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Addicted #1


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Friends since childhood, Anais Darnby and Lindsay Markham have long harbored a secret passion for one another. When they finally confess their love, their future together seems assured, sealed with their searing embrace.

But when a debauched Lindsay is seduced by a scheming socialite, a devastated Anais seeks refuge in another man's bed while Lindsay retreats to the exotic East. There, he is seduced again—this time by the alluring red smoke and sinister beauty of opium.

Back home, Lindsay's addiction is fed by the vogue for all things Oriental—especially its sensual pleasures—in fashionable London society. In his lucid moments, Lindsay still lusts after Anais, who can neither allow him near nor forget his smoldering touch. Tortured by two obsessions—opium and Anais—Lindsay must ultimately decide which is the one he truly cannot live without.

443 pages, Paperback

First published January 2, 2009

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About the author

Charlotte Featherstone

55 books821 followers
Hi I write erotic historical romance for Harlequin Spice, as well as erotic paranormal romance under the name Sophie Renwick. In 2011, I'll be debuting my mainstream, Victorian set historicals through HQN.

I love talking about books, and have found some new friends, and really good book recommends here on Goodreads. I really love this community.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 302 reviews
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,696 followers
November 20, 2015

I could climb on my “100+ Proofs That Substance Abuse Screws Up Not Only You But Your Loved Ones” soapbox to review this book, but I think there are more than enough of us who can attest to that fact, first hand, so I won’t waste your time addressing all the different phases Lindsay and Anais had to go through to reach the happily ever after ending that they so deserved. What I will say is that in Addicted, Charlotte Featherstone has given us a beautiful love story, that’s true, but more than that, she's given us a beautiful love story worth reading.

What I really appreciated about this book was how honestly it dealt with substance abuse and its effects on the people around us. This wasn’t a “message book” preaching the horrors of addiction, rather it was a touching story about two people who had known and loved each other since childhood and were now, as adults, affected by a powerful addiction. The question that had to be answered was this: Was Anais’ hold over Lindsay’s heart and soul powerful enough to not only survive, but break the physical hold his “mistress,” Opium, had over his body?

I had a tough time getting into this at first. It seemed to move a little slow for me, but that eventually changed and became a "can't put it down", emotional read. Speaking of emotional, I was brought to tears during a scene where both Lindsay and Anais watched on as the terrible price of Lindsay’s addiction played out before them. And I have to say, I wouldn’t have wanted it to work out any other way because sometimes the best happily ever afters have to go through hell before they truly can be happily forever afters.

While the cover claims this to be an erotic novel, it didn’t strike me as such. The story was great and the sex hot and plentiful, but to me, and Merriam-Webster, erotic(a) is something intended to arouse a sexual response. The reason I’m making this distinction is because we’ve all read books that are labeled “erotic” and found that often times the stories themselves aren’t worth paper it took to print them on. I don’t want to see anyone pass up this book because they’re concerned that page after page of sex will diminish the real treasure found in Addicted - a story of unconditional love.

Sexual Content: pretty much vanilla with one very brief, not terribly descriptive "finger at the back door" moment.
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,650 reviews4,709 followers
February 5, 2015
5+ stars – Erotic Historical Romance

This is such a lush, evocative, sensual, heartbreaking, and passionate friends-to-lovers Regency historical erotic romance about a man with two loves, two obsessions, one that’s his angel and the other his demon.

Anais Darnby and Lindsay Markham’s close childhood friendship blossoms into deep affection and leads to a blazing desire that can’t be denied, but Lindsay’s act of betrayal resulting from the trickery of a devious socialite and his opium addiction tears them apart.

Lindsay longs for reconciliation with Anais, but she can’t ignore or accept his opium habit and then devastating secrets of her own are revealed that threaten to drive the lovers apart even further. Can Lindsay and Anais find their way back to each other and forgive and heal the wounds of the past? Or are his opium obsession and her deception obstacles that can’t be overcome?

This heartfelt, passionate line spoken by Lindsay Markham to his lifelong love Anais brought tears to my eyes.

I vow I am, and always will be, constant and faithful in my love for you, Anais. Nothing you or anyone else does shall alter these feelings. I am forever loving, forever waiting, forever yearning...forever yours.

Addicted is a beautiful, emotional, touching, and sensuous story that will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading it. Verrry big 5 stars!

*And it also has one of the most stunningly beautiful covers of 2009, IMHO!*

Profile Image for Kathleen.
691 reviews90 followers
July 8, 2011
I just want to say that I was floored by this book. I am a recovering drug addict myself so I can totally relate to what Lindsay and yes Anais went through. Also like them, the love of my life helped pull me through my difficult time so that I could also become the person I was before useing. I have been clean 20 years and married 18 years to the man who helped me. If it were not for him, I would not be here today. With that being said, I can tell you that this is one of the best books I have ever read. The Love between the hero and heroine just leaps off of the pages as does the suffering they both go through. The story was excellent and I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes a steamy story full of total and absolute love among the two main characters, angst, heart ache, challenges, and a truly happy ending. I am sure to be reading more of Charlottes work for this book I will never forget.
Profile Image for Eastofoz.
636 reviews394 followers
June 2, 2010
Good erotic historicals are illusive finds. Too often they’re bogged down in a non-stop sex-a-thon. Charlotte Featherstone’s novel however is anything but and there’s even a story! And it’s good! And I’m in shock because it’s an erotic historical 8-). After having bought “Addicted” I buried it waaay down Mt TBR wondering why in the world I picked it up to begin with given the nature of the story. Well good thing I did because it packed the kind of well-written emotional wallop that isn’t often found in books and especially in erotica. Mind you, this book isn’t exactly “erotica”, but it’s an extra spiced up version of a good historical that’s typical of Spice books. No raunch-o-rama just a good dose of borderline explicit sex that’s well-placed and not just chucked in pell mell here there and everywhere.

