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Fireblood Dragon #6

Fire in His Veins

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I’ve wanted Andrea since the moment I saw her.

But she’s human. I’m drakoni. The only way I’ll stay sane and not lose myself to the madness that’s swept over my people is if I keep my mental walls strong. I have to give up everything that makes me a dragon. That means no telepathy, no fire breathing, and no battle form.

I certainly can’t take a mate. Andrea can’t be mine.

When her brother escapes the fort, though, she needs help tracking him down. That means I’ll be alone with her, breathing in her sweet scent, and it may be too much for my control.

What happens if I give in to my dragon? Will I take her as my mate…or tear her throat out?

Audible Audio

First published January 19, 2019

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About the author

Ruby Dixon

145 books16.3k followers
Ruby Dixon is an author of Science Fiction Romance. She likes fated mates, baby-filled epilogues, and cinnamon roll heroes. She also likes to write biographies of herself in the third person, because it feels more important that way.

Ruby also loves coffee and dirty books and will probably be a cat lady at some point. :)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 477 reviews
December 11, 2021
The one that didn’t go crazy!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narration: 🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧
Romance: 💙💚🖤💜❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙📔
World building: 🌎🌍🌏🌎🌍
Character development: 😳🤬😏🤓🥰

The heroine: Andrea (a.k.a. Andi) - She was second to Gwen at fort Shreveport. Now that Amy is running the fort, Andi feels a bit at a loose ends. She is taking care of her 14 year old brother and helps as she can around the fort. She has been trying to stay away from Liam because now that people know he’s a dragon, rumors have been flying about her and him.

The Hero(s): Liam (a.k.a. Atolum) - back on his home world, he was taken captive by the Salorians. He learned to keep his mind apart from the Salorians ability to control minds by building up walls in his mind and staying away from the way his people communicate through thoughts. He kept that up after being pulled through the rift and so was the only Drakonian that didn’t go crazy.

The Story: When Andi’s brother Benny runs away, Andi knows she needs to go after him and Liam goes with them. They go on a trek to follow Benny and bring him back to Shreveport. Along the way they realize they are mates. However Liam is unable to claim Andi for fear of losing his mind to the madness the rest of his people are experiencing.

Some reviewers didn’t like this one because they were hoping the story of the Salorian Azar and the big bad that might be coming through the rift. I had already looked at all the blurbs so I knew that one is coming in book 10. I actually really liked this book and think that the storyline in this one would be extremely relevant to an apocalyptic world like this, where billions died, electronics no longer work and most of the manufactured items in the world are very difficult if not impossible to find.

The narration was great, done by Noelle Bridges and Jeremy York. Most of the book was told from Andi’s POV, but there were plenty of chapters told from Liam’s as well. I am really liking this world of dragons and mates and plan to read more of the series.

Profile Image for Mara.
1,822 reviews4,176 followers
January 6, 2021
This is probably the best of the books so far in terms of plotting-- I really liked the new type of story we got here (where the dragon was fully in his right mind & trying to resist changing into his battle form to avoid madness) and I really enjoy where the macro plot is heading
Profile Image for Ivy Deluca.
2,305 reviews311 followers
February 5, 2019
This was a decent variation on the same theme of this series.

Generally speaking, the series has followed the same formula - crazed dragon meets human, spirits them away, they bond whilst trying to survive in After. It's the setup to this dragonverse that's the most interesting. The dragons, aka drakoni, lived in their own (dimension/planet/WTF knows), but a big Rift opened in the sky and they were sucked into the human world. When this happened, the drakoni, dependent on their mental connections to each other, literally lost their minds, overwhelmed with the chaos, sights, sounds and thoughts of our world. They destroyed everything in their path, bringing about a post-apocalyptic world where they fly around like berserkers, until they regain some semblance of sanity through their connections with certain humans. It's the structure of this 'verse that keeps me coming back. I'm intrigued by the elements of the big picture story, but there's alot of filler to wade through.

