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Sachi's Monstrous Appetite #1

Sachi's Monstrous Appetite, Vol. 1

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Makie's a boy in love, with his tall, older classmate Sachi. As a sign of his affection, he makes Sachi a special lunch every day. Sachi loves Makie, too, but she has a secret... she's actually a shapeshifting monster called a watari, and she was drawn to Makie because he smells...delicious! But it's not just Sachi who's drawn to Makie's scent, and soon, he realizes the entire monster world is after him. Fortunately, Sachi's a watari who eats watari, and she pledges to protect him. But how long can Makie survive, with Sachi's appetite the only thing between him and a monster's belly?

192 pages, Paperback

First published July 23, 2018

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews
Profile Image for Mark.
2,300 reviews199 followers
January 28, 2021
Makie’s in junior high and has a monstrous crush on Sachi, who’s in high school. Sachi adores Makie as well, but it’s because she’s actually a monster known as a watari and Makie’s scent makes him a delicacy to her kind. She’s ready to defend him from other watari, but is it a season of love or seasoning love?

Well, that was different. Thank god Makie’s not into vore or this would have all gotten very awkward very fast, though it’s still pretty awkward when the girl you’re crushing on thinks you’re delightful, but in a culinary sense. The way Sachi’s stomach growls uncontrollably around Makie is pretty amusing.

I’m going to be using cute in the mildly pejorative sense - this book is as slight as Sachi’s monster form is ravenous. The relationship moves forward at the speed of sound (seriously, they’re living together by the middle of the book) and the plot takes some weird swerves, as if the author’s not quite sure what they wanted to do.

The base premise, that Makie is gourmet food to monsters and one monster wants to protect him and they have a crush on one another, is fine. It just feels wobbly and some of the jokes are okay while others... meh.

Art-wise, it’s not bad. Monster designs are great and they’re clearly where the effort went - Sachi devouring stuff is quite something and the action holds up reasonably well, moment to moment.

There’s definitely a lot to love about our two leads bonding as they do; their earnest chemistry makes up for a lot of deficiencies so far. I also enjoyed the denouement of this volume, which takes a bit of a dark turn and throws a real wrench into things for next time.

3 stars, fun, but somewhat uninspiring and still figuring its way forward - I’m definitely down to at least see where a second volume gets us. If you read one book about a monstrous school girl, I would pick Kaiju Girl Caramelise over this in a heartbeat, but that’s not to say that this one doesn’t have its moments.
Profile Image for Hal.
741 reviews54 followers
February 27, 2021
arc provided by the publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review

This manga had me so confused from page one until the end and I never fully grasped what was going on. I knew that we followed two characters, a boy and his classmate who is this sort of monster who eats their same kind but beyond that... I was lost.

I never really got a chance to fall in love with this story because the art was confusing and the story went way too quickly. The romance was also so quick and wasn’t believable to me.

Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this manga and won’t be continuing on with this series.

1.5/5 ⭐️

TW: violence.
Profile Image for Jillian -always aspiring-.
1,838 reviews545 followers
January 27, 2021
2021 Read #41

You know, I don’t think the premise is bad, but I wish there was a bit more nuance, especially since I had fears that there would be a monster harem coming up in this series. But I thought the execution of this volume was a bit mediocre aside from some “shock” moments that were actually interesting. Even so, the “monster girlfriend” trope in manga just doesn’t seem to work for me overall.
Profile Image for Readingwithnori.
286 reviews203 followers
July 12, 2021

This manga is the perfect blend of romcom and action. Makie was such a cutie and getting to see his thought process was really sweet. We love to see a tall female with a short boy. I’m really interested in seeing Sachi background story and development. Plus the way this ended? I need to get volume 2 immediately.
Profile Image for Rereader.
1,392 reviews155 followers
February 7, 2021
So, I'm gonna start off by saying this series is definitely NOT going to be for everyone. Whether it be the romance progressing at break-neck speeds, the tonal shifts from adorable rom-com to nightmare fuel, and the admittedly simple characters. That being said, I FUCKING LOVED THIS VOLUME AND I AM HYPED FOR MORE!!

