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How Did I Get Here?: Finding Your Way Back to God When Everything is Pulling You Away

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Do you feel lost? Disconnected? Like you’re just going through the motions?

When you don’t know the next step to take, God’s grace empowers you with a way forward. His hope offers an anchor for the soul and a way to get back on track. His faithfulness declares that wherever you are now, he is always ready to bring you home.

As a respected Bible teacher, author, and activist, Christine Caine knew that Jesus was her only anchor. But after an especially difficult season, she found herself drifting, unsure if she wanted to keep going the way she always had and asking, “How did I get here?” as she struggled to return to the steadiness of God’s purpose for her. Where she once wanted to take ground, she now just wanted to take cover. It was a bewildering and disorienting place to be—one you may also have found yourself in before.

With refreshing candor and relatable humor, Christine offers biblical insights helping you

identify nine signs you are drifting off course and realign with God’s purpose;
ask the right questions about your relationships with God, others, and your own heart so you can stay anchored in truth despite the world’s shifting currents;
move from a what-if faith to an even-if faith as you discover how to trust God more deeply; and
wrestle honestly with your soul’s longings so we can respond to all the ways God answers—even when it feels like he doesn’t.
Writing for all who feel empty of the spiritual passion they once knew, Christine vulnerably shares her journey of turning her eyes back to Jesus in her thoughts, prayers, actions, and the hard questions she asked along the way.

256 pages, Hardcover

First published June 8, 2021

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About the author

Christine Caine

114 books874 followers
Christine Caine is a speaker, author, and activist who has been serving the local church globally for over 30 years. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization, The A21 Campaign, which works at the local, domestic, and international level to end modern-day slavery. They also founded Equip & Empower, a ministry that is mobilizing people everywhere to live on mission for Jesus. Propel Women is an initiative of the ministry dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. The ministry has also planted three life-giving Zoe Churches in Europe that are not only bringing the Gospel to the region, but also serve the most vulnerable through humanitarian outreach during times of crisis.

Christine is the best-selling author of more than a dozen books and studies and you can tune into her weekly podcast or television program to be encouraged with the hope of Jesus wherever you are.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 264 reviews
Profile Image for Beth McCraw.
411 reviews157 followers
June 8, 2021
This book took a little bit..not because it wasn’t wonderful, but because I kept stopping to highlight passages. This book is so very needed right now in this world, and I am so thankful to have read it. I can’t recommend it enough if you ever have days where the stress and anxiety just get to be (almost) too much.
Profile Image for Oceana GottaReadEmAll.
797 reviews1,546 followers
October 10, 2021
This was encouragement that I knew I needed. Christine Caine spoke with such genuine kindness to the people reading who feel far from God and never meant to be.
She made it abundantly clear that Jesus sees us and loves us and already has a way for us.
I was extremely encouraged by this book. I loved it.
Profile Image for Nursebookie.
2,517 reviews377 followers
June 10, 2021
How Did I Get Here is a nonfiction inspirational book that address empowerment and issues of personal growth. Caine is a leading international speaker, author, and activist, known for her anti-human trafficking organization, The A21 Campaign and is a recipient of the Mother Theresa Memorial Award for her work combating human trafficking among refugees.

In this book, Caine writes about hope with wit, humor, and refreshing candor, she writes about finding purpose and refocusing on life’s long term goals despite our current state of struggle and the world’s shifting currents.

I found the book to be an excellent guide for introspection, self examination and reflection. Caine, a gifted story teller shares examples drawn from her own life experiences which allows readers to relate even more. Like an anchor, this book will help from drifting away.
Profile Image for Megan.
605 reviews8 followers
August 21, 2021
I think many of us have found the last year and a half trying times for our souls. Between lockdowns and Covid guidelines restricting the ways and means we could connect with our church families and dear friends, a turbulent political climate that has exposed some of our loved ones' worst sides and ugliest behaviors, and the currents of fear, uncertainty, and grief flowing through it all, I doubt I was the only one looking for a course correction to the spiritual drift I felt. Christine Caine's book How Did I Get Here? seemed like a timely answer, to the point that my mom, sister, and I all committed to reading it chapter by chapter and discussing it.

Those intentional hours together and the conversations they contained were precious, but they were virtually the only value gained from reading this book.

