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Five years ago, I walked away from Sunbury, Oregon, and left my best friend behind. The move was supposed to get my life on track. I even had a list.

Life changing epilepsy surgery. Check.
See the world. Check
Get over my straight best friend … Not exactly.

No matter where I go or who I meet, I can’t let Tanner go. I’m back to tell him how I feel. To get the closure I need once and for all. Only now I’m here and falling for him all over again, it’s getting harder to say the words. Because once I have my closure, I’ll be gone.

And this time it will be for good.


When my best friend, Roo, left for Australia, it was the worst day of my life. I thought we’d have each other always. But Roo needed the surgery so I let him go, thinking he’d come straight back.

Five years is a long time.

Now he’s here, all I want is to hold on tight. I need to show him what he means to me. The problem is, I’m not exactly sure what that is. My draw to him has always been confusing and different—everyone in town says so. But I struggle to understand it. All I know is I won’t survive him leaving again.

And I’ll do anything to make him stay.

Just Friends is a best friends-to-lovers romance with an oblivious MC, only one bed, and terrible kangaroo jokes.

303 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 21, 2020

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Saxon James

50 books3,974 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 707 reviews
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,397 reviews1,546 followers
January 3, 2021

Ehhh, I "liked", but didn't completely fall in love with this one.

Also, I didn't find Roo nearly as likeable as Tanner, who actually was serious book boyfriend material.

[Would-be Firefighter Tanner]

And the story read more like they were in their very late 20's, instead of only 5 years out of high school and 23.

I especially liked the parts with them reconnecting after a 5 year separation, and how openly-affectionate Tanner was with Roo.

[Royce, aka Roo]

But whenever there was any type of conflict between them and their future, I don't know, it kind of came across as (mostly) manufactured or formulaic. Although, I was glad that none of the miscommunications were allowed to linger on for very long.

The steam was mostly what I'd consider "fine", too, but it was just sort of "there" for me, not anything particularly unique or inspirational.

I will probably read the next book in the series, which I *think* will be their friend Circus' story, but I'm rating this one at around 3.5 fairly average, slightly bland stars.


This book is *FREE* with Kindle Unlimited membership.

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Profile Image for Saswati.
487 reviews338 followers
January 15, 2021
“I realized I want everything we’ve ever had, and everything we currently have, and everything we could have … I don’t actually give a shit.” I laugh as I take a breath. “I just want you to be mine.”
Roo’s smile is small and uncertain, but I promise myself to make it bigger and more sure with every chance I get. “I always have been.”

Roo and Tanner have been best friends since they were eleven, but Roo has always been in love with Tanner. It's just a question of if and when Tanner catches up as well!

Childhood friends to lovers ✔️
Low angst ✔️
Bi awakening ✔️

Do I like dick?
I fucking love it.
Especially when it’s attached to my overly freckled best friend.

I adored this book so much, I was pretty much smiling throughout the entire thing.

Bonus: You get a few hilarious kangaroo jokes like this thrown in! ↓

“What do you call it when four kangaroos have sex?”
A tiny part of me dies inside, even as a stupid smile takes over my face. It’s a mistake, though, because as soon as he sees it, I resign myself to the fact that these jokes are back and here to stay. “If you say a kang—”
“A kangbang.”
Profile Image for Lau (semi-hiatus) ♡.
442 reviews463 followers
June 18, 2021
*4.25 stars

Just Friends is a light, adorable romance between two childhood best friends. I picked up this book with zero expectations, I just wanted something easy to relax. By page 26, I was already in love. It’s simple, but full of feelings, love and a bit of angst because they are oblivious of how much they mean to each other.

“Every good thing comes back to Roo. He makes me feel invincible.”

Five years ago, Royce had to leave Oregon and his best friend Tanner to get brain surgery. Neither of them have forgotten about their other half, and now that Royce is coming back to visit, Tanner will try everything to make him stay. But convincing Roo is not so easy as it seems, not when his best friend has some secrets of his own.

“How do I go back to Tanner being my entire world, when I’m keeping two pretty huge things from him?

