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Life at Grace Field House had been good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they had to take were tough, their loving caretaker provided them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But when they discover the horrifying truth about why they are being kept at the orphanage, their lives change forever…

Back at Grace Field House, Emma faces Peter with the future of the demon world hanging in the balance. Meanwhile, something unexpected is happening in the demon capital. Can the children finally escape to the human world? And what fate awaits Emma at the end of her long journey?

233 pages, Paperback

First published October 2, 2020

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Kaiu Shirai

96 books716 followers
Pseudonym of the Manga writer creator of Promised Neverland.

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Profile Image for Josu Diamond.
Author 9 books33.5k followers
August 25, 2021
Y aquí, amigxs, termina una gran historia.

Lamentablemente este último tomo de The Promised Neverland no creo que sea el mejor ni de lejos, aunque en cuanto a sentimentalismos sí que lo incluiría en el Top 3. Vale, no he llorado, pero se me pusieron los ojitos acuosos. Este es probablemente mi manga favorito en este momento, y aunque algunas entregas son mejores que otras, repito que este último tomo no es de los mejores. Sin embargo, creo que es una forma de terminarlo que le hace justicia, al menos.

En este volumen número 20 todo parece haber terminado de irse al garete con la revelación final del tomo 19. Pero Emma y lxs demás son más inteligentes que el hambre (cosa que ya sabemos), así que saben perfectamente cómo esquivar las cosas que el destino les lanza para que no logren sus objetivos. Pese a que superen un par de obstáculos para llegar a la ansiada meta final, me ha sabido a poco. Este número 20 es un final en el que creo que han intentando mezclar muchos elementos, pero definitivamente no han terminado de funcionar todos.


Como siempre, a destacar, algunos de los personajes. En este tomo le corresponde el título de Mejor Personaje a Emma, que aunque a veces ha resultado ser un poco pesada, creo que es una de las mejores protagonistas femeninas que he leído. Y es que sobre todo destaca porque es... buena. O sea, simplemente buena. Se mueve para hacer el bien para el resto de gente, y es el gran motor que le hace evolucionar como personaje. Algo que obviamente no deja de ser sorprendente porque se mantiene así durante cientos y cientos de páginas, y en este final creo que todo llega a su fin de una forma lógica y convincente para con el personaje.

En cuanto a trama... No sé, o sea es el final, lo entiendo. Había cosas que cerrar y se cierran, aunque siento que algunas de las tramas que estaban abiertas se cierran tan rápido que ni me doy cuenta de que ya han pasado a mejor vida. That's weird! Pero bueno, que igualmente he disfrutado de este tomo, lo he leído enseguida, y hay grandes enseñanzas que sacar de las reflexiones que se hacen.


The Promised Neverland es una muy buena obra, llena de giros en la trama y personajes para el recuerdo. Si quieres sorprenderte con una historia que no sabes por dónde te va a venir, empieza ya con el primero. No te arrepentirás.
Profile Image for Nicole.
814 reviews2,364 followers
November 10, 2020
After I finished the anime, I couldn’t simply read its manga part from the start, I needed to know what happens afterward ASAP. And it was interesting but I kind of got bored. Then we met Lucas and some interesting events happened, still, after that, I was bored again especially since I didn’t know when the manga will end. Once I discovered that it ended, I picked it up again. Luckily, things improved but it wasn’t like before. Nothing was as good as the first arc.

Fast forward, reading the last few volumes, I just knew the ending will be too perfect for my liking. I knew the catch won’t be satisfying. I wasn’t wrong. Emma always doing the best possible thing, and Ray? Who’s Ray? My favorite character forgotten. Norman an anti-hero/villain that wasn’t tackled to its full potential.

I still like this manga a lot and I love the characters. Sadly, I know too many books with unsatisfying endings. I think I might have enjoyed it more on screen. Although we got lots of action, reading made me think “please some progress already” while watching I might have been enjoying the animation too much to care.