Caine has good intentions, I'm sure. But her book is first and foremost crippled by the fact that she hasn't experienced what she is writing about. She begins the first chapter with a personal narrative about her desire to "ring the bell" and opt out of the challenging life surrendered to God. Only, as it becomes abundantly clear throughout the book (and most openly crystalized in Chapter 9), what she is really reacting and responding to is ministry burnout. It's quite understandable for someone in several high-intensity ministries like Christine Caine to struggle with, but it's not the same thing as spiritual drift. You don't have to actually walk away from the faith to get to the point where you understand how someone could want to, how it could happen even to someone who seems spiritually grounded and mature, but it's clear that Caine hasn't experienced any level of this, and at times falls over herself to assure the reader that of course she's never actually drifted, that of course she's never doubted God, never had protracted pauses in her spiritual disciplines, never wrestled with bleak spiritual questions only to receive no answers and struggled to hand those questions back to God. Instead, we get self-assured passages like "I am thankful that even though it has never been easy, every time I have recognized a wound might be seeping, I have asked God for healing" (p. 56) or "...I can assure you...I have never been able to walk away...Even when I wanted to ring the bell as badly as I thought I wanted to, I could not." (p. 81)

I believe that Caine thinks she's positioning herself as an encouraging older sister - I did it, so can you! - but instead it reveals the lack of true vulnerability she displays throughout this book. Every chapter begins with a long, extended, drawn-out "personal narrative," some sort of story about Caine's husband, daughters, or family background. There's a lot of information handed over to the reader, but nearly all of the anecdotes put Caine in a good, or at least neutral light while painting someone else in a less flattering light, whether it's a friend, a friend of a friend, her Goldfish-loving daughters (seriously, that chapter was actually triggering to me as a person who struggles with an unhealthy relationship to food), or her wacky Greek family. There's simultaneously a desire to overshare (it's not uncommon for these stories to consume a full half of the chapter's length) and an unwillingness to let any real ugliness to be seen. Any personal struggles she does let slip through are scrubbed free of specifics and framed in nice, neat Sunday School language so they can be hung up on the wall as past victories.

The overemphasis on personal stories that rarely go anywhere constructive helps mask how little actual meat there is to each topic. The flow of each chapter goes roughly like this: a long, rambling story, most likely involving Caine's husband, children, or being Greek, or maybe more than one, followed by Caine awkwardly trying to turn something in that story into a metaphor or analogy. After 10 - 20 pages of that, we will get a shift into the "lesson" portion, where Caine will throw in some Scripture, attempt to analyze it, and then make a stab at application, usually by throwing in some shorter life example. This will all probably be under five pages. The most frustrating part is that while Caine does a serviceable job at correctly diagnosing spiritual problems (prayerlessness, control issues, spiritual wounding, etc.), she offers next to no practical solutions. Sometimes, the solution is self-evident enough - pray more, read the Bible more, etc. - and sometimes she adds enough Scripture that the power of God's Word is effective even when her own words aren't really adding anything. But most of the time, we are left with a sort of awkward exhortation to... not struggle with the thing we might be struggling with.

There are other things I could say, but I don't want to be petty. I choose to believe Caine wrote this book out of good intentions and a desire to encourage others to follow Christ better. That's admirable. But her lack to true to connection to her topic and her choice to perform vulnerability rather than be truly vulnerable strip this book of most of the transformative power it could have had.
Profile Image for Bethany Zimmerman .
60 reviews29 followers
April 25, 2021
I must confess that I’m a lover of all things Christine Caine! I love her straightforward and practical teaching style, her stories and vibrant dedication to justice and the church as a whole.
So when I saw this title on Netgalley I excitedly requested to receive it in exchange for an honest review.

This book was clearly written during 2020 during lockdowns, social distancing and stay at home orders. I think many books now coming out written during this time have a similar theme because many were challenged to see what they were really grounding themselves in and that theme is throughout this book. So many of us found ourselves asking the question of “How did I get here?” In this book Caine gently and firmly reminds believers how easy it really is to drift away from God and His purpose for you. With scripture, practical tips, stories both humorous and serious, Caine guides people to confront their passivity in areas of their walk with Christ, to be honest we ourselves and each other and leads the reader back to Christ Himself.

