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Penny Dreadful meets Northanger Abbey with a dark peppering of Twilight in this sultry odyssey of gaslit underworlds seething with masquerades, mystery, and romance.

Something dark is prowling the gaslit streets of London—a monster with a taste for the blood of young women. When her beloved sister is attacked by an unearthly creature, Emma Rose finds herself in a contract of exchange for her life that defies all laws of heaven. A contract with a vampire.
Her world is torn apart and the reality she had known and believed in is revealed to be a facade, just like the masks of a midnight vampire ball; a mask worn by Markus Winterly, the inimitable viscount and master of Winterthurse. Whether demon, vampire, or monster, Emma discovers that these names are just facets to an ancient being who defies mortal comprehension. Spanning centuries, lifetimes, and the rise and fall of ancient civilizations, Winterly takes her on a journey of self discovery where Emma awakens to the truth of her identity at last, and she comes to learn that the line separating light and dark is as tenuous as her humanity.
When she surrenders to the call of her blood, she finds where she belonged all along. And it was never in London, or even heaven, but in the arms of the devil himself.od, she finds where she belonged all along. And it was never in London, or even heaven, but in the arms of the devil himself.

510 pages, Kindle Edition

Published August 5, 2020

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About the author

Jeanine Croft

5 books37 followers
Jeanine Croft is an itinerant seaman turned helicopter pilot turned novelist. She currently lives in Charleston with her husband and young son. She’s been known to have whole conversations with her characters in the shower, which isn’t at all unsettling to her menfolk or the dogs. She’s a lover of penny dreadfuls, fried tofu, and prefers the company of animals (except mosquitoes) and books. Visit her on instagram @jeaninecroft or online at jeaninecroft.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 95 reviews
Profile Image for Naia Pard.
Author 1 book98 followers
March 7, 2021
I received this book, from NetGalley, for an honest review.
I would have given this book a one-star rating. But, I reconsidered it. Especially after I saw how many people loved this book. I just didn`t feel like being the all-time hater.

However, this book was not great.

This is a passage plucked from the book`s dense description:
"Whether demon, vampire, or monster, Emma discovers that these names are just facets to an ancient being who defies mortal comprehension."

All right, but was I supposed to have forgotten ever having read Twilight or Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone? I am saying this because even if the description seems tantalizing and fitting for a fantasy YA of 2020, the content of it is more on the verge of an ante-2010s when we had this girl that was still amazed out of her wits when she was being told that her lover boy was a vampire/shifter/pre natural something. When she would respond with “I need some time to digest this” and we readers would have to wait painfully more pages of derailing conversation to find out the entire “deal”.

I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that there are so many positive reviews for this.
"“Growling carpets?” said Emma. “How peculiar""
No, book, you are (peculiar).

I will not even bother to give you a summery of it all. You can just read Pride and Prejudice and Twilight and be all set. The first pages are filled with peppered Twilight-like events in a Pride and Prejudice setting, while everything is boring and slow and not resonating.

“You are being dreadfully tedious"

Maybe I am, book, but look at you. Look at what you have made me do: writing a rant review that does not want to be a rant review.

"But women were taught not to be clever and yet Milli was beginning to think that men were confusing beasts."

So, let`s unpack that lovely assessment. Women were taught not to be clever.
So they were taught stupidity? But they were still taught something. But not to be “clever” and what was this “clever” supposed to entail? Maybe better ways to incriminate the patriarchal society whiteout underlaying her lack of training in making statements?

“You question my competence? Rather dull of you.”
I know, book, but I had to because that was the deal. I was going to read you and hopefully adore you, to travel with you to the heavens and back, instead you were dreadfully obnoxious and dragged me to the bottom of the sea.

Look at yourself:
"He grew still of a sudden. Emma felt his lips at the hollow of her neck, his kisses gentling even as the sky raged and cracked with more jagged light."
By the time we (me and my strained nerves) reached this scene WE were already more than halfway through the book.

I was so tired. I was so ready for it all to end. I did not even know what exactly had to end, but I was counting the pages with a passion akin to that of a zealot in prayer.

