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David Wolf #9


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Chief Detective Wolf and Special Agent Kristen Luke are back — and they’re going up against a sadistic killer whose signature works span the Four Corners region of Colorado and are now spilling into Rocky Points. Signature is the latest pulse-thumping thriller in Jeff Carson’s popular David Wolf mystery-thriller series.

Wolf is called to a crime scene next to the Chautauqua River, where a woman resident of Rocky Points has been murdered. The killer has left a well-known signature not seen for years--a severed ear.

For Wolf, the gruesome display is a surprise, but so is the FBI beating the local department to the scene.

Three days earlier a truck is unearthed from south of Durango, Colorado. Within it is DNA evidence linking to killings in southwest Colorado that have stumped the FBI for years. The evidence, and now a new body, has led them north, where it seems the monster known by all as The Van Gogh Killer has chosen Rocky Points as his new venue to display his horrific works.

While the town reels with panic, Wolf learns the latest victim was dating an SBCSD deputy whose past directly links to the killings in the Four Corners area. Worse, the news the case involves one of their own means the higher-ups want to outsource the investigation to the feds. It's a matter of due process and objectivity.

With his community in danger there's no swaying Wolf, however, and special agent Kristen Luke sees the value in using his skills, convincing her superiors to add Wolf to the killer task force. Now part of the team, Wolf learns there are more secrets the FBI isn't telling everyone, and the unanswered questions are more than anyone can deal with.

In this nail-biting ninth book of the David Wolf Mystery-Thriller series, Wolf and Luke are pushed to their furthest limits yet to find the answers. But the killer isn't waiting around for them to figure it out. He has more work to do. More payments that require his signature.

8 pages, Audible Audio

First published August 5, 2016

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About the author

Jeff Carson

54 books613 followers
Jeff Carson is from the Front Range of Colorado where he lives with his wife and two sons. His David Wolf series of books takes place in the fictional ski town of Rocky Points, Colorado.

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 262 reviews
Profile Image for Michael Slavin.
Author 8 books267 followers
June 8, 2019
This is the 9th book in the series. It does not disappoint.

As I said before, it feels like visiting old friends.

This is another very good book of Jeff Carson main character "David Wolf". It was hard to figure out the ending, lots of twists and turns. Wolf is after a killer who likes to take an ear from his victims, so he gets the name, the Van Gogh killer. It is an exciting chase.

Never a dull moment, this one is as good as the rest.

Have a great day and if you haven’t tried it yet, start with book one, Foreign Deceit, and take them in order.

Profile Image for William.
676 reviews379 followers
October 12, 2017
2 stars only: A train-wreck of a book.

I have very mixed feelings about this book. It starts off right away with far too many characters, far too poorly differentiated. This recurs in many places throughout the book.

Although some parts of the book were very good, most parts were overloaded with confusing scenes with too many characters. Some parts were cartoon stupid. Some parts were just long and dull. The "romance" was ham-fisted and downright obnoxious.

The FBI agents were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, most of the book. Very insulting to the FBI.

What a mess. Almost every paragraph is filled with useless verbiage and plot interruptions. Phones interrupting. People interrupting. Cars driving through. Characters flapping their gums. This is a 100 page story packed to the gills with crud.

Ratchett was presented in the first 3/4 of the book as a wishy-washy idiot, and then suddenly as a superman.

The ending was 50 pages too long, with page after page of explanations of what happened in the previous 95% of the book. Ugh.

Honestly, if this is the "best of David Wolf" you are better off looking somewhere else.

The word "maroon" appears 10 times in this book, channeling Robert B Parker, perhaps?
Profile Image for Tulay.
1,202 reviews2 followers
August 16, 2016
Another excellent book.

If this is your first book in this series go ahead read it, but if you start reading other eight books you'll know David Wolf better. You'll cry and laugh with him, because he always does what needs to be done. When I look back author was dropping couple clues about the killer, but I completely missed it. There is tastefully done some sex, to show us Wolf is strong man with normal needs.
1,115 reviews21 followers
July 25, 2017
This was jammed packed with lots of spine tingling action and suspense. Detective David Wolf and FBI agent Kristen Luke have their hands full when the Van Gogh killer reemerges after several years. His signature is the ear he severs from each of his victims, hence his name.

