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新華社原高級記者楊繼繩以《墓碑》、《鄧小平時代》等書聞名於世,但作為一名出色的記者,採訪成為他的記者生涯的重要工作內容之一。本書是他在改革開放之後採訪一系列中國政要的訪談記錄文字的整理稿之大成,包括趙紫陽、蕭克、任仲夷、葉選平、安志文、梁靈光、王恩茂、阮崇武、普朝柱、李長春、吳南生、梁湘、李灦、雷宇、梁廣大、董輔礽、吳江、羅征啟、馮蘭瑞等中國政要人物群的個訪,從方方面面為改革開放的過程留下了珍貴的斑斑史實記載,乃目下第一本獨具特色的高端訪談錄,極具閱讀性與資料價值。 除了上述訪談錄之外,本書還收入作者對中國政壇、思想界一些重要人物的述評與回憶,為那個大時代和這些名人留下了側寫的紀事,也糅合了作者對他們的功過評價,論點犀利、評論公允,不失為一部新聞工作前線人的力作。

474 pages, Paperback

Published November 1, 2013

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About the author

Yang Jisheng

11 books49 followers
Yang Jisheng was born in 1940, joined the Communist Party in 1964, and worked for the Xinhua News Agency from January 1968 until his retirement in 2001. He is now a deputy editor at Yanhuang Chunqiu (Chronicles of History), an official journal that regularly skirts censorship with articles on controversial political topics. A leading liberal voice, he published the Chinese version of "Tombstone" in Hong Kong in May 2008. Many editions have been printed and now the book is being translated into many languages. Yang Jisheng lives in Beijing with his wife and two children.

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