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The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything

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To ever-loyal Kirby Winter, multimillionaire Uncle Omar left nothing -- nothing but a gold watch and a sealed letter to be opened in one year. But Kirby is destined to inherit the magical power to freeze time in its tracks. Power like that promises unlimited wealth, wealth that can't buy love, but does make a down payment on a lot of deadly trouble. In a universe without time, can Kirby stay one step ahead?

207 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1962

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About the author

John D. MacDonald

542 books1,263 followers
John D. MacDonald was born in Sharon, Pa, and educated at the Universities of Pennsylvania, Syracuse and Harvard, where he took an MBA in 1939. During WW2, he rose to the rank of Colonel, and while serving in the Army and in the Far East, sent a short story to his wife for sale, successfully. He served in the Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.) in the China-Burma-India Theater of Operations. After the war, he decided to try writing for a year, to see if he could make a living. Over 500 short stories and 70 novels resulted, including 21 Travis McGee novels.

Following complications of an earlier heart bypass operation, MacDonald slipped into a coma on December 10 and died at age 70, on December 28, 1986, in St. Mary's Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was survived by his wife Dorothy (1911-1989) and a son, Maynard.

In the years since his death MacDonald has been praised by authors as diverse as Stephen King, Spider Robinson, Jimmy Buffett, Kingsley Amis and Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.. Thirty-three years after his passing the Travis McGee novels are still in print.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 183 reviews
Profile Image for Joe.
519 reviews1,018 followers
September 29, 2020
John D. MacDonald has fast become one of my favorite authors. He was so prodigious throughout the 1950s and '60s that he wrote seven Travis McGee mysteries--two of which he threw in the garbage upon completion--before consenting that his publisher Fawcett Books release the first one. I had some vague impression that The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything would be MacDonald's version of a Richard Matheson story. The high concept fantasy plot was there. "Boy inherits watch that can stop time." I'm convinced that MacDonald bet one of his buddies that he could write a 150-page book quicker than his buddy could read one. This is the result.

I was so confused by what I read that I took two days off and started over. The book didn't make much more sense on its second pass. Kirby Winter is a 32-year-old jackass whose Uncle Omar has died, leaving none of his $50 million estate to his heir, only a watch and a letter not to be opened for a year. Kirby is a hero in the Classic Keanu Reeves mold: he cannot buy a clue on what is going on around him. Rather than "whoa," Kirby often mumbles, "gawr," when not tripping over furniture. I can't stand invalid protagonists who seem to have difficulty tying their own shoes. How Kirby has lived as long as he has is the biggest mystery.

Let me turn things over to one of my writing instructors, playwright, screenwriter and film director David Mamet:

“I did a movie called Spartan and it’s with Billy Macy and Val Kilmer and Kristen Bell. It’s a pretty good movie. And there’s no narration in it. Somebody’s been kidnapped, you don’t know who she is. Somebody’s sent to find her, you don’t know who he is. And Macy paid me the highest compliment. He said, you know, there’s not one second of narration in that whole damned movie. That’s a great compliment, right?

Because anybody can write narrations. It’s why anybody can write television. Because it’s all basically narration. And one of the hallmarks of soap opera--which most television drama is--is two people talking about something that happened offstage. They don’t want anything from each other. So that’s the death of drama. And I tried to tell writers that when I was working on a television show, that phrase ‘As you know …’ Because, who are we talking to?”

In The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything, Kirby tells a strange woman he apparently met at his uncle's funeral all about himself. Why would a strange woman lavish so much attention on hapless Kirby, a dunce who didn't inherit a penny from Uncle Omar? The incongruity doesn't prompt Kirby to stop talking and question this, to act. Then the strange woman's niece shows up and starts berating Kirby. She's apparently a TV actress who the strange woman has gotten shitcanned from her job in order to come to Florida to spend time with her, which makes no sense considering the strange woman is in the middle of conning Kirby.

By now, we reach the 20% mark of the story. There's no watch, no magic. The author hasn't shown the reader anything, just let characters talk about things that occurred offstage. After the niece tells Kirby all about how conniving her aunt--the one she was willing to drop everything to come to visit in Florida-is, Kirby tells the niece all about his Uncle Omar, a high school teacher who mysteriously quit his job one day, went to Reno and won $100,000. If MacDonald had shown a young Kirby experiencing strange events at the home of his uncle, which he then puts out of his mind until the funeral many years later, then I'd be curious for Kirby to find out what's going on.

In MacDonald's story, characters talk and talk about stuff that happened offstage, but it didn't mean anything to me because I'd been given no opportunity to connect with anything emotionally. It's just writing. Really what it feels like is an author rushing through a first draft extraordinarily fast. Setting a scene up and writing action takes time, whereas two characters riding in a taxi and talking for 12 pages can be dashed off by a writer with a much weaker ear than John D. MacDonald in less than an hour. That was the impression I got here.
Profile Image for Lyn.
1,932 reviews17.1k followers
December 8, 2017
It’s fun to read a novel from a talented writer when that author has stepped out of his usual style and is trying out a different genre. The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster comes to mind. Like Forster, John D. MacDonald has stepped away, somewhat, from his usual crime fiction and Travis McGee novels to try out some cool SF.

Actually, MacDonald published this book in 1962, a couple of years before his first McGee novels would arrive on bookstore shelves. An established writer of crime fiction like Cape Fear / The Executioners, fastballer MacDonald climbed the hill and let fly with this entertaining curve ball about time travel.

Sort of.

MacDonald’s story about a time altering device is actually most compelling by what it leaves out. If told today, that device would be center stage and the action would revolve around it and what happens when X , Y, and Z come about.

MacDonald is too good a storyteller for such a formulaic delivery and like the best of his crime fiction, the strongest element of this enjoyable narrative is the spot on characterization, the interdependency of the players, good dialogue, and a cagey plot. I also enjoy when a supporting character steals the show as Bonnie Lee does here.

