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Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems…

While attempting to locate the Seven Walls, Emma and Ray find themselves trapped in a mysterious world. Can they escape this labyrinth and make the promise that will finally bring about peace? Meanwhile, Norman has his own plans...

203 pages, Paperback

First published October 4, 2019

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Kaiu Shirai

96 books716 followers
Pseudonym of the Manga writer creator of Promised Neverland.

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Profile Image for Josu Diamond.
Author 9 books33.5k followers
December 12, 2020

Pedazo de volumen, por Dios. ¡Qué maravilla! Aviso de que esta reseña tendrá *spoilers* porque tengo varias cosillas que comentar. Let's go!

Por partes: ¿la fantasía de Los Siete Muros? Me encantan esos juegos de espacio-tiempo y diferentes dimensiones, además, tiene todo el sentido del mundo. Gracias a que por fin Emma reformula La Promesa (flfjsdfgkg muy heavy) podemos conocer cómo se formuló por primera vez, y qué historia tan apasionante. Me faltaba un poco más del contexto del pasado del universo de The Promised Neverland, y he quedado bastante satisfecho con esa parte.


El plan de Norman... ¡Estoy perdido! Vaya lío entre traiciones y planes con subplanes. Como en las primeras entregas, nada es lo que parece y todo está pensado para tener varias capas que se van descubriendo frente a tus ojos sin darte cuenta. En relación al plan de Norman tenemos la trama de Don y Gilda, los cuales adoro, siendo por fin un poquito más protagónicos.

Me ha gustado muchísimo esta entrega. El volumen 14 me pareció que tenía un balance perfecto, pero creo que este se lleva la palma. Suceden tantísimas cosas importantes, las tramas avanzan tanto de pronto... Todo el tema de los Sangre Maldita ME FASCINA MUCHÍSIMO, aparte de lo de Los Siete Muros, el plan y expedición de Emma y Ray, el background del mundo de los humanos y demonios, los tejemanejes del Tifari, la introducción de Aysha (mi nuevo personaje favorito, tiene la mejor historia de un secundario de todo el manga)...

En general, el ritmo es brutal, ya que no recuerdo una entrega con tanta cantidad de escenas diferentes que se van sucediendo paralelamente. El ritmo es frenético y se respira lo mismo al leerlo, con grandes mini-cliffhangers entre escenas o capítulos. ¡Y sobre todo el final! Puede que la tortilla vuelva a darse la vuelta...


En fin, este volumen ha tenido de todo y todo me ha gustado. Estamos en la recta final y no sé si estoy preparado para verlo terminar. ¿Estoy ready? No lo creo, mi ciela. Ahora toca esperar un mes hasta el siguiente, y en unos meses mi viaje en Neverland habrá terminado. #sad
Profile Image for Nicole.
814 reviews2,364 followers
September 30, 2020
Now that Norman is back, we're not getting a break (good thing) and the kids's adventure continues. I wouldn't even say I'm disliking the manga because of one character's behaviour *cough*Norman. I have a feeling it'll work out somehow without losing him (emotionally speaking). I also love Ray's devotion to Emma and how he's always supporting her.
Profile Image for Gabriel.
550 reviews970 followers
April 9, 2021
Emma intentando rehacer la promesa que para más inri tiene sus debidas consecuencias. Espero que no sea algo tan terrible.

Las piezas siguen moviéndose poco a poco en el tablero, aproximándose un conflicto de grandes proporciones.
Profile Image for Katie Colson.
731 reviews9,053 followers
March 7, 2023
Reading Vlog: https://youtu.be/GCFopiHFdg8

This Twilight Zone/Grace Field House is epic. You could easily read this 3 times back to back and find something new.

It's so creative and intricate. I loved it.

Also, ****** being a villain? Wow, I kinda support him though to be honest. At least he's smart enough to pull off the plan and not get everyone killed.
Profile Image for Eli.
283 reviews1 follower
June 22, 2020
5/5 stars. Honestly, I loved this volume so much. It took me a few days to get back into the mentality of this manga, but hot damn. I loved how psychological his volume got. We had the steady storylines between Emma and Ray trying to reach the 7 walls to change the promise, while Don and Gilda tried to find Musica to protect her from Norman’s people killing her. This was a solid volume and honestly worth the wait.

