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Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems…

Norman sets in motion his plan to wipe out the demons as he leads his army into the demon capital. But he’ll need all of his cunning and trickery to have any hope of defeating the most powerful demons in the kingdom, including the queen. Meanwhile, Emma and the other children race to the capital to stop Norman before it’s too late!

187 pages, Paperback

First published January 4, 2020

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Kaiu Shirai

96 books716 followers
Pseudonym of the Manga writer creator of Promised Neverland.

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Profile Image for Josu Diamond.
Author 9 books33.5k followers
March 7, 2021
Estoy triste.

Nos acercamos al final de esta increíble serie y... no me ha terminado de convencer este volumen número diecisiete. Entiendo que desde hace un tiempo la trama ha tirado para otro lado, algo que era obvio que iba a suceder desde el principio, pero echo en falta un poco de lo increíblemente inteligente que era (y por lo que, para mí, principalmente destacaba este manga).

En este volumen vemos uno de los sucesos que se estaba preparando desde hacía tiempo ya en los anteriores volúmenes, y siento decir que se me ha quedado corto. No me ha gustado demasiado cómo han llegado esa gran batalla, con mucho flashbacks para hacer backstory de tramas que honestamente ni fu ni fa.


El lado positivo es que se lee más rápido que otras entregas, debido a que tiene mucha más acción. Esto supone menos diálogos, lo que supone menor trama, y al mismo tiempo, la sensación de que este volumen no es más que solucionar ese gran impedimento que eran los demonios, los clanes y demás cosillas que traían de cabeza a nuestros protagonistas. ¿Que se queda interesante para el siguiente? Sí, como siempre, con buenos finales y giros en la trama, pero tengo miedo porque no sé para dónde vaya a tirar. ¿Aún quedan 3 entregas y siento que ya se ha hecho casi todo lo que se tenía que hacer? Estoy expectante.

En resumidas cuentas: The Promised Neverland #17 no es el mejor tomo hasta la fecha, pero sí uno lleno de acción y que culmina uno de los grandes arcos del manga. Deseando leer el final, no queda nada. (Y entender por fin qué cojones le pasa a Norman en la cabeza.)
Profile Image for Gabriel.
550 reviews970 followers
April 9, 2021
Y sí, este tomo es pura acción. Y eso me gusta, solo que ya no estoy emocionado como antes. El hype se ha bajado y the promised neverland solo me gusta: a secas. Sigo disfrutando leyéndolo pero no con la misma intensidad y sé que se debe a que los giros de tuerca perdieron fuerza.
Profile Image for Nicole.
814 reviews2,364 followers
October 2, 2020
This is probably my favorite volume after the escape. It keeps getting better and better now. I love the characters, they are well-developed and Norman isn’t now the all good boy we used to love.. his grey characterization adds a lot to the story. I’m looking forward to know how Shirai is going to wrap it up.. I hope our MCs make it out alive body and soul.
Profile Image for Lia Strange.
539 reviews242 followers
June 14, 2021
aprende la lección lisa nunca confíes en nadie (y menos en un hombre (y menos si es blanco))
Profile Image for M..
81 reviews
October 28, 2019
When it's about the old demon world I find it kinda difficult to follow because I don't know who is who and I get lost in the hierarchies of that kingdom etc., but still... damn. Norman...!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rereader.
1,392 reviews152 followers
November 11, 2020
I never, EVER, want to see Emma so devastated for the rest of my life, thank for coming to my Ted Talk, have a nice day.

Okay, without spoiling anything, I can't even fathom what Emma must be feeling when she walked in on Norman. To have someone who you've admired and loved like family, who you know deep down is a good person with good intentions, commit such an atrocious act must be heartbreaking. The scene where adult Norman has his robes tugged by child Emma while child Norman stares sadly behind her doesn't help either. Shit, this was such a sad, heartbreaking volume.

That's all I want to say to avoid spoilers. This final arc is truly an emotional rollercoaster.
Profile Image for Jane.
340 reviews50 followers
March 22, 2021
Chapter 144. Help Us
OMG! Emma successfully made the promise but she is still not telling anyone about the reward! I'm excited but scared. Also, Norman really plan to kill all demons. But look at Mujika! She is such a gem. She help the lambda children who had seizure. Not all demons are bad. Norman really need to understand this! Besides, they will be safe soon because Emma made another promise already!