Good fun. For MacDonald fans, SF fans and those of us who love 50s-60s fiction.

Profile Image for Debbie Zapata.
1,897 reviews60 followers
August 31, 2017
You've worked for your uncle all of your life. The man was in complete control of you, telling you what college courses to study, sending you around the world on errands for him. You knew he was wealthy, and you tried to be patient. So what do you do when he dies and leaves you nothing more than a gold pocket watch and a letter to be opened one year later?

This is what happens to Kirby Winter, and the way he tries to solve the new riddles in his life make up the rest of the story. Riddles caused by the tax man's discovery of 27 million dollars apparently gone missing from Uncle's estate. No one believes Kirby when he explains what happened to that money. He must be lying! He must have tucked it away somewhere! He had the time to do that, right? And what about that beautiful woman who seems so intent on getting Kirby all to herself. Who is she and will he ever be able to think straight when she is around?

This was only my second MacDonald title. I got a huge kick out of it. I ordered it a couple of years ago after reading A Bullet for Cinderella and wanting more MacDonald in the house. I have just one other here: Cape Fear, which I plan to get to later this year. And I think I'll go see if I can find some others at my favorite online used bookstore. Why ever not? I have the time to do that, right?
Profile Image for Sandy.
537 reviews101 followers
August 18, 2011
Having never read anything previously by renowned author John D. MacDonald, I discovered his 1962 paperback "The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything" after reading about it in David Pringle's excellent overview volume "Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels." Writing about the novel in that volume, the British critic tells us that it is "an amusing romp," and MacDonald's "only full-length fantasy." There may perhaps be many readers who are surprised to hear of MacDonald being mentioned in the same sentence as the word "fantasy"; after all, he is an author more well known for almost 50 hard-boiled crime thrillers, not counting the 21-book series featuring his most famous character, Florida-based private investigator Travis McGee, which started in 1964. But in truth, MacDonald was, early in his career, a prodigious creator of sci-fi tales; between 1948 and '53, he penned almost 50 sci-fi short stories and two novels, "Wine of the Dreamers" and "Ballroom of the Skies." Still, as his only out-and-out fantasy, "TGTGWAE" should be of especial interest to his loyal fans.

In the book, we meet an interesting nebbish named Kirby Winters. At 32 years old, Kirby has had only one (disastrous) sexual encounter in his life. When we first meet him, his wealthy Uncle Omar has just passed away. Kirby had spent the previous 11 years traveling around the world and giving away around $27 million of his scientist uncle's money to undocumented charities, and now the IRS wants to know where the money has gone, as do the heads of Omar's corporation AND various criminal elements. To make matters worse for Kirby, his only inheritance from Omar turns out to be the gold watch of the title. But what a watch it is! With it, as Kirby soon learns (CAUTION: SPOILER AHEAD!), he is able to effectively stop time for one subjective hour, causing the universe to enter a red-lit stasis; in this stalled world, one hour of subjective time is equal to only 3/100 of a second! Imagine the possibilities for both mischief and personal gain! An "amusing romp" it surely is!

In actuality, the novel is a fantasy in more ways than one. It is a science fantasy (or what H.G. Wells used to call a "scientific romance"; Wells, by the way, as Pringle reminds us, wrote a hoot of a story called "The New Accelerator" in 1901 with a similar plot device) in which a miraculous gadget is created. It is also, most assuredly, a sex fantasy. In the novel, Kirby must deal with no less than four very sexual women: Charla Maria Markopoulo O'Rourke, an international criminal, as well as her gang; Betsy Alden, her blonde, hot-tempered niece; Wilma Farnham, Uncle Omar's prudish but lusty assistant; and finally, the "girl" of the book's title, 19-year-old Bonny Lee Beaumont, a backwoods Carolina stripper who initiates Kirby into the world of sex, thrills and fun. The book also strikes the reader as a wish-fulfillment fantasy and a revenge fantasy; indeed, the ability to make time stand practically still confers almost God-like powers on the increasingly self-assured Kirby Winters.

"The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything" is a terrific read, filled as it is with interesting characters, great imagination (MacDonald constantly surprises us with how thoroughly he has thought out the ramifications of making time stand still), many amusing lines and even some tough action sequences. Though the central plot device of time stasis is hardly an original one (besides that Wells story, as "The Science Fiction Encyclopedia" mentions, we must not forget the 1923 film by Rene Clair, "Paris Qui Dort," in which Paris is accidentally frozen in time by a scientist), MacDonald gives it a fresh spin, combining it with a crime thriller and a comedy. Despite a few missteps (for example, early in the book, it is stated that Kirby's single sexual encounter had taken place 12 years earler, but 100 pages later, it is said to have been 13; in one section, Kirby's lawyer is sitting at his left at a conference table, but two pages later, is said to be at his right), this is a perfectly entertaining novel that should prove pleasing to just about everyone. And really, how can any novel that discusses Ann (sic) Francis' "Twilight Zone" episode "The After Hours" be all bad?
Profile Image for William.
676 reviews379 followers
September 27, 2017
I read this when I was about 16 and loved it. Great fun, clever, sci-fi mixed with noir. The movie was not bad, either.

The inscription inside the watch, from the Latin:
"Tempus unum hominem manet."
- Time waits for one man.

After the famous Tempus neminem manet
"Time waits for no man."
Profile Image for Dave.
3,299 reviews405 followers
January 12, 2023
The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything was MacDonald’s third “science fiction” novel. The gimmick here is a gold watch that can stop time for up to an hour at a time. While the world is frozen, the wearer can do all kinds of damage.

