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Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More

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Zero Limits reveals the breakthrough self-improvement approach that is proven to help people who are overworked, overstressed, and just plain overwhelmed deal effectively with removing self-imposed limitations in their lives that are often manifest as chaos, disease, and poverty

Joe Vitale was once homeless. Now, he's the millionaire author of numerous bestselling books, an Internet celebrity, and an in-demand online marketing guru. What did he do to create all of that success? Was it hard work, divine providence, or both? The answer is surprising. It wasn't until he discovered the ancient Hawaiian Ho'oponopono system that he finally found truly unlimited success.

Updated for modern times, Ho'oponopono is a self-help methodology that removes the mental obstacles that block a listener's path, freeing his mind to find new and unexpected ways to get what he wants out of life. It works wonders both professionally and personally. It works so well in fact, that Vitale had to share it with the world, so that others could experience the fulfillment and happiness he feels every day.

Teaming up with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, master teacher of modern Ho'oponopono, Vitale tells the listener how to attain wealth, health, peace, and happiness. They walk him through the system, helping him clear his mind of subconscious blocks so that destiny and desire can take over and help him get what he truly wants from life. It clears out unconsciously accepted beliefs, thoughts, and memories that he doesn't even know are holding him back.

256 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2007

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About the author

Joe Vitale

229 books280 followers
Dr. Joe Vitale is the author of far too many books to mention here. Here are just a few of them:

He wrote the bestseller, The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or anything else) from the inside out. It became a #1 bestseller twice, even beating the latest Harry Potter book.

He also wrote the #1 bestseller.Lifes Missing Instruction Manual: The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth.

Besides all of his books, Joe also recorded the #1 best-selling Nightingale-Conant audioprogram, The Power of Outrageous Marketing.

Joes marketing methods have made people millionaires. Hes been involved with every aspect of marketing, from traditional direct mail to publicity to infomercials.

Hes being called The Buddha of the Internet and, after his huge weight loss, The Charles Atlas of the Internet. Joe is looking for his first GRAND Champion in his 2006 2007 fitness contest. If you want a marketing champion to train you and market your business sign up at: www.yourbusinessbody.com

Joe is also one of the stars in the hit movie The Secret (www.whatisthesecret.tv ). He was recently seen on Larry King Live on November 16, 2006 and March 8, 2007. On March 6, 2007, Joe was interviewed on ExtraTV to talk about Hollywood's Latest Craze: 'The Secret' He was also featured in Newsweeks March 5, 2007 issue, story titled: Decoding The Secret.

Dr. Vitale discovered that there is a "missing secret" to success. He's created several ways to do just that, from his new Miracles Coaching program (www.MiraclesCoaching.com), to the incredible method explained in his next book, Zero Limits (coming soon in July, 2007).

For access of Dr. Vitales marketing expertise, sign up for his complimentary newsletter News You Can Use! at his main website at www.mrfire.com

Be sure to visit his blog at: http://www.mrfire.blogspot.com/

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208 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 478 reviews
37 reviews
April 9, 2012
I think the philosophy is great, but was Joe Vitale really the only person who could tell us about it? I mean, just go check out how many websites he has put up in connection to ho'opononono or however you spell it. Need a t-shirt? A business card with a clean logo? Honestly, my disgust over the flagrant self-promotion in this book was kind of overwhelming. Here is the truth of the matter. There are no secrets divulged here, just this: I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you. Whether or not there is any importance in the order of these statements, I can't tell you, despite reading the book, because early in the book the author says that he can't REALLY tell you ALL there is to know, because he had to sign a confidentiality agreement to protect the other participants in the workshop he attended where he was given the true key to the secret of this ho'opononono stuff. BUT he could tell us that all we have to do is clean. I started to really hate that word, as it was repeated about 8.2 million times, and well, I hate to clean. Another word please.

The testimonials were kind of funny too, because some of the great outcomes of this practice had one person's niece become the homecoming queen. Ummm, was there an editor for this book? I think not. Undoubtedly there is another book coming up that will tell us a wee bit more than what he was able to divulge in this book. I won't be reading it. I think I will amass far more wealth if I keep my money in my pocket! Not to mention peace, because I was so sick of hearing about Joe's car I wanted to vomit. This book was overall stressful ... which is NOT good for health!
Profile Image for Liong.
232 reviews310 followers
October 19, 2022
This book is a powerful book to contribute peace to the world if we are practicing it by chanting

“I love you.”
“I'm sorry.”
“Please forgive me.”
“Thank you.”

