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The Best of Friends

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Best friends Lindsey, Kendra, and Dani endure every parent's nightmare when a tragic accident befalls their teenage boys, leaving one dead, another in a coma, and a third too traumatized to speak.

Reeling from the worst night of their lives, the three mothers plunge into a desperate investigation of the bizarre incident. How could something so horrible happen in their wealthy Southern California suburb?

They soon discover that the accident was just the beginning, and troubling discoveries lead to chilling questions: Do they really know their children? Do they even know each other? As more secrets surface, a fog of doubt and suspicion threatens to poison their families, their friendships, and the whole community.

With the illusion of happiness and safety long gone, these women must now confront the hazards of heartbreak, the consequences of jealousy, and the dangers of living double lives.

285 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 18, 2020

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About the author

Lucinda Berry

27 books13.8k followers
Dr. Lucinda Berry is a former clinical psychologist and leading researcher in childhood trauma. Now, she spends her days writing full-time where she uses her clinical experience to blur the line between fiction and nonfiction. She enjoys taking her readers on a journey through the dark recesses of the human psyche. Her work has been optioned for film and translated into multiple languages.

If Berry isn’t chasing after her son, you can find her running through Los Angeles, prepping for her next marathon. To hear about her upcoming release The Secrets of Us, visit her on Facebook or sign up for her newsletter at https://www.lucindaberry.com/.

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Profile Image for Melissa ~ Bantering Books.
301 reviews1,726 followers
May 5, 2021
Be sure to visit Bantering Books to read all my latest reviews.

Secrets abound in Lucinda Berry's latest thriller, The Best of Friends.

So many secrets, in fact, that my head is spiraling a bit -- and not in a good way. Aye, aye, aye . . .

Kendra, Dani, and Lindsey, best friends since childhood and mothers to three teenage boys, experience a tragedy that is every parent's worst nightmare. After a hard night of partying, a terrible accident involving the young boys occurs. In a matter of moments, one boy is dead, another is in a coma, and the third is unable to communicate, having withdrawn inside himself.

It's a horrible nightmare -- one that I, personally, cannot contemplate too deeply as a mother of two young boys. And I would be remiss if I did not forewarn readers that the subject matter of this novel is very disturbing at times and may make for a difficult read, particularly for those who are parents.

So, what happened that night? Well . . . you will have to read the novel to find out.

The Best of Friends opens with a prologue that is dramatic and intense. The reader is immediately inserted into the panic that Kendra experiences the night of the accident, feels her fear. One is very quickly absorbed into the narrative --

-- and then it all, unfortunately, turns into one big mess.

And all the messiness, my friends, is a result of the writing.

First off, Berry’s writing is simple and pedestrian. The novel does not require much thought from the reader, as Berry's writing style lacks any sort of real nuance or complexity.

Secondly, the novel is in serious need of character development and voice distinction. The story is told from the points of view of the three mothers, through alternating chapters, and in all honesty, I struggled to keep the characters' names straight and to remember whose viewpoint I was reading. Juggling three viewpoints and voices should not be this tough to do. But in this case, it is tricky because Kendra, Dani, and Lindsey are basically the same woman, just in triplicate.

Thirdly, -- and related to the above-mentioned problem -- in what I believe is a misguided attempt by Berry to write the novel in a fashion similar to Liane Moriarty's Big Little Lies, she initially withholds too much information about the women and their lives from the reader. Berry takes her time . . . WAY too much time . . . and s-l-o-w-l-y unfurls the defining details of the characters, their lives, their hidden scandals and secrets. But she doesn’t reveal enough to the reader in the very beginning so that a clear mental image of the three women can be formed in one’s mind. It is extremely difficult to fully connect to the story and the characters because of this.

And lastly, I feel like Berry throws random, out-of-the blue, jarring facts about the characters into the narrative . . . only to then, very oddly, never mention them again. It's as if she wanted to desperately up the shock factor and the scandal, and then forgot to fully weave all the dangling loose ends into the story. For example, almost 3/4 of the way into the book, Berry slips in the fact that one of the women has an eating disorder -- but then that's it. The reader never learns anything else about said eating disorder. AT ALL. Umm . . . really?!?! An eating disorder is not something that should be haphazardly tossed into a narrative, only to then be instantly forgotten.

There is also an allusion to a character maybe, possibly, having a drinking problem . . . but I have no clue as to whether it was ever fully clarified in the story. And at the very end of the novel, a reference is made regarding an event that happened during the women's junior year of high school. But for the life of me, I don't believe we ever find out what actually transpired. I've even skimmed back through the novel and searched, in an attempt to find an earlier reference to that particular night that I may have read and then misplaced in my mind. I have found nothing and am still left scratching my head about it. (If anyone finds another reference or an explanation of the event, will you please let me know?)

And after all that . . . after wading through the novel’s extremely messy and disorganized narrative . . . the big reveal of the who and the how and the why of the tragic accident involving the three teenage boys is a bit of a letdown. It is so anti-climactic, in fact, that I was even taken aback while reading it, not having realized and being surprised that I had, indeed, arrived at the grand finale.

Sigh. ‘Tis disappointing, I know.