You can pretty much read the blurb to get a feel as to what it's about. I'll just add that a couple of scenes had me sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for the killer to jump out at Wolf or one of his colleagues. Also, the killer's identity isn't revealed until towards the last and came as a total shock to me. In addition to a good plot, there were the characters themselves who helped drive the story. Really liked Wolf and Luke. They didn't always agree and sometimes one would leave the other one out of the loop, which led to some tension between them. However, both were top notch investigators and weren't in it for any fame or notoriety that went along with catching a serial killer. They had one goal only and that was to get the job done and put another dangerous criminal behind bars.

In addition to Wolf and Luke, another detective, Tom Rachette, plays a major part in tracking the killer. I liked his character as well. I would hope he'd be prominently featured in any future work of the author's.

I gave this one five stars for the plot, the intensity of the suspense, and the characters involved. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is a fan of serial killer who-dunnits.
Profile Image for Trish R..
1,772 reviews54 followers
May 19, 2019

I love books about serial killers, especially when it turns out to be a team of them and when one gets killed you are absolutely amazed at who the second part of the team was. They raped and killed a lot of women and David Wolf had a lot of help from the FBI in trying to find the second killer.

It was a very good read, with a passionate kiss as the only romance. The F-bomb was used 5 times.

As for the narration: The narrator, Sean Patrick Hopkins, has problems now and then with the women’s voices but mostly he reads without emotions. BUT I like David Wolf books so I continue to listen to him.
Profile Image for Barb.
810 reviews51 followers
February 7, 2022
I enjoyed the storyline in this book. The search for the killer was interesting and kept me guessing. I’m not crazy about Wolf’s current girlfriend. She just seems like a flat character.
Profile Image for Twobchelm.
834 reviews16 followers
September 9, 2021
Dealing with a serial killer that reappears after two years has the town paralyzed. Lots of twists and turns until it becomes clear as to who the killer is…. Surprising !
Profile Image for Satrajit Sanyal.
514 reviews3 followers
January 16, 2018
Another great book by Jeff Carson! I've read them all, and this book was no disappointment. It kept my interest and had the humor and crime solving we have come to expect. My wife is now reading the series and loves them as well! You don't want to put the book down and hate to see them end. I've started many book series that I give up after 3-4 books - but not this series!
Profile Image for Dr. Simone J. Simone.
173 reviews5 followers
August 11, 2017
Clever Story

I liked the way the story unfolded. I didn't like the mash of characters. All were brought into the picture early but without fleshing them out enough for me to get to know or even keep separate from the others. That might be just my personal problem. Enjoy!
233 reviews3 followers
August 3, 2017
Good Read!

This was a book that kept you in suspense for the entire book.The story flowed smoothly. I was led to believe that the man guilty of all the murders was a certain character, but, in reality, it was someone else. I believe this was the fourth book in the series. I want go back and read the first three books

569 reviews3 followers
August 3, 2017
Ok book

This was a complicated case of serial murders that Wolf was helping the FB I on. It was a little hard to keep up with. I didn't think this book was quite as good as earlier ones. The dialogue was confusing at times, figuring out who said what.
Profile Image for David Freas.
Author 2 books30 followers
August 14, 2016
I have yet to read a bad Jeff Carson book. This series is one of the best I’ve come across in a long time.

It works because I care about the characters – all of them. – and Carson tells one hell of a story, with a nice balance of their professional and private lives.
I never suspected the bad guy, but when Carson revealed him, I wasn't surprised because, looking back, I could see all the clues he'd planted.

I spotted a couple errors in this book:
1/ There is no such thing as ‘pharmacy-grade heroine (it’s heroin, by the way, unless you’re talking about a pharmacy-grade female hero). Heroin is a Class 1 narcotic – a drug with no valid medical use and an extremely high potential for addiction. So it is not manufactured for, distributed to, or stocked in pharmacies.
2/ There is no such thing as a Chevy Econoline van. Chevy uses the name Express for its vans. Econoline vans are Fords.

There were a few places where I wasn’t sure who was in the scene. It was most obvious in the opening of Chapter 41. I finally caught on, but it took several read-throughs before it became clear.

I noticed more grammar, punctuation, and word errors in this book than in all the earlier ones in this series.

I hope this isn’t the last of the series. I’d like to read more about Dave and his fellow officers.
133 reviews1 follower
July 25, 2017
Mystery and love and serial killers.