In some ways, this series reminds me of Toilet Bound Hanako-kun because:

a) the main character has a monster/ supernatural love interest
b) this is a rom-com with horror elements
c) the art style is flexible enough to accommodate the rom-com and horror scenes

and while I wouldn't say this is as good as Toilet Bound Hanako-kun because that series is a fucking masterpiece DON'T @ ME, the similarities it shares are also things that I enjoy in manga.

This may be a weird thing to say, but I love manga series that feature a human-supernatural/ monster relationship. I don't know why, maybe because they also have extensive lore and worldbuilding by default and the artwork/ art styles are always on point, but I just really love those kinds of stories. So when I heard about this I was like, "yep, I'm definitely going to have to give this a shot," and I'm so glad I did. The art style is so interesting for this story, as in I feel like if it were more polished or more shoujo-esque it straight up wouldn't work. Having the art be a bit blurry in place enhances the emotional moments and the heavy use of shadows in dangerous situations heightens the intensity of said situations. Also, there are certain panels that grabbed me, like the three panel shot of Sachi transforming or the two pages dedicated to her crying towards the end of the volume. Even some of the funnier panels are great, like Sachi's thoughts after Makie suggests she request something specific for her bento are depicted as outer space, with the second one being outer space but with food. Little stuff like that makes me smile.

As I said earlier, the characters are admittedly simple and not anything special, but I am interested in learning more about them and do like their relationship. And that cliffhanger's killing me, I need to see what happens next!

Those are my scattered thoughts regarding this first volume. In a nutshell, I would only recommend this to people who like human-monster relationships and are interested in a rom-com horror hybrid series. Everyone else, I'd say flip through this before committing if you're unsure. I loved it, but I get that others won't.
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.5k reviews411 followers
January 7, 2019
OHHHH, this was quite fun and unexpected. Our MC who smells apparently very delicious, at least to certain species, like for instance the senpai he is interested in (and she in him, and not just because he smells so yummy she has to hold herself from eating him accidentally). Yep, welcome to a world with horrors from beyond. Our Mc's love interest can, which looks creepy as hell, change into a monster from beyond, however she is different from those. She is actually hunting them. Next to horrors from beyond we also have romance, cute scenes, our MC feeding the senpai (she is ever so hungry). There is also some comedy, and the art looks fabulous. All in all, definitely would recommend this one. I will be continuing this series, I need to know if our mc and the senpai can have a relationship or not.
Profile Image for Lorena.
351 reviews25 followers
February 10, 2021
Artwork: 5/5
Story: 3/5

He leído este tomo gracias a NetGalley, que muy amablemente me cedieron un ejemplar para reseñar.
Estoy un poco ojiplática con el tomo que acabo de leer porque yo esperaba una novela de comedia culinaria con su romance gracioso y tal... PERO NO! Es un manga bastante random y turbio pero con una premisa que te deja con ganas de más, eso seguro. Nuestro protagonista está perdidamente enamorado de su senpai, ésta es bastante rarita la verdad, pero se la tiene ganada con el estómago, la trama cambia drásticamente cuando aparecen unos monstruos que solo nuestro protagonista puede ver y con los que si haces contacto visual, lo más seguro es que te coman. Pronto descubrirá que su querida senpai también forma parte de esto porque es un monstruo. La trama ahí se pone muy interesante pero, ¿cómo reaccionarías si tu senpai te quisiera comer? ¡Es muy turbio pero muy interesante! Además, ambos protagonistas tienen pasados muy interesantes y cuyo desarrollo promete. ¿Por qué el chico puede ver estas criaturas? ¿Cómo llegó la chica a la tierra? A pesar de tener un ritmo demasiado precipitado, sobretodo en la trama amorosa, la trama de los bichos está on point.