Oh! I must also mention the epilogue -- so unbelievable and utterly ridiculous. Even now, I am shaking my head in disbelief.

The Best of Friends earns two stars from me, as my interest was held well enough that I was inclined to at least see it through to the end. But unfortunately, I am unable to recommend it.

I received an Advanced Readers Copy from #NetGalley and #ThomasandMercer in exchange for an honest review. All opinions included herein are my own.

Bantering Books
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,638 reviews53.5k followers
April 25, 2022
Five tragic, emotionally suffocating, heart ripping, soul shattering, tear jerking, extremely poignant stars!

This is book is about testing your friendships, being a mother and dealing with the grief and terrible loss. How far a mother goes to learn the ugly truth behind the loss of her child? Should she deny the facts to move on or should she still dig more till the terrifying truth comes out and destroy everything she has: including family, friendship and her reputation. I have to repeat famous quote of Jack Nicholson’s character at “A Few Good Men” movie screams at Tom Cruise at the court scene: “You cannot handle the truth!” But it eventually comes out!

An unthinkable tragedy hits hard the suburban lives and destroys everything the families build forever. They were divine members of sisterhood: Lindsey, Kendra, Dani who grew up together, aged together, became mothers and confidantes of each other. Their kids also befriended each other like their mothers did. But one eerie night, the gun blasts tear the silent night apart and too many terrible things happened at the same time. A big tragedy changed the lives of three kids of those close friends: One of them is dead, one of them is in coma and one of them is too traumatized to talk about what happened.

Kendra’s son Sawyer is dead and she cannot deal the fact tells them it is a simple accident. She knows this is so easy to accept. There is something more sinister about the night and as the investigation continues she becomes more frustrated. And Lindsey’s son Jacob is still in coma. Only Dani’s son Caleb may tell them what happened but Dani’s abusive, control freak husband prevents Kendra to talk with his son. So what happened that night? Did one of them try to kill the others or is the truth more complicated they can deal with.

Take a seat and flip the pages to get ready for heart wrenching, devastating and shocking ending. Minor spoiler alert: after truth comes out, three women’s lives will never be the same. They will be haunted with that ominous night’s events forever.
This is fast pacing, intriguing, well-developed, thought provoking, argumentative story is told by three women. They are both flawed and broken characters but it is easy to resonate with each of them separately. The story hooks you up and captivates your attention till the end. I was dying to binge watch new season La Casa Da Papel (Money Height)s new season but this book occupied me so I couldn’t put it down. My fingers were already glued and my mind was already addicted!
I haven’t read the Perfect Child which I read so many great reviews about it and after reading this amazing book, I’ll go back to my frightening Mount TBR and choose it ASAP! I’m so happy to be introduced with a talented author.

So many thanks to NetGalley and Thomas&Mercer for sharing this gripping ARC in exchange my honest review and true feelings.

Profile Image for Michelle .
994 reviews1,708 followers
June 16, 2020
This is a heartbreaking story of friendship and motherhood and I would be lying if I said that it didn't bring me to tears. As a mother of a teenage boy, well, this just really hit close to home.

Lindsey, Dani, and Kendra have been life long best friends. They used to fantasize at sleepovers about how they would all live nearby one another, get married, and have children. They would have family vacations, backyard barbecues, holidays, and basically all the milestones that life brings you they would share together. As luck would have it their dreams came true.

Sawyer (Kendra's son), Jacob (Lindsey's son), and Caleb (Dani's son) have grown just as close as their mothers. They are your typical teenage boys that enjoy playing soccer, video games, and partying however one night proves fatal: Sawyer lays dead, Jacob is in a coma, and Caleb won't speak.

Questions and blame threaten everything these women hold dear including their friendship.

For the first 30% of this book I was so confused. The mothers and sons were interchangeable and I had a hard time keeping up with who was who but I did eventually settle in okay and once I was in I couldn't stop turning the pages. The ending I began to see coming and it is just heartbreaking. I had to tissue up for those last few chapters. I do have a small gripe with the epilogue - it seemed a bit too contrived of a twist.

Tragedy can strike anyone in an instant so all I can say after reading this is go home, hug your kids, and tell them how much you love them. 4 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer fro providing me with a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for preoccupiedbybooks.
490 reviews1,500 followers
August 14, 2020
An addictive and emotional tale of secrets, lies, grief and loss

3 best friends are plunged into a nightmare scenario after their teenaged sons' sleepover goes wrong,
1 son is dead,
1 son is in a coma,
1 son won't speak.

3 families turn against each other, as they try to find out what an earth happened that night?!

The premise for this was A*, it sounded right up my street, and I requested it as soon as I saw it! The prologue was excellent, drawing me in, and hooking me quickly! I could feel the emotion, and was so tense reading it!

Then it all went a bit wrong! The story was told from the three best friends' POV (Lindsey, Kendra and Dani), and it should have been a great way for me to see all of their thoughts and emotions, should have been! the problem was, that the three characters were so similar, that I couldn't tell them or their families apart! Their voices didn't differ at all, and I had to write down the name of each woman, their husband, and their children, and keep referring to it for about the first 30% of the book! That wasn't fun! It was actually really frustrating! Each woman felt like the same character, and none of them felt fully developed. They were also, all fairly unlikeable. They were cruel to each other, and their families, and despite being in such a shit situation, I just couldn't really connect with any of them. I mean, as a parent, this story should have been devastating to me, but it wasn't?! I was invested after it got going, but it wasn't gut wrenching like I thought it would be, and that is 100% down to the way that the characters were written.

