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Magic Tree House #23

Twister on Tuesday

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An adventure to blow you away!

That's what Jack and Annie get when the Magic Tree House whisks them back to the 1870s. They land on the prairie near a one-room schoolhouse, where they meet a teenage schoolteacher, some cool kids, and one big, scary bully. But the biggest and scariest thing is yet to come!

70 pages, Paperback

First published March 27, 2001

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About the author

Mary Pope Osborne

955 books2,374 followers
Mary Pope Osborne is an American author of children's books and audiobook narrator. She is best known as the author of the Magic Tree House series, which as of 2017 sold more than 134 million copies worldwide. Both the series and Osborne have won awards, including for Osborne's charitable efforts at promoting children's literacy. One of four children, Osborne moved around in her childhood before attending the University of North Carolina. Following college, Osborne traveled before moving to New York City. She somewhat spontaneously began to write, and her first book was published in 1982. She went on to write a variety of other children's and young adult books before starting the Magic Tree House series in 1992. Osborne's sister Natalie Pope Boyce has written several compendium books to the Magic Tree House series, sometimes with Osborne's husband Will Osborne.

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220 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 405 reviews
Profile Image for Amy Bruestle.
273 reviews221 followers
December 15, 2020
Every single book in this collection of Magic Treehouse Books were my WORLD when I was in like 2nd or 3rd grade! I absolutely LOVED them. They were right up my alley! I still have 4 or 5 of them to this day! Anytime I see them I get excited! They bring back so many great memories!
Profile Image for S.
429 reviews
August 17, 2017
I feel like a cheat adding this to my reading challenge but my goal is to read 10 books this months so...;)
Profile Image for Lisa.
750 reviews157 followers
April 24, 2015
Another great adventure with Jack and Annie. I tend to give the earlier books 4 stars and the later "Merlin Missions" 5 stars, but this early one was very good. I love how Mary Pope Osborne always slips the historical stuff in so seamlessly that the kids never even know they're getting a history lesson. This one was very exciting and the kiddos loved it. Great pictures in this one, too.
Profile Image for Alyssa DeCerce.
68 reviews10 followers
November 29, 2019
Sorry friends just trying to hit my reading goal. Doesn’t hold a flame to mummies in the morning imo
12 reviews
March 27, 2014
“Twister on Tuesday” was a book about Annie and Jack who are brother and sister. In this book they use their treehouse to transport to other places. This Tuesday morning when they entered the tree house they traveled out West. When they were there they explored many things. They learned and took many notes on new things they picked up and didn’t know before. On the Great Plains they found out that houses were often made of sod bricks because there weren’t many trees. They also found out that the wagons people used to travel across the plains were often referred to as “prairie schooners” because the white coverings on the wagons made them look like sailing ships. While they were there they also found a school house. They eventually made friends with the other three children that attended this school. This made it hard for them to return to the tree house.

The main characters of “Twister on Tuesday” are Annie and Jack. They are brother and sister and use their magic tree house to travel to other places. Other characters of this book are Miss Neely, Jeb, Will and Kate. Miss Neely is the teacher of the sod school house that Annie and Jack find on their adventure. Will and Kate are brother and sister and are students at the school house. Jeb is the oldest of the three students. He his harder to get along with and has not had as much schooling as the other students.

The main setting of “Twister on Tuesday” is the Great Plains. The kids travel to the Great Plains through their tree house and stay there for most of the book. While they are in the Great Plains they do spend some time in a school house they find. I do not think that there is a specific time frame that the book takes place in. The other setting of this book is at Annie and Jack’s home, where the book starts out at.

I think that the main theme the author portrayed through this book is never lose your imagination. There is a time to be serious and a time for fun. No matter how old you are, you can always have fun. This book has taught me that when I am around younger kids like my cousins or siblings, I can loosen up and let go a little bit. If you are always up tight and high strung about things, you may not be the most pleasant to be around. The message this book sends to me is to never lose the little kid inside of you.

I would recommend this book to an elementary or middle school age. I think that this age of kids could relate to this book the best. I thought that this book was an interesting read and a sent a good message.

Profile Image for Sophie Crane.
4,678 reviews168 followers
October 14, 2021
Great book for kids who are just starting chapter books. Nice story, interesting, several nice drawings, easy to read but still helps build vocabulary in young readers.
19 reviews1 follower
July 9, 2024
Quick read with the kids (and my very first Magic Treehouse book). We finished it on a Tuesday with bad weather and potential for a tornado. Added to the experience. 😆 Recommend for any young reader.
Profile Image for Anthony.
13 reviews
March 27, 2014
"Twister on Tuesday" starts off in present day, then there is a flashback. Jack and Annie go to their magic tree house which will send them back in time. The tree house sends them back to the pioneer days where they are to learn about everyday life. Jack and Annie come upon a "dugout," which is a pioneer school house dug into the hill. They also learn that the dugout has a storm cellar below by reading in the book Jack has along with him. Jack and Annie go inside and meet the three kids who are attending the school. After listening in on their class for a while, they head back to the tree house.

