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Mydworth Mysteries #3

London Calling!

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From the authors of the best-selling series CHERRINGHAM

When a prominent family's daughter flees sleepy Sussex to seek a career on the stages of a glittering West End, Harry and Kat are asked to check in on the young woman. But the two of them soon discover that there is a much bigger danger to the woman and her family than mere acting dreams being crushed.

Co-authors Neil Richards (based in the UK) and Matthew Costello (based in the US), have been writing together since the mid-90s, creating innovative content and working on major projects for the BBC, Disney Channel, Sony, ABC, Eidos, and Nintendo to name but a few. Their transatlantic collaboration has underpinned scores of TV drama scripts, computer games, radio shows, and the best-selling mystery series Cherringham. Their latest series project is called Mydworth Mysteries.

3 pages, Audiobook

First published November 25, 2019

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About the author

Neil Richards

148 books123 followers
Neil Richards has worked as a producer and writer in TV and film, creating scripts for BBC, Disney, and Channel 4, and earning numerous Bafta nominations along the way.

He's also written script and story for over 20 video games including The Da Vinci Code and Starship Titanic, co-written with Douglas Adams, and consults around the world on digital storytelling.

His writing partnership with NYC-based Matt Costello goes back to the late 90's and the two have written many hours of TV together. Cherringham the series is their first crime fiction as co-writers.

An American and an Englishman writing crime stories with an American and an English hero - what took us so long?

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 77 reviews
Profile Image for SoRoLi (Sonja) ♡  .
3,739 reviews555 followers
March 19, 2022
3,5 Sterne
Die Geschichte spielt in England in den 1920er Jahren, was schon mal ein großer Pluspunkt ist. Eine spannende, interessante Zeit!
Es geht um Sir Harry Mortimer und seine Ehefrau Kat, die knifflige Fälle lösen. Diesmal suchen sie ein vermisstes Mädchen, das von einer Schauspielkarriere in London geträumt hat und verschwunden ist...
Tolles Setting, spannende Geschichte und interessante Charaktere! Hat mir sehr gut gefallen.
Profile Image for Barbara Rogers.
1,681 reviews191 followers
December 5, 2019
Series: Mydworth Mysteries #3
Publication Date: 11/29/19

Another interesting mystery has now become a part of the Mydworth Mysteries series. This time, our intrepid investigators Kat Reilly and Sir Harry Mortimer are looking for a runaway girl – well, since she’s twenty-one, I guess she’s a runaway woman.

Lizzie Spence has been taking dancing lessons for years and years – and there is a talent agent who keeps telling her how good she is – he tells her she is a natural. The agent tells her that he can get her auditions and will set everything up for her – all she has to do it get to London for the auditions. Since Lizzie knows her parents would never approve, she decides to sneak off to London and leave her parents a note explaining.

"I’m running away from home, she thought. Me! Timid little Lizzie. Lizzie in the
corner, Lizzie head down, Lizzie never say “boo” to a goose? Nobody will believe

When they haven’t heard from Lizzie in several weeks, Glenys Spence, Lizzie’s mother, approached Nicola Green of the WVS (Women’s Voluntary Service) to ask for assistance in assuring that her daughter was safe. She’s not asking them to bring her home, just to assure that she is safe. Nicola, of course, asks Kat and Sir Harry to investigate.

Their investigation naturally begins in Mydworth at the dance class and rapidly shifts to London where they enlist the help of several friends – particularly Alfie who was Harry’s batman during the war. Alfie has many contacts – including many among the less than law-abiding citizens of London. Kat and Harry query their upper-crust friends while Alfie works his underworld contacts and it isn’t long before they realize what a mess Lizzy has gotten herself into.

It will take all of their wiles and a lot of skill and luck to rescue Lizzie. Can they do it? You’ll just have to read this fun tale for yourself to find out.