Once I got to about 50%, then I admit that the plot became more interesting, the pace did pick up, and the book became a real page turner for me. I wanted to know what happened, and why! There were a few twists, and lots of secrets. I liked the way that Lucinda Berry showed the effect that tragedy had on the three women and their families, how the grief and loss effected all of their relationships! As the story progressed, old rivalries, jealousies and insecurities all came out. These so called perfect families were not all that they seemed, and they were all hiding things!

I was finally enjoying the book, and then came that anticlimactic and unrealistic ending...*sighs* There were also some plot lines mentioned, and then never followed up? For example, the women alluded to something bad happening with Kendra in high-school, but it was then never spoken of again? An eating disorder was also mentioned, as was a drinking problem, but again they were left unresolved? And don't even get me started on that epilogue, I mean come on!!
The Best of Friends was a tragic, heavy and emotional family drama with a bit of a mystery, but it was more about the family dramas. I find it hard to explain my feelings about it, because not much happened, the characters were unlikeable, and yet I couldn't stop turning the pages?! I think, that, had the characters been more developed, and distinctive, then this could've been a really good book, instead of a fairly good book.

Many thanks to NetGalley UK and Thomas and Mercer for the digital ARC, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Bridgett.
Author 30 books538 followers
August 14, 2020
The Best of Friends, eh? With friends like the three women in this novel, who needs enemies?

This was a tough one for me to rate. While I enjoyed the premise and was kept mostly entertained, the overall feel of the book was a little sloppy.

I agree with some other reviewers who mentioned the voices of the three main characters, Kendra, Lindsay, and Dani, were virtually indistinguishable. Though the women grew up together and claimed to be lifelong best friends, their relationships remained very superficial. They were, in fact, often cruel, catty, and vindictive...one of the many reasons I didn't particularly enjoy, or root for, any of them.

My biggest gripe, however, were story lines, brought in for shock value, which went absolutely nowhere. We were led to believe one of the women had a substance abuse problem, another an eating disorder, and apparently, there was some big life-altering crisis their junior year of high school...yet none of these issues were ever developed or explained. And why was the cop made out to be some sneaky dude with an agenda? Yet another story line which seemed to just up and disappear.

The conclusion? Underwhelming and predictable.
The epilogue? Dorky.

My overall feeling about The Best of Friends is one of disappointment, as the writing felt somewhat elementary. It's odd, because I know and love Lucinda Berry's work, and this simply didn't live up to the sheer talent I've read in her other stories. However, if you're looking for something quick and entertaining...and you don't mind gaping plot holes or limited character depth, this is a good choice.

Available for purchase August 18, 2020.

My sincere appreciation to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for my review copy.

Profile Image for Debra.
2,797 reviews35.9k followers
August 18, 2020
Best friends, Mothers, Secrets, Lies, Teenagers, Heartbreak, Tragedy, and Tears....

Three women who have been friends for an awfully long time have their worlds shattered when a tragic accident leaves one of their children dead, another in a coma, and one unable to speak due to trauma.
How do you go on, how do you find the answers, how do you move forward?

Reeling from that devastating night, each woman is faced with challenges not only withing themselves, in their marriages and in learning that no matter how well you think you know your children, there are just some things they manage to keep a secret. As a police officer investigates the tragedy, the reader becomes the proverbial fly on the wall, watching as each woman's world is altered forever.

She sucked me in with this one and initially I had a hard time keeping track of who was who until the women's characters were more fleshed out. I was not too shocked at one part of the reveal, I saw that coming but the reveal in the epilogue was a bit of a shocker for me!

Overall, once I got going, I found this to be a fast and absorbing read. This is an emotional one folks, so be warned. It is also thought provoking. There are a lot of characters that feel the same in the beginning, so if you get frustrated by this, my advice is to hang in there as they do become fleshed out.

**This may have some triggers for some.

Thank you to Thomas and Mercer and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Sandysbookaday .
2,299 reviews2,292 followers
October 2, 2020
EXCERPT: 'You can't go out there!' Paul yells.

'What if there's a crazy shooter?' Reese asks at the same time.

I ignore them and step outside before shutting the door tightly behind me. Three police cars race down the street and make a left at the corner just like all the others. I take off running. People are coming out of their houses, milling down the street while I sprint past them.

'Dear God, please don't let anything happen to my baby.'

ABOUT THIS BOOK: Best friends Lindsey, Kendra, and Dani endure every parent’s nightmare when a tragic accident befalls their teenage boys, leaving one dead, another in a coma, and a third too traumatized to speak.

Reeling from the worst night of their lives, the three mothers plunge into a desperate investigation of the bizarre incident. How could something so horrible happen in their wealthy Southern California suburb?

They soon discover that the accident was just the beginning, and troubling discoveries lead to chilling questions: Do they really know their children? Do they even know each other? As more secrets surface, a fog of doubt and suspicion threatens to poison their families, their friendships, and the whole community.

