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Falling Kingdoms #6

Immortal Reign

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As two lethal elemental gods set out to destroy Mytica, sworn enemies must become allies in the final fight to save the kingdoms.

Jonas continues to willfully defy his destiny, but the consequences of plotting his own course are drastic. As the fight for Mytica rages on, he must decide just how much more he's willing to sacrifice.

Lucia knows there's something special about her daughter and she'll do anything to protect her, even if that means facing Kyan alone.

Amara is called back home to Kraeshia. Grandma Cortas has her own plans for Mytica's future. She promises Amara power, revenge, and dominance if she agrees to be part of her scheme.

Magnus and Cleo's love will be put to the ultimate test. Dark magic is causing widespread destruction throughout the kingdom. Enemies across the sea are advancing. And unrest is stirring throughout the land. Is their love strong enough to withstand the outside forces tearing them apart?

13 pages, Audiobook

First published February 6, 2018

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About the author

Morgan Rhodes

21 books6,657 followers
Morgan Rhodes lives in Ontario, Canada. As a child, she always wanted to be a princess -- the kind that knows how to wield a sharp sword to help save both kingdoms and princes from fire-breathing dragons and dark wizards. Instead, she became a writer, which is just as good and much less dangerous. Along with writing, Morgan enjoys photography, travel, reality TV, and is an extremely picky, yet voracious reader of all kinds of books. Under another pen name, she’s a national bestselling author of many paranormal novels. Falling Kingdoms is her first high fantasy.

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March 31, 2020
"Whatever happens - you and me are together forever. All right?"


I'll probably write a proper review in a couple months, when the hype is faded a bit and the risk of spilling spoilers will be a bit less unforgivable.
I don't think I'll be able to write anything coherent, right now, anyway.
I'm on cloud nine and dead at the same time.

Boy, I'm so happy.
What a wonderful book. What a beautiful finale for an even more beautiful series.
I'll love it forever.
Goodbye my babies, I'll see you all again someday ❤️

Thank you Morgan Rhodes for writing this series.
I owe you a thousand hugs and a 16-course dinner.

Buddy read this beauty with Miss Biscottino!






bye world.

Professional Reader
10 Book Reviews
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Profile Image for ❄️BooksofRadiance❄️.
656 reviews880 followers
May 16, 2018

This series should have ended two books ago.

Writing this does not please me. For better or worse, however many problems I've had with this series, I've stuck by it to the bitter end. Sadly, however, our farewell’s turned out to be… less than pleasant.

The first and biggest problem I've had with this book was the lack of connectivity. I felt no such connection with the characters, the world or the story for that matter, and I was actually bored for the majority of the time. Aside from its own issues, I think I still harbour some residual resentment from the previous book, Crystal Storm.
I was so heartbreakingly disappointed with CS that my enthusiasm slowly started to die because, well, how do you come back from the clusterfuck that was… that book? It did not and Immortal Reign only enhanced its flaws.
I still fail to see the point of these last two books as they've completely ruined what little the series's had going for it.

It wouldn’t be fair for me to end the FK chapter on a bad note so I won't make this a ranty review, however, there might be some salty words. I'm just saying, I was not pleased.

Let's start off with the two biggest crimes ever committed in this series as a whole:

The mere existence of Lucia:

The petulant, waste of air and space Lucia, who honestly should have choked and died in book one.
Her actions in this book didn't alter the horrible opinion I've already formed about her because, like a true Lucia fashion, her only purpose, as per usual, was to create an unnecessary tension to drag out the already weak plot. Everything that involved her felt overly contrived and I honestly couldn't give a shit.
She never grew as a character, unless you count the opposite direction - growth. She was obnoxious, painfully unpleasant to read about and her incessant whining almost made me quit altogether.

Not having Felix as one of the leads and playing fast and loose with his character:

Felix could have redeemed this book or even the series and not having him as one of the leads, then completely destroying his character was ill-advised. I would have gladly sacrificed Lucia a million times over-or even Jonas- if it'd meant that we'd get more of Felix but no, Morgan Rhodes had to go and turn the one engaging person into a bland, one-dimensional character. smh

Now moving on.

Magnus (and the ring):

What the living hell was that about? As if the overly used stupid magical baby wasn’t enough now there's a magical ring that becomes a go-to answer to all their problems? W... why? why on earth would you do that?
My biggest problem with this series is that the characters are never given the space to fight their own battles. Something goes wrong, send some damned magical person or an object to fix it all. What a cop out! Why couldn't they suffer the consequences of their or others' actions and overcome obstacles on their own merits? There is so much I want to say but honestly, I no longer see the point. I am pissed off!

Oh, not to mention his sudden newfound love for that psychopathic father of his. Do forgive me but I fail to see the purpose of trying to redeem him after all that man's put him-and the entire realm-through. Was it meant to be endearing? Were we expected to forgive and forget all the abuse? He was unhinged, physically mentally and emotionally abusive and redemption is the price he pays? Well, excuse me, but what a load of BS. Colour me not impressed.


I wasn’t going to mention Jonas. I might have even forgotten he was there and as much as it pains me to say this, what did Jonas actually accomplish as a character? His only purpose was to serve as “the rebel” and even that he couldn’t fulfil.
Why not just be frank about it and admit he was, without a doubt, the most useless rebel to have ever existed.
He was rash, naive, senseless and always dove head first into whatever situation he found himself in.
He didn't have an agency of his own and what's worse, as if making him utterly useless wasn’t enough, he was reduced to serving as Lucia's bitch both in this and the previous books.
What a waste. Was it though? There wasn't really much to waste, now, was there?

Some minor spoilers for the previous books below so, PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!


I didn’t like Amara when she first entered the picture but as despicable as some of her actions were, given her past, her upbringing and her father’s treatment of her, I could understand why she resorted to… well, what she did. So, what happened to the ruthless, take-no-prisoners, hardcore woman?
I never liked her but compared to the others she was at least interesting who had so much potential had her character been handled differently. What I did not like was the abrupt “change” in her personality.

She came to us reeking havoc on Mytica and its people then, out of nowhere, she runs back to her native land with her tail between her legs because she suddenly remembered she couldn’t "handle" it all.
This was the woman who defeated the most ruthless king at every turn, killed her entire family and got him to marry her, move across the ocean to take over his kingdom, but now that things needed to be wrapped up, she suddenly gets cold feet, the reasons for which were forced upon us in an attempt to seal this entire chapter.

Just as the book’s about to end, “she sees the error of her ways” (she really says that). Is that so! And you’ve seen this error in judgment just as we're about to depart, have you? Out of nowhere??

It's not the change of mind I have a problem with, in fact, fantastic. How absolutely terrific that you finally see the error of your ways, we should all learn a thing or two from you but how absolutely convenient is what I'm saying. Doesn’t the timing just strike you a little odd?


The plot was mediocre at best and the pacing felt completely wrong with chaotic leaps from one plot to the next. everything about it felt haphazard but the most enraging thing of all? The convenient way in which EVERYTHING worked out. Puff, just like magic, it just…worked.
I mean, what am I even supposed to say to this?

I predicted how the story was going to end from a mile away because the book made it that easy. I felt so let down with the path the plot took. There wasn't any mystery or suspense to keep my attention alive.
There were no consequences, no increased in stakes and it didn’t help reveal the characters one bit because no one was put to the test. A genuine test.
If there's a build up a situation, it’s only natural I expect setbacks, sacrifices, negative consequences, etc… and seeing the characters overcome these obstacles without any trouble at all not only bored me but frustrated me to no end.

But all of that pales in comparison to how I felt about that perfect, overly satisfying conclusion. To say I despised it would be a gross understatement.

