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Utakata no Uroko

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Mone Sorai

9 books25 followers

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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 reviews
Profile Image for Sammy Higgins.
433 reviews7 followers
February 22, 2022
That last chapter hit hard. It was only going so well and then the mangaka had to do that to us. Tetsuta lost his singing voice after an operation and with it his dream of being a singer and guitarist. He is playing his guitar by the sea one day when he meets Nagi. They get talking and he later goes to where he works. After falling asleep he hears Nagi sing and it inspires him to write his songs. He's finally found someone he wants to write for and have his songs sung by. They get to know each other and after a trip to the aquarium Testuta learns more about Nagi's past. As they begin to fall in love with each other we see how magically they are together. After an amazing night together we are met with sadness in bucketfuls. Why did that have to happen it was just so bittersweet. The ending was sad but I'm just glad that there was a tiny ray of light.
Profile Image for Ghost.
234 reviews2 followers
May 29, 2023
somehow i feel like the only thing i can do after reading this is just scream. so heartbreaking, so beautiful....... it really has made me cry i loved this story with all my heart.
guess i'll now have to read all the author's works.
Profile Image for Curious Madra.
2,878 reviews120 followers
November 12, 2022
Bro that last chapter was super emotional and surprising that it almost got me, like how have I never managed to read this Yaoi before?! It’s about a struggling musician who has lost his singing voice over an infection and is trying to get back into the swing of things. He meets a young man who has a voice of an Angel and the musician asks to join the band. The art man literally is gorgeous for a black and white colour likes there’s a lot to do with the ocean.
Profile Image for amomentsilence.
327 reviews58 followers
September 9, 2020
Did you just break my heart like that?

How dare you.

How DARE you.

This had me feeling things I didn't need to feel.

I don't DO feelings.

Fuck you.

You perfect roller-coaster of emotions, you.

*gives a million and one stars because fml*
Profile Image for Alejandra.
225 reviews38 followers
February 21, 2022
Nooo, por qué ese final ಥ_ಥ Fue un hermoso y triste manga.
Profile Image for ℂ ✧.
1,984 reviews
October 15, 2023
Això no es fa!!! :'( Semblava que havia de ser un BL d'aquests fluffy i preciosos, però a l'últim capítol la mangaka ha decidit destrossar-nos el cor a tots... això s'avisa!!! El protagonista d'aquesta història és en Tetsuya, un noi deprimit i emmurriat que vivia per compondre cançons, però que va patir un problema a la gola i ha perdut la veu per cantar. De casualitat es topa amb en Nagi, un noi que canta per sobre la melodia de la guitarra i el convida al restaurant del seu pare. A partir d'aquí es va forjant una relació preciosa en què confien l'un en l'altre i s'ajuden mútuament: el Tetsuya els visita cada dia per convèncer el Nagi que canti les seves cançons i fer un cop de mà al restaurant i el Nagi finalment cedeix i ajuda a sortir del pou en Tetsuya després de molt de temps sense compondre ni tocar en directe. Tot anava bé fins que... . Final agredolç i sobretot xocant per a una història d'amor pràcticament impossible :( ara tinc por que la nova obra de l'autora Our Not-So-Lonely Planet Travel Guide, Volume 1 també acabi malament...
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 reviews

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