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Terramara #1

Their Human Vessel

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A dying planet. A conquered mate.

I came to this godforsaken planet to uncover a dark secret. Nothing could have prepared me for what I actually found.

Now, betrayed and stranded in an unforgiving wasteland, I can feel my life slipping away with each breath of poisonous air. Death is certain.

Until the aliens find me.

Horned warriors with glowing green eyes.

They say they will save my life. The power to do so lies within their hard, savagely muscled bodies.

But if I give in to their demands, I will be changed forever. Transformed. I will become one of them.

There will be no going back.

The aliens will dominate me. They will share me. And I will bear for them an army of alien spawn to reclaim their conquered planet.

It’s so wrong. So shameful. So why do I want it so badly?

I came to uncover a dark secret.

I never expected to find love.

Their Human Vessel is a standalone alien reverse harem romance novel that features no cheating and a well-deserved HEA awaiting the characters at the end of their journey.

279 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 16, 2020

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About the author

Lizzy Bequin

36 books566 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 178 reviews
October 19, 2020
3.5 'You don't know what you're really taking miracle drug' Stars

Dang!! Nobody knows how to push the boundaries like Lizzy!!

There were things going on in here that I have NEVER read (cue nervous cackling). Was this crazy and ridiculous? Yes, of course. Was this also so steamy my glasses fogged up? Why yes it was. I loved all three of these crazy alpha male MCs, just not in the way it was done in the book LOL!!

In all honesty LB does amazing world building, has great writing that sucks you in, and most importantly is always entertaining!!
Profile Image for Romantically Inclined Reviews.
684 reviews2,246 followers
May 15, 2022
I read this specifically for the horn-fucking scene. I've read Bequin before (the Market series) and enjoyed their ridiculous premises and spicy nature, but I found myself incredibly let down by this book. At no point did I really feel like the aliens even liked the heroine for anything more than her ability to reproduce. They were pretty cruel to her, disrespected her, and basically r*ped her on multiple occasions. I know dubcon isn't anything new in Bequin books and I usually don't mind it because the character's make it work and especially because the alien men tend to be reverent about the women, but in this case they were just assholes to her. I kept waiting for her to woman up and strike back at them but she just accepted their dickish behavior over and over again. Extra disappointing.

Also, the horn-fucking scene was extra ridiculous. She's able to sense his sharp point is *milimeters* from her cervix and stop her descent but then the other aliens are able to grab at her and spread her cheeks and molest her and she doesn't slip even A FEW MILIMETERS? I can suspend my disbelief a little bit, but not that much.
Profile Image for Lila.
769 reviews194 followers
April 23, 2023
Genocide and a cover up that span decades.

Corrie is a human journalist who arrives at Terramara looking for an answer as to why the 'immortality pill' can't be manufactured on Earth. And why women are not allowed. She finds out the real reason what - or better yet, who - is really responsible for the manufacture of the pill.

Caught, the supervisor orders her to be executed. Until at the last moment, when a huge warrior alien saves her and brings her to his cave. Alongside his brother and another alien who escaped the plant courtesy of Corrie, they set for an ancient city to see whether Corrie is the one to save their race.

Lizzy Bequin is a master of RH and has a real knack for writing smutty scenes. Only one part has me uneasy (the fact that though her body was, Corrie wasn't a completely willing participant in their trysts in the beginning). Have to admit, I more or less skipped that part.
Profile Image for Lois Young.
348 reviews65 followers
July 12, 2020
A clever and believable RH story about interspecies relations. I enjoyed this story a lot!
Profile Image for Kate V.
1,543 reviews221 followers
April 20, 2022
2.5 - 3 stars!

Corrie is kidnapped by 3 hulking aliens that need her to repopulate their species and she needs them to survive on their planet.

LOL. This was completely ridiculous and totally smutty. I think I would have enjoyed this more had there been some more romantic connection and deeper emotions between the mated group. It all felt very surface level to me. Kind of bummed about that.