You’re telling me, after all that’s happened, the fate of mankind hanging in the balance, everyone comes out happy and intact? I get it, YA authors don’t risk it when it comes to their beloved characters but… come on! Some semblance of believability would have been appreciated.
At least some books have the decency to kill off some side or minor characters but MR couldn't even give us that. Everyone gets a happy ending. Sure, alright. Wonderful!

I'm so pissed off, I don’t even know why I'm pissed off. It's something that I keep seeing time and time again, these unrealistic, lovey-dovey happy endings where everyone comes out betters off than when they started and I'm here wasting my energy and raging because, why!? Fuck this. I'm out.
Profile Image for Caitlin.
339 reviews680 followers
February 12, 2018
I’ve waited 14 months for this book. That’s a long fucking time. Look, I’ve loved every single book in this series and I was satisfied with how it ended. My only problem with it was that so much happened in one book and it was ridiculously fast paced and because of that we missed a little bit of character development and character driven plot lines that I wanted. We still got everything I wanted but I wish we had more time to develop a lot of stuff. However, it was everything I’ve been hoping for and I love this series to death. After a 14 month wait, I finished it in 3 hours. Whoops?

Pre review mess:





Excuse me while I go cry for the next 11 months waiting for this book.


I am in pain. I am in shock. I need this now. I needed this yesterday. You're telling me that this is the last book in the series and I have to wait a whole year for it?!

Profile Image for Samantha.
455 reviews16.5k followers
February 24, 2018
2.5 stars - I've been following this series for so long, and it still holds a very special place in my heart.

Personally my reading preferences have changed a bit over the last few years and this doesn't live up to expectations like the series used to for me. I want to keep this brief because I plan on doing a full review on this book and the series as a whole.

I think if you enjoy the first 4 books (book 5 is dead to me) and read them recently, this one won't disappoint you. For me, it feels as though the series dragged on too long and got a bit lost along the way.
Profile Image for Katerina.
423 reviews17.3k followers
February 15, 2018
A satisfying conclusion to a beloved series!

Before we get started, let me share with you a pearl of wisdom: re-reads are life saviors. I thought myself smart, I put too much faith in my memory, only for this to happen:
Me: I don't need to re-read the previous book, 
I still know everything.

*starts reading the first chapter*

Me: I don't know who any of you are.

Putting my poor memory aside (I suspect that my temporal lobe reached its full potential and now it started deleting stuff), I thoroughly enjoyed Immortal Reign. It prepared the path to the final confrontation, the clash between mortals and the Kindred, the elementia that wanted to destroy life only to create it anew. Cleo, Magnus, Jonas, Lucia, Nic, Amara, each of them had their own war to fight and demons to overcome, while the clock was ticking, and the future of mankind was in the hands of a bunch of teenagers who sought their place in the world. The race for power and domination became a race for survival. Most of the scenes were intense, the constant suspense thrilling, and you couldn't help but devour the pages, root for the characters and fear for them, tremble before the cruelty and the whims of the Kindred, shudder before the evil grannies and get frustrated over the riddles and half-answers of the Immortals. And it was a deliciously addictive ride.
“You can't escape your destiny.”

Despite my love for the series and my satisfaction over the conclusion, there was something off with Immortal Reign that I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe it's a lack of depth, since the pace was rather quick and everything happened so fast and (occasionally) unceremoniously. Maybe what bothered me was that I could predict every revelation that was meant to be a plot-twist, so most of the times it lost the element of surprise. Or maybe it's because Frozen Tides was the masterpiece of the series, and everything that followed paled in comparison thereto.
“We cannot be stopped. We are eternal. We are life itself. And we will do anything to survive.”

As regards to the characters, my feelings can summed in three categories:

‣ Fangirling in its most radiant and jolly form

I think it's obvious that Magnus (My baby. My precious marshmallow. My king.) and his relationship with Cleo fall into this category. He was his trademark sarcastic albeit cruel self, brave and loyal and fully in love with Cleo that made my insides melt. The dark prince and his golden princess (let's pretend she didn't make numerous stupid decisions, shall we?) gave me heart palpitations and filled my belly with butterflies, they were adorable and I.just.ship.them.so.hard .

‣ Wonder

Alright people, I rarely admit that I'm wrong (because I'm always right). But, the time has come to revoke every bad thing I ever said about Jonas Agallon. His development in the last two books has been astonishing (hence the "wonder"), he's become strong, levelheaded and caring, and now I simply want to cuddle him like my stuffed teddy bear.

‣ Irritation

I suppose it doesn't surprise you that Lucia and Amara are the Queens of Irritation. Lucia will always be the psychopath that burned villages and sided with evil gods because power was so alluring, and Amara the one who unleashed evil to fulfill her selfish needs. Some rare acts of kindness don't erase that fact.

“Perhaps the past didn't matter anymore.
Only magic mattered. Only survival mattered.
Only power mattered, in whatever form she could possess it.”

Morgan Rhodes created a marvelous series, and with this grand finale gave the readers everything they ever wanted. Until next time, Mytica!
Profile Image for ♛ may.
816 reviews4,377 followers
April 13, 2018

where it all went wrong:
- this series was beloved to me but like man, something happened
- the writing read like fanfic to me like IM GENUINELY SORRY BUT I FOUND IT SO HARD TO TAKE SERIOUSLY
- what. is. up. with. all. the. talking.
- its like everyone pretty much talked their opponent to death
- where is this plottttttt?
- magneo is like my shining star but even in this book it REALLY DAMPENED THINGS FOR ME WHY IS THIS HAPPENING
- 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- okay honestly what was teh ending?
- everything got wrapped up so fasT I COULDNT KEEP UP
- i was just expecting so much more from this book
- *~semi spoiler~*
- p.s. magnus is still gorgeous bye
- kay i have nothing more to say im sorry

1.5 stars!!


Buddy reading with these two crazies, jiji & saunta




it you couldn't already tell . . .



Profile Image for RoseBane (Jess).
188 reviews535 followers
Currently reading
July 16, 2023
2023 re-read: I can't believe it happened so fast. The freaking final book.

Damn, I can’t believe it’s over. I’m so bloody stoked!
184 reviews826 followers
February 16, 2018
expectations need to stop being attracted to me

Profile Image for ambsreads.
733 reviews1,586 followers
February 22, 2018


Immortal Reign was one of my most anticipated releases of 2017. Then it got pushed back to 2018 and I remained excited. I was sitting on the edge of my seat after the short events of Crystal Storm. The ending especially had me curious about the fate of Magnus Damora in this book. How would my beautiful villain turned softie fair out? I wasn’t going to write a review but I just have so many thoughts, none good.

I typically love conclusions when they’re fleshed out. However, in Immortal Reign a lot happens while simultaneously the characters never move from their original positions. Amara is suddenly not the enemy, King Gaius is dies, and the elemental crystals are the only thing that matters. That is really the entire concept of this book. There’s a lot of murder, Lucia is meant to be some sort of demon to the people, and no one seems to really care about the poor people who the elementals have taken over. There is a slight care from Cleo, but really, grief is not something that Morgan Rhodes has a talent for writing.

There were just so many problems with Immortal Reign. It’s not as if I hadn’t known there were problems in the previous books, I had simply ignored them because I didn’t want it to take away from how exciting the content was. Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes has not a single scrap of that excitement from the previous books – which, I’ve rated all five stars. It is weak. The main focus of this book is to give redemption arcs to the antagonists who have been terrible people. Not only that but there is some crazy queer baiting for a f/f couple. I don’t understand why the m/m couple was stated in the text but the f/f couple obviously gets pushed aside. To have a few more short points before I get into the big stuff; Lucia was a terrible mother, Jonas lost his spark, and I have no idea what Magnus and Cleo did apart from having sex together on a beach.



