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Well Met #4

Well Traveled

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A high-powered attorney from a success-oriented family, Louisa "Lulu" Malone lives to work, and everything seems to be going right, until the day she realizes it’s all wrong. Lulu’s cousin Mitch introduced her to the world of Renaissance Faires, and when she spies one at a time just when she needs an escape, she leaps into the welcoming environment of turkey legs, taverns, and tarot readers. The only drawback? Dex MacLean: a guitarist with a killer smile, the Casanova of the Faire… and her traveling companion for the summer.

Dex has never had to work for much in his life, and why should he? Touring with his brothers as The Dueling Kilts is going great, and he always finds a woman at every Faire. But when Lulu proves indifferent to his many plaid charms and a shake-up threatens the fate of the band, Dex must confront something he never has before: his future.

Forced to spend days and nights together on the road, Lulu’s interest in the kilted bad boy grows as he shows her a side of himself no one else has seen. The stresses of her old lifestyle fade away as she learns to trust her intuition and follow her heart instead of her head. But when her time on the road is over, will Lulu go with her gut, or are she and Dex destined for separate paths?

The Renaissance Faire is on the move, and Lulu and Dex are along for the ride, in the next utterly charming rom-com from Jen DeLuca.

305 pages, Paperback

First published December 6, 2022

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About the author

Jen DeLuca

6 books3,970 followers
Jen DeLuca was born and raised near Richmond, Virginia, but now lives in Arizona with her husband and a houseful of rescue pets. She loves latte-flavored lattes, Hokies football, and the Oxford comma. Well Met is her first novel, inspired by her time volunteering as a pub wench with her local Renaissance Faire.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,020 reviews
Profile Image for jessica.
2,589 reviews44.8k followers
January 23, 2023
i just realised that im at the point where i hope this is the last book in the series. its not that i havent enjoyed these books - theyre cute enough - but they just are nowhere near as good as the first book and i dont think any additional installments ever will be.

the main thing that bummed me out about this particular book is how it leans more towards womens fiction than romance. im not the biggest fan of the chick-lit genre, primarily because i dont personally relate to themes of family connections, career shifts, or big life changes. which is what this story is predominately about. so much so that the “relationship” between lulu and dex falls completely flat. i honestly had the hardest time believing they had genuine feelings for each other because they are barely with each other.

but i think readers who enjoy a story about woman empowerment, planning the future, and setting goals will enjoy this one!

3 stars
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,659 reviews53.6k followers
August 1, 2022
I’m rounding up 3.5 stars to 4 for the love of Renaissance Faire stars!

I mostly liked this book but I found this a little lighter than the other books of the sequel! There are so many things I enjoyed but I had some hesitations about love story!

Pros: this book totally takes place in road trip to Faire universe!

Mitch and Well Played’s Stacey, Daniel and Declan/ Dex- Dueling Kits are back again!

Cons: this book is more women’s fiction and a woman’s self growth story than romance

On Well Played: there’s a Cyrano Bergerac style love triangle between Daniel-Stacey and Dex! I didn’t like much about it! At this book Daniel and Stacey are happily together as Dex is still popular playboy of their band!

When I started this book I was a little biased about Dex’s character. I thought this book will be bad boy meets over achier, genuine, career oriented girl story! But it’s more than that!
Lula/ Louisa is sent to North Carolina to fix a client’s problem which could be fixed by any other newbie or intern. She finds herself buying ticket for Renaissance Faire. She gets used to spend her time those places where her cousin Mitch ( we know him from first book and he’s my favorite character of the series) performs. After getting scolded by her bosses on the phone, there’s something clicks inside. Finally she realizes she’s never gonna be partner in the firm and she quits, throwing her phone to the lake which made her famous around Faire crew!

She meets with Mitch’s friend Stacey ( heroine of second book Well Played) and talks Mitch on the phone. Both Stacey and Mitch push her to take a break from her corporate life and join the road trip to work for Faire!

And she accepts to sleep in RV, selling turkey legs, collecting money for tip box, befriending faire’s mediums. And mostly she becomes a part of family created by Stacey and Dueling Kilts.
She also gets closer with Dex even though everyone including Stacey says he’s bad news.

