Michael is her dream lover, the man she has always wanted, the other half of her heart, and he shows her the knowledge of just how to destroy the Eater. But that knowledge may also destroy her.

How I love Anne Bishop's books. She weaves this world and these characters together and makes them into such a rich story. I love the uniqueness of this world. Belladonna is a wonderful, strong, beautiful woman who knows what has to be done, is scared yes, but does it for the good of the world. I love that she has a great support system and family because this book is about family and being accepted for who you are and loved for who you are in your heart. That love and acceptance will ultimately save you and the world. I can't wait to read the next book!
Profile Image for VMom.
468 reviews44 followers
July 10, 2007
I liked this less than the first book. My main complaint is that the Eater of the World hardly seems a worthy world menace. It may also be that Gloriana/Belladonna and Michael are less empathetic main characters than Sebastian. The whole book felt a bit too cozy and family-type (wholesome?) than one would expect from the premise. The one part where it turns dark is over fairly quickly.
Profile Image for Allison Sesame.
370 reviews
May 27, 2019
Passable, but not some of Anne Bishop’s best work. The pacing was not great and I struggled to care about Belladona or her story. Also, if one of my male cousins cared this much about controlling my sex life, I would punch him in the face.
Profile Image for Shelby.
3,055 reviews85 followers
August 27, 2022
I enjoyed this story so much. Belladonna fights so hard for those under her protections. The Eater of Worlds is a worthy adversary and so far there doesn't seem to be any clear path to its destruction. Michael has heard the hearts call that went out during the judgement of the Dark Guides, but while he recognizes its' importance, its' meaning is still unclear to him. He knows he has a gift, but many in his part of the world see it as a curse and he must always be careful. But something dark is infiltrating parts of the world he considers his and his talent seems to be the only thing keeping it out at times. But in his dreams he sees a woman who could be the difference he needs.

The way this story intertwined was really great. You have two separate areas, that know nothing of each other, being drawn together because of a calling between two people and an ancient evil that doesn't know boundaries. It will take both sides of the world to find the answer and the love between Michael and Belladonna to save what everyone holds dear.

I adore Anne Bishops writing so much. Her world building is second to none and this story kills you in all the right ways. I loved this story and my heart hurt for Belladonna and Michael and their impossible choices. It was really satisfying and I look forward to the third book in the series.
Profile Image for Rosana Maia.
154 reviews
March 16, 2015
Para quem não sabe, “Belladonna” é o segundo volume que compõe a trilogia Efémera. Depois de ler “Sebastian”, Anne Bishop não desilude. Dei por mim a dizer novamente “Adoro ler fantasia” e só por isso já valeu a pena! A capacidade de certos autores de transmitir a realidade através de um mundo diferente, irreal, é algo que admiro de uma maneira única.

Também há outro motivo que automaticamente me faz apreciar a leitura desta obra: o facto de se desenrolar em torno do que é o coração humano. Assim como referi na opinião de “Sebastian”, continuo a achar que teria apreciado mais a leitura com uns anos a menos. É um livro com vários ensinamentos, no entanto, são lições que de uma forma ou de outra a vida já me ensinou ao longo dos anos. E com isto o que quero dizer é que a culpa não é do livro, mas sim de a vida de facto nos ensinar algo! No entanto, perante cada ensinamento dei por mim a sorrir ao ver a realidade crua e dura nas palavras de Anne Bishop.

Apesar de querer dizer muito mais sobre “Belladonna”, a verdade é que não tenho muito a acrescentar à opinião de “Sebastian” sem recorrer a spoilers. Posso referir que surgem novas personagens, de salientar Michael e Caitlin, duas grandes surpresas. E é graças a estas duas personagens que ficamos a conhecer outra parte do mundo Efémera, que até então desconhecíamos. Um mundo diferente, mas no fundo igual, onde o coração humano também existe.

Chegando ao fim, o leitor acaba com uma visão diferente do que é o bem e o mal, ficando em cada um uma mensagem que Anne Bishop conseguiu transmitir tão bem: Por muito que o mal queira destruir a luz, a verdade é que quando se vê sem a luz nem ele quer viver. E no fundo é a isto que se resume a vida de cada coração humano. Não existe só o bem nem só o mal!

Por fim, claro que recomendo esta obra! Foi uma leitura agradável, repleta de sorrisos e viagens únicas neste mundo único que é Efémera.