Poor Kirby Winters has spent the last decade running errands for his rich uncle and helping give away 27 million dollars. As a reward, when Uncle dies, Kirby gets a gold watch (whose value he has no idea) and a letter to be opened a year later. He also has a sinister pair out to charm him out if whatever secrets uncle left him and a whole world screaming that he embezzled 27 million dollars. And before he knows it he is in the run from every law enforcement agent on the Florida coast.

The difficulty many readers have is that the fun part when Kirby meets Bonnie Lee and figures out what the watch does happens about midway through. To get there, the reader has to witness Kirby as perplexed as anyone as to what is going on and who he can trust.

In effect, MacDonald tells the story a bit backwards and sideways, not letting the reader know what the secret is for much of the story. Even then, he doesn’t make stopping time (not time travel) easy as he compounds it with a whole series of rules that often make the stopped time action slapstick goofy.
Profile Image for Michael Sorensen.
Author 1 book5 followers
May 5, 2008
Most people aren't aware that JD did Sci-Fi...but he did, some of the very best! This is a prime example and well worth a read. Recently it was made into a Disneyesque juenile movie (very B-Grade) which did not do justice to what JD created as a VERY Bawdy tale. A Good, Fast and smart read!!!
Profile Image for Josh.
1,713 reviews168 followers
August 2, 2020
I'm glad I researched this book before delving in otherwise I think I would've been thoroughly confused.

Renowned for crime fiction, The Girl, Gold Watch and Everything deviates from John D MacDonald's bread and butter in favor of b-grade sci-fi which oozes pulp.

Published in 1962 (my edition 1968), the story holds up pretty well; time travel by virtue of a gold watch which, when the hands are turned backwards, temporarily suspends time to allow the watch holder to move freely around unbeknownst to everyone else.

Naturally this power is used for monetary gain and to enable the protagonist, Kirby to escape some pretty dicey situations, however the primary purpose of this great power is comedy. Yep...Kirby and his girlfriend use the suspended time to prank innocent bystanders as well as those who want to get possession of the watch themselves. Whilst I didn't mind this approach, the humor quickly grew adolescent (15yr old me would've loved it).

There are a few plot holes and 'easy-outs' throughout the book which dampened my enjoyment - and the attempted scientific rationalization of the gold watch's abilities I could've done without but overall I liked the book and would certainly recommend anyone picking this up in the dollar section of a used bookstore (I wouldn't recommended actively seeking out a copy as, honestly, it's not worth it).
Profile Image for Truman32.
362 reviews118 followers
October 8, 2015

John D. MacDonald’s The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything is the hardboiled writer’s peculiar attempt at fantasy and humor.

Our story deals with Kirby Winter, the ineffectual namby-pamby whose Uncle Omar Krepps has just died. Krepps had accumulated an extensive fortune in a mysterious manner, but upon his passing left no money to Kirby. Instead he bequeathed only a gold watch and a mysterious letter to be opened in one year’s time.

The watch, Kirby eventually discovers, has the power to freeze time. It allows it’s owner to move around while everyone else remains frozen in place. And is, of course, how Uncle Omar accumulated his great wealth. The watch also is the kick-start Kirby needs to become a real man (which in MacDonald’s view means having a backbone and not being afraid of women).

There are really well-written moments here (this description of motel owner Hoover Hess who, “was a loose, asthmatic, scurfy man with the habitual expression of someone having his leg removed without anesthetic.” Or MacDonald writing about a pretty model who looked, “faintly confused as though she had just been awakened, or had just been given a good one behind the ear.”), and some extremely laugh-out loud scenes, but like a picture of the family dog drawn by a 5 year old-- while you might get the overall idea, everything seems off. Max’s ears are not bigger then his legs, and his muzzle does not curve up, and he has four legs, not six.

The stuff that make John D such a great noir writer (his wonderful Travis McGee series has found fans such as Kurt Vonnegut, Stephen King, and Donald Westlake among others) hurts him here. The tough-guy speak and tough-guy observations as well as the hyperactive macho 1960’s view on women and relationships works much better in a hard-hitting noir environment then a light-hearted fantasy romp. Kirby never comes off as the ninny he is supposed to be and the jokes played on the unsuspecting when time freezes comes off as mean-hearted and cruel. One later time-stop prank made to show the main villain’s comeuppance comes off more then a little rapey.

Overall, I’d recommend that you mark this odd book down as a curiosity and move on to the John D MacDonald detective books.
Profile Image for Chrisl.
607 reviews87 followers
July 9, 2017
Bumping this to a 4.51 due to memories of library patrons coming back for rereads, including me. A fun story. (The library had a hardcover with an attractive jacket, not same as pictured with this review.)
Profile Image for Keith Gapinski.
36 reviews
February 2, 2014
Like a lot of people, I was first introduced to this story through the 1980s TV movie with Robert Hayes and Pam Dawber in it. I really liked the movie as a kid, so I grabbed the book and read it, and like that, too.

I just recently revisited the book, since it just came out for Kindle, and I still found it to be in my list of my favorite books of all time. The story is fun -- a male twist on a romance story, as Kirby bounces amongst a cast of women, trying to find one that doesn't thoroughly frighten him. It's a fun, comic romp, but reading it again, with adult perspective, I have to say McDonald had some deep moments, too.

On relationships, he has Bonny Lee deliver some great commentary:

“I love you good , Kirby. And love is a pretty thing. See how fast all worked up we gettin’? That’s the good of it, sugar. Going to bed is happy and it’s fun. It’s the way you get the good of it with none of the bad. It’s like everybody has forgot that’s all it is and all it was ever meant to be. People got to mess it up, it seems. Cryin’, moanin ’, clingin’ onto one another, all jealous and selfish and hateful. We love each other on account of we give each other a lot of happy fun, and if it comes round again, we’ll take some more, and if it doesn’t, we got this much already anyhow. But no vows and pledges and crap like that,hear? That’s what people do because they got the funny idea it’s the right thing to do. And before they know it, the fun part is gone, gotten itself strangled on the fine print, like it was a deed to some land. I live free and simple, Kirby, and I look on myself in the mirror and say hello to a friend I like. The day I stop liking her, I change my ways. So this is who loves you, and that’s what the word means, and I got friends would die for me and me for them. What I say , you run onto a hell of a girl.”

