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Sin isn’t supposed to feel this good. I never wanted to come here.
The scholarship to Hawthorne University is my ticket to a better life,
but I don’t fit in with these rich, privileged students.

I’m the daughter of a drug addict.
A girl with a half-remembered past.
A foster kid who’s seen too much of the wrong side of humanity.
My tattoos are my battle scars, and my heart beats for no one.

Until I meet them.

Gray, Declan, and Elias.

The Sinners.

They run this school, and one day, they’ll run this whole city.
They snap their fingers, and the world falls at their feet.
They breathe a word, and that word becomes law.

I’ve been numb my whole life, but when they touch me, sparks dance across my skin.
For the first time in years, I feel.
I feel so fucking much.


Too bad there’s only one thing the Sinners feel for me.


**This is the first book in the Sinners of Hawthorne University series, a new adult reverse harem bully romance. It contains violence, dark subject matter, and steamy sex.**

320 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 6, 2020

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About the author

Eva Ashwood

71 books5,324 followers
Eva Ashwood has been a reader her whole life and a writer for several years. She loves telling stories of alpha males and the fierce women who bring them to their knees.

She's a sucker for reverse harem, bully romance, enemies to lovers, heroes who redeem themselves, and all the drama and passion of new adult love.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 448 reviews
Profile Image for Blendy.
413 reviews103 followers
August 1, 2024
I have a very weird relationship with bully romance novels.

There is a very big part of me that really abhors them. When I let myself really think about what is going on in the book and the abuse that is being normalized and/or even sexualized (for lack of better words), it really makes me sick.

I mean, some of these guys do horrific things to the girls in these books, and they ultimately suffer no consequences. IF ANYTHING, their behavior is supposed to somehow make them more attractive. Manhandling a girl, ruining her reputation, completely humiliating her, and (sometimes) forcing yourself on her sexually---these things are what constitute foreplay in this genre. The nastier the attitude and the more horrific their actions, the better. I mean, I know everyone has their kink and really, to each their own, but for me, I have a hard-time digesting a lot of it.

So, why do I read these then?? Because, while a lot of what happens in the book is disagreeable to my palate, I also love a good enemies-to-lovers story. And, what are bully romances if not an E2L at their core??

I'm honestly hoping that one day I will come across one that satisfies the anger in me that most of these provoke and that an author will write one in such a way that I won't come out of it feeling angry AF and disappointed. I don't know what all that would entail, but when if I ever find one, I will let you know. Sorry...I'll end my rant now.

As for this book, I really liked the way it started off. I had high hopes. Our FMC is as tough as she is vulnerable. She seemed very intelligent and she offered no apologies for who she was. I liked it.
I thought, maybe just maybe, I was going to get the bully romance I've been waiting for. However, by 70% into the book, I realized it just wasn't going to happen. The FMC forgave the bullies much quicker than I did and that made it an unpleasant read. When I'm still mad at the male characters in the book, NONE of the sexy-times are remotely sexy to me. They're gross. Then, I just get mad at the FMC for having any kind of sexy-times with them at all and being a damn doormat (IMO). From there, it all just turns into one big ole rage fest.

Okay, aside from that, the book itself is pretty well written. I didn't have a hard time understanding anything, and it wasn't littered with glaringly obvious grammatical errors. I'm sure that most people will love this book (really, it's not bad), but I just can't get out of my own head enough to enjoy it for what it is.
6 reviews
November 26, 2020

So this series was a struggle, because I felt like the “bullying” went way too far for any redemption. The guys encouraged people on campus to sexually harass a sexual assault victim for a cash prize...and they also publicized her private assault history to torment her.

Then Grey gives her a short “I’m sorry, my sister died and I was lashing out”....which in no way makes up for the torment they unleashed on her.

It was well written, but I could not move past that enough to enjoy it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cee.
2,837 reviews147 followers
November 15, 2020
I can't mark this as a romance when there was literally no romance, can I? Sex? Yeah, but absolutely nothing to show to me that her heart was in any way in dangerous of getting hurt.
Nothing really happens in this book either... it was rather strange, tbh.

I like the set up, I think Sophie and the mystery of her background have a lot of promise, but everything else about the book has me.... confused I guess. Like, where is it going? Why should I care? Why does she care about the love interests??? To steal a word from a series I love, she and the guys are acting cuntstruck. I need more than that though, even as a foundation. And she forgave them waaaayayyyy too soon. And wasn't at all concerned anymore about how someone was able to break into her place?! Like, GIRL that is a major concern and would seem even moreso for someone who has her background.