I deeply appreciated the chance to review this title and I would recommend it to many.
Profile Image for Christine.
23 reviews2 followers
May 24, 2021
I heard Christine speak at the IF Gathering and what she said had really moved something inside of me. I knew that when she announced her new book, that I really wanted to hear what God was putting on her heart to share. I was not disappointed. I have had a lot of uncertainties and questions in the last couple of months. The stories and the scripture she shared in this book helped me to reflect on how I've been living out my faith. This book provides a great opportunity for self reflection and checking in on your faith. Thank you for this excellent book, I felt as if I was hearing from a friend and mentor.
Profile Image for Megan.
267 reviews56 followers
February 13, 2022
I’m thankful for my friend who gave me this inspiring book. We have been encouraging one another in the faith through similarly hard seasons. This book is awesome because it’s for all Christians to use as a kind of litmus test to make sure one is staying anchored in Christ and not drifting. We may not even realize we’re drifting. “All one has to do to drift is to do nothing.” I love the chapter on “you know you’re drifting when you stop trusting and start controlling.” The author talks about trading in “what if” faith for “even if” faith. So good!
Profile Image for Aimee Kollmansberger.
37 reviews3 followers
June 23, 2021
I loved this book. The drift of believers that I follow on social media is real and disconcerting. Christine Caine speaks gracious truth, orienting us to Christ and the foundations of an anchored life. I felt like a big sister was giving me straight talk, and offering me the good path of prayer, endurance, righteousness, trust, community, healing, mission. If you feel a bit tossed and turned by the last year and the barrage of mixed-messaging by influencers, let this book make clearer the Way.
Profile Image for S. Wigget.
827 reviews40 followers
June 7, 2021
Since Goodreads recommended this book, I'm giving it one star as a "fuck you." Don't recommend Goddess-rejecting monotheist books to me if you want me to refrain from doing this, Goodreads. I didn't escape smug and self-righteous Goddess-rejecting monotheist hypocrites in the Midwest so Goodreads could continue their harrassment tradition.
Profile Image for Donna.
4,218 reviews121 followers
December 11, 2021
WOWZA. If you need a quick Christian pick-me-up, this is the book for you. I listened to the audio and I wasn't sure I'd like this one as it started. But I quickly fell in love with the message, the author, and the writing. It felt powerful. She has a way of getting her thoughts from her head to your heart....it's often repetitive but effective.

I also liked the little add-on at the end. So 5 stars for this one.
Profile Image for Nora St Laurent.
1,545 reviews97 followers
March 11, 2021
I was encouraged by this authors’ transparent approach in her writing style. The author shows readers that they are not the only one drifting, trying to get anchored again, she offers help in re-setting their markers after everything shifted in a big way in 2020. I like how this author addresses the fact that we all experienced something historic this past year and with its many challenges in make sense out of everyday life.

It is like we have come up for air and are trying to see clearly the way to go in order to get connected to our anchor Jesus, again. The author begins by sharing where she is at and how Navy SEALs go through horrific training and can ring a bell at any time to stop the process, and the pain. No questions asked. The author says that she has felt like ringing the bell in her personal life, saying Father I’ve had enough. It is in times like these He asks us to press into Him for our courage, strength, and wisdom. She says, “If Jesus could endure his entire race, then I know that we can, too, and not just because he became fully man and demonstrated it for us – but because we are filled with the Holy Spirit!. We are filled with the power to press on!”

I liked all the examples the author shows (through personal experience and other examples from the bible with scripture references) The author shows that it is all the little things we do that make us drift off course and lose sight of keeping the main thing the main thing.

This is the first book I have read by this author it will not be the last. This book is a keeper and one I look forward to reading again as I look up all the bible references and soak all of it in.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have received a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog www.bookfun.org
Profile Image for Jessica.
911 reviews104 followers
November 24, 2021
This book will help so many people. From the first page, I was hooked. Caine’s transparency is so relevant and relatable. And to hear it come from someone who is so high energy and highly anointed was a breath of fresh air.
I took so much away from this book, not to mention how many entertaining stories she gave of her own life. (I love hear about the Greek culture!!) The way she writes is just as engaging as the way she speaks.
My only caveat about the book is that the first 1-7 chapters were amazing but those last few chapters (8-10) just felt repetitive, there weren’t any real new points in them, in my opinion. I wish publishers didn’t force authors to hit a word/chapter limit so that we didn’t have to have those types of book endings.
Profile Image for T. Rosado.
1,809 reviews58 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
October 30, 2023