Something endearing to be said:
It had a cute air of a damsel in distress on her way to autonomy (but she had a long way ahead, still. I just could not bear to be her mule).

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Profile Image for Thais • tata.lifepages •.
530 reviews933 followers
October 1, 2020
I was hesitant at first due to the sheer size of this novel, but the pages will fly in your hands, trust me. The writing is eloquent and beautiful and takes you into the Victorian Era. A gothic romance that will pull you in!

I love Emma's character. She is a clever woman with witty remarks, determined to uncover the truth. I love her friendship with her sister, they bicker and laugh together, and are very protective of each other. Once they meet Lord Winterly and his family, they are both fascinated by them. The dialogues are amazing, specially between Emma and Lord Winterly.

Emma senses something dark within the Winterly family, but like calls to like and she can't seem to pull away from them. Lord Winterly is seductive, charming, dark and mysterious. Their romance is amazingly done and I was rooting for them from the start. I am in love with how Jeanine Croft writes and absolutely need to check out more books from this author!
Profile Image for Natalie  all_books_great_and_small .
2,575 reviews125 followers
September 21, 2020
I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

Winterly is one of the BEST books I have read this year!!
This book has so much depth to it and atmosphere -its absolutely amazing!

Winterly is a gothic, historical fiction book which is dark, spooky and delicious at the same time. Fans of vampires, twilight and stalking Jack the Ripper, will absolutely love this new series!

The Rose sisters become cleverly embroidered in a game of cat and mouse between two different types of supernatural beings - Vampires and werewolves, and witches. But who should they trust and who should they fear?

This book has many dark subtle twists and kept me reading way past bedtime. I am so excited about this new series and can't wait to read book two.
Profile Image for Serial Romance Librarian.
949 reviews233 followers
June 26, 2021
*** Book Q & A***

* How did the book make you feel?: Although I initially appreciated the atmosphere and prose, finishing this book became a bit laborious because it was so very long.

* How do you feel about how the story was told?: I loved the gothic setting and Austen-like narration. I did not like some of the awkward phrasing and spelling inconsistencies. This needs a heavy edit. Example: His teeth flashed with desire. “And I you.” —Huh??? I don’t think my teeth have ever felt desire! Also, this book treats vampires and such as novelties when we’ve been inundated with this type of literature for a hot minute. I get that Emma was absolutely taken aback, but her stunned disbelief lasted an inordinately long time.

* What did you think about the main characters?: Markus’s character was interesting. I enjoyed his back story. Emma waffled a lot. There was too much push-pull and not enough romance, in my opinion.

* Which parts of the book stood out to you?: I enjoyed the atmosphere the most.

* What themes/tropes did you detect in the story?: Austen-like gothic vampires

* What did you think about the ending?: It was predictable, but sweet.

* What is your impression of the author?: Lots of talent here, but editing would help a lot!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Beca ☾.
447 reviews44 followers
September 15, 2021
I tried so hard to like this one. The synopsis had me hooked, however, that ended quickly. Some things were interesting, but I couldn’t get invested. The story and characters for that matter were a bit dull. I didn't really care about the romance either - there were some Twilightesque vibes.

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
93 reviews
September 26, 2020
~ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
As a fan of gothic suspense, I wanted to like this novel. Sadly that was not the case. This was a book in need of a genre it could stick to--it started as a regency romance, turned into a vampire romance and ended somewhere else somewhat more metaphorical. It was also way, way too long and badly in need of an edit. There are moments the author tells her story well and catches her readers' attention--but all too often, an awkward word or phrase will stop the read dead. (Seldom have I seen the word "vittles" used so frequently and so poorly.) I felt the author was most coherent and comfortable in her regency stage and had she stuck with it--I think it would have made a better, more cohesive book. Paranormal books are currently in vogue, but this mishmash of a story fails to meet the mark of a good one.
Profile Image for Melissa Mitchell.
Author 11 books249 followers
September 3, 2020
(5/5⭐️) “There cannot be night without day, both have purpose. Both are essential in nature. And sometimes the moon and the sun share the same sky.”