Profile Image for Sense361.
267 reviews13 followers
September 30, 2010
Althogh the story started slow (in the beginning of Sebastian book), it continued into a great story. Anne Bishop has this gift of wordplay, some phrases get stuck with you for a long time in a good way. It is true that all characters have a hard childhood, but that only helps in bilding a strong personality.
Profile Image for keikii Eats Books.
1,077 reviews54 followers
August 22, 2018
89 points/100 (4.5 stars/5)

The Eater of the World is still out there, and the people are falling to darkness. Glorianna Belladonna knows she is the one that will have to defeat this ancient evil. The call has gone out across Ephemera: "Heart's hope lies within Belladonna". Ephemera answers. When a new part of the world opens up to her, Glorianna has to believe that it holds the key to how she can accomplish this. 

There was something about this book that didn't resonate with me as much as Sebastian. I found myself bored in spots. Parts of it was liking when they first showed up, I started to get annoyed by the attention they were receiving by the end. I still loved this book, as evidenced by the rating. It just wasn't Sebastian.

The start is really slow. The Eater of the World is hiding from Glorianna. So, there is a lot of trying to catch up to the Eater, and figuring out what to do when they catch up to it. Instead, there are a lot of what feels like side trips, as the new characters are told what is what, and they try and figure out their place and how they fit in.

A lot of the plot isn't dedicated to the Eater story. Most of it is spent on the plot about two new characters who live in a section of Ephemera not as affected by the splitting of the world. At first this was really interesting. If only it didn't explain so much that we hadn't just had explained to us in Sebastian. If only they didn't repeat it a few times as it took several explanations for it to stick in these new characters' minds.

The heart of the book is still great. I love the interplay between the light and the dark. It is a tale told a hundred thousand times before. Yet, somehow, Bishop manages to make this interplay, this balance worth reading again. Part of it is because of the inclusion of the perspective from the Eater of the World. What was included just wasn't enough for me, because I was greedy. I actually really enjoyed its perspective. The balance and the world of Ephemera also make it incredibly interesting. I've read enjoyed this aspect of the story.

I liked the part of the story where Glorianna and Michael dance around being with each other all book less so. It was so sweet at first, so annoying after awhile. It was especially annoying coupled with Michaels neverending insistence that his sister is too young to be on her own and make choices regarding romance at 18. All of these things are repeated a few times.

From what I can tell based on release dates, Ephemera was supposed to be a duology. If that is true, Belladonna serves as a good end to the duology. It wrapped things up well. Perhaps not the way you would want them to end, but it ends well.

To read more reviews in this series and others, check out keikii eats books!
Profile Image for Tricia.
1,801 reviews21 followers
November 18, 2020
I really love the Black Jewels series. These books are very different to those books and, in my opinion, not as good.

This book picks up from the last book where the Eater of the World is threatening Ephemera. A magician is dreaming of a woman (who unsurprisingly is Belladonna). They need to work together to save the world.

It is an ok read and I thought it was better than Sebastian.
Profile Image for Debrac2014.
2,139 reviews18 followers
January 6, 2018
The beginning moved slowly but the ending was wonderful!
Profile Image for Louisa.
7,927 reviews84 followers
October 22, 2021
Wow, loved this world, loved these characters and their romance and their story, and how it affected the world! Can't wait to read the 3rd full length book!
Profile Image for Tamara.
486 reviews3 followers
August 18, 2018
I remember this being a much better book in my twenties. It is still an interesting story set in a fascinating world, and that is what keeps me reading.
There are a few things in this book that made it less likeable for me. Essentially a lot of the same jarring points from the first book, except multiplied.