With the illusion of happiness and safety long gone, these women must now confront the hazards of heartbreak, the consequences of jealousy, and the dangers of living double lives.

MY THOUGHTS: I failed to become invested in The Best of Friends by Lucinda Berry. I have read this author previously, and really enjoyed her work, but this just left me cold. For a short novel, this felt inordinately long!

The characters were interchangeable, lacked definition, and I had difficulty in remembering what children belonged to which parents.

The chapters are narrated by the mothers of the children, Dani, Kendra and Lindsey. But it was easy to forget who was narrating.

There really is no feeling of suspense, and there are tantalizing tidbits dropped into the narrative which are never explored or explained - the most glaring of which is an oblique reference regarding something that happened when these three were at school, but that was it. A scandal waiting to be exposed, or the possibility of one, and there's no clarification, no further reference to it. Frustrating!

Several times I thought of not finishing The Best of Friends, but I wanted to know what these three had been up to. As it is, we never find out. Disappointing, and mundane. Not at all what I expected from the author of Saving Noah, which I loved.

A lot of other readers love this book. Reading is a very personal subjective experience, and not every book is for every reader. So, if you enjoyed the extract, and the plot summary interests you, please do read Final Cut by S.J. Watson. I hope that you are one of the many who love this book.

** depressed stars

THE AUTHOR: Dr. Lucinda Berry is a former clinical psychologist and leading researcher in childhood trauma. Now, she spends her days writing full-time where she uses her clinical experience to blur the line between fiction and nonfiction. She enjoys taking her readers on a journey through the dark recesses of the human psyche.

If Berry isn’t chasing after her son, you can find her running through Los Angeles, prepping for her next marathon.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Thomas & Mercer via NetGalley for providing a digital ARC of The Best of Friends for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

For an explanation of my rating system please refer to my goodreads.com profile page or the about page on sandysbooksday.wordpress.com

This review and others are also published on Twitter, Amazon, Instagram and my webpage https://sandysbookaday.wordpress.com/...
Profile Image for Sheena.
666 reviews301 followers
September 1, 2020
Wow this book was quite a struggle to get through. It was LITERALLY a drag to get through this. I almost felt like I was punishing myself. I was so excited for this, it sounded so good and the reviews were great. Maybe I read too many mystery/thrillers lately but this was just boring.

The beginning was a dump of characters who all blurred together as one. I found it hard to keep track of everyone and had to remind myself who was who very often. The moms, dads, and even the all of the kids turned into different names but same characters. There wasn't anything that set them apart from each other. The friendship between the mothers were fake and hard to believe. The end didn't shock me but rather disappointed me. Really sad this one didn't work out.

Thank you to the publisher and to Netgalley for the copy of this book. APPRECIATE IT REGARDLESS.

Buddy read with Emma and Massiel.

PS - if anyone knows any amazing thrillers please let me know ty
Profile Image for Diane S ☔.
4,884 reviews14.4k followers
August 31, 2020
They were the best of friends for most of their lives. Married and bought houses close to each other. In and out of each other's lives and thrilled when they had sons who also became best friends. Until an unforseen tragedy strikes. Now devastated, bent with sorrow and grief,they are determined to get answers. How could they not see this coming? How can their friendship withstand this? How well do we really know our children.?

This was for me a page turners, became quite entrenched in this story. A parents worse nightmare. Needed to know what happened. The author does a good job of keeping the plot moving, revelations in a timely manner. Shortly before books end I did have a pretty good idea of what happened, and I turned out to be correct. Didn't know all the details though. The mother's reactions though and what they chose to do didn't quite, for me, ring true. Still, definitely a page turners.

ARC by Netgalley.
Profile Image for Kimberly Belle.
Author 20 books4,772 followers
August 18, 2020
In The Best of Friends, Berry starts with a heart-stopping bang—the dreaded middle-of-the-night phone call—then delivers a dark and gritty tale that unfolds twist by devastating twist. Intense, terrifying, and at times utterly heartbreaking. Absolutely unputdownable.
Profile Image for Brenda.
4,571 reviews2,878 followers
September 14, 2020
Lindsey, Kendra and Dani had been best friends since childhood. Their husbands were also friends and they lived close to one another in Norchester, South California. The night their lives changed irrevocably began as any other; the three older boys were at a sleepover when shots were heard, then sirens followed and lives changed. One of their boys was dead, another was in a coma and the third was uninjured, but was too shocked to talk.