In a world of light and dark, black and white, one woman must learn to embrace gray. Emma Rose accompanies her sister Milli to London, determined to remain a wallflower. She isn’t an arm ornament, and has no intention of marriage. Love is best left to gothic adventure novels. All that changes when she meets the mysterious Lord Winterly. He invites Emma and Milli to his gothic castle in the country. When Milli is attacked by a creature of myth and legend, Emma makes a deal with Lord Winterly. She exchanges her life for the safety of Milli’s. While Milli is whisked away to safety, Emma remains in Winterthurse, piecing together its mysteries. Her gothic novels never prepared her for what she must face: the battle for her heart. She is drawn to Lord Winterly more than she cares to admit. Dark calls to dark. And Emma soon finds that Winterly’s darkness is the most beautiful call of all.

Gothic vampire meets Victorian Era London in this Jane Austen style of prose where nothing is simply black or white, but somewhere in between. The pages of Winterly are dripping with light and dark analogies as Emma finds herself questioning everything she thought she knew. From the start, we see a woman eager to pass judgement upon the world, and especially upon her younger sister. We see a woman who believes life can only be good or evil. How wrong she is! The story comes full circle. We see that the very demon Emma was determined to scorn is the same demon she learns to love.

Seductive, delicious, romantic, are words that come to mind when considering Emma and Winterly’s story. Jeanine Croft showed us true creativity by bringing in biblical theology to explain Lord Winterly’s fall from heaven, his love for Cleopatra, and his struggles ever since. She offered a new and creative take on vampires. She took a popular trope and infused it with historical events that made it feel real.

Winterly is both plot and character driven. Emma has an obvious character arc. Quick to judge, she soon discovers that the world is not easily categorized. Things are not always good or bad. They can fall somewhere in between. Neither is she perfect. She makes mistakes and struggles with her feelings and emotions. She knows what she wants, yet, she chastises herself for wanting it, only because she judges herself to be wrong for it. But is following ones heart really so bad? It takes a little help from her cousin Mary to see this:

“I do not believe that love can be wasted. A heart must be freely given, even if there is no hope of reciprocity.”

The plot is driven most heavily by the Di Grigori sisters, witches determined to eliminate Lord Winterly. At the beginning of the story, we are led to believe they have Emma’s best interests at heart. They are the ones who help Emma understand Lord Winterly’s secrets. But as the story progresses, it is clear that they used Emma to get close to him. They use their magic to get into Emma’s mind and poison her to Lord Winterly, brainwashing her to kill him. As villains in the story, I developed a strong dislike for them. They had clear motives, and as the story progressed, it was evident that Emma and Milli mattered not.

All of the characters were unique, fleshed out with a depth that brought them to life on the page. I loved how Emma and Milli were opposites of each other. Their sisterhood bond was believable and sweet. Even though they argued a lot, even though they kept different views of the world, their love trumped their differences. Emma played the older protective sister role well, while Milli played the carefree younger sister. I found myself laughing at their conversations and dialogue. It was a joy to read their interactions.

Winterly and his sister Victoria were also unique. Victoria carried an air of mystery about her. Her fascination towards Milli was intriguing and I hope to see more of Victoria and Milli in the next installment. And then there were the many other characters in Winterly’s inner circle. While we didn’t see much of them, I look forward to learning more about them in the next installment.

Jeanine Croft’s world building was curious and enticing, laced with gothic inspiration and riddled with ties to familiar historical stories like the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Highlighting Winterly’s fall from heaven, the role he played in Cleopatra’s death, and his ties to demonology made her world believable. It was an adventurous exploration.

Vampire stories are too often repeats of the same—not so for Winterly. To find one filled with rich analogies, themes beyond good and evil, and historical prose, is a breath of fresh air. How often do we see vampires as they were in the Victorian Era? Winterly feels like a story written by Austen herself. It’s sure to be a favorite for all historical romance lovers.