The cons:
- I really, really hate the possessiveness and jealousies of the male characters in this book. I’ve never liked Sebastian, even in his own book, but he is utterly unbearable in this book. Why or how he even thinks it’s his right to be so overprotective and possessive of his cousin, Glorianna, is ridiculous, and frankly, disturbing. It’s none of his business who Glorianna decides to take on as a significant other. She’s in thirties for Christ’s sake! She’s older than him! The way he treated Michael was awful. And the way Michael treated him was just as appalling. Michael himself wasn’t exempt from judgey possessiveness with Glorianna and his sister Caitlyn. Hell, even Lee, the most likeable of the three main males jumped in on the possessiveness. It was horribly off putting to read the entitlement the males felt they had over the females in this book.
- The weird family ‘sex conversations’. For a book that has no sex, this book sure brings it up a frigging lot in dialogue with family members. Awkwardly and inappropriately. The way Glorianna’s sex life is speculated between her cousin, her brother, her mother, her cousin’s wife, and her lover is uncomfortable. Why the hell are Michael and Lee discussing Michael wanting sex from Glorianna!? Why would anyone have these conversations?
- The lack of sex. This was an issue with the first book for me. Why does the author spend so much time focusing on sex if they aren’t actually going to write the big moment and just fade to black!? It’s fine if you don’t want to write a sex scene in your book, but seriously, if you aren’t going to write a sex scene, don’t focus so much time building up to one to then fade to black and elude to the act. Honestly, this series would have been better to have not brought sex up at all, and instead focused on building actual relationships.
- the relationship between Michael and Glorianna was lacklustre. These two are destined, fated to be together and the author spends more time with Michael and Glorianna separately discussing/defending their relationship with her family than they do actually having one. I really wish more time had been spent developing their actual relationship instead of ‘just being together because fate’. Their relationship was such a huge part to the plot of this book, that it was disappointing how we as the readers had to assume this truth, rather than get to read it.

The pros
- the world building is astounding in this series. Just the nature of the world and its history is fascinating to read.
- the plot. Despite the author’s flaws in writing characters and what she chose to focus on, the overall plot is a good one. It was interesting and exactly what I look for in a fantasy series.

Overall, it’s an okay book. I’m disappointed that it’s not as good as I remember it being, and I wish the author had spent less time focusing on sex that never happens on the page, and used that time to actually build a real relationship between Michael and Glorianna.
Profile Image for J'aime.
812 reviews29 followers
August 8, 2011
I truly enjoyed Sebastian (Ephemera, Book 1), but forgot about this sequel since it came out a year after I finished book one. I finally picked it up and found it to be just as good, and I'm sorry I waited so long to read it. Though another book is expected, Bridge of Dreams in March 2012, this book provides enough closure that the series could end here (but I am glad it doesn't!).

A few reviewers felt that Sebastian was more paranormal romance than fantasy. I disagreed. However, I do feel that this sequel does fall more firmly into that genre. And it is extremely well done, with a richly detailed plot and world-building that the genre sometimes lacks. Paranormal romance can be more than vampires and werewolves, as exemplified here. Belladonna knows that she alone must fight the Eater of the World. Yet, her heart longs for love and companionship. What happens when Ephemera manifests her heart's desire right before she may die to save her world? The aspect I enjoyed most about this series is the strong family Bishop has created with Belladonna, her cousin Sebastian, her brother Lee and her strong-willed mother Nadia. They are so alive and real that I was caught up in their lives, and the fantasy and magic was just a bonus. Each character is well defined, and the extended supporting characters add to the fullness. The world-building is expanded upon, as Belladonna discovers parts of Ephemera that are not as broken and where Landscapers are reviled as "magicians." The story is fast paced, and the final battle is cleverly managed.

Overall, a strong sequel that has me looking forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Alice - Sombra dos Livros.
169 reviews12 followers
November 28, 2012
Talvez esta não seja a opinião da maioria dos leitores mas devo confessar que, apesar de muito me ter agradado este segundo e último volume da duologia Efémera, Sebastian está muito melhor conseguido. Isto porque tive a perfeita sensação de que no primeiro volume a autora consegue criar e manter de forma mais eficaz o clima de mistério que nos mantém agarrados ao livro. Ainda assim, esta nova incursão a Efémera não desilude e o desenlace da narrativa deixa o leitor satisfeito.

Os personagens do volume anterior estão lá todos, bem como as paisagens que tão bem ficámos a conhecer e pelas quais se continua a travar uma intensa luta. As surpresas são dois novos personagens que vão despertar sentimentos e desejos que Glorianna mantinha escondidos no mais íntimo recanto do seu ser. Mais uma vez somos levados a analisar as consequências que podem advir de julgamentos feitos com base em preconceitos num desconhecimento de um todo que pode bem não ser aquilo que parece numa primeira análise. A autora consegue ainda confrontar-nos, numa parte final da narrativa, não só com o poder de lutarmos pelo que realmente desejamos mas com o facto de que até o mais obscuro dos seres pode ser assolado por sentimentos como o medo, a tristeza e até, quem sabe, pelo remorso.