This is really the only thing I did enjoy. My one ship of this series made it to the end and got a happy ending. I shouldn’t have been shocked considering they’re on the cover. That’s really all I can say. I love the paths they’re character took throughout the series and they didn’t really do much this story, so, they got their happy ending and that is all that really matters to me about the entire book.


The biggest problem of the whole book. I mentioned this earlier in my review, but the apology and redemption arcs of two of the biggest antagonists is a problem. Also the fact that one of the antagonists, Amara, was spontaneously queer baited – I shouldn’t be shocked after what happened with Nic. It just all came across as weak, honestly. You can kill of characters even if they haven’t been redeemed in the book. They’re villains for a reason, you don’t need your character to mourn for their abusive father who was a dictator ruler. You also don’t need to redeem a character that murdered her whole family and blame her grandmother. It all just came across as wasted page time, honestly. This book could have been shorter without all the unnecessary pages that had King Gaius and Amara become ‘good’ people. There was just such a lack of need for it. Also, considering this series is compared to Game of Thrones you would really think Rhodes would be willing to kill them off with no regret.


Jonas and Lucia made me so uncomfortable. Honestly. The whole relationship was just weird. There was also no explanation for either of them in the end, which had me rolling my eyes. The relationship came out of nowhere and looking back, I find it weird that Lucia named her baby after a girl she had gotten murdered and Jonas loved. It’s just so weird. Neither of them shared two brain cells between them as well. They just ran into situations without an ounce of thinking, not caring who got hurt in the process.


It’s not only the fact I didn’t enjoy Immortal Reign, but it lacked originality. It seemed like the story went around in circles, we faced problems we already had and the characters seemed to have lost a lot of the development they had fought for in previous books. It was incredibly disappointing to read and wonder what had happened between the last book and this one, despite the fact the story picks up right where it left off.


I think pointless scenes added the most to the circle feeling of this book. It felt every time we were taking one step forward we would take two steps backwards. It was redundant and so frustrating to read. I just wanted these characters to do something useful to the plot instead of screaming and fighting over useless stuff. A few of the POV’s could have been cut – cough, Amara, cough, Nic, cough – and it would have really not impacted the book at all. It was just so much wasted page time, especially with Amara’s section being filled with endless queerbaiting.


Everyone gets a happy ending; no one is at risk for more than a chapter, no one has to face any great issues. It was boring. Every POV from Jonas, Magnus, Nic, Amara, Cleo and Lucia were all boring. Why? Because not a single trouble happened. However, they were all rewarded despite the fact they literally did nothing that just feels pointless. The biggest problem ever, as well, had the easiest conclusion and Lucia was acting like a fucking moron over her child but couldn’t think to ask a simple question of ‘where is my baby?’ – reasons why children shouldn’t have children. It would have been great for there to actually be some danger so that the characters deserved the endless gold stars they received, but nope.

Overall, I’m disappointed. If you were looking for a concise conclusion that’ll make you happy, I’d probably skip Falling Kingdoms altogether. I realise looking at it now that the series really fell apart around Frozen Tides and wasn’t able to pick it’s self up in this final book. It’s disappointing and frustrating just how juvenile this book was at stages. I just wish Morgan Rhodes would have taken a different path because Immortal Reign reads as if it was rushed and just a clump of ideas pulled from the trash.

Also, if you're looking to buy any books over at Book Depository, feel free to use my affiliate link! I gain a small 5% commission at no extra cost to you.
Profile Image for ♥ℂĦℝΪՖƬΪℕÅ.
230 reviews3,950 followers
November 14, 2018
4.5 The final battle to save Mytica ★'s




Even though I did really enjoy reading "Immortal Reign" and book 5 Crystal Storm, the series as a whole was just okay for me 😐. I'm glad I finished it but it's most defiantly only going to be a one time read. I like the world and the world building was done nicely. The writing style was so so and I only really like a few characters. This is due to me feeling a strong disconnect through out this series with a lot of the characters. Especially with all the ones that died and there were quite a few, such as . I didn't feel sad and I didn't miss any of them after they were gone. Probably should have been sad or at least a little upset about it but nope nothing! Another thing that bothered me as a whole was the relationships and the fact that ALL the men were obsessed with Princess/Queen Cleo, Princess Lucia and Lysandra. The only relationship paring, I eventually loved was Cleo and Magnus 😍!!! They worked really well together and all there banter was very entertaining 😂😂😂. I got sucked into their hate/love relationship. Honestly though those are the only two main characters in this series that I truly enjoyed! Cleo was my favorite, like I said, in my other reviews for the longest time Cleo was the only real reason I kept going... Cleo was so easy to love ♥ She was so optimistic, bold, brave, strong willed and above all else she wanted the best for everyone who lived in Mytica. Magnus was a very negative person for the longest time, he was mean and ruthless, and he was always battling his inner demons. Being with Cleo though, opened his eyes to the possibilities of happiness and a brighter and better future. Slowly very very slowly he grew into a character I came to care about. As for the rest of them... Meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I'm happy that everyone who made it to the very end found their happiness 😁!

*Another awesome cover!! (Magnus + Cleiona = Forever)*

“Magnus loved you. He fought for you. He defied me again and again in order to save you, even if it meant his own destruction. He was worthy of you in a way that I was never worthy of Elena. I see that now. And for that alone, you must survive this, Cleiona Bellos.”

“I thought you were dead,” Cleo sobbed.
“Oh, Magnus, I love you. And I've missed you so much I thought I might die from it.
But you're here”
“I love you too," he whispered. I love you so much.”
“I know.”

Then he crushed his mouth against hers, kissing her hard, stealing her breath and giving her life at the same time.

“I love you, Magnus. Truly and madly. Forever and ever,” she whispered, hungry for his kiss again. Starving for it. “And I need you... Now. Here.”
Profile Image for ✨ Helena ✨.
389 reviews1,095 followers
January 4, 2021
Re-read, part six, with Alison!

WHOO HOO! I’m happy to announce that Crystal Storm’s trudging plot was a fluke! I loved this finale.

Wowza, Morgan Rhodes certainly has something against grandmothers...each one was literally the source of every problem in this series.

If I had one complaint, it would be that this instalment was wrapped up a little too nicely. Literally everyone gets a happy ending. Even Amara gets redemption, despite having done nothing to deserve it. And idiotic Lucia gets all the glory, when Jonas, Nic, Magnus and Cleo were the actual brave ones.

I won’t lie though...the final chapter was so cute and sweet and everything I ever wanted for Magneo. Needless to say, this series took me only a matter of DAYS to binge and it’s now firmly on my list of favourites. Why it isn’t as popular as Throne of Glass is beyond me. It’s just as large in scope! Falling Kingdoms deserves all of the hype and more.
Profile Image for Rachel.
408 reviews58 followers
September 28, 2019
This book is RIDICULOUSLY fast-paced. It was a good conclusion and wrap-up for this series. We all know that I have never been a huge fan of this plot & it was really more about the characters. I am extremely happy with how the characters ended up & my heart can continue to beat since i know my babies are together & happy.


1 MORE MONTH GUYS! Cannot wait to see how this series ends!


AH! The cover..... MAGLEO!!!! Omg I can't handle it!

After the cliffhanger that is Crystal Storm... I will not be ok until this book is released. . I need it guys. Need it bad.

