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Something is Killing the Children (Single Issues)

Something is Killing the Children #3

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Things in Archer’s Peak are only growing worse. Erica Slaughter is on the hunt, but the children are still dying. Angry and afraid, the inhabitants turn their suspicions on the stranger in their midst, the woman who arrived just as the killings began. Will Erica be able to save the town, or will the very people she is trying to protect turn on her?

23 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 20, 2019

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About the author

James Tynion IV

1,517 books1,570 followers
Prior to his first professional work, Tynion was a student of Scott Snyder's at Sarah Lawrence College. A few years later, he worked as for Vertigo as Fables editor Shelly Bond's intern. In late 2011, with DC deciding to give Batman (written by Snyder) a back up feature, Tynion was brought in by request of Snyder to script the back ups he had plotted. Tynion would later do the same with the Batman Annual #1, which was also co-plotted by Snyder. Beginning in September 2012, with DC's 0 issue month for the New 52, Tynion will be writing Talon, with art by Guillem March. In early 2013 it was announced that he'd take over writing duties for Red Hood and the Outlaws in April.

Tynion is also currently one of the writers in a rotating team in the weekly Batman Eternal series.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews
6,632 reviews74 followers
December 27, 2019
A bit of a transition here with this issues but definitely a series that has deeply hook me in! Let's go for #4!!
Profile Image for Lost in Book Land.
746 reviews161 followers
July 2, 2020
Hello, Hi, How Are You?

I honestly have not read a lot this week. I picked up a manga the other night but that has been about it. I want to read but there has been a lot going on in my life this week that has required my attention and me to spend a lot of my time adulting. But I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel, this morning, I sat down, made a to-do list of the last of the major things I needed to handle, got most of them done and I think I can go back to my reading soon (maybe even tonight)! It also just feels like a huge weight off my chest knowing, I have completed those tasks (or figured them out as much as I currently can) and can move on to have some relaxing time. So I decided as a little treat for wrapping that stuff up I would read the next issue in this graphic novel series while on lunch today!


We start this issue off with Erica at the police station, in the last issue she was arrested and they are attempting to question her. She is giving vague answers but at the same time she is telling the police she can fix this, she has seen it before, and that they should work with her, and believe her. The police ultimately let Erica go but decide to keep an eye on her from a distance. Before she leaves the station they also give her the name of the first person who went missing. This is something that Erica stated in the interview that she needed, she said it would help her fix things faster. We leave this issue off with Erica leaving the station and the police finding out that more children have gone missing.

I am really enjoying this series. I have been picking up the issues on Hoopla (so if you are interested definitely check to see if your Hoopla or Libby has them)! They are quick and short reads but they are action-packed and it feels like every issue has something that moves the story forward in a critical way. I love Erica's character and I am excited to learn more about this mystery of what is happening with the children in this town and why this town. I am also super intrigued by the little stuffed animal Erica carries around and would love to learn more about that in a future issue (I know she talks to it and it seems to be real to her but I want to know what exactly is happening with that situation). I am hoping to pick up the next issue very soon (maybe in the next few days) and see what happens next!

Goodreads Rating: 5 Stars
Profile Image for Jessica.
1,021 reviews44 followers
January 7, 2022
5 Stars! ★★★★★
We, well…I know what the blonde’s name is, and it’s crazy! “Erica Slaughter”! Haha! Well at least the name she goes by…
Profile Image for Jenn Lopez.
466 reviews13 followers
January 31, 2020
Now that I'm watching The Outsider based on the Stephen King novel of the same name, I feel like this is the same vibe. A monster killing children. But here we have a bad-ass female slaying those monsters like nobody's business.
Profile Image for Kevin.
89 reviews1 follower
November 25, 2019
Probably the weakest issue so far.

The art is actually one of the biggest letdowns considering how stellar it's been this this point, but a number of the panels are poorly framed and the content indecipherable. I can see someone wanting to defend our as 'ntentionally chaotic', but previous issues have done that already without sacrificing or compromising any of the context or terror.

The actual content is solid, but it's definitely a lull; a lot of empty exposition that doesn't really introduce much of anything new. I have a feeling you'll be able to jump straight from issues 2 to issue 4 with little to no loss.

With all that said, it's still enjoyable enough if you want to soak in more of the world of Archer's Peak or just like reading Erica Slaughter sass people.
Profile Image for James.
2,464 reviews67 followers
December 14, 2019
The monster hunter girl has the coolest name. Loving the slow burn build up. Really well written.
Profile Image for Giselle ♡.*゙.
223 reviews3 followers
March 9, 2020
Ya dije que esta serie pintaba buenísima? Se agregan los elementos fantásticos y la verdad súper raros, cada vez más. Ahora la intriga que tengo va en aumento, necesito saber urgente qué va a pasar. Increíble la rapidez con que se Lee esta novela gráfica.

