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Mythmatched World #8

Witch Under Wraps

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When supernatural secrets collide, it’ll take more than coffee to brew the perfect love.

When Ky Hernández bonded with his familiar, Zuri, his life changed forever. Their connection turned him into a practicing witch and led him to his calling as a medimagical professional. However, it totally tanked his love life—what guy would settle for eternal second place behind a parrot? So Ky keeps his witchy nature under wraps and sticks to hookups with humans, which can never go anywhere. But the mouthwatering barista at the coffee shop next door makes him thirst for more than a caffeine fix.

The charms Ewan Jones uses to appear human are inconvenient, disorienting, and . . . necessary. Ewan and his siblings are achubyddion, metaphysical healers whose powers are coveted by unscrupulous supernatural beings. And let’s face it: all supes are unscrupulous, given the right incentive. He’s grateful for the protections that hide his little family, and for the barista job that keeps them housed and fed. He’s just so lonely. And his regular, Ky, the super-hot, commitment-averse EMT, seems like the perfect candidate for a one-night shot at intimacy. After all, humans are no threat.

It takes a clumsy coffee shop intern, a mysterious werewolf epidemic, and one snarky parrot to unravel their pasts—and give them a chance at a future.

279 pages, ebook

First published October 26, 2020

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About the author

E.J. Russell

49 books350 followers
E.J. Russell –grace, mother of three, recovering actor–writes romance in a rainbow of flavors. Count on high snark, low angst and happy endings.

Reality? Eh, not so much.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 113 reviews
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,397 reviews1,546 followers
May 26, 2021

Yay, another story in the same universe as Russell's "Fae Out of Water" series! : )

Thirty-six y.o. EMT and witch Ky wasn't looking for love, only ever having encounters with unwitting humans, since long-term attachments were limited by his bond with his familiar, a sassy African grey parrot named Zuri.

And after witnessing the murder of his entire clan a year ago, twenty-seven y.o. Ewan's life consisted entirely of hiding his achubydd nature from the Fae and supernatural worlds, while ensuring the safety of his sister and little brother. So yeah, romance wasn't exactly on the table for him, either.

After innocently flirting with one another for months at the coffee shop where Ewan worked as a barista, though, he finally agreed to go out to dinner with Ky, partly hoping that dessert would consist of getting rid of his pesky virginal status.

As one might expect, not everything went according to plan, leaving Ewan fearing for his family's safety, until a pivotal point where relying on Ky's help was needed to save one of his precious siblings.

I really enjoyed the story more once Ky had Ewan and his small family's trust, so that all of the secrets were no longer standing in the way of their developing feelings.

But speaking of feelings, I did find this one to be lower in the romance quotient than I prefer, mainly due to the plot's focus being heavily shared with a rapidly-spreading werewolf epidemic. When an entire race faces possible extinction, that tends to take up a page or two, you know?

The one thing that I kept anxiously awaiting was for David from "Cutie and the Beast (Fae Out of Water #1)" to show up and discover that he was *not* in fact the sole survivor of his race, which didn't happen until the very end, but the wait was well worth it.

Along with David, this story seemed chock full of characters from Russell's previous books; however, as I'd only read 4 of her books from this universe, I did always have this "Should I already know this new person?" question annoyingly rattling around in my brain.

I did recognize Jordan from "Howling on Hold", though, and was thrilled to see that he was one of the main side characters. The young, clumsy, frisbee-chasing, ADHD wolf made me smile from start to finish and I'd love to see him get his own book someday.

This sweet and fluffy story was pretty low on steam and mild on the angst, so if you're looking for a lighter paranormal read, I'd recommend this one -- especially if you've read any of Russell's previous Fae/supe books that might help with the abundant presence of the cross-over characters.

4.25 stars.


My ARC copy of the book was provided by the author in exchange for a fair, unbiased review.

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Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,994 reviews6,237 followers
December 3, 2020
As the endless months of Covid rage on, I find myself being more and more difficult to please with my romance books. However, amidst my bookslump came Witch Under Wraps by E.J.Russell, and it totally charmed me.

As other reviewers mentioned, it helps a lot if you've read a few of E.J.Russell's other books, like the Supernatural Selection or Fae Out of Water series, as many of the characters repeat and it helps understand the world-building. However, I didn't read Howling on Hold before reading Witch Under Wraps and I had no problem following along.