He used to know me better than anyone.

But he doesn't know I’m gay.

And he doesn't know I’m completely in love with him.”

Just Friends absorbs you from the beginning, and you can’t stop reading until they finally get together. It’s drama free, full of kangaroo jokes and beautiful characters. Tanner and Royce’s love is pure, bright, the kind that makes you dream and sigh. But not everything is easy and fun: Roo is epileptic -that’s why he had to go through surgery- and Tanner is dyslexic, even though he refuses to ask for help. They both will have to accept their disability to move forward, and they only can do it together.

Him talking about a future where he’s married with offspring is roughly on the scale of driving a knife into my chest, carving out my heart, then dropping it into the middle of the table. Dramatic? Why yes, thank you, I am.

He knocks my foot with his. “Relax, Roo. We’re not done catching up yet. And even when we’re both dating someone, it won’t matter.”

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” Because I’ll be in another fucking state by then?

He turns his attention back to his coffee. “Because you’ll always be my number one.”

Sarcastic and sassy, Royce is perfect for Tanner, a ray of light who is always helping people and everyone loves. Every time Roo was going to have, or had, a seizure, Tanner was always there by his side, taking care of him with a love so vast that I felt it in my soul. I lived for the angst, the way they were always flirting without realizing it, Tanner oblivious of his feelings for Roo and Roo trying not to shatter for his unrequited love. It was the perfect amount of it, between pages filled with emotions, sunshine and smiles.

“You keep wondering what you need to do to get Roo to stay. Maybe you can’t. Maybe the question you need to be asking is, when he leaves, would you go with him?”

Overall, I highly recommend Just Friends if you want a light reading with the cutest couple, fun and low-angst. I know I’ll be rereading it over and over again, because it’s the kind of story that makes you smile, sigh, laugh, and forget about the rest of the world.

Never Just Friends series:

1.Just Friends: 4.25 stars
2.Fake Friends: 3 stars
3.Getting Friendly: 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Catherine Russell.
109 reviews283 followers
February 12, 2021

BOOK: Just Friends
AUTHOR: Saxon James
GENRE: MM Romance
POV: First Person - Dual
TYPE: Standalone | #1 in Just Friends
RATING: 4 Stars!

NAME/AGE: Royce Williams : 23 | Tanner Everett : 23
SETTING: Sunbury, Oregon.
PUBLISHED: August 21, 2020.

I came across this book when one of my dear friends Sas read and reviewed it. One of the quotes in her review mentioned a joke about kangbang (for those of you unfamiliar with this term, it's when four kangaroos have coitus together) and I then proceeded to entertain her with a couple corny kangaroo memes. . . I bestow the honor of beholding those said memes here :

Did someone say kangbang?

No one said I was mature.

Anyway, this was my first book by Saxon James (not surprising since I'm still a newbie in this big world of MM romance) and the author had this surprising ability of sucking you in from the very first page. Just Friends is super sweet with low angst and feel-good vibes. A breath of fresh air, that's what this was. If you need something to replenish your warm fuzzies, look no further. There wasn’t any hate, there wasn’t any fear… just two men who realize that the person they’ve been looking for has been under their nose their whole life (okay, only one man realized this, the other was already smack dab in love, way before the book started).

Him talking about a future where he’s married with offspring is roughly on the scale of me driving a knife into my chest, carving out my heart, then dropping it into the middle of the table. Dramatic? Why yes, thank you, I am.

Roo and Tanner's relationship was ADORABLE. They were ridiculously perfect for each other. They both face problems, Tanner suffers from dyslexia and Roo is epileptic. But the way their friendship is written, it's a pleasure to read. Seeing their relationship as friends and later progressing into lovers was such a heartfelt journey. Roo was completely endearing and wholly likable. Tanner took a little longer to like, but he eventually won me over with his unconditional love for Roo and with the whole swoon-worthy protective vibe he had going on.

All that matters is that I have him. Forever. And I’m the luckiest asshole in the world that he feels the same way.