The last couple of books have only been ok for me, mostly because once you get the hang of the formula, there's not much else. The repetitive inner monologues and filler scenes to parse out some details that are genuinely interesting regarding this 'verse can be boring and makes you want to skim.

For this book, I enjoyed that the hero drakoni (Liam/Atalim) in this case, didn't lose his mind (and the explanation takes awhile but is believable...you know, as believable as it can be when dragons), and that the heroine (Andi/Andrea) isn't just scrappy, but has flaws and sexually speaking, isn't the chaste virgin. It deals with topic of consent in a responsible way, though the time spent with a dragon who's possessive can be tiring.

I like the possibility of exploring female dragons and how the Rift affected them, which has been drastically different from the males, so far.

All in all, it's not a bad entry in this series, though the series is more an interesting as an idea than in the execution. I'll probably keep reading it for the overarching storyline, even if the romance is just...fine, not outstanding.

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Profile Image for Fanny.
2,384 reviews52 followers
June 20, 2020

La historia de amor de Liam y Andrea fue sumamente adictiva. Me encanto que su relacion no siguiera el rumbo de las novelas anteriores, en mi opinion le da un aire muy fresco y original que le hace sumar muchos puntos positivos a esta lectura y a la saga al completo.

La trama me gusto bastante, aunque cerca del final tuve panico de que Ruby creara un giro demasiado desolador, y aunque si que fueron unos capitulos tristes, creo que le aporto mucho realismo al libro, sobra decir que leer esas escenas en este momento de epidemia me dejo muy muy sensible.

En cuanto a la parte romantica, reconozco que Andrea y Liam me transmitieron mucha quimica, ademas que su dinamica fuera tan amigable y juguetona me sorprendio gratamente.

En resumen, una sexta edicion que no baja el nivel de esta increible serie, todo lo contrario, encima las nuevas revelaciones me " obligaron " a iniciar la historia de Teva y Gabe, de la cual me quedan pocas paginas.

3.5 Estrellas!
Profile Image for  Rosebud.
1,052 reviews195 followers
January 21, 2019
I picked up this one as I'm a fan of the author. I forgot that I had significant issues with the last installment and planned to stop reading the series. Anyway, did pick it up and have read it.

My personal feelings and perspectives will probably be in the minority.

The problematic and confusing/contradictory story content continues. Started with knowing that the Drakoni flew through a rift which was the start of Armageddon with the exception of one being who rode the Drakoni. How is it now possible one of the Drakoni entered through the rift otherwise changing everything I've been lead to believe. So may questions now on my mind that contradicts what I'm reading.

I also am stumped as the ending of the last book indicated the next installment would address a major series plot issue and a different character was at the center of this. That teaser was ignored in favor of continuing a lack luster cookie cutter repeat of the other installments. Whatever.

I'm sure I'm missing something and/or not processing the story as I should but that's why I need to stop reading this series though I love the Drakoni and their mates
Profile Image for Jacqueline J.
3,534 reviews347 followers
January 22, 2019
This is one of the better entries in this series. The whole set up of who the dragon was and how he behaved was different. There was plot apart from just boy meets girl and the final conflict took a bit of an unexpected route. I continue to like this series and I am interested in seeing where things go with Gabe.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,229 reviews203 followers
January 24, 2019
Liam, man. The poor guy's in a rough place. Not that all the drakoni aren't in a rough place what with their rampaging case of the crazies and all, but Liam's cut himself off from his drakoni side and he's living a half-life as a human and I FELT for him.

Plus, there's the whole fear he has (rightly so) that if he goes dragon he might end up hurting (or killing) Andrea and what's a drakoni without a mate to anchor him? Pretty darn screwed if they're on earth.

So Liam's in a tough situation. The cold shoulder Andrea's sending in his direction doesn't help, either. She's determined not to become what she was before and ends up hurting Liam when she goes out of her way to ignore him. Actually, Andrea's actions are a little more complicated than that for the big guy. He sees her as playing hard to get which is a big turn on for the drakoni, but he also misses talking to her and being near her, so....yeah. Tough situation.