Okay, deep breath over, I have to stop or I'm going to keep ranting.
Profile Image for sumru.
38 reviews
September 1, 2022
was the writing good? no, not really. was the plot good? no it made no sense. did i enjoy this read? definitely thought it was entertaining. did i only read this because it was included on kindle unlimited and i saw a singular tiktok abt it? yeah. so what?

this book had one goal… and it was achieved
Profile Image for TheDailyKaylee.
358 reviews66 followers
March 31, 2021
What a great start to the trilogy!!

-book 1 of 3, cliffhanger
-single POV
-steamy as hell
-bully romance (in college)
-triggers present (sexual assault)
-Reverse harem

What a great beginning to this trilogy! I have to say I really enjoyed this book, but I did expect that because I’ve read two other RH Series by this author and loved them.

-character development was on point. I love Sophie. We get a good amount of background info on her, and poor girl has lived a very hard life. And now she’s offered a scholarship to an elite private university to be able to make a better life for herself. Even though she’s been through the ringer, girl is tough as nails. I loved her instantly. I’m glad we did get the reason for the bullying out of Gray in this book.
-steamy as hell. Y’all, these bedroom scenes, or bathroom scenes, will light you on fire. The book starts out with a bang, literally.
-I didn’t notice many grammatical errors.
-there’s a hint of suspense that I loved.
-as mentioned, Sophie is sexually assaulted, but she fought tooth and nail to prevent it from going all the way. Boy did she fight. She beat the ever loving crap out of the guy and I’m HERE FOR IT. I hate that it was kind of washed under the rug by the administrators, but honestly, that’s real life. Crap like that happens all of the time and these rich a-holes get away with it.
-I love a good cliffhanger (only if the series is completed lol) and man did this book go out with a BANG. Who wants to hurt her? Are the guys really tricking her? So many questions I can’t wait to get answers to!!

-this is a slow burn when it comes to the romance, but it’s definitely a fast burn when it comes to the sex. It’s not realllllly a con for me, but I do hope there’s more relationship building in the next book. While her attraction to both Elias and Declan were evident, this book really focused on Gray, but it makes sense since Gray was the one who took the lead bully position. So hopefully we see more of the other two in the next book.
-my main dislike for this book, and the reason for the star deduction, was the “competition” Gray set up. I know he wanted to hate her and get her to leave the school, but what he set in place clearly opens the door for sexual assault. I’m not saying that’s the reason the one guy attempted to rape her (he’s a psycho) but people will go to extremes to win this type of “competition”. It opens the door because it basically paints Sophie as a sexualized target. I was fully expecting her to be sexually assaulted at some point because of the competition. I kept holding out hope that he really wasn’t the one who started the competition, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.

Here I go, RUNNING to download the next book. Damn, I love you Eva Ashwood (not that you even know I exist, unfortunately lol). She really can write an amazing story.
Profile Image for Daisy Delfin.
1,191 reviews158 followers
November 16, 2020

Pages: 234
My rating: 3
Read other books by this author in the future: yes
MC: Sophie, Gray, Elias, Declan
SC: Max, Cliff

When Sinners Play is the first book in the Sinners of Hawthorne University. Sophie’s story begins with the death of her best friend and she is called up to ID him. She does it and goes to a bar afterwards to drink away the memory. There she meets a stranger and decides to hook up with him. Leaving the bar, the guy follows her and they hook up a second time. There he tells her his name is Gray.
Sophie ages out of foster care but because of her good marks she get a scholarship to Hawthorne University. On her first day on campus she meets two gorgeous guys Elias and Declan and - yes you guess it - they are friends with Grey. After Grey finds out that Sophie is here on a second scholarship, his attitude towards her changes from friendly to frosty and they start to bully her quite intense. There is no visible reason for the bullying.

Because Sophie is very stubborn in one of this bullying situations she kisses Declan and Gray is really jealous about it and sends his friends away. And yes, they hook up again. Sophie has the usual excuse: I am angry but my body is not listening to my brain. I do not know why strong heroines have a lot of trouble to coordinate their body and brain.

There are some good ideas in this book like Grays background story (not spoiling more here), Sophie’s memory loss of her initial 11 or 12 year before she ends up in foster care. But in the first book there is a lot of angry and other smut.