Wolf is on the trail of a serial killer. He is also searching for love. Will he find either? This book was a little confusing for me. There were so many characters that were identified by name and joined the story one after the other making it hard to keep them straight. One of the female characters had a lady name of Luke further confusing the situation.
Profile Image for Tamara.
15 reviews
March 15, 2017

Wolf had me thinking throughout this case. I could not figure it out until the end. The author always place hints throughout the novel and you have to follow and link the story hints together in order to solve the case. Several parts of the novel had my heart racing as I found myself literally in the story line. As always the author is very detailed making the words form distinct images in your mind. This is a good novel to read. If you love mystery.....you will not be disappointed.
1 review1 follower
July 10, 2021
Great reads.

Exciting series. Well developed plots. Characters are believable.
Hard to put the books aside. I am anticipating reading the next book in the series. Will be sorry to see the last of these characters when the series ends. But, am looking forward to reading more of Jeff Carson's stories.

Profile Image for Eric Wadsworth.
114 reviews
September 26, 2022
This book was a bit different for me, to be honest. I felt there was a different style of writing in some of the chapters that I hadn't felt in the other books. Not sure if it was struggling to keep suspense on the plot; or if it was just adding too much explanation to surroundings; but some of the paragraphs and chapters just felt a bit "long". However, with that, the plot and series of David Wolf is still strong.

The case at hand here involves two serial killers and a potential rogue agent. Not knowing what and who started the "signature" killings; David and his team have to link up with the FBI to uncover the true beginnings of when Fred Wilcox and another unknown started their hunt. With some killings involving missing toes; ears; or sexual encounters; the detectives have to piece together all abductions to find the truth. Unfortunately; they have to apprehend a colleague, whom they believed was linked to the initial killings. Due to his sisters' kidnapping, they thought he had a hand in the act being the second killer.

The body in Rocky Points turns up down by the river the day the big annual games begin in the area forcing the town to be on the lookout for a killer and to be afraid of who is around them. Agents look everywhere for clues and as they get closer and closer to finding the second killer; two detectives are captured. Leading to a big manhunt through caves, tunnels, close-call pitfalls in the caves... they finally get to the second killer and figure out how he is connected to the team and to the apprehended colleague. Unfortunately, Rachette leads his own personal mission after one of the abducted deceives was his ex-fiancé; and leads him into a precarious encounter....

Great Read.
27 reviews8 followers
February 25, 2021
First, I'd like to state that this is the first of the books that I've read. It's possible that I'd have felt differently about it, if I had read the others before reading the ninth in the series. But I barely forced myself to finish this one. I doubt that I'll be reading more.

The biggest thing that troubles me in this book, is that there are so many characters. First we meet Lauren and Wolf, who in general are just called by their last name, Lauren's young daughter Ella, and Wolf's dog, Jet. A phone call comes in, from Wolf's boss, Sheriff MacLean, regarding a dead body.

Wolf sets out for the crime scene, where he meets up with Deputy Yates, Sheriff MacLean, and Special Agents Kristen Luke and Hannigan from the FBI. DA Sawyer White arrives at the scene as well, as is Detective Tom Rachette. They meet up with Dr. Lorber, the medical examiner, and Gene, his assistant. There are pages filled with background noise in which we learn of characters from a previous book, one being newswoman Lucretia Smith. The dead body is 26 year old Sally Claypool, and she's missing an ear, which points to the possibility of her being the newest in a series of murders.

We now are ten minutes into the book and have met 11 plus people. It does not get better. Special Agent Kristen Luke becomes shortened to Luke, Dr. Lorber is shortened to Lorber, names just keep flying in, and we're only 3 chapters in.

I seldom read a book without completing it, and I did continue reading 3/4 of it. But I couldn't complete it. Too much clutter. Too little joy.
Profile Image for (Grace) Kentucky Bohemian.
1,869 reviews1 follower
January 28, 2023
Buckle Up.
Do you remember the original movie "Speed" with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves? I was reminded of that blockbuster movie while listening to this installment of the David Wolf series. There wasn't a speeding bus or a mad bomber, though. It was the way the author wrote the storyline to have the readers thinking this mystery was just about wrapped up, then would yank the rug out from under the characters and send them off in another direction. It was great fun and kept me going throughout the entire convoluted story.