While the police investigated, questioning everyone thoroughly and more than once, the lives of the three friends slowly shattered. The husbands had secrets, the wives also had secrets. The loss and grief was debilitating and they wondered if they would ever recover from it. Would they find out what really happened that night? They were certainly finding out that they hadn’t known their sons as well as they thought they had…

The Best of Friends is my first by Lucinda Berry and I really enjoyed it. My only problem was the amount of characters and trying to keep who was who straight in my head. The plot was different to anything I’ve read before, and was intriguing, tragic, heart breaking and unputdownable. The Best of Friends is narrated by the three women and is a psychological thriller which is thought provoking and poignant. Highly recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tonya.
595 reviews121 followers
June 17, 2021
Gripping, suspenseful, and heart wrenching are words to describe this tale of friendship and family bonds stretched to their limits. It brought me to the edge of my seat and to tears all at the same time. It’s definitely a rollercoaster ride until the last page. I absolutely recommend this book to anyone that wants to take an emotional journey with many intriguing twist and turns along the way. Thank you Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for giving me an ARC of this captivating and emotional story.
Profile Image for Emma☀️.
336 reviews384 followers
December 4, 2021
The Best of Friends follows three women, along with their families, trying to cope with the tragedy of losing their children one way or another. I was extremely excited to read this because of the many favorable reviews I’ve seen. Friends, disappointed is an understatement.

Before going into the book, I had expected a fast-paced thriller/mystery but this novel was far from that. The mystery aspect was handled very poorly. The families didn’t do much sleuthing, instead we followed them going on with their everyday lives and dealing with the aftermath of the tragedy.

This was more of a domestic drama rather than a mystery in the vein of Big Little Lies. There is nothing wrong with a domestic drama, I just had different expectations going into the book because of the false marketing. If it actually spent some time solving the mystery than highlighting the pointless family drama, then I would have had a better time.

In terms of the plot, the prologue was gripping and I was 100% engaged, after that the story went downhill. The first half of the book was so messy. I could not get all the characters straight and they all started to blur together, to the point that I had to actually draw up a diagram to discern everyone from each other.
This was a huge red flag because a well-rounded character should each have their own unique traits. Instead, all we got were characters with surface-level personalities and no depth.

Additionally, the book had so many domestic thriller tropes imaginable. I am tired.

Now onto the characters!
The story was told in three POVs, Kendra’s, Lindsey’s, and Dani’s. The characters were all unlikeable and I found it difficult to relate to them. As I mentioned earlier, all the women were not distinguishable from one another. They all had the same personality and no unique “voice”. I would constantly get mixed up with who’s POV I was reading.
The one thing that really irritated me was that we are told the three women are best friends but they didn’t treat each other as such. The Best of Friends? This should be called The Best of Acquaintances.

Kendra: She was so unlikeable. Examples being that she would compare her youngest son to a beast, she lied to her so-called best friends and she doesn’t understand why she was in the wrong and won’t admit her mistakes.

Lindsey: I don’t know why her POV was in the book at all. It served no purpose whatsoever and I felt that her family drama was to just create unnecessary tension amongst all the families.

Dani: Admittedly, her story was slightly more interesting than Kendra’s and Lindsey’s, but it was so clichéd. I’ve seen the trope so many times in domestic thrillers, so I was not impressed.

The ending was anticlimactic and predictable. All that built-up tension with a terrible payoff. It was also unrealistic and unnecessary. The “twist” that occurred at the end came out of the blue was added just for the sake of shock value.

Overall, I did not have a good time reading this. I apologize for this messy review but I am so very disappointed. However, take this with a grain of salt. I have seen favorable reviews so maybe this might be for you! I personally did not like it.

Buddy read with Massiel and Sheena🌸

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Donna.
170 reviews79 followers
April 14, 2020
The Best of Friends wasted no time in grabbing my attention. The action starts in the very first sentence and doesn’t let up from there. I was captivated, wanting to know what happened, to whom, and why.

Kendra, Lindsey and Dani have been best friends since they were children. They grew up, married, moved close to each other, and had children. Their sons, Sawyer, Jacob and Caleb also became best friends, and life was pretty good for everyone. Except that it really wasn’t. There were secrets in each family that just didn’t seem that important, until one of the boys dies from a gunshot wound, one is left on life-support, and one is intensely traumatized. What happened?

The parents, grief-stricken and looking for answers, find their worlds spinning out of control. As they work with the detective to get to the bottom of that horrible night of the shootings, other problems in their lives start to become important, and their eyes are opened to things kept buried or never known until now.

I was intrigued with this story from beginning to end, as the author, Lucinda Berry, releases only small tidbits throughout to let you know what might or might not be the answer to the what, who, and why of everything. I was never able to figure out exactly what happened until she made it clear, and even when I finally learned the truth, there was one more surprise at the end that I never saw coming.

There were so many pieces to this story, and the author tied them together skillfully, never losing my attention. What a gripping tale!

My thanks to NetGalley and Thomas and Mercer for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

4 stars
Profile Image for Susan .
503 reviews179 followers
April 8, 2020
A tragedy involving three teenage sons of lifelong friends remains an open ended mystery.

We know the end result, but we don’t know what happened or who, if anyone, is at fault. The sole survivor is so traumatized he can’t speak about it.

As each family attempts to grasp the shocking turn of their lives, at the heart is a story of relationships - between friends, family members, husbands and wives, sons and daughters.

I thought this may be too sorrowful to read during these stressful times, but an underlying lifting sentiment was surprisingly affected by the author. That’s talent!

This was a fast read and flowed easily.

My first novel by Lucinda Berry, but it won’t be the last as I’ve happened upon an impressive “New to me” author.

Thank you to Netgalley, Thomas & Mercer, and Lucinda Berry for my advance copy.