After waiting for months... the time is here. I missed my children so much.

Page one and I had a heart attack, I was so confused with “she’s not around anymore” I’m sorry... WUT?!

Norman saying: “A fellow fugitive knows better than anyone which hiding places are the best.” Is suddenly my new favorite thing.

Emma and Ray are trapped in a maze full of illusions and twists. Everything about wherever they are, doesn’t make sense.

Ummm, apparently I wasn’t exaggerating when I said this was going to get hardcore psychological. They weren’t kidding. Emma turned into a baby and then pulled an Avengers: Infinity War and disintegrated as a puzzle into the storm. My joy when lil’ Emma just popped out of nowhere and said: Ray I might have figured it out!

Just, may we briefly discuss how Ray was so quick to give up? If you’re wondering why, it’s because he lost Emma and couldn’t get back to Norman. Because he was left on his own. And while this was all a crazy illusion, he was barely able to move on because he thought he had lost his two closest friends. I’m telling you, Ray is like so emotionally connected to Emma and Norman.

“Who are you, young lady?”
“Get a grip grandpa!” Lmaoo

Emma figures out that the maze is connected to their minds, hence why all the rooms they’ve seen are places they’ve been to themselves.

Emma taking Ray’s hands and saying: Come on, Ray. Make time stop a little bit. Make it go back.

Lil’ Emma and Ray holding hands to solve this was peak soft.

I realized that I missed Yuugo as soon as he was mentioned.

Don’s operation friendship, protect this boi. Don saving Hayato, protect this boi. Don saying, “I think it’s best to avoid killing when we can” protect this boi.

We discover Ayshe was raised by a demon. When Norman and his group “saved” her they didn’t know that she hated them for killing her father. For thinking she was a prisoner when in reality she was just living a relatively normal life with a demon. She lied about not being able to speak, all to get her revenge.

I’m not saying I gain 3 years to my lifespan every time I see Emma and Ray hold hands, but that’s exactly what I’m saying. As soon as they touched the assumed black hole, Ray ended up in (what may be) where all the others kids are. The ones they left behind. Emma, on the other hand, is where it is both day and night. The reason why Ray wasn’t able to make it, is because he is too analytical. He doesn’t let the walls in his mind down. Essentially, since he doesn’t let his mind wander a bit, that doesn’t allow him to reach the day and night place. Damn, Emma saying she’s “come to regret the promise.” Sis.

Emma’s shock when the demon just agreed to change the promise, “He just said yes! This is not what I was expecting at all! I mean, I’m not complaining.”

Tell me that on the damn cover of chapter 141 those aren’t Emma, Norman, and Ray’s ancestors, I mean- come on. The type of hair on that one guy, bam- Emma. The white hair and eyebrows on that lady and gentleman, bam- Norman. The emo hair and facial expression, bam- Ray. The owl... bam- double Norman.

One of the friends from the group, Julius (1,000 years ago) betrayed his friends and made a deal with the demons. He was exhausted of fighting this war. The lady who looks like Norman’s ancestor was right, the offering would’ve been beneficial to them in the moment, but not to all the descendants who would be trapped by the demons. They were going to suffer, it was all going to be a cycle.
Also, ummm, Julius is literally a copy of Norman.
White ass hair? Check
Willing to make sacrifices? Check
Will do anything to protect his family? Check
Anguished by his decisions? Check
Shouldering burdens alone? Check
Dealing with these burdens for years? Check
Doesn’t allow himself to rest? Check
Turns a lil evil? Hmmm- debatable, but check

Anyways! Umm, so are we not gonna talk about the fact that Julius just forces Emma looking ancestor, Ray looking ancestor, and the other Norman looking ancestor to be the first sacrifices? Cuz that just about confirms that they are Emma, Ray, and Norman’s ancestors. What Norman looking ancestor didn’t know, was that his descendants were forced to guard the two worlds from ever intermingling as part of the deal. And tell me what Norman is doing now? He’s trying to get rid of all demons to free humans. He’s stopping the worlds from becoming one.