I want to thank NetGalley for giving me this ARC in an exchange for an honest review.
I'm a bit shooked about the volume I just read because I was expecting a culinary comedy novel with its funny romance and stuff ... BUT NO! It's a pretty random and murky manga but with a premise that leaves you wanting more, that's for sure. Our protagonist is madly in love with his senpai but he has it earned with the food he makes for her. The plot changes drastically when monsters appear and only our protagonist can see them and, for most, if you make eye contact with them, they will honestly eat you. He will soon find out that his beloved senpai is a part of this too because she is a monster. The plot there gets very interesting, but how would you react if your senpai wanted to eat you? It is very murky but very interesting! In addition, both protagonists have very interesting pasts and whose development promises. Why can the boy see these creatures? How did the girl come to earth? Despite having a too hasty rhythm, especially in the love story, the plot of the monsters/watari is on point.
Profile Image for Mercedez.
130 reviews24 followers
May 24, 2021
Sachi’s Monstrous Appetite Volume 1’s art is charming. The backgrounds are lush, and the monsters are well designed. Similarly, Makie and Sachi are drawn with a lot of care. Makie is really cute, as is Sachi. However, none of the characters hold a candle to the manga’s real star: the food. The food looks so, so, so good! When it’s drawn -thankfully, it’s drawn often- it’s mouthwateringly good looking. I’m thinking about the Nikujaga -that’s meat and potatoes- featured in an early chapter. I’m also thinking fondly of the prawns featured on one of the splash pages. The only thing that can rival the food is the lettering, which is honestly, just as good looking as the ramen Sachi has later in the volume.

In the end, Sachi’s Monstrous Appetite Volume 1 is a really incredibly first volume. Both Sachie and Makie are quite likable. When paired with a solid translation, superb lettering, and stellar editing, the series becomes something special. There’s a lot of room for growth in Sachi’s Monstrous Appetite Volume 1. I hope that the following volumes capitalizes on that and gives readers a really unique and interesting story.

Fans of the monster girl genre will find a very genuine story between its covers. I highly recommend that fans of series like Burn the Witch, and even The Promised Neverland, pick up this first volume and give Sachi’s Monstrous Appetite a try. Hopefully, you’ll find yourself feeling as stuffed as Sachi is!

Read My Full Review: butwhythopodcast.com/2021/02/07/revie...
Profile Image for Doc.
1,919 reviews30 followers
October 17, 2022
A Foodie RomCom for the monster girl fans

For those looking for triggers within the book there is one shower scene (though nothing is shown), Maki gets breast pressing by Sachi as she falls on them while exiting a sudden door, and Sachi almost suffocates Maki as he is crushed by her breast while she is pushed into him on the train. There might be more but those are what I noticed as I read through the volume.

While there is plenty of interesting stuff going on in this book and the main characters of Maki and Sachi are a delight sometimes their nervousness gets a little annoying as they adjust to the new life they are forming after Maki discovers Sachi's secret. Another thing about the series is I am not the biggest fan of the artistic style of the mangaka (at least the humans in general) It is not a bad style per say but it is definitely something I would have to get used to before I could enjoy this series more. However regardless of my few hang ups I did enjoy the book and might try more volumes in the future.
Profile Image for Elley Murray.
1,204 reviews147 followers
February 9, 2021
Rating: 2.5 stars

The premise for this manga is kind of cute. Funatsugi can see monsters (and smells delicious to them!) and Sachi is a monster pretending to be a real girl. There's a little bit of romance, a little but of horrible nightmare fuel, and some really funny moments as well. The transitions in the first 2 or 3 chapters are just SO abrupt as to be non-existent. I found myself flipping back and forth and looking at the page numbers trying to figure out if I'd missed something. You've got to kind of read between the lines and draw your own conclusions for some of the storyline set up and world building. Is this a spin-off of something else that would have already explained the world building and roles?

A digital ARC of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley for review. All opinions are unbiased and my own.