In this book we realize Dex is not douche that we’re thinking: he’s kind and gold hearted with smart planning skills.

Dex and Lula’s friends to lovers story didn’t affect me just like other stories in the series but I enjoyed to spend more time at Renaissance Faire and the self growth story of Louisa was worth to read!

This is not my favorite book of the series but as a fan I couldn’t skip it. It’s still well written and entertaining.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest thoughts.
Profile Image for Sylvie {Semi-Hiatus}.
1,010 reviews1,618 followers
April 17, 2024
Second read rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

First read rating: 3 out of 5 stars.

Excuse me? A fourth book? I thought this was only going to be a trilogy. But you all bet I'm going to read this, even without knowing on whom the story is going to be about.
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,012 reviews2,445 followers
April 12, 2023
4 stars

Well Traveled is about Lulu, who while at the Ren Faire, quits her high powered soul sucking job in a blaze of glory. Faced with an uncertain future, she teams up with The Dueling Kilts to travel the circuit for a couple of weeks. Lulu gets along great with the band and Stacy, but Dex the casanova type guitarist and flirt may be her biggest temptation.

I really enjoyed this installment of the Well Met series, probably more than books 2 and 3. This one followed with the finding yourself theme in the series and Lulu had a lot of work to do to get back to who she really was in life. I thought the romance with Dex was slightly lacking... it didn't feel well developed to me by the end to truly be love. But I enjoyed the banter between the two of them. But mostly, Lulu's journey was the best part of this book. I might even look into learning tarot because of it!

I received an advanced listening copy via the librarian alc program at libro.fm
Profile Image for Sheyla ✎.
1,924 reviews595 followers
February 15, 2023
Super cute!

I liked this series and Well Traveled delivers a believable romance despite happing in the Renaissance Faire.

Louisa "Lulu" Malone is an attorney and in order to become a partner she has been working nonstop. When her boss calls her, she's at the Renaissance Faire. She has been working all day and she finally decided to spend some time walking through the Faire which brings her happy memories. When her boss tells her she needs to go back to work, she realizes she's never gonna become a partner and she decides to quit and gets rid of her phone. When she realizes she's out of a job and starts to panic, luckily there is Stacy who knows her cousin Mitch and who offers to take her traveling with the Faire for a few weeks. Stacy recognizes that disengaging from her laptop and her phone can help her realize what she wants to do next. She knows she does not want to do the same thing she has been doing for the last few years.

As part of the characters, she meets Dex who is part of the Dueling Kilts. He has a reputation for being a lady's man but as we get to know him we discover that he has some layers that no one has been willing to peel until Lulu.

I liked this one a lot. Stacey was a no-nonsense heroine. She was strong but I liked that she could be spontaneous too. Dex was a nice surprise and shame on those who didn't realize his potential. Another great thing was that we were able to see how the characters from the prior books were doing.

Cliffhanger: No

4/5 Fangs

A complimentary copy was provided by Berkley via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

MrsLeif's Two Fangs About It | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Profile Image for Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader.
2,437 reviews31.6k followers
December 11, 2022
I’ve been reading Jen DeLuca’s Well Met series since book one. Well Traveled is the fourth installment. All the books center on a Renaissance Faire, which is always fun. Well Traveled is the story of Lulu and Dex.

Lulu is a successful attorney who happens upon the Faire when she needs an escape from that arduous lifestyle. Dex is a popular guitarist with the Faire. They will be traveling together for the summer with the Faire. It’s extra fun because each character was introduced in earlier books.

Lulu and Dex’s relationship has a slower build. The story is more about her journey and strength. Her Grandma is hilarious, and I looked forward to every scene with her. It was also nice to see Dex settle down and find his match with Lulu.

Overall, it was a great to go back to the Faire and revisit these characters on the changing road to happiness. I think it may be my favorite of the four books!

I received a gifted copy.

Many of my reviews can also be found on my blog: www.jennifertarheelreader.com and instagram: www.instagram.com/tarheelreader
Profile Image for Christy.
4,223 reviews35.1k followers
November 14, 2022
4 stars

I've enjoyed Jen DeLuca's 'Well Met' series so much and this book was no exception. I was looking forward to Dex's story and I was thrilled to find out he was being paired with Mitch's attorney cousin Lulu.