So, the story: it’s starts out with Lindsay who happens to be a serious opium addict and delves into his feelings for his best friend Anais. Both come from aristocratic families so certain things are expected of them. They’ve been friends since they were kids and over the years they’ve fallen in love but neither really wants to tell the other until “one fateful night” that sets the love story in motion. Anais has a nasty b—for a friend who throws their world into a squalid corner of hell and it’s the road out of this hell that the story is centered around. Before all that the reader is introduced to Lindsay as an opium smoker reveling in his addiction and it’s here that the author’s talent just shines.

My initial problem prior to reading this book was that the hero was a drug addict and for me a drug addict has no control so he couldn’t possibly be a strong alpha hero and I don’t like betas or namby pamby victim heroes for that matter. Soooo, I mistakenly thought that this book would be about the heroine having to save the wishy washy druggie hero. Well not quite. The author brilliantly describes how the hero becomes addicted by making the drug seem so enticing and inviting but all the while you think (like the hero) that it’s more of a recreational use than anything else. His drug addiction is woven into the love story and mirrors the different stages of the relationship, something that must be very very hard to do as an author because it’s like fitting the pieces of a jagged puzzle together to paint a clear picture that you’ll never actually see. This picture smacks you in the face though time and time again.

Now you might be thinking, I still don’t want to read a book about a drug addict, well the addiction is a backdrop for the most part and the rollercoaster ride of the relationship between the h/h is what’s at the forefront. Some horrible, horrible things happen to these two that will just stain your soul and leave you feeling OMG drained beyond belief because what you think will happen doesn’t and my hat’s off to the author for going against the grain here and not making everything picture perfect. It’s also a good lesson in the importance of communication because so many bad things can happen when no one says anything. What could’ve turned into the dreaded “big misunderstanding” morphs into something that just makes your skin crawl and it’s done surprisingly well. That’s not to say that there’s no HEA for those of you who freak out if the romance novel is HEA-less ;-) but not everything gets fixed up and prettied which is what makes it so emotionally challenging to get through. As Lindsay spirals into his addiction and desperately tries to get clean you just can’t help but scream out “why is the author doing this to him! Fix it dammit!” because that’s what authors are supposed to do in romance books right ;-) Very refreshing to get a different twist on that angle let me tell you. There are parts that will likely make you cry for their bittersweet beauty and others because they’re just so flippin’ heartbreaking. If you like Megan Hart’s contemporaries that suck the life right of you making you want to drown yourself in scads of Katie MacAlister/Sandra Hill/Julia Quinn-the-world-is-a-bright-and beautiful-place novels right after to find some “balance” again (lol!), then you’ll love Charlotte Featherstone’s historical version. You feel so spent when you’re done and every once in a while, I for one, need a good book like that.

The writing style is very good. It’s vivid (I can still “see” what happened), haunting and at times breathtakingly sensual. The steam scenes are well-done especially towards the end where you could nearly feel the sticky, sweaty humidity in the room as the two of them take a whirl at the horizontal mambo. The tragedies that happen to the h/h are disturbing and will bleed you dry emotionally leaving the reader completely exhausted ��but in a good way :D

So why not 5 stars when everything seems really good? Well..... Is Lindsay more of an alpha than a beta? I don't know, it's hard to say --and that certainly speaks volumes. Was Anais an idiot? Yes, um wait, no. Are the secrets predictable? I don't know but I certainly went bug-eyed when they were revealed! It's the story as a whole that's well-told here making things that appear typical on the surface really quite difficult to categorize and treat as black and white ---oh those nasty shades of grey that make you pull out your hair and frustrate the reader (again in a good way--lol!) !!! 4.5 stars for me only because I still need my shot of the black and white take charge alpha hero somewhere in the end ;-)
Profile Image for Didi.
865 reviews286 followers
August 4, 2015
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.5 STARS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is going to be a very difficult review to write. Mainly because I loved the sensuality and the angst-ridden storyline----But hated two pivotal occurrences that left me angry and resentful against the hero and heroine.

This was a very sensual and erotic HR. I love HR. And this was beautiful. A story not just about addiction and the cost of dependence, but about forgiveness and the dark side of suspicion and doubt.

The scenes between Anais(heroine) and Lindsay(hero) were full of bottled of lust and passionate love. While at first before all the drama their love was new and white-hot, later it became painfully desperate and fuelled by memories and ill-fated decisions. Lindsay used opium in a myriad of ways that always came back to Anais.

In the beginning it was a bad habit, but slowly with the erosion of everything he held dear, it became his lifeline, his escape from the harsh mess of the life he lived, the ones he lost and the betrayal he endured.

The 'BIG' secret Anais hid from Lindsay was predictable, but still shocking in it's deception. It was a secret that was ultimately reversible in it's nature. This is where I started questioning the story. Dependence, whether it be substance abuse or something else, can devastate bonds between people like nothing else. It can ruin and destroy, butcher and decimate, but in this particular book the blame seemed to be primarily on Lindsay's part. What about what Anais did??

Lindsay was an opium addict, a dependence that grew exponentially against the problems in his life. But Anais's secret was just as decimating.

There is forgiveness of course and the will to let go of something desperately relied on for escape, but Lindsay had to let go for himself. I completely agreed with that, but his acceptance of all the deception surrounding him was too easily given. It takes two people, each harboring their own secrets, to destroy a relationship. Personally I felt Anais decisions regarding her secret were despicable. I liked Anais at the beginning but by the end she was not someone I would call admirable or likable.

This is my conundrum. The story so rich and sensual but decisions made, with the blame soley on the hero, has left me unsatisfied but moved at the same time. The ending was very sweet, the effects of withdrawal realistically portrayed. Even the epilogue was sweet but reminded me that Anais decision, and eventually Lindsay's about her secret was WRONG. Things should have been fought for. Things could have been done to right the wrongs of the past. But...

So, a beautiful HR. Sensual and erotic in it's execution, but some pivotal actions leaving me feeling cheated somehow, disappointed, bittersweet. I am very interested in Lord Worthington's story though. He was a rake like no other with a darker side fed by debauchery!
Profile Image for niteskycs.
377 reviews115 followers
August 16, 2020
3 stars

super intense second chance romance of childhood friends to lovers gone wrong because of an opium addiction. the first half of the book was really good and super intense, and while the second half kept up the intensity i thought the male character was a hypocrite (thankfully his friend called him out on it).

“𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚, 𝘼𝙣𝙖𝙞𝙨,” 𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙤𝙙. “𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙡��� 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙥. 𝙄 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙥. 𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩…𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙥 𝙛𝙤𝙧.”

also, i really hated that anais had to be the one to ultimately help him recover from his addiction, like i understand that she's tied to it and loves him but it's not her job to heal him. but overall, the portrayal of an opium addict was very well done and you could really really feel the intensity of the love that markham had for anais.
Profile Image for Maureen Feeney.
171 reviews14 followers
May 19, 2010
Anais Darnby(30) and Lindsay Markham(28), Best friends since children have always had a secret love for each other. When they finally confess their love, their future looks sealed with love. But when a drug influenced Lindsay is seduced by Anais friend, we are caught on a rollercoaster of emotions, misunderstandings, betrayal,love ,hate, euphoria.

I was caught between giving this a 4* or a 5*. I very very seldom cry reading a book but with Addicted I found myself in tears 3 times, at some point I forgot this was a fictional story and started to believe in the characters and their pain.

Anais I loved straight away with her curvy figure and captivating personality, she was a breath of fresh air after reading a load of books with silly simpering virginal Heroines. I hated Lindsay for hurting her, then I was torn by Lindsays pain and angry at Anais for hurting him, then all the hurt and love would start again. At one point I thought Anais a cold bitch and wanted to slap her..then I was crying for her. Bloody Hell, I was an emotional sobbing wreck when the book finished.

Lindsay was a tortured soul and though I know nothing about opium addiction CF brought a realistic feeling to Lindsay's suffering and pain. My heart was wrenching with pity when he was withdrawing from Opium and begging for help. Anais and Lindsay together had a bond that was nearly visible, and when both of these made terrible mistakes it was their love that seen them through.

The love scenes are hot but not overly erotic, actually there is one profound love scene that nearly moved me to tears because it was so emotional. I just wish everything was tied up neatly at the end and the HEA complete. I finished the book thinking of Mina, and would she some day know the truth and forgive them as easy as they forgave each other?
This is a book I highly recommend, because as you close the book the story will stay with you for a long time. Now Im off to read the sequel Sinful
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dina.
1,324 reviews1,311 followers
March 20, 2011
Charlotte Featherstone's writing is beautiful - and so is Lindsay...

With his dark good looks, he was everything a young woman dreamed of in a man. He was tall, broad and well muscled, yet he walked with a predator-like grace that held a woman’s gaze and captured her imagination. His clothes were immaculate, well tailored to accentuate his shoulders and toned legs. His hair was onyx colored, and he wore it long to his shoulders, where it hung in loose waves she had longed to run her fingers through. His eyes, the color of Irish moss, were fringed with long, black lashes that were utterly wasted on a man. He was beautiful, the very epitome of a brooding poet, but with his hair worn long, and the sinful curve of his mouth, which was usually shadowed with a night beard, he reminded Anais not of a poet, but a fallen angel, the sort who would tempt any woman into an indiscretion with a smile and a flash of his eyes.


It's been more than six months and I still remember this book. Loved it, loved it, loved it!
Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,984 followers
September 8, 2016
4 stars

Addicted is a well written and extremely heartbreaking story about addiction, pride, and devastating consequences. It's also about forgiveness, redemption, understanding, and unconditional love. 

The ending was poignant and beautiful. I cried happy tears as well as sad tears for Lindsay and Anais. For all they gained and for all they lost. 

Addicted is a wonderful and heartbreaking love story that left it's impact on me. I love this book and highly recommend it.
Profile Image for KC.
527 reviews22 followers
August 9, 2020
Less than addicting.

This was the first romance novel I've read by Charlotte Featherstone so I didn't know what to expect. The bright side is that I enjoyed her writing style, but the positives ended there. I neither liked nor was I able to sympathize with Anais (h) or Lindsay (H), which isn't good considering it's their story! They both let weaknesses in their characters—for Lindsay, it was fear; with Anais, it was pride—drive all of their decisions which led to the deterioration of their relationship.

I know, I know. That probably was the point of the book: what would be the realistic consequences of addictive behavior and poor choices? Unfortunately, the consequence of all this dysfunction resulted in a depressing reading experience for me—topped with an ending that felt too bitter than sweet to be satisfying. Not what I read romance for.
Profile Image for Mimi Smith.
537 reviews117 followers
July 17, 2014
3.5 stars

Upon finishing this book I was tempted to rant about all the things that bugged me. After a cooling off period I decided I liked it too much to do that...

I worship her.

"My relationship with my mistress is uncomplicated. I know what she
desires of me; at the same time, she understands and fulfills my
needs. As any mistress she is, at times, demanding to the point of
suffocation, always wanting more—needing more. But when I come
to her, she loves me like nothing—or no one—ever has.
All she wants is my return to her, night after night, hour after hour.
And I do return with eager anticipation. She always welcomes my
homecoming with outstretched arms and together, we make the
sweetest, most decadent love, a love where two become one. Where I
become so coiled in her powers that I never want to leave."

I loved this description at the beginning. The way Lindsay talks about opium and his addiction, so poetic, like she is indeed his love, his mistress, his only. We see there, the realness and scope of his addiction. It's a sad and realistic picture of his dependence. But even there, at the beginning, we see something, someone is pulling him back, fighting with his mistress. His true love. His Anais.

"It is always a ménage, this coming together. Always my mistress
comes between my flesh lover and me. But in this world of red smoke
and dreams, the two who hold me enraptured, live harmoniously side
by side. There is no anger. No petty jealousy for my attention. No
demands that I give up the other."
"For I couldn’t. I need both like I need breath.
One rules my mind and my strength; the other, my heart, soul and body."