The book is filled with banter (like Nick and Nora Charles), quick wit, cunning and, of course, the romance between Sir Harry and Kat. I definitely recommend this book and this series.
Profile Image for ZeilenZauber.
713 reviews5 followers
January 5, 2021
‘*‘ Meine Meinung ‘*‘
Es hat wieder Spaß gemacht, mit Kat und Harry Nachforschungen anzustellen. Die beiden sind ein witziges Paar und lebendig geschaffen. Sie ergänzen sich und ich grinse immer, wenn andere Figuren erstaunt darüber sind, wie viel Freiheiten Harry seiner Kat lässt. In den 20er war das halt nicht so üblich.
Die Story an sich ist grundsätzlich ein Klassiker. Junges Mädchen will zum Theater, läuft von Zuhause weg und verschwindet. Doch es gibt trotzdem noch Überraschungen und Twists, die die Spannung erhöhten.
Wo ich gerade bei Spannung bin. Diese kam in Wellen daher. Also blieb genug Zeit für Leser und Protagonisten, um das Geschehene zu verarbeiten und zu analysieren, bevor die nächste Welle die Spannung wieder nach oben pushte.
All das belebte Demet Fey und sie transportierte Emotionen mit ihrer Stimme. So war ich mittendrin und nicht nur am Rande dabei.
Wie auch bei den vorherigen Teilen, haben die Autoren alles in einem locker-leichten Schreibstil verpackt.
Wieder wurde ich gut unterhalten und seichte Crime-Lektüre muss zwischendurch sein. Kann ja nicht immer ein Serienkiller sein, den ich suche. Ich vergebe 5 London-Sterne.
‘*‘ Klappentext ‘*‘
Die junge Lizzie Spence träumt davon, Schauspielerin zu werden. Sie beschließt, von zuhause wegzulaufen und ihr Glück in einem der unzähligen Theater im Londoner West End zu suchen. Dort verschwindet sie spurlos. Harry und Kat werden auf den Fall aufmerksam und machen sich auf die Suche nach dem vermissten Mädchen.
Profile Image for Ivonne Rovira.
2,185 reviews228 followers
March 14, 2021
London Calling!, the third in this series, doesn’t measure up to the series debut, A Shot in the Dark. But then, neither did the second, A Little Night Murder. Still, I enjoyed this light cozy featuring a couple that’s a sprightlier version of Agatha Christie’s Tommy and Tuppence Beresford; it was enough a distraction from pandemic anxieties that I’ll be continuing with the series.
Profile Image for ゾヤ.
348 reviews6 followers
August 13, 2023
Harry is getting more and more romantic endearing husband, he loves everything about her especially her kick 😂 Kat is very much powerful useful and brilliant brave American wife. With easy ending solution but addictive mysterious storyline, i am more falling in love with this couple now 😍 they lived my dream, a powerful romantic beautiful detective married couple and endlessly smitten with each other, haha. I enjoyed this series too much
Profile Image for Sarah83 sbookshelf.
449 reviews36 followers
March 1, 2020
Auf ins nächste Abenteuer heißt es in dem vorliegenden dritten Band um Lord und Lady Mortimer. Nachdem der zweite Band im ländlichen Mydworth gespielt hat, führt uns der dritte Band auf seinen knapp 120 Seiten in die pulsierende Hauptstadt Englands: London. Lizzie Spence hat es als junge Frau in der ländlichen Einöde nicht mehr ausgehalten. Sie will die Welt als Tänzerin erobern und macht sich eines Morgens früh auf, um ihr Glück in London zu versuchen.
Der geneigte Leser ahnt, das geht nicht gut aus. Lord und Lady Mortimer werden von Lizzies Mutter gebeten, Nachforschungen zu betreiben, da sie schon länger nichts mehr von ihrer Tochter gehört hat. Lizzies Vater hingehen will nicht, dass die beiden sich einmischen, was die Herrschaften aber natürlich nicht davon abhält, einen Ausflug nach London zu machen.
Lord Mortimer zeigt bei der Gelegenheit seiner Frau die Stadt, seine Vergnügen, seine Bars und seine Eleganz. Nebenbei trifft er auch seine Freunde aus der alten Zeit wieder und nach und nach ergeben sich Möglichkeiten nach Lizzie zu suchen, nachdem das Abklappern der Theater nichts gebracht hat.
Was nun ein rotes Häschen und ein klappernder Lieferwagen mit der Geschichte zu tun hat?
Das erfahrt ihr, wenn ihr das Buch selber lest. ;-)
Wie schon der zweite Band lässt sich das Buch zügig lesen und man muss das eine oder andere mal schmunzeln, wenn "Lady" Mortimer wieder ihre amerikanische Art heraushängen lässt und damit die zugeknöpften Engländer schockiert. ;-)
Profile Image for Annette.
1,219 reviews3 followers
November 14, 2020
Short and entertaining little read. Kat and Harry come to the aid of another Mydworth family. When young Lizzie runs away to London to make her mark, things don't turn out as expected. With her father refusing their help, Harry and Kat decide to investigate anyway. A thoroughly delightful cozy read with a couple you can't help but like. Smart and adventurous, never fearing to take risk, Harry and Kat are a pure delight.
Profile Image for What Is Chelle Reading.
250 reviews8 followers
October 27, 2021
When Lizzie Spence runs away to London to seek fame and fortune, her mother Gladys is not convinced all is well in her daughters quest for stardom. Worried for her daughter she seeks the help of Harry and Kat Mortimer, whose investigation leads them to London.

I absolutely adore the Mydworth Mystery novels. Historical fiction is not my thing by any means but something about these books holds my attention and gets me invested. I love the modern style of Kat and Harry’s relationship and I enjoy the variation of storylines so far in the series. As the books are quite short I read London Calling in one sitting but despite being quite short, the series doesn’t pack a punch with “on the edge of your seat” plots and twists. I can’t recommend the series enough, and look how pretty the covers are!
135 reviews1 follower
August 22, 2020

