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The War for America's Soul

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“Take it from someone who has been on the inside, who understands the fight we are currently in, and who knows what must be done to save our country. Dr. Sebastian Gorka’s latest book, The War for America’s Soul, leverages the former White House strategist’s expertise, driven by his determination to preserve what made America great in the first place.” — MARK LEVIN

Our country is at war with itself.

On one side are American patriots, dedicated to freedom under the Constitution; on the other side are leftists campaigning not just to win elections, but to radically transform the nation. In this political war for the soul of our country, America’s patriots need a strategist with a blueprint for victory.

Luckily, we have such a man in Dr. Sebastian Gorka—a former strategist for President Trump and now a nationally syndicated radio host and a fearless culture warrior.

In his essential new book, The War for America’s Soul, Dr. Gorka shows how America’s elite—in both parties—betrayed our heartland, sabotaged the American dream, and accepted national decline as inevitable. It took a candidate with remarkable vision, dauntless courage, and unbreakable determination to change the narrative. That man was Donald Trump. A candidate who owed no favors to special interests, Trump articulated a new American nationalism that has been an extraordinary force for economic and political renewal.

255 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 8, 2019

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About the author

Sebastian Gorka

10 books63 followers
American military and intelligence analyst, a professor and a member of the national security advisory staff under the Trump administration.

Gorka has written for a variety of publications and is generally considered politically conservative.

Gorka specializes in irregular warfare, counterinsurgency and counterterrorism.

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Profile Image for Cav.
823 reviews159 followers
February 14, 2020
This is the second book I have read from author Sebastian Gorka, after his 2018 title: "Why We Fight: Defeating America's Enemies - With No Apologies".
[DISCLOSURE]: I was offered a pre-publication promotional copy of this book from Regnery Publishing back in September 2019. I just got around to reading it now.
"The War for America's Soul" was a decent short read, although I enjoyed the previous one a bit more. The book is written in a somewhat unformatted, impromptu style. It begins with a foreword by Dennis Prager, before Gorka opens with a story of how he was accosted at his daughter's graduation ceremony at Trinity College by an aggressive leftist female student, who told him “...FUCK OFF, you Nazi!”
It then continues on with the largely ignored story of the Obama team's illegal use of the NSA surveillance database to unmask people affiliated with the Trump campaign.
This book's thesis is the ongoing culture war in America. Gorka asserts (and I would tend to agree with him) that there is a large contingent of the population that are now actually a subversive fifth column, determined to tear down the fabric of the entire country from within. He says that this pro-Socialist, anti-American, anti-Western sentiment has metastasized into the American political left; via people like Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Ilhan Omar. He mentions that we have fought against Socialist Imperialism for decades during the Cold War, and that Socialism/Communism has failed everywhere it's been implemented.

Many people on the left end of the political spectrum detest Gorka, and he makes no qualms in hitting back hard at them. "The War for America's Soul" is filled with calls to action from Gorka; to get on social media and become engaged, to support President Trump and his presidency, and make your voice heard in this battle of ideas. The book is unabashedly pro-Trump, and as such, will outrage many just by its existence.
Gorka covers other interesting topics in here, including the roots of the modern political left, and the end of the Cold War. It also contains interviews with the prominent Conservatives Victor Davis Hanson, Conrad Black, and even the man himself; Donald J. Trump.