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Profile Image for Jolien ♡.
301 reviews69 followers
February 23, 2021
Thank you to the publisher for giving me a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

OOOH this was very fun haha! I loved the whole concept of the MC smelling very good to the other MC so to say and the story kind of revolving around that fact. Not only was it funny at times but it was also interesting to read about in a way. I liked the art style and the story line was very fun too.
I did find the romancy aspect a bit over done so to say since that's very predictable and not necessary for the story to float, however it was cute and I liked it.
Profile Image for Opal Edgar.
Author 3 books9 followers
March 17, 2021
A fascinating manga. I couldn't stop reading, there was something quite gripping about it, probably because the subject felt so unusual, in a good way, even though the plot was oddly thin. A boy who cooks, a girl who is more than that and always hungry, and monsters everywhere. I really want to know where the idea is going. On the negative side, the connections between scenes was awkward and it often took me a little time to understand where we were at. It felt like some panels were missing each time. I have no idea if that's because of the translation, but it felt too fast and it didn't quite follow right. This made the action scenes very confusing and if I hadn't enjoyed the theme I might not have continued.
Profile Image for Kate.
173 reviews
February 7, 2021
It was really weird and it is not my type of manga. I did not enjoy the story and the art style was not really that good.

ARC provided by NetGalley.
Profile Image for sachi.
168 reviews16 followers
March 31, 2021
No, I didn't buy this because my name is on it.

these two idiots are cute. also reminds me of hanako-san so that's cool.

sachi's monster form is so cute i wanna be that cute
Profile Image for Angela Hedrick.
1,084 reviews21 followers
June 26, 2022
Why did you read this book?
The first volume was on sale and it the artwork interested me.

What format did you read this book in?
Read the comic on ComiXology app.

Is this an educational book or a book for entertainment?
I read this book for pure entertainment purposes.

What genres do you think this book belongs to?
Comics, Contemporary, Fantasy, Graphic Novels, Horror, Humor and Comedy, Manga, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense, Thriller, Young Adult

What was your favorite part in the book? SPOILERS!
My favorite part is when the female protagonist freaked out because she thought she ate the male protagonist! To be fair if I was a monster that ate creatures I would be worried too if all I found was the male protagonist shirt after we fell asleep next to each other.

Who would you suggest this book to?
Anyone who likes sweet romantic-comedies mangas with a hint of dark fantasy mixed in.

What is your general opinion/ rating of this book? SPOILERS
This was a unique book in several aspects. First the male protagonist is smaller than his female counter part and she is the one that protects him. She is a monster that wants to protect him by eating all the other monsters. Most of this comic is a sweet romantic comedy with a few dark moments. Overall, it was an enjoyable read. I just wished some of the translated text was bigger. There were certain scenes where the text was hard to read.

Are there any cliché scenes or concepts? (If yes, does the author add something unique to them?) SPOILERS
There were a few cliches that are common in rom-com mangas and this one had a few. The main character passing out for using their abilities. The awkward couple being smashed together scene. Although the author adds their own flare to that scene by having the female protect the male from the crowd by picking him up (LOL). Lastly, the accidental walking in on someone naked in the bathroom scene. Which the author again add their own flare by having the male protagonist being the one walked in on and the female protagonist trying to reassure him.

What style of graphic novel is this?
It’s in the Japanese manga style (you need to read the book from right to left).

Is the comic colored or is it in black and white?
This comic is in B&W tone.

What is your opinion on the artwork?
It has well done characters with very cute facial expressions. The backgrounds are decent although a bit lacking in my opinion. The screen effects and panel pacing are done very well.

How is the type setting? Is the comic easy to read?
The fonts were appropriate, there were some scenes that were hard to read. (Text was too tiny).

Is this comic a part of a series?
Yes, it is. Even though I liked the book I didn’t like it enough to continue the series. (I have too much on my “to read list”.)

Any trigger warnings?
Mental Health: Trauma
Violence and Death: Death, Mutilation of Corpses
Other: Being eaten alive

Profile Image for Couple Chapters More.
33 reviews2 followers
February 18, 2021
This manga was provided to me by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

So this review is not going to be the longest one due to the length of volume 1 (146 pages with 10 or so being ads).

