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What We Become

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Like many, Mackenzie Garret complains about the weather. It is the hottest summer anyone can remember. The high temperatures are out of control with no end in sight. Until it all changes.

Overnight, blue skies become gray, and the hot, humid weather turns to rain, then snow, then ice as the temperature plummets.

The entire northern half of the country is thrown into chaos as blow by blow, storm after storm, nature rips into the world, tearing it apart. Towns and cities are evacuated, and Mac and her family are forced to leave their world behind and face a treacherous journey south to safety.

Will they make it, or will they be left behind in this new, frozen world?

241 pages, Kindle Edition

Published May 1, 2020

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Jacqueline Druga

231 books533 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews
41 reviews2 followers
June 28, 2020
Enjoyable quick read

The bad, typos. She confused words such as parish for perish, left words out all together and some sentences made no sense, whatsoever. It shocks me. Druga has several books under her belt, I would think she could afford a proofreader. That being said don’t let that stop you from giving this book a gander. I love natural disaster books. Even though there is only so many natural disasters you can write about, I find every author can bring something different to the table. This is a fairly short read, and I read it in one day, even with 3 month old twins. Give it a whirl, you’ll like it.
561 reviews2 followers
May 27, 2020

I have loved Jacqueline Druga's books for a number of years. This book was well written and we'll edited. This woman tells a great story!
July 15, 2020

Why I am writing this review is because every single novel that I've read JaCqueline Druga, has been phenomenal. I have probably read at least twenty novels of hers, and what we become has truly been an eye opener for me. Especially with how crazy the world is today. After reading this novel, I truly realize how much worse my life could be and how lucky I am to have all of my children healthy and happy, my husband and my mother in law and sister in law living with us and that we have a very difficult but lovely life. Thank you very merry children Jacqueline Drugs for giving me an escape when I need one with your novels and a good cry because your characters are both strong and realistic at the same time.

Profile Image for Pam Shelton-Anderson.
1,806 reviews59 followers
July 9, 2020
This disaster made me think of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" but is a nice change from EMPs, war etc. The main character is not very prepared or all that capable (e.g. pretty normal) and we see the gradual realization that life is not getting back to normal anytime soon. While it was a short book and generally entertaining, it did not wow me as some of her other books had. This book also had a great many editing issues which seem to plague this author's works.
Profile Image for Curt.
271 reviews12 followers
March 2, 2021
Druga's books are always entertaining, including What We Become. Instant winter strikes in July with extreme cold and snow. Most of North America must evacuate south. Written in the first person from Mackenzie's perspective as she and her family initially try to cope and eventually try to escape the disastrous climate. Separated from her family during the evacuation, the book follows her as she tries with her mother-in-law to find her family, who presume her dead.

Once you get over the fact that an ice-age event is transpiring within less-than-a-month this is an interesting read. There is plenty of action to keep the pages turning. There is not only a transformation of climate and the breakdown of society but a transformation in Mac. Frankly, I found her an irritating, naive, and argumentative person who is forced to adapt to the new reality.

A decent and quick read.
Profile Image for Kathy.
389 reviews1 follower
May 6, 2020
I first must say I absolutely love this author. Her books hold me spellbound. Especially the what if aspects. And the I hope this does not happen.

This book brought the movie The Day After Tomorrow to mind.

Imagine if one day it is freakishly hot in the northeast. Like Arizona hot. Then a few days later, you need the heat on as an ice age pops up. And you’re told to evacuate south. And you, your husband, kids and mother in law have to leave your home and life you know. So, off you go....

And that’s the premise. I won’t say more, spoilers, but I will say have Kleenex handy as you’ll need it.

The characters are awesome. The terror, sadness, love. Just blew me away.

Grab it. Enjoy!!
Profile Image for MBenzz.
873 reviews2 followers
May 12, 2020
Another great 'The End Of Life As We Know It' book from Ms. Druga! I've lost count of how many of her books I've read and loved, but this was another winner.