I loved the style of writing and was deeply pulled in the drama and the story from page one. I suffered with Lindsey while he struggles with addiction, making bad choices, not caring, since the pull was just TOO strong. I was sympathetic with Anais too, at first. But at some point I just became exasperated with both of them, because of their pride and stubbornness, and God knows what else, they hurt each other horribly. I found, in the end, I could forgive Lindsay's actions, while he struggled with drugs, but with Anais it was a bigger problem.

When the book starts, we see Lindsay, hopeful, in love, planning to propose to Anais. Yet, because of deceit and his weakness for drugs, it all goes horribly wrong. Anais leaves and hides, and he can't find her, no matter how much he tries. So he leaves to Constantinople, giving in to his weaknesses and vices.

Ten months later, he comes back. Hoping he could do something, anything to win her back. But problems arise. His friend is obviously interested in Anais, and she is obviously avoiding him and hiding something. And we arrive to the secret that bothered me more than anything else in this book. Not only what it was, but how she chose to keep it. By making him feel like he was less, beneath her, just so she could keep it safe That. Is. Not. Right.

“Smoking it, inhaling it, what does it matter,” she hissed, “it is
still something that I cannot condone.” His face reddened, he was ashamed
that she knew his secret, but she plunged on, knowing
she was wielding a weapon that would likely destroy him.“I don’t
want a future with you, Lindsay. I will not stand by and watch you
stumbling about in the state in which I last saw you. I am repulsed whenever I remember the way you staggered toward me.”

Now, if this was completely true, then ok. It's a cruel way to say it, but all right, But she said it so she could hurt him, so he would back off, so he doesn't find out something HE HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW.

Now onto the spoilerific mini rant

That said, I generally found Lindsay a very interesting character, I liked reading about him, the side characters were great and I was somewhat mollified at the end, when they just went-"We made our mistakes, now let's forgive and we shall be forgiven" and kicked opium's ass. Ending the book felt good, actually. It gave me a hopeful feeling. I like the way the author writes and I think if the secret was different i would've liked the book more, even with all the angst.

Now, some more quotes...

“Come back to me, Anais,” he pleaded through the wood. “I will
stop. I can stop. Just…give me something to stop for.”

“You’ll be gone. Won’t you?”
“Yes, Lindsay. I will be gone.”
“Then I shall smoke more, and you’ll come back to me.You always
come back to me, walking out of the smoke and into my arms.”

“I love your smile, the sweetness of your face and the way your
eyes crinkle when you laugh. I love the way your hair glimmers in the
sunlight and how your curls look wild when you take your bonnet off
and let the wind blow little wisps of hair into your eyes—I love brushing those wisps away, just so I can touch you.”

331 reviews208 followers
July 13, 2009
Oh. My . God. Very rarely am I left speachless....but I am now. This has to be my Book of the Year so far. I've tried to write this review about ten times and each time given up because I've felt that what I've written just will not do the bloody book justice.

Lyndsay and Anais are friends from childhood. They love each other but neither has told the other. Lyndsays love for Anais verges on the obssessive and to quell his perceived unrequieted love he turns to opium ,I should say here that Lyndsay is very very sexually attracted to Anais (you could say he is addticted to her also) which together with soul destroying events is in part what turns his recreational use of opium into something so much deeper and tragic.
The whole story is one of love, misunderstanding, a web of lies spun not so much to deceive but to protect both parties, and the soul destroying truth of what happened to fuel the lies between them. Lyndsay eventually looses his mind to opium, becoming a frequentor of opium dens in the East End of London, where he finally ODs.Fortunately for Lyndsay he has a good set of friends, a wonderful Gentlemans gentleman, and finally Anais (who wisely decides to stay by his side) and his problem with his opium addiction is very emotionally and painfully resolved. These scenes are extremely well written/very atmospheric.
The ending has an HEA. Which is well balanced to the story. I think it's the right HEA for Lyndsay and Anais.

I found it to be a so very emotional, so dark and oh so intense read which is counter balanced by the love/intimate scenes between Lyndsay and Anais which are so sensuously written they literally burn into your mind, and there are pages of them.

If you like tormented Souls who loses themselves and then find themselves then this may be a good read for you. A keeper for me forever.
Profile Image for Crista.
810 reviews
March 11, 2011
This one nearly broke my heart.

Addicted has some of my favorite components of a great romance, but it also contains some of my biggest pet peeves. I enjoy a good reformed rake, second chance at love, friends turned lovers book and this is one of those. On the other hand, I detest a big misunderstanding, secrets filled, unforgiving victim type story, and this is one of those as well!

I spent a great portion of this book having major feeling swings. One moment I felt sorry for Anais, and the next was so bothered by her that I wanted to toss the book across the room. Lindsey was also quite the dilemma for me. Although his action were diplorable, his addiction and Featherstone's skillful way at describing it, oddly enough allowed me to empathize with him much more so than with Anais.

The beginning pages are some of the most poetic fictional description of addiction that I've ever read. It's funny, I can usually tell if a book is going to be great very early on, and this book will have you hooked after the prologue.

The ending left me with the same feeling confusion. It was a HEA that left me somewhat sad. The whole book was a bit of a tragedy, but in the midst of the tragedy is a story of healing, forgiveness, and picking up the pieces of a broken dream.

Here are some other wonderful addiction romances:
Bliss by Judy Cuevas
The Rake by Mary Jo Putney
Last Summer by Theresa Weir
The Wives of Bowie Stone by Maggie Osborne
My Lord de Burgh by Deborah Simmons
Profile Image for Tracy.
388 reviews9 followers
July 15, 2014
5+ Stars

It is difficult to put into words what a truly magnificent story this is. Although published through Harlequin Spice, simply categorizing this as erotica or even a romance novel understates the impressive writing and the power of the story and its characters. The words I write will scarcely do it justice, but I was so moved by this story, I have to at least try to convey its brilliance.