All in, yes, the ending could’ve been better/more bittersweet. However, the story and the characters will always stay with me, their courage, intelligence, kindness, and strong will made all the journey worth it. And I recommend it nonetheless but I think the anime might be better.
Profile Image for Gabriel.
550 reviews970 followers
April 13, 2021
Nota final: 3.8

The promised neverland fue un buen descubrimiento este año. En principio agradecer al anime porque gracias a él me enteré de su existencia y luego pude irme al manga y retomar la historia en su esencia pura y no con la cosa asquerosa que hicieron en su... ¿adaptación?

Al principio, comienza como una historia repleta de giros de tuercas que te dejan muy sorprendido y enganchado hasta el punto que no quieres parar solo hasta llegar al final (bueno, aquí exageré un pelín). Al menos, puedo asegurar que se devora con facilidad los dos primeros arcos; que son una maravilla bien hecha y con una firmeza muy consolidada. Luego de allí, todo baja de calidad al no existir tantos plot twists y empezar a llenar la historia con pura acción; batallas que sí, son tensionante en cierto punto pero que llegan a hastiar al hacerse monótonas. Sin dejar de lado algo que odio mucho en una trama y son los agujeros que se le ven en las costuras y las demasiadas conveniencias que se dan para los personajes en general. Y por si fuera poco: esas muertes facilonas que se vuelven muy pero que muy predecibles.

Eso sí, es fácil encariñarse con muchos de los personajes y aunque la protagonista puede ser demasiado optimista todo el tiempo; es bueno que nunca se rompa con su esquema y sea siempre verosímil con todas sus desiciones. Sin embargo, el final también es muy optimista, demasiado para mi gusto en una historia que empezó siendo cruel. Está lleno de arcoiris y brillantina por todos lados que a mí, personalmente no me agradó del todo. Aunque no paso por alto que la mayoría de ellos son niños y mujeres oprimidas, convirtiéndose solo en carne para consumo de los demonios y obviamente quería que tuvieran un final digno; todo se resuelve muy sencillo. Convirtiéndolo en un final muy infantil donde las cosas se resuelven de manera demasiado fantasiosa sin tener unas consecuencias más graves. Un final más agrio que dulce hubiera sido más adecuado dentro del mundo de The promised neverland, no las luces de colores repletas de felicidad que me mostraron.

Un comienzo genial, un desarrollo bastante irregular y un final súper mediocre. Aún así, lo que me enganchó nunca fue mentira y le guardo cierto cariño.
Profile Image for Lies.
79 reviews7 followers
October 4, 2020
Spoiler alert.
NOT GOOD. I mean, is anyone surprised at this point? (I kinda am, seeing as this volume has a lot of 5 star ratings) I didn’t expect this to have a good ending, and while it could have been worse... it had so much potential. This manga could have been great. I feel like Kaiu Shirai just didn’t give a shit after they wrote the first (AMAZING) arc.

Ray just straight up disappeared, Emma was boring, and Norman seemed to become the villain which could have been interesting but of course that didn’t happen. The villains besides Isabella (who got the WORST redemption arc ever) were ridiculously bad, and the Queen was the worst of them. Everything seemed so easy for Emma to solve and everything was convenient. And I want to know what happened to Emma’s new father, the Santa guy, am I the only one? Emma just lived with him for 2 years then left him? Okay. I guess the demon god guy is also okay with Emma just being with her family again even though her part of the promise was that she would never see them again. Although, she doesn’t remember them, and it’d be pretty weird for the other kids to tell her that they almost died a hundred times and that their mom died. At least Emma had to give up SOMETHING.

It was incredibly rushed, things that could have been interesting happened way too fast (more info about Norman’s time in Lambda, goddamnit), them finding Emma took THREE chapters. Maybe I should be happy about it because I’m done reading this manga. It’s over, and it was bad.
Profile Image for Victoria ✮⋆˙.
1,064 reviews102 followers
June 2, 2023
Profile Image for Katie Colson.
731 reviews9,053 followers
March 7, 2023
Reading Vlog: https://youtu.be/GCFopiHFdg8

This cover gives me so much joy. Look at our little family! So sweet.