After somebody breaks into Sophie’s room and destroys her Art she is devastated. But I don’t understand, why they never tried to find out who destroyed her art. At the end the pace picks up but ended in a bad cliffhanger.

I enjoyed the good ideas, but I expected more story and less „I am a badass but my body overrules my brain“ lines.

I think I will give book 2 a go, because I want to see, how the story unfolds.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for BookLover89.
344 reviews
February 21, 2021
This was a DNF for me. I got to 79%. I did not like how they bullied her in a sexual way after she had been sexually abused through her life and there is even an attempted rape scene in the book. Yet she completely forgives them and the bullying is a dumb reason. She was a doormat. At the beginning I thought she was going to be a strong FMC but she’s not. She sleeps with one of the guys during the bullying and kisses the others cause her brain and body are on different pages. I just didn’t like any of the characters or how she was able to get over so quickly and easily what they did.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Melanie Jakusz.
185 reviews4 followers
August 16, 2024
I had one rule: don’t read books with muscley men on the cover. Eff this book. My pride is in shambles.
Profile Image for Valentina.
1,122 reviews341 followers
July 11, 2020
Right out of the gate, this story grabbed my attention and held on for the entire read. An intense, emotionally-filled dark romance involving a young underprivileged heroine raised (and abused) through the foster care system. Sophie becomes a freshman at a prestigious university where she encounters and is then bullied by her one-time sexual encounter at a bar, Gray. Gray is wealthy and so-named one of the university's Sinners along with two others, Declan and Elias. The Sinners are undeniably attracted to Sophie.

I enjoyed this book. I liked the author's portrayal of heroine's strength and maturity eliciting an emotional pull that was felt throughout the book. I loved the character development and interaction. Each of the heroes, Gray serving a primary role, displayed their unique personalities that seem to complement the heroine. Gray was so broody, alpha and attractive; Declan and Elias, emphatic, silent understanding; all of them thawing Sophie's numbness. They seem to give each other what the other needed.

Wild steam in the story. Such chemistry, such sexual tension. This story was hot! I liked the balance in this reverse harem with each hero having a personal relationship with the heroine rather than group sexual encounters with little story or feeling.

With the dark subject matter and the dramatic emotions, this book read more adult, more mature than a typical bully romance. In addition, with their now closer relationship, the ending left me wondering what next and who. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Excellent read.
Profile Image for Tabatha Reed.
1,604 reviews154 followers
January 9, 2021
This is one of my favorite genres but this book missed the mark for me. The bullying was over the top in this. I really don’t understand how the heroine brushes it off so easily. I get her lack of reaction and how she suppressed her emotions but I don’t get how she so easily let’s go of the extremes of bullying by The Sinners. She doesn’t hold them accountable at all. Gray apologizes and he definitely needed to do that but that’s all it was.

The hot and cold between them was a bit dizzying. Gray’s reason for bullying was uninspired. The cliffhanger leaving us to wonder if she’s been betrayed by the Sinners is beyond annoying. All the books are out so I’m not grumpy about having to wait but I loathe bully books that have the bully betraying the heroine at the end or making her think she might have been betrayed.

Like, you’ve subjected this girl to so much already, is it really necessary to hurt her again and way more than before. This particular heroine has a ridiculously tragic backstory and really no answers in this book, other than some super vague dreams. I know this trope in bully romances likely stems from some widely read early examples of this genre, I hated it then too. It was only shocking the first time I read it, now I expect it and cringe when it actually happens.
Profile Image for Courtney.
1,209 reviews187 followers
April 24, 2020
Received BETA Copy from Author for Honest Review.
I Give this Book a 4.5/5 Star Rating, Listing as 5.

4.5 - Mainly due to the pacing is a bit fast but it’s not a bad thing at all, cause on the other hand it fits the book.

Cliffhanger(?): Yes! And I need to know what’ll happen!!

Predictability: 2/5, I Love the fact that I know going in to Eva’s books that I’ll never know what to expect!
Heat: 4.5/5
Romance: Let’s Not Rate this Just Yet, Lol.
Drama: 4/5
Suspense: 4.5/5
Bully: 3.5/5, other readers may rate it higher :)
Relationship Type: Reverse Harem? I think?
Mainly MF-ish so far with lite MFMM.