Before we dive into the pros and cons I'll tell you a little about the series. The story centres around Maki (human) who is crushing on his neighbour Sachi (watari/monster). He tries to win her over with his awesome cooking skills.

And it's not long before he's drawn into the world of watari. A world that is illustrated good, has some romance and fighting in it and has more of a humorous tone than a serious one. Enough about that, it's time to dig into the pros and cons.

The pacing of the plot. It was hard to follow at times and I had to go back and re-read past pages to see if I had missed something.

Translation error (maybe unless I'm blind). Now I can't say much - because I don't want to spoil anything - but towards the end of volume 1 we're told they are at a stage in their relationship that was not addressed previously, this threw me a bit.

Now for the more fun stuff, the positives.

The plot. It did grab me, but not straight away. It was familiar to things I've read and watched before. This doesn't always have to be a bad thing, stories like these are popular for a reason.

The ending. It's your typical cliffhanger type one - buuuuut - it did introduce a new twist that made me go from a 'not going to pick up volume 2' to a 'I will give volume 2 a try'.

So should you get it? If you like monster romance mangas with slight generic characters and a familiar plot then yes, go for it.

If you want something more unique I'd say pass for now, unless volume 2 ends up being really good. It could happen.

In the end volume 1 gets a solid 3/5 from me, but I think the series could creep up to 4/5 later on if it gets more time to develop.

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Profile Image for Tayla.
735 reviews11 followers
February 27, 2021
I received an e-copy of this manga on netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Premise: Machi has had a crush on Sachi for a long time and uses his culinary skills to finally talk to her by offering her a treat. However, Sachi has a secret: she's a shapeshifting watari monster who is drawn to Machi's scent, and others are too. Sachi is determined to protect Machi but will things go too far?

So... the premise of this manga sounded really interesting but I just found myself really confused for most of this.

This next bit will be a mess (and potentially spoilery) but I'm going to attempt to explain what I understood and how I felt (confused mainly...)

I think (think being the main word) that Machi and Sachi ended up working together to go destroy a nest of watari monsters that had formed in the local school but they got trapped. Machi had been creating food for Sachi and there became an underlying focus on how bento boxes are very special and can be a big mystery until you open them because you don't know what's inside which later played a part in the plot. But there also seemed to be some kind of sadness surrounding bento boxes but I don't know if I just interpreted that wrong or if I missed something. Who knows? Anyway, the bento box gets them out of the nest and then there was a complete scene/chapter change and they were going on a date? (literally I don't understand what was going on so I may have somehow missed something). They go for food and then suddenly Sachi shapeshifts and also eats Machi and then the story ends with a random girl turning up and essentially saying 'I told you so' to Sachi.

As you've probably gathered, I'm confused and so I didn't really enjoy this as I spent the majority of my time reading this just questioning what was going on and re-reading sections to try to figure it. I think this was just a me problem (although I've just looked at reviews and saw a few other people saying similiar things) but because of that, I'm rating this one star as I honestly can't say I enjoyed it. I'm sure a lot of other people would enjoy this but for me, it was just a confusing time (which I think is probably coming across in this review) and so I can't rate it any higher as I didn't get the plot of the story.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Marcy Thomas.
463 reviews4 followers
February 4, 2021
Thanks to Netgalley for providing a copy in exchange for an honest review.

So I had a weird experience with this one.

The synopsis really grabbed me, hence why I read it, but even going in knowing the story and actually reading it... I’m not really sure how to explain what it is. It’s such a weird story, and I think my confusion stems from not really knowing how to categorise it. Surface level, you can enjoy it, but I keep getting the sense that even the manga doesn’t know what it is. There’s definitely romance, but the monster elements break up the tone so rapidly that it gives you whiplash. Like there’s one more where the leads are having a meet cute, and all of a sudden a giant and terrifying monster appears and attacks everyone, and we focus on that for ages. Then we go back to the couple in lightening speed, and it left me reeling over how quickly we go through events.