Ms. Featherstone weaves an intricate tale of two people, Anais and Lindsay, whose love for one another is harshly tested by dependence, deception, betrayal, fear, pride and secrecy. Anais and Lindsay immediately pulled me into the story; they were honest and credible characters whose failings as friends and lovers made them both real and endearing. Through Featherstone’s heart-felt dialogue and vivid imagery, I truly felt as though I was not simply reading the story, but feeling and relating to each character’s raw emotions – the desire, the pain, the longing, the passion, the devotion. And at times, I was fearful that a happy ending may not be possible given the obstacles they faced. However, their courage to hope for more and belief in their love ultimately leads to a somewhat unexpected, but completely appropriate ending.

This beautifully tragic, emotionally-charged story of love, lies and forgiveness will touch your heart and probably have you thinking about the story long after you finish reading.

** As I suspected, I still do not feel like I’ve captured the true depth and brilliance of this story. Though I finished it just a short while ago, I want to read it again. If I could give this book more than 5 stars, I would. I HIGHLY recommend this book to ALL readers. **

p.s. A big thanks to Amy for a wonderful recommendation.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
302 reviews1 follower
May 6, 2010
Addicted was written in such a beautiful and amazing way that I foresee it sticking with me for many years to come. It is a story of friendship, longing, addiction, betrayal, heartache, consequences and a love so strong that it endures all and conquers all! 5 stars!!!!!

Charlotte Featherstone somehow created characters in this story that I both wanted to love and wrap my arms around and throttle at the same time! I normally am very turned off by a book where the hero and heroine have lies and betrayals between them but in this story it did the opposite... the lies and betrayals sucked me in and had me falling in love with the characters and hoping above all that they would find their happily ever after. They became very real to me and each downfall, each setback had my heartbreaking, and with each triumph I was cheering them on.

This book was different from many of the other HR books that I read where by the end of the story every conflict has been resolved into a nice pretty package... this story does have an HEA but there were some things that could not be undone, some choices were made that had very real consequences and instead of the author allowing everything to turn out perfectly, she allowed the hero and heroine to have to live with the results of their actions. It was more of a realistic happily ever after rather than a fairy tale ending.

Don't think about reading this book... make the decision now and just read it! It will make you cry, it will make you smile, but most of all it will make you think about how everything we do, everything we say will ultimately have lasting effects on not only ourselves but in the lives of many others around us.
Profile Image for ♥  Sam ♥.
348 reviews9 followers
March 7, 2011
Addicted – oh how deliciously addictive..* rubs evil hands together*....

Childhood friends, Anais (whom I kept unintentionally referring to Anus) and Lindsay have secretly wanted to boink each others brains out since forever! Oh it’s so romantic I tell you. Lindsay swept Anus opps Anais away on a horsey ride to the stables to profess his love, but instead somehow managed to take her hard core stlye on the hay stack...she had no trouble finding his needle....hehehehe.....get it? Needle – hay stack?? Hahaha!!

But when Lindsay gets way to doped up on Hbeebti opium he royal stuffs everything by thinking that the wrong woman is Anus - Anais damn it - and trys to dry hump the woman on the wall in a hall way. Offcourse Anais see this debauchery and flees.

Lindsay becomes addicted to Opium and leaves for the continent. Months later upon his return he is reunited with Anais, where Lindsay must decide what has more of a hold on him – the Opium or Anais.

All humor aside, this was a sinfully addictive read. It was a story of friendship, love, betrayal, addiction, loss and re invention. Like Featherstone’s other novel – Sinful – I found myself feeling all the emotions of the character. You could feel intense love between these two characters. Featherstone has quickly become one of my new favourite authors. Bravo...
Profile Image for Holly.
439 reviews339 followers
March 18, 2011
OMG - Where to even begin, first I should thank you all for recommending this book, it is the best book I have read in I can't remember how long. I just finished it and let me tell ya my eyes feel like sandpaper because I was sobbing the last 75 pages or so. The was the most incredible story of true love and I loved and hurt for both characters equally! I don't even know what more to say about this book other than READ IT if you haven't!! It was phenomenal!! I am off to start Sinful!
Profile Image for ♥ Beth.
61 reviews
February 11, 2010

I am truly in awe of Charlotte Featherstone! .. this book is so heartfelt and powerful! It touched me and drew me in from the beginning and didn't let go.. the connection one feels with the characters is so incredible and intense! The love scenes are so beautifully and passionately erotic they will leave you breathless! It is a stunning story of incredible passion, love and sacrifice that I know will stay with me for a long time to come.

I can't wait for Matthew and Jane's story!!!
Profile Image for Laurie  (barksbooks).
1,839 reviews749 followers
March 2, 2011
Lindsay and Anais grew up together and were the best of friends. Now grown, Lindsay desires his friend Anais and wishes to make her his but he is unsure if she shares his feelings. In the meantime, he’s been spending his time in opium dens, biding his time in drug fueled dreams where he imagines Anais naked and wanting him and only him. When he finally makes his move and the two declare their love, Lindsay makes a dumbass mistake that will forever change the course of their lives. After losing the trust of his beloved, things go into a downward spiral for both of them. Without the love of Anais, Lindsay gets lost in opium and becomes a full blown addict. He is torn by his two loves and may not be strong enough to choose one over the other and now Anais harbors a secret that is too painful for her ever to reveal.

Lindsay is a sensitive, loving, beautiful, f-ing mess. He can’t survive without Anais, he’s needy and weak, and completely lacks self-control. His opium hazed dreams almost intoxicate the reader and glorify his drug use for much of the book. He’s a very different sort of “hero”. He’s also remorseful, guilt-ridden and in so much pain you can’t help but hold out hope that the love of Anais will “fix” him. In reality, this situation is anything but romantic but here it’s compelling and though Lindsay and Anais are both imperfect I never felt either of them were anything but genuinely in love with each other. That’s what made their situation all the more painful.

This story is devastating its portrayal of an addictive personality and the havoc it wreaks not only on Lindsay but on those who love him most. It’s a grueling, often heart-breaking read and written with a lush beauty that drew me in and kept me breathless until the end. I can’t recommend it highly enough for those looking for something different, something sensual with very sharp edges.
Profile Image for Riverina Romantics.
429 reviews28 followers
May 15, 2011
"This will only be over when both of us draw our last breath, and even then I am not convinced my desire for you will end. I want another chance, Anais,and I will have it."