While I would tend to agree with the thesis Gorka presents here, my only criticism of this book is its somewhat jumbled, off-the-cuff formatting. Gorka is a capable writer, and makes many good points. I feel that this book could have been improved by a more rigorous editing and/or formatting.
I would recommend this as a short read to those interested in the culture war.
3.5 stars.
146 reviews6 followers
November 5, 2019
I received this book as a promotional copy from Regency Publishing. Thank you. I have liked all of Dr. Gorka’s books as they are straight forward and well documented. The interviews were interesting and on point. He understands what the real threats are to America and his thoughts come from a unique perspective of having immigrated to this country and valuing what it means to become an American. A quick read and enlightening insight.
Profile Image for Rachel-RN.
2,271 reviews28 followers
December 30, 2019
I got this from my Trump loving mother and she asked that I read it with an open mind. I tried my best. It may or may not be more of a rant.
Dennis Prager wrote the introduction and one of the things he said bothered me (and I also think he is wrong). And that is this: "By definition, one does not love what or whom one seeks to fundamentally transform." He uses the example of a spouse who wants to "fundamentally transform" the other as an example. I think using that as an example misses the point (and if a spouse wanted to completely change the other- that's a problem, but if they have a smoking/alcohol problem, that's another- it's not black or white). I think loving the Country and wanting it to change with the times and be better is not wrong and the opposite- it shows the love of Country.
On to the book. How do I rate this damn thing? It was easy to read. This book didn't teach me anything new, it didn't enlighten me in any way. I don't feel smarter or more educated. I did learn Gorka's favorite Star Wars movie. And Fox news is awesome. Trump is awesome. The Left is trying to "poison" us. There was no Russian "collusion." The Russia investigation was a sham to investigate the Trump campaign and get dirt. The news media is "biased" and "fake." Obama had the "...most scandal-ridden eight years of any modern presidential administration." Does he back this up? He tries to: he uses the government shutdown and subsequent National Park closures (see Obama is against the Vets!), the IRS investigations (they were job doing their jobs!), and Benghazi (again) as examples. I did agree with him regarding the Obama administration's crackdown on whistle-blowers. No one is perfect and again, I think it's appropriate to point that out. I did vote for Obama and overall I think he did a good job. Did I always agree with his policies? Was he perfect? Nope and Nope.
This is his opinion on on the Russia investigation and Mueller Report: "In the two years that followed, Mueller tried everything to get dirt on Trump, and in doing so destroyed several people's lives." I find that opinion concerning. Has he read it? If he did, I'm so confused at how one can arrive at that conclusion.
Steve Bannon is "misunderstood." The Liberals have a "culture war" against the middle class (I read it as the white middle class- full disclosure- I am white middle class). I laughed out loud at this one: "Who better to restore it (economic opportunity) than a patriotic, populist businessman who spoke the language of working people and understood their problems?" Wow. Someone who inherited his daddy's money, won't release his tax returns, and uses the Presidency for personal and family gain?
Gorka also seems to believe that socialism = communism. It certainly read that way several times in this book.
I did learn Gorka has a daughter who is a college grad (with honors- good for her!). But, he bitches during the ceremony about one of the speakers who spoke about sexism in this country. Doesn't she know how good she has it?! Why not focus on other countries where it's a REAL problem?! He describes her as "ignorant and close minded" and "brainwashed" because she didn't talk about any other country but the US.
I *still* think Trump is a racist, sexist fucking asshole.
I not saying the Left is perfect and haven't done things wrong or made missteps. An example: Anti-Fa scares and worries me. I understand their message- but they are going about it completely wrong. I am a Pacifist and violence/property damage isn't the answer.
Profile Image for Tawnya.
13 reviews
February 23, 2020
Excellent book on how, as conservatives and Americans, we need to fight for our country and our freedoms.
Profile Image for Joshua Sawyer.
71 reviews24 followers
July 7, 2021
I read this book as an attempt to grasp some of the conservative mindset. It’s my hope that there’s a difference between conservative ideals and pandering to a buffoon. Time will tell, I suppose.
Profile Image for Richard Stange.
84 reviews1 follower
November 3, 2019
Stepping Out of the Echo Chamber:
Challenging Gorka’s The War for America’s Soul

I fall on the progressive end of the current American political spectrum. I believe that public education should be properly funded. In the most wealthy country in the entire world, I think that we should have universal healthcare. I am not in favor of labelling anyone “illegal” on land that has been stolen in the first place. Acknowledging my own personal biases and not attempting to hide them, allows me to explain why I purchased, read, and challenged this book. The media that we consume day in and day out is self curated. We gravitate toward the networks, publications, and social media accounts that tell us what we want to hear. I think there is value in challenging the self by stepping out of our own personal chosen echo chambers. This is to expose ourselves to opposing worldviews to either test our commitment to or evaluate the moral implications of our own. Sebastian Gorka eloquently expresses his views in a rather sophisticated manor. From writer to writer, his extensive lexicon commands intellectual respect. I am giving it four stars, NOT because I agree with the opinions expressed in this book, but because I believe that they are expressed well. Since this book is an opinion piece, I feel justified in directly commenting on some of the opinions themselves, even if I did not hold them against the writer when evaluating the craft. Now that I have acknowledged the literary merits of Gorka’s composition, I am going to analyze and evaluate various statements expressed in this book.

In the prologue, Denis Prager offers his perception of the Left, saying “one does not love what or whom one seeks to fundamentally transform” (xiv). If the Left did not love this country or was indifferent, they would not always attempt to make this country better. We always transform that which we love, because we want it to be better. Has the United States of America not always been in a constant state of transformation? We began as thirteen colonies. We now have fifty states, even if all of them have not been annexed legally. Once upon a time, slavery and segregation were both legal. It was not too long ago that a woman could not own property or carry a college degree. Therefore, I defy you to pinpoint a time in America’s chronological existence in which we STOPPED transforming and began to be complacent.