I really feel like there were some missed opportunities to make it more memorable. But nonetheless, the writing was great, the sex scenes were hawt, and the side characters were amazing. It doesn't have a complicated or intricate plot. It's not thought provoking. It's ALL HEART and beautiful in its simplicity. It's a perfect way to escape reality for a few hours and feel good with these two awesome boys.

“A friend like you is a gift. You’re loyal and fearless, and you’d support me with any little thing I wanted to do. Not everyone is lucky enough to find their Roo. So yeah, I had to get through a little teasing, but who the fuck cares? Because I always knew that as soon as I walked out of that locker room, I’d be heading straight for you and …” He pauses for a moment. “I dunno. When we’re together, I forget about all the stuff I’m supposed to worry about.”

Profile Image for Drusilla.
649 reviews210 followers
June 20, 2023
Beautiful. A light read but not a bit superficial. Very beautifully written and amazing characters.
This is probably one of the most beautiful and best described bi awakenings I have ever read. I think it's outstanding how the insecurities associated with it are presented here in such an untroubled way. Even though Tanner doesn't really put a label on it, I think it could serve as a textbook.

“Colors, pan, queer, all of it. I get what it means to be gay and bi and lesbian, but I’ve got no clue about the rest.”
“You want me to teach you the way of the gays?”

It may seem a bit strange that Tanner knows so little about the gender spectrum, or has never even dealt with it. But somehow it comes across as natural. I thought at any moment his naiveté was going to get annoying, but the character is just so lovingly portrayed that that was never the case.
It's also so adorable how he considers his love for Roo to be normal and doesn't realize that it's real love, more than just friendship.
Outstanding how dyslexia and epilepsy are handled here. I think Roo's dry humor is absolutely perfectly fitting.
The heartache they both suffer in silence hurts wonderfully. An otherwise annoying case of miscommunication was strangely okay here. I dunno either, the book has a lot of things that would otherwise bother me, but managed to make everything all rosy and fluffy.

Roo is back. He’s living with me. And he’s a complete and total stranger. 😢

How the hell did I get through five years when I miss him so much after only five seconds? 🤧

Holding his wrists with one hand, I dive, submerging us again, but this time I don’t let him go. If swimming gets him out of breath, then I’ll make things easy for him, because that’s what I do. 😍
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
722 reviews1,120 followers
June 23, 2024
|| 2.0 stars ||

Ughh, this was so incredibly bland. Literally. This was dry as all hell.

There is nothing interesting about this plot, these characters or this relationship. Everything was boring, superficial, and often times even frustrating.

I felt no connection with Roo or Tanner, and I was struggling to see any chemistry between them. The constant miscommunications and insecurities between them got annoying real quick, and also contained a lot more stupid than I can handle. It just didn't make any sense, and was overly dramatic for no reason.

This whole book was just Roo feeling sorry for himself about Tanner not wanting him, while Tanner was struggling to have a personality other than being the 'Golden Boy' and screaming “I love Roo! Please Roo, stay with me, please!” *sigh*

I mean, when the stupidity isn't even entertaining, then what do you still have left? Nothing but this trash book, I guess.

'Never Just Friends' series:
1. Just Friends - 2.0 stars
2. Fake Friends - 2.5 stars
3. Getting Friendly - 2.5 stars

3.5. Friends with Benefits - 3.0 stars
Profile Image for Daniel.
499 reviews88 followers
June 18, 2023
4.5 stars ... I pretty much loved everything about this one. The only issue keeping it from being a full 5 star read is the lack of sub-plots and would have liked more involvement by side characters to flesh out the story. But that's really nit-picking. After several good-but-not-great reads, this was delicious! Main characters that I would actually want to know and be friends with in real life, which is important to me. If you require angst/pain/drama, kindly move along. This won't work for you. But if you like snuggling up in a thick, soft, cozy blanket ... wrap yourself around this one and enjoy. 😊 This was a new author for me and I will definitely be reading the rest of this series and more by Saxon James! 🥰
Profile Image for Leslie.
1,138 reviews295 followers
August 28, 2020
⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5 Stars. Rounding up for now.