As long as Magleo is still alive & TOGETHER by the end of Crystal Storm... I will need & want this book in my life.
Profile Image for Tina ➹ lives in Fandoms.
451 reviews456 followers
April 13, 2021
1) Falling Kingdoms: ★★★★(★)/5
2) Rebel Spring: ★★★★★/5
3) Gathering Darkness: ★★★★/5
4) Frozen Tides: ★★★★★/5
5) Crystal Storm: ★★★★★/5
6) Immortal Reign: ★★★★★/5

5th Best of 2020

first, rating the series, as it is the last book:
5 Golden Stars


It’s been a while since I felt this much joy & interest toward a series, Sparks of joy like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson or any other of my TOP favs. I believe the last series I found this much amusing was Shadowhunters, I discovered 2 years ago, yet to finish. (thankfully to different eras Clare continues writing)

one more time, I must say, it was the Power Play & the game of thrones I've expected.
I can’t believe what a journey it felt for me as long as it was for the characters (though technically for me it was just months, but it felt like a long time!), everything was simpler at first, then the world jingled, characters' plans mingled, their fates intertwined, they met, they've grown, their sides changed just as their world did so. The whole story went in uphills & hard paths as unpredictable for me as for the characters. from the snow-covered Icy Limeros, to the vine lands of Paelsia & the City of Gold in Auranos & constantly back & forth.
this book had everything; from graceful palace parties & traveling & romance to cold dark castles & running & chasing & betrayal & heartbreaking & reunions & cruel play of power.
I loved it!

the Writing Style: graceful, with many inspiring hopeful quotes.
& it was so good at the end of each chapter, something had happened; something to change the story or to change the character or something to made characters & me open-mouthed awestruck, frozen. each chapter had a destination & an end point. very clever.
the Romance:
Morgan Rhodes knows how to write a romance moment in a fantasy book! I love the books when the plot is not romance-centric & it went on without any excessive details on the relationships. & they were forming & growing slowly. & she wrote it beautifully, even for me (a non-romance reader; which actually I despise too much, too detailed romance in fantasy books.) it was pleasant & even devouring me.
The feelings, the love, the kisses, the relationship.
How beautiful, when you love someone, you slowly intended to love what the other one loves too.

the Characters: Strong, believable & lovable
their developments: again, believable & realistic
the relationships: Beautiful, I guess it's now safe to say that I loved that Enemies to Lovers trope.

Another thing I truly loved about this series, many times, the characters save themselves, not waiting, depending on another hero who might or might not come.

the Plot: exciting, unexpected & the Adrenaline-inducer Power Play!
also many departures & reunions in the whole series! & you know how much I love reunions & characters meetings, so it’s a bliss I found many in this series!

Re-reading this series will be so much fun! I know things the characters don't...

the Titles chosen gracefully.
& the Covers are magnificent!

& here, the last book,
Immortal Reign:

5 Golden Stars


3rd favourite in the series

Yet another path of unexpected adventures!
Such a roller coaster since the very first page!
The start & the whole first half were the BEST exciting beginning in this series! top high! Action-packed, thrilling horrifying! LOVED IT!
Then, after the romance MelTed my Heart (beautiful!) it had a downhill plain part in the middle, before the adrenaline began to rise up again for the end!
at some parts, especially in first 60% this book was better than book 5, but it has some down plain parts too, so I guess this one & book 5 might have a challenge to achieve the 2nd favourite place for me.
A few of plot twists were predictable, but most of them were unexpected.

Now in the last book, Cleo & Lucia both became mature, I like & admire them both now. Amara & Nerissa too.
Magnus still the best! (no shock here!)
I have a brotp too! As the plot turned down this way made me love their friendship! & I’m always ship the canon relationships! Because the authors write them with compassion, which my heart swell.

Occasionally I’d asked ‘how can everything step back to its right path in this little amount of time (page!)?’ (all the problems & everything happened to the characters were a big mess!) but in the end, it all became alright in a great & exciting way. Neat!

What a thrilling ending! & such a beautiful one! Perfect!

Thank you Morgan Rhodes for this amazing series! & thank you Magnus, Jonas, Nic, Taran, Kyan, Cleo, Lucia & all the lovely characters made good times for me.
I can't wait to re-read it!
Profile Image for  ••Camila Roy••.
161 reviews49 followers
July 2, 2018
RATING: 4/5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

So this is it. The End😪. I’m going to try and review this book based on the characters and not the overall plot/storyline, because that part was so ridiculous I laughed at one point 😂.

Inmortal Reign was 50% Magnus and Cleo, 30% about Jonas and Lucia (which is unfair if you ask me, Jonas deserved more time in the spotlight) 10% about other side characters, most of all Nik (because all of the sudden he’s got fire in his heart. Really? HIM out of ALL people? Okay lol) 5% of actual action/plot and and another 5% of people dying.

Having said that, I loved every page of this book because I’m just too attached. The ending was a bit rushed but hey, compared to some of the things that have happened in previous books, it made a lot more sense.

Lucia was a little less annoying than usual but I still dislike her. Jonas was awesome as always, I’m going to miss him the most😭❤️. My girl Cleo finally got her happy ending. Magnus really surprised me when he started interacting and socializing with people other than Cleo and Lucia. I think he’s had the most character development.

I’m sad I have to say goodbye, but all good things must come to an end☹️ Honestly if you read the first book and disliked it, that’s okay but there’s no way you can read all the books and dislike the series as a whole. It’s addicting, admit it📘💙
Profile Image for Anne.
4,372 reviews70.2k followers
October 11, 2023
I'm glad it's over.
The thing that killed it for me was the emotional immaturity of all the characters. Something big would happen, and they'd make this big inner declaration about how they realize that {insert other character here} is 100% worthy of their loyalty and trust.
And 3 pages later they're freaking out for no good reason, assuming that same character just lied to them, betrayed them, is out to get them, etc. It happened so much that I couldn't take anything any of them said seriously.


The same people kept doing the same things. Again. And again. And again.
There was no personal growth as none of the lessons from previous dumbassery seemed to stick with them for more than a page or two.


And the constant flip-flopping with the love interests. Oh, fucking hell this was an irritation.
I know YA is sort of known for love triangles and angst, but this was a bit much.


However, if you've made it through the other 5 books, you might as well go ahead and finish it out.
I will say that everything gets a resolution, and Rhodes doesn't leave dangling plot threads.
And if you don't think you'd have any issues with the complaints I've listed, this does have great world-building and a cool magic system.


I think if the author had knocked it off with adolescent temper tantrums and allowed the carousel of potential lovers to come to a halt a few books back, I would have been able to recommend this series.
As it is, this will not go on my re-read list.
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,858 reviews746 followers
January 18, 2018
After the ending of book 5, I was ready to do pretty much anything to get my hands on this one. So imagine my surprise when it showed up unexpectedly on my doorstep.

I wasn’t sure what to expect with this series ending, but I wasn’t disappointed. There was magic and fighting and snark and kissing and double crossing and it’s just a roller coaster right from the beginning.

I loved what happened and how it happened and it was a very satisfying ending to the series. And yes, I’m trying to be vague.

**Huge thanks to Razorbill for providing the finished copy free of charge**
Profile Image for Wren (fablesandwren).
674 reviews1,574 followers
September 17, 2020
I feel like this should be obvious, but there will be spoilers from previous books (not this one) and... so... don't read if you don't want things spoiled.

So here I was... anxiously waiting for this book ever since that cliff hanger in Crystal Storm and just praying to the goddess Rhodes that she does not kill my Magnus and that he gets some what of a happy ending since he seriously had THE WORST childhood. I mean he grew up to be a fine, thirst-worthy, broody young man but my heart reaches out to him in his younger years.

Then here I am... upset that I kind of got what I asked for. I know, don't mind me, just being a typical woman who says one thing but actually wants something completely different. I mean, don't get me wrong, this was a super entertaining read and there are a lot of twist and turns and things you aren't really expecting. But, I'm a real sucker for endings that actually break my heart. I mean, I felt the exact same way at the end of A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas. Things just fell into place way too easily for that huge cliff hanger that we were all hanging off of for a whole year and then some. I need my heart strings pulled.

