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A Will And A Way

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Pandora McVie struggles to live with irritating Michael Donohue, named co-beneficiary of her uncle's estate.

288 pages, Hardcover

First published November 28, 1986

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About the author

Nora Roberts

1,788 books54.7k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 498 reviews
Profile Image for Anita.
2,363 reviews195 followers
December 12, 2017
I read this book many, many years ago, BG (Before Goodreads). I remembered it during the very sad and moving scene when Pandora's workshop is vandalized. I really like this book. It is an early Nora from 1986, but it doesn't look its' age at all. Loved the H/h and their emeries to lovers story. I especially loved the way they decided early on that the other was not the enemy and decided to work together and then they fell in lust, then in love. Great Nora Romance.

Jolley McVie was quite a character. A personality that his family kindly called eccentric and he called then blood sucking . . . Well, Jollie has the last laugh when he leaves his 150 million fortune to Pandora McVie and Michael Donahue . . . IF they can stay together at Jolley's Folly for six months. Well this does not set well with the other heirs and . . . well, lots of nasty things start to occur to derail this plan.

It isn't long before Michael and Pandora realize that living together is going to bring out all kinds of feelings both of them never thought they would ever acknowledge. When the nasty pranks start happening, they decide that they really want to honor Jolley's wishes and will do what it takes to make peace with each other, even falling in love.
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,597 reviews547 followers
March 21, 2020
"A Will And A Way" is the story of Pandora and Michael.

This book has the tale of our h and H, who are cousins by marriage. There is bilateral attraction which has sustained for years, but they deny their feelings. When their beloved uncle dies, leaving his assets to them in a joint testemony, they are forced to co-habitate. Soon lust strikes, and so does a dangeous enemy who is hell bent on harming them both..

Average read with stubborn MCs. I skimmed through most of it. My favorite moment has to be the H gifting the h an adorable dog, but apart from that, a very average read.

Profile Image for Lauren.
2,426 reviews159 followers
March 30, 2022
A Will and A Way
3.5 Stars

When her beloved uncle Jolley dies, Pandora is not only devastated but also furious as the eccentric old coot has left her his entire fortune with one condition … she must share it with Michael Donahue, a distant cousin by marriage who has always been her nemesis. Michael is none to happy to learn that he will have to spend six months in close quarters with the one woman who rubs him the wrong way … or is it that they rub each other the right way?

Michael and Pandora have great chemistry and their love/hate banter is entertaining. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that the enemies to lovers trope is one of my favorites. Despite their initial animosity, there is thankfully very little angst as Pandora and Michael communicate with one another rather than falling into the silly misunderstandings trap.

The minor suspense plot adds an additional layer of tension to the story and the romance although the explanation and resolution are predictable.

As this is one of Nora’s earlier standalone contemporary romances, there are certain things that make it feel dated such as the fact that Michael and Pandora are in dire need of cellphones.