This was a very sweet, light, low angst and sexy read. It was truly what I needed after a series of heavy reads.

It’s a book filled with tropes that I’ve read a thousand times before. I’m not saying that as a negative. They are tropes that I devour fast as I do ice cream in this hot California summer. Best friends to lovers, bisexual awakening, forced proximity. Those are catnip for me when I want something frothy and fun. Just that it wasn’t anything super new.

So not super new. But fun. So much fun. Lots of pining and one bed! 🤣 Roo and oblivious Tanner were a delight. No major misunderstandings. I think their communication could have been improved but then we wouldn’t have had the pining. And where’s the fun in that?

I couldn’t get in to a different series by this author. But I loved the first one in her series with Eden Finley. And I’ll 💯 be continuing with this one.

2020 has been the worst. Now throw in the fires here and the storms across the country and it’s so hard not to worry all the time. Worrying has become my favorite pastime. That’s why it’s nice to escape with books like these.
Profile Image for Papie.
779 reviews167 followers
August 29, 2020
3.5 stars
This was sugary sweet and adorable. BFF to lovers, bi awakening, hot sex. Roo and Tanner became best friends at 11. They are always together, cute and adorable. But Roo is in love with Tanner, and he feels it is hopeless since Tanner is straight. When Roo’s family moves to Australia so that he can get epilepsy surgery, he stays away to get over his best friend. Five years later, he is back. Tanner can’t believe he finally has his Roo back and they pick up where they left off.

They only have one bed, and are as touchy-feely as they always were, and you see where this is going...soon Tan wants to experiment. He quickly falls for Roo, but they don’t say anything about their feelings because they are both scared.

There is literally no angst, it is all fluff. It’s also nothing new, a trope that has been written in many books before. But it’s super cute. The main characters are well written, the secondary characters are real and fun, even the small town seems like a cool place, and I’m not a small town person.

BTW, what’s up with MM romances and small towns? Is it an American thing? Why is everyone loving small towns so much?

Anyway. It’s a quick fun light read, and I’ll definitely be reading the rest of this series.
January 2, 2022

Cute and fluffy, this is the ultimate BFFs-to-lovers story.

Everyone in town knows Tanner is in love with Roo. Everyone except Tanner and Roo.

The MCs could have spared themselves heartache had they talked things out sooner. Roo was too good at shutting people out, and Tanner was mostly oblivious.

The story dragged for me in the middle, but I mostly enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,284 reviews438 followers
September 17, 2020
3.5 stars

While this was nice, I did get a little annoyed with Roo and his doubts near the end.

Tanner and Roo have been close friends ever since Roo moved to America from Australia. When Roo is 18 he has to move back to Australia with his parents to undergo surgery for his epilepsy.

Tanner is completely heartbroken but expected Roo to come back after he recovered from the surgery. He never expected him to stay away for 5 years.

But Roo stayed away on purpose. Tanner doesn’t know Roo is gay and that he has been in love with him for years. But Roo is now ready to come clean. Even if he’s not sure how long he will stay, he agrees to stay at Tanner’s apartment.

Tanner is thrilled to have his best friend back, but he’s also scared Roo is going to leave again. Especially because Roo seems distant sometimes. He’s not as comfortable with Tanner casually touching him as he was before….

I really liked how touchy feely Tanner and Roo were with each other, even before anything romantic happened. I liked their friendship and how everyone in town thought they were together.

I wasn’t a fan of Roo’s insecurities, even after Tanner declared his love to him. There was just a little too much focus sometimes on the fact that Roo wasn’t sure about the authenticity of Tanner’s feelings.

Oh, and I also just read Charlie Sunshine by Lily Morton, where it is explicitly mentioned that it's not wise for people with epilepsy to take a bath or to go swimming. So colour me surprised when Roo goes to the swimming pool with Tanner to swim. That was a little strange tbh, since I would have expected it to be too dangerous. Or at least have Roo and Tanner think about the risk. But no, nothing.