most of the time.
Profile Image for Fatima.
186 reviews372 followers
July 3, 2016

کتاب "محدودیت صفر : سیستم هاوایی راز برای ثروت، سلامت، صلح، و بیشتر" یا همان هو اوپونو پونو؛ یکی از روش های خاص بومیان هاوایی هست که قدمت زیادی داره و به زبون ساده و روش آسان به مردم برای پاکسازی روح و روان و ذهن ناخودآگاه از گناهانی که مانع کسب ثروت وخوشبختی و سلامتی میشوند یاد میده

این کتاب به قلم دکتر جو ویتلی و بخشی هم از زبان دکتر هولن روانشناسی هست که با همین روش ساده بیماران روانی یک بیمارستان روانی که وضع وخیمی هم داشته اند , همگی آنها را بدون دخالت در امور بیمارستان فقط با چهار ذکر ساده و پذیرش مسئولیت بخش تاریک درون آنها , شفایشان داده و باعث تعطیلی آن بیمارستان در هاوایی شده , این روش بسیار شبیه توبه ی ما مسلمان ها هست و پایه ی آن بر اساس طلب بخشایش از ذهن هستی یا خدا یا به زبان ساده تر الله هست و مراحلش اینگونه شروع میشود که اول مسئولیت خطاهای خودمان را میپذیریم و همینطوری چیزهایی که از آنها بدمان میاید مثل دیدن یک فرد بد دهن و فحاش که به ما فحش داده و به عقیده ی هو اوپونو پونو دیدن این فرد و ظاهر شدنش در زندگی ما از درون ما و بخش سیاه وجود ماه سرچشمه میگیره و باید از خدا برای داشتن این بخش در درونمان و دیدنش در عالم واقعیت و زمان حال طلب بخشش کنیم و انرژی منفی اش رو با گفتن چهار عبارت ساده "خدایا متاسفم , لطفا مرا ببخش , دوستت دارم و متشکرم " پاکسازی کنیم , خوشبختانه این کتاب به زبان فارسی ترجمه شده و در اینترنت موجود هست و من از مطالعه اش واقعا لذت بردم و گوشه هایی از کتاب رو اینجا میارم :

به گفته ی دکتر جو وایتلی زندگی و مراحل درونی هر فرد به سه بخش تقسیم میشود که خودش هم آنها را پشت سرگذاشته و اینک در مرحله ی سوم ان هست :

شما در کدام مرحله هستید؟
Profile Image for Melanie.
560 reviews285 followers
January 29, 2016
Seriously? Just seriously? Now don't get me wrong, I am very spiritual and have very firm beliefs that to others may sound strange, but this book is just a barely disguised marketing tool trying to sell you a programme or a hundred.

I love you ... And so I shall move on.
Profile Image for Fatima.
186 reviews372 followers
June 23, 2020
زیبایی این کتاب در این هست که آدمی رو به عمق عشق پروری به خود میبره، عشق ورزیدن به خود با بخشش خود شروع میشه و این کتاب با روش پاکسازی روانی از طریق تکرار آگاهانه ی چهار مانترای متاسفم، لطفا منو ببخش، دوستت دارم ، متشکرم، یادم داد که اول مسئولیت تمام خطاها و کمبودها و اتفاقات خوب و بد زندگیم رو بر عهده بگیرم و از نقش قربانی و مظلومیت خارج تر بشم و بفهمم هرچه که در درون خودمه در بیرونم نقش بسته و بعد یادم داد چطوری خودم رو با عبارات متاسفم لطفا منو ببخش، ببخشم و بعد دوباره عشق ورزی ای که فراموش کرده بودم رو با عبارات دوستت دارم متشکرم شعله اش رو روشن کنم... ما و الوهیت یکی هستیم، فرقی نداره عبارات هواوپونوپونو رو به کی میگیم، چون یک واحدیم اثر میکنه، چه به الوهیت بگیم متاسفم لطفا منو ببخش و چه به خودمون، بخشش و آزاد سازی احساسات شرم و گناه و ناراحتی ها معجزه ی خودشو نشون میده، این کتاب و آیین بسیار ساده اش زندگی شمارو تغییر خواهد داد برای ابد ... همانطور که من رو برای ابدیت تغییر و تکون داد
Profile Image for Merrie.
230 reviews
April 27, 2009
I gave this book 3 stars for the content...but it should only have 1 star for the writing. As other reviewers have said, Joe Vitale is a relentless self-promoter and needs to get over himself! I really liked the message in this book about using your mind, intentions, love, gratitude and forgiveness to heal the world by healing oneself. Vitale presents everything in terms of "what you get" and "how much money" will miraculously come to you by using the method. Maybe he thinks no one will read the book if there isn't something in it for them. Too bad if that's how he feels. I was inspired to work on healing myself to create a better me and better relationships with those I love.
Profile Image for Mairzi.
862 reviews
May 24, 2012
Although I think there is something in the Mantra (I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you), this book left me with a profound dislike for Joe Vitale and anything associated with him. Even disregarding the repeated racist, sexist ideas presented, Mr. Vitale presented as a money grubbing elitist who wrote this book as one long promotional for all his other money making scams. All I kept thinking of was an old quote attributed to that other scammer who became rich by founding a "religion", L. Ron Hubbard, "why write science fiction for a penny a page, when you can found your own religion and make millions."
Profile Image for Iona  Stewart.
834 reviews268 followers
August 3, 2011
With the Ho'oponopono method described in this book you acquire the means both to heal yourself and anything in your life and to heal all others of whatever problem they might have,