The story had a snappy pace and a sweet romance. I'm a sucker for light paranormal romances, and this one just suited my mood perfectly. Sometimes E.J. Russell gets caught up with convoluted plots, but everything kind of worked with this one. Low steam, low angst, and an easy to read story. At this point 2020, this is the type of story I want to read.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,412 reviews132 followers
November 4, 2020
While I very much enjoyed the second half of this book, I nearly put it down amidst a very annoying, cutesy, overly long sex scene... or the painfully slow "deflowering" of a virgin in the first half. I found it beyond ridiculous. Because I adore this author, I just started skimming, trying to keep my eyes from rolling out of my head. The last half was the real story and I quite enjoyed the mystery surrounding . I reveled in getting to see David and Dr. Kendrick again, two of my favorite characters in Russell's works. So, two stars for the first half, four for the second half.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,745 reviews378 followers
March 11, 2022
Wash's brother Ky is front and centre in this romance as he inadvertently crosses paths with another achubydd in hiding.

Ewan and his sister and foster brother have been in hiding since Wil's parents were killed a year previous (and if you've read the rest of the Mythmatched Universe, you'll know which incident is being referred to there).

As far as they're concerned, the Supe World is out to get them and hiding is their only chance to survive.

But when Ky asks Ewan to dinner, events quickly spiral out of hand with a complicated plot that I thought worked really well to draw a number of different threads from all the previous books together.

This one was low steam, far less focus on the romance element than any of the previous books, but strangely I didn't really miss it.

I'm not sure if there'll be more in this world, I know there's a series of cosy mysteries with a secondary romance plot, but i do hope E.J. hasn't finished with the Mythmatched Universe just yet.
Profile Image for Rachel Emily.
4,266 reviews348 followers
October 24, 2020
Witch Under Wraps is the second story in the Mythmatched series, which takes place after her 2 other previous series. Overall, I found this story engaging - the plot/conflict especially, the characters were great, and I really enjoyed Ewan and Ky's story!

First off, I just want to say that I truly think you'd get more enjoyment out of this story having read the previous books, especially since there are SO MANY characters from her Fae out of Water and Supernatural Selection series that show up here (Q-Bert and Ted are still my favorite couple I think), and characters from the first Mythmatched book, too. Also, Jordan is an absolute DELIGHT and I can't wait for his story!

Kentucky - or Ky, is a witch with an African grey parrot for a familiar (and OMG I love Zuri, his parrot familiar. She was just great!). He enjoys his bachelor, do-what-he-wants lifestyle, but he is also very smitten with Ewan, the barista at the coffee shop near the hospital he works at. Ewan is hiding from other supes and trying to pass as a human, although he has supernatural powers of his own as a achubyddion - a gifted healer.

This book is light on the steam, but I really enjoyed Ky and Ewan together. I agree with another reviewer that said they could have used a bit more romance - I agree with this sentiment, actually. But overall, even with the conflict going on, this is such a light and delightful story! I love the different types of supernatural beings EJ includes in her stories, and I can't wait for the next book in the series!

I received an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for ~SZ~ &#x1f49c; cats & coffee.
640 reviews32 followers
October 26, 2021
Audiobook Review

Story: 3.75 stars
Narration: 4 stars

This was a very sweet story. I have not read a book by E.J. Russell before but I found her writing to be enjoyable, especially if you’re in a mood for a low angst paranormal story. The two main characters, Ky and Ewan, were likable and I enjoyed their POV’s. I thought the female characters of Sophie and Mari were pushy and nosy. If I read this instead of listened to it I may have not had that impression though. Jordan, the young, clumsy werewolf who works at the coffee shop with Ewan was my favorite character.
Profile Image for Mary Mary.
1,021 reviews49 followers
October 28, 2020
I ADORE EJ.Russell books, they are AMAZING.

This story is connected with Fae Out of Water series, partially with Supernatural Selection series and with Howling on Hold. It canbe read as a standalone but You'l seriously miss out on FABULOUS stories!

This book sucked me right into Ky and Ewan's world. It is brilliantly written, funny, sexy and full of my favorite characters from other books. Past of Ewan's family is definitely heartbreaking and sad, but it is easy to see that Ky's also lonely and unhappy. They are sweet together and their "date" is only better, funnier thanks to Zuri and Ky's ex.

