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The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it’s too late.

Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems…

In order to save a dying family member, Emma leads a small group of children into a demon farm in order to steal some medicine. This risky mission will require smarts, stealth and a bit of luck. Meanwhile, a mysterious group of humans is destroying the farms one by one. What is their secret?

191 pages, Paperback

First published June 4, 2019

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About the author

Kaiu Shirai

96 books716 followers
Pseudonym of the Manga writer creator of Promised Neverland.

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Profile Image for Josu Diamond.
Author 9 books33.5k followers
December 6, 2020

Lo siento, pero esta reseña contendrá SPOILERS. Es imposible hablar del tomo 14 de un manga sin decir nada de la trama... Además, necesito fangirlear un poquito.


Mira, no estaba preparado para esto. ¿Que Norman sigue vivo? Durante unas cuantas entregas me decía a mí mismo que era imposible que se hubiera muerto, luego tuvimos una aparición en la granja Lambda, pero se me olvidó por completo esa trama... Y de repente, PUM. Norman es el nuevo W. Minerva y estoy que NO PUEDO MÁS.

Por lo que respecta a lo demás, ha sido un tomo que me ha gustado bastante. Tiene partes iguales de acción, misterio, explicación de la mitología del universo de The Promised Neverland y muchas emociones. La verdad que es uno de los volúmenes más equilibrados que recuerdo.

Algo que me ha gustado especialmente es que vamos conociendo mejor qué es lo que sucede en este universo. ¿De dónde vienen los demonios? ¿Por qué comen humanos? Son interrogantes que se tienen desde la primera entrega y que por fin parece que están siendo resueltos. Aunque, claro, una parte de mí no termina de fiarse de Norman... ¡No sé por qué, pero todo es demasiado bonito!


Me fascina que el guionista de esta obra de arte consigue meterse tanto en tu piel, y que te haya enseñado unas buenas lecciones en cuanto a en quién confiar y por qué. Es por ello, que después de tantas decepciones y sorpresas en el resto de entregas, consigue que el lector no se sienta al cien por cien entregado a lo que sucede. Comentaba en mi reseña del volumen 13 que me negaba a pensar que el tema de W. Minerva iba a ser tan fácil. No porque no quisiera, sino porque siempre hay alguna sorpresa escondida. Y viendo el final de esta entrega, se confirman mis teorías. WTF NORMAN??

En fin, como siempre, recomiendo este manga hasta el infinito. Es increíble. Por favor, dadle una oportunidad. Aunque las últimas entregas no vuelen tanto la cabeza como las primeras, siguen siendo espectaculares y no dejan de sorprender. Se vienen unas entregas increíbles, por fin parece que el plan de Emma va a llegar a buen puerto... O no. Y eso es lo que necesito saber ya de ya. *se va a leer el 15*
Profile Image for Gabriel.
550 reviews970 followers
April 3, 2021
El plot twist se cumplió y solo diré que está tomando un rumbo interesante. Se aproxima una auténtica masacre y con ella un conflicto de ideales muy opuestos.
Profile Image for Nicole.
814 reviews2,364 followers
September 25, 2020
Finally some concrete progress. It’s going to interesting how Shirai will wrap it up between Emma’s wishes and the others’. I do see her point but she needs a plan and not just wishful thinking. The story is becoming exciting again at last!
Profile Image for Maria.
599 reviews142 followers
April 7, 2019
THE REUNION!!!!! Finally!
Even though we all knew how smart Norman was, I was still surprised to find out that he’s become such a BOSS while we weren’t looking.
I’m glad that all my babies are safe yet again.
Proud of Emma for staying true to herself no matter what.
Profile Image for Rereader.
1,392 reviews152 followers
March 14, 2020
Wow, okay. Umm, this is going to be tough putting all of my thoughts and feelings into a coherent review, but I'm gonna do my best, because WOW this volume was incredible!

First and foremost, I am SO HAPPY Norman is alive and leading the rebellion against the demons! Seeing him reunite with his family was so wonderfully heartwarming it brought tears to my eyes. Norman was never my favorite out of the original trio, but he was a gentle yet strong-willed character that I admired and am thrilled that he's back. I'm curious to see how much of his backstory we get regarding his time at Lambda, but it's not vitally important now so it's cool.

While I'm not fond of Norman's new crew (Cislo, Barbara, and Vincent) as I find them to be fairly one-dimensional in terms of personality, I do appreciate their place in the story. Obviously, not every escapee is going to be as empathetic as Emma or Ray and their hatred towards demons is valid. Could they have been introduced more creatively? Sure. Could they simply become cookie-cutter characters meant to represent the opposing side? Of course. But for now I'm happy for their inclusion and look forward to (hopefully) learning more about them.

Emma and Ray continue to be fantastic characters but for different reasons. Emma is fantastic because of her intense empathy and longing for peace for everyone, and Ray for his willingness to help his best friend anyway he can and being their to support her. These two have gone through a lot and I'm so proud of the development they've received.

