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終わりのセラフ [Owari no Seraph] #19

Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign, Vol. 19

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After trumpets of the apocalypse proclaim the fall of humanity, vampires arise from the shadows to rule the earth. Yuichiro wants just one thing—to get revenge by killing each and every vampire.

Shinoa fights for her life at the Demon Army headquarters where the First Progenitor, Shikama Doji, is trying to possess her. Ferid’s solution to the problem? Kill her before she’s turned and possessed. With all of the pieces in place and the First’s resurrection all but complete, the vampires and the Hyakuya Sect both converge on Shibuya. Meanwhile, trapped in his own mind with Asuramaru, Yuichiro’s missing past is finally revealed to him.

184 pages, Paperback

First published September 4, 2019

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About the author

Takaya Kagami

309 books329 followers
Also known as 鏡貴也.

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Profile Image for Emily M.
482 reviews54 followers
June 22, 2022
This volume is a little confusing because of so many things going on. It follows up on the cliffhanger of Shinoa getting possessed by the First. Ferid has some existential questions for this “god”, while Saito (AKA Rigr Stafford) tries to take out anyone who might get in the way of his confrontation with the First. All the excitement means no one but Mitsuba is with Yu when the Hyakuya sect shows up to kidnap him! While he’s unconscious, we get flashbacks to his and Asuramaru’s ancient past.

Basically, everyone* has a beef with the First, and they are all getting in each other’s way! The Hyakuya sect clearly have some history with Yu that is probably part of Saito’s plan, given that he’s the one who put Yu and Mika in the orphanage from which they took their name. And Mika isn’t there when the Sect comes for Yu because he got surrounded by Guren, Shinya, and Kureto, who rightly guessed that he was about to grab Yu and run again.

*Except the child soldiers, who are basically all operating on some version of: “I don’t know what’s happening and I don’t care – I’m just going to try to protect the people I care about.”

Full review of anime and manga up to chapter 100 or so: https://ajungleoftales.blogspot.com/2...

Favorite bits:
- Ferid getting a reaction out of the First by acting like he’s going to behead Shinoa before she fully turns into a vampire, resulting in him getting sliced in half by Shikama Doji’s scythe. He’s not too fussed about this!
[Ferid] “Are, you are the First?” [SD, through Shinoa’s mouth] “What if I am?” [F] “Then might I ask what the point is?” [SD] “The point?” [F] “Yes, of everything. What’s the point of this destroyed world? Of the endless, meaningless human wars?...What is the point of giving us vampires bodies that Just. Won’t. Die. When we were never given a reason to live?”
Huh. Actually, those are excellent existential questions, ya creepy weirdo!
- Mika quietly trying to plan how to get Yu away from the humans who clearly want to experiment on him again after (attempting to help Shinoa) Yu blabs about the weird hints the First made about his past. The vampire has something of a showdown with Guren (who can guess what he’s planning), but the presence of Shinya AND Kureto mean Mika has to back down.
- Guren and Kureto wanting to fight the First, but then…[cut-in-half Ferid, being dragged along by possessed Shinoa] “Excuse me! Pardon me! I have to say I disagree with the choice the human team captains are making.”
- Asuramaru’s memories of being bought by someone – a seemingly-human version of the First – in Ancient Greece…and what looks like a child Yu is tagging along! Even weirder, this Yu already has amnesia; He can’t remember if “Siga Madu” bought him from a slave dealer too! This, and the fact that this dude regularly buys child slaves, and yet there aren’t a ton of them running around, has Ashera (who is a pretty perceptive kid) quite worried about what his* “duties” are going to be! He resolves he’s going to do whatever it takes to survive and find his sister again. However, the weird noises he hears coming out of Siga Madu’s room when he is summoned there turn out to be from Yu sprouting angel wings! While these are the proper feathery kind, not the oily black ones modern-day Seraph Yu has, the Seraph isn’t any fonder of humans, and it ends up killing Ashera. But, when Siga Madu beheads Yu (“Well, drat. Another failure. I must start all over from the beginning yet again.”) some of the blood drips into Ashera’s mouth and keeps him alive! When he wakes next, he’s alarmed to find that he craves blood, and that his senses are heightened…and even more weirded out to find a room full of tanks and an apparently still-alive Yu!