I loved this book, Hernandez brothers, Ewan and his little family as all members of St.Stupid's staff. It is hard not to smile thanks to Jordan's antics, his eagerness to "help" everyone (and his clumsiness). It is not a drama-free book, but it is obvious that there will be a HEA in the end so it is all okay.

I hope Mrs Russell will write more books full of supernatural characters because I can't imagine better stories to improve my mood :)

* I was gifted an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review *
Profile Image for Sammy Goode.
628 reviews80 followers
October 31, 2020
I love the mythmatched worlds author E.J. Russell creates particularly those that intertwine. Although you do not have to have read her other series such as Fae out of Water, there are characters who cross over in to this novel, Witch Under Wraps. My favorite has to be Jordan, a young werewolf with ADHD and so much enthusiasm you just want to wrap him up and take him home. But he's not the only one in this story who strikes that chord in your heart--Ewan, his sister, Mari and young Will are all in serious trouble after having escaped for their lives from fae who wanted to suck their life force from them. They are achubyddion--metaphysical healers and certain supernatural beings hunt them for their life force. For those familiar with this author's work this type of being will be familiar as we are introduced to one who is a key character in a different series.

Ewan keeps his real self hidden by taking blockers and wearing an amulet but lets his guard down on a date withe Ky Hernandez--a witch who works as a paramedic at the nearby hospital. Ky and Ewan are made for each other but are both wary of exposing their true selves ad being in a committed relationship. But with a mysterious viral outbreak among the alphas of various wolf packs increasing at an alarming rate, Ewan finally realizing that there are actually supernatural beings all around him and Ky's familiar, Zuri, trying to get Ky to see the truth about Ewan, the drama notches higher and higher in this story.

This is wonderful romance and a great mystery rolled into one. All the different supernatural beings coexist in one world and each has little moment in this story. Ewan is in such a tight place--a fearful place and when he can finally lean on Ky it is so wonderful to see. I love this author's work and highly recommend Witch Under Wraps to you.
Profile Image for ~nikki the recovering book addict.
1,247 reviews2 followers
March 21, 2021
4 stars!!!

I thought I knew this world I was about to go into. I did read about Wash and AJ after all. But I guess I didn’t do my homework because there’s a few books in this world that I’d missed! The horror! 😱 I need to remedy this oversight immediately!

I do so enjoy the relationship between Ewan and Ky. the missed connections they both kept making throughout their encounter was awesome! You just wish they had finished their sentences or if they’d just SEEN what they’re missing. But the hope that “this is it! They’ll figure it out right now” and then have it not happen was so exciting!

My only issue was, it turned soooooooo super sweet in the end I think I now need to schedule a visit to the dentist 😉 this world is fascinating. I love it so much!
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,522 reviews76 followers
October 14, 2020
3.5 stars! I’m smitten with Russell’s mythmatched universe so I was so glad to get to read a copy of this book. I will say, while this can totally be read as a stand-alone, you will get more enjoyment out of it if you’ve read the previous books in the universe (The Fae out of Water trilogy, the Supernatural Selections trilogy, and Howling on Hold). Here we have Ky and Ewan, whom you can tell are SO into each other from the very beginning, but each have their own reasons for holding a part of themselves back. Because of this, we get not only an exploration of their unfolding romance, but also we get to watch them realize that the obstacles they’ve placed on themselves are completely unnecessary. It was cute and charming, with an added dose of danger, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Profile Image for Enirehtak  Melas.
727 reviews33 followers
December 7, 2020
While this is a stand alone, I would actually recommend reading E.J. Russell's Fae Out of Water and Supernatural Selection series. It can still be read as a stand alone, but I think reading and learning about those worlds will help to understand all the supernatural features in this book.

I did enjoy the writing, I usually do with E.J. Russell, but I just did not like Ky's behavior towards his hookups. Ewan, the other main character, did call out Ky's actions a bit, but he also gave him a cop out in a way. While yes, one cannot control how someone else will feel, one can control how they act. I think Ky was so self-involved and hyper focused on his bond with his familiar that he forgot to be a good guy to the people (humans and non supes) that he dates. I did not like that he had the opportunity to apologize to Trevor, an ex hookup he obviously slighted and didn’t actually apologize. I was also annoyed that Ewan basically made him think it was okay to have hurt someone simply because "you can't control how he feels". Nah. It was clear that Ky was being an asshole. Even his brother Wash called him out on it.