I cried for sure. It wasn't that sad but I'd been with these characters for so long and I just wanted to see them be happy and be together.

"I won't let you lay a finger on my children" I can go ahead and die now.
Profile Image for Daisy Mauricio.
35 reviews14 followers
November 22, 2020
Honestly the last few chapters were a rollercoaster :): I loved this series from the very started I watched it that I needed to read the manga and I’m not disappointed it was really good :)
Profile Image for rain.
673 reviews431 followers
July 9, 2020
i am very happy with the ending of this manga!!! it was so bittersweet it made me cry 😭

reading this manga has been a very wonderful journey. i love the character arcs, the story arcs, the surprises, and the plot twists. the theme of family is strong in the promised neverland and it was so beautiful reading it. definitely one of the best manga i have ever read.
Profile Image for Kristin ✨.
1,173 reviews23 followers
June 18, 2020
So many mixed feelings, I really do understand the end for this series but I still would love to have seen more. What becomes of everyone? How do they deal with the struggle of fitting into the regular society? Will any relationships blossom? Will they be happy? Come on, give us something to work with?
Profile Image for Phantomº.
492 reviews51 followers
June 22, 2020
So...that is it? The end? Anti climactic, rushed, convenient. I mean, glad that they didn't drag it into another arc, it was pretty boring at this point, the momentum and enjoyment was lost long ago.
The Escape Arc gave us really high expectations, such wasted potential.

P.S. Remember when Ray was a main character? Yeah, me neither.

Profile Image for May.
312 reviews22 followers
June 14, 2021
My rating for the Promised Neverland in its totality: 4 🌟

At the outset I'd been slightly concerned that this was going to be a reiteration of previous isekai series dealing with demons and monsters; however, the more I read, the more I discovered the subtle differences that made the Promised Neverland truly unique and utterly captivating.

Aside from our three main characters, especially Emma and Ray, and their ferocious and desperate attempt at escaping the hellish world they were born into, we have an incredibly diverse host of side characters who were actually in the spotlight at times instead of merely being passed over, and we were able to empathize with and root for them individually, especially Don and Gilda, Yuugo and Lucas, Oliver and Jillian, Sonju and Mujika, and many others.

In all honesty I would have loved to see more of Sonju and Mujika (^^ゞ I believe their banter would have been delightful to witness. Also, I'd never expected to like Sonju this much by the end of the series.

That being said, and instead of indiscriminately murdering all the demons and rejoicing in their suffering, we got to see the world from their point of view and experience what it is like to be in their shoes, without condoning their actions, of course. Violence begets more violence, and hatred fuels nothing but more of the same. It would have made a less complex story if our protagonists just went around slashing throats and gouging out eyes; however, it would have been less compelling as well. In a war, it is infinitely simpler and less mentally demanding to dehumanize the enemy and to attempt their utter annihilation instead of trying to empathize with them and reach a middle ground or at least a ceasefire with as few casualties as possible. It is precisely for this reason that Emma is such an admirable character, in my opinion. In addition to her tenacity, bravery, and unwavering love for her family, she is also compassionate and loyal, especially to those who offer her a helping hand. Kindness is usually underrated, but not in the Promised Neverland. I need less smashing and more understanding in my life, less malice and contempt and more sympathy, less murder and more peaceful negotiations.
Emma's kindness does not merely encompass those whom she loves, but it extends to her enemies as well, even the most loathsome ones. That final scene with the scoundrel Peter was poignant precisely because I'd despised him with fervor. Yet I believe that ripping his sorry self to pieces wouldn't have been as profound as what we got instead.

Another admirable perspective I immensely appreciated was the allusion to humans eating animals being (at least) as relevant as the demons eating them. As someone who has been vegetarian for years, I was constantly wondering if we would have responded as the demons had to the plight of animals had they been able to voice their suffering.
Oh wait...

