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Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems…

As Norman and his group prepare their plan to eradicate all of the demons, Emma searches for her own path. Can she find a way to create a new promise that achieves peace without resorting to violence?

189 pages, Paperback

First published August 2, 2019

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Kaiu Shirai

96 books716 followers
Pseudonym of the Manga writer creator of Promised Neverland.

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Profile Image for Josu Diamond.
Author 9 books33.5k followers
December 7, 2020

Obviamente, esta reseña contiene **SPOILERS**.

Este volumen de The Promised Neverland ha sido probablemente el más flojo de todos hasta el momento. ¿Ha sido malo? Para nada. Sin embargo, a las alturas a las que estamos, en el arco final de la historia, y con todas las tramas abiertas, creo que no ha sido demasiado acertada la dirección que se ha tomado.

En esta decimoquinta entrega las cartas están sobre la mesa: el plan de Norman no es lo que parecía, los demonios comienzan a movilizarse de una forma que puede traer muchos problemas, y Emma y Ray se plantan por fin para buscar un mundo más justo y mejor. Pese a que las tramas tienen muy buena pinta, prácticamente la mitad del volumen consiste en conversaciones de Norman o de los demonios. De hecho, hay dos capítulos enteros prácticamente hablando de lo mismo. Hablando, hablando, hablando... sin que la trama avance demasiado.


Quiero pensar que este tomo vuelve a ser uno de esos que se utilizan como catapulta de lo que se viene. Porque, obviamente, lo que se viene es muy grande. Ese final de Emma y Ray llegando a las puertas, volviendo a Grace Field House... Bueno, el culo torcidísimo se me ha quedado. Uno de los mejores finales de la serie, aunque lamentablemente no consigue que la nota total de esta entrega suba a cuatro o cinco estrellas, ya que el resto del contenido es bastante plano.

Es una pena que a las alturas a las que nos encontremos la calidad decaiga, pero cruzo los dedos y pongo velitas para que sea lo que yo digo: una manera de introducir elementos para sorprender aún más en el tramo final de este aparente último arco. Venga, que ha sido un mini bache en el camino, a por el 16, que sale a la venta en unos días.
Profile Image for Gabriel.
550 reviews970 followers
April 3, 2021
Menudas revelaciones se han dado aquí. ¿Será posible que la buenaza de Emma, en compañía de Ray pueda detener un genocidio o al final triunfará Norman?

La verdad que me gusta como el personaje de Norman hace lo que cree correcto pero a su vez se vuelve un firme antagonista para la protagonista en ese conflicto moral que se debate en la mente de ella.
Profile Image for Maria.
599 reviews142 followers
July 13, 2019
Norman and his gang sure are shady.... All these revelations... idk.
Profile Image for Nicole.
814 reviews2,364 followers
September 28, 2020
Been a while since I've been in the mood for reading manga, I'm loving the newer volumes (after 11), at last, we have real developement which is natural since only 5 volumes are left.
Profile Image for Dani ❤️ Perspective of a Writer.
1,512 reviews5 followers
April 11, 2020
A Peter Pan retelling like you've NEVER seen before!! Emma, Norman and Ray are the brightest kids at the Grace Field House orphanage. And under the care of the woman they refer to as “Mom,” all the kids have enjoyed a comfortable life. Good food, clean clothes and the perfect environment to learn—what more could an orphan ask for? One day, though, Emma and Norman uncover the dark truth of the outside world they are forbidden from seeing.

The Promised Neverland ranks up there as one of if not THE favorite manga out there. I find every volume has twists and events that I didn’t expect. For someone who guesses plot correctly the majority of the time that’s pretty exciting for me. And I’ve found that since the kids have left their home I’ve still really loved this about the series, especially since the pace has picked up.

In this volume we spend some time going over and reassuring the kids of Emma and Ray’s feelings. This is typical of the series it reminds us of what they’re fighting for. I found it a little too much this time. Three chapters felt really redundant and we aren’t getting anything new. Another viewpoint or seeing something from a more detailed view. While many series have this filler the Promised Neverland normally handles it better.

My nitpicking aside I loved getting a closer view on the Demons Norman is fighting. The art, especially the design of the demon queen, continues to excel. It’s no surprise we learn just how dark Norman has gotten since parting ways with Emma and Ray. Some of his frames are enchantingly creepy. Really all we learn about him truly is the highlight of the volume. From his deal with the demons, what he really knows and how he got that knowledge.

