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Sarah Mayfield

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An unexpected journey of the heart.

The war is over and Sarah Mayfield has put the sorrows of her life in Virginia behind her. On the strength of three letters she has traveled by railroad, riverboat and stagecoach to meet her new life out west. Grady McGuire, her intended and the author of those letters, though formally dressed and still holding a bouquet of wilted prairie flowers, is unfortunately passed out drunk in a buckboard behind the saloon.

That new life isn’t beginning quite as she envisioned it. As she attempts to salvage the promises they made to each other, she finds herself involved with others in town with their own stories to tell:

Addison Pruitt, Sarah’s saving grace, owns the very fine Russell Hotel and keeps the irritating John Russell close as she spends his money.

Diego, the Mexican hotel cook possessed of an exquisite repertoire of French dishes, has a secret that he hopes he never has to tell.

Jim, Booker and the boy Abraham, Grady’s long-suffering hands, are her new family. They run the ranch Grady didn’t intend to inherit and love him even though they can’t keep him out of trouble.

Ellen, Grady’s strong-willed mother, lies under a headstone out by the river, but won’t quite stay dead.

Last but not least, there is Elijah Blue, a member of the tribes, shotgun rider and horse trainer, who drove cattle with Grady from the time they were barely out of childhood, and is now waiting to see if his friend can make amends with the woman from the East, the one in the black traveling dress covered with dust, the one that he noticed the minute she stepped down off the stage.

253 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2020

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J.S. Anthony

2 books67 followers

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5 stars
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91 (2%)
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42 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 171 reviews
June 29, 2020
The second best book I've read

The first book by the author was mesmerizing. Now this one is equally as good. I love the writing. I felt like I was living the stories . Please, please J S Anthony, write more. Give us more about CHARLOTTE and SARAH MAYFIELD.
859 reviews2 followers
May 31, 2020
Western Romance

Sarah Mayfield by JS Anthony. This was a hard book to read because the characters talked in riddles. I had a hard time understanding or following the conversation. I gave it five stars because after it took off it things began to fall in place. I liked the ending.
55 reviews6 followers
November 22, 2020
I'm surprised that so many people liked this book. If you want to know why, read on, but this might tell too much of the story.

I read this because I read "Charlotte" and thought it was interesting enough. I was looking for another quick read to keep my reading streak going and I like historical fiction, so I settled on this one. I couldn't find any information on JS Anthony, but based on these two books I'd say that he/she likes cooking, horses, and native American heroes. And has an unfavorable opinion of religion.

It was an obvious set up from the start, but I kept reading hoping that Sarah would get her head straight and choose better. I knew from the minute Elijah Blue appeared on the scene in the first chapter of the book that he would be a major character. The two of them should have run off together from the start rather than dragging Grady through another heartache. I don't call that a love story. Almost every other character in the story -- all of her instant BFF's -- could have told Sarah about Grady's past. She barely knew him when she married him and didn't have a good opinion of him. His drunken first impression was a tip off that we weren't supposed to like him either. Then she judges him harshly for mistakes he made before he met her. She doesn't give him a chance to explain himself. She forgives everybody else who kept the secret from her and Addison's story is too little too late and doesn't sway Sarah. She was just looking for a way out. She was already in love with Elijah and wanted to be with him. So she played the victim over Grady's past even though she was snogging Elijah while married to Grady. If she hadn't passed out (ridiculous), they would have been in bed together on their first encounter. Grady was a ruse to get her to Sweetwater, then she treated him poorly. He was very good to her and patient and kind, and she was cold as ice towards him, yet she melted like hot butter every time she looked at Elijah. And Elijah let her marry his best friend, even stood up with him at the wedding, then he seduced Sarah by telling her that Grady was no longer his best friend. Later he tells Sarah that he had fallen in love with her from the moment he first saw her and knew he wanted her and nobody else. I guess that was supposed to be the romantic part.