I love a good opposites attract story and that's exactly what these two appeared to be. But it turned out they were more alike in some ways than they could have imagined. After doing the first spontaneous thing she's ever done, Lulu has quit her job and is tagging along with the Dueling Kilts for the summer.

Lulu has a lot to learn about herself. I loved that this was just as much a tale of self discovery as it was a romance. Dex and Lulu start off as just friends. Dex has a reputation as a ladies man and a good time, but that's not all he is. Lulu saw past the surface to the real Dex. I loved how these two just got each other and were able to make it work among the most unlikely circumstances.

It was so much fun to see the cast of characters that I loved from previous books and the whole Faire atmosphere is just a blast. Overall I truly enjoyed this one! I'm not sure if it's the last of the series or not, but if DeLuca keeps writing them, I'll keep reading them!
Profile Image for Mara.
1,822 reviews4,175 followers
August 3, 2022
Somewhere between 3.5 and 4 stars - I continue to be conflicted on how to rate these books because, apart from the first one, I don't feel like the romances themselves are wholly satisfying. However, I love the characters, atmosphere, and themes... so I do still enjoy these as I guess a "women's fiction" type of story with a strong romantic element
I loved that this started with the big city workaholic giving up on that lifestyle; that's often the point the book builds to, so I felt like this was a fresh take on that trope to have that be the starting point of the story. I really enjoyed seeing Lulu's development and "finding herself;" that said, I just don't know that I totally bought her & Dex coming together
Anyways, rambling here- bottom line is very well written & executed as a book overall, but I continue to be left a little cold by the romance itself
Profile Image for Adriana.
96 reviews3 followers
March 10, 2023
Just staking my claim because I would read Jen DeLuca's grocery list!
Profile Image for Aoife - Bookish_Babbling.
372 reviews384 followers
March 14, 2023

Didn't quite hit the highs of the first book in the series, but beats the others for no drahmz behind 3rd act separation - a rare enough occurrence in romcoms 🤔

Louisa "Lulu" Malone, Mitch's cousin who we met in the previous book & legit the only sound one in her family has hit a glass ceiling in her current career path. In a moment of clarity *cough*madness*cough* she makes an impromptu decision & a lasting impression on the Ren Faire traveling acts 🤭

Luckily for her, she happens to be at the same location as Stacy (book2) & the band her beau manages - the infamous Dueling Kilts. A quick face time with Mitch, a kind offer from Stacy and Lulu is enveloped into Faire life as she takes a bit of a needed break to recoup + decide what's next for her as she stays with the group for a few weeks before their return to Willow Creek.

Stacy shines in this book, her generosity, understanding, warm friendship and seeing how she's settled in to life with the band on the road coupled with an interesting convo with Lulu has won me over after being most disappointed in her book - the chat in this book was overdue but I'm so glad we get to see it and that it doesn't cause drama 🤗

Declan "Dex" MacLean, prob should get a mention as the MMC - but as this book doesn't share his PoV he remains a bit of an enigma to me - I mean I wasn't as surprised as Lulu during the storm, because we know how this was gonna end, but I was with her in that it really wasn't obvious!
In fairness to him, I can kinda understand why he was written as he was...he's never had his heart turned alongside his head so I guess he didn't know how to behave - but we would really have benefitted from his PoV 🤷‍♀️

It was sweet to see them thaw to one another and the way her opinion of him changed alongside the confidence he finds in himself along the way being seen as something other than he's typically been viewed/views himself which in turn changes how he carries himself.
It's all a bit easy on the job/resolution front but whatever this is a harmless feelgood read of peeps finding each other & themselves 🙃