The Promised Neverland is a series that I never fail to enjoy. It’s action packed, full of feels and spine tinglingly creepy. This is a Peter Pan retelling like you’ve never read.
Profile Image for karla⁹ ⛈.
310 reviews51 followers
August 12, 2020
here the real adventure begins. i'm so so so glad that Emma is still able to stand her ground and speak for herself, and i'm SO glad Ray still trusts her enough to bet for her with the future of the children .. in his own words, he believes Emma has the special gift of making the impossible things come true.

Norman on the other hand, it's a completely different person now... and I'm trying to understand, really, and I respect his mad plan because it's even simpler and more logical that Emma's, but I can't say I like his character the way I used to, that's the only thing that really makes me sad
Profile Image for Rereader.
1,392 reviews152 followers
July 1, 2020
I don't want to write too much and spoil this volume, but the one thing I want to mention is how empathy is being portrayed by the three main characters. It's almost as if Emma, Ray, and Norman are human embodiments of varying levels of empathy (specifically with regards to the demons and how empathy affects them):

-Emma is the most empathetic and her empathy guides her emotions.

-Ray is empathetic to a degree, but his empathy doesn't cloud his judgment. He's also more willing to give every strategy/theory a chance before disregarding it.

-Norman is the least empathetic and relies more on rationality and intellect than allow his emotions to get the better of him. If a rational decision has more tangible "benefits" than an empathetic one, he will choose the former over the later every time.

That's all I really wanted to say, again to avoid spoilers because SHIT IS GOING DOWN NOW! Looking forward to volume 16!
Profile Image for Olly.
303 reviews33 followers
May 23, 2020
Mi ostino a non capire tutto questo buonismo di Emma, ma ovviamente non possono pubblicare un genocidio su Jump...
Profile Image for Eli.
283 reviews1 follower
September 27, 2019
Solid 4 stars, this volume was a little slow, but it picked up towards the end. I liked seeing how different Norman’s demeanor has become, it’s like he’s dropped his softness and is set on doing the best he can at any cost it may come to him. That’s not to say he doesn't save that softness for Emma and Ray, but I just want Norman to take a break, let him sit back and relax, damnit. The pacing was slower in this volume because there was mostly information and strategy given to us. I look forward to seeing Emma and Ray back in action inside this bizarre copy of Grace Field House, in the next volume.

So Norman went to make a deal with the demons, promising to let them have the Ratri Clan if they let all the cattle kids go. There’s something off about Norman, I don’t know if in the time we didn’t see him something happened that... hardened his demeanor or personality. I’m not sure. I have a strange suspicion something was done to him. Because I feel like something as monumental as getting saved from the labs would’ve been shown but instead we were left in the dark and picked up with him impersonating Minerva and being a leader with a whole village. It’s a bit odd. Norman makes a pretty ballsy promise, that if they don’t succeed in getting revenge the demons can eat him and all his allies. Now he might’ve been a touch overconfident but that ain’t my bidness. I want to believe that what he’s going for is the most plausible, positive outcome. But I just don’t know.

So we figure the truth about Musica and why she doesn’t eat humans. She actually never ate humans since she came to be, and when she came upon starving demons, she gave them her blood and made them like her. That ability could possibly end the power demons have over humans, in interested to shed if this is a direction the story will take.

Emma insists and argues with Norman, that exterminating all the demons is wrong. She’d rather investigate the Seven Walls more. Norman is against her shouldering all this burden and danger, yet he himself is leading so many people and their lives are in his hands. They’re both in such difficult positions.

So, are group hugs between Emma, Norman, and Ray a thing now? Because I’m all for it. They keep hugging when they split and go separate ways and it makes me emo.

I feel like Norman doesn’t deserve to keep carrying all the weight of so many heavy decisions. From being shipped out to becoming anything for the sake of saving his family, he’s carrying way too much. He’s only a kid. Same for Emma, girls been hauling ass to save her family since she was baby Emma in volume one.

Y’all when did Ray and Don get so tall?

I always love seeing Emma just trusting her instincts and doing what she feels is right. I love her character and her determination and natural optimism. She’s just so unafraid of being herself even if she’s the odd one out, the one showing compassion for a kind that dominantly wants to hurt her kind.