“Therefore, your family will stand as human representatives and take over this duty. Forever.”

The demon granted the wish just like that. The demon granted the wish just like that- I-

What does the demon want!? Why did Emma make that face? Why did Emma say: Oh.

I’m scared. What is happening? What will happen?

Damn Musica was ready for that attack.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for M..
81 reviews
August 1, 2019
Madness! Finally at the place where the day meets the night... will Emma sacrifice herself?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jane.
340 reviews50 followers
March 15, 2021
Chapter 134. Lost Boy
OMG. Ray become old! What is happening? This is a flashback of what happened back then before Ray and Emma got separated.

Chapter 135. The Search
Wow. I have no idea what Norman plans, but using Gilda and Don as bait for Mujika and Sonju? Like wow. Norman is certainly being cautious for his plan. My gosh. I don't even know which side I prefer.

Chapter 136. Maze
Wow that maze is indeed confusing. The end part is almost heartbreaking but Emma came back and she figured it! Omg! I'm looking forward to it.

Chapter 137. Conversion
WOW! OMG! Emma is really amazing. She is able to figure out the secret of those mazes! She always thinks the impossible! She is amazing. Also Norman change indeed. He is really going with his plan.

Chapter 138. Demon Search, Part 1
Don and Gilda are really trying their best to not let Sonju and Mujika be found. But that wildling girl is sneeky!! OMG! What is gonna happen. OMGGGGGG. I'm scared for them.

Chapter 139. Demon Search, Part 2
AAwwwwww. This is great. Ayshe is in Don and Gilda's side. She is not an enemy and is indeed raised by a good demon. That is great. I see clearly that demons are not all bad. The bad news is the other guy. He is in Norman's side and Norman even ordered lots of "Adam" like kids to kill Sonju and Mujika! OMG!!!

Chapter 140. I'm Here!
OMG!!! Emma and Ray are indeed amazing!!!! AND EMMA FINALLY MEET THAT DEMON WITH A NAME I CAN'T EVEN READ. lol. OMG. But thank goodness Ray is safe and is back at base.

Chapter 141. The Promise from 1000 Years ago, Part 1
LOL That demon is surprisingly calm and approachable. LOL. It is cute. Also a flashback!! Finally there's a flashback on what happened in the past before the promise.

Chapter 142. The Promise from 1000 Years ago, Part 2
Wow that human from 1,000 years ago is dispecable! How can he sacrifice his friends just for peace? I mean yeah it is for everyone but to sacrifice your friends?! OMG. Unforgivable. His payment is lonely and severe one. Also, Emma finally made the promise! I am excited to see what the demon ask as a reward. But also scared in case he ask for something horrible!!!

Chapter 143. Eliminate
What the heck. That Hayato person! My gosh he is very loyal to Norman. I didn't expect Norman to act that way also. That is sad. Don, Gilda and Ayshe didn't realize what Hayato is planning. It is indeed discreet just like Norman. Still it's f*cked up!
Profile Image for Dani ❤️ Perspective of a Writer.
1,512 reviews5 followers
August 13, 2020
A Peter Pan retelling like you've NEVER seen before!! Emma, Norman and Ray are the brightest kids at the Grace Field House orphanage. And under the care of the woman they refer to as “Mom,” all the kids have enjoyed a comfortable life. Good food, clean clothes and the perfect environment to learn—what more could an orphan ask for? One day, though, Emma and Norman uncover the dark truth of the outside world they are forbidden from seeing.

Ray and Emma are on the clock as they hurry to figure out the mystery of the seven walls before Norman puts his eradication plan into place. And what a wild, intense, mystery popping ride!! There are reveals, teamwork, secrets and betrayal all crammed in this thrilling volume. We’ve been working up to this amalgamation of events and they payoff big time.