My faves tho are the other Faire workers and the journey helping the mystics takes Lulu on. Sage, Sacha & Summer were such fun and I loved the counterbalance their "woowoo" provides for straightlaced & logical Lulu - I need to goggle cat themed tarot cards 😻
Caitlin also makes a sweet cameo as she shares ice cream with Lulu, I can't quite believe she's 19 & know many are holding out hope that she'll get her own Ren Faire themed HEA but having read the authors note I don't know if there's another story here or not...let's just say I wouldn't be mad to come back and read it if it were on the cards 😉
With the caveat of her being older than 19/college age - not sure I can get into the head of a late teens/early 20s angst again no matter how mature a supporting character she's been thus far 🤗

PS - am I the only one who can't unsee vintage Russel Brand being on the cover?
A little disappointed there's no kilt lolz, bet grandma agrees - it's like its own character at this point 😅
Profile Image for Beary Into Books.
817 reviews66 followers
December 14, 2022
Rating: 3.5

While I found this one to be enjoyable, I went into it expecting more of a cute romance story. Yes, this one has a cute romance but it more focuses on character growth and the romance definitely takes a back seat. If I would have known that going into this one I wouldn’t have had the expectations that I did. Luckily, I really liked the main character and was happy to accompany her on her journey. I liked the love interest as well and how they interacted together. This is the first book I’ve read by this author but it definitely won’t be the last. I would like to give the other books in the series a try. I really loved the author’s writing style and how she was able to describe the Renaissance Faire so well. I haven’t been to one in years and the way this story was told made me want to visit one immediately! Overall, I would definitely recommend this one!

Thank you so much @berkleyromance for the gifted copy on Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Charity (Booktrovert Reader).
692 reviews502 followers
December 29, 2023
Um....where in the heck was Dex in all this?!?!

The infamous Dex that you heard so much about in three books, was hardly in this book. He shows up randomly and bam, they like each other and are in a relationship.

In the last two books, I was just crying out for more Renaissance faire in these books. The 4th book, you got renaissance faire I was whining so much about. But because there was so much focus on that, the amazing relationship-building that Jen DeLuca is known for didn't come out in this one.

This book really focuses on the Renaissance Faire and Lulu finding herself after she suddenly quit her job. Which was good in its own way but wanted more from the Dex and Lulu developing relationship.

Dex was really painted as a ladies man, a man with a woman at each faire and such. So in this book, he wants to be more than to be that but you don't see any development of character of why he doesn't and how he changed.

Lulu and Dex didn't really have a conversation until between the pages of 100-150. Within a few one-sentence interactions, Dex conveys that Lulu just gets him. They hop in bed and bam, they then love each other. Not much on the relationship. This story spans two months so obviously they spend time together but you don't see it. The most time you as a reader see them spend together is when they have the smut scene and they go get coffee. That's it. Sort of a letdown in the romance dept.

Though it was not what I expected in the love dept. this series ended bittersweet and in a great way. You got to see some characters that were the main stars from the previous books and I loved seeing them again.
Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,292 reviews908 followers
December 17, 2022
2.5 stars. Well Traveled is the 4th book in the Well Met series and I have had a wide range of feelings about the books in this series. Lol So the first I liked, 2nd did not like, and the 3rd I loved (still remains my fav). So I went into this 4th kind of with no expectations but grabbed the audio from the library and was curious how it would go.

Sooo this one was so slow and not even slow burn, like the story was just slow and felt the least romance-y in the series. Like we were 55% in before the couple even start being interested in one another. I was surprised right along with Lulu when Dex is telling her he’s been interested and can��t believe she hadn’t seen it. I’m like same girl, didn’t see that brewing at all. 🙃

Basically this felt much more of Lulu’s story. She’s the cousin of Mitch (the hero of the previous book) and they’re both from a family of over-achievers. Lulu is a high powered attorney when the story starts and anticipating finding out if she’s going to become partner. When she doesn’t, she ends up quitting her job in a rush and doesn’t know what step to take next. So enter Mitch & Stacy, they say she should join the Renaissance Faire for the summer, take the time to clear her head, and just get away from her success-minded family. Lulu had always just done what her family wanted/expected of her and she’s not not sure she actually enjoyed her job. So she starts working for the Ren Faire and meets Dex as well who plays in the band there.

