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Jacky Leon #2

Family and Honor

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Jacky Leon got away with it. She defended a little human girl, made a few unlikely acquaintances, and survived to tell the tale. Now she’s the only werecat in the supernatural community who can say a small family of werewolves lives in her borders.

That isn’t a good thing, though. As news of her heritage and relation to Hasan becomes more well known, Jacky finds herself in the spotlight, slammed with guilt over recent werecat problems and her duty as a daughter of Hasan. Having ignored the supernatural world and its politics for so long, she had no idea what sort of repercussions would come from her actions to defend Carey Everson. Ignorance can no longer be her shield.

Jacky wants to do better. She’ll step up to her responsibilities and stop running. She’ll learn how to live up to the obligations and expectations of her family.

Her honor demands it.

402 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 15, 2019

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About the author

K.N. Banet

26 books608 followers
Author of the Jacky Leon series, Kaliya Sahni series, and Everly Abbott series, along with standalones that belong in the same world as all of them!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 335 reviews
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,185 reviews1,915 followers
February 14, 2020
This is second in a UF series and, true to the genre, the plot and characters carry over, are frequently referenced, and matter more than a little. You definitely want to read in order.

This was a great improvement on the first in that it mitigated almost all the weaknesses and was also an engaging story with family relationships at its heart. Since I'm assuming that you've read the first, I'll reassure you that you mostly know what you're going to get in this book. Carey isn't the driving force in this one, but her relationship with Jacky is still very important, not least as it keeps Heath nearby.

And I'll add that the action scenes worked very well this time, the plot didn't have weak foundations, and the more detailed werecat worldbuilding was both creative and interesting. In this story, we learn more about the children of Hasan and why Jacky doesn't feel very connected to them. She ends up interacting with her brother Jabari on close-enough terms for bitter resentments to surface and for that relationship to evolve in gratifying and interesting ways.

Plus, Jacky continues to take responsibility not just for her own actions but for the broader world around her. Stepping up to the family responsibilities (her family represents what little "leadership" the werecats tolerate amongst their kind) lets her shine on both the action and talky fronts and I just loved seeing her operate with confidence and the desire to do the right thing. She continues to be very paladiny and that continues to be very much my jam.

I was so engaged that I stayed up way too late last night so I really can't not give this five stars. The only real frictions I had in the story were that some important details of Jacky's past still remain hidden from the reader despite the fact that all the siblings seem to know all about everything. And a very distant second is the rocky copy editing (that's also an improvement on the first, but still present). The errors aren't terribly frequent or off-putting, but they're also obvious and should probably have been caught before publication.

Anyway, now I'm impatient for the next and very sad to see that the release is still two months away.

A note about Chaste: The slow-burn with Heath made very little progress, but enough to note. So nothing sexual at all, despite shifter (non-detailed) nudity, so I still consider it chaste.
Profile Image for Ian.
1,396 reviews185 followers
June 26, 2020
Contains some minor spoilers

Two Werecats have been killed and Jabari who was sent to investigate

Family & Honor is another entertaining book in the Jacky Leon series which I've been told is planned to run for 8 books. I'm speculating but I imagine each book will introduce another member of Jacky's family and fill out her backstory while moving her "now" story forward.

These books are great. As with book one, there are a few minor problems. Spelling and grammatical errors but I'm not a pedant and those things don't really bother me.
Profile Image for Alina.
395 reviews72 followers
April 9, 2020
This series is freakin amazing, I love Jacky and I love how strong yet so vulnerable she is! I enjoy the secondary characters, The next book is coming out soon so I'm looking forward to it!!

Free on KU
Profile Image for Katyana.
1,639 reviews246 followers
March 28, 2023
I loved this, completely and utterly. I loved finding out more about Jacky's past, and her werecat family (even though I'd like to punch her siblings in the throat). I loved watching her with Jabari as he slowly came to know her. And I really loved watching her situation with Heath continue to evolve, and their relationship continue to grow. The impact they are going to have on their world... I can't freaking wait.