Sebastian Gorka takes his first shot at education in America. “...The Left have perfected their tools of indoctrination so as to instill irrational levels of hatred in our young people…” (xxvii). I can distinctly remember Donald Trump condemning the KKK/neo-Nazi goup after the Charlotsville incident. Then, he cowardly backpedaled on it just because clan leader Richard Spencer was not happy. Trump quickly realized that those people were part of his base, and did not want to lose votes. Furthermore, Trump’s continued rhetoric stereotyping undocumented refugees has ignited new accounts of the public display of racism in our country. Particular Republican governors have even recently called for the White Knights to ride and terrorize neighborhoods again.

Gorka goes on to complain about a policy that was started by fellow Republican, George W. Bush. The NSA “spying directly upon members of the Trump campaign and the Trump family for political purposes during an election year is unjustifiable” (10). Did Trump not just ask Ukraine and China to spy on Joe Biden? Is that not equally unjustifiable?

Gorka relies on the perceived simplemindedness and ignorance of his fellow Republicans in thinking that they do not understand the difference between communism and socialism. “What I am talking about is the Communist and Socialist threat inside of America, a threat that has internalized key elements of facism…” (53). Communism and socialism are not interchangeable. Furthermore, there is a big difference between socialist nationalism and democratic socialism. Fox News likes to utter the word “socialism,” which conjures up fear in the hearts of misguided conservatives across the nation. We are the ONLY Western developed nation that thinks that universal healthcare is a radical idea. We are the ONLY Western developed nation that equates the notion of a living wage with the absurd. Also, there is no more illuminated example of attempted fascism than when Trump attempted to force patriotism on NFL players during the #takeaknee movement. By the way, how is that NFL boycott going?

Prepare for the most delusional statement you will ever read. “...America is a nation uniquely unburdened by class structure...” (Gorka 60). Try to find a well paying job in a predominantly African-American community. I have taught in schools that were ten miles apart, yet polar opposite in infrastructure and resources. Zip codes and socioeconomic status still dictates education quality and whether or not a neighborhood ever gets well paying jobs.

In the prologue, Gorka says, “And how ignorant and closed-minded must you be to lecture Americans on the sexism in our country, ignoring entirely those nations and cultures where sexism is a real problem?” (xxv). Your use of the words “real problem” imply that sexism is not an issue in our nation. You bring up other countries as attempted deflection to try to distract readers from the truth about our own country. You criticize a young woman for taking a stand for what she believes in. Then, you go on to say that “women have been convinced that they should be like men, and that pursuing careers should be their priority-even at the expense of marriage and motherhood” (65). On one page, you claim that sexism is not an issue in America. On another, you are critical of women who refuse to adhere to patriarchal gender roles.

You offer a rather interesting question and answer segment in the back of your book. When asking you if Trump is attacking the First Amendment when he attacks the press, your response is, “No, not at all, because he is just exercising his own First Amendment rights…” (129). This is very complex. On the surface, I must agree with you. However, when a national leader repeatedly discredits the media, there are deeper and darker implications. Hitler’s rise to power began with discrediting the media. Let that sink in.

Gorka claims that he and other fellow Republicans argue that conservatives are pragmatic thinkers. “As Ben Shapiro says, “Facts don’t care about your feelings”” (130). Tell me something. If Republicans are so pragmatic, then why do you insist on governing with The Bible?

That brings me to my second to last point of criticism. “So, they took the indoctrination from the streets into the classrooms. And that is how today we have courses upon courses that have nothing to do with our heritage, with our Judeo-Christian culture” (152). We do not have classes that teach Judeo-Christianity at public schools or land grant universities, because we have a fundamental belief in the separation of church and state. Doing so would be a violation of the “religious liberty” that you claim Trump defends on page 129.

“Conservatives, people on the political Right, focus on the God-given rights of the individual” (147). You cannot lay claim to pragmatism and then say that you believe in “God-given rights” at the same time.

