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While the Blood King lives, no one is safe.

Sybille Esmond never wanted to inherit her family’s weird business: summoning spirits of the undead and guiding them to the afterlife. While it pays the bills, dealing with supernatural monsters comes with colossal risks, including becoming undead herself.

When tall, dark, and undead Elis Tanner, a reformed member of the soulless ever-after, invades Sybille’s life, bringing with him a possessive, disembodied ex-wife, those risks get complicated, and those complications become dangerous.

Sybille must aid Elis in confronting his jealous ex while also investigating the Blood King, a beast who refuses to die—by stake or by poison.

After a harrowing possession leaves her burned and bruised, Sybille finds herself drawing closer to the tempting Elis, who may be the only one capable of helping her kill the unkillable. With the Blood King and his legions of undead closing in, she discovers her own life is far from the only thing in jeopardy.

280 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 12, 2019

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About the author

Amber K. Bryant

7 books52 followers
Amber K. Bryant is an award-winning speculative fiction and romance writer living deep within Sasquatch territory in Washington State. Her stories have gained over ten million reads on Wattpad, where she has built a world-wide fan base. She collaborated on a short story with R. L. Stine and won several contests judged by Margaret Atwood. When she isn’t writing, she works as a librarian and spends time with her husband and son enjoying the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. She has yet to spot Bigfoot but has faith it will happen one day. Blood King is her debut novel.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 52 reviews
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,498 reviews
July 19, 2019
I'm loving this paranormal series so far! Sybille and Elias make an unlikely team, but she realizes that she will have to rely on him to do her job, protect herself and her family and free him from a past he can't forget. This is packed with mystery, secrets, danger, guilt and the possibility of a chance to not be lonely anymore....just a great read! Fair warning...the ending may make you want to scream...in a good way!
Profile Image for Carla.
57 reviews
September 6, 2019
This is a great paranormal book. With many twists and turns I didn't want to stop reading it to go to sleep. You will get to really know the main characters and how they think. If you want a mildly spine chilling book to read on a dark stormy night than this is a book you won't want to pass up!
July 21, 2019
The Blood King surprised me. I rarely read books with a vampire twist and yet I got sucked into this story. Each character was well defined and I found myself wanting to know their individual stories, all while being completely engaged in the events unfolding in this one. I love books with complex, interesting characters and Blood King does not disappoint.
Profile Image for Susan.
1,107 reviews40 followers
August 27, 2019
The Blood King is the promising start to a new series by Amber K. Bryant. I found myself sucked into the story from the start. Very entertaining with a unique spin on vampires. Can’t wait to read more adventures with Sybille & Elis!
Profile Image for Darly.
Author 3 books58 followers
August 22, 2019
From its intriguing and mysterious beginning at the county fair, Blood King nabbed my attention from the start and only tightened its grip through this beautifully told tale that alternates points-of-view between sassy spirit seeker, Sybille Esmond, and the irresistible bloodthirster, Elis Tanner.

I was already a fan of Amber Bryant’s work, having enjoyed her collaboration with R.L. Stine and her contest-winning shorts judged by the amazing Margaret Atwood, and was pleasantly surprised to find that this is so much more than your average paranormal with a vampire twist. I appreciated the genre-bending, which made this a reading experience I won’t soon forget! From mystery/thriller to an intriguing yet complicated love triangle, there’s a little something in this story for everyone. Having said all that, I was even more impressed by its unique premise, which is a breath of fresh air in a world where retellings and remakes are the new norm. I read Blood King in one sitting and cannot wait for book two!
Profile Image for Rachel H.
249 reviews5 followers
August 19, 2020