Chapter 145. Respective Reasons
Everyone should really hurry to the Imperial Capital. I just didn't expect things will go this way. Norman change and Emma is still the same Emma! Kind and empathetic. I just hope everything will be okay, as well as the reward that demon ask of Emma.

Chapter 146. The Imperial Capital Battle
The battle started. Norman's group did their plan and it went smoothly. Geelan and his people are rampaging inside the castle. They get their revenge but where is Emma and Mujika?

Chapter 147. Accumulated Hatred
My gosh! Geelan's people really started killing the demons in the capital!!! OMG. Emma & Mujika will be extremely sad about this if they knew. Also, the innocent citizen!

Chapter 148. We're Going Now
OMG! Norman is indeed a genius. Though he is scary now. I am also happy Emma and Mujika finally meet but the war already started! Gosh. What now?!

Chapter 149. An Obligation to Prove
Wow. That queen is definitely very powerful! She is strong. The noble name is not really a joke since she really benefit mostly because of the brain and the strength. Gosh, Emma and Ray must hurry and find Norman!

Chapter 150. Vow of 700 Years
Wow. The demon queen is really strong. Extremely strong for all of Geelan's people to kill. I wonder how Norman plan to kill the queen! That is a difficult task!

Chapter 151. The Ones to Win
WOa WOah WOah! Norman's "new friends" are attacking the queen and it actually work! The queen is hurt, wounded and hungry! Also, that Zazie person is indeed very strong!! Norman's strategies are amazing!!

Chapter 152. It's Time
WOW. Norman is really the highest grade meat ever. Like everrrrr. Because of the queen's selfishness, she died. Gosh. Norman is so scary at the end. It is complete annihilation. OMG. Emma and Ray are too late already! :(
Profile Image for Vinícius Sgorla.
435 reviews19 followers
September 6, 2021
Talvez o melhor volume desde o volume 6 e o volume 9. Aqui é a farofa bem temperada e servida com fartura! Revelações, plot político bem feito, flashback, traição, pancadaria, mais traição, violência, reviravolta, corrida contra o tempo, arte MAGNÍFICA e muito, mas muito gore. Tudo pra mim
Profile Image for Dani ❤️ Perspective of a Writer.
1,512 reviews5 followers
October 18, 2020
A Peter Pan retelling like you've NEVER seen before!! Emma, Norman and Ray are the brightest kids at the Grace Field House orphanage. And under the care of the woman they refer to as “Mom,” all the kids have enjoyed a comfortable life. Good food, clean clothes and the perfect environment to learn—what more could an orphan ask for? One day, though, Emma and Norman uncover the dark truth of the outside world they are forbidden from seeing.

Wow! Everything from page one of The Promised Neverland has been building to this volume. Emma, Ray, and Norman’s friendship especially has changed and morphed and now been successfully threatened due to each other’s differing points of view about the monsters.

I really appreciate everyone’s point of view too. Especially Norman’s which we can see is still motivated by wanting to protect his siblings. It makes me cry as it’s not how I wanted their relationship to end... A very intense, battle filled volume I’m now really jonezing for the aftermath.

Many characters from the beginning to most recently appear in this volume. Geelan was a fascinating one at once noble, a monster and rather naive too. I’m not one for revenge stories but when justice plays out... it sure is satisfying! I can’t wait to see what comes next!