Is it any wonder that Grady had a drinking problem? His father left when he was young, his mother abandoned him when he was 14, his sister left everything to him, Beatriz left him, his best friend stole his wife, his wife left him, and his ranch hands were leaving him as well. Everybody left him. I kept reading thinking that Sarah would fall in love with Grady and realize that Elijah was just a diversion, a bridge between Jacob and Grady. But I guess the author, the townspeople, and a lot of readers preferred that the adulteress run off with her husband's friend. If there is a sequel, I won't read it.
Profile Image for Kimberly  Jones.
9 reviews2 followers
June 7, 2020
Sometimes you just have to do things your way.

I gave this book only four stars, because it ended too soon!
A young widow of the civil war, then a mail order bride, then??? You will have to read to find out. I'm glad I did.
Profile Image for Sandra Hoover.
1,336 reviews223 followers
June 8, 2024
Sarah Mayfield is a young war widow who's traveling West to meet the man she's promised to marry after only three letters. Much to her dismay, she arrives to find Grady passed out drunk in the floor of a buckwagon. Lucky for her, she meets Addison & is offered a job and a home. On the outskirts of town and her mind is Elijah a Native American who takes job riding shotgun on the stage when he's not on his ranch training horses. Grady does everything in his power to make amends and convince Sarah to go through with their marriage. In spite of her reservations, a promise is a promise and Sarah honors her promises. Things are tolerable until they aren't and Sarah is faced with another major decision. I'm not going to say more because this book is best read without too many spoilers. I went into it knowing nothing about the story and finished absolutely loving the writing and characters. Enough so that I immediately picked up Charlotte, the only other book I can find by this author. Highly recommended to fans of western romance, especially unique stories about mailorder brides. This one is different and oh so good!
Profile Image for Rose.
213 reviews6 followers
November 4, 2020
I think JS Anthony is one of my favorite authors now. This is a beautiful story. Sarah is a young war widow that answered a letter from a man seeking a wife. She felt she had to leave home, leave behind the sadness and start a new life. We meet Sarah when she begins the last stage of her journey, on the stagecoach. She is placed next to a silent Indian man, Elijah for the last miles to the town. He made an impression on her for his stillness and silence. Upon arrival after a long journey, she finds her husband to be passed out drunk. After a short period of time, she relents and marries him and decides she will be happy, although there were signs things were not ok. Her husband is a mystery and others that know him are holding back a secret.
I love the characters in this novel and you will too.
17 reviews
February 7, 2021
Yes, but.....

Great story. This girl went through so much in a short period of time. In some books the heroine has physical challenges that we struggle to get them through, battles to fight, evil characters to contend with. These struggles are more emotional and heart wrenching.
My objection to the book is that there are so many words, descriptions, and repetition of scenes and vistas. I had the feeling a certain number of words/pages were required by the publisher and she was loading up these land descriptions to reach the goal. The story could have been told in fewer pages.
My takeaway from this book, the thing that really made it a good book, was her relationships with the people she met. She was a genuinely kind person herself so she attracted kind people. It was easy for them to love her. She was generous with her time and attention, i.e., Abraham’s reading, Diego’s position as head chef, patience with Grady, tolerance with a completely new lifestyle, i.e., Maggie’s saloon.
She made her family and truly loved Booker, Abraham, Jim, Bean, Addison, and even Mr. Russell in a way. Elijah knew she couldn’t leave these people behind without knowing they would be provided for, have an opportunity to live freely and happily, like the life Jace was seeking.
136 reviews
October 2, 2021
Writing style of riddles and the story was difficult to follow in the beginning. Sarah, gave my word Sarah, made a choice that didn't set well. Then took an easy out and didn't follow through on that "gave my word".
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Linda.
2,479 reviews
April 26, 2021
Another very good read by an author who writes great dialogue and warm, tender love stories set in the old west.
24 reviews
April 28, 2021
Easy read but I was hoping there was a book 2 a continuance of this story.
15 reviews
December 26, 2020
Absolutely an amazing story. I found it refreshingly different other other novels I have read. Wish there was a sequel so I can find out more of Elijah. I would recommend this novel to the many fans of western romance.