The theory is that everything and everyone that comes into your life is a reflection of your own self and your own state. So it is actually yourself you must heal always no matter where you see the problem. You do this by saying repeatedly to the "Divine" the following four phrases: "Please forgive me, Sorry, Thank you, I love you", at the same time focusing on the problem to be dealt with.

I find it wonderfully relieving to oneself take responsibility for all the negativity encountered. What you take responsibility for you can do something about.

The process of repeating these phrases silently for oneself is referred to as "cleansing". You cleanse and cleanse with the intention of finally reaching "Zero ", where all memories, words, deeds, etc. are negated.

Joe Vitale, writes, as always, clearly, simply and with enthusiasm, and the book is quickly read.

Dr. Hew Len, who introduced the system to Joe Vitale, is the co-author. He is the man who merely by using the system cured a whole ward of violent criminals confined in a mental hospital in Hawaii. The ward was simply closed down, since the patients were practically all cured. Dr.Len did not see the patients, but worked on his own with their journals. His theoretical explanations of the system are given in an Appendix and are a bit more difficult to comprehend.

But the book is an enjoyable read, and provides a viable method to turn to whenever a problem exists. I recommend that you get hold of this book!
Profile Image for Kiri Fiona.
276 reviews15 followers
June 15, 2017
2 Stars…

Quote… I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you. Quote…


What I loved:
The basic premise was great. It's sort of like the AA mantra - accept the things you cannot change, right? What I took away from this is that in order to be happy, you need peace, and in order to have peace, you have to embrace whatever and whoever is in your life, and let love flow.


What I didn’t love:
It's a bit infomercial-y. In order to get the full effect of the book you just bought, you also need to do some seminars or buy a DVD set, because the author wants to tell you something but he can't print it because it's super secret squirrel.
I couldn't help but feel that this whole book was an ad for something more money-spinning.

Be kind and positive, and say these things more often.
Quote… I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.

Then you can save yourself the NZD$18 it costs to buy this book.
Profile Image for kian.
198 reviews55 followers
October 8, 2020

دوستت دارم
لطفا مرا ببخش
صحبت کردن با روح الهی

هوئو پونو پونو
مسئول دانستن خود

سعی کردم پیام اصلی کتابو تا حدی درک کنم. اما در کل خیلی از حرفهاش برام مبهم بود. نمیدونم این اثر ترجمه ست یا به خاطر عرفانی بودنش تا این حد مبهم بنظر میرسه. در کل ابهامات زیادی توش دارم.
Profile Image for edypekalongan.
77 reviews4 followers
August 7, 2010
" i'am sorry
please for give me
i love you
and i thank you"

i like practice this methode for clearing my mind.
and its work.