I've grown to love the David Wolf character for his strength, loyalty, bravery, and honor. But I pity the man's luck with women. I'm ready to see him happy and settling in a bit, but I'm not sure that agrees with the author's plans. That's why he writes, and I read. This novel featured the return of FBI Special Agent Luke, still turning every male head around her, including Wolf's. It also brought in some new characters that added to the excitement and drama. The antagonist in this case is truly a nasty piece of work, and sensitive readers may want to consider that before jumping in.

If you're new to this series, you can truly dive in anywhere, although I will stress that if you're like me and want to know the back stories of the characters and how they relate to each other, then you'll want to go back to the beginning. Either way, David Wolf is a solid read, every time.
162 reviews2 followers
October 29, 2019
...AND ONCE AGAIN, Author Jeff Carson nails it in Book #9 in his Mystery Thriller Series!! Every single thing a book needs to be a fabulous read is in Signature, and THEN SOME. Who knew “ears” could..OOPS...NO SPOILERS. All the wonderfully written characters are so terrifically life like, but none more so than David Wolf. I keep giving away pieces of my heart to David Wolf, book by book, as Author Jeff Carson wills it so, with his unique style of writing, and his ability to make the reader FEEL David Wolf. I SO encourage everyone to read this series, or any book Author Jeff Carson writes, and experience what he gifts the reader with, which is nothing less than the best reading experience EVER. I cannot say enough about how Author Jeff Carson can capture not just his characters and plot, but capture the readers mind as well. I do not yield my belief system, and let my mind be led easily, and yet when I read Author Jeff Carson’s books, it becomes not my choice, and some how Mr. Carson becomes master over my mind with his adept writing a story, and I find myself WILLINLY safe in his writing hands. HIGHLY recommend Signature for a wonderful read!!! ENJOY the characters, the story, and this writers very unique style of writing!! ENJOY!!
Profile Image for Tracy Winchell.
14 reviews11 followers
March 4, 2018

So disappointed in this book. I almost quit during the first chapter. Gratuitous sex scenes have been more prominent with each passing book and this one was just too much.

Additionally, the thoughts of male law enforcement characters toward their female colleagues - in my opinion - flies in the face of the efforts of #metoo stories.

In 2018, to condone any thoughts that objectify women is irresponsible.

Even so, I kept reading this book because the plot lines have been compelling, and there's usually at least one scene in the book that is fun and funny, even as it is suspenseful.

That one great scene never came in Book #9.

It's as if the plotline existed as a means for carrying violence and gratuitous sex.

The dialogue between Wolf and Agent Luke at the end of the book? That's what was comical. In a sad way. I can't imagine how difficult it was to write dialogue that pulled together all the incongruent threads of the nefariousness of the bad guys.

Such a disappointing book.

My guess is Mr. Carson may need a vacation. Cranking out this many books in such a short period of time appears to be taking its toll.

I'm not sure if I'll complete this series, or not.
Profile Image for Colleen.
45 reviews1 follower
April 27, 2021
I enjoy this series and will read more of it when I need something I can escape into without much thought. Carson is a fair writer, but I have noticed with the last two books that his plots are getting more and more outlandish. I enjoy a little more realistic situations in crime fiction especially.
In Signature, the whole cop ordeal, from the Sheriff's department to the FBI, was like an ongoing Keystone Kop episode. What a bunch of incompetents! Like shouting and shooting guns in old mine shafts? Duh!
And the whole mind set of the serial killer team was so far from reality! That part just wasn't plausible psychologically.
I do think Carson did a great job developing the female characters Patterson and Luke. But I must admit, I didn't mind a bit to see Sarah go. And I'm afraid Lauren comes across as just as much of a shallow twit as Sarah did. Luke's character fits Wolf's oh so much better. Poor pathetic Ratchett probably wouldn't have even made it through cop school, let alone passed probation. A true Barney Fife!
I like Wolf as a character a lot, and the setting is wonderful. The series is good entertainment if you aren't too exacting.
Profile Image for Hazel Bright.
1,156 reviews31 followers
February 17, 2019
I give up on this series. Too much glaring and baring of teeth from the very beginning. I wonder if there is a single paragraph in any book in this series without some variation of the word "glare" in it. Also, no matter who we're talking about, and even in situations of relatively minor stress, he or she bares his or her teeth. Really? I can't think of that many times in my life that I've seen someone other than a dog bare his or her teeth. Also, I got tired of landing with a plop in the middle of some future period where everything is fine and then getting the back story via a lot of blabbing. In this one, some minor character ends up being the doer. No one even suspected him until BOOM the great and taciturn Wolf figures it all out. I guess. It was hard to tell because we kept teleporting through the story then looking back. There were some good things about it or I wouldn't have read up through book 9. Some joke about a house smelling like boiled ass is the only thing I remember liking now.
Profile Image for Scott aka Curmudgeon .
526 reviews10 followers
September 7, 2020
Not the best