Professional Reader 80% 10 Book Reviews
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
216 reviews4 followers
September 13, 2020

I'm a well documented lover of gothic romance, for better or for worse. This is a brilliant blend of historical fiction, paranormal romance and gothic literature that had me hooked from the beginning.

The writing is unique in creating a sense of time period without feeling snobbish, but that meant I also had to Google several word definitions (it's educational too?). The characters are also interesting and I'm thrilled that this is going to be the beginning of a new series, I am way too invested to stop now!

*I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Lea.
192 reviews33 followers
September 22, 2020
I definitely had some difficulty getting into Winterly initially with the time period it's set in, making the writing style completely appropriate, but challenging. I'm very glad I continued on as once the writing settled on me, I was engrossed fully into this lavish story! I adored the banter between Milli and Emma and the sometimes snarky remarks made by them to their Uncle.

Overall, this book was nothing like I was expecting and I was pleasantly surprised. As it's been said, this story is has an air of Dracula if it were written by Jane Austen. Highly recommend reading this beautiful novel!

Thank you Netgalley for the e-copy to read and review.
Profile Image for Deana The  Queen .
459 reviews42 followers
March 11, 2021
I received a free copy of this book and am leaving a review voluntarily.

Reading Winterly was like taking an evening stroll through a fog-shrouded garden of black and purple roses at midnight - heady, seductive, chilling, yet erotic to the core.

Emma Rose narrowly avoids disaster one night when she is rescued by the dashing Viscount Markus Winterly. Winterly takes an avid interest in Emma, so much so that Emma and her sister are soon caught up in his world. But when Emma’s beloved sister is attacked by an unworldly creature, Emma finally realizes her suspicions about Markus are correct: He is something other than human. Could he also be involved in the gruesome deaths of young women throughout London?

I absolutely adored this book! Winterly is a Victorian paranormal romance with strong gothic elements - drafty castles, vampires, secrets, blood, sex, masked balls, and sensuality.

Author Jeanine Croft has created a masterful cast of characters for this, the first book in the Dark Creatures series. Emma is a smexy heroine; bookish, individual-minded, and not easily intimidated nor frightened. Markus is, well … he’s the perfect Victorian rake; gorgeous, flirty, dangerous, and a dirty-talker.

I love how Emma is deeply interested in the occult and supernatural - something decidedly not in vogue for women of the era - yet isn’t swayed by societal norms to change her ways. Emma pretty much does what she wants, much to her uncle and aunt’s chagrin. Emma’s sister Milli tends a bit more toward the traditional woman of the time with her penchant for clothing, jewels, and handsome, marriageable men. But Milli later shows she is much more than the sum of her parts, which I also love.

And while not erotica, Croft’s book is certainly sensual. It’s a slow burner, too; one of the best kind.
There are also plenty of supernatural beasties within: Vampires, werewolves, witches, and more! I can’t wait until book two is released.
1 review
August 14, 2020
This books needs to be a movie ASAP. I need to be casting agent of the said movie 😍. I absolutely LOVE this book. It’s dark, it’s gothic, it’s historical, it’s titillating!!! This was the type of vampire romance I had been searching for so long.

I had to read the ARC before it was published. I can’t wait till I get my hands on a physical copy of this novel.
Profile Image for Gabbey F-A.
232 reviews124 followers
April 21, 2021
What a book! Just call me Mrs Winterly and let’s be done with it (But not in my husband’s hearing, of course).

I hesitated before downloading this book, upon learning it was 500+ pages long. Long books can either be a dream or a nightmare, depending on whether you are enjoying the story. Luckily in this instance, it was a dream!

Where to begin? Let’s start with what I loved about it! The chapter headings were fantastic. I loved the letters between Emma and Mary. We learnt so much about our protagonist in these short notes and observed her wit. She was wholly herself, without the pressure of having to be dignified, as she would be in Victorian company.

