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Gabe wants Alec between the sheets…too bad Alec’s undercover already…

Rich kid. Party boy. Gabe is tired of the labels. He’s a smart guy, but ever since he got kicked out of grad school, people are only interested in his no-limit credit card and his pierced ears…and other places.

Tall, dark and scowling Alec hates Vermont, with its artisanal-freaking-everything and its irritating people. To be fair, most people irritate Alec, including the FBI director who sent him here to investigate a smuggling scheme involving yoga mats.

When one of the cutest twinks Alec’s ever seen takes an interest, Alec knows there’s an ulterior motive. No one with multi-colored hair, piercings, and an ass like that would want boring, serious Alec. The kid must be up to no good. Either way, Alec can’t blow his cover. If only he could keep his hands off of Gabe long enough to find out what he’s up to…

Can they ignore their explosive chemistry long enough to foil a smuggling ring? Or will their budding relationship sink faster than a yacht full of contraband?

200 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 29, 2021

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About the author

Eliot Grayson

36 books1,188 followers
Eliot's a lifelong Southern California girl, right down to the flip-flops and backyard garden. When she's not writing her next book, you can find her reading, drinking tea, or (more likely) catering to the demands of her kids and ancient, cranky cat.

Steamy books with delicious tension, heart-wrenching pining, and a hefty dose of action and adventure have always been her jam as a reader. Guess what she writes?

You can catch up with her on Facebook in her reader group, Eliot Grayson's Escape from Reality, or sign up for her newsletter at eliotgrayson.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 351 reviews
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,745 reviews378 followers
March 2, 2021
My favourite one after Garrett's and a completely different tone of pace.

This one's funny as well as sweet, it has an undercover FBI agent doing his best not to fall for a potential suspect and failing miserably.

And it has Gabe, lovely Gabe, who is so much more than his lack of confidence and default way of falling into superficial 'little rich kid' persona.

The investigation/suspense element of the plot worked for me, even if it did all wrap up rather quickly, it made sense.

Alec and Gabe are a wonderful pairing too, once they get all the obstacles out of their path.

It's medium steam, when they get it on they're on fire, but it takes a reasonable build up to get there. Again, it felt realistic given the nature of Alec's undercover role.

So far I've had an excellent experience with every one of the V&V instalments.

#ARC kindly received from the publisher Hearts Eyes Press in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,441 reviews162 followers
May 14, 2021
Nothing made much sense. This is the least connected book to the rest of the series so far. I don't think I've read anything by this author before and if this is how they are writing, it's not for me.
Profile Image for Jess .
1,086 reviews150 followers
June 25, 2021
An FBI Agent trying not to fall for a potential suspect.
An eccentric rich boy trying not to get his heart broken.
And someone trying to smuggle drugs out of yoga mats.

This was my first Eliot Grayson novel, and I was pleasantly surprised after reading some not so stellar reviews. Gabe was the heart of this story. There is nothing I love more than a vulnerable man who just wants to be appreciated because he is finally starting to realize his worth. Then Alec, uh that man. He gave me some serious feelings, not all good. For sure I get what he was trying to do and the purpose of avoiding Gabe, but he was a bit too grumpy a bit too much. Eventually he won me over, so I am happy.

"Fuck, I was starting to get why Victorians got so damn excited over a glimpse of ankle. When holding hands was all you could get, it felt far more erotic than it had a right to."

The Vino & Veritas series is shaping up to be so cute!! Set in Sarina Bowen's True North world all these stories are filled with HEA's and two swoon worthy men. Seriously looking forward to book five.
Profile Image for Vanna (on-hiatus).
714 reviews85 followers
March 20, 2022
Time of Death: 29%.
I gave this a chance, but the inner monologues are just too much, by the time the MC's answer's the other MC's question.. there has been 3 pages of inner monologue already, so I'm having to go back to pick up where the conversation was left off.. 🙄🙄 This is just so awkward and cringey, that it's like getting dental work done..
Profile Image for Carmen Rae.
1,569 reviews184 followers
March 29, 2021
So, I'm kind of feeling a little out of my depth here. I don't normally read very much MM romance, but I had to read the Moo U books and then that lead to a few of the Busy Bean books. And then I had to read Rainn's book, so I checked out the other Vino and Veritas and this one grabbed me.