Being on the road alone? A little bit tortuous, a little bit perfection. Although the circumstances that send them out of the fort aren't the greatest and Liam's worried about losing control and...you know what? I feel like I'm going on and on and on.

Let's just say there are a few exciting revelations made (lady dragons need love, too!) and I ADORE how protective these dragons are to their special someone. I liked Liam's more human side (and he's a whole lot more human than the others who've found their mates thanks to his time blending in) and watching Andrea's walls slowly crumble as she gets to know the big guy more.

These dragons are a little crazy and a lot protective and I'm INTRIGUED by what's coming up next.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Maca.
226 reviews47 followers
December 27, 2023
The first three books in this series were great, but than it went downhill.
Especially the last two books were pretty boring and what bothered me the most was how acted their main characters.
Gwen was always whining how she doesn’t deserve to be with Vaan and she is not a good leader and blah blah blah.
And in this latest book we have Andi as the MC. She was also always whining about everything, for example: that she can’t be with Liam, that her brother doens’t want to be with her and everybody is leaving her.
I didn’t like her. At all. Not because of her whining, but because she acted bitchy and... I don’t know how to describe it.
She just really pissed me off.

!Spoiler alert!
And what about the dumb plot?
In the book before we find out that there is some big danger.
That it is coming to the Earth from the Dragon world and now it is not even mentioned in this last book?
Like it didn’t even happen?
The plot is just about some damn plague.
So why start something, when in the next book you start something completely different?
The plot about the stupid plague was totally useless and unnecessary.
Profile Image for Wendy.
842 reviews139 followers
April 6, 2023
If you read book 5 and disliked it, and now you are wondering, “should I bother with book 6?” I would say, the answer is “yes!”.
This book was much better than book 5. Much better than the last few books actually. It strays away from the formula of all the other books. An entirely new problem is faced. The obstacles to their mating are totally opposite of the other books. We meet a new groups of people! And it sets up a really interesting pairing that I can’t help but wonder.. will they be the subject of the next book? This is the most I have been interested in a couple in a long time! I hope it is Gabe! (I think that is his name.)
Profile Image for Coco (Semi-Hiatus).
964 reviews88 followers
November 20, 2023
I wasn't expecting to be hit with so many emotions from this book. Although it's more serious compared to the other novels, I still love the story.
January 20, 2019
New fav?

I absolutely loved this book! Liam is probably my new fav. They make such a great pair. Andi is bold and funny but at the same time sweet and vulnerable. I absolutely love that about her character. If you haven't read the rest of the series I suggest you got back and read from the beginning your in for a real treat!
Profile Image for ♠ TABI⁷ ♠.
Author 15 books508 followers
August 27, 2021
"The head is the worst part to eat. Haunches have the best meat."
I snort with amusement. "Dude, how on earth did you blend in for so long?"
"By being quiet and unobtrusive." Liam’s chuckle fills the darkness around me and I get new goosebumps. "But now that you know my secrets, I get to talk."

I thought I would really like this one, but it was too angsty and Liam's interesting character wasn't enough to counteract that at all. It was still a good read just didn't have the vibes I'd been hoping from it.
Profile Image for Inna.
1,596 reviews347 followers
December 9, 2020
3.5 stars. This book was better than the last by far. I was relieved that we didn’t have a bunch of page time spent on them trying to figure each other out. Liam was able to communicate in English and didn’t shift to dragon form so he never lost his mind. It was a nice change of pace & the plot was pretty interesting as well.