But besides these little niggles this was a nice, light, in between book.
Profile Image for Drache.... (Angelika) .
1,219 reviews112 followers
June 23, 2023
2 stars.
I lost (nearly) all my patience and hope during reading this book, so my review will be short, because I lost already too much of my time that I'll never get back.

I hoped for a fluffy story after having read some wonderful but intense ya books, but this book never even managed to be tolerable.
The characters were flat and one- dimensional, the storyline was just a series of unbelievably frustrating scenes, one MMC (Roo) hoping the other MMC (his best friend Tanner):
- wouldn't be straight,
- would maybe be bi,
- would maybe love him as more than friends,
- would want to get together.

How Tanner's character was portrayed was borderline offensive in my opinion. He called himself dump, stupid, a dumbass too many times to count, and Roo continued saying no, he wasn't, but never actually talked clearly about his reading disability to him.

Every time an issue could have been resolved, the MMCs changed subjects, because otherwise it would have been too easy, right? The obstacles the MMCs thought they had to face weren't believable at all.

The whole bi awakening aspect felt terribly forced.. two ADULT best friends who constantly cuddle, sleep in the same bed, one gay and one obviously straight? Aaah yes, right, Tanner just didn't understand he could be bisexual because he was sooo dumb 🙄.

And WHY does the first time a MMC has sex with his same-sex partner have to be THE BEST SEX OF THEIR ENTIRE LIFE.

I'll finish my rant.
This was frustrating, I didn't enjoy it.
I'll allow that maybe the contrast to my last awesome reads was too big, therefore 2 stars not just 1 star.
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,790 reviews294 followers
May 2, 2021
The one where not much happens and is 100 pages too long...

What happens when not much happens in a book?

You just want to get to the end. In this case, the end should have come sooner.

The conflict was one of non-communication, but not really. It was flat. I wasn’t invested.

Sure, I wanted the two to get together, but they could have wrapped it up sooner due to all the nothing that happened in this book.

This story—crushing after straight friend, friend now wants to experiment & realizes he’s bi—has been done before & done better.

Still, it was cute at times—especially Tanner (now bi). Roo (gay MC) was just blah—I thought Tanner could have done better.

My rec? Expect little and you’ll be OK. Maybe.
Profile Image for Ken W.
282 reviews1 follower
June 18, 2023
Sweetness overload!

I loved this book and both main characters! It wasn’t a deep or angsty book, but if you’re looking for a sugar sweet friends to lovers story… look no further! 5 heartwarming stars!
Profile Image for Carol.
3,106 reviews120 followers
March 6, 2023
Here we have Tanner and Roo who's been inseparable best friends since Roo moved to Sunbury, Oregon with his family. They are extremely close and happy, even with Roo's epilepsy and Tanner's dyslexia poses challenges for both of them. Roo's condition requires his family to have to move back to Australia because Roo needs surgery. Tanner is heartbroken but continues on. Five long years pass with hardly any contact. Then Roo comes home. Roo's been in love with Tanner since he realized he was into guys. Those 5 years apart has changed absolutely nothing. He has to tell Tanner and hopes for a miracle that his straight best friend might somehow feel the same way. Tanner loves Roo with his whole heart...he always has...but what he believes to be as a best friend... someone he cares about...someone he can't live without...someone who he wants to give everything...but surely he's not IN love with him despite the whole town including his parents saying he is. Their reunion, their getting used to each other again, and the massive realizations they have about one another tell another story. While they discover their feelings for each other we also get a glimpse into a nosy small town, a great group of friends, and lots and lots of fun and laughter. Looking forward to book #2.
Profile Image for Pam.
884 reviews31 followers
September 1, 2020
2.5 stars, but I got exactly what I was looking for when I picked it up -- something that played by the rules and gave the comfort of a Paint By Numbers friends-to-lovers romantic progression. I didn't love the endings of the last two books I read, and I wanted something with NO SURPRISES DAMMIT!!! And that's what I got, with a sweet friendship and some nice chemistry.