I’m thinking it was just a lucky guess but I had it figured out way early. I’d say how early but then that give some others a clue. Maybe having it figured it out so early made this one less then good.

I was disappointed with the early on bedroom sconce, it I’m a curmudgeon, prude, whatever. Plus FBI agent Luke is I this one. Something about her is a turnoff. Rachette’s character is becoming an embarrassment for a cop. The

The last 10 or so chapters are not needed. I’m wondering if it was just added on to make a the story sound confusing with unexpected twist.

Then the Lauren bi goes, well I won’t say but. I think I’ve read similar bits in other books, it is a yawwwnnn.

Did’t enjoy it nearly as much as previous stories, but I hope the next one is better.
Profile Image for Jackson Gates.
63 reviews
August 26, 2022
Although I liked the twist, this might have been my least favorite book in this series (still above average).

It dragged a lot at times, seemed all over the place, and the character development wasn’t well-executed to me. I also felt Wolf kind of took a back seat in this one? Simply too many characters as I prefer when it’s strictly his department. I will say Patterson has had the best development of any character as we see her actively struggle with work-life balance which happened in previous books. Rachette is fairly one-dimensional and seems to end up in the middle of each climax. I would also like to see more of Wolf’s background touched on & his personal life outside of love.

A few more criticisms than usual for this one, but all in all this is a very solid series. Those last couple points have been fairly consistent through the series but haven’t really dampened my enjoyment.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
2,078 reviews7 followers
July 6, 2019
3.5 stars (rating may vary depending on whether site allows half star postings)

I've read other David Wolf books and I would rate this one as better than the others that I read in this series.

Warning: Spoilers Possible Ahead:


What I liked: David doesn't assume that he and Lauren are through or "on a break" and take up with Kristen; the few times there are cooperation between the agencies as well as admiration of the skills of others.

What I didn't like: the FBI seems to have put its needs ahead of alerting local law enforcement that a serial killer might be targeting someone in their area, resulting in additional deaths; David seems to have a relationship with Lauren which is somewhat interrupted by circumstances and the presence of Kristen;
Profile Image for Dick Aichinger.
517 reviews3 followers
August 11, 2018
Chief Detective David Wolf is called into a new case with unusual circumstances for their county. Even before he can reach the scene the FBI is present in force, including Special Agent Luke. It quickly becomes apparent that they are dealing with a serial killer the FBI has been actively hunting for the past 2 years with Luke on the special task force.

The case has them chasing over the county and more in Colorado to break the case before more women are killed in the particular ritualistic manner of the killer.

Another fast paced action story with enough misdirection and interagency dealings to keep you interested.
Profile Image for Aimee.
318 reviews7 followers
November 10, 2019
Scary Roller Coaster Ride

Signature was a scary investigation into a serial murderer that is killing young women and leaving posed bodies for the public to find. The FBI takes over the investigation but it doesn't seem to make any progress in the investigation. The search keeps taking them in the wrong direction, leading them to the wrong people. At the end you can't help but slap your forehead. It is a "DUH!" moment that makes you mentally back track through each chapter, seeing every clue you missed.

Great addition to the David Wolf series. I look forward to the next installment.
89 reviews
July 16, 2020
Another of Jeff Carson's books that grabs the reader in the beginning and doesn't let go until the end. Once I began reading it was VERY difficult to put down. The only thing that bothers me about his characters is how many times can they get shot, stabbed, break bones, have massive internal injuries, etc and still have enough energy to apprehend the criminal before ending up in the hospital, go home for a small recuperation then go back to work and they're pretty much good as new? For me it doesn't matter that much because at least they do come back and I can read about more of their escapades.
Displaying 1 - 29 of 262 reviews

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