Like I mentioned, I really didn’t get much of the romance from these two and it really felt like a story centered around Lulu’s personal growth instead. Dex apparently liked their dynamic though and being seen as someone to talk with and hang out and just be real with, instead of just spending time between the sheets like he’s usually known for. This was a new experience for him, so there is that.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,266 reviews953 followers
July 26, 2023
Well Traveled is not what I expected. I was hoping this book will nailed it. Sadly, it is not. The story is becoming boring. There is no swoony tender, vulnerable moment between Lulu and Dex. They both cute in separate way but not together. Miss DeLuca seems to lose her mojo building her characters.

The POV is from Lulu's. It is focusing too much on the detail of Lulu. I would love to get some Dex's POV just to balance. I want to give it 3 stars, but I just can not.

2 stars
Profile Image for b.andherbooks.
2,234 reviews1,217 followers
December 29, 2022
Number one, I wanted way more Lulu and Dex together, especially since Dex was and has been a bit of cipher for me. that said I did enjoy listening to this, and loved Lulu's growing friendship with the card readers as she traveled along the Ren Faire circuit. I also got some tarot cards! excited to learn.

I think this is the steamiest Well Met book? Like hello RV sexy times, and hello yes i loved those too.

*I received an ARC from the publisher, checked it out from the library in print, and downloaded an ALC from PRH Audio. Thank you.
Profile Image for Kelly.
478 reviews15 followers
December 8, 2022

Thank you to Net Galley for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was so excited to get an e-ARC for this book! 'Well Met' is one of my favourite romcoms to date, so much so that I read it once every year. I have never gone to a Renaissance Faire (though I'm sure I would freaking love it), but I have done outdoor theatre in period-garb, immersive theatre, etc., so I am basically the target demographic here.

Unfortunately, this book was a big let down for me. I did not feel the same magic or whimsy as the first one, or even the third book. (I haven't read the second book in this series, but I'll touch on that in a moment...) I found myself only able to read this in short bursts because if I spent too much time reading it, I grew bored. It was very repetitive: wake up, hang out with the band/work at the faire, talk to the Divination ladies, head back to the trailer, rinse and repeat. Of course there was repetition in the other books, but this one felt verrrrry repetitious to me- so much so that it affected the pacing and my overall enjoyment of the book.

Now, I didn't read the second book, but I heard a lot about it from people who did, and hearing that it was essentially a catfishing trope that had little to no consequences, I decided to skip it. Well, it appears the author felt the need to defend her choices, because she literally had Stacey, the main character from book two, defend her actions and give us her perspective. I did not care, and it came across as very obviously Jen DeLuca speaking to the readers who didn't like that book.

The chemistry between Dex and Louisa/LuLu was a missed opportunity for me. This story on paper sounds *so good* with so many chances for slow burn, sexual tension, banter... I didn't get enough of that. We barely learnt anything about Dex, just that he was a nice, normal guy who is not just some 'Ren Faire Lothario' as they refer to him. But like... who IS he? Why do these two people work? It has to be more than just 'we hang out and you actually ask me about my day- no one ever does that with me'. *Insert eye roll here*

Overall, I clearly was not very happy with my reading experience, which is a huge bummer because I am a HUGE fan of 'Well Met' and I really enjoyed the third book, 'Well Matched'. I would read another book by Jen DeLuca, but hopefully the next one will not take place in this world because I think it has run its course. Looking at other reviews, I seem to be in the minority, but hey, to each their own. This was not it for me.


How could I forget- there was like ZERO communication between LuLu and Dex. It was SO FRUSTRATING! This lady is supposed to be mid-late thirties and a lawyer, and yet... nothing. So many of the 'problems' (I say 'problems' because the conflict was very weak in my opinion) could have been solved with either of them literally saying ANYTHING to each other!! This is why I felt like there was no chemistry and didn't know anything about Dex because if they had conversations, we didn't really witness them. I'm not far off when I say their conversations went something like:

Dex: Yeah, I'm a smart guy but I'm just here to be the pretty face for the band, you know? That's alright by me. I'm just going to give everyone what they want.
LuLu: Ugh, he's such a great guy. Why can't people appreciate him?! Does he like me? Does he do relationships? Maybe I should ask him?? I'll just ask him about something else vaguely related and hope he interprets it the way I want him to.