I'm not sure if she finally got an editor or is using a different writing program (or maybe it's just that I stayed up till almost 2 am reading this and was deliriously tired), but I noticed FAR less punctuation and grammatical errors than I usually do when reading her stuff, which is awesome.

While I really didn't like Mac, the main character, for a good chunk of the book, she did redeem herself in the end. This story was a little sadder than some of her others, but I had a feeling it was going to turn out that way. Overall, this was another great book, and, as usual, I eagerly await her next one!
Profile Image for Su.
186 reviews
May 9, 2020
Another winner

I started reading this book because I have read just about everything the author has written and it's one of the genres I enjoy. However, once I started it I couldn't stop. I think this may be the best book that she has written. An active vortex has caused the Northern part of the United States to get cold, really cold. It is ice and snow and freezing rain. People are migrating South. I could literally feel the cold these people endured. And the hardship they suffered made me fear they wouldn't make it. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a great story. This book will grab you in the first few lines and keep you reading until the end.
19 reviews
June 3, 2020
Best Druga nook ever!

I have read everything that this author has ever written. The stories are always engaging--unique and challenging situations with focus on human emotions and motivations. Quite often, however, the primary character is prone to trivial and flirtatious banter that dominates the story and seem wildly inappropriate for the apocalyptic situations. The characters in this story are different. They all remain very genuine, human and vulnerable. As usual, the events are unpredictable and riveting, but this is the first time I have been moved to tears by the pain of loss so beautifully presented. Thank you, Jacqueline, for this story.
Profile Image for Ashley Aleshire.
87 reviews3 followers
June 16, 2020
Oh my heart

Possible spoilers

The first almost half of the book I had a hard time getting into. The writing wasn’t... the best and it felt shallow. Not enough depth to the words. It got a lot better at the last half and I couldn’t put it down. But my goodness... my heart bled for Mac. That little boot brought back painful memories of my own. Utterly heartbreaking and a good story about loss and survival. You never know what life is going to throw at you. I know from my own hard life experiences... but to keep fighting to survive, you live for what can no longer. Thank you for the story.
Profile Image for E.A..
Author 2 books29 followers
February 20, 2021
Well worth the read

You know, after a while you get jaded on these dystopian books. They all have a predictable arc and you just kind of wait for the super villain to show up or the cannibals or the twisted secret government program that caused it all, etc. Not this book. Refreshingly realistic and believable it had characters you cared about in a building crisis. I enjoyed it. And the plot didn't end up where I thought it would and yet very satisfying. Oh, it had a few bumps in the plot that didn't quite work for me but nothing too serious. All in all it was a good yarn told well. Try it.
Profile Image for Sparky.
22 reviews1 follower
April 30, 2021
Better angels

One of the things I like about Ms Druga’s apocalyptic novels is that she creates characters who don’t all revert into savages. She adds people who in the deepest middle of their fear, find their better angels and begin working to help others. The primary character in this novel makes such a decision. I very much enjoyed reading this and as always, thank Ms Druga for her work.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
151 reviews2 followers
September 30, 2021
I can get past the typos (mostly), less so the wrong words (e.g., "parish" vs. "perish."), but the nonsensical sentences were rather more troubling. The worst bit though is that there is nothing redeeming about the main character. Nothing. She's not the least bit likable. This book was written with movie filming in mind and it suffers for it. Instead of character depth, it relies on grand visuals ~ and those visuals aren't grand in this book either.
May 13, 2020
Another great book!

Jacqueline hits it outta the park again. This book gives such great details of physical and emotional struggles. It paints such a clear picture of a crisis event and the main characters evolution thru it all. Superb book-can’t wait for the next in this series.
Profile Image for Andre Damrill.
54 reviews3 followers
May 25, 2020
What We Become

This I think is one of my favorite books of Jacqueline's so far. I read all her books. I must admit not all are in my mind her best but I truly like most everything she writes. I have to say this one is by far my favorite. Great Read! Had to keep reading it all the way to the end. I just couldn't put this story down.
238 reviews3 followers
June 9, 2020
Fabulously Riveting

This story is one of the all time best end of the world as we know it stories I've ever read. The characters are memorable and I loved them all. They're the kind of characters you'll keeping thinking of long past finishing the book. Truly a great read, I hope everyone reads it.
Profile Image for Cherye Elliott.
3,355 reviews21 followers
July 3, 2020
Brrr. Baby it's cold outside

Enjoyed the read. I like reading stories that end. This story was not all happily ever after throughout. What happened to Mac was tragic but her attitude persevered and she made a good life through the trials and tribulations she endured.