And despite it not being my normal go to read I was completely enthralled. Gabe was such a mess, yet he was so sweet and interesting I immediately wanted to adopt him. Alec was a complete grump and yet he was so sweet and understanding of Gabe and all his insecurities that I grew to love him.

The whole story kept me from putting my kindle down as I had to see how Alec was going to get himself out of the knots he had tied himself up in. Plus, there was the slightest bit of intrigue when I could tie my hormones away from thinking about how hot Alec and Gabe were.

I'm so glad I read this book. And now I absolutely have to go stalk this author and the other Vino and Veritas books. Toodles.
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,243 reviews1,306 followers
March 29, 2021

Alec + Gabe.
FBI Agent Alec is in Burlington to investigate a drug case.
Super-cute and colorful Gabe is in town because he doesn’t really know what to do with his life after having been kicked out of grad school. He’s a 26 year old jobless rich kid with a black credit card and nothing to do.
They first see each other in the book part of Vino and Veritas and are very attracted to each other. BUT … Alec thinks Gabe might be involved with the drug smugglers!




That was cute and adorable.

Not my favorite in this series though. I just don't like the whole undercover and lying scenario. And I didn't like their first official meeting in the park... So creepy and weird. I would've called the cops!
But the story ended up being pretty funny and adorable and sexy.
I really liked Gabe & Alex. Just the whole lying part through the whole book was too much for me.

But the cover is one of the prettiest in the series - I just love the color!

Can't wait to get more Vermont soon!

UNDERCOVER was a cute little mystery gay romance! I loved reading it! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Gabe & Alex - they'll be sold out in no time!

💜 💜

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Profile Image for Resch Reads.
1,152 reviews36 followers
April 13, 2021
I wanted to love this story, I even went in with an opened mind. But then I learned Gabe was a chemist, and my trepidation started creeping in and low and behold, my instincts were right. So here comes another rant. I apologize but I just want to read one book where the chemist isn't an idiot or thinking about molecules and atoms 24/7, we aren't like this in real life.

Your resident romance reading chemist is ready to tell you how NOT to portray the sciences in books. Over the course of the story we learn Gabe spilled coffee on an NMR, and NMR runs around $50,000-$150,000 with most universities have one that costs easily six-figures. You wouldn't even be allowed food or drink in the room, let alone why are you close enough to the instrument to 'spill'. Secondly, Gabe mentioned a lab mate using the lab microwave to heat up food. Frequently, if a chemistry lab has a microwave its used for bacteria, no one is going to heat up there actual food in there, it's disgusting. Finally, Gabe was kicked out of his chemistry Ph.D. program, essentially for being lazy and slacking off. Then he was able to appeal it, that would NEVER happen, like if you are lazy and slacking you usually get offered a Masters degree and the door.

Now back to the actual romance. I liked the quirky meet-cute/meet-awkward between Gabe and Alec. The story was filled with plenty of sexual tension but it really lacked in the connection department. I never felt anything but lust between these two. There were no deeper conversations or any emotional connect, which is hard to do when you are concealing your identity like Alec. But even on Gabe's end, where his character could have really grew and developed, the author seemed to keep everything superficial and light.

The ending felt so rushed, you spend the majority of the story wondering when Gabe and Alec are finally going to give into the slow-burn of sexual tension. When they finally give in, everything in the rest of the story happens quickly after. Like sex, drama, truth revealed, anger, forgiveness, HEA all happened within a matter of like two short chapters. It didn't flow at all and really pulled me out of the story that I was struggling to connect with an stay in to begin with.