*Note: Asuramaru still isn’t using gendered words for themself, but Ashera presents as a boy (rather than with Asuramaru’s much more feminine style) and is treated by everyone as such without any argument from him, so I’m going with that for this section!
Profile Image for Claudia.
1,496 reviews
June 12, 2020
75. "Secret Distance" (秘密のキョリ, Himitsu no Kiyori)
76. "Age of Immortals" (不死者のセダイ, Fushisha no Sedai)
77. "Rescue for the Devil" (悪魔キュウサイ, Akuma Kyuusai)
78. "The Dark Ages of Greece" (暗黒のギリシャ, Ankoku no Girisha)
79. "Eternal Hell" (永遠にジゴク, Eien ni Jigoku)
Profile Image for Abby.
13 reviews
December 27, 2020
It seems I’ve finished this book after 12am. Overall, I really love this entire series, so seeing everything come together (be it good or bad) brings me a sense of closure and happiness I just can’t quite explain using words. This volume of Seraph of the End in particular has left a few interesting things for the reader to think about. Although I won’t spoil anything of course.
One thing I really like about this volume is that there is a lot of history from real life from up to a millennia ago that is put into the books. The author seems to have really done some research.

I can’t wait to get more of the books after they are translated into English so I can actually read them.
Profile Image for Emily.
92 reviews1 follower
June 13, 2023
ive never been so stressed in my life oh my god
Profile Image for Amelia.
110 reviews
May 23, 2024
Yuu po prostu od zawsze był, jak i dalej jest, debilem i choć czasem już denerwuje z tym gadaniem o rodzinie to w sumie i tak go lubię bo jest śmiesznym głupkiem
Profile Image for K.S. Trenten.
Author 11 books53 followers
July 16, 2021
It was disappointing to see both Shinoa and Mikaela falter. Yes, I could see how it happened in the face of overwhelming enemies and power, but I still hoped they’d be able to do more. Yu acted perfectly in character and Guren acted in an unpredictable yet predictable fashion. Just what are Guren and Mahiru up to? One enemy stronger than the next showed up to destroy, beat up, and/or taunt the previous one right when the previous was at the height of their arrogance. I can’t deny it was exciting. There was a touching glimpse of Ashera’s past and not only how long he’s known the oldest vampires but Yu. Only is it Yu? There was an equally touching cameo of Krul whom definitely has more humanity than most vampires. In spite of my disappointment in two of my favorite characters, my enjoyment was stronger. The overall quality of the story, series, and artwork didn’t diminish and it left me eager for the next volume, hoping Shinoa and Mika will somehow make a comeback.
Profile Image for Kate.
1,112 reviews83 followers
February 28, 2019
A post-apocalyptic world and vampires. Seraph of the End has nothing new to offer, and with each unveiled mystery, the story falls in on itself more and more. As one character said in the most recent chapter released (via VIZ media), "What's the point of this destroyed world? Of the endless, meaningless human wars?" I might add, "And of this manga that jumped the shark volumes ago?" I've invested too much time into this train wreck to not keep reading the monthly chapter release now that I'm all caught up despite the cliched and weak story writing. But, Mika's a cool looking vampire, so there's that at least.

image: Mika!
36 reviews
May 20, 2021
I really enjoyed this volume. It's nice to know more about Yu's past but now I have even more questions. I have no idea what Guren will do in the next volume to betray them. I don't know why they all trust him so much after what happened early when he killed a bunch of the demon army. If he betrays them again and Yu forgives him again I'll be so disappointed.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Timothy Pitkin.
1,939 reviews8 followers
August 25, 2023
So we get a lot of backstory with Yu and his connections with Asuramaru and the First Progenitor and while it does answer a few questions it just raises a ton more and I hope this does get cleared up soon as it currently feels a bit confusing especially with prior knowledge it feels like they should have explored the backstory a bit more instead of leaving it on a cliff hanger granted the main story does get developed in an interesting way with everyone now converging on the reemerged First Progenitor.
Profile Image for alexander shay.
Author 1 book20 followers
November 29, 2020
It's been so long since I read the last volume that I don't remember a lot of what happened. Mostly backstory in this volume but I think it exposes a lot of the character's motivations and answers a few questions readers have been having up until this point. It'd be nice if every volume could be paced like this, a bit of filler so it's not an info dump but not all filler either.
June 30, 2022
I love this story, some things are getting a little confusing, but hopefully it will clear up soon :) super obsessed still 💚🖤💚
Profile Image for Adelaide.
Author 2 books13 followers
July 27, 2020
One of the best volumes we've had for a while!
Profile Image for Jaye Berry.
1,810 reviews128 followers
June 22, 2024
The way the storyline just keeps getting more confusing like bro if you're confused and I'M confused who is driving the car???