I also loved the relationship between Emma and her sister, Milli. Despite being so different in character and appearance, they had a great bond and could laugh at each other. There is one instance in which Emma refers to Milli as a braying donkey—Which we are led to believe, via Milli’s character, she would certainly not suffer from anyone else—and they laugh and share in the joke (I wish I had made a note of which page/location it was at, so that I may have quoted it verbatim. I have certainly butchered the humour in my shoddy retelling)!

The writing was gorgeous and, at times, humorous. I found the mixture of beautiful language and humour to be quite a feat! You often get one or the other. One such moment of profound loveliness was Winterly’s explanation of beauty. “It is experienced, not defined… It must affect the heart as well.” In addition, my favourite amusing quote was when the immortals were discussing Nicholas being besotted with Milli; “‘He’s too young yet for matrimony,’
The boy threw up his hands. ‘I’m three hundred years old, Father!’
‘Too young.’” I laughed out loud at this point.

The book was intelligent and interesting. The references to the goddess Isis, nodding at Egyptian mythology, and Cleopatra, at Egyptian history. My limited memory of my school-day Victorian-history studies was also jogged.

My criticisms would be that, firstly, the change of POV in Chapter nine came as a shock. There were a handful of chapters that were told from a different point of view to Emma’s, and I struggled with them. I feel either more of the chapters should have been from different points of view or, alternately, all of them should have been from Emma’s.

Finally, there were a few grammatical errors (Words in the wrong order or one word repeated). The writing was so beautiful, I feel a good proof-reading could of solved this easily, and it could have been easily avoided.

I cannot wait for the next book in the series! I need more Victorian-Vampire-Romance recommendations immediately!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
182 reviews2 followers
October 18, 2020
He gave a nod. “Misplaced kin, perilous gypsies, bloodthirsty carriages, and ruined spectacles—I fear this has turned out to be a penny novel romance of impossible nonsense, Miss Rose. Next you will tell me a vampyre escorted you home.”
Oooo the irony Mr Winterly.

The fantastic play on words that you find in the likes of Jane Austen's works are found in this book. What would a vampire story look like in Gothic Victorian England? Pretty much this. Despite it's Victorian airs Winterly provides the PNR in a beautiful context and world. It was a nice spin on the usual Vampire romance novel. There are a couple of fantastic twists and action towards the end as it reaches it's climax. The story is left with the next part of the story and I believe there will.be a next novel. Well I flaming well hope so lol.

I received this book from the author via Voracious Readers only for.the pleasure of reading and leaving an honest review.
Profile Image for Michelle.
751 reviews31 followers
September 8, 2020
I enjoyed this and am looking forward to the next one. However, I grew tired of Emma's waffling when it came to Markus - the whole "he's bad and I should leave him alone, but I don't want to leave him alone" was the constant theme for the majority of the book. It got to be old because you knew how it was going to play out. I'm glad that got wrapped up in the end so we can hopefully move on from it for the next novel and focus more on the plot.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tani.
245 reviews270 followers
Want to read
September 26, 2020
I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley.
Profile Image for Katie.
24 reviews16 followers
September 11, 2020

Imagine Darcy but with fangs and a very dark secret.

I read in a couple of reviews how the book was long or dragged on, which the book is over 500 pages, but if you think about the time it is written in and the style/tone/descriptions that would have been written, it is understandable. After I surmised it was basically a dark and sexy Jane Austen novel, I wasn't mad at the length, because it was NEEDED. Emma gave me huge Lizzie Bennet vibes while Milli was pretty like Jane yet acted more like Lydia.

“I see you are trying to make out my character,” he said.
“Yes, but it is hard to do so in the dark.”
“Some things are best done in the dark, Miss Rose.”
“That is just what a wicked monk would say.”

“The fog swirled around his tall frame for only a moment, lapping at his heels like hell hounds (alliteration), before it closed about him. Hades himself could not have looked more frightening vanishing into the underworld mist than did that last glimpse of Markus Winterly.”
These quotes are only from the beginning of the book, but I was motivated to continue reading after the little tête-à-tête and description of Winterly.