She and Ray decide to go beyond the Seven Walls and end up somewhere unexpected... Gracefield House.

When Ray saw Mama and all the kids who had been shipped out... I call that a YIKES with a side of OOF. And he just turned into his old lil’ self, oh this is gonna get hardcore psychological for Ray.

Also, where is Mama? Is sis okay? Is she alive? Could she have been like fired and sent off to live outside, and if so... could she be an ally? Imagine that. Mama becoming their ultimate trump card in this revolution. Huh.

That was a bit of a cliffhanger but ok, I just have to wait till October no biggie. Heh... heh- oh no.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Reija.
377 reviews79 followers
February 19, 2021
I loved the morality and ethics questions raised in this and the previous volume. I just wish the pacing would slow down a bit. The story is going at break neck speed, at the expense of the character work. I want to be able to know these people better, especially as the cast has gotten so large.
Profile Image for Elsay.
60 reviews16 followers
August 15, 2021
جلد جالبی بود. حرفایی که درباره جنگ و نفرت گفته شد واقعا خیلی عالی بود.
ای کاش هممون مثل اِما بودیم...

فقط امیدوارم نورمن آدم بدی نشه
Profile Image for Lia Strange.
539 reviews242 followers
June 14, 2021
si emma y norman no tienen un final feliz yo misma me voy hasta donde vivan los escritores e ilustradores de este manga y les quemo el rancho, es una advertencia
Profile Image for Abbi.
145 reviews
July 1, 2019
Amazing!!! I can't wait for the next volume!!
Profile Image for Lilah.
290 reviews248 followers
November 21, 2021
Norman looks like an adult, which is super weird since he's supposed to be the same age as Ray and Emma, who both look like teens. He's like incredibly hot though so I'm gonna let it slide. 😌
Profile Image for Marc D. Hayakawa ✨.
715 reviews80 followers
November 18, 2021
4.5/5 estrellas.

No sé si me gusta el rumbo que está tomando ésto, pero qué bellos son los demonios de la realeza y nobleza.

Por cierto, pudimos contra el bloqueo lector 🥳
Profile Image for Marianne.
564 reviews15 followers
October 20, 2021
Dreadfully VERY GOOD! Art is magnificent, frightening, and spooky just as the other volumes! 😱 What ripped me away in this volume are the monstrosity drawings of those demons 👿! Magnificently and eerily well-done! There could be no other art to fit "DEMONIC", or "MONSTROSITY" such as the ones shown in this volume 👹

What also rips my heart in this volume are characterizations, excellent storylines, and plot progression 📖. This volume is 95% fright, scare, and horror; and 5% laughter-&-light.

‼️MAJOR, MAJOR SPOILERS ALERT!‼️ Read at your own risks.

Norman FRIGHTENS me the MOST! He is a friend to no one! He is CYNICAL, INSANE, ANGRY, TERRIFYING, and MAD!!! He uses people for his own purposes. However, I am praising the creators for their genial storytelling, character writing, story arcs, and plot twists (especially the character writing)! Who would have thought that precious, sweet, soft, warm, and loveable 11-year old Norman could become twisted, evil, and sinister? 😱😭😖 It makes me infuriated!!!

Norman started out as a likeable character (which is why it is so difficult to dislike him), but midway of the series' story, he he is akin to Light Yagami from Death Note (who is as crazy and cynical as f**k!). He is neither a friend or foe--he is a two-faced, devil-may-care LIAR! He uses people for his own gains! What happened to you Norman? Why have you become like this? Is it because Emma was too far away? Is it because you solely carried your burdens on your own!?

Norman, you are the MOST HORRIFIC DEMON (DISGUISED AS A HUMAN) I have ever seen and heard of! Just your name SCARES the sh*t out of me EVEN IF you only exist in pen and paper (this is the power of words and comic books, eh?)

I hope Emma can save your soul before you go down the bottomless pit! 😖At this point, at this volume, you are NOT YET BEYOND HELP AND REDEMPTION! You are on your way to becoming the demon king of this dystopian society! But there is no more horrifying than you are!