I think the biggest issue I had with this story is it lacked any balance or character depth. Things moved so drastically slow that I was bored or we were moving so fast that I was suffering from whiplash. But most importantly, get beta readers that ARE CHEMISTS if you plan to write chemists. *sigh*
Profile Image for maggieandteddy.
1,151 reviews139 followers
April 9, 2021
4.25 Stars ! I'm really enjoying this m/m (standalone) series! A different author for each book.
I really enjoyed this new-to-me author's writing style. Very sly/dry humor. With a touch of irony.
Someone(s) are smuggling drugs inside yoga mats(!!) What?
Gabe is a resident of Burlington-from a very wealthy family. Gabe's family makes and sells high end boats. Gabe had been kicked out of his Chemistry PdD program. He's mortified and hides the fact that he didn't leave by his own choice. Gabe did too much partying and not enough studying.
The first 2 or 3 chapters are such a great set up to Gabe and Alec (the new guy in town).
I absolutely loved the "meet cute" that was way more than just one scene. Gabe has multi- colored hair, tight, tight jeans and Chuck Taylor shoes. Gabe adorably gets Alec's attention.
Alec and Gabe are so 180 degrees opposite. The eye of the beholder is such a true statement. Gabe is instantly attracted to tall, broad shouldered, mysterious and aloof Alec. Alec finds himself extremely attracted to Gabe's tight little body. Gabe does some goofy moves that makes Alec even more attracted.
I love the steady build up in this book. It was almost too long to wait. Alec seemed to be the one to hold back. (for reasons). Once the sparks got going, there was a big flaming fire.
There's some intrigue while the romance is going on. Who's the drug smuggler? Alec is conflicted about hit job vs his growing feelings for Gabe.
I would love to listen to the audio (hint hint). I also think that this would be a great Passion Flix movie or mini series. I would play up the humor. Alec is the hunk, but Gabe steals the show with his impish personality.
This can definitely be a standalone. I had fun. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Reflections of a Swede.
381 reviews26 followers
March 27, 2021
I’m actually surprised how much I liked this book! Two vastly different guys that start out their relationship based on lies but despite that manage to turn it into the real thing in the end. A very delightful read indeed!

So, Alec is an undercover FBI agent tasked with trying to crack a case involving drugs being smuggled into the US in yoga-mats (yes, totally ridiculous, right? But all the yoga-bashing in the book totally made up for it!). Gabe is a rich twink who’s adrift after being kicked out of grad school. And after Gabe inadvertently rouses Alec’s suspicions (among other things), Alec realizes that Gabe – although clearly not involved – might be his best shot at solving the case. Only what starts out as work very soon turns way personal.

This is a stand-alone romance where one of the MCs is an undercover agent. And, quite frankly, it’s difficult as heck to keep crime investigations to appear even remotely realistic when the end goal is the happily ever after. But Grayson did an excellent job of it by keeping actual descriptions of Alec’s job to a bare minimum. That might seem like an unorthodox way of doing it but it totally worked.

Gabe was an insta-like for me. So very lonely and insecure, there was no way not to feel immediately protective of him.
My Gabe:

Alec was a grump. But with the dual POV, Alec’s foot-in-mouth problem and Gabe’s attempts at flirting were, well, they were cringe-worthy, but with the inner monologues to explain it all it was also quite endearing. Highly uncomfortable but still endearing.

The story really hit its stride when Gabe brought Alec to the party at his family’s marina. I just sort of inhaled the book from there. And also, the hotness! It was crazily indecent. Which, naturally, was awesome.

And, this was the first book I’ve read where I found male lace panties (manties?!?) to be sexy. I mean, hot damn!

Here's a slow-mo of a wet, hot guy, because all the male lace underwear gifs I googled were too inappropriate fort this site:

So. Undercover is an easy, entertaining read with some super hot D-action. I think I could actually recommend it for those particular sections alone… It is fluff of course. But the very best kind. 4 easy stars.