All in all, an easygoing read for those in need of some lighter fare.
Profile Image for Susan.
245 reviews2 followers
March 27, 2013
This was an easy read and I started off okay with it, but I really had trouble with the hero and heroine being cousins and having a relationship. I may have been able to get past them being cousins by marriage, but all throughout the book they kept calling each other "cousin" and the kissing cousin thing creeped me out. A lot. I stuck it out because I really hate giving up on books. It's doubtful I would have gone three stars even without that. It was fast and easy, but not certainly not fabulous.
Profile Image for Carol.
1,349 reviews255 followers
December 16, 2022
2.75 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
An oldie for sure...but not necessarily a goodie.
Just okay for me...the characters not as richly drawn as I can usually expect from NR and the banter and language...kind of so..so.
For the first time by this author a book that felt and read as dated.
Profile Image for Nσҽɱí.
461 reviews180 followers
February 28, 2021
Un libro corto, que se lee rápido pero muy entretenido. Me ha gustado bastante.
17 reviews1 follower
December 7, 2023
This book has nothing going on and still managed to be so cringey. I never want want to hear the word cousins again
Profile Image for Victoria Glunt.
29 reviews1 follower
November 13, 2023
this felt like an incestuous version of beauty and the beast but with a mystery I didn’t care about
Profile Image for Francesca ❆.
501 reviews95 followers
November 29, 2021
Oh my god why wasn’t this novella written as a full length novel!?
I loved it so much, the rivals to allies to lovers trope, the charming weird house, the “they’re forced to live together” aspect, the cast of questionable and colorful secondary characters, how Michael and Pandora fell in love as they realized how much alike their views are…such a charming little story, their quips and personalities.
And the whole Murder She Wrote like reveal scene near the end was so priceless!
Definitely one of the best novellas by Roberts I’ve had the chance to read so far.
Profile Image for Soraia.
107 reviews11 followers
August 26, 2017
Such a basic story. I read it in a couple of hours
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,215 reviews203 followers
April 30, 2024
Money can make people do odd things. Especially when they think they're entitled to it. As turns out, Pandora and Michael's family think exactly that. So when Uncle Jolley dies and leaves the bulk of his money to Pandora and Michael (provided they can live together in his house for six months), well...nobody's really thrilled about it.

This includes Pandora and Michael. She doesn't want the money at all (mostly she thinks it will be more trouble than benefit) and Michael wants the money just to keep it out of the family's hands. Because, frankly, they're all jerks. Pandora and Michael also tend to push each other's buttons in a BIG way whenever they spend any time together, so six months feels like an eternity.

But they decide to do it and it isn't long before the verbal spats turn into something more. Then odd things start happening around them and the house and they realize that there's the slightest possibility someone in the family isn't willing to sit idly by and let all that money slip away from them.

A little dated, but very fun.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Andreia Silva.
Author 15 books115 followers
March 9, 2014
Pandora e Michael conhecem-se desde sempre uma vez que são primos afastados e foram os únicos a contactar com o tio abastado e dono de um património grande. Quando morre, deixa um testamento peculiar para a maioria da família (que não acha lá muita piada) e uma exigência aos dois: viverem 6 meses na casa que ambos tão bem conhecem.

Ora, como é óbvio, eles não acham muita graça a isso mas, como gostam muito da casa e não a querem perder para ninguém, entram no esquema. E pouco a pouco lá se vão tolerando, mesmo quando começam a acontecer tentativas de distúrbio. E isso dá dinâmica ao livro. Não é restringido ao romance e à passagem de uma antipatia para uma paixão intensa.

É um livro, tal como se quer ao pegar nele, descontraído, leve, bem-humorado e, acima de tudo, romântico. Existe uma interacção bem feita entre os personagens principais (e quase únicos na história) que a torna credível. Gosto que a Nora tenha colocado uma pontinha mínima de mistério ali no meio, apesar de o desfecho ser óbvio. Gostei muito!
Profile Image for Ariel.
1,051 reviews73 followers
September 30, 2019
La Nora at her finest. It was a treat to watch Michael and Pandora fall in love with each other while fighting it every step of the way.
Profile Image for iamGamz.
1,539 reviews46 followers
January 5, 2018
A lovely who-dun-it, enemies to lovers story.

The H and h’s favorite uncle (they are cousins by marriage, not blood related) left them his entire fortune, including his home filled with priceless objects, while leaving the rest of the family with nothing. The h and H would inherit with one caveat; the live together in the house for 6 months.

The h and H aggravate the heck out of each other. So the family assumed that they would never make it. Until they realized that they were actually doing it. That’s when random acts of mischief began happening. They all seemed harmless, but could have been dangerous. The problem was who was behind it all. Which family member?

I really enjoyed this book. Pandora, the h, was fabulous! I visualized her looking like Katherine Hepburn. She just seemed to have so many of Kate’s mannerisms. And Michael, well, he was easily Cary Grant to me. He was Cary Grant in “His Girl Friday”.