It was exactly one step above generic, but that was just enough to keep my interest. The writing is pretty simplistic, but it stopped bothering me once the MCs were in the same place in present time, and then it wasn't until the last 15% or so that it started feeling like we were just going down the checklist of storybeats to firm up the HEA.

It's nothing special, but if you need a comfort read and this is your go-to formula, it will definitely do the job.
Profile Image for Ed Davis.
2,576 reviews92 followers
October 19, 2020
Ok I had a hard time rating this. I liked the story ok. I wanted Roo and Tanner to get together. And that was the problem. There was no communication. I mean even after they finally and I mean finally admitted they loved each other, they still didn’t communicate. It was so frustrating and irritating that I wasn’t surprised how many people walked away at 80%.

Anyway, I did finish. This was my first book by Saxon James. The prose was excellent and the story was engaging. I’ll certainly try another book by this author, but if it involves this level of non-communication I won’t see it through to the end.
Profile Image for Nina.
248 reviews4 followers
September 2, 2023
M/M Romance
Series (#1)
Format: Digital - KU

Oh my gods, they’re so fucking cute, I just can’t! Exactly what I needed to get me out of my book funk. Precious. I adore this couple and will protect them with my life. Thank you. 🥰

Tags: (may contain spoilers)
m/m, lgbtq, queer characters, sexual experimentation, exploring sexuality, friends to lovers, pining, so much pining, explicit content, first times, oblivious character(s), fluffy, sweet, so much fluff, small town, hurt/comfort, protective/possessive character

Trigger Warnings:
seizures, epilepsy, homophobia, bullying

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,441 reviews162 followers
October 8, 2023
I liked this book way more than I thought I would. GFY are always tricky for me but this totally worked

Roo and Tanner were made for each other and I was rooting for them right from the start. And while there's some unnecessary drama going on and there are some communication trouble happening this book is too sweet to not like. If you are like me and love your sweet romance.

This read was a buddy read with my dear friend Emelienne.
Profile Image for Ben Howard.
1,287 reviews167 followers
February 6, 2023
3.5 stars

Just Friends is a solid romance. The story beats are pretty standard, gay guy in love with his best friend who turns out to not be so straight. But it did it well. Roo and Tanner had nice banter and their progression from friends to lovers was believable. Also there was no 3rd act break up, which is always a plus in my book!
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,651 reviews20 followers
April 2, 2021
3 stars

This was..aight haha

Roo at times got a bit annoying and Tanner acted a bit too dumb to be believable...

But in the end it was a cute read/listen and Kirt graves made Roos chapters bearable. I will say Alexander Cendese didn’t have very different voices for Roo or Tanner so sometimes it was hard to determine who was talking when.

Overall cute read but forgettable.
Profile Image for Layla .
1,294 reviews10 followers
June 8, 2021
It was cute.
I wanted to see more of them after they both pulled their heads out of their asses.
The noncommunication got a bit tedious as well.
Kirt handled this better than Alexander in terms of narration. Alexanders timing was a bit off.
Profile Image for Yarie ☆.
326 reviews25 followers
November 7, 2020
+ 18-M / M

I really liked this book.
Roo and Tanner have been friends for many years, roo has epilepsy and he has to have surgery to improve, which leads parents to return to their country of origin (Australia) because there they have a better support system.
Tanner thinks his friend is going to have the surgery and come back to him, but Roo has other ideas, since he was a child he is in love with his best friend but he knows he has no chance of anything happening, Tanner likes girls.
So 5 years have passed since Roo went to have the surgery when he decided to return, in all these years he kept in touch with Tanner by phone and video call but he never forgot what he felt for his friend, he needs his best friend to crush any hope he has so he can move on.
But once he meets Tanner, letting his best friend crush his hopes is not that easy.
I really felt their friendship, Roo is a little b * tchy and insecure but if you can get through that this book is worth it, this two characters really were best friends for a long time and it shows (usually the authors only say that they are best friends and you have to take their word)

Rating: 4.5 Stars.
Steam: 7 out of 10.
Love Triangle:
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