This picks off the cliffhanger of the last- Shinoa is now fully possessed by the First. Yu remembers meeting the First before and volunteers to undergo testing to try to help Shinoa but then he ends up getting kidnapped.

Mika on the other hand is done with the humans again and wants to take Yu and run but then gets cut off by Guren, Shinya, and Kureto who team up to beat his ass.😭 Like sweet baby Mika you tried but those three kick too much ass, especially together.

What I'm picking up right now is everyone has beef with the First and with Saito and they are all attacking each other and getting in the way of each other?? But then I truly do not understand half of everyone's goals especially whatever the fuck my boy Guren is up to. Like why are we gonna betray everyone again, can you please explain first.💀

I don't understand Saito at all nor do I understand why anyone does anything. The First coming in and being an asshole for what reason? If that monster has possessed that family for generations why is it acting up now? The world is already destroyed, what else are you gonna do?? Everything with the vampires / angels / demons, I'm literally too stupid for this I fear.

The flashback into Ashera's backstory in Ancient Greece and meeting Yu did nothing but give me further questions, as per usual any time we get new information.😭 I'm very glad to be learning anything but I always end up even more confused instead of satisfied.

What happened to just humans vs vampires why we gotta get into whatever is currently happening omg.

I gotta say the angel wings in this series look so cool. I love how many wings there are, the silhouette goes hard.
Profile Image for Ya Boi Be Reading.
402 reviews3 followers
September 10, 2023
Wow, after the fairly slow development Owari post-timeskip its really picking up. Its still not lightning fast but nothing with Seraph ever is lol.
While you don't see a bunch of the fight there does seem to he a heavier focus on showing the fights and action with less dialogue which is nice which is seen in the developments for the Shinoa possession plotline and Yu and Ashera's backstory.
Finally all the humans agreed and worked together even openly with vampire allies and now it all hits the fan here. The intrigue is still heavy but Kagami is really giving us explanations now instead of just giving us bits and pieces. Its crazy how ot all devolves quickly with
The shift to Yu and Ashera's backstory in the second half is sudden but not bad. Its a little confusing and all over the place but at least we're getting info on Sika Madu and the origins of the second progenitors. I feel bad for Yamamoto though. Rendering white/silver hair looks awkward and time consuming. And now having to draw everything with six fully detailed wings has to be a bitch and a half.
Profile Image for Marianna Rainolter.
1,627 reviews20 followers
June 18, 2020
Shinoa rischia di diventare un vampiro e i suoi amici, soprattutto Yu, sono disposti a tutto per salvarla collaborando con Kureto Hiragi. Ma i vampiri guidati dal Capostipite e Saito del culto Hyakuya non stanno certo a guardare e anzi si lanciano l'attacco. La quarantena mi spinge ad acquisti impulsivi di manga che vedo in edicola, come questo volume. Sono indietro di qualche numero, ma ho capito i fatti principali che mi permettono di seguire e apprezzare comunque la storia. Il volume mi è piaciuto e mi ha appassionato. Mi è piaciuto il flashback verso la fine del volume che spiega meglio i legami di alcuni vampiri con il famoso Capostipite. E quel finale mi ha lasciato a bocca aperta, non dico altro. Già altre volte ho mancato un volume o due di qualche serie e ho molto apprezzato quelle dove non ho particolarmente sentito di mancare un pezzo. Quindi sono soddisfatta di questo mio acquisto molto impulsivo - e mi preparo a recuperare i volumi mancanti.
Profile Image for Julie.
111 reviews3 followers
November 12, 2021
Este volumen sí estuvo muy bueno, me encantó saber el pasado de Ashera y cuán importante es también en esto de los inicios de los vampiros.
Entonces Shikama, en ese entonces Shiga maru, es quien efectivamente creo a los primeros vampiros y experimentaba con quien sabe que cosas, en niños para crear serafines y resulta que Yuu es uno de esos experimentos desde miles años atrás. (Que Ashera es vampiro gracias a Yuu, que loco, nunca me hubiera pasado por la mente:0)
Solo que aún no sabemos todo. El panorama no está totalmente claro, no sabemos qué pasó con Rigr para convertirse en Saito ni cómo fue que continuó todo después de que Shikama abandonara a los demás vampiros.