I don't know, overall I liked Ewan, but didn't really connect with the conflict of the story. This is why I say to read the Fae Out of Water series because characters from that series do have a pretty significant involvement in this one. It would also help to understand the world a bit more. I was more intrigued with Jordan and Ewan's brother Will because they seemed like interesting background characters.

Overall, it was an okay read, but I didn't like the actions and/or choices that Ky made.

*ARC provided and I have given my honest review*
Profile Image for Beth.
2,587 reviews21 followers
November 1, 2020
This is the first book I’ve read in this series but it won’t be the last. I really enjoy the universe created here and the emotional depth given to the characters is well done. I immediately connected with both MCs and could feel their struggles…good and effective writing!

Ky is a witch with an African Grey parrot familiar. (I loved Zuri!) and Ewen is an achubydd (supernatural healers thought extinct) who is on the run and in hiding with his sister and brother. Ky is a playboy who only does no repeat hookups since he realized no one wants to come in second to a parrot and his bond to Zuri comes first always. Ewen can’t risk an attachment to anyone for fear of revealing his secret and risking his and his family’s life. Of course, you can see where this is going.

The world building here is very well done though I wish I had read the preceding books so that I was more familiar with the back story. It doesn’t really interfere with the appreciation and understanding of this story but I hate not knowing things that I can sense I should have known!!

There are a few story elements I wish had been developed a bit more deeply, one in particular relating to an important development near the end. I can’t be more precise without spoilers.

The story is well constructed and the path leading up to the crisis moment is skillfully created. You can just feel the angst for Ewen in the climactic scene and understand his tug in different directions. The conclusion is satisfying and the HEA so rewarding. I can’t wait to go back and figure out all the other books and their order and binge my way through this universe.

**I voluntarily read an arc and this is my unbiased opinion.**
Profile Image for Cassie.
391 reviews32 followers
July 27, 2021
This was a sweet and rather intriguing read. I have read the first of the Fae out of Water series, but I have not read the first of this, and while I think it definitely would have added to the story, it can be read as a standalone. I very much liked Ewan from the very beginning. He was endearing and just wanted to be there for his brother and sister, but he also wanted so much more, and could see the world where he could do that. He took risks, and while they did not always pay off, they did help him realize what he wanted his life to look like. Ky was a bit harder to like, but if I read the first book, I think it would have helped. He seemed very pretentious and just overly jerkish IMO. But, I did like her by about the 40% mark, so that was great. I also really enjoyed the mystery of this weird disease that was going around, and how they solved this, and everything just came full circle. I definitely could have used a ton more steam, this was low on the steam scale for sure. I will definitely be going back to read book one. This was narrated by the lovely Greg Boudreaux and he did a fantastic job, per usual.

Audio ARC received and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Dixiecowgirl.
1,429 reviews25 followers
October 28, 2020
Entertaining and heartfelt story of following your heart and finding love. Both 'of our MC's feel that it is imperative that they hide their true selves from each other yet the draw defies logic and they discover their true selves.  I enjoyed both Ewan and Ky, our MC's in this story and found myself laughing out loud as they interacted and Ky's familiar's dialogue. We have lots of world-building that I thought was well done and it really sets the stage for more stories from this interesting world.  The pacing of the story is good and the writing flows well.  

This is book two of the Mythmatched Book 2 series and can be read as a stand-alone.  I am looking forward to more in this series!  

I was gifted this book from Gay Romance Reviews and i freely give my honest opinion and review  
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,662 reviews21 followers
October 25, 2021
2-2.5 stars

Ehh okay for the love of god I should learn that even though a favorite narrator, narrates a book by an author i don’t like, that won’t make the book better….

I swear to god these two guys were too stupid to live I was getting pissed that Ky could see what Ewan was and how Ewan and his family were that naïve….Zuri was the real winner and she only said stupid pretty much to talk about Ky… soo yeah I agree.

Me and EJ Russel don’t get along even with Greg Boudreaux narrating…
Profile Image for Kirstin.
1,757 reviews22 followers
August 4, 2021
I really, really enjoyed this listen. It was quite the quirky surprise for me, in fact.