I had this on my shelf and was excited to read it. Christine Caine was an author whose books both my daughter and I have read and enjoyed. That's why I was terribly disappointed after learning that one of her previous books (Unashamed) had a significant amount of plagiarized material (https://julieroys.com/podcast/victim-...). Enough that the publisher monetarily settled with the victim out of court. While I can show some grace, I can no longer trust Caine's published content. Her books (including this one) have been pulled from my shelves and I won't be purchasing any others.
Profile Image for Tianna Marie Tchouban.
14 reviews2 followers
June 8, 2021
I was able to be given an advanced readers copy of this book. And honestly, it has been such a blessing in a hard season of my life.
This didn’t feel like most books. It felt like I was sitting down and having coffee with Christine Caine and we were chatting about life and all the ups and downs.

If you feeling stuck, tired, weary, or downtrodden. You need to read this book. It is full of wonderful words that were definitely needed for my own journey and is perfect for you as well.
1,571 reviews28 followers
July 18, 2022

Wow! I needed this book so much. And I think everyone does at some point in their Christian life. Sometimes life happens and we seem to go with the flow and we end up far away from what our lives should be. We have drifted away from our God without even realizing it. If you are like me and find yourself wandering, this book can help you put your like back in perspective.

Author Christine Caine does a fabulous job writing this book. And I like that she tells her own story and how she was in such a deep dark place in her life. And she choose to look at her own life and realize she had fallen from her relationship with God. Through her own experience, Caine pours her heart out with the raw experiences she has faced and then her journey back to following God. It’s wasn’t always a happy journey, but through obstacles she was hit with, and the fight that she was going to follow her God, she won the fight. Tis is one of the best books I have read in a good while when it comes to teaching and showing us how to really live our lives for our Lord. I know How Did I Get Here by Christine Caine will help everyone, wherever you are in life. I’m giving How Did I Get Here by Christine Caine Five Stars!

A special thanks to the author/publisher for a copy of this book. I am not required to write a positive review, the opinions here are mine alone. I am disclosing this with my review in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Profile Image for Kayla Higginbotham.
14 reviews5 followers
March 27, 2024
Not sure I can fully express my thoughts in a review. What I can say is in nearly 20 years of walking with Jesus I’m not sure I’ve read a book that has served as a reset and recalibration when it comes to my faith journey like this one.

The drift that the book of Hebrews warns us about and Caine writes about is R E A L and can be so difficult to spot, which is why I loved reading about her experiences, some of check engine lights she’s learned to pay attention to, and how we can press on past them. And…not *just* to press on past them, but refocusing our eyes on how it’ll be worth it in the end, no matter the sacrifice and cost, with ever-increasing joy and hope NOW.

Sometimes it takes other people’s giftings, such as writing, to give language to my own experiences and deep longings/aches/questions. This book did that for me and I’m hopeful it’s one piece of the puzzle to the resetting of the anchor in my heart.
Profile Image for Genevieve.
40 reviews1 follower
March 21, 2023
This book hit me right where I needed it to. A great exhortation to keep pressing into the Lord when you want to draw back.
Profile Image for Sharon.
777 reviews
May 8, 2021
As part of Christine Caine's launch team, I was given a digital copy of the book before it is released June 8th. It's the perfect book for the day and age we live in. Christine talks about how there were times recently when she felt like quitting and just giving up. She compared that to the time she threw the boat's anchor overboard but didn't wait to see if it caught and the boat drifted. Without Jesus as our anchor, we can begin drifting. Small compromises over a period of time. Neglect. "As Solomon wrote, it's the little foxes that undermine our relationship with God--the things we might not notice, that seem small, invisible, undetected."
"If we don't look up and check our markers, we will be taken places we never wanted to go--emotionally, physically, relationally, or spiritually."
The book is rich of full of truths and beautifully transparent as with all Christine's writings.
Here are a few more of my favorite quotes from the book.
"We can't control everything that happens to us or around us. We can't control the decisions others make that deeply affect us."
"If we neglect paying attention to our thoughts, then we will be hostage to untruth."
"It was obvious what had spread faster than any virus ever could was fear--and all that fear brings. Worry. Doubt. Anxiety. Panic. Dread. Even stockpiling. FEAR WANTED TO CONTROL ME."
"Imagine the difference we could make in people's lives if we actually realized that we are a love letter sent from God to them"
There are SO many other passages like these that will make you think, make you squirm, and sometimes make you either shout in praise or cry with repentance.
Put this book in the hand of everyone you can. Let's show the world how much God loves them.
Profile Image for Lisa Jacobson.
Author 19 books134 followers
June 13, 2021
Although I'm familiar with this author, I've never read anything by Christine Caine until this book. I found myself drawn in right from the introduction and read the entire book in one weekend. I appreciated - and related to - the book far more than I had anticipated I might, especially the first third of the book or so.