Profile Image for — Massiel.
244 reviews1,229 followers
September 1, 2020
The Best of Friends (Latins will understand the joke and if you are not latin and understand it, congrats).

So y'all know the drill about a thriller book but since I really hated this book I'll just go ahead and describe how the book was with gifs.

The characters:





The plot is basically about three families and if what happened was an accident. There are a lot of characters so it can be confusing, the worst part is more than 60% of characters don't play a part in the whole book they are just pure extra.

The "mystery" is so predictable and boring that in chapter 20 I knew what happened and who did what.

How they make us think the mystery was:

How it really is:
(This is actually accurate because in the plot there is something related with online companionship and dating websites)

After a part of the "mystery" was solved, these were the reactions of the moms




This book was really boring, there was nothing to hold on, the characters are all fake which was one of things I hate the most. There isn't any mystery at all is more drama family than anything. But then again, I'm pretty hard to please with thrillers if you like short chapters and drama family you are more than welcome to read this book.

Buddy read with Sheena💖 & Emma☀️
Profile Image for Michael David (on hiatus).
736 reviews1,897 followers
April 15, 2020
I have no doubt that this will be on my top 10, maybe even top 5 list of BEST BOOKS OF 2020.

I was gripped by this story of Kendra, Dani and Lindsey, who have been best friends forever! Now they have children of their own, and each of their teens are best friends to each other. One night, a horrific event takes place while the teens are hanging out. One ends up dead from a shotgun wound, another is in coma due to a shot to the head, and the other is alive but seemingly unable to talk and explain what happened. This creates a domino effect in the lives of the three women and their families.

This is an unputdownable drama that doesn't stop pulling you until the very last page, which has a surprising little twist. The beautifully smooth and descriptive writing by Lucinda Perry makes a great reading experience and very difficult to set the book down. I absolutely loved THE BEST OF FRIENDS, and can't wait to read more from this author.

Thank you to Thomas & Mercer, author Lucinda Berry, and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Carole.
568 reviews131 followers
October 14, 2020
The Best of Friends by Lucinda Berry chronicles a tragedy that affects three teenage boys as well as their families, especially their mothers, who are best friends. Dani, Kendra and Lindsey have their world turned upside down when a sleepover goes completely awry, leaving one boy dead, one in a coma and one struck silent from the shock. The trauma reverberates through the three families, including the siblings. I looked forward to reading this thriller but I have quit after several hundred pages. I found that the many family members were confusing due to the numerous side stories of each person in all three families. I realized that I had lost interest in the characters and was not involved in the book enough to want to know how the story ended. The author, Lucinda Berry, is a trauma psychologist, which could account for the novel reading like therapy notes. Please know that this is only my opinion and I am positive that many will enjoy The Best of Friends. Thank you to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mark.
1,400 reviews
July 27, 2020
3 women, lifelong friends have 3 sons
1 is dead, 1 is on life support and 1 wont speak, this follows a ‘shooting accident’ after a night partying
The life long friendship of all 3 women is about to tested, to the limits
Written in the ‘now’ the story follows all 3 as they try and discover what really happened that night, and as their desperation gets stronger the gloves come off as they become more determined to get to the truth
Secrets are discovered and uncomfortable truths about their own lives laid bare as the thin line between their friendship and needing answers starts to waver
I found it quite an emotional read, quite sad in parts as things and lives become more and more unravelled
There is a conclusion, unexpected, in fact there are quite a few and maybe the last part of the epilogue wasn’t needed, a tad unrealistic after a whole book that felt just the opposite, it can get confusing re names, there are 3 friends, 3 husbands, 3 children then multiple siblings so at times you need to stop and just remember who is who but it really is worth it for this hard hitting well written story
5 Stars
Profile Image for Chelsey (a_novel_idea11).
584 reviews156 followers
August 19, 2020
Lindsey, Dani and Kendra have been inseparable and best friends since elementary school. Still living in the same neighborhood and all raising kids, they’re ecstatic that their high school senior boys, Jacob, Sawyer, and Caleb, have also become and remained best friends.

The boys are hanging out one night and planning to stay at Dani and her husband’s house. When Kendra hears sirens ringing throughout the neighborhood in the middle of the night and sees them stop at Dani’s house, she starts to panic. The families’ worst fears come true when they learn there’s been a gun accident. One boy is dead, one is alive but non responsive, and the third is so traumatized he’s gone mute.

Each woman must come to terms with her new reality - Kendra has lost a child, Lindsey’s child is in a vegetative state, and Dani’s has become paralyzed with fear and is suffering from extreme PTSD.

No one but Caleb knows for certain what happened that night and he has emotionally and psychologically retreated into himself. Did Jacob kill Sawyer and then attempt suicide? Did Caleb do this to both boys? Were they in a drug fueled haze? Was it a crazy accident?

As each mother tries to discover what happened that night, secrets start to surface. Secrets each woman has held close, the husbands are keeping, and even that the boys were concealing.