This might be my first EJ Russell book, but it sure won't be my last. I adored the seriousness of the story that went along with the fun, flirty characters. It was witty and wry, very sweet, and very smartly written.

Definitely one worth picking up!
Profile Image for Dan.
1,443 reviews37 followers
December 4, 2021
This one is more a "didn't know this was a hole in the universe until it was plugged" kind of situation. The accubyd are very mysterious, given that the only other one we get to know knows nothing of their history and culture. It's nice to see it through Ewan, and how they come to the changed supe world
Profile Image for Claudia.
2,960 reviews40 followers
August 2, 2021
Oh, this one I really liked! Fun, cute and very, very entertaining.

There are family secrets, fears and misconceptions, and a strange epidemic that it is spreading, quick. The mystery of the epidimic has a big place in the story (which I really liked) and added a sense of urgence to the plot.

The characters are nice, but my favourite, hands down, is Zuri :P Sorry, but that parrot is a smarty-pants, and I love it.

I admire Ewan's loyalty and love for his family. He's ready to let his life go to protect them, so it's easy to understand his panic when he thinks that he has brought danger to their door. And Ky, lonely, lonely Ki! He found what he didn't know he was needing in Ewan.

Greg Boudreaux' narration was really good :D

Profile Image for Anne Barwell.
Author 22 books107 followers
October 28, 2020
I fell in love with this story from the first page and had to keep reading to find out what happened next. Once I’d finished I bought more in the series as I’m totally hooked. The world building is fabulous, and the characters a wonderful mix of personalities.

I loved Ewan’s vulnerability. He’s trying to do the right thing by his family and yet the blockers he’s taking to keep himself and his family safe have left him with a bland kind of half life. He’s a very strong character, and I thought his reaction to finding out what Ky is, and what’s next door to his so-called safe job was the perfect mix of emotion, especially as he’s not able to walk away from helping someone in need. Wonderful Mug is a great name for a café. I loved how Ky feels an instant attraction to Ewan, yet doesn’t push him. He’s wonderfully caring, yet not afraid to step outside boundaries to help those in need. I love his relationship with his brother and the banter with his friends. This story has a great feel of community, which I really like.

Although this story is Ky’s and Ewan’s, Zuri the parrot, and Jordan the werewolf need a mention. I loved how Zuri knows what is going on, and how Ky misinterprets her few words at every step, although she’s totally spot on. Jordan is fun, and I loved his mix of naive and eagerness to please, and how he approaches everything with enthusiasm. I hope he gets his own book in this series.

The world building is very detailed, and well thought out. I loved the idea of the supes living alongside humans who for the most part have no clue, and the Secrecy Pact. I liked how their world is changing, and how allegiances have shifted even within the past year, which gave it the feel of a rich history, and tapestry of different races working together. I also like how the idea of the calon and how the presence or absence of one is an identifier as to whether someone is supe or human.

I liked how the characters and plot wove together, and how there’s a twist to the cause of the epidemic. I thought the way it was resolved was very clever. Although this is part of a series, so I had the sense that other characters had their own stories, it didn’t detract from my enjoyment of this one, or leave me feeling as though I was on the back foot, having come in late. It stands on its own, yet left me wanting to explore the other stories in this world.

More please.
Profile Image for R.
1,971 reviews
October 22, 2020
Ky and Zuri are a packaged pair, witch and familiar. Ky accepts, not without some heartbreak, that he will never have that bond with another person. Then he meets Ewan.

Ewan is a supernatural healer. In hiding because his type of Sup is in danger from every other supernatural being. Protecting his sister and brother is his primary purpose. Then he serves coffee to Ky.

Busy story about a wide range of supernatural entities. I can understand the need to hide what you are, or what your power is. The author did a decent job of filling in the backstory and giving the reader likable characters to root for. Nicely written book.

Main characters were sort of angsty. Background characters were vividly done. Jordan especially, (did I just hear a tray drop?). I’m really hoping he will get his own book.

Review Copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads.
Profile Image for Peche Esse.
377 reviews4 followers
November 25, 2020
Maybe 2 stars, but that could be my irritation at wasted potential here. Relying on lack of communication is lazy storytelling. All these stories rely on it, but here it was completely unbelievable and thoroughly distracting.