I'm dyyyyyying for the next book.

Re-read April 2020
This is definitely my favorite of the series so far. I love the slow unfolding of Heath and Jacky's relationship, and how he clearly feels so much more for her than he lets on - he's so defensive of her! I love the reveal of details on her relationship with Hasan and his other children. I love the development of Jabari - I started out wanting to punch him in the throat, but I ended up finding he was really endearing.

Re-read Sept 2020
Yep. Unquestionably my favorite of the series. So, so good.

Re-read Dec 2021 (after book 7 read)
It's like choosing your favorite child, but I still think this is my favorite. Family is such a core part of this series, and Jacky's complicated relationship with her werecat family is one of the best parts. I love them and hate them at the same time.
Profile Image for Tee.
120 reviews55 followers
May 29, 2020
DNF 2 stars

It started off way too slow. Jacky was whiny and threatening everyone basically the entire time I was reading. The book was also highly repetitive. There was only so much of “two dead werecats and five dead werewolves I could read.” More than 50% in and that line was repeated every other page.

Also Jacky’s relationship with Carey was getting weirder and weirder and a lot more questionable. It went beyond what logic and fiction could explain. And I give fictional (especially paranormal fiction) books a lot of leeway.

And did I mention 50% in and still nothing was happening besides dead werewolves and werecats. Argh! Not even the dialogues I loved could reduce my sheer frustration when I realized I was basically halfway through before the plot started to show. Everything before that was well, empty. Remember, the dead creatures are really the plot. So why wait so long to write it!?

Jacky should also stick to bartending. She was so awful in Seattle. Her first meeting with the Seattle Alpha and I was sure she was going to start a war for absolutely no reason. She went from 0 to threatening to nuke everyone in basically two sentences. Just how!!!! Then she was commended for being a good politician. Just freaking yuck! 🤢

Also, book 1 was all about Jacky being this undeclared werecat since she didn’t want to associate with her werecat family. She never told anyone who turned her. Why all of a sudden is she announcing to everyone who her father is! I really really hate it when books convince me something is important and then discard it so lightly like it meant nothing. It such a waste of time and words. Why did I spend all that time in book 1 reading that, if Jacky is going to up and out herself. Here, it was one thing for the werecats to know, since her father basically outed her. But werecats are secretive. Chances are the wolves wouldn’t know. But the first damn opportunity she got, Jacky, virtually unsolicited, outed herself to the wolves. And it was completely unnecessary. It had the entire effect of attempting to nuke a fly. Just why! It was useless. And so damn annoying.

This was one of many many annoying things in the book. There were also other stuff, like how Jacky needed to not reveal werecat secrets to the wolves. The enemy. Secrets like, “werecats never create a territorial boundaries that they can’t run around in one night.” Which she then volunteered to a wolf, unsolicited.

I don’t really care how trustworthy the author was trying to make said wolf. I care that Jacky had rules. I care that she hadn’t even decided to fully trust said wolf. And then I care that the author then undid all the character developments for Jacky by making her into this moron without a sense of self-preservation. And making her to a character who so easily betrayed not just her own values but her own kind, for no reason.

First rule about hunting a creature is knowing the darn things habits. Talking about how territories are marked in correlation to how far they can run in one night is a pretty big info to handout to the enemy. Worse part, the secrets kept falling.

I can’t bring myself to keep reading. And this decision goes against everything for me but I just can’t. I’m tired of hating books and trying to find redeeming qualities by powering through to the end, only to be more angry at myself for wasting time when the end inevitably fails to provide any of said redeeming quality. So I told myself I would stop. This is me stopping. (I hope)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,771 reviews230 followers
July 12, 2024
That was so good. I want to dive right into the next book, but I have a few other time-sensitive books in my way so I will take a short break.