* A free copy of this book was kindly provided by Heart Eyes Press *
Profile Image for ItaPixie.
1,153 reviews127 followers
March 29, 2021

Alec is an FBI agent who arrives in Burlington to investigate an international drug traffic.
He goes often to the Vino and Veritas bookstore to keep an eye on the streets without arousing suspicion, but here he is noted by Gabe an excentric scientific bookworm. So when Gabe gives him an unexpected gift, Alec thinks he has been compromised and that he has also found his drug dealer, but the resolution of the case can’t be so easy.
They start to going out together, and day after day Alec understands that Gabe isn’t the man he is looking for but he could be connected to him so he decides to keep lieing to him to get closer to the criminal.
Will Alec succeed to keep his job separate from his private life or will the lines blur?

I liked this story with the suspense and the mystery, even if it was a little slow on the love relationship side between the main characters, but it is justifiable for the undercover job of one and the probabile criminal activity of the other.

I liked the main characters, the seriousness of one and the colourful personality of the other make for an interesting relationship.
I've appreciated how Alec is not happy to lie to Gabe when he finds out that he is a good guy, and even he starts to have second thoughts but unfortunately he has a job to do. Alec also wants to make Gabe understand his real value and to make him regain his self confidence.

I recommend this book if you like a good mystery.

Copy kindly provided by the Publisher/Author.

Profile Image for Eesh.
1,199 reviews90 followers
March 29, 2021
This was a super fun entry in the series. I read it in one sitting, partly because it's pretty short and partly because it wastes no pages at all. The book is interesting from start to finish, and the story takes no breaks.

It follows Gabe and Alec. Gabe is a rich, former party-boy who got kicked out of his Ph.D. program because he got in with the wrong crowd and got distracted. And now he feels a bit aimless. He also has serious self-esteem issues. Alec, on the other hand, is a grumpy FBI agent who's currently working undercover. The two of them meet via Vino & Veritas, and there are lies involved. Like Alec's real identity and his suspicion that Gabe might be related to the case.

The book is equal parts the case and the romance. And I think both of those were executed and balanced well. I liked Gabe and Alec together. And I liked that, even though Alec didn't tell Gabe about being an FBI agent, there was never any doubt that his feels toward Gabe were genuine.

I also like that there was a real, justifiable reason for Alec to keep his job a secret. Because it would've gotten very frustrating otherwise. And, in a rare occurrence, I loved the conflict toward the end. I mean, I didn't love that there was a conflict, but I loved what and why it was. It made me respect Gabe more as a character.

I really enjoyed this book. It wasn't the most memorable of reads, but it was well-paced, well-written, had a good plot, a very cute ending, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Jessica Alcazar.
4,178 reviews583 followers
March 29, 2021
First of all … a smuggling scheme involving yoga mats I mean … #oneclick tag line if I’ve ever read one, amirite?!

I’ve read every book published in not only this series, but the World of True North itself (and even a few coming up to publish soon) and the one thing that is consistent within all of them is their diversity. There is a myriad of different storylines with all kinds of themes, and it is the most marvelous aspect to me because that’s life. There are all kinds of people doing all kinds of things leading all kinds of lives all around us in life so why should fictional worlds be any different.