I noticed that RD steered away from the storyline where the last book ended.... we got absolutely nothing about something else coming through the rift. I honestly wonder when she will return to it since I saw some reviews saying the next book is also free from mention of the rift issue. Tbh, I’m glad because I’m not a fan of that doom and destruction storyline.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for phoebess.
1,521 reviews98 followers
February 2, 2019
For me, Fire in His Veins was the most intriguing installment in this series. I loved following Liam's struggle with his Drakoni side and Andi's search for her brother, yet at the same time, I wished there was a lot more from Liam's POV—I think his story deserves at least a follow-up short story.
With how this book ended, I smell dark times ahead.
Profile Image for 2OCC Reviews.
3,480 reviews248 followers
January 31, 2019
I knew that Liam’s book would be as great as o hoped. Not only did he have this air abounding but when it came to his mate he loved her as much as the others. Such a great plot and interesting twists. I can’t wait to see what’s going to come with the next book. It’s one that I’ve been waiting for since this series started and the thought of a female dragon could get a book. I can’t wait! 5 stars #2OCCJD
Profile Image for Stacie.
805 reviews36 followers
April 13, 2020
Andrea & Liam's story

2.75 stars

I wish the subplot would've picked up where the last book left off. The last one ended on such a cliffhanger with the portal revelation/potential future danger that I was jonesing to get more information about it. Turns out, I ended up missing that story beat all the more because I didn't care much for this book's secondary plot points.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think we got enough page time with Andi's brother in the previous books for me to care whether or not he ran away in this one. The majority of this book was Andi and Liam going on a wild goose chase for this elusive teenage brother. I didn't care one lick about that. And, once they managed to find him, we get what feels like more filler content. I kept asking myself, why? Because the author ran out of reasons to further stall our main couple from getting together? Sure felt like it. They take for-freaking-ever to finally establish a mating bond. And, once they do, it doesn't even feel like that big of a deal.

Also, I think the decision to have Liam not be in full crazy dragon mode from the beginning of the story was a confusing choice. It didn't make much sense in terms of the previous world building that's been set up. Plus, having him already familiar with human behavior and speech from the get-go takes a lot of the fun out of his and Andi's dynamic. That's where most of the humor comes from in the previous books. The culture shock is funny to read about with the other couples. With these two though, because Liam is mostly already in the know, we didn't get that same spark of silliness. It was definitely missed.

Idk. On one hand, this was an easy audio book to listen to and it passed the time well enough. On the other, it wasn't nearly as entertaining or charming as the previous installments in the series. I'm still interested in seeing what the next book is all about, but this one in particular didn't feel the same as the earlier books in the series.

Thus concludes my way too in-depth thoughts about literal dragon smut. lol
Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,297 reviews911 followers
April 10, 2022
I loved this one! Andrea and Liam are characters we’ve met before in the series and I couldn’t wait for Liam’s story. Liam is drakoni but hasn’t been in his battle form (aka dragon form) because he didn’t want to lose himself to the rage and confusion after the rift. He’s been passing as human and has learned to speak and communicate with others which makes him definitely a unique drakoni in this series so far. He has been pining after Andrea knowing she is quite possibly his mate for a while but afraid to shift into battle form and claim her because he doesn’t want the mind confusion to click in and for him to forget everything. When Andrea’s younger brother disappears, Liam steps in to help her track him down as they head off to search for him.

I loved Liam and Andrea’s bond and connection. The fact that he can already communicate with her beforehand made for an extra layer in this read. He also remembers quite a lot about drakoni and can explain to her how things work/will go, unlike previous heroes in the series. I can’t wait for the next book, we get a female drakoni for the heroine! 🤩 I also really enjoyed seeing what the other characters are up to in this read, the epilogue was so sweet with a check-in for Claudia & Kyle.
Profile Image for Scholastic Squid.
487 reviews10 followers
August 2, 2022
This series has been rough for me and I feel like most of it is like watching only the walking scenes in lord of the rings without anything exciting happening. Which would be fine if it were about a cozy hobbit hole and tea and second breakfast, but instead it is a post apocalyptic world with little to no food and rats and all sorts of human filth.
Liam and Andrea have a much more exciting story line than many of the others and we actually learn more about the dragons. To be fair some of that happened before but we have to wait so long between interesting scenes it’s hard to remember it all.
This was also my first experience reading a romance book in audio format so that was interesting 🤨 and I’m not sure if the narrators used the voice tones I would use so it kind of made Andrea seems weird in the end. Like she did a 90 degree turn from how she usually acts based on how they were speaking. Any way, I’m giving it a 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Zoe.
338 reviews2,037 followers
December 13, 2022
i read three of these books in one night i dont even know what the fuck happened in this one
Profile Image for Emma Joy.
133 reviews5 followers
June 10, 2023
3.5 Stars - Another Ruby Dixon book read in less than a day! I loved the pining in this one!
Profile Image for Angela.
595 reviews68 followers
November 6, 2019