The setting in the book is tricky because in the beginning of the book they start out in present day. Then the book switches to the pioneer days. By the end of the book, they are back in present day at their home.

Jack, one of the two main characters, loves to read things in his book and learn new things. He is short and has black hair. Annie is the younger of the two and does not know as much as Jack, but together they can accomplish a lot.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is adventurous and likes to read fast. The age group would be 14 to 18 years of age.
34 reviews
May 2, 2017
Personal Response: I read the book, Twister on Tuesday, by Mary Pope Osborne. I liked this book because Jack and Annie always knew what to do. These books are good short books.

Plot: Jack and Annie had to find a writing that would help them learn something. They went to the prairie. When they got there, they found a schoolhouse that had a teacher and three kids inside. The teacher invited them to join the class. They found the writing they needed to learn something. It was a quote. They decided to head back home, but as they were headed back to the treehouse the sky got dark. A twister was coming. Annie suggested they go back to the school to show the kids where the storm cellar was, because she assumed they didn’t know. Jack and Annie showed the kids and the teacher where it was, and it saved their lives. Jack and Annie then went home after the twister had come and gone.

Characterization: In this book, Annie was very clever. She knew just what to say, so the people they met didn’t know they were from the future. She was smart when the twister came through and helped everyone out. Jack took a lot of notes about where they were and who they met. He figured out the writing that would help them learn something.

Setting: Twister on Tuesday took place during the pioneer times on the prairie. The setting was important, so the reader could understand why Jack and Annie were at a school house that was built out of a hill and why there were only a few students there.

Recommendation: I would recommend this book to boys and girls in fifth grade and beyond, because they can relate the to the characters. I would recommend this book because it is short and easy to read. I would give this book four stars.
18 reviews
January 6, 2020
The novel 《twister on Tuesday》is talking about Jack and Annie finding “something to learn”.
At the beginning of the story, Jack and Annie went to magic tree house and went to the great plain again to find “something to learn”.
At the middle of the story, they find a school and learn with the only three student.
At the end of the story, they find out the things but. They met a big Tornado so they decide to back to the classroom to save the children and teacher.
They learn kindness, courage from this special trip.
Profile Image for Cadee.
339 reviews3 followers
February 5, 2021
"I read this all at once before bed. I liked this book because they learned something new. They learned that if you try something and it doesn't work the first time to try, try, try again. Don't get frustrated." -Cadee, age 8
32 reviews1 follower
March 6, 2023
The book was amazing! I was reading one of the chapters while a giant thunderstorm was happening lol.
April 16, 2022
The Magic Treehouse: Twister on Tuesday is an excellent mystery book for students to read that captivated my attention and made me want to keep flipping the page. In the book, Jack and Annie travel back to the 1870s, where they encounter different situations in which they must think quickly to solve problems, including a tornado that is about to destroy their schoolhouse! I appreciate that the stories include illustrations every few pages, making the transition to chapter books easier to manage for younger students.

There are over fifty-nine books in The Magic Treehouse series, each with a different theme and topic that offer a great gateway into studying Social Studies and Science while studying the events that take place as Jack and Annie travel through time. The Magic Treehouse: Twister on Tuesday is best suited for second through fourth-grade students but is adaptable since the series includes varying difficulty levels.
Profile Image for Christina Vines.
55 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2023
This might be my favorite Magic Treehouse book. I read these to my boys but I enjoy them too. I’ve always liked books about the pioneer days, this particular one has Laura Ingalls vibes. Maybe I shouldn’t include these in my books read for the challenge, but they do have 10 chapters. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Alex.
708 reviews
May 1, 2018
I did not like this book because I do not like twisters. I enjoyed this book because I liked the part when Jack, Annie, Kate, Will, Jeb, and Ms. Neely escaped from a twister.
15 reviews
October 30, 2015
Personal Response: I read this book, but it was not one of my favorites. I think younger kids would like it more than older ones. It has to do with magic and what kids dream about. I thought it would be better than it was, but I did finish it.

Plot: In the book Twister on Tuesday, Annie and Jack discover a tree. They climb it and they start to play in the tree. They discover the tree makes weird things. They start reading a book. When the tree hears the story, the magic tree takes them to the prairie from a long time ago. They start walking and they find a school. In the school they meet the teacher and make a lot of friends. Jack and Jeb do not really like each other, so they get in a lot of fights. Jeb thinks Jack is making fun of him. Then, a tornado comes and Annie and Jack have to help everybody get to the cellar. They complete the mission and the tree house takes them home.