The supe medical community is in a panic because supes are sick and will die, including your partner's kid. David, the only guy who you thought could help, is in the hospital himself, out with exhaustion after trying to help solo. Ewen and family, you just found out, can help both the supes and David. Ewen and family are also terrified of horrible treatment that you know about from recent history, and you know they are now protected from that treatment but that they clearly don't know.

What do you do? Leave without saying anything about any of that because your phone alarm went off. Ugh. No. No one would do that.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jenn (not Lily).
4,424 reviews29 followers
January 24, 2021
3.25 stars
I'm really disappointed at how much of this story's plot revolved around the Big Misunderstanding Due to Non-communication. I expect more from this author. It makes me want to go back and re-read Demon on the Down Low to get the bad taste out of my mind.
Profile Image for Natalie Nicole.
327 reviews22 followers
August 2, 2021
What an absolute delight to revisit this supernatural-ladened universe of the Mythmatch series to see another wonderful pairing of adorable men. In Witch Under Wraps (Mythmatched Series Book 2), we encounter Ky Hernández (medimage EMT) visiting a coffee shop with the cutest barista EVER. With Ky's status as a witch, he's reluctant to have anything more than hookups with humans--a necessity that has left him feeling lonely and appearing commitment-adverse. The cute 'human' barista, Ewan Jones, is harboring a secret of his own. The writer makes my entire week by revealing that achubyddion has not been totally destroyed! Ewan and his siblings are these metaphysical healers who had been hunted and destroyed for their powers! The secret is not his alone as two others are depending on him to keep them all safe. For the sake of this secret, Ewan is also commitment-adverse and agrees to a date with Ky.
Their coming together is nothing short of magical in the truest sense but Ky has more to worry about than wanting more than a hookup with Ewan. A rogue curse is circulating among the supernatural community and David, the very last achubyddion is running ragged with sheer exhaustion from trying to help. Yes, David from 'Cutie and the Beast, Fae Out of Water Book 1' is NOT the last achubyddion after all. Ewan and his sibling are unaware that lots of things have changed in the world during the past year and that the bad guy they've feared (Dr. Alun Kendrick, the Fae Queen's Champion) was just another victim of the treachery. And is someone who dearly loves and is married to one of their own (David). Their gift is desperately needed to combat the curse and their presence is desperately wanted to combat loneliness for Ky and also for David!
EJ Russell thrills me to no end by including Jordan as one of the secondary characters. Jordan is a young wolf shifter who readers come across in Howling on Hold, Mythmatched Book 1! In the current book, we see some personal growth but still enjoy his exuberance and naivete as he works for the coffee shop along with Ewan and a couple of actual humans. No frisbee-chewing, hole-digging, butt-sniffing, and urine marking this time around. However, our wolf shifter still hasn't quite managed thinking before he speaks and checking for humans before mentioning supernaturals. Given Jordan's inability to keep a secret, Ewan's methods for masking his nature are essential and fortunately effective.
The conflict in the narrative is gratifying in its complexity as it results from something initiated by the antagonist from Book 1! The resolution is ABSOLUTELY beautiful as it is dependent upon the supernaturals relying on the special talents and strengths of other kinds of supernaturals! The 'we need each other' theme is truly lovely. With awesome world-building, awesome main and secondary characters, and an incredible narration this audiobook is one of the best listening experiences I've had this year.
Profile Image for Mari  Cardenas.
2,180 reviews25 followers
October 26, 2020
5 Stars!

While Witch Under Wraps could technically be read as a standalone, most of E.J. Russell's books overlap at some point or another. In this case, I suggest reading Cutie and the Beast and book 1 in the Mythmatched series, Howling on Howl (which is on sale at Amazon for 99 cents at the moment), for maximum enjoyment.

I really liked Ewan and Ky, they were great individually and as a couple. They weren't really looking for more than a one nightstand, Ewan with the weight of the responsibility of keeping his family safe and Ky with his excuses not to form bonds with anyone but his familiar, but the two of them feeling the draw toward the other. Their chemistry was amazing and I loved that we got to see more of them as a couple than we did Tanner and Chase in book 1. 

Catching up with Jordan, who was my favorite in book 1, was a definite highpoint, as was catching up with David, Tanner, and Chase. 