But if you're looking for alien smut with an interesting world, go for it.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
976 reviews30 followers
June 17, 2020
The writing and editing of this novel was clean in the ARC version of the manuscript, with few typos that I found. The world building was vibrant and vivid, especially considering how short this story was. The characterization was okay, with the heroine being the most fully realized character in the novel but the heroes being not as well drawn. That is pretty common in a lot of reverse harem romances, however. The development of the romantic relationship was not developed very thoroughly because a lot more room was given to the sexual relationship, which was filthy, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The plot and pacing was very exciting, with me turning pages rapidly in order to find out what was going to happen next with these character's adventures. There was little angst and very high stakes in this novel, which is one of my preferred narrative structures for a romance novel. This novel used the Breeder trope common in sci-fi romances, the Enemies to Lovers trope and the Partner in Trouble trope. The world building, plot, and pacing was all four stars. The characterization and development of the romantic relationship were both three stars. The sexy times were four stars. Therefore, I rounded up and gave this novel a combined score of four stars. The ending was Happy Ever After instead of a cliffhanger, so that is a big plus. I recommend this book for readers who enjoy speculative fiction reverse harem dark romance. I will definitely read the next novel if the author turns it into a series, but I do not think I will buy myself a keeper copy of this story, at least at this time.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Neyjour.
305 reviews59 followers
September 17, 2020
DNF @ 87%

I really enjoyed about half-ish of this story. Excluding a handful of typos and such, the writing is very well done and I also loved the writing style. A lot of thought went into the world-building (which is kinda rare, IMO, for an erotic romance), and huge kudos to the author for taking a really “out there” and laughable plot premise… and actually making it believable. It sounds like something you’d only find in a silly piece of (badly-written) juvenile fluff… and yet, the author really pulled it off here. I was totally on-board with it, and there was no eye-rolling to be had. :P

I liked our heroine (Corrie), but the character and relationship development of the male LIs was disappointing. That’s not really surprising, though. I can’t think of a single title (off the top of my head) where both are done well in a romance story with more than three MCs. Vorne was the only one who stood out as being somewhat developed (both individually and relationship-wise with Corrie), and the other two (I can’t even remember their names…) felt like they were just there to “fill the extra holes” for the menage scenes. *sigh*

On a side note… I just want to mention that this story actually has menage in it. I’ve read a handful of reverse harem stories lately that are more along the lines of what I feel a reverse “harem” story actually is… one girl having separate sexual relationships with multiple guys. The MCs are not all “together” in the sexual aspect of the relationship(s). She bangs this one this day, and maybe another one the next day, or maybe multiple ones in the same day but it happens “behind closed doors” where the others can’t see (and don’t participate). I can understand why some may find this appealing, but I’ve come to realize that this type of dynamic is just not for me. It makes me feel like I’m reading multiple romance/relationship stories that are crammed into one book, and leave me feeling emotionally detached and unsatisfied. So when I saw this story was labeled as a “reverse harem” I almost passed it up… but the plot sounded so intriguing (and I’m a sucker for “girls disguised as boys”) so I decided to give give it a try anyway, and was pleasantly surprised to see that although there were a few one-on-one sex scenes, there were also multiple menage scenes (with all four of them) as well. Just wanted to mention that, in case anyone else is thinking of passing on this one because they don’t enjoy the “separate sex partners” dynamic. Or maybe you do like that but aren’t a fan of menage. I really think authors/publishers should make it very clear if “reverse harem” stories contain menage or not…

Anyway… despite the lack of character/relationship development, I was still enjoying the story, until I got to about the 69% mark and everything fell apart for me, in quick succession. We’re introduced to the Listener, and her physical description creeped me the fuck out. Okay… fine. But then, she proceeds to The author tries to explain it away as not a big deal, because it was “cold” and “clinical”, but I’m sorry… no. Just… no. Everything about that scene (including the Listener’s creepy-as-fuck dialogue) made me gag. It truly came across as either A) titillation for a very specific portion of readers who are turned on by gross, creepy, physically-disturbing people molesting others, or B) thrown in there just for shock value, to gross the reader out.

And then we move into a menage scene that was… not what I was expecting. A shame, because up until that point the sex scenes had been really well done and quite hot.

And then the relationship suddenly jumped from little-to-no development at all, to Meh. Even though I don’t like being catapulted from A to C, If this was a much, much longer story (or the first book in a continuing series), I wouldn’t have had as much of an issue with it. But at this point, the story was almost over and I seriously doubt the author had enough word count left to properly develop the relationship beyond this point, in addition to concluding the plot At this point, I just didn’t care anymore and decided to DNF...
Profile Image for Elle Drew.
Author 13 books376 followers
October 6, 2021
Another solid read from Lizzy Bequin. It's hilarious to me that I still do not like the science aspects, and yet, it's engaging enough that I keep reading and enjoy the romance. That really says something about the author. 🤣

As always, I was left wanting more. Book 2 when?
Profile Image for Chappy.
2,016 reviews102 followers
October 30, 2022
Corrie is determined to find out what's happening on Terramora...but her reasons are kind of selfish. She just wants to return to her famous status of best journalist.
Her curiosity gets the better of her and she ends up with 3 beastly aliens. This is not really a romance...they don't really like her and she more like a pet. The is definite dubious consent here and lots of penetrations...
Profile Image for Fiona.
2,231 reviews25 followers
June 17, 2020
Corrie is a reporter on earth, she has come to the planet Terramara to do an expose on the facility that produces the newest drug Juvanis. This new drug is known to extend the life of everyone who takes it. Corrie is able to Infiltrate the facility And pretend that she is a new worker that is reporting on the planet. What she doesn’t realise is that this new drug is produced from the semen of these aliens. It is her job now to notify those people on earth what they are using to extend their life lines at the expense of these aliens.