No Spoilers.
There’s a lot I want to say, but I gotta keep it minimal! XD
I Love Sophie! Such a strong female!
I definitely want to know more about the guys!
Seriously Anticipating Book 2!
Completely Recommend!

Profile Image for Jena .
2,313 reviews2 followers
April 28, 2021
Loved the book before the m-m-f-m scene and then I almost DNF because of said scene. Before that I felt like I was reading an amazing m/f novel. I guess I am just not into rh, because I don’t believe in the love when the hero is ok sharing the girl.

All 4 stars go to this incredibly strong, kick ass heroine. One of the strongest I’ve seen in a romance novel. Ends in cliffhanger.


Safety gang

No cheating.
No ow drama, not really. Of course girls come on to the hero.
Love scenes are long, detailed and super hot, no really, I was blown away by the chemistry! So hot!

I hope this author writes normal romances in the future.

The 4some happen because the h was dealing with shock, so ridiculous.
Profile Image for queen_of_the_books_18.
862 reviews231 followers
June 12, 2020
A reverse harem bully romance, yes please!

I’ve always loved Eva Ashwood’s RH series in the past so I dived straight into this one without really knowing much about it.

She always writes really hot sex scenes that draw me in and leave me breathless and it was no different with When Sinners Play.

If you love RH, bully romances where the heroine is strong and scrappy and the guys are all hot, possessive alphas then check out this book!

Be warned this book does end on an epic cliffhanger
Profile Image for rosalyn.
96 reviews
November 29, 2022
It was an interesting book, i kinda liked it tho…. Very smutty. Plot was meh. Got sus when they started being umm a group thingy. Ending was good tho????
Profile Image for Kimi.
443 reviews
August 4, 2020
4 Stars

Overall Rating ★★★★
Plot ★★★★
Humor ★★★
Characters & Character Development ★★★★
Narration ★★★★★

Story: Sophie, Grey, Declan, Elias ... Max

First I gotta say, I'm not huge on bully romance. But I was hooked from the beginning on this series. I love Sophie's perseverance. I love that she doesn't back down. I had all sorts of feelings by the end and I had to go on to read the next book even though I listened to this one.

Narration: Amber Lee Connors... Loved the narration. Can't wait to hear some more from this narrator.
Profile Image for Maddie Vaters.
412 reviews241 followers
August 6, 2024
I don’t have much to say about this book other than it was entertaining and hot! Was this the best book in the world? No. But was it easy to read and enjoyable! Hell yes. I’m a big sucker for the whole college bully romance trope and this book definitely executed that. So far the guys are hot af, and the chemistry between Sophie and Gray had me sweating🥵 I’m interested to see how her relationships develop between Declan & Elias too. Overall this was a decent RH read that is quick and easy!
Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,817 reviews321 followers
May 9, 2020
RH is my crack at the moment and I am absolutely loving this genre, especially when added with a bully romance. The start of this book was seriously hot, and I didn't know where it was going until it did. The chemistry is seriously off the charts.

I must admit the first RH scene came a little out of left field, but it didn't surprise me at all. Our heroine is a great character and I absolutely feel for her. I just want to see her happy.

I can't wait to see where this series goes. Loved it!!
Profile Image for AReadsBooks.
137 reviews1 follower
February 7, 2023
This was the 1st RH I read it was very mid like all the guys were the same it just did not do it for me.
Profile Image for Cheri.
881 reviews13 followers
June 26, 2021
Quit at 65%

I usually don't rate books I DNF but this ones special. In the first 30% of the book I had great hope for Sophie. A foster kid with a past history of sexual abuse and trauma. Stuff to make you root for the underdog. Then things went off the rails with Gray basically bullying her and her being turned on despite his treatment. I can't root for a heroine who has no self respect. Just can't do it. Gray steal her campus card and she lays down and takes it because she's no snitch. He offer $10000 for a naked picture and she strips naked in the middle of his party. Like what? At no point does she speak to the dean about what's been going on. When she sleeps with Gray again and he treats her like trash once again, she decides to make him jealous by making out with his friends. I legit flung my phone in rage. (That never happens) I can't respect the traitorous body trope that makes Sophie ignore abuse because she's horny. EA meant to portray Sophie and strong but she's a weak heroine who makes bad choices. Not continuing this series which is regretful cause I love this author's writing.
June 21, 2023
What the actual fuck? Firstly the three guys who bully Sophie 75% of the book is called «The Sinners»😃 what wattpad low budget name is that.