Undercover is the story of an FBI agent and a guy floundering at life trying to get his footing. The story falls under the umbrella of romantic suspense because Alec, the FBI agent, is actually on a case in our lovely town of Burlington, which automatically makes the story more about the case than the romance. Yes, they’re happening at the same time, but it turns the romance into a slow-burn, or at least that’s the choice the author made. I didn’t want a slow-burn. I mean when I read FBI agent and cute twink, I expected a lot more sizzle than I got. However, it’s not my story to tell so *shrug* I will say that even though I wanted something different, I was pleased with what I got. It was well executed for a slow-burn romance and it was also well executed and unfolded for a story where one of the main characters is pretending for much of the story. That’s what happens when you write a character undercover. What are you gonna do? I do which the story had been a bit more thorough or fleshed out in a few places because the amount of time Alec was pretending didn’t seem very proportional to the amount of time he was not, which put me in a position of doubt when it comes to their forever. I know, I know, I just said it was well executed LOL and yes, it was, but it wasn’t perfect :) so 3.5 dead center but I have to do a whole number and cannot go to 4 so 3 it is STARS
Profile Image for Brit.
7 reviews27 followers
April 2, 2021
Gabe is a sweet colorful boy with poor self-esteem and the potential of a promising life. He finds himself in his hometown looking for something beyond one night stand and lonely days. Everything in his life going wrong, he does not study the subject he loves, not his relationship with his rich and annoying family or finding somebody who would care for him in general.
One day, Gabe spot a hot man in a bookstore, and after seeing that this man only looking at some specific books and never buying them, he decided to buy them as for a nice jester.
undercover detective Alec who is looking for a drug criminal getting the books and think that Gabe is a criminal that trying to send him a message and going along with it.
From there Alec tries to figure out if Gabe is really the criminal he is looking for or is it someone in his family while he -like the rest of us, fails to resist Gabe's charms.
The story is super sweet and charming, I am obsessed with Eliot characters - the sweet boy and the sexy grumpy giant. The story was funny and sexy (lace panties!) I did not saw the twists and it completely surprised me.
I had a bit of a hard time with how much Gabe was harsh with himself but overall, the story was funny and sweet.
Profile Image for Athira.
489 reviews31 followers
March 23, 2021
This was adorable and funny! Alec and Gabe are the embodiment of grumpy/sunshine trope and I love them so much.

This has an FBI agent falling for his suspect and I was waiting for the other shoe to drop thoroughout the book! 'Cause I always wonder when the other person is going to find out and about the aftermath. Thankfully it was was very well written and wrapped up quite nicely.

I enjoyed the suspense and mystery part and it was well balanced with the romance. This is written in dual POV and can be read as a standalone. There are minor connections with other books, like Rainn, the bartender from the previous book but it's not necessary to read in any order.

Overall I really enjoyed it and would totally recommend!

*ARC provided by the author via Heart Eyes Press in exchange for an honest and unbiased review

Profile Image for Amanda.
1,521 reviews76 followers
November 10, 2023
My first book in this new shared world, but definitely not my last! Eliot delivered as she always does with humor and snark, but also a great plot like and a wonderful romance. I really don’t think anyone does the grumpy one and the sunshine one quite like Grayson and I just adored the MCs this time around. The steam is slow to build, which absolutely makes sense with the storyline, but once it’s there it’s definitely fire. There’s a sense of “oh no, when’s it going to go wrong” but luckily Grayson saves the day and delivers a very satisfying HEA by the end.
Profile Image for Jane aka Coughy019.
519 reviews90 followers
August 21, 2024
Tropes: secret identity, undercover FBI agent
Feels: 1.5/5
Steam*: 3/5
Kinks: n/a
Angst: low
HEA: yes
Pairing: MM
Triggers/potential icks/content warnings: minor recreational drug use, attempted kidnapping, violence, third act break up

This book is about Alec and Gabe. Alec is 31 and he's an undercover FBI agent investigating drug trafficking via yoga mats. He's a grump. He's the king of resting b**** face. I love a grumpy character but this book didn't really work for me.

Gabe is 27 and he's a rich trust fund kid even though he's well into his twenties. He's never had to work. He's been a bit of a party boy, done some recreational drugs, hooked up with people he shouldn't have. He's a chemistry nerd and he has his Masters in chemistry and he was doing his PhD up until a year ago when he got kicked out of the PHD program because his boyfriend at the time was a bad influence and he wasn't taking school seriously. He wants to get back into the PHD program but he's kind of wasting his life right now.

They run into each other at a bookstore while Alec is killing time and Gabe spies on him a little because he has a crush on him. Gabe catches Alec's attention, and Alec thinks that he's a suspect for a while. So he starts spending time with him. And then he realizes that while Gabe is not a suspect himself he is connected to his family's business which is a suspected shipping distributor of the drugs that are being trafficked. So Alec keeps spending time with Gabe as part of the investigation. The relationship turns sexual even though Alec was trying to keep it professional, he didn't want to get involved while he was working on the case because he knew Gabe would feel betrayed by it. But he also can't resist Gabe. It comes out that Alec is investigating and that blows up their relationship.