The Promised Neverland is an incredible manga with friendship, mystery, adventure, danger and high stakes. You won’t be able to stop reading!
Profile Image for Cassie.
398 reviews
January 16, 2020
~Spoilers up to chapter 152~
The manga panels continue to be absolutely brilliantly. Especially chapter 152, That final page, with all the demon bodies splayed across the floor, The look of horror on Emma's face upon seeing the carnage, and the resolve in Norman's expression when he says, "It's too late now..." That's right, our morally ambiguous Norman has committed mass (demon) murder!
Really though, I find myself conflicted on what the best action to take upon this situation actually is. Emma is being incredibly naive to think that the demons can be saved, or are even worth being saved. But she did remake the promise, and we don't really know any of the details about that yet. On the other side, I don't think Norman's plan makes any sense either. He's trying to play 3D chess here, but I don't know. And he's sacrificing so much for it, his morals, his character, his BEST FRIENDS. To see Emma and Ray so betrayed...how dare you. The nerve.
As far as the hierarchies, I don't understand that perfectly but I love learning more about the demons and how they act and live.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for wanji .
140 reviews35 followers
January 13, 2021
this is too much for me to handle but i will continue reading
Profile Image for Paz.
191 reviews17 followers
September 20, 2021
Read back when it came out. Still disappointed about the ending. But I still loved the characters and the world. Norman crew's awesome tho.
Profile Image for Zeynep Dilara.
794 reviews
July 10, 2021
tam bitti oh şükür derken hep daha kötüsü olması, bebeklerimin başına bir şey gelecek diye kalp krizi geçiriyorum 🤘🏻
Profile Image for Midiam Daniela.
128 reviews9 followers
July 15, 2022
Los últimos capítulos fueron demasiado para mí.
Puede que Norman no este haciendo las cosas de la mejor manera (moralmente hablando) pero admito que me encanta cómo es que está funcionando su despiadado plan además, toda su angustia y su conflicto interno son cautivadores, aunque me sentí muy mal por Emma, todo lo que debe de estar sintiendo al ver a Norman cometiendo actos tan atroces, pero aun así sabiendo que en el fondo es una buena persona con buenas intenciones.
Profile Image for Reija.
377 reviews79 followers
April 9, 2021
Imagine if this had been split between two volumes and we got some breathing room between actions scenes. Some characters could have gotten some development. Geelan's backstory could have been explored a bit more, since we know so little about the demon society dynamics. Put on the brakes please! I beg you.
Profile Image for enchanteurlitteraire.
44 reviews15 followers
March 21, 2021
Mind-blowing! 🤯
I love how Kaiu Shirai keeps questioning what’s considered as « good » or « evil » through his characters decisions.
Profile Image for Celeste.
348 reviews36 followers
February 20, 2021

El plan de Norman comienza. Los demás deben apurarse y llegar a la capital a tiempo para poder detenerlo.

- Me encanta tener a Sonju y Mujika de nuevo, y todo lo que implica su llegaba me emociona demasiado.
- Me gustó mucho la historia de Geelan y que los autores le dedicaran un apartado considerable para que el lector pudiese entender mejor sus motivaciones. Y el diseño de los demonios me sigue encantando.
- LA ACCIÓN FUE UNA LOCURA. El dibujo se hizo difícil de seguir por momentos, pero entregó páginas y paneles increíbles. Y ESE FINAL GENTE. NECESITO LEER EL PRÓXIMO TOMO YA!

- El pacing fue muy rápido. Muchos minis time skip para hacer que todos los personajes importantes estuvieran en el lugar indicado, y no se sintió natural sino forzado. También hubo muchas conveniencias,

A pesar de los problemas de ritmos y sub tramas apresuradas, el tomo 17 está repleto de acción de la buena acompañada de un dibujo excelente y giros constantes que te mantenían pendiente a todo lo que estaba ocurriendo. El final es perfecto.
Profile Image for Bibliophile Cat.
79 reviews13 followers
April 30, 2020
I may have teared up more than once. MAY HAVE.

But seriously, Gilda crying is NOT okay!!! And everything else that is happening. Adhfesght HOW DO I PROCESS THIS? This manga is killing me, my heart is gonna be broken into tiny pieces by the end of this I know it.

Oh dear, Norman is....coughing up blood...?! So now he's dying??!!?!!

"Let's survive together from now on, Norman."

"Ray. Emma. I'm so sorry."