The whole story was my favorite part! Are you kidding me, this was by far the best one I've read in a long while. Love, love, love the characters and the action in this story. I have and would recommend these books 📚 to anyone that likes quality in a mystery with all the things that you expect to be there, nothing lacking at all! On to book tour and can't wait for more great reading. I get so caught up in the story it's like I am a part of it! Great job guys! You make a great team. Thanks so much for your awesome talent.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,016 reviews17 followers
December 4, 2020
Lizzie Spence has run away to become a star on the West End and then on to Hollywood. Some months later, Lizzie has disappeared and Kat and Harry are asked to investigate even though her father is strenuously opposed. It turns out that Harry, Lord Mortimer, has a spacious apartment in London to serve as a base as they scour the theaters for a trace of the missing girl. A little bit of a fairy tale thrown in with the mystery plot makes it an engaging read.
Profile Image for Jan.
5,743 reviews86 followers
March 14, 2021
No murder this time and the pair do their hunting of baddies in London with the help of some of Harry's old friends and turn it all into a skin game.
Together the couple does an excellent job sleuthing with their trademark sense of humour. Full of twists and red herrings with characters who certainly are and well done imagery. Looking forward to listening to more of this series enjoyably narrated by Nathaniel Parker!
639 reviews5 followers
July 31, 2021
Lukijana Nathaniel Parker. Rakastan hänen ääntään ja eläytymistään eri hahmoiksi. Melkein tekisi mieli antaa ylimääräinen tähti pelkästään hänestä.
Sarja jatkuu, mukaansatempaava ja jännittävä tarina 20-luvulta. Kuvaukset vaatteista ja paikoista ovat hyvin elävän oloisia. Kat ja Harry jatkavat etsivinä ja tällä kertaa tarina onkin erilainen kuin aikaisemmat murhatutkimikset, mutta toki mielenkiintoinen. Pyöräilyn ja pururatailun tahdittajana kuuntelin.
560 reviews3 followers
February 14, 2023
Bei diesem Krimi bin ich etwas unentschlossen. Auf der einen Seite geht es um ein schreckliches Verbrechen, das Kat und Harry mit viel Raffinesse aufklären. Auf der anderen Seite ist das wirkliche Problem nur eine extrem ungerechte Moralvorstellung der damaligen und teilweise auch heutigen Gesellschaft. Im Grunde genommen geht es um das Leid, das es ohne das Patriarchat nicht gäbe. Und ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das den Autoren bewusst ist.
Profile Image for Jane Shibilski.
366 reviews2 followers
January 11, 2020
As always, the Mydworth mystery series are charming, yet with no real depth. The characters are intriguing enough to be interesting and are everyone’s favorite couple. A delightful, but brief, escape to a perfect world inhabited by the perfect spy couple. These books are an escape for a brief time and who doesn’t need an escape now and then?
7 reviews7 followers
December 6, 2020
Like the Characters

This sort was more complex than the first one in the series. Although, I found the first story plotline too predictable, I stuck with the series to see how the characters developed and get to know them more. The theme familiar, but the interactions and dialogue between the players kept me reading.
March 19, 2020
Enjoyed as previous two

Enjoy the continuing saga of Harry and Kat as they take you into semi retirement with helping others and adventure without graphic details, such enjoyable reading day of night
Look forward to 4th book
Profile Image for Hollyberye.
739 reviews1 follower
June 10, 2020
I enjoy Kat and Harry very much. I am not keen on sleazy night clubs/bars as settings, or the stereotypical corrupt, sexist, antagonists, so this was my least favorite of the first three. But I like the series a great deal.
Profile Image for Lory Fahle.
16 reviews
December 25, 2020
Love the "Warrior Queen!"

Since discovering this delightful series, I have so enjoyed the twists that come within each storyline. Obviously, my favorite twist with this book is how Harry shows her "Warrior Queen" side with a powerful stroke!
9 reviews
July 14, 2022
Sir Harry and Lady Mortimer save the day!

A wonderful introduction to London for Kat and a thrilling missing person suspense for our perfect detective couple. So much fun and a satisfying ending to boot!
171 reviews
September 25, 2022
Good read

I like the way they are developing the characters of Kat and Harry. The Red Rabbit Club description was very clever.
Believable story line. Will continue to read the series.
64 reviews
October 4, 2022
Another hit

Straightforward tale told well. The heroine holds her own as does the hero, but neither are unbelievable. One might question how fast a woman could change from urchin to evening gown, but it's not too impossible.
Profile Image for Kristyn Rose.
480 reviews
June 5, 2024
I adore Kat and Harry! Total relationship goals. This bite-sized mystery kept me enthralled and entertained. The narrator of the audiobook is brilliant! It’s hard to believe that one person is voicing so many characters, each so distinctive. Can’t wait to read more!
20 reviews2 followers
January 2, 2020
London Calling is a delight

I enjoyed this British mystery set in the 1920s.
It was a fun, quick read. These cost mysteries draw me into story
quickly. It was fun.
Profile Image for Danielle.
200 reviews
January 4, 2020
Quick but fun read.

I love a good mystery with fun characters. Definitely a fun series to read with decent plots and wonderful shenanigans.
52 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2020
Another fun evening.

A fun evening following Kat and Harry in their adventures. The successful outcome was never in doubt, but it was fun to see how they got there.
Profile Image for M P Leuschen.
33 reviews
March 6, 2020

Whether dancing or detecting, Kat shows that she is at home in London as well
as the Bronx. Good tale
Displaying 1 - 30 of 77 reviews

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