Gorka must think very little of his fellow conservatives to actually believe the absolute asinine arguments he has curated in this book. I could have cited a dozen more, but I think you get the picture from what I have included.
Profile Image for Charmaine.
136 reviews2 followers
March 4, 2020
Well written and easy to follow. Why do legal immigrants value America more than those born and raised inAmerica? He answers that question.
Profile Image for Vicki Gooding.
849 reviews15 followers
July 31, 2023
This is a man who carefully knows how a strategic ruin of a nation can happen. How a republic nation can become a banana republic, & crushing the democratic foundation of voting and the will of the people over the will of government who wants to strip their own county. The Constitution is as successful as the people who live by it. The author is a speaker and thinker of common sense, logical facts, possible conclusions without change. Recent history/current events. Hi live exemplifies God, Family, & Country and as an individual who stands unmovable as a proud America First Patriot. He and his family have paid a price. There are those called the deep state whose love for unadulterated power, global and forcibly at the resisting cost of millions of people. People who are filled daily with the same nonsense over and over by media propaganda with cherry picked tidbits, and complete edited or ignorance what's the other side of that news? The propagators counting on and knowing the depression, frustration, decreasing wealth, rise in crime and inflation, taking a way the right to choose products, religion and speech. Changing what's being taught with a punishment. They deceive or forget information re: truth, freedom, roots of our country and it's slow history's evolution toward children's rights, rights of every nationality, and women's rights until the Obama administration tried to divide us with raw mentality and emotion created by ugly partial truths. There was Uranium One, Clinton and Benghazi which is still the most horrible part of her wicked and ugly stint as Secretary, Cross Fire Hurricane, Massive Black domestic terrorism embraced as victims of far right terrorism. Shutting off peoples ability to communicate. FARA and unlawful pay for play with China, Romania, and Ukraine while using High Tech Social Media to paint a different picture. Names of those who were affected by this, and schemes, dates and individuals who tried to make a coup, but succeeded as there was no there there. Easy read, but so many people who unwittingly were pushed into involvement because of their closeness to governmental knowledge especially targeting their political opponent President Trump who was desiring to expose and clean corruption giving control back to the people rather than the government. How they're using learning and entertainment keeping current happenings very woke, liberal, one sided with little evidence of anything while boasting on tv about all the paperwork they had. FBI, DOJ, IG report, two special councils during times they were locking republicans out of the basement room so nothing was transparent. Names connected to what parts they played good or bad. It was afterwards America discovered it was because no papers filled with crimes ever existed. Actual proof eventually showed them a liar. Parts of the layout being confirmed to me. Some still a bit complex making my eyes burn & water with truth, sadness, and angry how we as a nation could be duped. It is a conspiracy being hidden so they may call it a theory. A Healthy book in light of how much they may try to to repeat within the next year or true. God bless the U.S. and expose these wicked traitors for who they are, what they've done, and why we should for the ultimate good and turn-around bring down these bad characters across the globe preferably sooner rather than talk interviews and committees that have meant nothing so far.
Profile Image for Alicia.
1,089 reviews32 followers
July 17, 2020
Quick, interesting read by a man who loves America and wants to preserve our country and its founding values instead of letting the country be rebuilt with socialism. I appreciated his insights on the history of the Cold War, attempts to get communism to take hold in America (such as dismantling the family, which coincidentally is one of the main goals of the Marxist organization BLM), and excerpts from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

“Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value. But it has never been a left-wing value. When leftists write or say anything, they do not ask themselves, ‘Is this true?’ They ask, ‘Is this effective in destroying opponents?’” -Dennis Prager, xii-xiii

“The left loathes America. That’s why they want to ‘fundamentally transform’ it, as Barack Obama announced...By definition, one does not love what or whom one seeks to fundamentally transform. If your spouse wants to fundamentally transform you, he or she doesn’t love you.” -Dennis Prager, xiv

“The Left have perfected their tools of indoctrination so as to instill irrational levels of hatred in your people, hatred that they are prepared to act upon. This reality endangers all of us who believe that we live in the greatest nation ever created by man.” -p. Xxvii

“From the targeting of American patriots at home via the IRS, to missile strikes killing Americans abroad without due process before the law, the Obama administration had no qualms -- none-- with using the incredible might of the federal government against those it did not like, or wanted to eliminate. That is how we arrive at the plot to subvert candidate Trump’s campaign through the use of the Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, and NSA, for political purposes.” -p. 7

“... Donald Trump was in fact the nation’s reaction to this ‘managed decline’ piloted by the elite, the antidote to a philosophy of self-loathing which saw America as the problem and not as the greatest experiment in human self-governance.” -p. 42

“America and her allies may have defeated the deadly, totalitarian regimes of national socialism and fascism in World War ii and communism in the Cold War, but neither ideology is dead… the internal threat from those who wish to dismantle our nation from the inside is greater than it has been since the Civil War.” -p. 53