I have to say this book did not hit for me. I've read 14 Eliott Grayson books during July and August. I've really been on a bender with this author and I've really enjoyed the books that I've been reading. But this one did not work for me. I feel like there wasn't a deep or genuine connection between Alec and Gabe because for the majority of the book neither of them are themselves when they're interacting. Alec is pretending because he's investigating. And Gabe is not being himself because he's trying not to scare Alec away. I also don't like that Alec is using Gabe. It's a horrible power dynamic.

On page 164, Alec's sister tells him that he's in love with Gabe. These guys have been dating superficially for about 2 weeks and almost everything between them is lies. I don't believe that Alec is in love with Gabe. They only had a little bit of time together and they were never really being their authentic selves. Alec was pretending and held himself back a lot of the time because he was secretly undercover. And Gabe was not really being himself because he was censoring himself and trying to be what he thought Alec wanted, which is what some people do in the early stages of a relationship, they're not acting like themselves. I'm not impressed with the relationship development. There wasn't enough genuine development where they were both themselves. They don't make a believable couple. The only time where you see them actually being themselves is once they get back together after the third act break up, but that's after the love confession and it's basically just them being a couple for a couple months in the epilogue. Too little too late!

Some notable moments:

"“Look, I’m sorry. I’m shit at this. Dates. Seriously, this is one of my better ones, believe it or not.” I sputtered into the malbec, narrowly avoiding getting some up my nose. “What? Are you—you can’t be—” I burst into laughter, putting the glass down so I didn’t spill it all over my lap. “Sorry,” I wheezed."

"“Get off me, you big lump.” “That’s Special Agent Lump to you,” he groused"

*FYI about steam: I rate steam based on a combination of quality & quantity. I note kink separate from steam because I don't want to underrate steamy reads that don't have much kink.

**Note about spoilers: I like to comment on the plot of a book in reviews, so I almost always mark my reviews as containing spoilers. But I try to avoid spoiling the big dramatic moments! As a reader, I personally like to know what I'm getting into before I read a book so I know more about the content and if it's to my taste/mood, so I try to give that information in my reviews for myself when I'm considering rereading and also for other readers.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Carol.
3,120 reviews122 followers
April 5, 2023
This was a really fun entry in the series. I read it in one sitting, partly because it’s fairly short and partly because it moved the story forward so well on every page. The book is interesting from start to finish, and you just have to see where the two guys are in their budding relationship that you want so badly to happen for them. It follows Gabe and Alec. Gabe is a rich, former party-boy who got kicked out of his Ph.D. program because he got in with the wrong crowd and got distracted. And now he feels a bit aimless. He also has serious self-esteem issues. Alec, on the other hand, is a grumpy FBI agent who’s currently working undercover. The two of them meet via Vino & Veritas, and there are lies involved. Like Alec’s real identity and his suspicion that Gabe might be related to the case. The book is equal parts the case and the romance. And I think both of those were executed and balanced well. I liked Gabe and Alec together. And I liked that, even though Alec didn’t tell Gabe about being an FBI agent, there was never any doubt that his feels toward Gabe were genuine. I also like that there was a real, justifiable reason for Alec to keep his job a secret, as it would’ve gotten very frustrating otherwise. I don't really like a lot of conflict in my romance books but the conflict toward the end was short and done very with everything soon being worked out, and the "what" and "why" making perfect sense. It made me respect Gabe more as a character. I really enjoyed this book. It wasn’t the most memorable of the series, but it was well-paced, well-written, had a good plot. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,121 reviews250 followers
August 12, 2021
A different take on peaceful Vermont, in this Vino and Veritas.
It's Gabe's family name that pings Alec's radar, so under false pretenses, he engages a strange friendship with Gabe.
Alec, 31, tall, dark brown hair, scruff, leather jacket

and hot, is an FBI man on a mission, spying to find evidence on drug deals going down at the docks.
Wealthy Gabe, 27, slim, purple/teal/pink hair,

pierced, lace undies, Has been carefree, with drugs and sex, but wants more in life now.