At once she gets in there and sees the aliens, she manages to release one of the prisoners that is being held and he manages to escape, but she is captured and sentenced to death so that she doesn’t tell the people on earth what is happening on the facility. She is captured by Vorne, Xalleus and Grekh and they are now her mates. In the mating process Corrie is slowly changed.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
412 reviews
June 18, 2020
The book, 'Their Human Vessel' by Ms. Lizzy Bequin, takes place on a planet called Terramara. An undercover reporter, Corrie, is hoping to reclaim her notoriety by disclosing the mysterious origins of an addictive 'fountain of youth' drug. It becomes apparent, very quickly, that she has bitten off more than she can chew when she is caught blue handed by the factory foremen while discovering how the drug is made. Before she is forced to suffer a deadly accident, Corrie is 'rescued' by a local, Vorne. I say 'rescued' because we soon discover that Vorne (and his two companions, Grekh and Xalleus) is not Corrie's 'white knight on horseback' swooping in to save her but that he has his own 'devious' plans for her! The use of imagery, involving a landscape, a person and/or an action by the author helps elevate it above other similarly themed sci-fi's. The 'mood' set by the crumbling, deserted stone village behind Vorne, makes his scream of anguish and despair over his mate and daughter's death, at the hands of humans, almost palpable to the reader. This is just one of example of how the author's brilliant use of juxtaposition throughout the novel provides another layer to this deep and compelling storyline. 'Their Human Vessel' is so much more than what is happening on Earth, on the surface of Terramara, and in the factories. It encompasses the human lies, deception, greed and corruption, the white-hot anger of Terramara's people, their desperation, fear, sadness, hope and their need for love.
Profile Image for Cat Hoffpauir.
1,693 reviews178 followers
October 26, 2021
3.4 stars.
First. Let me start by saying. This book was absolutely Explosively Hot.
The sex? Was filthy, raunchy, dirty perfection.

The relationships on the other hand…
Basically non existent.

This was a whole, full length book of long term lust.
They ‘save’ Corrie, then proceed to use her body for pleasure and breeding.
There was not one single full length conversation about anything had between these characters throughout the entire book.

One second she’s just attracted to them, still completely unsure. The next, they have a physical bond snap into place and they just move on like they’re all in love and that’s that. No need to get to know each other, we have fantastic sex. Who gives a fuck if we know zero things about each other.

I don’t know.
My rating went way up during the sex scenes. But then almost 90% of the way in I realize Corrie is just being used as a revered breeder and my rating dropped drastically.
I mean. It’s cool she saves them. But it didn’t feel like a romance.
No one even mentioned ‘love’ in passing.

I read this because I saw there was going to be a sequel, and I think I’ll still read that, but I was pretty disappointed with how everything ended in this one.
Hopefully the sequel will keep the filthy sex, and have more of an actual romance.
I’ll be crossing my fingers.
Profile Image for Maureen.
1,395 reviews26 followers
June 18, 2020
Wow, this is a story unlike no other, and my gosh did i thoughly enjoy this. Right from the start this book draws you in with a dream that Corrie is having, and boy oh boy is it a hot one. Corrie is the only one on a plane to a planet where only men are allowed. Juvanis is an anti agent pill that gives back a youth. The company Galen Medical Group need another technician and Corrie has gone to great lenghts to discuise herself as a man in order to find out what the story is behind this.. But what she finds she is shocked. A blue man .... and she lets him out accidently, he escapes,however the boss wants Corrie dead, but before the deed is carried out she is saved by another blue man , and he tells her the only way to save her is she must take his seed... orally and virginly.

A must read, three men, Grekh, Vorne and Xalleus save one women who is destined to start a New World.. I thoroughly encourage people to one click this really enjoyable book..
Profile Image for Susanne Deumig.
16 reviews
June 20, 2020
Great new book by Lizzy.

I really enjoyed the sci-fi element of this book, of course the source of the youth elixier made me smile!
The actual content wasn't very dark, so this book in my view is suitable also for readers not used to dark romance. The hate and violence were rather tame compared to other books I have read, and the alien mates were loving, caring and attentive. Wish more human men were like that!