This book was fantastic, tragic, and beautiful all at once. I loved the friendship parallels between the mothers and their sons. It was easy to form connections to the characters and I saw pieces of myself in each woman. Their history was well developed and the drama and familiarity among the characters perfectly fit the storyline. Though the subject matter was heavy and this was a very emotional read at times, I liked that there were enough side stories to detract from the tragedy a bit. I liked that some of the storylines didn’t completely wrap up and left us to imagine how things unfolded. I can’t recommend this one enough!!

Thank you to Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for an advanced copy of this novel.
August 14, 2020
Many Thanks to Net Galley, Thomas and Mercer and the author for a chance to read and review this book. All opinions are expressed voluntarily.


An absolutely absorbing, emotional and gut-wrenching story of friendship and jealousy and human psyche, The Best Of Friends by Lucinda Berry has two pairs of friendship that is being explored. Dani, Lindsay and Kendra have been friends from elementary school, have continued to live close together, marry and have children and luckily for them, their eldest 3 sons, Caleb, Jacob and Sawyer also share the same deep abiding friendship.

Football heroes, they tend to party hard and a night of gaming sleepover ends with a gun fired twice, one of them dead, another with a traumatic brain injury and the third going mute suffering from the shock of it all. The aftermath of this incident drive forth the cracks in the lives of the 3 women as truths begin to emerge out of hidden crevices. Marital abuse, emotional affair, drinks and drugs, heart-breaking grief, motherhood; so much gets discussed as the reader is taken on an emotional journey thru’ the POV’s of Kendra, Lindsay and Dani.

The author has the exemplary ability in providing the different facets of human life and bringing to the focus that no one is perfect and that there are secrets hidden in each individual that no matter how much one believes in knowing the other, there could still be things that you may never know. The 3 women, their husbands, all the children, even Detective Locke; is fleshed out so well that all these characters become real in a reader’s mind. The scenes in the hospital, the unbearable torment as a mother, the subtle abuse being borne, there’s no 2 ways about it, this book does make your heart bleed.

The Best Of Friends is definitely not a pulse pounding thriller; but the final twist in the tale left me open-mouthed, WOW, never expected a whiff of that anywhere in the book.


This review is published in my blog, https://rainnbooks.com/; Amazon India, Goodreads and Twitter.
Profile Image for Pat.
2,310 reviews477 followers
July 24, 2020
That was dramatic. And intense. Three women (Kendra, Lindsey and Dani) are best friends from school. They have three sons (Sawyer, Jacob and Caleb) who are also best friends - all 16-17 years old. The families are close. They all live in a really ‘nice’, safe area in nice, comfortable homes. Life is good. Until it’s not.

One night the boys are going to spend the night at Caleb’s house playing a new video game. Kendra and Paul Mitchell have been chilling out in front of the TV when they hear a bang. A second bang soon follows but that one really sounds like a gunshot. It came from the direction of the Madison house. Kendra bolts out the door and runs in that direction. Her only thought is of her son, Sawyer, who is staying over there.

As she approaches, emergency vehicles are everywhere. She is not allowed through. Three anxious sets of parents wait at the hospital to find out the fates of their sons. One is dead, one is horribly injured and possibly in a coma and the third is rendered catatonic and mute. This story is (one of) every parent’s worst nightmares. The repercussions following that night, the blame game, the uncertainty as the uninjured but totally traumatised teen has still not uttered a word start to fracture the women’s friendship. Only one person really knows what happened that night and he is not talking.

As the truth slowly emerges and some of the secrets are stripped away the parents are shattered. If only the boys had spoken about this! They had no idea. And that, dear readers, is the scariest part of all. None of the parents really knew their sons and this story was so very plausible. I really, really enjoyed the book but the narration, told in the alternating voices of the three women, was hard to follow. I keep notes these days as I’m bad at remembering names but I was constantly having to check which son (or daughter or husband) belonged to which woman as their voices were very similar. Many thanks to Netgalley, Thomas & Mercer and Lucinda Berry for providing a copy of the book for me to review.
Profile Image for Francesca (pavisfrancesca).
214 reviews2,557 followers
February 20, 2024
4.5 - I literally couldn’t put this down, read it through dinner, through TV time & literally while I was getting changed. I was HOOKED.

Lucinda Berry has a really unique style where you beleive the psychological side of her psychological thrillers. All grounded in her experience as a doctor which give them authenticity you can’t find in many places.

This book was heartbreaking and thrilling at the same time. Really twisty and gripping. The only reason I didn’t rate it 5 was because the ended concuded in a matter of about 15 pages, it was a *tiny bit* rushed.

Still absolutely loved it though. Definitely recommend!
Profile Image for Bethanys_books.
256 reviews2,362 followers
December 5, 2023
I couldn’t put this book down! It’s been a while since I’ve gotten so lost in a book like this one which tells you how much I loved the writing of this one! The only reason it didn’t get 5 stars for me was because the ending is both rushed (everything happens in the last 15 pages) and very straight forward. I’m used to her books being super twisty up until the end and I felt like the ending was what everyone would’ve expected from the beginning. Still loved it so much and can’t wait to read more from her!
Profile Image for Karla.
1,212 reviews334 followers
July 6, 2024
Story 4 stars**
Audio 4stars**
Amy Rubinate
Tara Sands
Coleen Marlo
Profile Image for CYIReadBooks (Claire).
747 reviews116 followers
April 30, 2020
Unbelievably stirring and compelling straight out of the gates! Such a page turner of a read.