I loved how Ray and Emma really play off one another as they work through the maze and puzzle of the Seven Walls. It’s surreal and epic and mind twisting and a lot of smart fun. The teamwork though is a great lesson for kids reading this and writers take notice! We need more teamwork like this.

There was also more history and background of the world imparted. Getting that fleshing out of events is something that adult readers will really appreciate. For a manga this story is incredibly dense and impactful. I can’t wait to see where The Promised Neverland goes next! The next volume is sure to bring us more mysteries, betrayal and thrilling smarts.
Profile Image for Olly.
303 reviews33 followers
July 26, 2020
mah questa piega un po' troppo fantascientifica per quanto riguarda il nuovo accordo non mi fa impazzire, ma vediamo cosa tireranno fuori...
Profile Image for Kulwinder Singh.
577 reviews99 followers
October 24, 2020
"𝘼 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙."

Mujika and Sonju are back! Rejoice! Hoping for some cool action in the next volume.🔥
Profile Image for Ana | The Phoenix Flight.
240 reviews171 followers
September 30, 2020
Bem, estamos aqui a entrar por caminhos que eu não estava à espera XD
Adorei este, conhecer mais dos primórdios da história e perceber como raio tudo isto começou.
Profile Image for Svetlana.
399 reviews10 followers
September 5, 2022
OMG! Another great volume. The story continues and we close to the end with each volume down, it’s so much tension!
Norman personality shifted to the unexpected direction. Or it’s expected after all his suffering?! Can we really feel someone else pain?
Scenes with the maze were veeery confusing.
Ray - so great characters development. In this volume Ray is on the top . The best friend and the best support to Emma. So, when that “space-time” mysterious demon is asked Emma for reward in return, I really hope it will not be Ray or Norman. Like the previous promise with the price to sacrifice the friends…
There are so many dilemmas the author created in the last couple volumes, so I’m really looking forward how they will be unravelled.
Profile Image for Marianne.
564 reviews15 followers
October 20, 2021




On a healthier note, I love Demizu's drawings whenever her characters menacingly smile. You know that there is something bad that is going to happen! You know the evil hints just from the smile itself! And these expression that she creates in her drawings are spectacular! Bravo Demizu and Shirai! Spectacular art and story! 😍🥰😆☺️

RAYEMMA shippers! Oh my gosh! I just ADORE these two when they hold hands together (whether they are children or teenagers). And Emma holding Ray's hand 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍 is SUPER CUTE! IT'S LIKE YOU'RE GIVING RAY A VALUABLE HOPE! Chibi Emma holding Ray's hands says it all! Emma, you are the beacon of hope for this dystopian society! 🙏🏼😖 I pray for you as well as your happiness...

I WISH THE CREATORS WILL MAKE RAYEMMA CANNON (a futile dream I supposed given the plot of the story at this point). But it is alright, whether you end up with Norman or Ray, I hope you will fulfill your ideals Emma! We love you! ☺️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rereader.
1,392 reviews152 followers
August 20, 2020
Another great volume! I really do love that the creators make sure to show as many sides to this demons vs. humans conflict, this time through Ashye's perspective. I know it can seem forced, but it really is important (at least to me) to include as many different perspectives when dealing with a story like this. After all, the humans have been farmed and hunted for sport so that demons can survive and one group is considering genocide against demons, and you have some demons that have profited immensely off of human suffering, others that are just trying to survive, and others that for one reason or another don't want to harm humans. Making one side cartoonishly evil and the other side abrasively righteous is the easiest way to make me nope out of a series because it's simply not realistic.

I also enjoyed finally seeing what the first promise was and what each party had to offer in exchange. While I was against Ratri's proposal (seriously, you'd have to be some kind of twisted to agree with it) I did understand why he would act the way that he did. Not everyone have the emotional strength to keep fighting a possibly endless war, and desperation can drive people to act in ways that are against their character. Again, not saying that he's right, but it definitely makes sense in the context of the story.