King of a meh start for me but it kept picking up, and picking up. I wound up just having so much fun listening to it. Also. I appreciate the fact that Ruby wove in a bit of Claudia at the end. Mega appreciate. Also. It might have taken till like 90% for the REALLY fun stuff to happen (the stuff we all are here for ;)) but, man, Ruby knows how to write those scenes.
Profile Image for Nephy.
398 reviews15 followers
March 26, 2020
This is the book I least like in the series. All because of a stupid Drakoni. I hated how he denounced his instincts and did not feel the need to seek help from other Drakonis. He can at least try to clear his confusion by asking Rast or Amy however our guy is a moron so there’s that. He’s stupid, ignorant and stubborn. And the book was wasted with his inner ramblings that only consist of how he would fight his feelings for his mate ugh. 🙄 The heroine was no better. She was indecisive and weak when his mate needed him. Gabe made the story a tiny bit ok. I can’t wait to read his own book.
Profile Image for Kelspar.
227 reviews12 followers
April 21, 2023
2.5/5 rounding up to 3

I was a little disappointed by this one. I feel like Liam started off different and unique and then ended up the same as the dragons. Idk, it just feels repetitive, like it's the same story/romance everytime. I think I'm only continuing this series is because I'm enjoying the audiobooks while I slack off at work.

I also don't understand why Amy is in charge. She's been at the fort for only a couple months. I feel like it should be Andy's and Liam's territory since they've been living there way longer and she STARTED the fort with Gwen?? 🤷‍♀️
Profile Image for kookyquinn.
486 reviews47 followers
March 4, 2019
The last book in this series annoyed. The. Crap out of me! But this one was SOOOOOOO much better. Andi was annoying (- a star) but not as annoying as Gwen was *shivers* and Liam was epic, but, all the guys are so *shrug* and... I can't freaking WAIT for the next one!

Two words:



YASSSS BITCHES you heard that right THERE WILL BE A LADY DRAGON!!! *pops champagne*
Profile Image for Nildene.
213 reviews47 followers
July 8, 2020
{ spoiler warning }


I know, I know, another 4.5 for a book in this series. MOSTLY BECAUSE I ALWAYS HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. (It’s a problem with books like this, that haven’t been fully fleshed out in massive amounts of details the entire time. Which I understand is a matter of condensing the story and only explaining what is necessary/revealing what is necessary to the reader but come on! I have so many questions about so many things, this review is 10% just question marks!)

SO I think this is my favourite? Like, I’ve loved them all so far but Andrea and Liam’s story is just so good??

Also, irony that I read this over two days and in those two days we’ve also had the plague pop up out of nowhere. I know it’s horrible but I can’t not laugh in the face of coincidence for that being something I happen to read during not only a global pandemic but the reemergence of the literal Black Plague???

Also, I want more depth into this dragon blood thing?? Does it make eyes fully golden, or is it more like natural eye colour but highlighted with a gold sheen? (HOW PRETTY WOULD THAT LOOK THOUGH?) Is the connection to dragons stronger depending on the amount of blood, or the relationship between the donor and receiver? Will it be able to be used for Claudia to talk to her daughter?

Gabe oh my gosh “that’s my dragon” like damn right but you’ve just met TWO MATER PAIRS and you’re just like chilling on the fact you have a legit stalker and you don’t think you could be her mate? Man, you’re a bit dense for a paramedic. Speaking of, was actually kinda hoping to see him being all paramedic-y by helping out in half-drakoni births? I get the mating it meant to make them strong enough to bear drakoni children but there’s still gotta be some margin of error for complications, right? Particularly since the mothers aren’t drakoni? But oh well, was just hoping for a scene with unhappy drakoni men getting angry at Gabe while he tries to do his Before job and assist with births. Maybe I’m thinking too much about this though 😆

OKAY. So this question has been bugging me since the first or second books but do dragon claws grow back over time? Can the shorter claws be sharpened to still cause damage? (Obviously they’d still pack a punch, if you’re into blunt force trauma.) But for real, I need the science behind this please?