It would be great to have more stories from this author set in this story line, with other human women looking for their mates ...
Profile Image for Patricia Hoffstaetter.
3,157 reviews37 followers
June 18, 2020
I was really impressed with this excellent, somewhat dark Sci-fi reverse harem romance & it certainly kept my attention until the end. The well-paced plot is filled with totally unexpected situations & there is good scene descriptions & world building. The characters have unique personalities & react with realistic emotions to the unconventional circumstance they find themselves in but continue to develop throughout the story-line to become emotional strong individuals who complement each other. There is good support from the secondary characters.
There is: a young human female reporter (Corrie) disguises herself as a man to investigate a company (Galen Medical Group) on a planet (Terramarra) but is somehow captured & sentenced to death then she is rescued by three demanding alpha male blue-skinned horned Tarramaran aliens (Vorne, Grekh & Xalleous) who have every intention of claiming & breeding her, twists & turns, intrigue, suspense, drama, mystery, secrets, adventure, action, unethical medical practices, seed-farms, threats, danger, enemies, devious plans, discovery, unexpected encounters, conflict, violence, control issues, mates, determination, manipulations, confrontations, conflict, compromises, visions, steamy scenes, happiness, contentment & a well-deserved satisfying conclusion. I would recommend this Sci-Fi romance to people who enjoy reading this genre.
3,046 reviews23 followers
June 18, 2020
Reporter Corrie fakes her way onto Terramaran for a story but soon her life is in danger.
Reporter Corrie Peterson wants to find the truth about the Galen Group and their wonder anti-aging drug Juvanis as she is sure there is something they are hiding. She disguises herself as a men and gets hired as an emergency replacement for a technician on the planet the group bought Terramaran. When being shown around she was told that the the huge vault like door was off limits so she plans to see what is behind it. She manages to get through the doors and sees rows of upright tubes and when she look inside of one she sees a large human like figure with horns and find that Juvanis is the alien semen. Someone enters and she knocks a switch and releases the alien but is caught and when they find she is a female she is taken into the surrounding dessert where its is planned to remove her respirator so her death appears it is an accident.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Ciru.
1,572 reviews
June 21, 2020
Once again, Vorne felt the bright light of hope swelling in his chest. Again, he tamped the feeling down. One must be ever vigilant against hope. It weakened the heart and dulled the mind.

Hope was dangerous, a demon that infected the mind.

I've been in a bit of a reading slump, so I was very happy when I started Their Human Vessel and I've actually completed the book and read another from Lizzy Bequin.

This is a reverse harem sci-fi. Apart from the main attraction being the smut/sex scenes, I loved the fact that there was a whole story, whole plot, it reached a point I just wanted to know how Corrie would expose everything.

There is one sex scene that was just too out there. Like I was reading it and saying, yuup, that is definitely fiction.

As I'm finding out with L.B. books, there will be the gruff Alpha - Vorne, the sort of detached Alpha - Xalleus and the loving, younger Alpha - Grekh.

There was triumph over the bad guys, lots of sex and building of a new society. Not a very detailed review, but it was a good read.
1,476 reviews20 followers
June 20, 2020
Corrie was to be the savior of their race!
by sewsummore

Corrie had traveled to Terramara to write a story about the wonder drug called Juvanis produced in their facility there. She had gone under an assumed name disguised as a male. What she discovered there sickened her, and would have led to her death had she not been rescued by two of the natives of the planet. A virus produced by the company had killed the females of their world, and the males were trapped and imprisoned, forced to produce large amounts of semen, which the company sold as the drug Juvanis. I found this book a dramatic and exciting read with elements of mystery and menage. Corrie would become the mother of her rescuer's children, living a very long life due to the consumption, of their semen.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
Profile Image for Bo0kSLoth.
1,552 reviews44 followers
June 17, 2020
It's filthy and dirty and so stinky kinky with it's "you will be my vessel" vibe that it's hot. These aliens are desperate and they have magic spunk that can cure anything (liquid gold people - they are being enslaved so a pharmaceutical company can make medicine out of their jizz) and this little female is dying so she needs them. Together great things happen. It's an outrageous but oh, so good plot. I couldn't help but enjoy it. As a pharmacist, it's not too hard for me to imagine this extreme. If some cultures kill and eat certain animals to almost extinction for a supposed benefit, this plot wasn't too out there in belief. Open your minds and enjoy.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
70 reviews3 followers
June 17, 2020
I received this book as an ARC read and voluntarily provide my review. This book is about Corrie, a human and 3 alpha blue alien horned males. Corrie comes to a planet as a reporter to expose a cover up story. As part of her investigation she comes to the planet as a disguised male as no females are allowed. Quickly Corrie lands herself in trouble when the local aliens discover the first female who is on the planet in a long time. She releases one of the aliens. The threesome see Corrie as their future for their people and desire to claim her and breed her. Lots of plot here. A mystery, an attack, alien escape, a rescue and lots and lots of steamy erotic scenes between the threesome and Corrie. Overall would recommend this alien/human read!
Profile Image for Lanae Kirby.
517 reviews9 followers
August 6, 2024
This was a short, super spicy, interesting, alien why choose romance. The basis of the plot is intriguing and interested me. The characters stay very surface level, but that's given due to the length of the book.