The first book in this series hooked me until the end and the revelation of the villains. Frankly, there was not a hint or leadup or foreshadow in any part of the book to make the villains make any sense. It definitely hindered my enjoyment of an otherwise promising series opener.

After reading reviews, I saw that folks had said the second book was stronger, so I gave this series another chance. And I am SO GLAD I did! I am a sucker for found family, slow burn, and imperfect main characters and this book had ALL of that and more!

Her relationship with the human girl she protected in Book 1 is growing stronger and was so much fun to read. Her backstory is heartbreaking as she lost her fiancé on the verge of marrying him and starting a family and we learn that she wanted children and that Carey is the right age to be the child she never had. The scenes with the two of them are so special and set the stage for Jacky being willing to burn the world to protect those weaker than her and those she loves.

Along with her found family, we get to see her starting to connect with her paranormal family, including her oldest werecat "brother" who has been a bit of a pill to her over the years, but mostly ignored her. There were moments where I cried as I heard about her struggles with this adopted family.

There is a LOT of action and violence and Jacky gets to kick ass and take names. At the same time, we see a compassionate and empathetic woman whose first response isn't violence. But, when she's pressed to a corner, you better watch out!

I really like how she starts to claim Heath's friendship in this book. Everytime she called him "my wolf", it was so fun. There are hints of a slow burn romance between the two of them, but she's working to keep him as a friend without benefits. He's had a lot of lovers over the years, including three baby mamas so I can't help but think that's smart!

It was really, really fun and the audiobook narrator did a great job at capturing Jacky's voice.
Profile Image for Ira.
1,105 reviews118 followers
December 25, 2020
I like the storyline goes.
A family relationship certainly a very important role for this big kitty and loving how these brothers and sisters are squabbling 😂.

The story is continuing from book #1 but somehow, I think you can read as a stand alone story too.
And Jacky, with a big brother like Jabari? She is growing up fast!! 😂😜

No romance yet, but I think the wolfie is really into her 😚🤣


Profile Image for Snarktastic Sonja.
546 reviews63 followers
October 13, 2020
I still love Jacky - and the world is still interesting. But, in *this* book the writing has devolved. There were lots of typos and mis words. But, my BIGGEST gripe is the overuse of the "f" word. Honest to Pete, if it were any other word in the English language, an editor would pipe in to get out your darn thesaurus and use something else. WHY is it that people feel like if they can't come up with another word, that is a perfectly acceptable alternative in ALL situations? Though I NEVER like it (quickest way to get me to ignore everything you have to say is to use it), I can tolerate its usage in small doses. But, it is used like 15 times per page. THAT, my friend, is sheer laziness on the part of the author and it takes me out of the story.

Without THAT, it would probably be a 5 star read. The world is growing, the family is growing, Jacky is growing. There is a new (and different type of) challenge, and she still rises to the occasion. This series is the closest I've to to Mercy Thompson. Highly recommend it. If you can tune out the "f" word.
Profile Image for Mia LeNae.
482 reviews4 followers
December 4, 2019
Alpha Daddy

Your wolf huh??? 😏 That’s a few times I’ve noticed her claim the alpha daddy. I would like to hear more about the different creatures that are represented in the book. I’m also glad her new family is starting to come around and Jacky gets the chance to know them. Also even though I love me some Heath I really wonder if that is the best relationship Jacky should be considering. It just seems like problems, the way the story is set up. Anyway enjoy this latest installment. I did.
Profile Image for Rhiannon Chillingworth.
799 reviews189 followers
December 15, 2019

There is nothing not to like about this series. Interesting world building, realistic, likeable characters, where actual effort is made the characterise them, a good mixture of action and character relationship building and a slow born romance that establishes their relationship slowly and believably.