K, but all the panels of past little Norman sprinkled throughtout this volume are just evil!! I'm gonna cry. He used to be so innocent and sweet....now he's lost and stuck in a mode that's like survival mode but it's the survival of all the cattle children, himself disregarded...and somehow, I don't think we have the whole picture of what happened to him at Lambda, something is missing. After all, we never got to see the ACTUAL escape, did we. 👀

The action (ie. Battle with the Demon Queen) had me on the edge of my seat the whole time and I had no idea who was going to come on top but wow, Norman's plan was scary brilliant and it was executed to Perfection. I'm surprised too, I was expecting Emma and Ray to stop him before he took down the last lord but Nope! They got there too late. And it is heartbreaking, HOWEVER, I love that the creator isn't afraid to have the protagonists fail and bad things to happen. It makes the story so much more intense.

Anyway, going to go read the next volume right now because I can't take these cliffhangers! 😅 and I'm really curious to find out what the price for the promise was but I don't know when that will be revealed (!!!) So if you can't tell, this has been a WILD ride and I am anxious and I need answers ASAP.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for catherine ♡.
1,412 reviews165 followers
June 27, 2021
I honestly love Norman and how his ruthless plan is working out; his anguish and internal conflict is captivating and honestly much more interesting than Emma's perspective, although I do want to know what she gave in exchange for the new promise. Ray is still pretty much relegated to the role of a sidekick — I don't know if it's too late but I really hope he gets his own moment to shine soon.
Profile Image for Eli.
283 reviews1 follower
January 17, 2020
5/5 stars. I haven’t any complaints about this volume it was a hell of a ride. I loved it. This volume was *chef kiss*
This volume was just fantastic. I’m so pumped, I also almost cried like six thousand times, but it’s alright. I’m so looking forward to the next volume.
Anyway, let’s get on with it before I spoil everything in one sentence.

Gilda crying because she understood that Norman lied, broke my damn heart. You make Gilda cry and I will attac.

Emma I wanna know asap what the price was cuz that face you made haunted me for months... hence why I’m reading this now and not in January when it’s “officially” released. Whoops.

“I want to help you, Emma. I want to save Norman, too.”

Girl if that ain’t my mood. I love my children please let there be a peaceful solution. Please let Norman understand.

I understand where Norman is coming from but I also understand where Emma’s coming from. Ughhhh


Theory? Maybe when he was separated from Emma and the others they like depleted his health? Maybe it was something that took time and ultimately harmed him and the other kids? Maybe his time is running out and that’s why he’s desperate to do all he can? Oh my- I don’t like this. Nope. No. Nah.

I just scolded my phone: Why are you dying? You are NOT allowed. No sir, no sir. NO.

“Let’s survive together from now on, Norman.”

“Emma. Ray. I’m so sorry.”

Why would they do this to me. Like it hurt enough to semi-lose Norman one time. If he actually dies this time, I WILL scream so hard I’ll rip a hole in the void... I’m going to lose my mind.

Norman, please-

We get to see from the pov of the demons. Which I appreciate, give us that insight.

Norman planned this attack... a lil’ too well.

Those horses better run like the goddamn wind. Emma and Ray must make it.

That panel of little Norman with the cups... hello darkness my old friend...

Emma and Ray’s teamwork is so wholesome in the midst of chaos. Bless their souls.

“Such a skillful strategy and execution. Who is it?”

Well, you see... it’s this boi who was so sweet and gentle but also like cunning as hell. And somewhere along the road he lost that sweetness and gentleness and only the cunning was left because it was his only way to survive. It was the only way he knew how to live through being separated from everything that was so familiar to him. He was left on his own, so he had to do the most reckless and wild things to live. That guy dun did this. That Norman did. But like, maybe we’ll get back a Norman who can be sweet without scheming and stuff. A Norman who can stop feeling the need to carry everything on his own.

Ughhhh they keep putting these little sly panels of lil’ Norman and my heart hurts.

“I’m the one who sent you to Lambda.”

Well, damn you.

“Your meat? None of us will be food for the likes of you again.”

Norman’s face when he said that... goddamn. Also, he spoke in her language, bOi!

I’m going to cry, Norman saw a little Emma and a little Norman trying to stop him with sad looks on their faces. It’s his innocence and compassion crying out. The literal embodiment of Emma and a younger version of himself. They’re his conscience. My heart is in pieces. His youth was stolen from him, all because he wasn’t allowed to go with Emma and the others to live among demons like Musica. He didn’t get to experience survival with his family. Because he was left to battle and survive all on his own among demons who weren’t kind or forgiving.