Finally, one thing that I haven't touched on regarding this series but that I adore is how secondary/side characters are handled. Okay, rant time, but I swear this is important:

Something that I have noticed while reading as much as I can is sometimes it feels like authors, whether they be novelists or manga-ka, don't quite know how much screen time to give side characters/secondary characters. Usually this isn't an issue, as most authors now that side characters can shine in their own right, but some either give one side character too much screen time or give them so little you wonder why they exist in the first place. This is an even bigger problem if you have a large cast of characters but only one or two main characters. In my opinion, side characters should have enough personality to seem like real people while having enough screen time to justify their existence. And, in my humble, biased opinion, is what The Promised Neverland does really well. Emma, Ray, and Norman are obviously the main characters of the series, so they're given the most screen time, but that doesn't mean the other characters should exist solely as props. In order to justify their existence without them taking over the story, the manga-ka behind this series gives other characters time to shine in ways that make sense, like the group of younger ones who recognize forest fruits and nuts and Anna volunteering to go get the medicine since she had been studying it for so long. Yes, it's not a lot, but it gives them room to grow and time to show what they've learned. It's simple, but effective and definitely welcome.

Sorry for the long rant, I've been meaning to get that off my chest for a while and kept forgetting to bring it up. Anyway, loved this volume and looking forward to volume 15!
Profile Image for Valentina Galarza.
136 reviews60 followers
January 4, 2021
Las revelaciones no son tan sorprendentes (aunque no me quejo, ya me la veía venir hace unos 4 tomos), pero los nuevos dilemas a los que se enfrentan los personajes son tre-men-dos.
Profile Image for Olly.
303 reviews33 followers
March 7, 2020
era ormai un po' scontato ma ha fatto comunque piacere, sono curioso di leggere cosa accadrà!
Profile Image for Strawberry Books.
482 reviews216 followers
July 30, 2020
Que de révélations 😍😍😍 j'ai adoré !! Vivement la suite 😍😍
Profile Image for Cassie.
398 reviews
March 4, 2019
We’ve been wondering for the whole series where Norman would end up, its so satisfying to have our group together again! I’m so curious to see where this will go.

-I really still feel for this Norman clone theory, or that Norman is himself a clone of Minerva or something.
-Emma makes a great point when she says that the demons are like them, just trying to survive.However It’s plain illogical to think that humans and demons could coexist peacefully. It only makes sense for the humans to fight back and push for extinction. Because if they can get rid of the demons, they can live long and normal lives.
Emma’s too idealistic when she sympathizes with the demons. Not to say that Norman is right either, because I’m not sure exactly what the truth is. If he plans to have the demons kill each other off, then that’s a smart way to avoid war. However as of ch. 125 it’s unclear exactly how all of this is going to pan out. I just hope Emma doesn’t do something really stupid, and I guess the same can be said for Norman. I liked the original plan Emma had, and I hope the story does end with a new promise being made. I imagine this promise might involve demons living without humans. I wouldn’t hate this IF the demons were humanized in some aspects (most of the demons we met were violent bloodthirsty monsters, it’s hard to think about them having families or lives when they’re only seen as hungry animals craving a kill).
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for B. P. Rinehart.
752 reviews283 followers
April 10, 2020
I don't know...there may come a day when this series is not my favorite piece of sequential art to read, but that day does not seem to be on the horizon. There was a time when I thought nothing would beat out One-Punch Man for my favorite manga, but The Promised Neverland has far surpassed it. This series as not been perfect, but it does what it does well. The pacing, the art, the story has you never quite sure what is going to be on the next page. Though this series is listed as--and does use as archetypes--shōnen, it does borrow a lot more seinen-themes and uses them well.

This volume sees to big surprises dropped on us, but not in the way we expected. We finally meet the fabled "William Minerva" , and we learn a lot more about the demons and Minerva's plans for defeating them. Emma may have a problem with this.

It will be a painful wait until June for volume 15, but this manga is worth the wait.
Profile Image for Jesus Flores.
2,262 reviews56 followers
May 11, 2023
En este volumen ocurren ciertas cosas que hacen la historia interesante, aunque tambien te hacen preguntarte ¿Cómo?

Un poco de explicaciones, algunas interesantes, otras que no explican tanto como quisieramos, pero bueno.
Parece que hay un plan, y eso nos hace ver que vienen cosas interesantes, y quiza conflictos

4 stars




Profile Image for Phantomº.
492 reviews51 followers
April 14, 2019
ok this volume probably is until chapter 124~

Αlright, that was unexpected ... I guessed the "impersonator of Minerva" part but him being Norman? would never think of it. He seemed weird though, his height and demeanor, something was totally off and I am pretty sure Ray sensed it, maybe even Emma deep down. Before finding out his identity I seriously thought he was a bad guy yearning for power, and still I am afraid to consider the possibility that Norman might not be who we knew; the experiments should have changed him, at least slightly.
Making a neverland without demons? not a chance this plan is going to work...but maybe Norman's intention isn't that at all and he has tricked everyone.
The scene of Ray, Emma and Norman sleeping was really cute though.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for catherine ♡.
1,412 reviews165 followers
June 20, 2021
Don't get me wrong, I love love love the reunion between