Readers can appreciate the kinds of different types of people in this world. I truly enjoyed . very much so.
Profile Image for Trudi.
19 reviews1 follower
September 23, 2020
Amidst personal angst, political angst, and just plain life issues, I wanted a non-committal story. Nothing heavy, or mysterious, just something nice - a fairy tale. This was surprisingly good. It started kind of slow with a lot of description, explanation, and too much inner turmoil. It ended on a happy note that gave me some satisfaction.
The story is about Sarah who is a young widow from the Civil War. When she realizes that her life needs to move on, she begins a correspondence with a seemingly wonderful man in the West. She agrees to his offer of marriage, and finds that reality is far less satisfying than the fiction he's composed.
She's a brave woman for that time, probably not historically accurate in her character. However, the story ended up being engaging and amusing. I enjoyed meeting the other characters, and like any good fairy tale, it's ends well.
It took my mind off my own issues for a day, and that was my goal.
Profile Image for Jacquelyn.
34 reviews2 followers
October 3, 2021
This author needs to work on her characters and dialogue. Lot of the time you are just guessing and you have to go back and reread to make sure you are understanding who says what. You are often left wondering or guessing at what the author meant or intended for the character (dialogue and memories). This one was kind of boring through most of it too. The conflict wasn't all that evident because the author didn't really give us enough to go on from the main character (her back story was hinted at but not explored) nor the man she moved out west to marry. Really, the supporting characters were more interesting, even the characters that had left the main characters would have made more interesting stories. The author really could have started at the denouement and went on from there. I don't know. This one leaves a lot to be desired. I won't be reading any more from this author.
14 reviews
June 19, 2023
Author needs some help

The only reason I kept on with this book is the author's gift of flow and ease of articulation.
As I recall, 2 stars is "I don't like it": the characters, the plot and twists, redundancies, inconsistencies, anachronistic speech and attitudes combine for a frustrating experience.
In both books (Charlotte being the first), the heroine is supposed to be a sympathetic white widow who faces hardships & ends up with a passionate affair culminating in marriage to a Native American who has a difficult history with white men and is also skilled in navigating wild west society.
The technique of wrapping things up with a letter is not as distasteful to me as it seems to others, but in this, too, the author needs help.
August 3, 2020
Never ending source of delight.

I never wanted this book to end. The author has a great way with words which keep you turning page after page.
His characters come vividly to life, even the minor ones. No words are wasted..no padding as my old English teacher warned us against time after time.
If it appeared slightly unbelievable that everything ,apart from Grady, carried Sarah along almost effortlessly, the tension and raw emotion underlying Sarah's journey throughout the story dispelled that.
I want to knows how the journey to Texas and a new life worked out for Elijah and Sarah.

12 reviews
August 30, 2020
This is the first book I've had the pleasure of reading by JS Anthony and even though it's not style of western I normally read I enjoyed it very much. All the the different twist and turns kept This book very interesting. I've already recommended it to my sister to read she is reading it now we discuss it at times through out the day reading it now

She has enjoyed it as much as I did. I look forward to reading more books by JS Anthony . I always fined it refreshing when a writer doesn't have to use endless line of profanity to make his story sizzle and pop with excitement. So I recommend this author and his books.

Profile Image for Marissa.
85 reviews
May 1, 2022
I’m baffled by all the good reviews of this book. While a fairly short read, this book took me FOREVER to get into. The prose is extremely disjointed and the point of views changed from character to character at the drop of a hat without any warning. What I thought would be a western love story, was complete drivel. The “romance” did not exist until over halfway through the book. The male hero was hardly in the book at all and I’m still confused why the hell the heroine suddenly decided to drop everything for him. Most of this book was spent on convoluted side character stories rather than any sort of plot.
652 reviews4 followers
May 20, 2022
Emotionless style of writing.