Gabe bought books for Alec, they talk, have a weird encounter, get phone numbers with plans to talk more. Their attraction is off-the-charts hotness, but Alec tries to remain professional.
Alec's clues lead to Gabe's family business, and their relationship is still awkward. At a business party, Alec wants to see the offices, and gets sexy with Gabe, going berserk over Gabe's lacy undies, and the sexy-frisky time in the offices is sizzling hot, but soon after, he gets the info he wants, and then.... all hell breaks loose.

The bad guy takes desperate measures and actions, and Alec must rescue Gabe and his brother.
In the aftermath, the lies catch up with Alec.
A good, exciting story. But, I couldn't connect with the guys, Gabe's past drug use, and they didn't feel like they belonged together.
Enjoy !

Profile Image for Grace.
3,035 reviews181 followers
April 2, 2021
I debated skipping this one because I had a feeling based on the summary it wouldn't be my jam, but since I've not read anything from this author and I've read the first 3 books in this series, I'd figure I'd give it a go. And, sure enough, it was a bit underwhelming. Some aspects were interesting, but the pacing was way off, as was the relationship development. The entire beginning of their relationship was just... bizarre and I didn't at all buy their connection, and then once they start sort of seeing each other things move way too quickly, as does the background case. There just wasn't enough development either romantically or in the plot for me to find this interesting or even remotely credible. I was also dead tired when I read it, so this might be on me, It's also the least connected to any of the other books in the series. Granted, the connection between the books has been pretty weak overall, but this one felt super off both in terms of connection and tone. Just not for me.
Profile Image for Kazza.
1,459 reviews166 followers
July 28, 2021
I haven't read the e-book but this audio narration was freaking amazing. A dual narration to boot, and they were perfect for the story, the writing, the characters. I usually don't gel with one of Grayson's MCs for a while, they have to work for my love, but both Alec and Gabe had me right from the start. *Sighs...Happy feelings

 photo Potential-OTDU-Banner-9-Smaller2_zpsf0878d67.png
426 reviews22 followers
May 12, 2021
Grumpy/Sunshine is one of my favorite tropes and this story was such a good take on it. Alec can't help but falling for Gabe despite his better judgment. And Gabe falls for Alec in return. Loved the chemistry between them.
I'm not a fan of an undercover plot since it always involves some sort of lying but it was better than I expected. Dual POV was a key to understanding and accepting Alec's choices. I ended up genuinely liking him. And the way he chose to show Gabe that he truly cares was real and sweet at the same time. Bonus epilogue affirmed the HEA.
Absolutely recommended
Profile Image for Madigan Likes to Read.
1,179 reviews96 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
February 11, 2023
DNF. There are few things worse in romance than a detective that can't, you know, detect things. In this case, MC#1 is an undercover FBI agent sent to expose drugs secretly being trafficked through yoga studios in rural Vermont? In order to do this he spends hours in a bookstore without buying anything?? And when MC#2 gifts him with books, he assumes it's a secret drug trafficking message??? So he has to sleep with MC#2 without blowing his already shaky cover so he can uncover, well, nothing???? Idk . . . I can already see where this is headed and I'm not interested. Pass.
Profile Image for Antisocial Recluse.
2,713 reviews
April 29, 2021