I did not finish this book. I only read fifty percent, and to get honest, I’m surprised that I even made it that far. The story is completely disjointed. It jumps around to different characters, skips around all sorts of different timelines between the characters, and is nearly impossible to follow along with. I couldn’t connect with any of the characters, nor do they act believable at all. The story is just a big confusing mess and I kept hoping it would get better, but it didn’t. Don’t waste your time
Profile Image for Tina.
824 reviews23 followers
August 27, 2019
Wow! What an amazing and extremely eclectic story. It was off the beaten path, meaning that it's a very unique story unlike any you've ever read! I was so pleasantly surprised at every turn of the page. I am absolutely in awe of this new to me author and will be waiting patiently for more to come!
15 reviews2 followers
September 12, 2019
It's a solid urban fantasy with word building, engaging characters, a love triangle, an undead ex, and vampires. Highly recommend! It builds in the first few chapters and then spins to a story that makes you want to turn the pages. Sybille and Elis were fun and have good back-and-forth. Well done!
Profile Image for Rosetta Overman.
Author 17 books60 followers
July 24, 2019
There is a lot going on in this book, from romance (including a love triangle), to mystery, thriller and so much more. Sometimes it comes off as a little overwhelming in the scheme of a single novel, mostly in the opening where the second chapter –a flashback – can feel a little out of left field. But following that part, which contains important information leading into one of the bigger plots of the story, it picks up. The introduction of each new character gives more people to love (or hate, whatever the case may be). Personally, I didn’t much care for Margot or Charlie (this will probably be an unpopular opinion), but the main cast was interesting and had strong, compelling backstories that made them feel like more than just words on a page, especially Devin and Elis. Between an environment-loving hierophant, a once-soulless atheist vampire – excuse me, bloodthirster – and a supernatural bounty hunter with a dark past, what could go wrong?

Oh right, everything. And that’s what makes this story strong. While there were needed lulls (and the occasionally strangely placed conversations), most of the book led into actions, whether psychic or physical. For the romantics out there, Bryant offers plenty of tension between our three main players and adds in even more to keep things interesting. I will warn that it does end in a cliffhanger, which I don’t mind as I like reading series, but I know some people don’t enjoy. That said, it clearly leads into the plot of the second book with only a few small threads of the main plot left to tie up later on.

I recommend this mostly for people who enjoy vampire romances, because while exciting and fast-paced, the romance is always very much integrated in almost every aspect. I’ll leave it at this, as there’s so much mystery that I don’t want to spoil anything.

I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tracy Kohlbeck.
2 reviews1 follower
July 25, 2019
Full disclosure, I was sent an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I had no idea going into this story what to expect and was delighted to find myself sucked in almost from the very start, diving into Sybille's life along with surrounding characters, Elis, Devin, Margot, and Peter. The characters are all well developed, the story line immediately engaging. This is the first novel by Amber K. Bryant I've read and I'm already looking forward to reading more about these characters. I wish I could give it 4.5 stars, as there are just few grammatical errors that snapped me back to the real world. They're easily overlooked though, and all in all, this is a wonderful escapism novel.
Profile Image for Debra Goelz.
Author 9 books24 followers
August 27, 2019
Amber K. Bryant knows how to spin a story. Her stories have been chosen by Margaret Atwood and R.L. Stine in contests judged by them. Blood King is a refreshing paranormal twist about a woman who makes a living guiding lost souls to the afterlife, a sexy blood-thirster, and his jealous undead ex who refuses to die. The book is fast-paced and exciting. The last page will leave you as breathless as the undead and yearning for more. A must read!
Profile Image for Tammy.
1,355 reviews41 followers
July 17, 2019
This one was a great read for a change of pace. Nothing light hearted about it. Sybille and Elias have a great working relationship but does it have the possibility to turn into more even though he is undead? As they and Sybille's group look for the Blood King the story goes deeper than anyone thought.
Profile Image for Yandy.
2 reviews
July 18, 2019
This book is one that must be read in one sitting! It involved a great mystery, a little romance and a lot of danger. I can’t wait for the sequel to come out!
Profile Image for A.R..
Author 2 books3 followers
August 18, 2019
Really enjoyed this debut of Amber Bryant. Well written and an intriguing take on the urban fantasy.
1 review
July 30, 2019
There are a lot of interesting things in this book and will suck you in with a lot of twists that will leave your mind blown.
Profile Image for Ali Molenaar.
327 reviews2 followers
November 11, 2022
The start of this book was a bit difficult and I doubted whether I would finish it.
That changed around the fifth chapter in which the pace changed,
Sybille Esmond never wanted to inherit her family’s weird business: summoning spirits of the undead and guiding them to the afterlife. While it pays the bills, dealing with supernatural monsters comes with colossal risks, including becoming undead herself.
Then Elis Tanner appears, He is an undead blood thirster with a soul and has a possessive, disembodied ex-wife, Juliana. The complications start to build, especially because her next adversary, the Blood King is extremely dangerous.
Those blood thirsters are basically vampires with an other name who die the way vampires do: a stake through the heart which will let them go up in ash. That doesn't work with the Blood King and that is a serious danger.
The book ends with an enormous cliff hanger. I was disappointed, now I have to read the other books too :)
Nice, exciting, leading persons with chemistry, substories which are good too. Read it!
349 reviews24 followers
January 4, 2021