Ya quiero ver lo que se nos trae la protagonista en sus manos, tengo mucha curiosidad sobre qué sucede con su mascota/peluche/lo que sea. Eso sí que me sorprendió.

Las ilustraciones son bellísimas, las situaciones que se presentan y que van atravesando los personajes me dejan con más preguntas que respuestas (ya lo dije, especialmente Erica). No pasa mucho en este tomo, pero agregó un par de cositas buenas.

Veremos cómo sigue el próximo volumen
Profile Image for Marcelo.
148 reviews
July 30, 2020
Depois de um início tenso, a história dá um quebrada (intencional) de ritmo.

Não estou dizendo que isso seja negativo. Não mesmo.

É aquela quebrada que todo filme, toda série e afins, precisam.

Um destaque que pouco falei nos outros números: a arte de Werther Dell'edera é muito interessante e combina muito bem com o clima da série.

3.5 como nos primeiros números.


Profile Image for Marina.
660 reviews126 followers
January 19, 2020
Grapa de respiro antes de la verdadera acción. Me parece interesante algunos detalles que caen sobre el personaje de Erica. Tiene algunas cosillas pero es el típico número puente, así que tampoco hay que juzgarlo con demasiada severidad. En el TP seguramente funciona mucho mejor.
Profile Image for Darthy McDarthface.
1,010 reviews
January 5, 2020
I just really, really love this series. I feel like it had so much potential to rock it out of this world. I also kinda love how it always ends on the most ridiculous cliff hangers. It very much reminds me of Stranger Things, so if you're a fan of that show, you'll almost definitely enjoy this.
Profile Image for Larissa Cezana.
57 reviews
October 1, 2020
Esta issue é um pouco mais fraca que as outras, fazendo com que o conteúdo não acrescente muito para a história. Mas admito que gosto bastante da personagem Erica, gosto deste tipo, insolentes e durões. Existem muitos pontos curiosos nesta série, logo o leitor consegue manter bem o interesse. Particularmente a arte me agrada.
Profile Image for Liz (Quirky Cat).
4,705 reviews72 followers
November 21, 2019
"Something Is Killing the Children #3 brings us back to a world in which monsters are real. And they have a taste for children. Naturally, this is a dark and gory series, but it isn’t without hope, even if that hope rests on the shoulders of a gruff young woman.

When children suddenly go missing or turn up dead, those in the know understand that there’s a monster on the loose. And thus, people like Erica Slaughter are sent in to clean it all up. And yet, it’s been three issues, and children are still dying.

This issue forces us to acknowledge that being a monster hunter isn’t as simple as tracking and killing. Not that any of that would actually be easy. Erica may be on the job, but every moment she wastes puts another child at risk."

Check out my full review over at Word of the Nerd
Profile Image for Paige.
1,109 reviews11 followers
April 9, 2020
It is kind of unfair with the nature of single issues and storytelling to rate them individually since there is a natural flow of points of interest being followed up with slower moments to get the story moving along. So even though there wasn't a huge reveal in this one, I still really enjoyed it. I loved the beginning section with the dad talking about his son as a man vs a baby and what he would remember the most. Definitely ready for the next one to see how this will progress!
Profile Image for Jeremy Whetzel.
149 reviews
October 23, 2022
Short, but mysterious

This issue feels a little light. Like, not much story. We get a bit of background on our mysterious heroine, "Erica", some stress from the local law force, and some deeper sympathy for poor James.
This continues to be one of the best new titles I've read in a long time. Recommended for fans of horror, "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer" , and just overall great, suspenseful storytelling.
Profile Image for Sidney Staples.
106 reviews
March 8, 2023
Really intrigued by the octopus and what it is capable of! Is this character’s real name Erica Slaughter and is she going to be able to kill whatever this is quick? Or will she be here for a while?

I got excited when the man in the bar said something about when “they” used to be kids and thought we were getting more info about what these things are that are killing the children. The scenes of the little girl hiding and then running from the monster were intense and gave me goosebumps!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jordan.
320 reviews
March 8, 2020
This is developing into such a great overall story. It’s difficult to dissect each issue on its own.

There were some absolutely fantastic moments throughout. Once again, Tynion is pulling back the curtain - especially in regards to Erica. So many questions remain unanswered; who is she? Where did she come from? And who or what is her stuffed Octopus?!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews

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