In my mind it was always like this:
Gracefield House = Free range
Mass production plantation = Factory farms

That scene where the demons enjoyed their tasty human meat while the children cried over the corpses of their friends and ran for their lives broke me.

I would not forget to mention a certain character redeeming themselves at the end and how poignant and heartrending that scene had been. I firmly believe they deserved to accompany the children they so clearly loved.

A great series. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for zah.
434 reviews
August 23, 2020
when I first started this manga, I was super impressed at how the plot just becomes better and better the more I continue. Sadly, I caught up and ended up dropping the manga for almost 2 years up until I heard the news that the manga's finally finished! So I was like, heck, why not? Let's finish this!

And so I did.

The plot was so exciting until the end, though I was sooo upset that Isabella died :( it was just too sudden and didn't make up for any character development AT ALL, like, they could've had that heartfelt conversation when they escape, so why did the author just decided to discard Isabella's character growth like that, I wonder? But, at least they DID got their happiness back. Well, I was half expecting Emma and the others would find each other once again in a more dramatic setting, because that ending wasn't it for me, like there're just a lot of loose strings everywhere and the author just wanted to wrap things up real quick you know? Would've liked a longer time skip, maybe until they're adults and more chapters about their new lives, and more details on looking for Emma, and a more sophisticated way to make them reconcile once again?

I do like easter eggs that I found while reading the manga, like when Emma mentioned the upcoming hurdles, wars, shortcoming that humanity has faced throughout the years, the way that the author implemented REAL issues that happens in the same time sequence such as us, reader, like COVID-19, BLM Movement, riots, World War, and others, I just got so happy that the author did that.

final note : Ray and Phil, still best boys and best characters for me, even until the end.
Profile Image for Roya.
47 reviews
October 27, 2020
ای تمام کسانی که حداقل یک بار به من یا به دوستان‌ِ انیمه-بین و مانگاخون‌تون گفته‌ین: «چرا به جاش فلان کتاب حماسی و فاخر رو نمی‌خونی، شاهکاره» یا «چرا فلان فیلم هالیوودی رو نمی‌بینی که خیلی خفنه و وای امان از شخصیت‌پردازیش و وای امان از احساس‌برانگیزیش و فلان»؛ این مانگا پاسخ من به شماست. بخونید، با این بچه‌ها و اهداف‌شون آشنا بشید، تنها در بیست فصل فرق آرمان‌ها و مقدسات شرقی و غربی رو بفهمید و به ژاپنی‌جماعت ایمان بیارید.
Profile Image for Sara Bow.
241 reviews1,114 followers
May 30, 2023
Was für ein Ende 🥲 ich muss alles erstmal verarbeiten 🥴🥹❤️
Profile Image for Chloe Ritchie.
190 reviews19 followers
November 17, 2023
I do not know how to describe the emotion I felt whilst reading this last volume. The Promised Neverland is by far my favourite manga of all time. I love the characters, the art and detail within the series. I love Emma and her heart. I love Ray and his passion. I love Norman and his kindness. I love the way the series has shown them and their family's develop going from children, starting off and trying to survive in the demon world to teens who want to live and create a world which they can belong in. I love the themes within this book surrounding family and love. And the fact that no matter the hardships the children within the series always tended to strive for a better world where peace was the main aim.

For anyone who's thinking about starting the series or wanting to venture into a more dramatic action type of manga that also has key themes surrounding family and relationships then just read it. Read this series and you will not regret it.
Profile Image for Alex Richey.
519 reviews18 followers
November 29, 2020
I was absolutely sucked in to this series. An absolute treasure. I can't stop crying. My heart is soaring.
Profile Image for Lia Strange.
539 reviews242 followers
June 15, 2021
no se como sentirme, solo se que me dolió mucho que mi personaje fav quedara como un secundario mas
Profile Image for Michael Sorbello.
Author 1 book304 followers
May 24, 2021
This is a review of the entire series.