thank you
Profile Image for Maryam Mehrabian.
22 reviews5 followers
April 22, 2020
این کتاب رو قبل از خواب شروع کردم انقدر مجذوبش شدم که حدود صد صفحه ش رو خوندم و اون شب تا صبح بیدار موندم چون ذهنم رو به چالش کشیده بود و فردای اون روز تا آخر خوندمش. وقتی در وجود دیگری چیزی را میبینید که از آن خوشتان نمی آید، خودتان نیز آن چیز را دارا هستید. مسئولیت شما تمیز کردن و پاک کردن آن است. همچنان که شما پاک می کنید، آن خاطره وجود آن شخص را هم ترک می کند و سرانجام کل جهان هستی را ترک خواهد گفت
60 reviews4 followers
April 5, 2009
Though I really like the message and the meaning of Ho'oponopono and have found peace in the practice(even in a few short days), Dr Vitale's relentless self promotion and merchandising of Dr Hew Len and his own journey are repugnant. He can't seem to help himself: he flaunts his success as the way to happiness and fulfillment but leaves you hanging to know how it works. You have to take his workshop to find out. There are many other teachers who offer similar practices without the catch. The Presence Process is one. This is just another take on an ancient and universal wisdom teaching. Don't accept this is the only one.
Profile Image for Pankaj.
129 reviews20 followers
March 6, 2013
Ho'oponopono, huh? It's a great book, took me through a new dimension in life.
Okay there is self-promotion, yes, but the book is intertwined with it. Isn't it so? Joe Vitale tries to make the concept believable with self-promotion and testimonies. And if we don't like his egotistic whims, we better clean, clean, clean. I love you. Have a pleasent read. :)
Profile Image for Hasti.R.
13 reviews1 follower
October 28, 2019
پيام كتاب در كل صلح و آشتي با خود و پذيرش خويشتن است . اما اينكه نويسنده معتقد است تمامي مشكلات انسان ها با گفتن چهار جمله
مرا ببخش
دوستت دارم
حل خواهد شد اغراق آميز و دور از واقعيت است
Profile Image for Mahayana Dugast.
Author 5 books265 followers
March 27, 2023
I enjoyed the book, although it is more commercial than I would have liked. I love the process, which I use for the last 15 years (and even teach it). It has allowed me to clear ancestral memories and have peace in my heart and in my mind. Priceless.
8 reviews17 followers
April 27, 2010
I have understood for years that I am 100% responsible for everything I do and have done. Zero Limits talks of how a psychologist cured a hospital full of criminally insane patients without meeting or talking to any of them by reading their records and taking 100% responsibility for what THEY did! He repeats these four phrases:

"I love you."
"Please forgive me."
"I'm sorry."
"Thank you."

as a process of cleaning himself of his responsibility of others' issues. A different perspective that is giving me cause to stop and think.
Profile Image for Bookala Online Book Store.
32 reviews4 followers
January 5, 2020

کتاب محدودیت صفر جو ویتالی قطعا یکی از بهترین کتابهاییه که شخصا مطالعه کردم محدودیت صفر از اون کتابایی نیست که بخونی و بزاریش کنار باید باهاش زندگی کنی و هر بار بهش رجوع کنی. کتاب محدودیت صفر به شما کمک خواهد کرد تا حیات را در لحظه به لحظه ی زندگی خود تجربه کنید. آن وقت خواهید دید چگونه معجزاتی برایتان رخ خواهد داد.
لطفا منو ببخش
دوستت دارم

Profile Image for cyra.
188 reviews629 followers
August 19, 2024
I started reading this due to a recommendation from a mentor. As I was reading it, I ran into this part:

“But what about when somebody gets raped?” a person asked.“Or what if there’s a car accident? We’re not responsible for all that, are we?” “Have you ever noticed that whenever you have a problem, you are there?” he asked.“It’s all about 100 percent responsibility for every- thing. No exceptions. There’s no loophole that lets you off the hook for something you don’t like.You’re responsible for all of it—all.”

I was thrown off so bad, I stopped reading this for a while and spoke to my mentor about it. She said I shouldn’t mind it and, I quote, “know how the spiritual books are.”

And yes, I do know how spiritual books are. And I certainly know they do not and should not blame a survivor for getting sexually assaulted, claiming they chose to get r*ped.

So after months and months of letting this book sit on my desk and stare at me, I decided to DNF.
Profile Image for Seemy.
850 reviews8 followers
December 21, 2023
Typically, am a very open person...even if I think something is totally crazy, or something I can never see myself agree with, am still not as naive to just simply dismiss it. As through education is the key to knowledge and understanding...and am also a fan of Joe Vitale's work, but this 'going to zero' and being able to heal EVERYBODY or situations that are wroing in my life is even too extreme for me.

I understand it, I get what Hou Len and Joe are saying, but my deep inner belief still after reading this book aswell as watching a full seminar dvd set based upon the 'hono polo polo' principle..(and yes i know id didnt spell that right, but readers of the book will know what am referring too) I simply do not agree.

I do totally beleive in being responsible in my life, and fully accountable for what it is and how Its proceeding, butbeing able to 'heal' and clean everybody else, is just simply BS to me,

I may very well sound naive...stupid to some, and can respect that, but nevertheless the book wase good hence 2 stars, but I personally do not think by us going to zero, we can 'heal' others, some people will just be, act and react the way they always will be and been...and no cleaning on my part...will help that..perhaps a tiny percent, but not the true healing that I can last, its ultimately down to them, and lifes too short to try and heal everything regardless how much its connected,

anyway theres my 2cents

To Our Continued Success!