A little bit of an action sequence in a fairly interesting, not overly complex plot. Decent characterization for Alec & Gabe with a predictable but well written romance.
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,672 reviews85 followers
October 2, 2021
Gabe esta cansado de no tener amigos reales, que solo lo busquen para que pague las fiestas y tenga sexo con ellos, quiere algo real, a alguien real. Un dia en la libreria Vino & Veritas, ve a un hombre alto, fuerte, con chaqueta de cuero que le llama la atencion y se siente atraido por el y comienza a seguirlo sin que el otro se de cuenta. Hasta que logra atraer su atencion lo suficiente para invitarlo a salir y conocerlo mejor.
Alec es un policia encubierto buscando a un tranficante de drogras dentro del pueblo de Burlington, y no tiene ninguna pista de por donde empezar, un dia conoce a un joven en una libreria y se siente atraido por el, pero cual es su sorpresa al enterarse que ese joven puede ser la clave que lo ayude a aclarar su caso y encontrar los culpables.
Gabe y Alec cada uno intentara hacer entender al otro que lo que siente es real, aunque por detras ambos esten manteniendo ocultos los motivos que los llevaron a estar juntos la primera vez. La confianza se vera comprometida cuando se descubra todo el caso, podra su amor soportar ese descubrimiento?

El libro fue bastante meh, nada realmente interesante, los personajes bastantes planos, el caso a investigar soso, ni siquiera el tema de la torpeza de Gabe o las confesiones de Alec le dieron algo de sabor a la lectura.
En fin, no es un mal libro, pero a mi parecer, carece de muchas de las cosas que uno espera en una novela romantica de investigacion policial, y eso la hace una lectura bastante plana.
Tambien en la primera de la serie, donde los personajes no trabajan en V&V, sino que solo pasan algunos momentos ahi, por lo que muchos de los personajes de los libros anteriores apenas aparecen.
Otra cosa que me parecio fuera de lugar fue el nombre de Gabe, como uno de los prota, ya que Gabe es el nombre del hermano menor heterosexual de Rainn que era el prota del libro anterior. Por lo que cuando comence a leer este me senti fuera de contexto totalmente, como si este libro no pertenciera a la serie. Quizas si lo hubieran puesto mas hacia el final (libro 7 u 8) no me hubiera desconcertado tanto el uso de ese nombre, o no me hubiera importando.
En fin, es un libro para pasar el rato, nada emocionante, nada de intriga, el romance tradicional y los dialogos sencillos, nada remarcable.
Profile Image for Wendy.
177 reviews16 followers
January 30, 2022
3.25 nice idea stars

Just like I said, Undercover's pitch sounded really nice with its investigation story and an intriguing young man. But... it wasn't exactly what happened here.

The investigation part was well executed, even if the pace was a tad too slow. Step by step, we got closer to the revelation and Alec's dreading moment of telling Gabe the truth about himself. So, the storyline was good.

My problem lied more with the characters and my connection to them. Gabe wasn't my cup of tea. I understood his insecurities, but they became a bit overwhelming at some point and hindered the story's progress. The quick view of his abusive family - big jerks right there! - was enlightening, but I couldn't emotionally connect with him on this matter. Alec was socially inapt - not necessarily in a good way - but made efforts for Gabe. At first it was hard to say if it was more for the guy than the investigation, so I was parted here. However he was very supportive of Gabe once they got closer and I liked him for that. So, overall it was a nice romance, but it lacked THE spark.
Profile Image for GeishaX .
358 reviews37 followers
June 21, 2022
No. Just no. This story had holes like a swiss cheese. Actually a swiss cheese would look solid in comparison.

The characters were inconsistent and not fleshed out enough and there were sooo many things that just did not make sense. For example Alec has supposedly been investigating Middleton Marine for weeks since he was in Burlington and he is looking for a tall, dark-haired younger man, but he only asks for the file on the junior boss after he meets him at a party? I think I would make a better FBI agent than Alec. Someone hire me please.

Profile Image for Cassandra Martin.
805 reviews51 followers
March 29, 2021
This book was definitely more of a romantic suspense, and it was another way to show the range of all these authors writing in the True North World!

This one kept me on the edge of my seat! Alec was definitely the grumpy hero in this book. He was so smitten with Gabe, you could just feel his struggles with falling for him and doing his job.

“You are my whole life, Gabe,” I said haltingly, hoping against hope I could make him understand. “I’m not uprooting anything. I’d be coming home “
Displaying 1 - 30 of 351 reviews

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