One of my favorite parts is when Magnus and Cleo see each other for the first time in a long time. Magnus is just always grumpy and always jealous and snarky and it is just my favorite thing to read. You would think there would be running and embracing after everything that happened, but no he spits out a jealous remark and continually snarks for like two pages. He is absolutely every girl's broody dream.

...And then all my other favorite scenes include Magnus and Cleo and no one else (like when they talk about Cleo's hair again... eh? eh?). They are the real reason why I love this series. I mean, come on... they are ship-into-the-sunset-with-bullets-flying. I was here to hear their story and could have lived without the following rants (with some positives):

I have always been annoyed with Jonas, and this book just made that worse for me. Like why didn't he die in book three? And the romance that he ends up in is just completely random and didn't sit right with me. I felt like they were the leftovers of the characters and Rhodes just kind of shrugged and was like "yeah that could work" and fit it in. His character had so much room for growth from book one but I think he just got more and more angry and more and more annoying. I seriously was done with him after the love triangle first appeared.

Amara gets everything she deserves. That's all I need to say on her topic. I was over here from the day her name came on the page.

King Gaius... why did I feel like I was supposed to be feeling remorse for him? Why did Magnus feel as if he owned his father literally anything? All Gaius has done is abuse literally everyone who comes around him. Literally. He is the bubonic plague. He never brought any color or happiness to anyone. He was always black and he was always poison. I will never be here for that kind of abuse. We have enough of that in the real world, I don't need that in my fantasy world too.

Lucia was a hot head with anything she did, and having a baby just made it worse. She makes really rash decisions and never actually thinks over what she is doing. I don't dislike her, but I also don't realy like her. I know a lot of people absolutely hate her though, and I can understand why. I like her more than Jonas, at least. That doesn't exclude the fact that she is low-key abusive. But what to do you expect from someone who was the favorite of an abusive father? I wasn't here for it. I wasn't here for how she went about getting her daughter back (surprise, she was kidnapped). I wasn't here for how she treated the men around her. I wasn't here for her "my way or the highway" that she pulls out in every book. I just wasn't here for it. But again, Jonas is worse for me and I think it is just because he is above annoying to me.

Ashur to me is like the strong back-bone of all the characters we have. He thinks things through, he is rash, he is usually gentle and he cares about the people around him. You don't have a lot of people who aren't rash-thinkers in this book and so he was a refreshing face.

Nic... I just can't. How the book ended for him I would have done differently... mine would have been in the exact opposite way that Rhodes took it (though he is her character and it is her book and this is how her story is told!). I also just have felt bad for Nic ever since we met him. He really doesn't catch a break, so maybe the ending he got was genuinely for that reason. On the plus side, I am really happy that we got some representation out of Nic and Ashur. I do wish we had more page-time with these two (don't take away my Magnus and Cleo time, just take away everything else).

Ending on a Happy Note
There is this scene, and it isn't a spoiler it is just really completely amazing, there Cleo talks about how she is keeping her last name because she is honoring her family before her and she is the last in her line and I absolutely felt all the feminist in the world let out a cheer. It just brought a smile to my face to see that a woman in this fantasy-medieval land can stand up and decide for herself what she wants to be called and who she wants to stand for. Just because she is married, doesn't mean she has to confirm. I mean, me personally, I plan on taking my husbands last name because I like the idea of becoming a family together. But I know plenty of women who have kept their last name or are planning to and I say more power to them and I love it. I felt empowered that she saw she had a choice and didn't just assume she had to.

I'm not going to make this any longer, but overall I just needed some more devastation and twist for my taste. I like things to get super messy and this just felt really clean and neat to me. But it was a satisfying ending and I would still recommend this series to anyone who loves high fantasy, hate-to-love and just rash-headed people who you can't help but cheer for. But I do take back my comparison to A Song of Fire and Ice (Game of Thrones). I mean, GRRM gets my need for blood and heart-string pulling more than anyone I know.

First, I want to state that I buddy read this IN A DAY with the lovely Melanie! Here is her Goodreads, Bookstagram, and her Blog! Reading this in a day with this girl was so fun! We have completely different schedules so we were all over the place, but we bounced feels and dreads off one another and it was so much fun! This girl is the sweetest and I can't wait to read more books with her!

You can find her reviews and thoughts for this book here: GoodReads
Beware though.. she was super upset she didn't like this ending!

- - -

Literally don’t know if my tears are happy, sad, mad, or a jumble of all three. Wow that was a rollercoaster and RTC!

- - -


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Buddy read with cupcake Melanie (meltotheany) !

I'm so anxious for this I NEED TO KNOW THAT THEY ARE OKAY.
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,128 reviews3,037 followers
April 12, 2023
✅ Twists and deaths (again!)
✅ Magic system
✅ Characters
✅ Pace
✅ Plot
✅ Villains

4.5 stars

While I found Crystal Storm to be a little slow and underwhelming, Immortal Reign was just as awesome and amazing as the other books in this series. While there were ups and downs in this series, and there are still some characters of decisions that I dislike, it is definitely one of my favorite fantasy series so far.

Cleo looked up into his face—the face of someone she’d come to love more than anyone or anything else in this world, in this life.
Her friend. Her husband. Her king.

Oh my. Cleo and Magnus. How can we not fall in love with them? Theirs is one of the best enemies to lovers relationship development I've had the chance to read. 🥰

Lucia was not on my "I hate you and I want to slap you" list in this book, but while I am slowly warming up to her, she is still annoying me, and I had trouble agreeing with some of her choices. Can we talk about the fact that she let Lyssa without protection too many times to count? While knowing that she's a very special snowflake baby and that everyone wants a piece of her? Anyways...

Jonas had a strong start in the first book, but he ended up being okay. I was not really impressed by him in this series and I just feel indifferent when it comes to him. I don't particularly like him, but I don't dislike him either.

The villains in this series are so evil and cruel and I loved to hate them. I dreamed about their death and demise many times while reading this series, but it is definitely a strength of this book. Amara, King Gaius, the evil grandmothers (yes plural, because the author apparently has something against the nice and sweet grandmothers that cook cookies so she made all the grandmothers in this series cold-hearted and scheming b*tches).

“Freedom is what counts. Freedom for everyone - be they rich or poor. The freedom to choose our own lives, our own paths, without an absolute ruler telling us what we can and cannot do. That is what I fight for.”

While I was hoping with all my heart for Magnus and Cleo to get their happy ending, I find that the whole wrap-up of this series feels almost too nice? We've been through 6 books of twists, fights, scheming, politics, deaths, and blood, and somehow, all of the "main characters" get their happy ending... But at the same time, it was cute and sweet and it felt good to read this happy ending after all the heart-pounding and heart-wrenching moments of this series that I can't really complain about.

On a side note, here is a Magneo song by the very talented Victoria Carbol :Stop Your Haunting

Crimson Dagger ⭐⭐⭐
Falling Kingdoms ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rebel Spring ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
Gathering Darkness ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Frozen Tides ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Crystal Storm ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Fanart bu Julia Jin

I found this on the Internet and I couldn't resist sharing it. Here's a recap of most of the complex relationships in this series. 😂

Follow me on Instagram 🙂
Profile Image for sam.
407 reviews736 followers
May 23, 2018
Rating: 5/5 brilliant stars

Let me just start off by saying one thing: this book made me feel the feels. Majorly. After the huge hangover that was crystal storm, I am pleasantly satisfied with this one. I have been waiting almost an entire year for this finale to a breathtaking series and it definitely had my heart from the beginning. I know most people don't like this series and yeah I understand why but I think it's really important to be patient with books in general and not to have too many expectations or else usually, people end up being disappointed.