Reading this reminds me if why I love UF as a genre so much. If you like the Kate Daniels or Mercy Thompson series regarding the balance of plot and romance then I would definitely recommend it to you.
Profile Image for Ann Lou.
557 reviews88 followers
April 26, 2021
Better than the first one but I still don't love Jacky, though.
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.4k reviews518 followers
June 16, 2020
So much happened in this one. It starts out a bit slow, Jacky and Heath working out how to live in a territory together despite their kinds being mortal enemies. They seem to have things under control. So much so that when Jacky's family needs her to help them she asks Heath for help with the werewolves they need to talk to.

And lets spend some time talking about Jacky's family. We really get to see them more in this book and see how they see her. It's not good. There are times that Jacky's rails at them, which they deserve and they are able to see how Jacky isn't the problem, but they are. They get to see how her unique relationship with Heath is a good thing, how it helped in a lot of ways, that maybe because she isn't so "old" like they are and doesn't have first hand knowledge of the werewolf war of 1000 years ago, and other skirmishes 100 years ago she doesn't immediately see them as bad.

To battle the evil that they all ran into Jacky was in the thick of things along with Heath and her brother. Even at the end when they had to talk to the person who was sort of at the start of things Jacky was strong, with her words and actions and held her own, keeping them all safe.

I'm looking forward to see what happens next to Jacky, because things are sure changing for her.

The only bummer about this book was that I really wanted a scene where Jacky's brother actually met Carey, I think that would have been fun!
Profile Image for TJ.
3,022 reviews206 followers
January 17, 2022

A seriously addicting urban fantasy. I’m hooked and loving every minute! This book would have been an enthusiastic 5 stars (and is still close) if Jacky hadn’t been so rude and stand-offish with Heath throughout most of the story. He has been nothing less than the perfect friend (hopefully love interest) yet she treats him so rudely. At the very end of the book, the author does give readers a very small bit of hope - not much but still…. If the love interest begins to blossom, I’m all in to the end. If not, as fun as the stories are, it will get super boring as time goes on.
Profile Image for Wende.
1,143 reviews12 followers
November 18, 2020
So good

I love this series and it is getting better. Jacky is getting more power and responsibilities and I hope soon her very own werewolf💖💖💖
Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews287 followers
March 28, 2023
A must read urban fantasy.

I was Hooked from the first chapter. I can't wait to see what comes next! Heading there now, another read into the wee-hours.
Profile Image for Zen.
2,350 reviews
October 23, 2020
Jacky Leon at her best

One of the things that I Love about this series is that these books are not necessarily PNR. Yes, there may be a hint of romance in this most recent one, but for the most part, it is about relationships. Jacky is still coming to terms with her life and her place in it. She has a bit of a strained relationship with her family, but she is working towards mending that. She loves the young girl she has sworn to protect for life and is becoming friends with her family. She's strong and independent without being rude and mean. I just love her and can't wait to read the next in the series.
Profile Image for Ellen Williams.
320 reviews2 followers
November 23, 2019
I need time to pull myself together

This book was more action packed and family drama filled than the last. Paired with some child innocence and a twinkling of romantic feelings - this book had me hooked. Can’t wait to see what comes next - and hopefully soon!
Profile Image for Carole.
1,564 reviews55 followers
August 13, 2024


En janvier je me plongeais dans premier tome de Jacky Leon, digne successeur de Kate Daniels dans le genre. De l'Urban Fantasy, des métamorphes, des créatures surnaturelles et une romance encore plus slow-burn que Kate et Curran. Alors forcément, cette suite je l'attendais de pieds fermes.

Et pour Jacky, notre chat-garou (pas le petit chat mais bien une créature aussi énorme que mythique), les choses ont bien changé suite à l'appel de son devoir dans le premier volet. La protection qu'elle a dû apporter à la fille de l'Alpha, Carey (une humaine) l'a mise sur le devant de la scène. Elle qui ne voulait que tenir son bar en solitaire, va devoir composer avec sa "famille" et les deux disparitions de chat-garous qui inquiètent tout le monde.