And it’s not as if the monster elements are just there to further the romantic plot. They do, but the mangagka put a lot of work into making them creepy and scary. One design reminded me of Parasyte, a horror manga. The art is lovely, going for a cute shojo style with the leads, only adding to the whiplash when you get to the monsters and it gets creepy out of nowhere.

If I had to pick a genre, then it would be romance, mostly because the monsters and supernatural elements aren’t explained well, and it was mostly rushed through to get to the love story. And honestly... the romance is quite adorable. Our two leads are clearly smitten with each other, their relationship moves quickly, and their chemistry works. I usually don’t love romance plots, but this one felt different.

Despite how dissonant it can be, I still enjoyed this thoroughly. The relationship holds promise, and I hope the next volume explores and irons out the world more.
Profile Image for Siina.
Author 34 books21 followers
April 29, 2021
Sachi's Monstrous Appetite somehow reminded me of FLCL. The series starts like a normal school romance and Makie is very much in love with Sachi. Sachi lives next door and is a bit older and taller than Makie and Makie wants to make food for her, since the girl is always hungry. Then the whole thing kind of goes astray in a sense, since Sachi is a shape-shifting watari, a monster that looks a lot like a frog that eats other wataris. Right. All the other wataris want to eat Makie and Sachi loves his smell too. Together they ends up killing other wataris and no, Makie never wonders how and why. He just crushes on the girl and suddenly these two end up in magical places and whatnot. Then we are back to going on a date. The whole thing makes no sense, since things aren't explained and everything moves so fast. The most we get is Makie blushing.

The art looks like straight from the 1990s. It's messy at times, but the wataris are really cool. The humans aren't that cool though. I don't really know what this series wants to be, but seeing this is labeled ecchi I don't wonder why anymore. The potential is there, but monsters, romance and cooking just don't work so well together.
Profile Image for Areadinghuman.
736 reviews13 followers
February 26, 2021
Not a bad story but not well executed

Key words: adventure, monster, fantasy, humour, romance, manga

Alright, this one is on me. If I had read the blurb, I would have none this was absolutely not my type of manga. So, don’t care too much about my note, except if you like and dislike the same thing as me xD
First of all, I was a little thrown off but the proportions of the two main characters: Makie is quite small and frail compared to Sachi who is tall, quite fit and with also quite a pair of boobs. But alright, everyone has different taste. However, their feelings seemed totally fake and forced; the dialogue is supposed to be funny and cute, and okey sometimes it is cute but that would be it. If now, you add some weird monster universe, you lose me. I did not understand this monster aspect of the manga. Maybe the next volume explains it in more details.
So yeah, overall the premise doesn’t sound bad but I think it could have been better executed.


Thank you Netgalley for this eArc in exchange of my honest opinion
Profile Image for Nessa.
609 reviews2 followers
February 13, 2021
Thank you Netgalley and Kodansha Comics for the eARC! I didn't really like this manga as much as I thought I would but it did get better by the end of the story, so I do want to read the next volume. The story started a bit abruptly so I was confused, but I understood it after a couple pages. Random characters also kept popping in out of nowhere (like where did the manager come from?) and the plot was very jumpy. The moment when Sachi transforms though, that was wild. I love her monster form though, it's hilarious and just so weird. This story just takes you on a wild ride. When Sachi and Makie spend more time together in the last quarter of the manga, the story starts to flow better and I think it ended on a good note. One thing I didn't really understand though was how they were living together if he's in Junior High and she's in High School and doesn't he have parents who he would probably be living with? Overall an interesting story but a bit confusing.
Profile Image for Ashley Dang.
1,469 reviews
February 5, 2021
A sweet and funny story about a boy who sees monsters and a monster girl who likes to eat them. Makie has a crush on his neighbor Sachi who loves his cooking. However, Makie has always been plagued by seeing monsters. One day, as he sees one approach him, Sachi suddenly turns into one and eats it. Sachi makes it her mission to protect him and Makie hopes to win her over by offering to constantly cook for her. So begins the funny and sweet romance about two people who are so different yet great together. This is a wonderful start to the series and I can’t wait to read the next volume!