That's all that I want to say for now. A shame I have to wait until October for volume 17, but it's well worth the wait.
Profile Image for Paz.
191 reviews17 followers
September 21, 2021
Me duele decir que el arco de los 7 muros no fue mi favorito, la verdad. Onda, igual son 5 estrellitas, pero me decepcionó un poco en su momento. Especialmente porque pensaba que Ray iba a tomar más relevancia y... sí y no.
Pero más allá de eso, super interesante.
Profile Image for Alicia Day.
843 reviews20 followers
September 6, 2020
I'm honestly just reading because anime takes forever to come out and I love these characters so much but honestly i skipped all the back story because i know the basics so I dont really care about anything else. I still enjoyed this but I just dont think manga is the best format for me.
Profile Image for ♛.
211 reviews39 followers
December 16, 2019
best thing i’ve ever read. hands. fucking. down. pure genius
Profile Image for Vinícius Sgorla.
435 reviews19 followers
September 6, 2021

Adorei esse volume! Apesar de finalmente termos chegado à busca final, acompanhando a Emma e o Ray nessa loucura de trajeto, esse não foi o ponto forte desse volume. Inclusive achei as descobertas e resoluções de algo que parecia tão difícil bem... simples. Destaque para a cena do deserto onde tudo parecia estar perdido, até que a Emma DO NADA chega com a resolução completa do que eles tinham que fazer, sem mais nem menos. Desceu um pouco amargo. (Mas por fim, com a missão finalmente concluída - assim acho? - o mistério deixado pelo que eles devem ofertar em troca pelo pedido... tenso! Mas tenho minhas teorias).

O ABSOLUTO destaque desse volume vai para o arco do Don, Gilda e a nova dona da porra toda, Ayshe. Que reviravolta boa, meu deus!!! Primeiro de tudo, finalmente um momento para deixar o Don e a Gilda brilharem um pouco mais na trama, com uma aventura só pra eles, que apesar de sempre tentarem dar um destaque, eram normalmente ofuscados pelas aventuras do grupo principal. Ayshe tem uma história foda, e quando tudo foi revelado, fez sentido demais pra história e deu todo um novo gás. A resolução do volume promete MUITO dedo no cy, gritaria e pancadaria pro próximo.
Profile Image for B. P. Rinehart.
752 reviews283 followers
August 10, 2020
The Japanese-run of The Promised Neverland has come to an end and the final volume of the Japanese manga will be published around October. Since I'm reading the English language translation, I still have to wait until next year to see this story through. I know it is very foreign to people who read Western comic books that a title can have a proper ending to it and not a rushed-cancellation.

This volume sees at least three or four storylines going at the same time and each beginning to converge though it does not look like any ending will be smooth. In typical shonen style, our heroes just want peace, but this universe of Kaiu Shirai is not going to let that happen with any ease. Even when they are winning you still feel like these kids is screwed. I can't wait for the next volume. This title is going to be in my top reads of 2020 for sure.

It's crazy to think as long as I have been watching anime this and Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba are my favorite Weekly Shōnen Jump titles I've ever watched/read.
Profile Image for Harv.
604 reviews73 followers
February 17, 2022
4.5 stars

‘Who’s getting rid of whom?’ 😱
Profile Image for Radwa.
Author 1 book2,236 followers
July 4, 2024
-the whole seven walls side of events is crazy
-N is even more mysterious than before
-emma's idealism is going to crash and soon with harsh reality
-seeing the duality of demons society to finally justify emma's ideas
-i'm starting to get confused by all the lords and royals and demons' politics
-going back to see that 100 years old promise, and it's eerily similar to a real-life promiise that caused a disaster in the middle east. i wonder if that was intentional?
Profile Image for Lena.
301 reviews
January 21, 2020
Dato che lo sto leggendo tramite le scan online, non ricordo bene quali capitoli corrispondono al sedicesimo volume. Continuerò a recuperare i volumetti in italiano, per poi rileggerli di seguito, così da rinfrescarmi la memoria ed aggiustare il rate, se necessario. Complessivamente la serie secondo me è da 5 stelle. Siamo quasi alla resa dei conti, un sacco di segreti stanno venendo a galla.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 440 reviews

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