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Profile Image for Rochelle.
63 reviews16 followers
May 27, 2015
"Complete responsibility means accepting it all--even the people who enter your life and their problems, because their problems are your problems. They are in your life, and if you take full responsibility for your life, then you have to take full responsibility for what they are experiencing too."

"The idea isn't to achieve results, but to achieve peace. When you do that, you often get the results you wanted in the first place."

There is so much to this book - so many deep and powerful ideas, but this "awakening," as the author calls it, is what I have experienced in the last year of my life:

"1. You are a victim. We are virtually all born feeling we are powerless. Most of us stay that way. We think the world is out to get us: the government, neighbors, society, the bad guys in whatever form they seem to take. We don't feel we have any influence. We're the effect of the rest of the world's cause. We gripe, complain, protest, and gather in groups to fight those in charge of us. Except for a party now and then, life sucks.

"2. You are in control. At some point, you see a life-changing movie, or you read a book, and you wake up to your own power. You realize the power of setting intentions. You realize the power you have to visualize what you want, take action, and achieve it. You begin to experience some magic. You start to experience some cool results. Life begins to look pretty good.

"3. You are awakening. At some point after stage two, you begin to realize your intentions are limitations. You begin to see that with all your newfound power, you're still not able to control everything. You begin to realize that when you surrender to a greater power, miracles tend to happen. You begin to let go, and trust. You begin to practice, moment by moment, awareness of your connection with the Divine. You learn to recognize inspiration when it comes to you, and you act on it. You realize you have choice, but not control of your life. You live in a constant state of amazement, wonder and gratitude."
Profile Image for Sahar.
204 reviews9 followers
February 24, 2018
از این تعریف که هر چیزی که میبینیم لمس میکنیم و حس میکنیم از وجود خودمان است و هر آنچه ذهنمان آنرا پردازش میکند در درونمان است ، خیلی خوشم آمد . حس خوبی است که مسسولیت تمام چیزها را به عهده بگیرم . تمام مشکلات دنیا تمام مریضی ها تمام اتفاقات ناگوار تمام فقر و جنگ و.... همه در درون من است و با پاکسازی میتوانم تصحیح کنم . ایده ی دوست داشتنیی است که من هستم و یک تخیل آفریده شده با کمک ذهنم که خودم باید همه چیز را درست کنم
Profile Image for Pegah Pourzadegan.
8 reviews1 follower
September 6, 2020
محتوای کتاب برای من یک سری روابط علت و معلول رو به کلی نقض میکنه که نتونستم ارتباط خاصی باهاش برقرار کنم، هر چند به هر صورت قابل احترامه
ولی باید به این نکته اشاره کنم که کل کتاب رو توی دو صفحه میشد خلاصه کرد و تکرار مکررات مقدار زیادی خسته کننده بودش، من شخصا توصیه اش نمیکنم.
Profile Image for Felora.
21 reviews
July 1, 2019
کتاب خوبی هست ذهن منو که باز کرد. بنظرم جالب اومد، ارزش خوندن و امتحان کردن داره. به هرچیزی معتقد باشی نتیجه میگیری ;)
Profile Image for Saeed Davoudi.
Author 2 books11 followers
August 22, 2021
رازی از پاکسازی به سبک بومیان هاوائی
در این کتاب به شیوه ای نوین می آموزید که چگونه پاکسازی کنید و دوست بدارید
نه تنها دوستانتان را که دشمنانتان را
آنچنانکه که عیسی ناصری می فرماید
دوستت دارم
مرا ببخش
14 reviews
July 18, 2008

Okay, I don't like the way Joe Vitale writes...and I really don't care for his relentless self-promotion. BUT I like this book when it gets to the meat and potato portions of this Hawaiian technique - and the man currently behind it all.

How can someone heal an entire ward of violent psychiatric patients without even talking to or laying hands upon a single patient?

Read this book, and find out...but here's a spoiler...it's all about the love - and a bunch of energy too...I put the book down two or three times b/c I was so sick of the way it was written (relentless self-promotion) but ultimately the meaning of the message won me over.
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115 reviews
February 2, 2020
I read this as a favor to someone because I said I would keep an open mind and I would attempt to curb my extreme skepticism of a guy from Texas selling me Hawaiian mysticism.

I've read better prose about tacos off of a menu then what was in this book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 478 reviews

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