*Thanks Netgalley and Kodansha Comics for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Emily Maesar.
72 reviews4 followers
February 10, 2021
***eArc provided by NetGalley & Kodansha Comics in exchange for an honest review.***

I wasn't 100% sure what I was expecting with the first volume of Sachi's Monstrous Appetite. I had a vague notion, but it was beyond fun. A monster romance between two high school students is exactly the type of story I wanted when I was in high school and reading manga ferociously (it certainly informed a lot of the prose reading I was doing).

Certainly, the art is charming and lovely to look at, and I always appreciate when the "monster" is the girl in the relationship. They're both so precious and I can't help that I love a "but what if I eat the person I love" story!
Profile Image for Jessica.
2,153 reviews51 followers
February 28, 2021
Makie is into Sachi and cooks up special treats for her to show his affection. Little did he expect for a monster to show and and Makie shapeshift into a monster watari and eat it or take it down. Now he's manage to get sucked into her world and help her out with destroying watari's that might otherwise hurt others.

This was a pretty trippy manga. I wasn't sure what I was getting into when first coming across this book since I didn't even read the description. It was actually a pleasant surprise and I found myself sucked into this world for a moment. I can't wait to see more of what happens this was a pretty interesting introduction to the series.
Profile Image for Emma Stallwood.
552 reviews1 follower
March 12, 2021
When I first asked to review this manga I genuinely thought the story line would be about a girl who ate alot. However this was not the case. It took me a good 2/3rds of the book to understand the storyline (a girl who is actually a monster who eats other monsters to protect humans) and it really gave me a dislike to the story. However I did like the fact that a romance storyline was added and this made the story appeal more to me. I enjoyed the manga illustration and facial features for certain situations were very funny. Unfortunatly a manga which didnt appeal to me after reading.
Profile Image for BreAnna (Bre'sBooks).
1,274 reviews59 followers
April 14, 2021
**ARC provided by NetGalley for honest review**

Sachi's Monstrous Appetite Volume 1 by Chomoran was certainly a...strange manga volume. Some of the pages in the copy I had downloaded were missing, so it was a bit confusing, but the basic premise seems to be this: a middle school boy has a crush on a high school girl, but she's actually a monster in disguise that needs his help to fight other monsters because apparently he smells good to them? It's basically a gender-bent Twilight. I don't know, it is sorta charming in a quirky way, but I probably don't care enough to continue in this series.
871 reviews2 followers
January 27, 2021
'Sachi's Monstrous Appetite' is a cute manga about a young boy with a crush on an older girl. He makes her lunch; she would kind of like to gobble _him_ up... because she's really a giant frog-fish monster that thinks he smells delicious. But because she's trying to be good, she'll instead eat the other strange monsters that are attracted to him. It's got cute art, and their dynamic together is fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing how their attempt at dating each other goes.
Profile Image for Ursula.
98 reviews
February 16, 2021
Thank you netgalley and to the publisher for allowing me to read the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I'm not really sure about this manga, yes it's different which I like, I love monsters in mangas BUT it's probably something that I wouldn't continue reading.
I think mainly because the boy is shorter and younger and is in love with a taller girl and she is older than him. (I'm not a sizest 🤔 if that's the right word for it)
Profile Image for Lorin.
62 reviews47 followers
March 6, 2021
I received a copy for an honest review through NetGalley.

This manga wasn't for me. I didn't connect with the art style. The story felt confusing and not explained at all in my opinion. We were thrown into it far too quickly with no prior explanation or thought explanation from the characters. It was very instalove in a way I didn't like or understand. I will not be continuing this series moving forward.
Profile Image for Paris Cunningham.
Author 3 books13 followers
March 12, 2021
This was really an interesting one. I liked the unique premise to be honest and I'm excited to see how this series develops. Although the main boy was pretty bland and void of a personality, I quite like the main girl and so I hope they both have their deserved character arcs. It is hard to judge a manga series based solely off of volume 1- especially as this volume was quite short- however there is definitely a lot of potential here!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews

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