I buddy read this in a single sitting with my friend Shreya and she loved it every bit as much as I did(go check out her review as well cause her reviews are bloody amazing even though she doesn't like to admit it). The ending to this book was one of the most beautiful things I have ever read and I want y'all to cry happy tears with me too so please go give this series a chance because it is a hidden gem. I loved how Morgan Rhodes tied the whole series together and it wasn't really stretched out in any way either (I mean that could just be my opinion but..meh). With every book the plot became more and more intriguing and was adding onto the plot of the previous book so well and everything was very nicely thought out. I loved all the characters and all of the new and unexpected relationships that blossomed in this book, I loved baby Lissa and she is the most adorable thing ever and Magnus Damora is gold, silver and all the precious things in the world, and Magneo will always be one of my favorite ships.

I generally do not stick to a series but if I do I usually only get to the second to last book. But I read this series straight through in 3 days last year and all of these books will always be special to me.

To basically sum up: I loved the magic. I loved the world. I loved this series. If you havent read this series yet, you're missing out on a lot. And I mean A LOT.
Profile Image for Nadhira Satria.
434 reviews843 followers
July 26, 2021
Hello darkness, my old friend
Unfortunately this is actually the worst out of all the 6 books I cri
How do you review your favorite series? you fucking don't
I'm emotional, don't touch me. Idk whether from sadness that this series is ending or from the shitty ending this series is ending with. brb I'm just going to drink a whole bottle of vodka. Adios
Buddy read with my favorite buddy reader in the world 💞
February 7, 2018
RELEASED TODAY!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

“So the rumors about you are true,” he said solemnly.
She swallowed past the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat. “Most of them, I’m afraid.”
“Good.” He continued to hold her gaze when she wished she could look away. “Then be a demon, my beautiful daughter. Be whatever you need to be to put an end to the Kindred once and for all.”

It goes without saying that I’m a rabid fangirl when it comes to the Falling Kingdoms series. It started out with a ‘meh, I don’t know if I should continue after this first book’, and now it has [not so] slowly eased its way onto my favorite series of all time list. I’m not kidding when I say that I haven’t added a book to that sucker since 2014 or so. Maybe longer! So, you KNOW it’s a big deal when I choose to add onto it.

“Why did you choose Nic?” Magnus asked, hoping to distract Kyan somehow. “Wasn’t there anyone better?”
Kyan laughed. “Nicolo has a soul of fire.”
“Because of his hair? More the color of carrots thrown into a horse’s trough than fire, if you ask me.”

I’ll admit that it wasn’t a love at first sight type deal, either-besides Magnus (Yeah. More on that morsel later), I just didn’t wholly identify with anyone and not enough happened to satiate my thirst for peril and all things action and violence. If you didn’t know, I can be quite the violent sort when it comes to my books. Ahem…moving on. But, that’s all beside the point, because what have I continually said since I started heavily reviewing on GR?

Gaius’s eyebrows drew together. He looked pained. “Magnus loved you. He fought for you. He defied me again and again in order to save you, even if it meant his own destruction. He was worthy of you in a way that I was never worthy of Elena. I see that now. And for that alone, you must survive this, Cleiona Bellos.” Then he scowled at her. “But know this. I would personally kill you in an instant if it meant that my son could live again.”

All. I. Need. Is. SOMETHING. To keep me hooked in a book or series. Whether it be something as simple as a tortured look from the male lead, a beautifully written story that keeps my interest if only because it has descriptions that continually draw me in, or so much heart-breaking action that I couldn’t dare to put it down for a moment. It needn’t be huge, but it must be something. In this case? It was all about that dark, hate-to-love, practically forbidden, enemies to lovers romance, baby.

Of a beautiful golden princess who rightfully despised him. Whose blue-green eyes held only hate for so long that he didn’t remember precisely when her gaze had softened.
This princess who didn’t push him away when he kissed her. Instead, she kissed him back with a passion that very nearly matched his own.
Perhaps I’m only fantasizing all of it, he thought.

Sign. Me. UP. I loved my darling Magnus from page one of book one, mmkayyyy? But, unfortunately, there were dual POVs (not a huge fan of this) and I can’t commit to a story that is dull without something to give me hope. And, also unfortunately, it didn’t look like there was going to be any HOPE for my boy…There was just a wee lil smidge of incestual thoughts goin’ on there-and I didn’t see how this was something I could endorse, no matter how much I adored my main man.

He’d also heard of burying a victim in the ground up to their neck, then covering them with tree syrup and allowing a nest of hungry beetles to consume them slowly.
That would be nice.
Or perhaps Magnus would remove Kurtis’s remaining hand. Saw it off slowly with a dull knife. Or a spoon.
Yes, a spoon.

But then…THEN. This beautiful unicorn of a girl (You know who you are, Bones (LOLZ)) said-’Oh no. No no no. You mustn’t give up. There is a glorious ship. And BOY does it sail. And its not at all like it is now.’ So, I persevered-I picked up book two. And, while it certainly wasn’t perfect…far from it…my eyes lit up and my grin went from ear to ear-because there shone a glimmer of hope, right before my moonstruck, rabid fangirly eyes. It wasn’t going to be half bad if this ship sailed.

He needed food. Drink.
But first and most importantly, he needed to know that Cleo was safe.

Then something else happened…and another…then another! The action became breathtaking because I actually cared for more than just one person. The romances began to fly (and die. Then fly again….rinse and repeat). The stories became very interesting. Everything began weaving together so intricately on each page that I couldn’t stop to take a breath. I had a whole new series to devour with endless possibilities…and I had almost put it down forever. Thank God for the power of friendship (and trust bones from Brittney).

And now, here I am, receiving (and having received) the last two books (FINISHED HARDBACKS!) from the lovely publishers for reviewing, and each time it has made my year. This was just the most wonderful start to 2018 (along with my other favorites so far: Everless, The Cruel Prince, Love, Life and the List…). When I received this book I jumped around, I screamed, I cried…I [attempted] to devour it immediately. I literally bought a book light, people. A BOOK LIGHT-so I could get this sucker done. And I truly wasn’t disappointed. Not by a long shot.

Paelsians burned their dead.
Auranians worshipped the goddess of fire and air, so one would think they would fsuavor the Paelsian burial ritual. But rich Auranians favored coffins chiseled from marble, while those of lower status chose wooden boxes.
“Kurtis had me buried like an Auranian peasant,” Magnus muttered.
Surely, this had to be the former kingsliege’s final insult.

More than once I couldn’t breathe. More than once I had to put the book down, take a breath, release it, and just try to breathe because my heart was furiously pounding out of my chest, my stomach was in knots…and I just couldn’t even stand it. I might be a bit of a loser when it comes to this series, but I have no regrets-NONE. Frankly, it’s all because of one couple. Let’s be real. And let’s just get down to it:

“I think I scared him.”
She nodded. “You can be very scary.”
“Yes. And I can also be scared. And I am, right now.” Magnus took her hands in his, his gaze locking with hers. “I want to help you.”
Tears welled in her eyes. “I know.”
“What do we do, Cleo?” He hated the weakness that had crept into his voice. “How am I supposed to save you from this?”

Magnus. Magnus and Cleo. I can’t. I truly can’t even. And I suppose I shouldn’t be able to say anything after that ambiguous end to the previous book (OMG I LOVED IT OMG SO EPIC-but perhaps I’m alone in this because, as I’ve stated many a time, I am a masochistic book nerd), but….Morgan Rhodes has released quotes about what we know can’t be the end….so I guess I’m clear??

“Ashur,” Magnus said with an impatient sigh. I’m going to the palace now. Are you going to join me, or do you wish to call out names while sacrificing random forest creatures?”
“You don’t believe,” Ashur said.
“What I believe is irrelevant. What I need is to get to Cleo.”