I really liked the were-virus/curse subplot, it kept things interesting and moving along, at the same time that it provided Ewan and Ky the chance to see they could be more than they thought at first. 

All in all, this is a book that I would love reading again, definitely listen to when/if it comes out in audio. It was a fun, sweet, hot read with an enthralling storyline and a great cast of characters. A must-read for fans of E.J. Russell's paranormal stories. 

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***
Profile Image for Eden Winters.
Author 83 books661 followers
April 4, 2022
Oops! I read, or listened to, this book out of order! I intend to start the first one today.

I am a huge fan of EJ Russell's Fae Out of Water universe, and although Witch Under Wraps isn't a part of that series, it is a part of that world, with characters showing up in each others' books. Yay! You'll get no complaints from me there.

I loved Ky, Ewan, their family and friends, and especially Zuri, who added much to the story with only a handful of words and a lot of familiar attitude.

The plot twists and turns. and the guys really have to work for that HEA, but Russell definitely delivers.

Highly recommended.

Profile Image for Devoted❤️Reader.
1,531 reviews29 followers
October 25, 2020
The birds have it

I believe I need to visit Wonderful Mug and try their coffee—really it’s because I want to meet Jordan. Ewan’s right: love isn’t a zero-sum game and I have more than enough for him and Ky and easily zinged my way into love with them. I understood Ewan and his hesitancy to trust but I am so happy he took a chance on Ky, even though Ky’s stubbornness rivaled his own. Thank goodness for Zuri and her never-failing dose of common sense. A fantastic, heartwarming and fun read that will make you grin.
Profile Image for E..
1,933 reviews20 followers
October 6, 2020
4.25 stars

“Witch Under Wraps” by E.J. Russell centers around rare male witch, Ky Hernandez, whose professional life is wonderful, but tends to interfere with his personal life. Barista Ewan Jones has lived his life in isolation except for his siblings, hiding in plain sight among humans. His flirtation with Ky should never be explored, but it may force him to face a reality filled with his biggest fears.

I love the evolving nature of this series. Although this story can be read as a stand-alone story, it would be even better savored if others in the ‘Supernatural Selection” series, and even better, the ‘Fae Out of Water’ series, are read. “Howling on Hold” is also worth reading, since many of the characters from this fun story have cameos in “Witch Under Wraps.” One of the reasons I enjoy these stories is their great twist on many of the traditional tropes of fantasy or paranormal characters such as Bigfoot, werewolves, vampires, fae, kitsune, etc. and the melding of different pantheons into one entertaining tale. I was delighted to catch up with some of my favorite characters from the other series, and although it was a bit worrisome when the threat escalated, I enjoyed watching the investigation evolve.

One of the things that is best about these stories is the way they make you think about perception and how that impacts your life. The enthusiasm Jordan has for his new experiences, the fear that Ewan and his family have allowed to circumscribe their lives, and Ky and his snarky interactions with his familiar are all very relatable situations but given that paranormal twist.

I definitely am in need of uplifting these days, and this story absolutely entertained me and gave me a much-needed escape for a while.

This was a fun addition to a remarkable universe, and I can’t wait to find out what new stories are percolating in this talented author’s imagination!

A story was provided for review
Profile Image for Edga.
1,973 reviews26 followers
October 17, 2020
I love the way in which Ms Russell has linked her last few books. I really enjoy catching up with characters from past books. This was an enjoyable romance, with an edge. I really don't want to go into any great detail, I don't want to give any spoilers away. There is some angst, it looks really bad for our group for a while. However, there is away to save them, but will it be possible? A well written story, with some new and surprising characters introduced. We'll worth a read, if you're following this series.
Profile Image for Ali.
2,086 reviews15 followers
October 29, 2020
I really enjoyed this story. Both Ky and Ewan are hiding for different reasons but are drawn to each other. Ewan is scare and has a right to be but once Ky is able to show him that it all isn’t as bad as it seems he opens himself up (with the help of his sister and foster brother) to help those that are being affected by the epidemic. These two blaze hot when they are together and I was so happy for Ewan and his family to break out of their fear and be able to live their lives. I like this this is very loosely connected to a couple of the author’s other series as it’s nice to catch a glimpse of those characters but it isn’t needed to read their stories.

I received a copy of this book and am giving an honest review
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