I also love what he has to say about the morality of using the magical gold watch (ok, spoiler, but the book is really old).

And he would have lost one of the most precious attributes of this unique ability to make time stand still— the additive of wry mischief, of ironic joy. Bonny Lee had understood that instinctively. Murder would have turned the watch into a perpetual solemnity and a perpetual guilt— because, regardless of provocation, the owner of the watch was beyond the need to kill.

There are a lot of storytellers out there who could learn the lesson above.

Still one of my favorite books of all time! Check it out if you're into realistic fantasy.

Profile Image for Mike (the Paladin).
3,147 reviews1,967 followers
November 10, 2010
I feel as though I should apologize for not liking this book. So many seem to really enjoy it... I've tried no less than 3 times to get into this book, and I just don't like it enough to put my time into it. It seems like an amazing idea, it seems as though it could/would make a fantastic read, straight or humerus. For some of you it seems it did. Not I'm sorry to say for me.

I've plowed into this book and I always come to the same conclusion about 30 pages in. Not worth it, a little annoying, and characters I can't buy.

I grew up in the Smoky Mountains...his attempt at writing southern dialogue comes very close to making me a book burner....

Okay, if you like it I'm very happy for you. I saw the TV movie back when and found it funny...but I just don't like the book. If it's for you enjoy.
1,756 reviews17 followers
October 24, 2017
I found this book amusing and enjoyable, enough that I will read more of this author. It's about a loyal nephew whose wealthy uncle died and left him only a gold watch and a letter. The shy, retiring, almost virginal man is suddenly besieged by corporation executives, the IRS and the press, demanding to know WHERE the $27 million that should be in Krepps Corp coffers went. So he goes on the run, evolving from bewildered ninny to ..... well you'll see. It's a gentle book- nothing horrible happens- just a lot of fun and games.
Profile Image for Stuart.
722 reviews313 followers
March 22, 2022
Great concept, but really dated and awkward sex comedy that is cringe-worthy
If HG Wells' Time Machine and Austin Powers had an illegitimate child, this would be it. It was picked by David Pringle in his "Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels: in English Language Selection, 1946-1987", so I had some high expectations, but also know that his choices are deliberately extremely varied and for that reason can be very hit or miss for each reader.

This one had a brilliant fantasy concept in a contemporary (for 1962) adventure and tongue-in-cheek sex comedy about an extremely awkward nebbish protagonist pursued by multiple sex kittens in Austin Powers' over-the-top fashion. The dialog is so sexist and chauvinistic that even giving it a huge amount of leeway for being of its time and not intended to be taken seriously, I found it really grating and annoying, which essentially spoiled the book for me. I'm sure back in the day it might have been "a hoot", but I just wanted to give it "the boot" instead.
Profile Image for Craig Pittman.
Author 10 books203 followers
March 2, 2016
When I think of a John D. MacDonald book, what I think of is a sharp, penetrating look at crime and greed, usually set in Florida, often featuring interesting characters and sparkling dialogue. This book is set in Florida, features lots of crime and greed, and includes both interesting characters and sparkling dialogue -- but it's unlike any MacDonald book I've ever read, because it's not a gritty thriller but rather a delightful what-if fantasy.

Kirby Winter is a self-diagnosed ninny, a pushover who's spent years running errands for his incredibly wealthy uncle, Omar Krepps, hoping he'd eventually inherit the old man's millions. But when Uncle Omar dies, Kirby gets nothing but an old watch. It takes him about half the book to figure out that the watch is worth more than mere money, because Krepps figured out a way to use it to stop time. It's the secret to how he won big jackpots at poker and roulette, and how he often seemed to go without sleep and appear suddenly wherever he was needed.

Kirby needs all the help he can get from the watch, too, because by the time he's figured it out, he's hip deep in trouble -- sought by the Miami cops, by a gang of thugs and by strangers after a big reward. He's been wrongly accused of stealing his uncle's millions, and lured into a trap by a couple of ruthless operators named Joseph and Charla. Fortunately he stumbles into a love affair with an uninhibited country girl named Bonnie Lee who quickly grasps how to use the watch and together they outwit everyone who's gunning for them. They usually do this by doing things while time has stopped that leave massive numbers of people reeling in confusion and embarrassment, wondering where their clothes have gone or how they wound up where they are.

The book's a delight right from the start, in a prologue that's quite funny, right up to the comeuppance that Kirby dreams up for Joseph and Charla. Joseph's punishment is amusing all right. But what Kirby devises for the femme fatale Charla is something that in 1962 was played for laughs but which would probably make most modern readers uncomfortable or even repulsed. It left me with a queasy feeling about the book that made me knock one star off my review.

This year is MacDonald's 100th birthday, so I'm trying to work my way through all of his non-Travis McGee books. This is my second one. Can't wait to see what the third will be.
Profile Image for Kathryn Flatt.
Author 8 books15 followers
August 22, 2011
Hilarious! A new twist on the messing around with time theme, too. The novel starts with a letter written after the end of the story. Then you get to find out how the initially wimpy Kirby ends up aligning with the events described in the letter. So many drolleries throughout.