But I’ll be good. So…yeah…ummm….THE REUNION. IS. EVERYTHING. HA! I LIED. Hypothetically, it might have been in a certain jelly situation. Hypothetically it may have taken FOREVER for the two to be in the same damn space and connect and….hypotheticallyit might have made my heart stop for a moment (No. For real. Ask my friend, Jen-I literally text her and was like yeah…I need to put this down because the feels have taken over my ability to BREATHE). Ha. But I may be alone here-I think that’s just the possessed fangirl talking again. WHAT. It’s been a YEAR. I’ve waited a YEAR. I can be as happy as I please, thank you very much.

He knew she was angry with him for scaring Bruno, for acting disrespectful and ungrateful toward Ashur. For wanting to crush anything that stood in the way of finding the answers he needed to save the girl standing before him.
To hell with the rest of the world; Cleo was all he cared about.

HE didn’t let me down. HE was a perfect husband. HE would do anything for the girl he loves. HE….he would come back from the grave for her-and he shows it tirelessly here. His love is endless and boundless and I adore him. Their love is insurmountable and they’d burn the world down for each other-I truly love this couple and I am going to miss them so so dearly. But isn’t that the best? When a series is large and you STILL didn’t want it to end? That’s only happened here, for me. So, for that, Morgan Rhodes will always be a Rockstar in my eyes. AND-honorable mention: I didn’t care about any of the other POVs before book 5, but in book 5 and this one, they all won me over and I didn’t feel the need for that incessant skimming I did throughout the others-that’s just…it’s amazing.

Now-even though this book is absolute perfection to me, I must mention some things that I [I guesss] weren’t perfect. Okay. I guess there were some things that happened that came off as repetitive. IE they happened a couple too many times? And, even though I loved said thing happening a few times, others might roll their eyes. And I DO think the, ahem, ‘escaping?’ . That’s not really a spoiler, but I don’t want to hinder anyone’s thoughts on the matter before they go in (I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS TO ME AND I ALWAYS COMPLAIN AFTER). I loved that it happened, and I know it couldn’t have happened any other way, but I do wish it would have . Though…I suppose if I read them back to back, it wouldn’t have mattered because hey, boy went through some Hell, am I right? Perhaps here I was too harsh. And finally, I think I wanted an even BIGGER bang of an end-but, honestly, I still adored it.

I think I’m still being a pissy pink elephant, though, because I wanted one tiny (it wasn’t tiny) thing to happen that didn’t. BUT it would have ruined the possible HEA so I need to shh.

OKAY. Now I’m just rambling. So I’ll end it here. Mags, Cleo, Jonas (my favs the whole time)…Amara, Lucia, Felix, etc. I really did like the end of it all. I really hate long series because, as they progress, they truly do lose something-But that never happened here. In fact, I only loved each installment more and more-so that is something truly special in my eyes. And yes, this is more of a fangirl review and not all poetic and pretty with the words like I know I can do…but sometimes you gotta let that freak flag fly-and if you can’t do it for one of your favorite characters and favorite series of all time…when CAN you do it? If you have read every book and are just waiting on this installment….have fun. I know you will love it, or at least really like it. Not everyone can love all the POVs. If you haven’t read this series? Shame on you . Shame shame shame. If you are considering it? I’ll forgive you. Just this once….but you MUST read it-or I’ll rescind my forgiveness and take all my kindness away lol. Go forth…and enjoy. <3

For more of my reviews, please visit:
descriptive text here


Oh guys. This book. You know when it's the final book and nothing can compare to your wild expectations? Well...this is me at work:

But inside....Inside THIS is me and WAS me the whole entirety of this beautiful novel:

Because frankly, Magnus has become close to a number one bbf in the span of less than a year. Because this book made it so I literally felt like I couldn't breathe, like the butterflies MIGHT just take over my stomach and come out through my mouth. Because this book, aside from maybe ONE teensy thing I wanted to happen (because, again, I am a masochistic butthole), was everything I could possibly have hoped for. Because this book...it was perfection.

But like with all wonderful series...I'm sad to see it end. But I couldn't be prouder of this author and how she managed to end with integrity and with a series that never lost steam, but actually GAINED more fans as it progressed. That is SO rare and I am OBSESSED with it. In fact, this might be a top 3 or 4 on my list-and nothing has broken onto that list since, like 2013. So. Yeah.


For more of my reviews, please visit:

descriptive text here


Whooooo loves Penguin Teen? Chellllseeaaaa loves Penguin Teen. Is it truuuuuuue??? MMHHMMMMMMM.

I do I do I DO-ooooooooo

Did I mention I have ALL THE LUCK?! ALL OF IT.

***Sorry for 5 reposts. I coudn't get my sharing photo site to work!!!!!!!!!!
July 4, 2018
“We cannot be stopped. We are eternal. We are life itself. And we will do anything to survive.”

2,5 stars

I know it’s time. It’s finally time for me to review this book, which mean it’s also time to say mean things about the last instalment in one of my top 3 favourite series ever. I initially finished this book 3 weeks ago and decided to rate it with a 3.5 stars. But the more I actually tried to write a proper review, the more I realized that I have very few nice things to say about Immortal Reign, therefore I HAD to take-off a full star. Indeed, this book was my most anticipated release of this Fall/Winter season, and it ended up being one of my worst disappointments ever.

First of all I realise that my disappointment is probably due to the lack of memories of the previous instalments (I knew I should have re-read them, I didn’t have the time and now I wish I had). I honestly couldn’t remember the plot, the dynamics or the relationships between the characters. I’m sure my bad brain is one of the main reasons I was not enough invested in this book, BUT there were also some major no-no for me. The book lacked so much depth and was so repetitive; it felt like a running gag, going around in circle, always same-same-same. Same plot, same drama, same deus ex-machina over and over again.
“Actually, that was one of my fantasies while in that hateful coffin: marrying you under the blue sky of Auranos in a field of beautiful flowers.”

Drama can work (I couldn’t have handled a book without any obstacles) but here, they were not real obstacles, mostly bumps on the roads, easily overcome, even more so forgotten. Action scenes were so fast they became blurred and some events were handled rather unceremoniously. I know before this book started I wished nothing more than Magneo to be okay and Magnus to be happy, and now I can only remember the saying “careful what you wish for”. This book gives us the desired happy ending (and that’s one of the only things I liked in this book) but really, it could have been a bit harder to get there –or the story could have stopped with the previous book altogether–

From this point on, there will be spoilers and disappointments, be warned!

Honestly, so many things piss me off. Starting with Magnus’ ring that seemed to solve every single problem, but also with how forced so many relationship felt. Remind me again why everyone mourned King Gaius? Last book I’ve read, he was a cruel dictator and an abusive father. Why is Lucia part of the heroes? She is as abusive as her father was, and she outdid herself in this book. She did awful things in the name selflessness and yet she was a terrible mother, sister and friend. She got me so mad, always running toward danger without thinking once second about her actions and their consequences. And the abducting felt like a big fat joke, have you try asking if people had your baby before burning the world to the ground? And don’t get me started on Amara and Jonas, they were so useless and boring it made my eyes tear.
“Magnus loved you. He fought for you. He defied me again and again in order to save you, even if it meant his own destruction. He was worthy of you in a way that I was never worthy of Elena. I see that now. And for that alone, you must survive this, Cleiona Bellos.”

Overall, this book just lacked. The story lacked spine, the characters lacked humanization and I lacked emotions while reading it. I think I’ll try to go on with my life and tell myself that this book didn’t exist at all. Just pretend that the story ended with Crystal Storm adding there the happy ending, and hope that my mind will be fooled and still love this series. Honestly it won’t be that difficult considering that I already don’t remember much about the book anyways and that even Magus and Cleo were mostly acting out of character.


Edit January 27, 2017: Magnus, my baby.