A l'image de Kate Daniels, chaque tome se concentre sur un mystère, tout en ayant toujours ce fil conducteur de sa vie personnelle et des relations qu'elle noue. Quelques rappels en début de tome nous permettent de nous remettre aisément dans le bain, (même si pour ma part, j'avais tout bien en tête). Quel plaisir de se replonger dans l'univers et surtout, retrouver les personnages.

Jacky est une héroine solitaire. Sa nature de chat-garou, la pousse encore plus à cela avec ce besoin de rester sur son territoire en maître. Et puis, vivre comme elle, aussi longtemps loin de tout le monde joue pour beaucoup. Une petite vibe Meg Corbyn/Mercy Thompson également je trouve dans son rapport avec les autres et notamment avec Heath, l'alpha et père célibataire de la petite humaine avec laquelle Jacky a noué un lien très fort.

J'ai adoré chaque moment où ils sont ensemble. Ne nous affolons pas, ils débutent tout juste une relation ultra platonique et amicale. Jacky faisant déjà de gros efforts à sortir avec eux pour une virée bowling. MAIS, on sait, on sent que quelque chose se prépare et ça se confirme dans chacune de leurs interactions. Non pas qu'il y est une avancée significative mais des mots sont posés à la fin de ce tome ce qui laisse présager une avancée dans le tome 3. Des miettes les amis. On est sur des miettes. Un slow-burn à la Meg Corbyn pour ceux qui ont la référence. Bref, c'est slow mais j'aime !

Côté intrigue, ce tome nous mène donc sur un nouveau mystère mais c'est surtout l'occasion dans apprendre plus sur la famille des chat-garou de Jacky. J'ai beaucoup aimé ça. On sent que c'est difficile mais ça ne fait que rendre plus plausible encore les relations. Et puis, le mystère sur ces disparitions/meurtres se fait bien entouré. Jacky sera bien aidée de Heath et d'un autre personnage qui l'amènera à s'ouvrir un peu plus.

Un second tome tout aussi prenant que le premier. Un rythme un peu différent mais plus d'approfondissement sur certains points ce qui est bien aussi. J'ai adoré ma lecture. On aurait pu grapiller un chouille plus si nos deux personnages avaient fait un peu plus que se regarder du coin de l'œil mais en même temps, l'attente n'en est que meilleure pour la suite.
Profile Image for Danielle (Danniegurl).
1,900 reviews101 followers
February 14, 2021
Definitely an Urban Fantasy

This series is definitely an Urban Fantasy, what it lacks is the romance aspect. But it’s not that it isn’t there at all, it just appears to be the most slow burn ever. Jacky needs to get to know people, the world established, her job established then we can actually see some romance I suspect. I’m excited to see how that comes to fruition because I do expect them to actually get together.

One thing I’m surprised by is Banet’s writing style this series around. It’s very telling, a lot of things are glossed over. Minor events sure, but they could have been written more “live” than glossed. I found myself unable to figure out how much time has passed unless told. The writing didn’t make that clear to me. It was only when Jacky told me or another character how much time actually passed that I could gauge how long things are taking. This style of writing always bothers me though. I know some points in the story will have this happen but this was quite often for me.

Overall though I really do enjoy the story and the investigative work. I like Jacky’s family, and getting to know them, especially since they were somewhat estranged and seem to not like Jacky.

I love and adore Carey, I’m so glad she’s still around in the series.

I’m excited to see where this goes though.

There were a couple missed words that were left in I assume to be erased but were missed. I didn’t highlight the first one but the second one I got. For a second there Jacky is speaking in 3rd person “Her Brother” when it should have been “My brother!”

Still not too bad and I hear the series gets better as you go along.
Profile Image for Alison.
3,424 reviews129 followers
March 8, 2021
Jacky Leon was changed into a werecat a decade ago after a horrific car crash which killed her fiancé. After falling out with her sire Hasan over this issue she lives in the wilds of Texas running a small dive bar and pretty much keeping to herself. Then, in the first book she is drawn into the supernatural world when the human daughter of the Dallas werewolf Alpha Heath calls on her for protection after an attempted coup. The repercussions from those events have led to the Alpha retiring and moving with his werewolf son and human daughter to Jacky's territory.