Not for me. I gave up on page 98 after skimming the last 40-50 pages. The story could be intriguing if the MC didn't meet her love interest right off the bat, and if we weren't buried in backstory. There is so much telling and not a lot of showing. Most of the first 100 pages is inner monologues rather than dialogue. I don't know why we needed the employee's perspective at all because it didn't deem to add to the story. And frankly, I find Elis' hunt for a replacement for Juliana disturbing. basically his life has a hole in it and he's happy to spot another person into it as long as she meets whatever criteria. That's literally how he sees her. Why would I be invested in a relationship when she might as well be a doll to him? Maybe it gets better later in the book. To me, it feels gross and insulting and sexist.
Profile Image for Jessica.
130 reviews1 follower
July 22, 2020
For being a little over 200 pages I didn't get much emotion out of the characters. I liked the story and where it's going. You never find out why Elis shows up to Sybill in the first place. It would have been nice to see something more than he was looking for someone to replace his ex-wife.
But the take on vampires and spiritualists was a nice take. But also the thirsters didn't seem scary at all.
I am intrigued as to where the story will go though.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Christy Knight.
Author 3 books11 followers
August 28, 2021
Deliciously enchanting and hypnotic, Blood King invites us into the always creepy, often seductive and sometimes surprisingly comic setting called the Low where lost souls dwell among humans. Leading lady Sybille and her hunk of a blood-thirster Elis make an unlikely pair of star-crossed lovers with enticing scenes both real and imagined that left me hungry for more. Thankfully, Book II, Blood Fae is on my coffee table—Yum!
Profile Image for Zviko Mukamba.
16 reviews
July 30, 2020
This book l had to read twice because if how fantastic it was. Once l had spare time l finished it in a day. It has a wonderful, protagonist who escapes the Mary Sue condition and engaging supporting cast.

And l feel that it left little unanswered, that's not sorted in the second book Blood Fae.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sandra.
3,115 reviews12 followers
August 2, 2021
I liked the interesting take on vampires and spirits/souls. But it was a bit hard to get into mostly I think because none of the characters (except for Charlie) were particularly likeable so I didn't really care about them and I actively disliked Elis who is our MC and romantic lead.
Profile Image for S.M..
Author 5 books24 followers
December 19, 2022
Started out very strong, but the last third wasn't great. In particular, big fight at the climax in particular didn't have the strongest prose or forward momentum that the first half of the book did.
Profile Image for Jonathan Kim.
3 reviews
July 9, 2020
Absolutely loved this book. Paranormal is one of my favorite genres and I wasn’t disappointed in the slightest.
Profile Image for Shannon Heck.
497 reviews
August 8, 2020

I am not even sure what to say. This book was a DNF. I'll admit I didn't give it much of a chance, but it wasn't worth it.
Profile Image for Miriam.
384 reviews4 followers
October 18, 2020
Dnf at 36%. Just didn't care about anybody.
And also, the faux ye olde-timey Englishe the Patron spoke was beyond annoying. Like nails on the chalkboard of my mind. Thank you but no thank you.
October 20, 2020

This story was just a boring dull read. I could not even finish reading it. I couldn’t connect with the story or the characters.
238 reviews3 followers
October 22, 2020
Couldn't get into the book. Just read 20%. Just not for me.
Profile Image for Audrey.
420 reviews5 followers
April 21, 2021
This was a fantastic book! There is great character development. It really draws you in.

*I received a copy of this book for free. The review is my own, honest and unsolicited.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 52 reviews

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