756 reviews2,553 followers
May 2, 2018
I finally finished guys and it only took twenty days!!! But I finished!!!

-what the fuck was this book?
-I was told that Rhodes writing improves from the first book but all six books have felt the SAME
-tbh this series could have been cut down by two or three books.
-Jonas is annoying??
-overall, it was okay but nothing special. Quite disappointing since it was the final book. I was also in a shitty slump so that may have affected uhhh me reading this book.
Profile Image for Brittany (Hiatus-On/Off).
101 reviews71 followers
Want to read
April 2, 2017
Updated March 31st, 2017.

The. Cover. Is. PERFECT!


I mean it's Magneo! How much better could it get? Please tell me, I want to know!!!

Look at the full wrap around!!! XD XD XD


January 21st, 2017

*Note: I typed out this review the day the title for Falling Kingdoms #6 came out (January 20th, 2017), but I didn’t get to finish it because I had to head to bed and it took me longer than expected to write the review.
Okay, there is probably a lot of reviews out for this book tonight...or today? (Here at least it’s nighttime) because the title came out almost five hours ago (would have had my excited title review up sooner but had image troubles...more on that later, and got busy with life), but can I just say how AMAZINGLY AWESOME this title is:


It not only sounds and looks (The Falling Kingdoms series title's always look so cool and medieval I think) AMAZINGLY AWESOME but it suits the series to perfection I think, too! How cool is that?! Ahhh...I'm getting ahead of myself...let me explain book lovers....

The first part of the title, IMMORTAL is a perfect word in a Falling Kingdoms title because if you have read the series you will most likely know many things in the world of Falling Kingdoms are immortal.

If you haven't read the series I don't want to spoil you by telling you what is immortal...but could I suggest you look into reading the series that is Falling Kingdoms? You won't regret it if you like one of these things or all of them, I promise. Right Lena and Mayflower? (They were the first two I introduced to Falling Kingdoms). If you like multiple POV's, magic, suspense beyond the edge of your seat, characters that make you want to jump inside the book and help them, wrap them up in a blanket, (My little M baby! ^^) I didn't want to say the character's name because I want to see if you will fall for the unknown character too, I didn’t at first, but now...I wish I was best friends with M and especially Cleo! I could kick butt with Cleo, help and be strong with M), say ASJKD to them and the situations they are in or get in (Jonas, love you buddy), strangle them, laugh out loud with them and have one, no, actual several AMAZINGLY AWESOME adventures with them then you will like Falling Kingdoms!

If you cannot tell, this series has made me into the fangirl I am today and helped me begin to understand the fangirl language. This book and all of my book loving friends have helped me, actually. I am grateful to every single one of you for being my friend. *Hugs* Seriously before them and this series I was lost in the world of fangirling. I was real lost. If you don't believe me, ask Lena and Mayflower, the friends of many I introduced to this series. (Just to let you know, I can’t stop recommending this series if you cannot tell. Also to let you know, Mayflower and Lena are happy or is it very emotional I put them through that 5th book cliffhanger? I don’t know. Maybe when I read the 5th book, Crystal Storm I will understand.)

Okay I got a bit side tracked, back to the title now. The second part of the title, REIGN is a perfect word in a Falling Kingdoms title because reign is to do with kingdoms, princes, kings, princesses, queens and ruling or reigning and what does the world of FK have? All of that and MORE.




So back to the beginning of my review, how cool is that title?!? AMAZINGLY AWESOME COOL is what I think that title is! I couldn’t ask for a better title to finish the world of FK (It’s the last book, I can’t believe it!) What about you, what do you think of the title? Do you think it suits the Falling Kingdoms series from what I told you above?

Thank you for reading my first fangirl book title review on the book title, Immortal Reign, Falling Kingdoms book number six. Hope you enjoyed it. I certainly enjoyed writing it. (Tonight I was freaking out about this title if you cannot tell from above…)

Oh. I almost forgot! My image troubles were saved by my new book loving friend, Coreen <3 (As the Plot Thickens). Who, very kindly gave me the correct link to the FK #6 title image and the numbers to size it so I could put it into my review to admire and for other book lovers to admire too. Thank you Coreen <3 (As the Plot Thickens).

Wait. Am I not forgetting something important? The release date December 2017 almost a year away, how am I going to live that long? Well, I’m going to read A Book of Spirits and Thieves and its sequel The Darkest Magic and the Falling Kingdoms novellas, Obsidian Blade and Crimson Dagger, discover new books and I’m going to fangirl over how much I love this series and its new title, Immortal Reign! Who’s with me? All book lovers are welcome and also happy for newcomers.
Profile Image for nicklein.
401 reviews78 followers
June 25, 2020

This gem of a series just tore me up inside out and I sincerely thank Morgan Rhodes for that and for rendering me completely useless for conversation until I finished reading.

I just love this series so hard and I couldn’t wish for a better ending. I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve read the last chapter. Trying my best to soak in every little details that made my heart so full.

Alright I’m having feels again and that’s my cue.
Profile Image for Ahmed  Ejaz.
549 reviews363 followers
May 24, 2018
I've found that in my life that love and attraction can take many forms. And if one is open to unexpected possibilities, there are no boundaries. (copied from Goodreads 😆)
I failed to see why Morgan Rhodes delayed this book to "make it more memorable" for us readers. It was good. But not in the way it should have been. I am not satisfied. I read this two months ago. I don’t remember few things I wanted to talk about. And I didn't take any notes. Anyway, I'm still gonna review it.
=> First quarter of the book is literally amazing. I enjoyed it alot.
=> The only thing which was unpredictable for me was the mystery of Lissa's kidnapping.
=> I failed to see why Morgan Rhodes didn't unite Jonas and Lucia clearly. It seemed like they wanted to be close but author didn't wanted them to be.
=> In the entire effing series, Amara seemed to be an enemy. Sub-antagonist. But this novel, made her a kind of sub-heroine. I am neither disliking this fact nor liking. I am confused what the heck she was?!
=> I got very confused about Nerissa in this novel. I didn't expect that. It was very sudden, in my opinion. Anyway, okay..😞
=> Magnus and Cleo. I loved their every scene. But sometimes Magnus became over protective. Understood but annoyed me a bit.

That's all I can remember for now. It was a good series but I didn't like this part that much.
I beg to Morgan Rhodes, please release the conclusion novel of Spirit and Thieves series this year. I haven't read the Darkest Magic yet. But will very soon.

22 May, 2018
Profile Image for Cindy ✩☽♔.
1,219 reviews987 followers
February 16, 2018
A proper end to a high-stakes, action-packed journey filled with secrets, betrayal, hate, love, friendship, forgiveness, and redemption.

Magnus & Cleo
As I've said in previous reviews, I would literally sacrifice all the other characters if it meant these two were alive and happy. And while I certainly found myself liking the other characters more this time around, I stand by that statement lol. Fortunately, it did not come to that.

In the words of King Gaius:
“Magnus loved you. He fought for you. He defied me again and again in order to save you, even if it meant his own destruction. He was worthy of you in a way that I was never worthy of Elena. I see that now. And for that alone, you must survive this, Cleiona Bellos.”

Jonas & Lucia
No joke, Jonas might be the most forgiving guy in the history of ever. Despite everything Lucia does he stands by her, constantly believes in her and he saves her countless times. Even after she does something stupid and betrays his trust he is quick to forgive her. While they don't have any particularly romance-centric scenes, I think it is safe to say they become more than friends by the end. In some ways, I think Jonas becomes to Lucia, what Cleo is to Magnus, her light. Someone who knows the horrible things she's done, the darkness she has in her, and isn't afraid, who continues to see the goodness in her and fight for her.

*More Detailed review to Come*
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,852 reviews

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