A lot of thoughts at once when he revealed who he really was. I don't think I've read such a book with so much overlapping of mythology and supernatural myths.
By the second part of the book, I was happy I was getting all the information that was needed without things being left out. I appreciate waiting for the characters to have some semblance of getting to know each other more, because I do tire of an overnight romance, an “I love you” after a week of knowing each other. It feels…right, the way these characters fell into step with one another.

Th big reveal to Milli and Emma? Amazing.

We have a LOT of Greek mythology in the mixing bowl.

And now the wolves…as I see the ending of this book as sort of the list of ingredients for the next book, I am not truly overwhelmed as I know there will be more to come and have come to terms with a lot of information in this part of the story so we can just (hopefully) move along in the upcoming books.

I do want to see more of Milli’s upcoming story in the next book, how she deals with what has happened and see her grow from the woman she started as into someone stronger… I most definitely want to see her kick some supernatural butt.

I did not expect that end scene in the churchyard and I felt so many emotions. I was sad, angry, and shocked, but also relieved? I don't know if the last of the book was a total resolutions per se, but I am excited to see how things are picked up in the next book!
Author 7 books13 followers
September 13, 2020
If Jane Austen wrote Dracula it would be Winterly by Jeanine Croft.
It contained Regency Romance Without the Stuffiness - Emma and her sister Millie are great comparisons to the beloved sisters of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. However, unlike the careful modesty of Austen’s characters, Emma and Millie are far more human feeling in their longing. That very same longing is given into, sending them tumbling to the road that fate has laid before them.
It was Dracula as it should have been! We all know who we really wanted to win in the end of Dracula. Croft doesn’t leave us wanting with a love interest like viscount Markus Winterly. He is every bit the immortal tragic hero complete with lost love and centuries of angst. Dark eyes, a knowing look, and a love for bookish maidens with glasses – be still my heart.
The two balls in the book – the themed Full Moon Ball and the Masquerade on Midsummer – have all the feelings of Labyrinth’s dance scene. These scenes will leave you day dreaming for days with their romantic details. The romance doesn’t stop at the parties. The gothic settings could make a lady swoon even omitting the story. Castles, crypts, inns, and more complete with howling wolves, guttering candles, nightmares, sleep walking, and beds covered in red.
I loved its Steamy Love Scenes With Flowery Language - I get this might actually be a turn off for some people, however, I loved it. It was romantic and poetic without being gross with euphemism. Lines like “the swollen peaks that caged her maddened heart” and “With a mighty roar, the denouement came.” Y’all, I am weak for this sort of thing.
Then there were the villains I loved to hate! Trickery, lies, poison, and plot twists. Croft’s villains are good at what they do – event he reader is twisted about wondering who the real good guys are until the truth becomes clear. Even after we know who to direct our hatred towards, these heart thieves continue to twist the tale and lead our beloved couple apart. They make for a story I didn’t want to put down! I had to know what was going to happen to poor Emma, Millie, and Winterly!
This book was perfection. I'm left wondering what to do with myself until book 2 comes out. Nursing a book hangover is worth the cost though.
Profile Image for Emma Nelson.
212 reviews8 followers
September 14, 2020
Winterly is unlike any other Vampyre book I have read. Initially, I found it very hard to get into, the language is fitting for the time period it is sent in, but it found it really difficult to decipher some of the terminology - so much so that I found myself having to check a dictionary to find out the meaning of some words.
However, this aside, I soon settled into the book and I was utterly engrossed.
Without divulging a lot of the plot, Emma and Milli are visiting their Aunt and Uncle when Emma encounters strange characters - mainly the one of the protagonists of the story - Viscount Winterly and this is where the tale unfolds.
Although there are a lot of characters that you may recognise from previous novels, all of the characters have been given a twist - they themselves are not instantly recognisable.

I really enjoyed Winterly and will definitely read the sequel when it is available, I need to know how Emma, Milli and Winterly's
Profile Image for Kissimmee.
274 reviews11 followers
August 4, 2020
This is one of my favorite PNR reads. It’s got the classic beauty and lyricism of historical fiction, but all the steam and magic of PNR. I read Winterly when it was on Wattpad and jumped at the chance for an ARC when I heard it was publishing!!