This book kind of inspired me to write my own light and humorous adventure. Getting that published is high on my priority list after a couple of other pending projects are wrapped.
4 reviews
July 24, 2009
One of the most fun novels I've ever read. Had me giggling from the outset, and it's one of those I love to reread from time to time to pick up my mood.
Profile Image for wally.
2,849 reviews5 followers
December 29, 2014
28 dec 14, sunday morning, 5:07 a.m. e.s.t.
this is #16 from macdonald for me. just finished Price of Murder...an earlier story.

(1962) the girl, etc.
story begins:

dear fred,
you didn't tell me it was going to be easy. but you didn't tell me it was going to be like this. find kirby winter. bring him back. spare no expense. and you assigned me a good man to help out. at least huddleston used to be a good man. today you wouldn't know him. he stares into space and he sighs, and all i can get out of him is sometimes an aimless giggle.

okee dokee then, as the good doctor said (shiny metal buckets, 1969) onward and upward!

first impression...just started chapter two
a fun story. i wish macdonald wrote more like this...but then, there's so many titles, perhaps there are others. i have read Wine of the Dreamers and i think i marked that as a favorite. in another story, One More Sunday i wished he had gone down the parody road. and i haven't gotten to the watch, as yet...though i have looked at a few reviews that tell what happens with that watch. if you're one to track how one writer influences another...and knowing that koontz read macdonald...perhaps this story played big in koontz's telling Dragon Tears...a writer who many seem fond to hate...because in koontz's story, time stops.

a note on the narration
there is that letter to fred from sam, story opener, that describes a failed attempt to bring kirby winter back to the states. the telling is divided by numbered chapter, 3rd-person, and it seems to be limited to kirby winter, our hero. through three chapters, kirby is accident prone, tripping and falling against the leading lady, knocking heads with another. the telling is comedic...and it truly is a variation on the other stories i've read from macdonald.

a note on macdonald's use of dreams
dunno what this note should say...as the heading does say it...if this is nothing more than a breadcrumb when and if i need to walk this way again. macdonald uses dreams to good effect. i've noticed dreams in more than a few of the last stories i read...though i did not make a note of it. in this one...as in the last, too...or last two...heh...the dreams are...well, like real dreaming. look in the index...the notes, buddy...you can find it when you need it.

update, finished, monday morning 5:54 a.m. e.s.t. 29 dec 14
done. the ring does not come into play until the midway point, the halfway point in the story...not that it matters much, but that is where it is a part of the story. macdonald had a lot of fun with the ring. seemed like the story took a turn shortly after that...from the comedic tone it carried from the start...to a more serious tone. so...to me, the story seemed off...as if...as if what? as if macdonald wasn't sure how to carry the parody through to the end. but then, by story end...the comic returned. but then, charla's end did not seem justified, given the portrayal of her character...initially she'd put on the fun-loving face and rightfully so, as she was trying to use kirby. but then...kirby was changing, too, something his uncle omar had hoped would happen...trial by fire...so he'd be wise enough to use the ring to good purpose. or something. an entertaining story. perhaps the reason macdonald didn't (?) tap into his comic vein is...is what? 'cause he wasn't comfortable in it? i don't know. good read, still, given the minor problems.

time place scene settings
*the big suite at the del prado mexico city...sao paulo
*summer, 1958, continental hilton, mexico city...a past event
*hotel elise, the 8th floor, miami beach
*collins avenue in downtown miami
the time is 1960...chapter 2/24 we read about about twelve years earlier, 1947...a just prior, a year ago...kirby's most recent affair...in the back seat of a 1947 hudson, johnstown, pennsylvania
*princess markopoulo, a ship
*the glorianna, charla's toy yacht
*hotel elise
*reno...where uncle omar krepps made his first bucks...and where he lost almost the same amount later
*brownsville, texas, an island...where uncle omar built a house after making big bucks
*hotel birdline, downtown miami
*pittsburgh...is where kirby went to live with omar and thelma when he was seven
*apartment of a hokey friend...in miami...where betsy is staying
*elise on the beach...downtown miami hotel
*a neighborhood drugstore
*wilma's apartment
*o.k. devices offices in the fowler building
*210 sunset way, hallandale...the house of an associate of roger farnham where he hides his sister from the press.
*biscayne marina, east dock
*public beach
*bonny lee beaumont's garage apartment
*bonny lee beaumont's sunbeam roadster...not top for it
*the red world of stasis
*1st motel they came to (not provided a name)
*a public phone booth (they are disappearing, alas)
*a gray navy truck full of sailors in the back
*a nearby cocktail lounge
*the home of professor wellerly
*the bank where the letter is kept in a box