This book is SPICY, and I feel like that's the main point. The spice is, a lot, and plentiful. It's also fairly trigger warning, we have a lot of dub con, a lot of resistance from the FMC (I wouldn't say she is completely opposed though, it's more, things moving too fast, and she is confused over her body) and then we have very impatient and horny aliens. I loved it. Thought it was great. HUGE breeding kink. So def be aware.

All in all, this was a perfect palette cleanser book for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Marybeth.
2,104 reviews19 followers
June 17, 2020
Corrie was on her way to Terramarra to get a story. She wanted to know why women weren't allowed on the planet. Once she gets there, she infiltrates the warehouse and discovers that there are blue men in containers. That makes her even more curious, but she is caught and they go to kill her. She is rescued by a Tellamarran (the blue guys) and is brought back to a cave where there are two more Tellamarrans. She is told that they are her mates and she will be the woman to repopulate their planet. I greatly enjoyed this story. I'm hoping there will be more books.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Bigred6126.
1,373 reviews3 followers
June 17, 2020
It is so easy to get lost in relationships instead of the story in reverse harem. However, that wasn't what was going on here. The underlying story was great. I thoroughly enjoyed it and wasn't able to stop reading until I finished the book. Corrie is a driven woman who is searching for the truth. Vorne, Grekh, and Xalleous are all driven males who want to right the wrong done to their people and help their race. They are able to do this together. Iwll tell you one thing, I'd much rather have the natural dose of Juvanis.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
397 reviews3 followers
June 19, 2020
I have read several other books by Lizzy Bequin and enjoyed them, but this one was a definite winner! The way Ms. Bequin takes the time to develop each character as well as the story line keeps you locked into the book with baited breath to see what happens. This book's genre contains a forced/reluctant sexual story line, but oh what a story! Vorne, Xalleus, Grekh and Corrie's story is one of learning to survive regardless of the circumstance and finding what few would expect during it, an everlasting love. It has everything that you could want in a book; action, drama, comedy and of course hot, hot romance. You really don't want to miss this one!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
172 reviews
June 28, 2020
The term "steamy/hot" etc. does not simply do justice. This book is plainly about raw and dirty breeding/mating sex between different species, and the author just nailed it. Seriously, I was left speechless by the graphic descriptions in this story, the dark atmosphere on that planet, the idea of humans being the bad guys and how a respected reporter on Earth ended up being a pet, although, she was an idiot to be caught by the humans in the first place. This was the first book I read from this author, and now I think I'm gonna search all her books :D

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6,123 reviews55 followers
June 18, 2020
What a great storyline. Become their mate, repopulate their planet and save her life from poisons air. What a great concept. Corrie is at planet Terramarra to find out why women aren't allowed on that planet. She finds more that she expects and before these blue men kill her she's rescued by Vorne, Grekh, and Xalleous, who are Tellamaran's and they take her to their cave. They know that she's is their mate and they will dominate her, share her, and she will bear them children to reclaim and repopulate their world. Wow, what more can you ask for. Great hot steamy sexy scenes. I received a copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
777 reviews1 follower
June 20, 2020
I love that intertwined with the darkly erotic theme that the story of Corrie Pederson coming to Terramara for a story on The miracle drug that is produced there. What she finds is so much more. Slavery, rebellion, corruption and fighting for her life and then being abducted/saved to help save the Terramaran people. The chemistry between Corrie and her mates is off the charts. The pathos of the extermination of the and enslavement of the Terramaran race is tragic. It's a great read, I couldn't put it down. Bravo.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Sharon.
4,152 reviews27 followers
June 18, 2020
Good world and character building by the author in this enjoyable fast-paced book. The plot is an intriguing one and one that drew me in from the blurb, the book was even better than I expected. Some well written steamy scenes between the main characters. Overall, this was well worth the read and is a must for all reverse harem sci-fi romance readers.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 178 reviews

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