*sighs contently*

I absolutely loved Addicted. Charlotte Featherstone is definately one very brilliant lady. The storyline was extremely dramatic but unbelievably realistic. I didn't feel like I was reading a story - but instead reading about Lindsay and Anais's life. I loved it.

And althought Lindsay had a major drug problem he was still irrisistable and so sexily intense.

Love your work Charlotte!!

Thanks for the recommendation my lovely Elena.
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,060 followers
February 12, 2012
3.5 stars. I would have gone up to a solid 4 if not for the (divert your eyes people who haven't read) Are we back in 1985 again? *HUGE FIST SHAKE* for screwing up a decent book with what I thought was a retired plot device! As well, there was too much in the middle that I wish had been cut out or revised.

They say my lover is a sinister beauty, and perhaps they are correct. But when caught in her heady embrace there is nothing sinister about her. How can she be evil, when she bathes my body in a thousand raptures? How can she be anything but a radiant sorceress when she takes me to heights never before experienced?

I worship her.

If you thought the above reflection was about a woman, think again. Lindsay is addicted to two desires - one of the flesh and one of the soul. He is torn between the two relationships if you will - his beloved childhood friend & recent lover Anais, and his tempting mistress called Opium.

When the two worlds collide, reality and fantasy are often confused.

"You'll be gone. Won't you?"
"Yes, Lindsay, I will be gone."
"Then I shall smoke more, and you'll come back to me. You always come back to me, walking out of the smoke and into my arms."

My heart ached for a man who kept having the woman he loved slip through his grasp. I found myself frustrated with Anais for not seeing what she could have had, if she had only let him speak of his wrongdoings. They might have found comfort in each other sooner had this been the case.

What made this book stand out for me was the drug abuse storyline. Had this added element not been present, the love story would not have stood for me on its own. Other than a few brief mentions of laudanum addiction in historicals here and there (which strikes me as the gentleman's form of opium), this is not a story touched upon very often in this genre, and the harsh reality of addiction and recovery was not glossed over. Everything was laid out in all of its ugly detail, including the stinging bite of withdrawal and the sickness that comes with it.

"I can't stop. Even now, knowing how ashamed it makes me feel, I still find myself looking at the tray, at the pipe. I'm craving it, Anais. Dying for it, that feel of the pipe in my mouth and the smoke in my lungs."

Let's get to the rest of it, which should only take a second or two. The sex was lovely and Lindsay was enchanting to read about while in his head, when he was thinking upon Anais. In my opinion, he had built up her worth too much, because I would've hooked up with the much more appealing younger sister instead. But maybe that's just me. I might not have seen the value in Anais, but good lord, I felt Lindsay's emotions and what he felt for her, which was beautiful. For such a tormented and flawed hero, his inner goodness still shone through, even at the darkest of times.

Profile Image for Suzanne (Under the Covers Book blog).
1,745 reviews556 followers
August 31, 2010
This is a beautiful friend’s to lover’s tale between the characters of Anais Darnby and Lindsay Markham. Friends since childhood Lindsay has finally decided to take the next step and see if Anais feels the same way. However, over the years he has picked up an opium habit that is getting harder to deny, and when a disastrous betrayal and the consequences ensue, Lindsay plunges deeper into his addiction to numb his pain, and eventually leading him the difficult choice of the love of his life or his dark habit.

What I first liked about this book was the cover, it is really striking and beautiful, and I am pleased to say that the enclosed story was also just as striking and beautiful. Although this book proclaims itself to be an “Erotic Novel” I wouldn’t necessarily describe it as such, although it is explicit and raunchy, more so then most normal historical romances, this isn’t a book describing a series of sexual encounters. It is to me first and foremost a love story. I think this line describes it perfectly:

...I am forever loving, forever waiting, forever yearning...forever yours.”
“Oh God,” she whispered, smothering her tears. “You hurt me when you talk of love, for your love is all I ever wanted, and now that I have it, I cannot accept it. It kills me to know I might have had your love. Oh, Lindsay, opium might have been your weakness, but you, you have always been mine.”

These lines immediately grabbed my attention as is was reading it as I think they describe the tone of the story perfectly

Both the main characters are very empathetic, they are both flawed human beings who have made mistakes and have to live with the consequences of their decisions, with heartbreaking effect. They are outstanding characters, Lindsay is not your typical hero, he is too flawed and romantic and very human and Anais is definitely not you normal young blushing virgin either. This story also introduces Lindsays friend Wallingford, who is the main character of the next story and I cannot wait to read the love story and meet the heroine who will inspire such a jaded character.

This was a brilliant book that I would recommend to anyone who likes romance; it shows the ill effects of drug taking without preaching and has a beautiful love story between two characters that seem to walk off the page.
Profile Image for Elena R a.k.a. Lunies R.
120 reviews109 followers
September 17, 2010
I have read a few historical romance novels, but I assure you this novel is quite different from many others I've read. I cried from beginning to end and wondering if I were going to be disappointed or not.So as far as my opinion this novel was a wonderful read. The surreal plot was mind blowing! The relationships between friends knowing no matter what the circumstances are ,being there for one another is the best gift they could have brought upon each other.

As for the Addiction part of this novel it's a rare case between literally a drug and a woman . Lindsay can not seem too find which of the two he wants more. As odd as it seems, everything that unravels from this novel happens for a reason.

Lindsay at the age of 15 spent his life taking full responsibilities making sure to always take care of his family & people around him that he loves so dearly. As the years go by he's never had anyone to comfort him the way he has for everyone else. Except for his childhood best friend Anais, she's the only woman in his world that he can bare to love, hold and never let go. Anais has had the exact same affection of love for him as well.Therefore it takes a lot of courage when they each have a betrayal that was done upon one another. "Forgive & Forgiven" is a wonderful quote that's said to each other throughout this novel, and it is by far one of my favorite phrases!

Whoever has this novel on their TBR shelves,I say "Read it" because you will enjoy!