Two werecats have now gone missing in Washington state and Jacky's werecat older brother Jabari is investigating on behalf of Hasan and the supernatural council, the fear is that they have been killed by werewolves. Then Jabari goes missing and Jacky is the only family member close enough to investigate. She asks Heath to perform the necessary introductions to the local werewolf Alpha to smooth her way, only for them to discover that four werewolves have also gone missing. This situation has the potential to create a new war between the werecats and werewolves if Jacky and Heath don't find out the truth, and fast!

Another fast-paced book in this series, as with the first book, my only gripe is that to me it was obvious what had happened. But the way in which the story unfolded and the tension was maintained was good.
567 reviews6 followers
April 26, 2021
i really like this series so far

It seems like a general rule that female MCs in urban fantasy must be damaged and snarky. Jacky isn’t that MC—and that’s good because I’ve already read several hundred books with that MC, and I’m rather tired of her. (In fact, if ‘sassy’ and ‘snarky’ were to disappear from UF book descriptions, i’d be thrilled!)

Jacky feels like an actual person. She has issues, but they’re mostly connected to being a werecat and her relationship with her werecat family. I like her moral center and her willingness to take responsibility even when it’s painful and tough. She prizes her integrity, and that’s rare. She’s also quite self-aware, within the limits of being very young as a werecat, and not having a lot of education about the supernatural world. I like her a lot.

Then there’s the various strands of the plot: the fallout from Jacky’s choices in the first book, their impact on Jacky’s relationships with her family, the werecat community at large, the werewolves and Carey, plus the investigation into the werecat murders in the Pacific Northwest. There’s a lot going on and Ms Banet does a excellent job of weaving the threads into a whole, while leaving enough unresolved tension to carry us into the next installment of Jacky’s story.

These are excellent UFs so far, and I look forward to reading the remaining books in this series and Ms. Banet’s other work as well.
Profile Image for Kelly.
317 reviews9 followers
January 22, 2021
This series is a hidden gem.

If you like Patricia Briggs or Kate Daniels, check out this series! The covers are a bit kitschy, but the characters are interesting and diverse, the pacing is on point, and there’s great world-building now that it’s been fleshed out more with book 2.

This is also a slow burn romance. I like how they’re becoming friends first, as you can see how it will form a solid base for the future. Loved it!
Profile Image for Teri.
290 reviews73 followers
August 4, 2021
Fun read but ...

Super slow burn romance is still on the back burner.. Lost a star because of the cursing. Cursing has it's place, I'm not a fishwife, but this was super low class - and at odds with how the character is otherwise portrayed. At one point there was an unnecessary curse added every paragraph. If the story wasn't so interesting I would have rated it much lower just for the language. It was ridiculous.

Profile Image for Aira.
309 reviews17 followers
April 28, 2020
ridiculously impressed with the series so far, I love Jacky as a protagonist and her growth and progression as a character is incredible. She is self aware of her change, accepting that life moves on and still grounded. The plot was a bit, bland, but it was nice seeing the whole family and their dynamic.
also the slow burn with Heath <3 <3
Profile Image for Altivo Overo.
Author 6 books17 followers
October 25, 2023
Oh, no! Not vampires...

Yup, vampires. Nasty ones once you get that far. In spite of all the blood, I liked this one better than the first. We get to see some humane and human elements through the eyes of a reputedly disinterested and self detached werecat who suddenly wants to be part of her family after all.
Profile Image for Emma.
461 reviews54 followers
February 4, 2020
Clearly i love this series so feel free to take up the spider assassin mantle and write as many in this series as possible 😍😍😍
Displaying 1 - 30 of 335 reviews

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