And I don’t know why Andrea kept calling him Liam at the end though? Like, she knows he doesn’t like it yet still refers to him as it? That lowkey annoyed me a bit, GURL YOUR MAN ONLY USES LIAM TO SURVIVE, CALL HIM HIS WARRIOR NAME GDI


Moving on.

Dixon always writes fast paced and detailed books, but obviously for me, there isn’t enough detail. But to write post apocalyptic paranormal romance like it’s high fantasy is basically a big no-no (if anyone has any specific recs for something like that, comment them so I can discover that maybe they work?)

Continuing this series of course and unbelievably I’m almost caught up? Only two more books to read before I’m up to date and will have to wait like everyone else for the next instalment (which is okay because I will be reading her other series!)

OH. FINAL QUESTIONING THOUGHT. So Atalim remembers his world before he shifts on Earth, and his mementoes come back after he shifts to battleform and back to ante with Andrea, does that include the memories of his home world and the people there? Would he be able to share images of that with the other drakoni? Was he imprisoned for so long that he wouldn’t know who people were, like Rast being a general, Azar being whatever in the Solarians hierarchy? WHICH ALSO BRINGS TO MIND ABOUT THE FACT THAT THERE WAS BARELY MUCH MENTION ABOUT THE NEW THREAT TO EARTH? LIKE, NO ONE MENTIONED THE WERID SOLARIAN-DRAKONI TRUCE? OR MÉLINA/AZAR??

Also, no challengers again? Did people complain that Rast’s murderous tendencies were too much for the series so there’s no long brutal challenges for unmated female attention? ADSKLGHJS SO MANY QUESTIONS

And newborn drakoni now placate the wild drakoni? Is that the new solution so not every drakoni has to mate a human?

I told you, 10% of this is question marks while I blabber on. This isn’t even really a review, oops. But don’t let the amount of questions stop you from reading this series or book. (You should not be reading this review if you haven’t read the book already anyway, because ALL these questions are actually spoilers. Not my problem you didn’t read the GR warning. Don’t complain at me.)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Laz the Sailor.
1,638 reviews82 followers
December 31, 2020
When is a dragon not a dragon? I found this to be another interesting variant on the drakoni/human interaction. Normally(?), a human female attracts a male dragon and convinces/entices him to shift to human form to mate. Here, the drakoni has remained in human form, and seduces the human woman. All because the drakoni worries that if he shifts to dragon form, he'll go crazy like his brethren. In parallel with this, the couple goes on an adventure, meet some other humans (good and bad), and encounter a new challenge. HEA follows with the usual angst, supported by the cast of the previous books.

Although the sex has become both less frequent and more repetitive, I am enjoying these stories.
Profile Image for Reva Dawn.
409 reviews10 followers
June 30, 2019
I always enjoy the Dragon series a lot and i like all the new elements brought in for future stories but it felt like it dragged on a little to much in places.

I do really like the characters

Enjoyable audio book
Profile Image for Soany.
424 reviews18 followers
May 28, 2020
Puedo decir que este me gusto más que el libro anterior y es porque teníamos a un dragón distinto viviendo como humano y no en la locura asi que fue interesante como se fue dando la relación con Andrea. Además Liam encantaba con lo divertido y coqueto que era con Andrea. Aunque cuando se puso gruñon también lo era😉. Andrea es otra prota que también me gusto por lo fuerte, valiente que es y como no tuvo miedo de unirse a un dragón.

Y ese final? Me derritio 😍😍😍
Esta interesante el rumbo que esta tomando estos libros.
El próximo sobre una hembra dragón estara muy interesante.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 477 reviews

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