Todo estuvo muy emocionante, disfruté mucho ya tener más información para aclarar todo lo pendiente y confuso.

Espero pronto se revele qué tanto y cómo está relacionada Mahiru con Shikama y los serafines, y como esto influye en Guren también, ya va a volver a traicionar a todos el maldito jajsj ptm
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Profile Image for Natasa .
818 reviews18 followers
April 10, 2023
This volume is a little confusing because of so many things going on. It follows up on the cliffhanger of Shinoa getting possessed by the First. Ferid has some existential questions for this “god”, while Saito (AKA Rigr Stafford) tries to take out anyone who might get in the way of his confrontation with the First. All the excitement means no one but Mitsuba is with Yu when the Hyakuya sect shows up to kidnap him! While he’s unconscious, we get flashbacks to his and Asuramaru’s ancient past.

I really enjoyed this volume. It's nice to know more about Yu's past but now I have even more questions. I have no idea what Guren will do in the next volume to betray them. I don't know why they all trust him so much after what happened early when he killed a bunch of the demon army.

Profile Image for Winny.
150 reviews5 followers
December 9, 2019
Cap 78. Al fin vamos descubriendo el verdadero origen del demonio de Yuu-Chan. Ashera, su nombre humano. Es un peque re lindo y como siempre más despierto al despistado y confiado de Yuu-Chan. Cuales son las verdaderas intenciones del Primer Progenitor?? Que intriga

Cap 79. Lo sabia, sabía que Guren tenía otras intenciones, Ferid logrará descifrarlas? Los hermanos fueron separados, uno demonio y la otra es Reyna vampira. Y Mika fue salvado por ella. Todo está conectado y me asusta el daño colateral. La historia de Ashera fue fuerte y sus miedos estaban justificados.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cress .
273 reviews
July 5, 2021
umm...... woahhh!! okay but like how did he get all that tech and equipment in the dark ages in ancient Greeks? And I'm curious was Shi always whatever he is or was he a human who turned? How did he find out about this weird experiment? AND WHATS THE END GOAL???

But I loved the backstory it was interesting
Profile Image for Andy.
175 reviews
December 31, 2023
The covers of these no longer are any help to me in remember what was happening anymore. The stakes are a little too high (as are their power levels), that it's getting harder to tell what's even going on. Also, the poor humans are almost nonexistent now... I'm mostly just invested in whatever is going on with Asuramaru.
Profile Image for ☆.
52 reviews
April 28, 2024
Well well, it was very packed with events 👀 I’m sometimes getting a little confused with all the names of the high rankings, like Saito and his alternative names and also The First. But I love The First’s design as a character, he really reminds me of Michel from Mermaid Melody. I just love that all the divine names for angelic beings are taken from the name Michael 🤭
Profile Image for Olivia.
1,523 reviews1 follower
December 29, 2020
Though I’m a but confused by this storyline, it’s been awhile since I read the last volume, I still loved it. Is that odd? These characters are just wonderful to me. I just want to understand all the connections in the memories!
Profile Image for DonutKnow.
2,637 reviews49 followers
May 2, 2021
I got a couple of pervy vibes coming from Siga Madu guy- who is terrible anyway- but characters preying on kids are the worst 😡😡 Also, I just don’t trust Guren, regardless of his ‘altruistic’ goals...

I think Kureto Hiragi is cool though 🥰☺️☺️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Aleja Uribe.
610 reviews9 followers
January 17, 2023
Hola? Que pasa? Necesito respuestas!!!!! AAAHHHH!!! Todo eso del pasado me gustó mucho! Y ya estoy entendiendo a Ferid y lo que busca!! Pero necesito saber es que mierdas tiene planeado Mahiru! Esto está muy bueno!!!
Profile Image for Serena.
312 reviews7 followers
April 27, 2023
Things r starting to get rly crazy now with Yu and his friends. Even Guren and the vampires. Things r just going nuts and I cannot wait to continue. Definitely will be looking for the next volume when I'm at the library next.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews

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