It made the book that much more enjoyable for me to see the characters come to life as two of my all time favorite actors.

A definitely wonderful read.
Profile Image for Thebookofmama.
69 reviews
December 2, 2017
vraiment un super livre je lis très peu de contemporain mais avec les fêtes qui arrive j'avais envie de lire un livre qui se passe pendant noël je l'ai lu en a peine un jour c'était vraiment addictifs je ne voulais pas m'arrêter en plus de l'histoire d'amour il y a un petit mystère a élucidé ceatut pas mal du tout en sachant que ça fait un mois que je suis sur heartless de marissa meyer et que je narriveais plus à lire ça ma remis dans al lecture
Profile Image for Lonni.
438 reviews
January 22, 2019
Well..the fact that I read it in one day says it was interesting...and fairly short! Seemed almost like a backward Agatha Christie to me...attempted murders of the two (distantly related) heirs to a mansion and the fortune that goes with it. The will requires they live together in the mansion for six months in order to claim it and the money. The Uncle, whom they both loved, wants to see them together...matchmaker from the "beyond". Funny, sometimes scary. Don't want to give it away.
Profile Image for Cassandra Doon.
Author 26 books54 followers
June 16, 2023

My beautiful late nan owned every single one of Nora’s books.
So when she moved in with us for her last few years we spent the time reading our way through every single one together.
Granted they are not the type of books I like to read, but they were still really good and sweet.
Profile Image for Merry.
384 reviews2 followers
April 24, 2022
I thought I had read most of Nora Robert's backlist. but I missed this one. It was ok. Very predictable. I hadn't missed much by not reading this one. Meh.
250 reviews2 followers
February 2, 2023
Classic Nora Roberts. Great chemistry, character development, plot. Love her writing.
Profile Image for Dayse Dantas.
Author 3 books92 followers
April 10, 2023
meeeeh, faltou um conflito mais interessante entre os dois. Faltou aquela briga amarga que a Roberta sabe escrever tão bem!!!
27 reviews
July 2, 2024
One of her better early books. 3.5

Uncle Jolley reminds me of "The MacGregor", the way he meddles in the love lives of those he loves.

Michael and Pandora are 'cousins' (no blood relation) and the only members of the family who ever understood and really loved their eccentric uncle. They also hate each other. Over the years, they verbally sparred every time they visited their uncle at the same time. After his death, they are both named as co-inheritors of his entire estate, worth millions, provided they live together for six months. If they fail to agree to the terms, his entire estate reverts to his other family members who will tear it apart and sell it piece by piece.

While living together, they both quickly realize that the disdain they had for each other, was really a mutual attraction that neither was willing to admit to. With adorable caretakers that are rooting for them to fall in love and stay at the estate and shitty family members who only want the money and will do anything to get it, the plot quickly evolves into danger and mutual respect and love.
Profile Image for Linda.
425 reviews39 followers
May 4, 2022
A Will and a Way has mystery as well as flirtation and romance, with family drama plus murder thrown in.

Pandora is a well know, high end jewelry artisan, while her distant cousin (2rd or 3rd most likely), Michael writes scripts for a popular television show. Both are successful in their chosen crafts, both live full time in New York city, and both love their eccentric, Uncle Jolly and his wonderful home in upper state New York. They share many favorite memories of their time with Uncle Jolly. They have always claimed they didn't like each other and proved it with constant bickering whenever they were together. They both adored Uncle Jolly, his eccentric ways, his fun home and that love was returned.

Uncle Jolly passes away and when his will is read, his lazy & selfish family members are left exactly what Uncle Jolly thought they deserve. Keeping with this, Pandora and Michael are left his entire beloved estate and businesses with one stipulation-they must live there together for 6 months to inherit. Neither Pandora or Michael care about money, are successful on their own, but they both love Jolly's home and want to protect what Jolly built there.