Note: As the very first chapter contains a rather huge twist in itself, it's damn near impossible to write a review without minor spoilers that reveal what that initial twist is. If you want to go in completely blind, don't read this!

Grace Field House is an orphanage closed off from the rest of the world by huge walls that serve as a barrier. What goes on outside is a complete mystery. No one knows what lies beyond the walls or how the world came to be the way it is. In spite of these seemingly grim circumstances, Emma, Ray, Norman and all their orphan friends live wonderfully happy lives under the guidance of the orphanage caretaker Isabella. Delicious meals every day. An incredible education that most people of the past could only dream of. Many games, toys, outdoor activities and other fun hobbies are provided so that no children ever feel lonely, bored or unloved. In spite of being a lone orphanage full of children with no homes or families, it seems to be the happiest place on earth where everyone is loved and taken care of.

The children are free to live as they please so long as they pass their exams and never venture beyond the walls. Depending on the circumstances, children are usually shipped out of the orphanage between the ages of 6-12 to be adopted by a loving family in another safe area. Or so that's what the children have always been led to believe. When Emma, Norman and Ray's friend Connie says her farewells when finding out that a family has chosen to adopt her, Emma discovers that Connie left her favorite stuffed rabbit behind by accident. That night, Emma plans to sneak out the gate with Norman to return it to her before she's gone from the orphanage. Upon breaking the rules of leaving the walls to give their friend a proper farewell, they discover the horrifying truth of their existence.

Connie hasn't been adopted by a loving family, she's been murdered, processed into food and shipped off as a meal for humanoid monsters that feed on the brains of children. Grace Field House is not an orphanage, it's a cattle farm where human children are raised as food so their brains can be harvested for consumption, the quality of the flavor being determined by the child's intelligence which is why they all receive such intense educations from the moment they're born. Worst of all, Isabella, the woman they loved as a mother is the one providing the monsters with dead kids. The dreadful truth traumatizes Emma and Norman, so the two conspire with Ray to hatch a plan so they can free themselves and their friends from experiencing the fate as Connie and all the children that were shipped out before her.

While this sounds like a huge spoiler, all of this happens in the very first chapter and the series is 181 chapters long, so it's actually a very small part of the overall narrative. Now that that's out of the way, It's time to delve into my feelings on the series!

It's been a while since I've had so many mixed feelings about a manga. Here's why. The first major arc of the story is some of the best writing in this medium I've scene in a long time. The cat and mouse games played between the children and their adult caretaker is pure genius and had me on the edge of my seat for five entire volumes in a row. The psychological horror, suspense and tactics utilized reminded me of some of my all time favorite series in the medium such as 20th Century Boys, the later half of Attack on Titan and the highest points of Death Note where Light and L were constantly setting up mind traps for each other. The fact that it's between a bunch of little orphan kids and a cold and calculating adult who’s even more clever than they are made the stakes all the more higher.

On top of this, not knowing much about the outside world or just what purpose the humanoid monsters serve in the grand scheme of things benefit the stakes of the narrative even more. It makes it feel like a hopeless struggle with no true way out. Even if the children succeed in outsmarting their cruel master and escaping their predestined deaths on the farm, what's waiting for them outside after they make a theoretical escape could potentially be even worse. I was thrilled throughout the entire first arc because of its masterfully intense execution with brilliant characters, intelligent dialogue and constant emotional distress which ended on a huge tearjerking finale. After the first arc, I really thought The Promised Neverland was going to go down as one of my favorite manga of all time next to Berserk, Monster, Goodnight PunPun and a few others, but everything that came after the first arc ended was... meh.