Interview with Charlotte Featherstone

Profile Image for Dee.
1,499 reviews172 followers
June 3, 2012
WOW - What a beautiful love story that had me in tears a couple of times, it really was a moving book of love, heartbreak and drug addiction.

I have to say thank you to my friend Baba who got me reading CF. I am not usually into HR and have read very little in the genre but on Baba's recommendation I read Sinful and Sinful: Epilogue and was blown away with them and I was equally blown away with this one.

Even if I decide not to continue reading HR's I will definitely continue to read CF's work.
Profile Image for Fani *loves angst*.
1,743 reviews215 followers
December 19, 2014
In Addicted, we start with the hero, Lindsay, declaring his love to Anais, whom he has loved for over 10 years. She has always been his closest friend but he wants something more than that; he wants her love. Happily for him, Anais seems to share his feelings, which leads in a magical night of passion. Their happily ever after is ruined however when a fortune hunter manages to seduce the opium induced Lindsay and Anais sees them together. Despite Lindsay's efforts to make amends, Anais refuses to listen to his excuses and leaves for France. Lindsay tries to find her there. Failing to do so, he goes to Constaninople with his friend Wallingford, where he becomes an opium addict in his attempts to forget Anais.

Ten months later Lindsay comes back home to find Anais mysteriously ill and courted by his close friend Broughton, with whom she seems to be sharing a secret. Is Broughton Anais' lover? What is this secret they're hiding? What caused Anais' mysterious illness? Can Lindsay overcome his addiction for a future with Anais? But first, can she forgive him for what he did to her? Can he forgive her and Broughton? All these questions are what this book is about.

I admit at this point that I was misguided, by none other but myself. I somehow formed the idea, that this would be a book about the unconditional, palpable and extremely passionate love between Lindsay and Anais, as she helps him to fight his opium addiction. I was wrong. This book is mainly about forgiving and learning to accept the people you love with their mistakes and faults; not as you imagined them to be as they really are. I seem to be the only one here, thinking that Lindsay's opium addiction played little role in this whole drama until the last 40 pages, except to justify his initial betrayal. That was my first disappointment about this book.

Most of the story dealed with Lindsay trying to find out Anais' secret and her, trying to convince him that they have no future together, but at the same time not being able to deny their attraction and giving in to it again and again. While I never doubted Lindsay's love for Anais in the entire book, I cannot however say the same for hers. Her relationship with Broughton might have added suspense, but IMHO also made her unlikable to the reader for the most part of the book. And I can't say that Broughton seemed to act like a true friend in any case. When the author tried to redeem them, it was too late to change my mind for both of them. And the fact that Anais kept lying to Lindsay until the very end -even if it is "white lies"-, when she promised to tell all the truth to him, didn't endear her to me at all:( I had guessed Anais' secret early on and came to grips with that. Her decision though to keep that secret from Lindsay forever, is what made me dislike her. It follows I guess, that when a reader doesn't like the hero or heroine, she also can't feel the love & passion between them; that's what happened to me. I read their story with no real empathy for their troubles. I liked it, I wanted to see how they would solve their problems, but I didn't loose my sleep over them. Hence, the 3 stars.

I did like Lindsay however with his fierce love for Anais, his passion, his integrity, his honesty and his weaknesses. I also love Wallingford; the libertine, cynical but true friend who has never loved. If Featherstone writes a book about him, I'm gonna buy it asap!
Profile Image for Krista.
272 reviews251 followers
November 28, 2010
You know, all romance novels are the same. The heroes pretty much always say, "I do not deserve you" to the heroine, and, honestly, I'd like JUST ONCE to read a book in which the heroine says that to the hero. It's as if women authors think all men are less worthy of love than women, that men as a whole are bad, and women as a whole are good. Well, news flash: not ALL men are bad. Some men are, in fact, worthy of love. Seriously, no matter what the heroine does, no matter how bad, all the secondary characters excuse her behavior and call her an angel and say the hero doesn't deserve her. Yet, if the hero makes a single, small mistake, he's an absolute beast not worthy of love who should thank God every day that a woman ACTUALLY condescended to love him and so he should therefore grovel at her feet daily.

Yes, in case you're wondering, there is a similar theme in this book, and it MADE ME SO MAD!

The first 1/3 of this book was so boring I almost fell asleep, the rest was only entertaining because it annoyed me so much I felt like beating someone up! And then the end is resolved so quickly and suddenly that I felt jypped, because I spent the whole book waiting for the end.

This whole story felt so pointless. The two mains ruined each other's lives for over a year for pretty much no reason, and all their silly drama could have been avoided. It felt contrived.

Also, it was very sad and depressing and some of the characters, at least five, seem to be suffereing from dissociative identity disorder, because their personalities changed within every chapter (i.e. Ann, Lord Weatherbee, Anais, Wallingford, Anais' dad etc.)

The sudden resolval of Garret and Lindsay's friendship was...ridiculous and out of place. All of sudden they were all lovey lovey I never meant to hurt you. Oh, no? Then what was with all the constant death threats? Really.

It also annoyed me that it took Anais the ENTIRE book to come around and actually try to HELP Lindsay, the man she supposedly loved, with his addiction.

Oh, and what REALLY ticked me off: Anais kept saying something like "I love Garret so much, only not in a physical way," and that she "loved Lindsay in a physical way." Okay, is it just me, or is that really disgusting? She's basically saying that she loves them both equally as much, only her love for Lindsay is physical. No. That's not what love is. There's a romantic type of love and a friendship type of love and then there's lust. Romantic love does NOT mean the person ONLY loves the other person more than a random friend simply because they're more physically aroused by them. Honestly, I kept wanting her to say she loved Lindsay MORE than Garret, but she wouldn't. No, she had to say she loved them both the same, and that if there was no physical attraction between them, she could easily trade one for the other. I'm sorry, but isn't love supposed to be more than that? Isn't it supposed to be about loving the actually PERSON, and NOT their body?

All Anais ever thought about was how handsome she thought Lindsay was, while he saw the person inside of her.