And this lack of communication/chemistry/any real relationship foundation was all solved or explained away by the author stating that they were an "unconventional couple". ...Sure, why not? Why. Not.
Profile Image for Jamie.
637 reviews107 followers
March 6, 2023
I’ve really enjoyed this series but this one was a miss for me.

I did enjoy the renaissance fair setting, and this book had an added element of a woman quitting her job to join a traveling band on a whim which was fun to read.

What didn’t work for me was the romance. I don’t think this book should be marketed as a romance. The two characters don’t even start getting to know each other until pretty far into the book. Even then, it just felt like a side plot. The book mostly focused on Lulu and her journey after quitting her job.
Profile Image for Sarahcophagus.
457 reviews25 followers
January 29, 2023
I was planning to swear off this author in 2023 since I decided I don’t jive with her writing at all but I forgot I put this on my Libby holds in 2022 and I wanted something to listen to while I’m sick in bed playing video games. This is also the first audio read of this series for me and I was optimistic that it would be an improvement. It was not. I swear this time I really am done for good as this was probably the worst one yet.

I seriously don’t understand how the economics or logistics of this band make any sense. The manager and his girlfriend travel with them to every venue, just “help out” at other stands, sometimes for no money, while the band performs like 1-2x per week. All concerns about Lulu joining them on the *very profitable* ren fair circuit and doing almost zero work with them are totally inconsequential. And I know I’m supposed to feel like both Lulu and Dex are having these massive character growth changes over the book yet I don’t see any evidence of that at all. Dex doesn’t have enough page time for me to get an idea of who he is at all separate from what everyone thinks of him. Their “great talks”, the thing that makes him see Lulu stand out from all the other girls (vom), are referenced constantly but we’re hardly given any substance to these conversations to show us their deep real connection. Instead it’s written like “We stayed up all night just talking for several days”. And that’s it. With Lulu, she makes the terrible choice to go back to her old life after she burned those bridges and they burned her right back. What kind of capitalist propaganda is this anyway that there was a “good” lawyer boss working in the shadows of her old horrible ones who noticed her the whole time and who looks past her meltdown and months off the grid just waiting to offer Lulu her dream job. Just infuriatingly unrealistic and unearned.
Profile Image for Amy.
2,798 reviews557 followers
January 19, 2023
3.5 stars rounded up in recognition of the many ways the author sidesteps the expected drama and gives us a happy ending.

But not quite 4 stars on its own because there still was quite a bit of angst to get there.

I rolled my eyes at her sufficiently, but Lulu is a likable heroine. She's the stereotypical overachieving-female-attorney-has-mental-breakdown of rom com land but it always felt natural. (With the key exception that the plot uses 'sexism' as the reason she hasn't made partner yet which is just sloppy at this point. If she's a senior associate, there is no way they're sending her to do first year associate stuff. It just isn't economically viable. And it doesn't necessarily match up with what we learn about her later. I could rant about this for a while but my poor housemates have had to hear it all the last two days so we'll end it here.)

Dex was fine. I didn't fall for him as hard as my housemate, but I found their relationship believable. They made for a cute, balanced couple.

But most importantly, despite several surface level similarities, this book wasn't Well Matched. I still hate April and Mitch as a couple and nothing in this book led me to change my mind. So, bottom line, perhaps much of what redeemed this book was just that it wasn't as bad as the last one in the series.
Profile Image for Wendy W..
518 reviews161 followers
November 28, 2022
Four and a Half Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭒
Well Traveled by Jen DeLuca is the fourth book in her very popular Well Met series that focuses on a Renaissance fair. I just loved this new installment to the series and had to read this all in one day.

Story Recap:
Louisa "Lulu" Malone is a high-powered attorney who lives to work and is on track to make partner in the prestigious law firm where she works. While on a work trip, she takes some time to visit the local Renaissance Faire. She’s enjoyed visiting Faire’s ever since she went to one with her cousin Mitch.

When she gets one too many work calls on her day off at the Faire, she ditches her phone and quits her job. On the advice of her cousin, she finds a job at the Faire and travels with them until she can decide what she wants in life. The only flaw to her plan is Dex MacLean, a devastatingly handsome guitarist who is a ladies' man and has too many women after him to count.