I'm sure this would be helpful to just about any Christian, but I'd particularly recommend it if you're in any kind of ministry (whether local or online). Christine addresses hardships and struggles that I don't often hear addressed, with an encouraging, biblical response.
11 reviews1 follower
May 1, 2021
The new book by author Christine Caine, How Did I Get Here, is a timely look at how we drift in our spiritual lives and relationship with God. Her insights on what causes us to drift touches at places we are all living in right now. She says you drift when, you stop trusting and start controlling, stop healing and start seeping, stop wondering and start wandering, stop praying and start talking, stop gathering and start insolating, stop hungering and start gorging, stop working and start watching, stop pressing and start coasting. The year 2020 set us adrift, no doubt about that and this book is a tool to help the reader, get to know there is an anchor that will hold their lives secure, no matter what the circumstances are around them. And not only be introduced to the anchor that holds, but also gives insights on how to check the links in the chain their anchor is attached to, and how to set that anchor firmly so you will not drift. This book is a user-friendly read, but packed with nourishing protein to build your spiritual bones. Everyone can relate to the author saying, we drift because our trust gets shaken but paying attention is the antidote to drifting. This book will guide the reader to what they need to pay attention to and how to pay attention to it.
I was given an advance copy by the publisher for a fair review.
181 reviews4 followers
May 28, 2021
I have appreciated Christine Caine's speaking and books immensely over the years. When I heard about this new book I jumped at the chance to read it. Not just because Christine was the author (although that would have been enough), but because the title and topic spoke so clearly to where I am. This has been a difficult season and sometimes in the midst of those moments its difficult to find your way free. "How Did I Get Here?" is full of the practical, deeply insightful, and encouraging teaching Christine is known for. Personal stories coupled with Biblical reflection make this a powerful reminder that our relationship with Jesus takes intentionality and focus, but even when we drift there is always grace enough to find our way back.

This book was profoundly impactful, I took a lot of notes and made many highlights. It is going back on the stack of books to be read again.
Profile Image for Casey Henry.
9 reviews
May 29, 2021
This book was simply amazing! Feeling like I’m not alone in the question I ask most frequently, felt empowering. As always Christine Caine came in and provided life changing instruction that is biblically based and easy to digest. Having a book that spoke of the current pandemic provided a place to feel heard, understood, loved, and directed. I cannot wait to get my hands on the hard copy of the book so I can re-read and highlight my way through it!

This is not a book for a quick read on a weekend. Not because it’s bad- but because it’s deep! You will find yourself having to stop and digest everything you have read, and how YOU can apply it to your life!

Thank you Christine for continuing to use your path as a way to spur each of us on to embrace the relationship with God that he so deeply desires from each of us!
Profile Image for Jackie.
31 reviews19 followers
May 30, 2021
I listen to Christine Caine's podcasts and I was excited to read an early digital copy of the book from NetGalley. Christine Caine uses the analogy of an anchor and how to be anchored in Christ. I think what stood out to me the most was how there are parts of the link that holds the anchor and we have to make sure the parts of the link are strong so our anchor doesn't drift away from Jesus. Sometimes, as Christians, we drift within our faith in Jesus. I could relate to this so much within my faith as I have drifted in some points in my life. It was encouraging how Christine Caine wrote how to be anchored in our faith but that we will drift within our faith and how to press on. When we surrender everything to Jesus, anchor ourselves in Him, we can better fight the currents and will be a brighter light to others.
May 25, 2021
Such a timely book! With everything going on in today's world, it can be overwhelming to the point of wanting to quit. It is important for us to stay firmly anchored in God if we are going to push through. Christine wrote this book at the perfect time, especially for me. Working in the corporate world while also working full-time with my husband in ministry is extremely overwhelming and I had found my self in a place of wanting to quit it all. I had let my anchor be pulled up. This book shed some light on what had happened that caused me to drift and helped me get my foundation and anchor resecured.