Fav characters: Helen and Jane.

Good read
August 13, 2020
Good story

A very good story with relate-able characters, a sound plot line and moments of truly human insight. I found the book even quite humorous at times (the VPs Daughter ‘Jane’ was almost a comic foil) I have to say a good read. Short and well paced this novel is worth spending time with when you might just want to escape every day life.
11 reviews
November 14, 2020
Interesting story

I liked this book. It was too short (in my opinion) and more build up with the beginning would have been nice. The ending was a HUGE surprise to me. I'm conflicted about the ending. I gave this 4 stars because I think the characters and story could have been fleshed out more. Overall, worth the read.
December 5, 2020
Engaging story

Good character development. Great apocalypse story.
I currently live in Pittsburgh but I own a home in Allentown for 40 years also....near where 145 meets 309...and I went to middle school and high school in the UPHS district, of which Pennsburg is a part. So I have a special interest in this great story.
9 reviews
January 7, 2021
Wow! Just Wow!

I'm not good at these reviews, I'm not articulate enough lol But damn this was a good book!! My 2nd by Jacqueline and it sure isn't my last. There were a few editorial mistakes but nothing too bad. Except for the line about how cold it was but the WINDSHIELD (that's not a typo either) was colder. Lol Don't worry girl I'm most definitely laughing With you!! 😐+✋
Profile Image for Tess.
921 reviews5 followers
November 27, 2023
4.5 stars made up to 5.

Another excellent novel from Jacqueline Druga. It was slow, to begin with, and I persevered because I have read a lot of books from her and up till now every one of them has been amazing. She has a special talent for making a simple story different and very enjoyable to read. A brilliant read and amazing characters.
Profile Image for Cheryl Dean.
21 reviews
July 2, 2024
Good book, fast paced, entertaining. I learned a lot about cold weather wear and supplies. Really felt for the hardships the characters faced. However, I live in the desert southwest, and here we have to cope with extreme sunlight and heat. Glad I found this author and I have another one of her books to read!
Profile Image for cheryl scofield.
33 reviews1 follower
May 8, 2020
Again, another great book and characters.

A strange story that could become true. Strong characters, that doubted their own selves in the terror that some lived through while others died.
Profile Image for Cindi.
95 reviews2 followers
May 8, 2020
A great read!

Another great standalone book by Jacqueline Druga. I couldn't put it down! The characters are well developed and the storyline keeps you actively engaged and wanting more.
Profile Image for Judy Hickman.
161 reviews1 follower
May 11, 2020
Very good

I really enjoyed this story. Every good journey has it’s ups and downs. This one started with a character that I did really like, but thru her journey we learn how strong she really is. A survivor.
Profile Image for Christ'l Howze.
13 reviews
May 16, 2020
Great story

I always enjoy Jackie Druga's stories, especially the ones with no scary creatures lol. And this one was great. She takes something real, polar vortex and arctic shelf, and weaves a believable tale with plenty of emotion.
47 reviews1 follower
June 5, 2020
The best yet.

Ms Druga, you are writing like a wise woman. There is philosophy here and purpose. You stepped up your already good game. Now not only enjoyable , but thought provoking.
16 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2020
Too much death

Not sure why all the good ratings. Spoiler alert...her whole family dies. Reading is escapism for me, and I may not need an HEA but at least some hope. Wasted two hours I'll never get back.
79 reviews
July 26, 2020
Diamond in the Rough

I've never heard of this author but happened upon this book...I read it in one night! What a story! Nothing better than finding a new favorite author to add to your list! Loved the book and will be reading more of her books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews

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