But I do love that we learned more about the monster backstory — and so many things make so much sense now.
Profile Image for Zahra.
147 reviews36 followers
January 21, 2021
اولی که نورمن رو دیدم و فهمیدم همون مینرواست، داشتم چایی می‌خوردم و نزدیک بود بریزمش رو خودم. بلند شدم یه سری جیغ زدم و دور آشپزخونه چرخ خوشحالی زدم و این‌ها. ولی الان؟ خیلی ناامید شدم ازش. به نظر همون آدم قدیمی نمیاد.
اولا بین نورمن و ری به عنوان شخصیت مورد علاقه‌م شک داشتم، ولی دیگه همه‌چی به ری می‌رسه.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sara Bakhshi.
1,407 reviews371 followers
July 8, 2019
Don't even dare to mess with the boss!!
Let him be the same old he was...
Profile Image for Armina Salemi.
Author 2 books326 followers
January 10, 2022
I mean… it has more Ray and I love the kid.🚶🏻‍♀️
Also, it’s getting really exciting, like we’re getting somewhere. So probably not 4, but something close?
Profile Image for Tobbi Garcia.
358 reviews21 followers
July 6, 2021
La mitad de este tomo fue muy emotiva y tuvo un reencuentro que estaba esperando desde hace muchos tomos.
Si sentí la falta de varios personajes pero siento que para donde vamos va estar bien.

Estoy un poco dudoso con lo de Minerva y con el final de este tomo, me da miedo para donde pueda ir todo esto.
Profile Image for erigibbi.
1,019 reviews705 followers
June 12, 2024

Tutto molto figo, ma solo io sono perplessa dal fatto che Minerva (chiamiamolo così) sia stato disegnato troppo adulto rispetto a Emma e Ray?
E poi bo, lui mi sembra così diverso da prima 😭
Profile Image for Dani ❤️ Perspective of a Writer.
1,512 reviews5 followers
March 27, 2020
A Peter Pan retelling like you've NEVER seen before!! Emma, Norman and Ray are the brightest kids at the Grace Field House orphanage. And under the care of the woman they refer to as “Mom,” all the kids have enjoyed a comfortable life. Good food, clean clothes and the perfect environment to learn—what more could an orphan ask for? One day, though, Emma and Norman uncover the dark truth of the outside world they are forbidden from seeing.

The Promised Neverland vol 14 truly takes us to a new level. We’ve seen the escaped kids safe and working together. With new allies who are strong and effective against the monsters that will only mean bigger and better battles... right? Well this new crew is a bit crazy. When they need something they head toward the farms, not away! And they drag Emma and Ray along for the ride.

There were several scary moments and that one twist at the hatch had me gasping in horror. I loved it! Then we meet the new crews boss and learn they’re small fries compared to others in their group. We meet their leader who goes by the name... Minerva! I love this reveal though I would have enjoyed back tracking and seeing how he got to this point.

This new Minerva sure shakes things up... well knowledge about their enemy and a plan to take care of them... once and for all. Past efforts of Emma and her family are made moot and her and Ray and out under extreme pressure. The enemy used to be outside... but now they might have landed in a viper’s next.

The Promised Neverland vol 14 brings new tensions for Emma and Ray to face that may end with them making enemies of their new allies. I do know one thing, everything is about to hit the fan and we get to be there when that happens!
Profile Image for Nabaa.
10 reviews4 followers
May 25, 2019
One of the best manga’s I’ve ever read
A must read
Full of thrillers ✨
Profile Image for ♛.
211 reviews39 followers
December 14, 2019
the long awaited reunion!! there were tears!!! rayemma superior duo honestly but i’m so interested in these new lambda kids & to see how the plan plays out..
Profile Image for Kuroo Dabi.
123 reviews16 followers
December 29, 2020
Solo tengo que decir una cosa: EL REENCUENTRO MÁS ESPERADO POR FIN SE HA DADOOOO AHHHHHHHHH, estoy muy contenta.
Ufff que grande esta Norman, que bello.
Profile Image for Vinícius Sgorla.
435 reviews19 followers
July 7, 2021

Reuniões entre antigos amigos, novas revelações sobre o mundo, conflito de interesses (!!!!!) e talvez predizendo uma traição aí?
Profile Image for wanji .
140 reviews35 followers
January 12, 2021
the reunion... the conflict... the plot development
Profile Image for karla⁹ ⛈.
310 reviews51 followers
July 11, 2019
it makes sense that this volume is the one with the best rating, it was just... really, really good. I thought Emma was going to cry the most once they meet again, but I was wrong. I cried the most.

Now, some spoilers.
True, I liked Emma’s original plan of making a new promise a lot, but there are still too many things we don’t know about the demons to know if that could actually be possible.
I really appreciated Ray here, for standing beside Emma even if he himself thinks that she is too idealistic. Let’s face it, that is Emma’s greatest quality and also her biggest flaw. I love how Ray is able to see through it but is still capable of believing and trusting in her.
Norman’s plan is good, but I don’t think he knows enough about the demons now to make it work. And, honestly? I’m glad Emma disagreed. That’s the whole point of her character, she’s always been like that, and the fact that she’s able to keep true to herself even in this circumstances is amazing.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 610 reviews

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