The lives of three best friends -- Kendra, Lindsey, and Dani are disrupted when a tragedy strikes. What takes place is the unraveling of each of their marriages, and the revealing of secrets that were kept hidden for years.

As each woman struggles with their own loss, you are swept up in all the emotion, trauma, and psychological dilemmas that each of them faces.

Difficult to put down. An excellent novel and will be sure to keep the author, Lucinda Berry on my radar. Five star read!

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher Thomas & Mercer for the opportunity to read this book in exchange from my honest review.
Profile Image for Melissa (Trying to Catch Up).
4,877 reviews2,649 followers
April 22, 2021

This is an intriguing mystery that starts with an incident in the first chapter and is not resolved until the end. I could really feel for the three mothers and their different reactions to what happened, and how their lifelong friendship both ebbed and flowed as the investigation continued. At times, I felt like a voyeur into their marriages and family relationships.
Graded it down a bit because I really, really dislike reading about spousal abuse. Even if the person eventually gets up the courage to leave, everything surrounding the situation made me feel angry. I know it happens, but I don't like reading about it.
This is the second inventive suspense novel of Berry's that I've read and I'm impressed yet again. I applaud her creativity and look forward to seeing what she comes up with next.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for John Gilbert.
1,115 reviews169 followers
May 15, 2022
Reading this popular and highly rated novel was torture for me, but as I was interested in what actually happened, I struggled to the end.

The relationships, who was married to whom, who did the children belong to, was just a mish mash. There needed to at least be a page that listed who was with whom. Narrated by three best friends, mothers of three teenaged boys who end up having an incident while drunk, leaving one dead, one in a coma and one completely shut down. There was little to show just how the three women were friends as they hardly intereacted civilly to each other once the even happened.

A dog's breakfast for me, I guess I'm just not a fan of these type of books, but it certainly was not a well written book whatever the genre is.
Profile Image for Melissa  Recreational Hobbyist.
55 reviews29 followers
December 23, 2020
I really wanted to like this book, I just didn't. I really tried. The plot was intriguing; 3 teenage boys, best friends hanging out at one of their homes in a wealthy, suburban neighborhood when tragedy strikes. One boy is dead, the other in a coma, & the 3rd boy too traumatized to speak. Was it an accident or murder-suicide or just plain old murder?

Each chapter is from the viewpoint of one of the boy's mothers, who are also lifelong best friends. While I should have had my heartstrings pulled at these women dealing with the tragedy, I didn't. They were shallow & passive-aggressive & each one suspicious of the other. They aren't even likable in a love to hate them thriller kind of way. Had I not looked at the name of whose chapter it was I wouldn't have known whose chapter I was reading. They were just dull & boring. These ladies wouldn't have lasted one season on the Real Housewives. Well, maybe Beverly Hills.

Not only did the book lack interesting protagonists, but there were also so many extra characters. I forgot whose kid belonged to which woman as the story weaved through present-day & flashbacks to when the moms were in high school & then the events leading up to the tragedy. I read Game Of Thrones & had a much easier time keeping track of everyone than I did in this book.

I sped read through this book because I had to know what truly went down that night. And it was as uninteresting & predictable as the characters. The family "secrets" thrown in throughout as what I am assuming were supposed to be the "twists" fell flat & weren't shocking at all. All in all, it wasn't suspenseful & not a thriller.

I should write something nice about the book though. It was a fast read.

*I received an Advanced Readers Copy of this novel from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions included herein are my own.*

Check out my blog for more reviews!
Profile Image for Misty.
316 reviews275 followers
January 24, 2021
I have mentioned this before, but with age has come an increased sensitivity to all things “heart-wrenching”. I even now cry during Hallmark commercials, and Lifetime movies are simply out of the question. Why, then, knowing the premise of this book did I pick it up? As an overly-sensitive, menopausal mother of three, I am cursing myself; as a book-lover with an appreciation for the art of writing, I’m so glad I did.

The story is of three teenage boys, longtime friends and sons of three women who had grown up together and were thrilled that their kids were following in their footsteps. There’s Sawyer, the epitome of the “dumb jock”; Jacob, the even-keeled smart kid; and Caleb, the dark horse with a temper that mirrors that of his abusive father. When a night together results in one of the boys dead, another in a vegetative state and the third nearly catatonic, one mother will stop at nothing to find out the truth about what happened. As the story unravels, the emotional rollercoaster roars through hairpin turns and stomach-churning drops, leaving plenty of tears in its wake.

Had I know how deeply this book would affect me, I honestly may have thought twice about picking it up and giving it a go. As a mother, this will live with me for quite some time; likewise as a reader, as it’s well-constructed, with diverse characters who all have their own crosses to bear—a novel that hit with a one-two punch in the final chapters that, while not completely unexpected, left me feeling spent. Any book that can be the catalyst for that type of reaction on both fronts is deserving of the stars.

If you have the chops for this kind of turmoil and angst, I would highly recommend diving in. If, however, you are like me and prefer something without the triggers of domestic abuse and child mortality that result in a tsunami of tears, I would think twice.
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