If you are feeling detached and like God is a million miles away, this book is for you. I promise you, if you take the time to read this book and apply it, you won't regret it!
Profile Image for Judy Mustian.
1 review
May 16, 2021
There are times in life when things might not seem right and we are lost and confused. Christine Caine shows us that these are periods of drifting. As Christians we need to be anchored in God, meaning that we constantly seek Him in prayer and in bible study. In "How Did I Get Here?", Christine shows us how easily things that occur in our lives can cause us to drift without knowing. Through scripture she helps to guide us to what can help us get where we need to be. Once again Christine has hit the mark in revealing God's word to us. This is a great read for Christians but I believe anyone can gather helpful points from what she has written.
Profile Image for Kristen Perry.
125 reviews8 followers
May 27, 2021
I was part of the book launch team for How Did I Get Here? by Christine Caine. This book is a great reminder that at some point in our walk with the Lord, we all lose sight of what should be our goal. If you have found yourself drifting, questions, not connecting with God as you used to or never have, I encourage you to give this book a read. I myself over the past year have felt myself slipping away and out of habitats, some to do with the pandemic and for other reasons I can't name. Thank you Christine for putting everything into perceptive and giving me tools to get back on track.
Profile Image for Testi_moni.
331 reviews29 followers
March 9, 2022
I found this quite helpful and encouraging. Through the pandemic I had trouble reconnecting with the church, it just felt too distant not seeing,experiencing fellowship. This book encouraged me to not let things drift but to be active and watchful. No matter how Many times you feel like giving up or ringing the Bell, He is right there. Have your ⚓️ in Him! Press on!💃🏼
Profile Image for Judy McCarver.
145 reviews1 follower
March 3, 2024
I always enjoy Christine Caine's books since they are filled with hope and biblical promises that are never shallow or rife with stipulations. "How Did I Get Here" explores the ways we "drift" off of our spiritual course. It is however, for anyone who has ever drifted from the path in their life which they know to be the right one-one that is healthy and points us to our Creator, not away from him. She explores how we will drift in 8 ways, "You know you have drifted when______". I especially appreciated "When you stop trusting, and start controlling; When you stop healing and start seeping; when you stop hungering and start gorging; and when you stop working and start watching." Trust is a difficult thing for many people who live in a society that is so plentiful with material goods of every kind. I am wary of my own propensity to trust in our jobs, income, politics; rules; my citizenship, than I am to trust in God. Sadly, this can affect how well we are able to trust other human beings as well.-particularly those close to us. And oh the walking wounded, those who stop healing- and instead pitch a tent in their hurt. Hopefully, this short and quick read will help you pinpoint how you have drifted off course or even how you can make minor course corrections to keep you headed the right way.
1 review
May 18, 2021
This book is important for several reasons. It reaches a wide variety of readers from any Christian background and talks about a topic that is not talked about a lot in Christian circles. This idea of the slow drift and the intentionality needed to stay rooted in Christ.
The author uses excellent imagery through story telling from her own life experiences to firmly root the concepts into your mind and heart. She also uses humor, which made this hard topic joyful to engage. If you have ever listened to the author speak or preach you will appreciate this book even more. You can hear her voice as if she is reading it to you with her zeal, passion and clarity.
Although I am not currently in a season of drifting from Christ and his purposes for me this book was perfect for giving clarity to past seasons of drifting and markers for potential future drifting to avoid unnecessarily.
If you are looking for a good read that brings joy, contemplation, reflection and renewed commitment to Jesus and his purposes for you - read this book. If you have forgotten what was always meant to firmly root you n this side of eternity- read this book. If you have lost your desire to engage with God and His people- read this book. If you are wondering why bother- read this book. If you want purpose back in serving God- read this book. If you have fallen into the flow of cultural Christians - doing all the things because you are suppose to- read this book.
I not only enjoyed reading this book, but I feel it helped ‘set the anchor’ as I grow in my relationship with God and the ministry he has called me into.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 264 reviews

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