Dex has never met a woman who is immune to his charms until he met Lulu. And he doesn’t know how to be just friends with such a beautiful woman, but that’s all she’s offering.

My Thoughts:
I loved going back to the Renaissance Faire and revisiting some of the characters from the previous books. I loved that this installment focused on Dex, who seemed to be such a one-dimensional character in the previous books, and in Well Traveled we learn that he has a lot more emotional depth than I had ever thought he could have. His love ‘em and leave ‘em attitude is just a cover for deeper emotional wounds, and we get to see how Lulu helps him unravel his issues.

Lulu is also a wounded character. She’s focused her entire life trying to please her parents and do what she thinks they want from her and in the process, she’s sacrificed any kind of social life she could have for herself. When she meets Dex, she immediately knows he’s not the kind of man for her, but their attraction is immediate and intense.


I highly recommend Well Traveled to anyone who enjoys romance. I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Profile Image for Amy.
2,211 reviews1,943 followers
November 29, 2022
I have been a little up and down with this series but I’ve stuck with it because there is something so charming about the Ren Faire setting that keeps pulling me back in. As much as I can still see why this is labeled a romance because it is, it has a very heavy womens fiction feel to it for a large portion of the book. The romance between Lulu and Dex is a super slow burn and the beginning is mostly about Lulu starting over and figuring out what next steps she wants to take in her life. As much as it’s about her personal journey you do get to see a deeper side of Dex too and if you’ve read the previous books and have been curious if there’s more to him than just a one dimensional bad boy the answer is yes. That’s one of my favorite things about this series actually, revisiting previous characters and seeing secondary characters make the transition to lead characters. Overall I really liked this one, I think it’s probably my second fave in the series so far. First for me is Well Met if you’re curious.
Profile Image for Jess.
3,247 reviews5 followers
December 12, 2022
I feel like this was very much a it's not the book it's me situation, because I liked this fine but it didn't SPEAK to me the same way that some of the others in this series have. I do think the romance was overall less developed than some of the others, and that may have also played a part. But really, I have been struggling with reading and I think most of my feelings are a reflection of that.
Profile Image for Paige.
1,064 reviews116 followers
January 10, 2023
3.5 stars rounded up.

I think my biggest problem here is that Dex didn’t feel like much of a character. It never felt like we got past “Mitch-lite” — promiscuous guy in kilt who is hot and thought of as dumb. There just wasn’t much to him, which was really disappointing.

I really liked Lulu as a character and her journey, but the job that fell into her lap post-Faire-summer was way too convenient.

There’s quite a bit of tarot and crystals here. Lulu has a journey from skeptic to believer that I was just too much of a skeptic to buy. There were some interesting things done with it as plot devices, but I kept rolling my eyes at the woo woo of it all.

Contains: heroine 37 hero mid30s, run away and join the Ren Faire, lawyer heroine, guitar playing hero, touring band, man bun, reformed rake, mysticism/fortune telling, roommates (camper-mates), hookup with a deadline

Steam: 3
Profile Image for Leigh Kramer.
Author 1 book1,336 followers
September 18, 2023
What fun to be back in the world of Ren Faires! This wasn’t as romancey as the rest of the series. It’s more focused on Lulu making sense of her life after she quits her thankless job at a law firm and chucks her phone in the water. Dex is there but largely in the background for the first bit until they form a friendship of sorts. Even then, Lulu has bought into Dex’s reputation as a player and doesn’t see him as a viable prospect, even as she starts to see there’s much more to him than what everyone else sees. Even once they get together, things feel tenuous because Lulu is only working the Faire on a temporary basis and being in the band is Dex’s whole life. I really appreciated how this ultimately resolved.