“(Herbert) Marcuse’s genius was the see that the Marxist expectations of a revolution happening in America was a fantasy...In America, the boundless upward mobility afforded by a republic based on the rights of the individual as opposed to the privilege of a special class, are how an autodidact prairie lawyer like Abraham Lincoln could become president, or how Barack Obama, the biracial son of a single mother, could do exactly the same thing… Marcuse found another dividing line that could be exploited to exacerbate social strife and dismantle societal structures-- ‘victim groups.’... Andrew Breitbart so eloquently expresses this approach when he describes Marcuse’s mission ‘to dismantle American society by using diversity and ‘multiculturalism’ as crowbars with which to pry the structure apart, piece by piece.’” -pp. 60-61

“We’re substituting ideas of social justice for the rule of law: if your motives are deemed noble by progressives, then you can do anything… reparations or infanticide or the Green New Deal or the wealth tax or abolishing the electoral college or student debt or ICE or free college for everyone...And I think there’s going to be a pushback.” -p. 95

“Thanks to an obsequious media, their extremist views are parroted openly, including the need to abolish ICE.... as AOC and her subservient colleagues brazenly promote communism under the cover of Environmentalism with a ‘Green New Deal’ that would ban gas-powered cars, air travel, and beef husbandry as we know it today, and require the destruction and reconstruction of all the homes and commercial buildings in America in order to make them ‘environmentally friendly.’ This would require a Communist level of government control-- and that is the level of control over your lives that the Democrat party wants to have. If we let them.” -pp. 107-8

In Nov. 2020, “whether it’s freedom of speech, healthcare, education, the Second Amendment, right to life issues - all of it is on the table...They want to abolish America, and they want to replace our political and economic freedoms, which have made us the greatest country in the world, with the economic and moral failure that is socialism.” -p. 111

“President Obama actually fined, prosecuted, and surveilled journalists, and imprisoned journalists’ sources; you couldn’t have more of a contrast between two presidents…
More charges were brought under the Espionage Act against journalists and their sources by Obama than by any other president.” -p. 130

“All politics boils down to one question: do you believe man is perfectable, and therefore do you believe in social engineering? The Right says, no, man is fallen and cannot be made ‘perfect’, however you define that. ‘Conservatism’ comes from this realistic vision and a desire to ‘conserve’ traditions that have proven their worth. The Left believes the opposite-- that man is like putty, infinitely malleable, and can be reconfigured into homo Sovieticus if you’re in the USSR, or into an androgynous, socialist snowflake if you’re in the West today. Only one of these views is supported by the last six thousand years of human history, and it’s stunning that so few people have learned the lesson of recent millennia: not only is man limited in his capacity to shape and engineer his fellow man, but when he tries to do so, intolerance, tyranny, oppression, and even genocide are the results.” -pp. 147-8

“If you tell someone who doesn’t want the wall that 60 to 80 percent of the women smuggled by human traffickers across Mexico to our border are raped along the way-- that resonates emotionally.” -p. 150

“It will take at least two generations to get us back to the point where colleges are about challenging thought not about funneling thought into one politically approved agenda.” -p. 154

“After the ideology of Karl Marx took the lives of more than one hundred million people in the last century, what are you prepared to do to make sure that doesn’t happen here in America?... Forty countries have tried communism-- and the result has always been economic, social, and human catastrophe.” -p. 157

Warning: brief language
4 reviews
July 5, 2023
the only blight on this work is the failure to recognize the Left’s 2020 trap.

I can hear Dr. Sebastian Gorka as I read from his work. I wish he had revised his original work to include the stolen election of 2020. Don’t misunderstand, even without telling the full truth, this is a powerful and useful book. The list of the accomplishments alone makes the book worthwhile. The entire work is a first-hand, insiders account of the truth of the Trump Administration the media still refuses to present accurately.
May 31, 2020
You got that wrong goodreads.
I just finished Sebastian Gorka - The war for Americas soul and gave it five stars.

What is in this book that you do not want people to know?

That Hillary and Obama are militant students of a Marxist called Saul Alinsky?
72 reviews
August 28, 2024
Reading it in hindsight after President Trump lost the 2020 election, but it is an excellent book none-the-less. The 2020 loss just shows how powerful the left and DC elites really are. The war will be harder to win now than ever before, but we can "never give up."
Profile Image for Michael S Murdoch.
5 reviews3 followers
October 12, 2019
Great read

If you love America book is a must read. Ideas to help keep the current movement going to preserve a free America.
6 reviews
March 30, 2020
Awesome read!