This book is much more than a bully romance. This is far from bullying. The sinners «bully» her with publishing her assault on a screen in front of the whole school, steals her ID card and make a competition with a 10 000 dollar reward to get the best naked picture/video of her. When was this categorized byllying and not felony.

You think this girl will hate these guys for treating her horrible and ruining her reputation on the college? No no no she makes out with all three, fucks one of them twice, and let them all finger fuck her simultaneous😃😃😃

At the end we get to know why the leader of the sinners is treating her so bad…because his sister died. HOW DOES THAT GIVE HIM RIGHT TO TREAT HER THAT WAY. They get sort of together at the end, while she kinda likes the two other boys😀 AFTER EVERYTHING.

I felt i was reading a wattpad book at one moment and cringed so hard MANY times. This book is not recommended unless you want to cross out «read a sex scene with 4 people involved» of your bucket list.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Natasha Allen.
616 reviews13 followers
May 1, 2023
Ok firstly I’m gonna give this a 2.75⭐️. This has been on my TBR for ages and after finally reading it I’m going to say that sadly I’m disappointed. Nothing felt like it was or came naturally. It was as if there was a list of clichéd points that needed to be put into the book and they all just got tossed in there.

The concept and general idea of the story is good but it just failed on multiple levels.
Now I love me a bully romance and if it’d been all the stuff except for the assembly incident I’d have been fine. But those files and pics etc all being shown and the fact that she was a child when it happened??? No to me that was just too messed up. Especially when you find out why Gray did what he did. For me personally that was too messed up and not in a morally grey kinda way, it was just disgusting. And all he says is I’m sorry??? Urgh no thanks!!

So upon finishing the book I read the reviews and spoilers for the next two books and Im fine with finding out what happened and without the need for reading them…..
Profile Image for TINA WILLIAMS.
1,911 reviews21 followers
May 4, 2020
This new series from Eva Ashwood is amazing with so many dark twists. I love this new world she is engulfing us in. Sophie has led a hard life bouncing from home to home in foster care and unfortunately she has suffered from tragedy along the way. This has made her strong and feisty, both qualities that are going to help her survive Hawthorn University. She is bullied from the first second she steps onto campus, but she stays strong and fights back at every turn. She is pursued relentlessly by almost the entire campus. The abuse is brutal; however, she holds her head up high and fights back like a warrior. This book is fast paced and exciting. It was a very enjoyable read. I could not put it down until I was finished. The twists and turns are not not predictable. The cliffhanger is shocking and out of left field. I was shocked. I can't wait for the next book to find out what happened. This is Eva Ashwood's best work to date. She never disappoints with her tremendous talent but this series is going to be amazing!! This is definitely a one click.
Profile Image for Missy Brown.
1,560 reviews27 followers
May 11, 2020
What can I say about an Eva Ashwood read, except be prepared to read until you have finished the book. So be sure to set aside a time when you will not be interrupted and can read the whole thing in one setting. You will not want to stop once you have finished.

Sophie is a character that i was rooting for from the beginning. I love these female leads that have gone through some stuff and come out stronger, that is Sophie. She has not had a easy life but is strong. So when she gets a scholarship to an elusive university, she expects everything to be low key and chill. What she does not expect, and neither did I, was Three boys Grey, Elias and Declan to hate her. What could possibly be their reasons for hating her on the spot?

So as usual with an Eva book we have the darker reads that are intense and so freaking good. I loved it and cannot wait for more!!
Profile Image for Jodi.
352 reviews1 follower
May 6, 2020
Holy shirt!!! I don’t think I could love a book more than this one!! And I love me a lot of books!! Sophie is amazing. She’s gone through so much already even at her young age. She faces the scrutiny and bullying with a maturity beyond her years. The guys are hot. Confusing. Hot. Enigmatic. Honestly, I’m having a hard time writing this review because I loved this book so much. I’m kinda speechless. Read it. Buckle up and dive in. Totally worth it!
Profile Image for Kim.
668 reviews23 followers
September 22, 2020
This book started slow, and I nearly put it down, but something told me to keep reading. I told myself I'd give it a few more chapters. The story finally starts to draw my interest and then I was hooked. Once the bs slowed down and you got more into the characters I found myself drawn to Gray. Not so much the other two, you could almost do away with them and make this a regular one on one love interest and be just as good. He overpowers the other two with his presence.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 448 reviews

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