characters major minor name-only real famous imagined peripheral
*fred: to whom the opening letter is addressed. fred, apparently, hired sam giotti, to bring back kirby winter from mexico...though he failed, the reason for the letter.
*sam giotti: who wrote the letter, the opening to this story
*the client: who hired fred...sam...huddleston
*huddleston: was with sam giotti in mexico city, trying to take kirby back to the states
*a man ready to pull up...a pilot...characters arranged to help sam
*an elevator operator...three middle-aged tourist ladies
*our lawyer...sam's and huddleston's lawyer in mexico city
*omar krepps: kirby winter's rich uncle who died recently. he taught high school chemistry and physics. the papers say he left behind a $50 million dollar estate.
*kirby winter: our hero. 32-year-old, has been working for his uncle omar krepps, giving away money, $3 million a year. he has been traveling the world to do so. when he was seven, his parents drowned in a boating accident. uncle omar looked after him, paid his schooling, so forth so on.
*charla maria markopoulo o'rourke: the leading lady...or, one of them. the telling, joseph her brother,"a spanish ver. charlar. to chat. to make meaningless talk." she is a greek national.
*joseph locordolos: charla's brother
*betsy alden: formerly filiatra, changed name to betsy. charla is her aunt. betsy is the daughter of one of charla's half-sisters.
*cary grant...a famous actor of the day
*onassis...assume this to be the famous onassis...name only
*a barman, his chin on his chest
*lawyers. (there's always lawyers)
*little men...the girl...two uniformed waiters
*hugh heffner...the man who began playboy magazine, lives in his pajamas
*elizabeth taylor...a famous actress
*hazel broochuk: with whom kirby had his most recent affair...in the back seat of a hudson
*a sweet laughing little darling of a girl...in nassau
*a friend...who called a friend...of charla's
*a crew of five...on the glorianna
*utrillo...a painter?...as in 'a fake utrillo'
*a taxi/cab driver
*gabor...famous actress...apple annie...same line as gabor
*other chums of the same ilk...thieves...betsy believes charla and joseph are operators
*aunt thelma...an older sister of uncle omar krepps
*mr. d. leroy wintermore: lawyer/attorney of wintermore, stabik, schamway & mertz
*captive attorneys...elite corps of earnest executives
*people hammering on the wrong doors
*hoover hess: owner, hotel birdline...where kirby stays, at times, where kirby leaves things when he travelled.
*miss wilma farnham: the other employee, 6 years, of o.k. devices...the vehicle used to distribute uncle omar's money
*struggling little entrepreneurs
*desk clerks at the hotel elise...little brown people
*eastman (color)...as in eastman-kodak...but only the 1st name is used
*unscrupulous men...paranoid heroine(betsy)...good friends in the entertainment world...one doctor
*eight men at the conference table
*hilton hibber: at 8-man conference...he is representing the trust department of the bank named executor in uncle omar's will
*a truck...helper...that wilma used to burn documents
*the revenue people, foul creatures, demon-spawn of the money grubbers
*mr. vitts...in wintermore's offices...he is charged with holding the letter for a year before giving it to kirby winter
*a fat woman on the adjoining stool...a chunky girl came to take his money...a woman stared at him...two old ladies were staring
*clerk at the elise...the guys from the elise...a sailor...short wide men in tense argument...broiling brutal confusion of cops, sailors and horseplayers
*taxi driver
b. sabbith--bernie: betsy is staying in his apartment...he is off somewhere...france maybe
*a driver in uniform...crew and some volunteer help
*we met some other people there...betsy...out of the swiss school in paris
*a girl in school
*a tense male voice
*joe hooper, a reporter, one of many...news people...people began pounting...a dear little honeymoon couple (charla had them moved out of a room between her room and kirby's room)
*walton grumby executive vice president of krepps enterprises
*huckleberry finn...character created by mark twain
*a girl on the switchboard...a girl...bellhops...a fat one, waiter
*dr roger farnham: wilma's brother, associate professor at florida eastern
*manuel hernandex y gomez...one of the last names kirby dealt with for uncle omar
*dr. na dan boala, the man in rangoon in december
*professor wellerly...owns the house at 210 sunset way...he to is at florida eastern...a fictitious college, i believe
*informed sources
*dream...page 82 following
*bonny lee beaumont...bonny wakes kirby with a kiss or more...thinking he is bernie. they hit it off, after a fashion...she was married one time...she works at rios, a club...just a mention...strip? that too or was that? either or.
*kirk winner...kirby tells bonny lee beaumont that this is his name
*beauty contest judge...that took bonny lee to new oreleans
*the judge's wife
*billie...as in billy holiday...singer, lady day, god bless the chile
*mickey mantle...dali...ann francis
*a boy kept his boat there
*arturo vara...the room service waiter at the hotel where kirby knocked him out, took his uniform
*a little girl hit me with a rock...a little old buck-tooth boy...reasons for scars on kirby and bonny
*uniformed man at the dock....coast guard
*a small boy was halted in the act of running...hundreds of motionless people...a little girl feeding gulls...a fat boy several years older
*two figures coming up the beach at a dead run...nakkid ladies...an elderly tourist...from michigan...a small sunburned redhead...a man walking in a slow thoughtful circle...old lady had tripped...a little bit of a boy...clerk...woman...a big old muscly hunk...his girl...a ballgame of little kids...a brute man cuffing his little wife around...park fellas painting a rest room...a big-jaw, mean eye wife blasting her little husband for staring at girls
*corporal tannenbaumer
: they almost arrest kirby on the beach...almost
*old ladies with small incomes...three old ladies set
*eliot ness
*a fat ugly bassar...two of his buddies got a guy
*director of internal revenue
*a large rowdy band of teen-agers...two beefy youn men
rene bichat; part of the crew of 5, charla's toy yacht...rough guy
roul feron: another...rene and roul play a major role
*guy had a razor in his hatband...an old man at the desk...a man was unloading his car
*the woman ahead of him...a conveniently small man...she came yawping out of her car...a man stood lighting a pipe...a woman huffed cigarette smoke
*juan march...some guy in spain known by charla and joseph
*harpo...(one of the marx brothers)...keystone komedy...joan (of arc)
like a man with a rifle in the dawn of history...given the date this was written...boggles the mind to consider this that the other
*santa claus
*about 30 men (later, the number we learn is 33) sat on the benches
*three women...the driver of a cab...a man who was in no condition to...
*eddie beeler--lubbock, texas...kirby uses the watch to use his get-up...conventioneer...to help disguise his own i.d.
*three plywood girls...the description of which is a hoot...at the rio's night club:
*perry meson, a brunette, stripper
*bonny lee, she is an entertainer, singer, no stripping
*pooty-tat o'shaugnessy, stripper
*miss pooty-tat o'shaugnessy dances at rio's night club...her real name is lizbeth perkins and she is a good friend of bonny lee beaumont
*waiters pounced, scurried...noisy group of musicians...two beefy men...harried bartender
*raymond, an old waiter with a face like a bulldog
*a randy little clerk...three of my friends, horribly muscular...an absolute bronzed giant of an airlines pilot...slack-jawed idiots
*a man in a white jacket...a group of curiously identical young men (about 20 of them)...and a like-numbered group described as...getting their clothes out of a mission barrel
*girls...languid starved ones...and a bouncy noisy batch...girls
*gretchen firethorn: a fat little girl in a ratty red leotard
*noonan...bernie calls him to get rid of kirby...at the party at bernie's
*a spindly girl did a comedy trampoline
*ingrid...greta...marlena...famous actresses
*minta burleigh: one of the languid girls at the party...they make commercials for parmalon, "in the jeweled decorator case"
*harry...diddly...names used at the party...one of the dark-suited ones...seven old boys full of shine
Profile Image for Scott Foshee.
221 reviews5 followers
April 29, 2015
Interesting Idea, But Dated Female Characters Detract From the Fun