Mais uma vez a tradução está muito boa, ou não fosse esse uma constante e um dos pontos positivos que marcam as edições da SdE, e sem nada a apontar. O livro apenas peca pela já referida quebra no ritmo em alguns momentos pelo que recomendo a todos quantos leram Sebastian.
Profile Image for Solange Dias.
28 reviews11 followers
May 13, 2009
Mais um livro que se pudesse dar o 0,5, daria 3,5. Desta vez a decisão pendeu para cima...
O que mais gostei neste livro é o Mundo criado por Bishop. Gostei muito da ideia/conceito paisagens, como funcionam,....
Penso que este é o seu ponto forte (pelo menos para mim) .... os mundos que cria.
No entanto, as personagens já não me cativam tanto. O "mau" - o devorador do mundo - que tem uma concepção que poderia causar muitos estragos e ser uma personagem realmente temível (porque a ideia está lá toda ... a escuridão) não foi suficientemente explorada ... sim ele realmente causa algum mal, mas a personagens que só conhecemos quando ele aparece e pelas quais não temos qualquer tipo de ligação.
As personagens principais, são personagens seguras, não lhes temi nenhum mal e infelizmente não fui surpreendida.
Não me interpretem mal ... não me incomoda (e até gosto - de uma maneira geral) que as personagens acabem bem ... não desejo a morte de nenhuma das personagens principais ... mas preferia temer que algo lhes pudesse acontecer a tentar imaginar se no final Belladonna iria ter 2 ou filhos, e o que eles serão paisagistas, magos, construtores de pontes....
Com isto, não quero dizer que as personagens são "ocas", porque não são. É interessante ver a "luta interior" entre o bem e o mal (ou a luz e escuridão se preferirem).
O resultado final é positivo, gostei muito de ter lido os dois livros, foram muito bons para desanuviar, e valeram sobretudo pelo mundo criado.
Profile Image for Célia | Estante de Livros.
1,150 reviews259 followers
May 24, 2009
Belladonna é a continuação e conclusão da história iniciada em Sebastian. Voltamos a encontrar mais um dos mundos originais inventado por Anne Bishop, desta vez um composto por diferentes paisagens, ligadas entre elas por pontes, que são mantidas em equilíbrio por Paisagistas e que respondem aos seus desejos e emoções.

Estava com bastante expectativa em relação a este livro, em especial porque a sua protagonista tinha sido uma das minhas personagens preferidas do livro anterior e tinha muita curiosidade em conhecê-la melhor e conhecer o desenlace da sua luta contra o Devorador do Mundo (vilão muito bem conseguido, na minha opinião). Neste desafio, será ajudado por Michael, possuidor de capacidades únicas e complementares às de Belladonna.

Gostei bastante de voltar a esta história e a estas personagens, num livro onde Anne Bishop consegue replicar a sua capacidade de contar uma história envolvente, decorrida num mundo original, com destaque para a interacção entre as personagens, apesar de alguns momentos mais parados. Por vezes, sabe bem entrar nestes mundos imaginários e viver estas aventuras fantásticas, daí que a Anne Bishop seja uma das minhas autoras preferidas do género. Recomendo!
Profile Image for Cherry Mischievous.
569 reviews278 followers
August 4, 2010
Fast-paced page-turner. The storytelling quality is very compelling, a 5 out of 5. Anne Bishop is one of those rare story tellers who draws you away and run away with you that you forget the time. You forget to eat. She draws a reader in so deeply that you can feel and hear the vibration as the demon motorcycles go by... World building is incredible, a 4.5 out of 5. I imagined that it would be difficult to convince readers to believe in a world of shifting geography. I scoffed when I first encountered it. So it tells of the author's story telling skills that she has somehow managed not only to pull it off, but sell the book to boot! I'd give the "suspension of disbelief" a 4.5 out of 5. Character development? Is a 5 out of 5. Anne Bishop gives us characters who lingers on a reader's mind long after the book was read. This book being the second book in a duology, is best appreciated if the first book is read first. Overall Rating: 5 out of 5
Profile Image for a_tiffyfit.
759 reviews107 followers
January 5, 2008
I don't know why this, along with Sebastian got such shoddy reviews from other Bishop readers. Okay, okay, okay...so it wasn't as in depth, rich, and vibrant as her Black Jewels Trilogy or the Tir Alainn trilogy! But...it was enjoyable and you have to admit she sucks you into the world of the characters quite quickly.