Read this to learn what is going on NOW in our country! It is required reading to know the mind of the liberal.
Profile Image for Teri.
308 reviews9 followers
June 25, 2021
A good book if you want to understand the "deep state' behind the efforts to oust President Trump, how they work, who they mostly are, and how long they've actually been working at their "plan" (hint: waaay before Trump was ever President; it wasn't about Trump at all, it was about how he simply got in the way of their plan.)

Side notes:
Gorka is a Trump friend and fan. He is biased in this book, but I'd say 90% of the book is actually spot-on. He reads from interview transcripts from others who have known Trump for a long time, or who got to know him up close and personal, and these shed light on the Trump I know from the past 40 years of watching him in American life. So they are pretty honest about their insights into him and how that affected his presidency.

It's a short book, easy to read, and something worth reading if you have the time - but I wouldn't say it's a book worth sacrificing to read. Hence 4 stars, not 5.

I did enjoy learning a bit about Gorka's own autobiographical sketch. It also certainly sheds light on why he has come to understand that America is the shining light upon the hill and why he can easily see the Communist infiltration in American schools, universities and government - heck even in the MSM and Hollywood.
Profile Image for Paul Olkowski.
125 reviews7 followers
December 8, 2023
I won a copy of this book from my local radio station. I started reading it promptly and was getting into the hardcore ideas of the book. It contains history, modern politics and stories of survival and success: That is up to page 66. That is where the real book ends. The rest of the book consist of interviews of Donald Trump, Conrad Black, and Victor David Hanson. If this excites you, just tune in into Seb's radio show everyday. That is what you will get. I wanted more of what was in the first few chapters of this book. That is what interested me. The rest was just a transcript of what I could hear anytime on the radio.
The book is 4 and a half years old and has dated fast. The entire book is based upon Trump winning a second term in 2020. Since that did not happen , most of the books assumptions are quickly put down and moot. This could have been a good book. Alas, it is just something to pass over in the bargain book bin at flea markets and discount stores.
Profile Image for Michael Jolls.
Author 8 books9 followers
April 24, 2020
Another great assessment of the modern American political scene. (First off, when’s Hollywood going to do a movie about Dr. Gorka’s father??? What a story!!!). “The War for America’s Soul” is a comprehensive and ideological assessment of what the conservatives see wrong with the left and Republican Party establishment. The book has just enough ‘high brow’ talk, and just enough ‘common speech’ that really help make the historical arguments understandable. If you want to understand the left, read “Together We Rise: The Women’s March.” If you want to understand the right, read “The War for America’s Soul.”
29 reviews7 followers
October 9, 2019
Another Corker from Senior Gorka!

Sebastian Gorka’s books keep getting better and this is his best - and most important - so far. Everyone who wants to help save the west from the evil clutches of the far left needs to read this book and more importantly needs to act on the advice it contains.

Send Gorka is a fantastic writer and learned scholar. He has done an extraordinarily good job of compiling rafts and rafts of information, simplifying the complexities and then presenting them in a concise and read format.
193 reviews
June 11, 2023
Having seen Dr. Gorka on Newsmax, I was intrigued to read his book about his time in the Trump administration.

This was a very good book. Dr. Gorka is a straight-shooter and writes quite well. Having been born outside the United States, he has a very deep appreciation for America and the need to get back to our core values before it is too late.

I very much enjoyed the interview he had with Victor Davis Hanson. These are 2 brilliant minds!

Overall, this is a must read, in my opinion.
16 reviews2 followers
June 4, 2022
Sebastian Gorka is able to give valuable insight as to how the American political machine runs, and how things need to change or in some cases stay the same. He does come off as very biased, and although he never really admits to this he is still able to speak of his own experiences and the experiences of his family living behind the iron curtain bluntly and straightforward.
Profile Image for Sherrie Lockwood.
542 reviews18 followers
February 29, 2024
I hated this audio book. The narrator had a voice similar to the voice on the Disney ride “Haunted Manson”. I just couldn’t pay attention when it seems like you are walking thru the Haunted mansion. It was very hard to take this book seriously with the weird voice fluctuations on words. I am sad I paid for this book🥲
Profile Image for Jim Dowdell.
188 reviews9 followers
October 23, 2022
NOT ebook but HARDCOVER - ISBN is wrong book (1621579409) - neat interview with DJT and forward by Denis Prager
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