“...You waltzed in the underworld and kissed a vampyre beneath a full moon.” There was something of redoubtable hunger in his countenance; and it excited her abominably. “And you have only whetted his appetite, I’m afraid.”

I COULDN’T GET ENOUGH. Reading Jeanine Croft is like transporting into another world, it’s impossible not to get sucked into Markus’ oh-so-yummy seduction. My PNR of choice is usually shifter/werewolf books, but Markus is the epitome of delicious vampire. 🤤🤤🖤🖤

This is a THICCC book and it’s a slow burn, but that intensity just keeps building between Emma and Markus. Plot on plot on plot. You won’t expect what’s coming. You just need to take the dive with Emma!!

5 stars!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
2 reviews
August 5, 2020
Jeanine Croft’s done it again and brought us another impossible to put down book. I had the pleasure of reading the original Script via Wattpad and fell in love with the characters and their story. The published version was articulate and stayed true to the story I originally fell in love with. Jeanine’s writing makes it so easy to get lost in the story through her descriptive and emotional writing. Winterly is no exception and had proven to be a must read. The characters all hold a special place in my heart and will be a go to re-read for myself. You won’t regret getting lost in the feverish and genuine love between the two main characters!
Profile Image for Aseeya.
5 reviews
September 13, 2020
A book worth a read if you are a sucker of gothic romance. The book is an exotic blend of historical fiction with mystical characters, yet another reason to devour the book once you lay your hands on it.

The author takes you in the Victorian era, from the dark filthy streets of london to the bone chilling dark majestic castle where the secrets spill drop by drop leaving the reader hungry for more. The story unfolds furthermore keeping the protagonist, Emma Rose jumbling between her judgement for good and evil fighting her conscience for her heart yearns for evil. By the finish line of climax, Emma is graced with the supreme truth of the extreme importance of dark.

By the end, the author leaves the reader wanting more to relish.
Profile Image for Georgie.
88 reviews8 followers
September 11, 2020
'Winterly' follows Emma Rose as she navigates Victorian-esque London society. Emma's perspective of the world is completely changed when she meets Markus Winterly, a handsome Viscount with dark secrets. As Emma is exposed to the hidden world of vampires, werewolves and witches, she must make a deal with the devil in order to save her sister's life.

A beautifully dark twisted romance. 'Winterly' is stunningly well written with sophisticated language that helps to immerse the reader in the time period and truly brings the characters to life. Croft succeeds to combine multiple genres into one book to make it completely unique - so don't expect the cliche of a young naive girl falling in love with vampire story!

I can't wait to see where the story goes in the sequel!
Profile Image for Vedika Mehendale.
60 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2020
Okay this book was exactly what I needed right now! I can already sense that this is gonna be my comfort read.
The story follows Emma, a young lady who is secretly a supernatural enthusiast *wink*. The story begins when we meet the swoon worthy Lord Winterly, who is just the wicked monk that Emma has always dreamt about *winks and blushes*.
The relationship dynamics and characterization were the main highlights of this book. I easily connected with the characters and felt drawn to read more and more. It is a bit slow paced in the beginning but that doesn't stop you from being absolutely hooked!
If Jane Austen wrote a vampire novel, it would be this. And you all need to read it.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me the ARC of this book!
Profile Image for Zoe.
36 reviews9 followers
September 8, 2020
Thank you Netgallery for lining me up with this author, Croft speaks my PNR language! Captivating story telling I am whisked into the world of vampire, werewolves and witches, dark and moody you see the world through Emma’s eyes. There is more to her that one might initally expect, but Croft kept me hooked the whole time. I confess a couple of times the MC did annoy me with her piety, but that is it. She has such strong beliefs, yet she is curious – an adventuress.