Jolly's son, Carlton is furious, as are all the other family members. Carlton files a lawsuit, and mysterious, dangerous things begin to happen to Pandora and Michael as they adjust to living and working from Uncle Jolly's estate. Things begin to escalate as time goes on, and the couple band together in an effort to hold onto the home they both love.

During this time, Sweeney and Charles, the long time, elderly employees in the home devise their own plan to bring Pandora and Michael together. It seems those closest to these two, have always known they belong together, and Uncle Jolly in particular, wanted that to happen.

This was a good easy read, with what seemed like a short and sudden ending that could have been better if it was elaborated on, just a little. The fact that the main characters were cousins didn't bother me a bit. I assumed they were distant cousins, making everything legal, plus allowing for their companionship and joint memories, when they were children.

Profile Image for Chrys.
147 reviews
February 7, 2015
Very entertaining read! Michael and Pandora have never had anything in common besides loving their Uncle Jolly, an old millionaire who loves pranks and having a good laugh. So when Uncle Jolly dies and leaves them a fortune on the condition that they live together for six months, Michael and Pandora find themselves trapped together in a situation they could have never foreseen. But when bickering transforms into attraction, they start wondering whether Uncle Jolly had planned for them a future that they had not imagined for themselves.

This book was very refreshing and different from Nora's usual books. I realized then that it was written in 1986, so maybe that is why it is not as formulaic as her more recent stuff (don't hate me Nora Roberts fans, I still love her and read all her stuff). I thought the plot fairly original, and although I found the character of Pandora annoying, the chemistry and dialogue between her and Michael were so amusing I would not have her be anything different. If you like romance and mystery, I am sure "A Will and a Way" will keep you entertained.
Profile Image for Emily.
132 reviews20 followers
September 24, 2020
This book feels like a murder mystery party! Distant relatives by marriage, Pandora McVie and Michael Donahue, inherit the majority of their beloved Uncle Jolley's extensive investments as well as his estate, Jolley's Folly. The only hitch is that the two must live together in Jolley's Folly for six months to meet the terms of the will. While the pair can't stand each other they are united in their efforts to keep Jolley's Folly from falling into the hands of their greedy relatives. When someone starts sabotaging the Folly and things turn deadly, Michael and Pandora create an elaborate plan to invite all their suspected relatives for a dinner at the Folly that they will never forget. This is a fun and thrilling enemies to lovers story with some crazy made for T.V. theatrics thrown in. To hear a full discussion of A Will and a Way listen to Season 2, Ep. #2, "Nora Roberts' 1986: Home for Christmas and A Will and a Way" of Romancing the Shelf, a Nora Roberts podcast: https://romancingtheshelf.libsyn.com/
Profile Image for Maura.
3,883 reviews101 followers
October 3, 2015
The story was very entertaining, but wasn't as angsty as the some of her other early romances. In this one, Michael and Pandora have to spend 6 months together in their uncle's house in order to inherit it and his money and keep it all out of the hands of their greedy family. There's plenty of banter, that love-and-annoyance-are-two-sides-of-the-same-coin interactions and there's a mystery to be solved as well. All of those kept me reading. But the true gem here is how the characters develop as a couple. They start out snippy and kind of uncomfortable with one another, not really liking the other, and before long they become comfortable and their friendship and attraction begins to grow. I really enjoyed reading that. There were however some slow moving parts, but it's not a long enough story to really detract from it overall.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ann.
339 reviews3 followers
May 8, 2015
Reading challenge #24 A book set during Christmas

A Will and a Way was a nice and enjoyable book. Pandora and Michael, distant relatives, lose their beloved uncle but inherit his manor and a lot of money if they manage to live together for six months.

They have known each other since they were little, for some reason they annoy each other. During the six months Pandora and Michael get to know each other in more intimate basis and of course realise they have loved one another for years.

Other relatives who did not get much from uncle Jolly`s will try to sabotage the couple to gain the property and money for themselves.

English is not my mother tongue. Pandora and Michael are cousins. This means they are related, right? And they are a couple?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 498 reviews

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