I found these two books quick to read, sucked me in, and wondering what it would be like to be a Landscaper or a Bridge...
Profile Image for Amethyst Shadow.
258 reviews7 followers
July 13, 2010
Cross over into a different World. Visit the Den of Iniquity and ride a demon cycle. Meet new and interesting people... including your True Love. Learn about what you were born to be. This is Belladonna's World... where she must fight The Eater of the World to save the people of the World. Live this journey with and through Michael. Take Belladonna's hand... then you only need to take one step...
Profile Image for Nicole.
247 reviews24 followers
December 5, 2008
What can I say? I guess I'm a sucker for escapist cheese. It kept moving, I found many of the characters interesting, and I enjoyed it all. I was disappointed at how a couple of character threads were dropped, but in general, this lacked the usual Bishop flaw of the evil characters being eeeeeevil just because they don't have a nice bone in their bodies.
Profile Image for Philana Walker.
140 reviews10 followers
March 7, 2009
I actually enjoyed the first book more. The story was a little flat for me, mainly because the story didn't seem to go anywhere. And I really like Ann Bishop, too so it makes me all the more sad.
Profile Image for Laurla2.
2,467 reviews6 followers
October 29, 2022
5 stars. i really like this author. she makes her worlds seem so real that i get lost in her books.

"if i ever fall in love, it will be with a man who can see me dressed like this and still think i look beautiful." (wearing old ragged clothes to work in the garden)

"do you ever wish that i had been like them?"
"sometimes, but only because of what it cost you to be different. i wouldn't change anything."

"that's what family is for - to help you stop being stupid."
"that is not what family is for."
"you'll have to explain that to my wife. in point of fact, cousin, lynnea was the one who decided you needed to go home and kicked you out of the den. i'm just the messenger."

"he'd raged about the landscapers and bridges who were determined to believe the worst about glorianna because considering anything else might require them to use their brains."

"you don't know!"
"women have been saying that to men since the beginning of time, so is there something in particular that i should be knowing?"

"when a strong woman broke enough to reveal her pain, those tears were a fearsome thing to behold."

"before you blame someone else for your ill luck, consider this: nothing comes to you that doesn't live within your own heart."

"you promised you wouldn't faint again."
"i didnt faint."
"did a good imitation of it."
..." you scared kenneday and the crew out of half their wits when you started screaming."
"i wasn't screaming."
"trust me darling, before you didn't faint, you were definitely screaming."

"men are a pain in the ass."
"women have known that forever, but we love you anyway."

"you know what i'm saying."
"you're saying caitlin is going to have all this unsupervised time, and despite being a grown, albeit young, woman living in a community that not only understands her connection to the land but also values it, she will become a flirtatious blithering idiot just because a man with a nice smile and muscles has shown a little interest in her. is that what you're saying?"

"this feels foolish."
"then foolishness is all that will come of it."
... "if you believe you will fail, then that is what you will do - because that is your truth in this moment. that you want to fail. maybe even need to fail because you're not ready for the next stage of your journey."

"it might not work."
"you said that."
"i don't really know what i'm doing."
"you said that too."
"i just don't want you to hope for too much."
"isn't that the whole point? to hope?"
Profile Image for Lala.
201 reviews12 followers
August 23, 2021
I really shouldn't have read this book, as I did not like Sebastian, the first book in the Ephemera series. However, Belladonna is slightly better than Sebastian.

The biggest issue I have with the series is the how the world works. It's messy, complicated, and highly impractical. Basically, people have the option to physically change the world with their feeling and emotions, whether they mean to or not. And this book adds the horrifying aspect that some people are unaware that the world works this way, and are just changing it carelessly without being aware that they are doing so. True, some people exert greater power than others and can override much of it, but the fact that the world can be completely changed by the thoughts of ordinary folk, some of which don't even know they have such power or what is happening- I don't think such a world would be viable.

Glorianna and her prospective partner Michael have no chemistry- basically they fall in love because they dreamed of one another. They spend little time together, and much of that is them not liking each other very much before they are suddenly in love. The ending at least was interesting, and I like what Bishop did there. It was by far the most intriguing aspect of the book.

I won't be continuing with the the third and final Ephemera book, as it seems even fans of the series don't like it very much.

Personal history: I purchased this as part of a used 4 for 3 book lot. It was technically the free book, since I couldn't find any others I was even remotely interested in.
Profile Image for Kathy Martin.
3,786 reviews101 followers
January 31, 2020
This is the second book in the Ephemera trilogy and focuses on Glorianna Belladonna this time. She is still battling the Eater of the World and feeling very much alone and over-matched. She wants someone of her own to love and share the burden with.