I am very disappointed with Norman's choices. At first (around volume 14), he is very difficult to dislike because he is showing his "soft" and "likeable" persona. But once you get to REALLY KNOW him (through volume 15), he is a traitor to both human and demons! NORMAN, how could you be so insane? What made you so stiff, cold, and soulless?!!!!! 😫😩

Yakusoku no Neverland volume 15 is a turning point for the readers. In this volume, it was clearly revealed that Norman is the villanous devil of the final story arc. Poor Emma is heartbroken! 💔😖😭😫😩 In this volume, almost every conversation Norman and Emma has is far from romantic 😔😩💔. In fact, their confrontations result to disagreements: Emma is humiliated, discouraged on her ideals, and (somehow) threatened by Norman.

Ray, why aren't you even saying something to protect Emma (despite Emma loving/hugging Norman)? I hope you end up with Emma! I ship you two very much! You two look so adorable together! Good points for you Ray, though, because you are very supportive of Emma! 😊 I am hoping you two end up happy, but as it stands right now, that is far from the creators' expectations 😔😩. I guess the creators will still end up Emma with Norman, in one way or another (perhaps by saving his already-dark-soul)? Gosh! This manga is too much for me to handle! Ray is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, with you Emma! Can't you even acknowledge the fact that HE MAY LIKE YOU EVEN A LITTLE BIT? Are you irritated of becoming the third-party wheel whenever you are with Norman!? 😔 I ship Ray + Emma so much, but other readers might not be as supportive 😔
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for catherine ♡.
1,412 reviews165 followers
June 23, 2021
Definitely not my favorite volume so far. This isn't the first time I've thought this, but Emma doesn't make for the best main character — quite simply, her naivete is so extreme it gets on my nerves, and with the repetitiveness of her lines and book's constant attempts to market it as purity of heart, I find myself rolling my eyes and wanting to follow a character that's more morally grey, like Norman or Ray.

But I loved the psychelic craziness of the last chapter and that we got to see Grace Field House again, even if it's just in mind games.
Profile Image for Cress .
273 reviews
July 11, 2020
I really love stories where almost every choice is bad or the right thing seems too innocent and dreamy. like i agree with Norman but I also kind it away too much?
Profile Image for Kulwinder Singh.
577 reviews99 followers
October 24, 2020
"𝙊𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙞𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙚𝙨𝙣'𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙥 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙩 𝙠𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙨 𝙗𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜. 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙖 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙙."

Please bring back that kind Norman! Who is this look alike? 😭
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Vinícius Sgorla.
435 reviews19 followers
September 6, 2021
Agora quase na reta final do mangá, a história realmente parece estar tomando o rumo que sempre precisou. As "crianças" de Grace Field já cresceram (não só na idade, mas principalmente no quesito mental), inclusive já perdi a conta de quantos anos já passaram desde o início (acho que foram 3 anos). A maturidade dos personagens (principalmente a Emma) é o grande destaque desse volume. Apesar de ela se manifestar contra os vilões da série, ela sempre calou e consentiu com qualquer um que estivesse do seu lado, mesmo bancando a "líder". Aqui ela finalmente mostra que pode ter a própria voz e é BÁRBARO. A ganguezinha do personagem X (não digo qual pois spoiler) só me dá vibes ruins, e acho que muita merda pode rolar. O final do volume promete também pros próximos!
Profile Image for Tar Buendía.
1,283 reviews74 followers
December 7, 2022
Pone las cosas encima de la mesa y parece que planta el camino para seguir ya una ruta más o menos fija hasta el final. A partir de aquí asumo que ya tiene que ser menos enciclopédico de lo que se estaba volviendo (no es una queja, a mí me ha gustado mucho) y lanzarse a la acción.
Profile Image for wanji .
140 reviews35 followers
January 12, 2021
there's so much going on right now, the plot is definitely getting heavier so i know the last 5 volumes are going to be a lot to take in.
Profile Image for megan.
606 reviews99 followers
August 26, 2021
It is so interesting to see Emma's growth or idea of saving everyone expand to the demons as well. I'm interested to see how this all plays out especially with several people against her.
Profile Image for Midiam Daniela.
128 reviews9 followers
July 14, 2022
Me ha encantado la locura psicológica del último capítulo y que hayamos vuelto a ver a Grace Field House, aunque sea en los juegos mentales.
Profile Image for Kit.
158 reviews6 followers
October 8, 2022
Emma really annoyed me in this lol I understand her ideals but you can't just throw logic and common sense out the window..
Displaying 1 - 30 of 464 reviews

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