It's painful to say that, but that's just the way it is. After a complete masterpiece of a first arc, the rest of the story feels like it was written by a completely different author. The pacing and world building become a mess. The characters become dumb, shallow, one-dimensional versions of themselves. The genius strategies and mind games are replaced by baffling conveniences, deus ex machinas and things being solved way too simply for no real reason. None of the new villains are as compelling or emotionally complex as Isabella. I didn't find myself caring about any of the new conflicts because they always ended with very little risks, sacrifices and people getting out of situations they really shouldn't have other than because the plot demanded it.

I kept expecting things to pick up and get better because of how shockingly good the first arc was, but it remained consistently mediocre with very few strong moments scattered in between long periods of dullness. If volumes 1-5 were a 9/10, I would consider volumes 6-20 a 4/10 at most. It was never truly bad, but it was far from good. After finishing chapters 1-37 which is where the first story arc ends, I think it's best to just leave the rest up to your imagination. The first arc alone also serves as a great self-contained story that ties up most loose ends, so the rest just feels like a bonus anyways.
February 8, 2022
Дивовижна манга🥵
Не можу дочекатись, коли її видадуть українською. Раджу всім саме читати, а не дивитись аніме, бо в екранізації все максимально обрізали…
Profile Image for vir.
514 reviews69 followers
January 12, 2021

I'm not gonna lie, the ending was kind of predictable, but that doesn't make it a bad or boring ending.

the story was always telling us the same: emma wants to save her family, emma would never give up. and until the very end, that's what she did.

toward the story you can tell how she starts to comprehend the world more and more, she's not blind, she's not an idiot, she gets the danger and the risk about everything they're doing, but that doesn't stop her. honestly she's probably one of my favorite characters ever.

ray, the moon to emma's sun.
that's it, that's literally them.

ray was by far one of my favourite character developments. since the beginning he was doing everything so emma and norman could love, and it's not like he didn't care about the rest of the siblings, it killed him everytime he had to see one of them go away, knowing what actually happened and not be able to tell a soul about it. he was desperate, and then, when they managed to escape the farm, he promised emma he would never give up again. AND HE NEVER DID, HE NEVER DOUBTS EMMA AND HIMSELF AGAIN, HE FIGHTS NO MATTER WHAT. yes I love him.

norman, he was.. something. he was the balance between emma and ray, and he even was ready to sacrifice himself so those two would live. when he broke up and cried asking emma and ray for help–i broke too. him realizing he didn't had to carry everything on his own... I died on that panel.

I love for brotp3.

there are so many characters that were amazing.

YUUGO AND LUCAS–until the very end I had hope they didn't die but to see their relationship and reunion with their family was everything.

I totally thought more kids would die, but that was kind of the goal here wasn't? to keep them alive, to survive, to keep fighting. the story is about hope so, yeah.

that final chapter–those last pages.. there lies my soul.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Paz.
191 reviews17 followers
September 20, 2021
Believe me, no one is more disappointed than me in this rating on the ending of what once was one of my favourite manga series. But since the "climax" started, everything went awry. Something very common in Shonen Jump, I'm beginning to think...
But yeah, I'm still bitter about the lost potential of it all. But I'm happy that I got to read it, nevertheless. I loved the characters, and that didn't change <3
Profile Image for Andre Teixeira.
227 reviews2 followers
December 17, 2020
My heart, literally, hurts. I feel like I lost a part of my heart with this maga, but I am happy with it because the experience reading these books is indescribable. The characters, the plots, the world... everything is just to perfect. And THAT end is the worse and the best ending of all. I AM TOTALLY SPEECHLESS
Profile Image for Ana | The Phoenix Flight.
240 reviews171 followers
August 31, 2021
Acabou, não há mais :'(

Foi uma viagem e pêras e se tinha medo de como as pontas seriam todas apanhadas, bem...não era preciso. É um final que faz jus aos volumes anteriores!

Adeus, meninos, vou ter saudades vossas!
Profile Image for Thikrayat Al-aradi.
412 reviews39 followers
December 28, 2021
Guess who's crying in a public place? Yep it's me! I can't believe it ended.. I can't.. I don't know, lots of emotions...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,012 reviews

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