Michael is a Magician in his country. Magicians are feared because they can bring ill-luck. Of course, they can also bring good luck. Michael has traveled his circuit of places trying to keep the world in balance but has been dreaming on someone to love.

Michael and Glorianna do meet and find that they have the same sort of job in their worlds. But there are differences too. Michael's world wasn't sundered nearly as badly in the first war with the Eater of the World. He knows things from old stories that have been passed down in his family that were lost in the landscapes the Glorianna Belladonna knows.

He knows a way that she can defeat the Eater of the World but the cost to her and to their relationship might be more than he is willing to pay.

The story was exciting and entertaining. It builds an interesting world peopled with all sorts of characters.
Profile Image for Lenora Good.
Author 14 books26 followers
February 10, 2024
Belladonna follows Sebastian, another page burner. Sometimes it pays to buy the whole series at the same time and just binge read. Which is what I did. This book was a tad darker than Sebastian, but I couldn’t put it down. Due to some things going on in my life, I needed to binge on books by an author whose work I know, and I chose wisely. There is enough conflict in this book that kept me on the edge of my seat, but not enough that I had nightmares when I turned the light off at night because I couldn’t keep my burning eyes open any longer.

The Eater of the World has been set free. He killed most of the Landscapers and Bridges who were close to his cage. Glorianna Belladonna is the only one who can re-cage the Eater. Can she do it? Will her brother, Lee, help her? What can Sebastian do? Well, who wrote the series?

Bishop is one of the best authors, one of the best world builders I’ve ever read. And her universes are not the same one between series. I feel my reviews don’t do her justice, so just trust me, her books are fantastic and great reads.
Profile Image for Kathy.
2,211 reviews31 followers
May 8, 2018
I like it, but I have to say that I was disappointed.

My biggest disappointment was that the author chose to change narrators from the first book to the second, which, as is true with most series changed the entire tone of the series from the first book to the second. I'm sure that wouldn't have happened had I read the books on my own prior to my introduction to the audiobooks, but I didn't, so the change in narrator changed much more than I'm sure the author intended.

I was also disappointed in the lack of sparks between the two main characters. I felt nothing between them that would have engendered the heart wrenching depression and unwavering heartfelt attempts to regain what had been lost. In fact, I'd say the last quarter of the book seemed way too thin on the emotions that prevailed throughout book 1 and had me rushing to read this one.

May 7-8, 2018 – Audible Audiobook
Profile Image for shunnaoaddict.
392 reviews5 followers
February 3, 2018
I'm not sure I want to read the next volume. I heard that Ephemera was Anne Bishop's least amazing book, but honestly... it was dragging so much.

I like Belladonna, I really do. She's tough, responsible and pretty girly at the same time. She has normal relationship with her sibling and cousin... But the romance. OMG the romance was so sickeningly sweet. Honestly, I rolled eyes so many times, it almost hurt.

I'm not sure if that was because of overly-flowery language or unnecessary fanfiction-like banter dialogues, but the story was going really slow.
Which is a shame - honestly! The world-building is so amazing. I loved it! But it's more about the romance, than anything else. And not a good romance.

Normally I would give it two stars, but the world itself, the whole idea is so amazing that I couldn't do it without feeling bad.
Profile Image for bumblethunderbeast.
1,046 reviews5 followers
April 9, 2020
I always love settling into an Anne Bishop universe. Ephemera is no exception. What could have been a fairly banal story from someone else becomes a rich cosmos that doesn't shy away from the gritty or the beautiful. In this series, I particularly like the very pointed reminder about the ramifications of our choices. In Ephemera, the landscape literally alters to reflect those choices. Similarly when I extend that metaphor into my mundane life, each choice I make impacts my dominion--the world around me. Silly and small things over time make a major difference. Yes, this is a very basic truth. But I appreciated the rich reminder woven into story. In many ways we are all landscapers.
Profile Image for Kristi.
6 reviews
December 9, 2017
I thought this book was heart-wrenching. To just find your heart's desire when you have to sacrifice yourself. This book shows the courage it takes to do that. I balled my eyes out when it happened. Then for your heart's desire stop at nothing to get you back. And succeeds. It shows the determination. I knew that Sebastian was important to Belladonna, but it's great how he was able to pay it forward. That made me cry my eyes out as well.

I could definitely continue reading the Sebastian & Belladonna books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 244 reviews

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