Did anyone ever notice how the heroes in romance are always really hot and the women are usually not? Ugh. It's getting old. Just once, I'd like to have a regular looking hero with a beautiful heroine. Anyone know of such a book, or a book in which the heroines says "I don't deserve you" to the hero?
Profile Image for Gina.
753 reviews110 followers
December 11, 2012
What an amazing story, I finished this book last night and I woke up this morning thinking about it. WOW WOW WOW...

This is a book about addiction, pride, love, forgiveness, vulnerability,childhood friends that grow into lovers. This book grabbed from the beginning and didn't let go. This is about Lindsay and his addiction to Opium and Anais, his childhood friend. We all know the consequences of drug addiction, this story really showed me how it slowly trap you. what at one time may feel like harmless diversion quickly becomes the master of your life, the "mistress" that will demand your life in return for her love.

Anais's pride will not allow her to be honest with Lindsay. She would rather lie to him then admit her feelings and share her secrets.

These two have amazing chemistry and passion for each other, oh my it was hot! And yet, it was quite frustrating and sad to see that neither could trust the other enough (or themselves) into honestly baring themselves to each other. instead they both separately deal with their issues (or not) and in the process almost ruin their lives.

What also kept running through my head while I was reading this story was how we struggle to bare our true selves to the people we love. Fear and shame can keep us from truly reaching out to the people that love us the most, if they knew our dark secrets would they love us? And also for me this book was truly about love. I have read some amazing books, but this is one that was about two people finding "we were two, now we are one" love.

Big hugs to my friend Kathleen for recommending this amazing book to me. It will stay with me for a long long time.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
822 reviews38 followers
May 4, 2010
Charlotte Featherstone you are a writing goddess!

This was an amazing and addictive story in its own right. Charlotte manages to draw the reader in, and allow them to identify with the characters immediately. She weaves a tale of desire, love and passion that is second to none.

I was emotionally drained at the conclusion of Addicted, but in a good way. These are characters that stayed with me for several days.

I eagerly await the second book Sinful! Oh I wonder what Wallingford has in store for us.
Profile Image for Brittany B..
299 reviews4 followers
June 13, 2012

I'm not ready to rate this book because it was incredibly emotional for me. I do want to write my initial thoughts, so I'm no longer carrying the intensity of emotion around with me. The beginning was beautiful. But bad things happened, and both Anais and Lindsay (the H/h) dealt with it in unforgivable ways. Though there is an HEA, I do not believe there would have been a happy ending in real life after so much pain and deception. There was a long stretch when the book was so painful and upsetting that I stopped thinking of it as erotic or romantic. I sound melodramatic, but I cried for hours during this book. It pushed a button that really affected me.

I listened to this in audio. And it was beautifully performed. However, I believe I would have had a better experience if I read it in print, where I could have skimmed through parts that upset and inflamed me. In audio, there's no skimming because you don't know what you'll miss.

There is to much to praise about this book. The small moments made big impressions. The exchange between Lindsay and his father toward the end, when his father tried to give him advice and explain his own failings in life was so poignant and moving, as was the exchange with Lindsay and his old drug buddy, who chastized Lindsay to do the right thing with a surprisingly insightful rebuke.. but I'm only scratching the surface. There were so many beautiful moments in this book.

I do think the book had objective negatives, the middle of the book was too long, and had little to offer but sex and angst. Many scenes could have been edited out and it would have been a much more effective story. I like steamy books, but much of the middle of the book lacked substance. There were way too many serious problems for me to care about their sex. For quite a few hours of the audio, I wanted to beat Anais for her secretive behavior, and her constant sexual cravings. (she seemed to use sex like he did opium) But I don't want to get into analysis of the specific plot lines and characters.

The most notable quality of the book is the seriousness of its themes. Drug addiction, obsession, deception, betrayal, fear, pride, and insecurity are all major aspects of this book. But what upset me and broke my heart the worst was the loss of innocence the characters experienced. I mourned the change from wide-eyed youth with the dreams and wonder that come when the world is in front of you, to the disenchantment, regret, and bitterness that comes when one realizes there is no going back, and real life is not close to what one dreamed it could be. One mistake, one wrong decision can change your life forever. It can even break you.

I know a few broken souls, and I wept for the characters and for those broken souls in my own life, and finally I wept for the loss innocence we all face as we get older.

What a bummer!

Profile Image for Zeek.
889 reviews149 followers
August 25, 2010
Anais and Lindsay have been best friends all their lives- and both have been hiding much stronger feelings for each other. Till one night Lindsay finds her in the stables and makes his true feelings for the lush Anais known.

Days later the high of true love sinks to the depth of despair when in a opium fog, Lindsay mistake Anais friend for her during a torrid sexual encounter. Betrayed Anais runs away and leaves Lindsay with no hope of explanation or reconciliation.

Months later, Lindsay descends even further into addiction, but finds his way back home after dreams of losing Anais forever. Sometimes love is as obsessive as addiction and Anais is one addiction Lindsay will die without.

What can I say? This novel, although unrealistic, is stunning. The author went to places with the hero that I've never seen in romantic fiction let alone tired, tried and true historical romance-which, believe me, is a good thing. But, I must admit, the romanticizing of addiction came off a bit disturbing to me. (For the record, opiate addicts are not sexy. They are often emaciated with bad skin and missing teeth. Not. Sexy.) But, setting that aside, Addicted is an emotional tour de force that I could not put down till I finished it.

There are some predictable elements but that's okay, because that's why I read romance. And too, the author used some worn plot devices that I usually find eye rollingly annoying any more.

Yet, the author certainly made it all work for me. (Anais's big secret was fairly obvious and not so big, but still a bit of a twist made it extremely affecting.)

Although I wanted- no, needed- the book to end as it did, the practical side of me can't help but wince. It's just too rose-colored. But then, if I wanted realism I would read literary fiction. So 4.5 out of 5 from me.

Addicted is as audacious as it is dark and sensual. For that alone, this book is a must read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 302 reviews

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