“I’m sorry. It’s too late now, Emma.”

No it’s not!!!

“He is always alone.”

Well, he didn’t have much of a choice now did he?

“I’ve decided. I won’t let you sacrifice yourself again. I won’t let you go at things alone.”

Thank the manga gods. She called him out, yes Emma!

“It must be so painful... Because you’re so kind, you shoulder the burden for everyone. I don’t think you want to wipe them out. I don’t think you want to slaughter them. You shouldn’t lie to yourself, Norman... What are you hiding? What are you so afraid of? The Norman in front of me now, looks like a scared trembling child.”

GodDAMN. She’s not wrong. Please, I hope this reaches Norman.

“It’s true, I’ve always been scared... All alone... I couldn’t afford to choose what measures I took. I couldn’t afford to stop.”

It’s emo Norman hours, I guess

“I am strong. It’s okay. It’s okay. You can fight. You can win. Only a little more.”

Is this what he kept telling himself all this time? Aight, ima head out and cry now.

Both Emma and Ray supporting him, my heart cannot.

I’m just going to keep making connections to characters Norman is reminding me of, ahem, Unravel Me Warner, ahem. He really doesn’t think he deserves a second chance. Or to go back. He doesn’t think he deserves support. YOU DESERVE IT NORMAN!

“I want to live. I want to live. I want to live. Together with Emma and Ray. But it really is pointless. We don’t have much longer to live. We can live on... me. Help me. Emma, Ray.”

HES CRYING AND I WILL TOO, MY BABIES. Please tell me there’s a goddamn cure to whatever’s wrong with him and the others, or I will lose my shit.

“Because of the drugs we were forced to take at Lambda...”

Excuse my language but, but fuck all y’all who forced my boi to take those damn drugs. Fuck. All. Y’all.

Bless Adam for somehow being immune to those drugs like boi, you are a savior. You get all the hugs.

I’m not saying I love Don and Gilda with my life... but I love Don and Gilda with my life.

Musica is giving all the surviving demons what she drinks so they don’t have to depend on humans to live.

The face I made when I saw crone... y’all.

What. The. FUCK? What is that? Why does it have like 1,000,000,000 faces of all the people its eaten? What’s happening?

Wut? What do you mean the children have disappeared?

They took them to the Gracefield house I-

I’m so proud seeing Norman believe in his family. Working alongside them. Ima cry.

They’re going to rescue the other children and it’s going to be fine (hopefully) I’m so excited, I wanna see my children succeed, I want no casualties on our side, thank you.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for B. P. Rinehart.
752 reviews283 followers
December 9, 2020
This is the last English-translation manga volume of The Promised Neverland for the year. This has been such an exciting book to read this year and it is crazy to think it will all be over in 2021. Of course, the Japanese-language version has already ended and season two of the anime is expected to premiere early 2021. In any case, this title has been one of the most interesting and intriguing comic books I've ever read and I can't wait to give my overall thoughts of the franchise when I read the last volume next spring/summer.

This volume has the beginning of the final battle. The parties to that conflict though may not be who we think, though. Emma and Norman have completely different agendas that will see the final conflict play out very messily and sorrowfully.

Posuka Demizu art work is almost better than the story, the dynamism on every page is just incredible and in an action-packed volume like this is used to great effect.
Profile Image for BookVolchitsa.
694 reviews54 followers
September 18, 2020
Non ci credo che mancano solo 3 volumi alla fine di questa meravigliosa serie.
Non sono pronta.
Ho divorato questo volume. Siamo nel pieno della battaglia. Un volume da togliere il fiato. Bello, bello, bello.
Profile Image for A_ bookbound _soul.
187 reviews41 followers
June 14, 2021
Ch. 144 to 152

Ch. 144: I do not know whom I hate more, Norman for being such dochebag or me for reading a spoiler that basically spoiled the ending for me.

These were so epic chapters! I kinda like Zazie the paperbag guy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 450 reviews

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