Characters: Jack and Annie were the kids in this story. Jack is a smart boy. He always tries to help Annie. I think that he is very nice because of it. He is sometimes scared. He tries not to show that he is scared because he doesn't want Annie to feel scared too.

Setting: The book takes place in the present. It is a fantasy adventure. Inside The Magic Tree House, is where all the action takes place. The Magic Tree House takes them to a different setting. It takes them to the prairie in the 1870's.

Theme: I think the theme is, you should never lose your imagination in life. This is an important part of having fun when you're little and dreaming about when you are older.

Audience: I recommend this book to all kids second grade and up, because it talks about a lot of fantasy things. This is a good kids book. I give it a three out of five rating. Both girls and boys would like it.

17 reviews3 followers
March 13, 2014

"Twister on Tuesday" starts off, on a Tuesday, when Jack and Annie get taken to a prairie in Kansas. When they get to the prairie they find a schoolhouse with a young teacher and three children. One of the students was being a bully towards Jack. As the students are eating they hear thunder and loud rain. They decide to look outside, and they see hail and dark clouds. Jack knows there is a storm coming and tells Annie they need to leave. Jack wants to leave, but Annie wants to help Mrs. Neely and the other kids. Jack and Annie take them into a cellur until the twister is gone. When the storm clears up they go back home.

The main characters of this book are Jack, Annie, Jeb, and Mrs. Neely. Jack is very smart, but not as outgoing as his sister. Annie loves adventures, and will do anything to have fun on them. Jeb is one of the students in the schoolhouse. He bullies Jack during the story. Mrs. Neely is the schoolhouse teacher. She is very young for being a teacher.

The setting of this story takes place in a schoolhouse in Kansas. The schoolhouse is on a prarie. The time period of this book takes place during the 1870's.

The main theme of this story is teamwork. The children and Mrs. Neely have to work together to get out of the way of the storm. If they would not of worked together they would not of made it to safety.

I would recommend this book to younger children who are reading chapter books. This book is easy to read and teaches a good life lesson.
30 reviews
March 12, 2014
Jack and Annie use a magical tree house that takes them to a Kansas prairie. In a one room school house, they meet a young teacher and three students. They make new friendships from the students and learn important life lessons. Right before they are about to head home they noticed that a tornado was coming and they must go back and save the class before it destroys everybody.

Jack and Annie are the main characters. Miss Neely is a teanage school teacher and her students are Jeb, Kate, and Will. They all become very good friends over time and learn from each other.

This book takes place in a schoolhouse in a Kanasas prairie. The time period is the 1870s. The audience learns about important historical events that happened throughout this time period.

The main theme we learn is friendship. Jack and Annie could have just left the praire,but instead, they put themselves into danger by going back into the storm to save their new friends.

"Twister on Tuesday" tought me some interesting facts and important lessons. I recommend this book to children because they will benefit from the lessons and facts I learned.
Profile Image for Maya Orama.
80 reviews2 followers
October 26, 2014
This book that i read today was about a brother and sister named jack and Annie. They went on an adventure to a prairie school that was in a book. When they got there, they notice that there was a tornado coming. All the kids and the teachers went in the cellars of the school for safety. The tornado was very long. They stood in the cellar for about 2 hours. When the storm passed everyone got out. The outside world was all wrecked. Trees were everywhere and buildings fell over. No one was hurt, but they lost many things. Homes, food, clothing, and shoes were lost. Jack and Annie found many people where wandering around scared and sad. Annie and jack felt bad for them. So, jack gave a little boy his shoes because there was glass all around, and Annie did the same thing to a little girl. Annie and jack returned to the tree house and left. Annie didn't like the feeling of leaving the people there without a home. When they returned home, jack found an old pencil from the school that they went to. He put it into their treasures for memories. The end.
Profile Image for DivaDiane SM.
1,082 reviews109 followers
March 1, 2016
My son liked that Jack and Jeb end up friends and that Annie and Jack saved the others from the twister. He also thought that it would be interesting to live on the prairie and it was cool to have a cellar to save yourself from a storm.

I really, really like this one. There was some actual character development. The poem they studied in class "if at first you don't succeed / try, try again." is a good maxim for my son to learn. Also, how to behave in the face of adversity is a valuable lesson.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tatiana.
839 reviews60 followers
February 3, 2013
I am not a huge fan of the Jack and Annie books, but my cooperating classroom is reading Twister on Tuesday for their first ever novel study, which consists of reading a chapter and answering comprehension question(s), and so I wanted to read with them. I can see why children like this series: it is simple and there really isn't any narrative, only action and dialogue that keeps the pace quick.
8 reviews2 followers
February 18, 2009
9 reviews
May 19, 2017
The book is a good book because it goes back to time 1870 when people did not know how to read a jack was theching other people how to read and write and thar home was in a mountain .
Displaying 1 - 30 of 405 reviews

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