This far into the series, it was fun to see another side of Ren Faires. There are laundry wenches, for one. But also a good portion of the book focuses on the fortune tellers and Lulu getting into tarot. This was interesting to a degree but less tarot, more focus on Dex and Lulu would have helped balance the book out. While we’re only ever in Lulu’s POV, Dex remained more of an enigma compared to previous MMCs. If I hadn’t read the synopsis, I would have been really surprised that Dex was the endgame love interest. Some clues about how he felt earlier on, legible only to readers, would not have been remiss. Lulu was often the one taking the risks, whether making a move or saying how she felt. I wanted more of that from him, since we don’t get to be in his head. I liked Dex; I’m just not sure I know who he is. But at the end of the day, he and Lulu do seem to have a good thing going on, even if it took them forever to figure it out.

There were a number of loose threads. Lulu supposedly has been driven by her mom’s expectations for her life but she never once talks to her mom. This made sense at first but not once her summer ended and she had a new plan in place. I wanted to know whether it was a toxic relationship or whether Lulu could stick up for herself and her dreams. Related: for a long time I didn’t know whether Lulu actually enjoyed being a lawyer and so it was surprising/concerning when she found a new position. It sounded like a good fit for her but this should have been more foregrounded. It wasn’t clear whether Lulu was volunteering at the Faires they visited or if she was being paid. For someone who just quit her job, she was pretty blasé about the economics of it all.

Characters: Lulu is a 37 year old white lawyer. Dex is a 31 year old white Ren Faire guitarist and singer.

Content notes: panic attack, workplace sexism, misogyny, unsafe sex practices (no discussion of pregnancy or STI prevention; they use condoms but FMC isn’t on birth control), on page sex, alcohol, gendered pejoratives, gender essentialist language, ableist language
Profile Image for Jackie Stone.
903 reviews29 followers
April 8, 2024
2.5 stars

Not great.
Most of my problems with Well Traveled have to do with Dex. Throughout the whole book, we didn't learn much about him. He is established as this womanizing, misogynistic asshole and the author didn't do much to rehabilitate his image. He just starts to like Lulu (for whatever reason, not really established) and I guess that makes him a nice guy with personality. They start f***ing out of nowhere and I'm left thinking, "who are you??" Girl, you do you, but I'm just a little confused.
Profile Image for Honey Roselea Reads.
729 reviews197 followers
January 10, 2023
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Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Romance for inviting me to read Well Traveled and for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

A review will be up on my blog on January 10, 2023 at 10 am CST on Honey Roselea Reads for you guys to check out!

My review on Well Traveled will be accessible using this link from January 10, 2023 at 10 am CST and onward.

For now, here is a preview to what the review will look like:


After a life altering decision, Louisa “Lulu” Malone decides to cut out technology and start focusing on herself, and that starts with traveling with the Dueling Kilts, a group of handsome men in kilts as they play at Renaissance Faires and win hearts. But, along the way, Lulu meets Dex, a key member of the Dueling Kilts and simply can’t fight off her attraction for him. Who doesn’t like a man in kilts, especially with the talent that Dex has, Lulu realizes that there is something about Dex that makes her intrigued… [ continue reading ]
Profile Image for Mae Bennett.
Author 2 books302 followers
July 18, 2022
Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

This is the fourth book in the series but can be read entirely as a standalone (with minor spoilers for the rest of the series)

I would recommend if you're looking for (SPOILERS)

-m/f friends to lovers
-vacation romance
-hot guy in a kilt
-ren faire
-this is just a hookup
-we are definitely not looking for a relationship
-are these feeling?

This book was very much what if we just ran away to the ren faire and it was the escapism I needed. Lulu quit her job as an attorney in a spectacular fashion, ditches her life and joins the ren faire for a couple weeks, ignoring all responsibility. And hanging out/hooking up with the the hot guy in a kilt that is the ren faire player.

This was fun, light, but I really enjoyed the deeper levels of this. How we can become stuck in how people perceive us and other people's expectations, how it's almost easier. How hard it can be to do something for yourself, set your own path and fight against the mold everyone set for yourself. Dex and Lulu have both been breakout characters for me, especially Dex. Him and his kilt have been hovering around the edges of the series and it was so lovely to see him get his HEA on his terms.

I love how both Lulu and Dex saw each other and respected their dreams in a way no one else had before. I hope this series never ends, I always need my yearly fix of going to the ren faire.

Steam: 3
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