I read the story through, enjoyed it in a general way, but was left unconnected to any of the characters. The writing style seems deliberately emotionless. Very little detail is given about the characters including the main ones. I felt as if I had missed something vital, that the right, logical questions had not been asked by Sarah and much of the story was undisclosed and not spoken of. There was something missing that should have been spoken of between Sarah and Grady to reach closure.

I was not keen on this style of writing as I like to sink into a story and get to know the characters, not feel removed from it with gaps to fill in.
14 reviews
August 15, 2020
Love this suthor

Am amazed that such a good book can be in the West, as in Westerns with cowboys. The time frame is during g building of the railroads. The characters are well developed and the descriptions are so vivid that I know them personally. Book has unusual subplots and is such a good read I did not want to finish it. I miss Sarah, Elijah, Diego, Abraham , Booker and Addie.
Profile Image for Patsy.
615 reviews5 followers
August 18, 2020
An Outstanding Western

This was an interesting western story, about the life of Sarah Mayfield. It was well written, but at times it was hard to understand the concepts of where the story was going.

The settings were vivid and well described, it pulled you right in the middle of the story. The storyline was interesting and I enjoyed reading the book. Thanks for sharing your story.
9 reviews
November 11, 2020
Unbelievable insight

It was difficult to put this book down. JS Anthony brings so much personality and insight into her characters. Details, too, about common lives and ways of behavior make the tales compelling to read. Sarah Mayfield had moved on from all that was familiar and started her next adventure with courage. She learned that she could deal with the unknown, though sometimes it felt overwhelming. This tale is anything but predictable.
1 review
August 8, 2020
Good Read

I like the authors take on the Indian characters as an important part of the story instead of old wild West tormentors like those of the John Wayne era movies. The characters are outstanding and Sarah comes off as intelligent even though she is confused by the choices she has to make. I will be looking for more by this author.
October 1, 2020
Elijah Blue

I didn't think this author would write a second book as good as his first but he darn well did!
One falls in love with his characters....you will love Elijah Blue as soon as he comes on the page before you. If you love horses and a wonderful love story you will love this ride!
1 review
October 31, 2020
Perfectly Wonderful!!

I only wish this book never ended. The perfection of descriptive flow and storyline transported me to another place....exactly what a good book should do. I laughed and cried with Sarah, and I will miss her.
JS Anthony has become one of my most favorite authors. ❤️
38 reviews
July 19, 2020
Sarah Mayfield

This is one terrific book, and JS Anthony is a terrific author! This story is so well-written I couldn't put it down. The characters were so well developed, they drew me right in. Keep up the good work JS Anthony. I'll be watching for more of your works.
Profile Image for Pamela Saylor.
75 reviews2 followers
August 2, 2020
I know this is trite, but I never wanted this book to end.

I hope that JS Anthony writes more books. The author paints so much interesting detail, you can see what the characters are seeing, and feel what they are feeling. Excellent story.
2 reviews
August 4, 2020
This book became my friend

I love a book that I can immerse myself into. I enjoyed every moment of reading this and was there with the characters
Not a fast amazing plot but a steady enjoyable escaping read. Perfect.
24 reviews
August 14, 2020
Outstanding book of the West

If you enjoy stories about the old west ,this one is quite interesting with some twists and turns ,,slightly romantic and a nice read ...dusty old town and some crazy characters but truly well written .
August 22, 2020
Love her books. Great characters and easy descriptive writing.

Great read! Her descriptions out you into the book and you really get to know the characters. I would love to have her friends as mine.
584 reviews3 followers
August 24, 2020
Sarah Mayfield

This is my second read of a JS Anthony book. Enjoyed this story about Sarah and her journey to become a mail bride. Strange to be married 2 times in a few months, but interesting how it all plays out.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 171 reviews

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