I appreciated that Croft didn’t rush the story, I got to know a little more about the supporting characters who I can see may have books of their own (hopefully). Beautifully written I enjoyed the development of the MC��s relationship. If you like suspense romance, then this is for you. Along with magnificent fight sense that leave you gripping the edge of your seat then you are not to be disappointed.

Well done, utterly triumph in my book. Waiting it baited breathe for the next one.
Profile Image for Kranna.
225 reviews3 followers
September 6, 2020
This is a Gothic historical paranormal book about a young woman who is a wallflower while her sister is the belle of the ball. This gave me Jane Austen meets paranormal romance. This is truly about a young woman coming into her own.
Profile Image for Jamice Robinson.
457 reviews7 followers
September 10, 2020
Jeanine Croft has a very poetic way of writing and made Winterly more elegant I think, which was nice as it gave you a better feel for the period. Overall this was a good paranormal romance, it has a twist in it that I loved but there was a few times I had to stop to look up words, which also made me chuckle because I’m always telling my kids they need to learn new words. The ending ties up nicely, which I love because I hate cliffhangers especially in a series. I looked forward to reading Emma’s and Markus’ adventures in the future installments.
Profile Image for Jamice Robinson.
457 reviews7 followers
September 10, 2020
Jeanine Croft has a very poetic way of writing and made Winterly more elegant I think, which was nice as it gave you a better feel for the period. Overall this was a good paranormal romance, it has a twist in it that I loved but there was a few times I had to stop to look up words, which also made me chuckle because I’m always telling my kids they need to learn new words. The ending ties up nicely, which I love because I hate cliffhangers especially in a series. I looked forward to reading Emma’s and Markus’ adventures in the future installments.
Profile Image for DeAnna.
358 reviews4 followers
August 13, 2020
First I would like to thank the author for an ARC of this book. If you don't follow her on Instagram make sure you do so.
Ok! So that was an insanely beautiful gothic romance. There's just so many components that make this a wonderful story. The writing was beautiful and lyrical. It had the voice of the victorian era while still being enthralling. I did have some issues with some unfamiliar words used for that era peppered throughout but that's what the search is for on kindle. The characters were great. I loved all of them so much. It was great to watch Emma slowly bloom-eyyy! (Her last name is rose)- and im excited to watch her character develop in the sequel. I loved millie so much. Shes such a great character. Markus was a dark mystery and the way that croft intertwined his story with emmas was interesting and beautiful. Just a great book that i would definitely recommend. Can't wait to read the next one so i can read all about some witch butt kicking!
Profile Image for Reece.
590 reviews11 followers
February 6, 2021
3.5 stars

Firstly, I just need to say that this cover does this book no justice. It makes it seem like some smutty BDSM type situation, not that I am averse to that, but it doesn't convey the flavour of the book very well.

This is sort of a victorian era paranormal romance. There's sex, but it isn't as eyes wide shut as the cover lets on. I wish I could say that I learned a lot of new words from this book, because this book is a fucking word-a-day calendar in novel form, but I didn't bother to look up the MYRIAD words I didn't know. I would have been googling all damn day. *define ordure*

I hated Milli. She semi-sort of redeemed herself in the end, and I hope there is further Milli redemption combined with Milli/broody twin brother action in the next book.

Emma is mostly likeable, but there were so many times when I was like REALLY? You are a relatively intelligent young lady, and you are doing stupid, stupid shit. It just made me angry most of the time. There was a lot of the book, seemingly at least, that was just going down roads for Emma to do stupid shit and confuse her weak little heart even further.

All in all, the book was good. The setting was evocative and immersive, likely due in great part from the author's Forgotten English Desk Calendar. I do recommend it if you like paranormal romance and lamplighters.
Profile Image for Amy.
429 reviews18 followers
August 15, 2020
What a great read. I was super absorbed in this book. We've got great characters; spinster Emma and fallen Markus. The writing is supurb, beautiful imagery and classical references (beauty and the beast, Hades and Persephone). This is dark and suspenseful, and the action and world building was amazing. I look forward to the next book, which I assume is Millie's story.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a fair review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 95 reviews

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