I had a hard time getting into this short novel, but once the hook kicked in about halfway through it proved to be a fun read. The female characters are a bit dated, but the book was originally published in 1962 when that kind of thing was more acceptable. Also as a southerner reading MacDonald’s feeble attempt at writing southern dialogue, I found that the dialect would be laughable if it wasn’t so annoying. It is interesting to note that this is one of John D. MacDonald’s few “science fiction” stories in a career noted mostly for thrillers, crime, and suspense.

Kirby works for his Uncle Omar, who suddenly becomes very adept at gambling and makes millions. Kirby helps him give it away in secret to those they deem deserving. When the mysterious Uncle Omar dies he leaves Kirby nothing except a gold pocket watch and a letter to be opened one year after his death. Suddenly Kirby is in trouble because everyone thinks he has embezzled all of the money, although he doesn’t have any of it. When he finally learns the real secret of the pocket watch – that it can be used to virtually stop time for everyone but the user – the real fun begins.

MacDonald is able to balance the plot device, a watch that stops time, fairly well so that the characters can’t do just anything they want. This is a danger in fantasy and science fiction that often kills the story for me. If a character can do some sort of magic, then the author can do anything he wants and we lose the essential conflict. John D. MacDonald sidesteps this pitfall here fairly well and still manages to maintain tension in the story.

Besides starting slowly, “The Girl, The Gold Watch and Everything” feels like a short story that is being stretched instead into a (short) novel. The antagonists feel fairly cartoonish. “The Girl” Bonnie Lee Beaumont is fun and plucky, but I could never really get past her horrendous fake southern accent, which proves beyond distracting. Still the story is fairly enjoyable and might be interesting for some.
Profile Image for Tom Stamper.
637 reviews34 followers
March 25, 2017
I saw a TV movie of this in the 1980s because it starred the guy from Airplane and the Mindy from Mork and Mindy. Years later I had read that the book appeared on some banned lists and I remembered the sanitized movie. I would guess the legion of decency was upset that the book's girl is a John D. MacDonald trope, the beautiful creature that satisfies the hero's desires without ever expecting any commitment. She will appear in all 21 of the Travis McGee books in some form or another. She is a comical hillbilly type here which is in line with the humor of the piece in general.

Despite the fantasy nature and comic tone, MacDonald does well to create suspense and tension as he does in his hardboiled work. To ruin the plot the gold watch can stop time. That in itself offers all kinds of possibilities that might have been good enough for a series of books. Here they explore mostly the comic possibilities. MacDonald went all out to describe what the frozen world looked like, how the physics are different, and how the efforts in that world take much longer. That world itself is not fun, but it does make the real world more fun.

As you can imagine there will be people after his watch and this is true even before they understand the watch is what they should be after. All the villains know is that the hero is hiding something and we're off to the races. Knowing the watch was the center of the story it still takes the hero about halfway through the book before he discovers its powers. Some readers might not make it that far and miss all the fun. I think if you like the premise or MacDonald you will find enjoyment.
Profile Image for Maurean.
941 reviews
March 15, 2008
The Girl- she was Bonnie Lee, the hillbilly beauty,and one morning Kirby woke to find her in his bed...

The Gold Watch -It seemed to have certain powers. For instance,when you touched the silver hand, the whole world changed...

And Everything -There was Charla, and Betsy Alden, and D.Leroy Wintermore, and the legacy of Omar Krepps, which left Kirby $27 million, and almost more trouble than he could handle...

This was actually a very entertaining little tale. The characters were endearing, the storyline was funny and interesting...definately worth the reading time!
Profile Image for Peter Tillman.
3,785 reviews433 followers
September 27, 2017
In 1998 I wrote:
I think my favorite MacDonald SF/F remains the engaging romantic power-fantasy "The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything."

But "Wine of the Dreamers" is probably equally good, and worth your attention for another period SF classic.
Profile Image for Rob Smith, Jr..
1,236 reviews24 followers
March 15, 2021
First note: I've held off reading this book for about 40 years. I now have a few different editions of it, along with all of MacDonald's books. This one I held off because of my dislike of science fiction.

Review: This is as close as MacDonald ever got to writing like Hiassen and Tim Dorsey would later write like. It's a really silly story, written as lightly as any of MacDonald's books or short stories.

This is also the issue I have with this book. It's really light. With the word 'watch' in the title, you'd think it would have a more significant spot than appearing half-way through the book and then used to mostly play with than adding anything to the plot.

There is reference that all are looking for some all-powerful Maguffin, which is the watch. Yet there is never a tug-of-war for it. It mostly sits in a box or a pocket. Pulled out to be silly with.

So much could be done with the concept and MacDonald let it slip through his fingers. The films did a better job. Referencing his science fiction books, he could have started and ended with the watch as the nucleus all else stems from. Fascinating idea.

The characters are also an odd lot for JDM. The main character is not consistent. He alters one way and then another. It's clear he falters at ladies most of the time. Then he doesn't.
The women are all mostly the same and are written to set men in their place. Don't know why MacDonald did this with the vocal ladies.
The bad guys are more typical JDM bad guys. Though, in this case, a woman is the most violent.

The Florida part: JDM demonstrates his knowledge of Florida with locations in Dade and Broward Counties. It's certainly less than most all of his other books. The Dave Dresser 'Mike Shayne' series does a better job of description and use of locations in the same counties.

Bottom line: i don't recommend this book. 4 out of ten points.
Profile Image for Mike Van In.
26 reviews
January 18, 2021
I read this for the first time when I was a teenager in the 70's. I loved it and I had a lot of time fantasizing about how differently I would have liked to write the protagonists' use of the glorious gold watch.

I read the book again, several times, the last time being about five years ago and got a nostalgic kick out of it. As impossible as the physics are of moving matter with forces in excess of 16,000 G's, with human effort, it's still a fun daydream. (Moving non participating humans is a study of gory detail. Simply pressing a finger - as the person moving in "paused" time - into the inertial flesh of someone in stasis would simply create a hole, assuming you could push a finger into something two thousand times harder than flesh - the requirements are identical to trying to "push" a 140 ton block of oak by firing a .45 calibre bullet at it, so eventually the oak will fail at the point of pressure but the block is going nowhere. Trying to move someone's arm very gently - say two inches over the course of two seconds - would result in removing the section that you were pushing on. When you clicked back to normal time, there would be an explosion of blood and tissue as the bits of bone and meat continued travelling away at over 170 feet per second.)

Regardless, this book put JD MacDonald on my radar - and I subsequently read more of his books - my favourite being "The Empty Trap".
Profile Image for Thom.
1,685 reviews67 followers
March 23, 2018
Not really science fiction, though John D. MacDonald wrote a lot of that in his early career, before turning to hard boiled crime fiction and Travis McGee. Two good characters in what is really a coming-of-age story with fantastic elements - I liked this quick read.

This not the first time I have read this, but this is the only book I've read from this author. As a kid, I was intrigued by the gimmick - a watch which can stop time for an hour. Often I thought about what I could do with that device, and while reading this I reconsidered those possibilities. On this re-read, however, I was struck by the solid characters. The appearance of Bonny Lee Beaumont really made this story, and I cannot today picture this firecracker played by Pam Dawber.

This story did start slowly, and the other characters are mostly caricatures - though I found myself rooting for the accountant Wilma Farnham. The villain and her cohorts are described as devious but come across as clueless.

A collection of MacDonald's science fiction stories (Other Times, Other Worlds) is on hold for me at the library, and I plan to delve into some of his other fiction as well - including the infamous Travis McGee. I may even rewatch the made-for-TV film of this book.
Profile Image for Jenna.
363 reviews
November 2, 2012
It's very funny! I can't believe that John D. McDonald was not only great at writing mysteries, but he was also good at being a fantasy writer. A very well-written book with twist and turned that will keep you reading his book, and much excitement was there too.

Omar Krepps worths 50 million dollars suddenly died, left his nephew Kirby a letter seald, and to read it after one year according to his Uncle Omar's lawyer Wintermore, and a gold pocket watch that has a magical power to freeze time.

Now, Kirby Winter was in hiding from the people who was after his Uncle's wealth, and was trying to solve the mystery behind the golden watch with the help of Bonny Lee Beaumont. But in the red world that time can be frozen Kirby Winter will always be a step ahead with his nemesis.
Profile Image for Eric.
24 reviews1 follower
August 26, 2015
This book is the first John D. MacDonald I've read and I have to say, I like what I see so far. The story is fun, exciting, and the action doesn't get bogged down in non-important, tangential characters or anecdotes. In fact the lean, mean method of storytelling actually reminded of Mickey Spillane spy/crime stories about the '40s.

The characters, especially Kirby Winters, have excellent development. It's a lot of fun to see Kirby develop into the sort of ironic, mischievous person his Uncle Krepps wanted him to be. The introductory letter from someone sent to find Kirby Winters is intriguing and just sucked me in to one of the quickest, most enjoyable books I've read thus far.
5,305 reviews58 followers
December 18, 2012
A rare science fiction novel from John D. MacDonald. The other two are serious inter-planetary pieces, but this one is domestic and humerous. The science fiction element is the ability to effectively stop time. This novel is so enjoyable, I wish JDM had tried the light touch more often.

SciFi - The story is a classic screwball mystery about a man, Kirby Winter, who inherits a gold pocket watch that stops time for everyone but the person holding it. His inheritance from his uncle was only the watch but everyone thinks he had something to do with a missing $27 million. No one accepts his explanation that he gave the money away.
Profile Image for Stephen King.
Author 10 books29 followers
February 22, 2016
This is a book I read for the first time more than thirty years ago. It's always chancy going back to a book you loved when you were younger. Sometimes it's easy to be disappointed. But not this time. Though I found the book a little slow to get going, it's worth it when it does. This is a fun little romp, with a surprising moral core, most of which comes from my favourite character, the pragmatic, irrepressible Bonny Lee Beaumont. The character stayed with me all these years, with one of her monologues still transcribed into my book of quotes. This is a nice, light, easy read that is bound to make you smile.
283 reviews3 followers
December 26, 2016
I picked this one up from one of the library's themed browsing shelves, "It's All About the Girl." And what a girl--Bonnie Lee Beaumont is the voluptuous, madcap center of this adventure/fantasy/sci-fi/comic tale by an author I previously knew only from his Travis McGee detective series. The quality of the writing is first-rate, as I expected. And when the ninny of a hero, Kirby Winter, shares the time-stopping secret of his late uncle's gold watch with Bonnie Lee, the mayhem that follows had me laughing out loud. This book was a wonderful antidote to all the pre-inauguration gloom this Christmas week.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 183 reviews

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