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Claymore contra Claymore. Teresa, la guerrera más poderosa, se enfrenta sola contra el escuadrón de ejecución formado por sus antiguas compañeras. Los destinos de Teresa y de Claire penden de un hilo en esta lucha mortal. Además, la joven Priscilla, otra letal combatiente, verá su destino radicalmente transformado por esta batalla. ¿Llegará esta joven a liberar su yoki?

200 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2003

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About the author

Norihiro Yagi

128 books257 followers
Norihiro Yagi (八木教広 Yagi Norihiro) is a Japanese manga writer and artist from Okinawa Prefecture. He started making manga in 1990.

Norihiro Yagi is a successful manga artist, having won the 32nd Akatsuka Award for his very first work, Undeadman. Undeadman appeared in Monthly Shōnen Jump and has had two sequels. Yagi's first serialized manga was his comedy-genre Angel Densetsu, which appeared in Monthly Shōnen Jump from 1992 to 2000. His most recent work, Claymore, has been running in the magazine since 2001.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 142 reviews
Profile Image for Jen - The Tolkien Gal.
458 reviews4,606 followers
September 26, 2021
[Slight spoilers ahead for those still reading before this volume]

This was the volume that really sucked me into Claymore and left the mangaka tugging at my tongue as if leading me to the impending doom of reading this series instead of studying or working on my thesis.

The relationship between Teresa of the Faint Smile and Clare appears at surface value to appeal to a done-to-death trope - callous, unforgiving warrior meets vulnerable and orphaned child and slowly begins to bond with her when she could not bond with others.

This trope is turned on its head and given a concussion. The relationship that blooms between them is beautiful but ethereal. There is a strong emotional investment that you as the reader forms in a relationship that only covers a fraction of the story, but forms the foundation for so much of its appeal and subsequent conclusion (Note: I am writing this review after finishing the series so I have that hindsight).

Who would I recommend this series to?

• Fans of Seinen manga who need a break from harsher stories like Berserk and Homunculus.

• Anyone who enjoys dark high fantasy but doesn't necessarily read manga and is not quite comfortable yet with "anime-type" culture, jokes and references or feels that those things are distracting to the story.

• People who enjoys a female-studded cast that doesn't use pop feminism as its hook but instead looks at women through a natural lens using intersectional feminism.

Claymore teresa and clare. Read the manga. It is a lot better than the anime. - 9GAG

Side note: Teresa of the Faint Smile is the coolest name ever.
Profile Image for Zahra.
185 reviews60 followers
April 11, 2021
مانگا بالاخره داره جون میگیره
Profile Image for Shi2chi.
82 reviews3 followers
March 26, 2023
I just hate this organization and all their lies and their code and their laws and everything related to them (except for Teresa and Clare)
Good writing, good amount of information revealed, clare's character makes much more sense now
Profile Image for Ray Flores.
1,492 reviews243 followers
February 6, 2023
[ Re-read in 2023. ]

Four Claymores are chasing Teresa, but since she’s #1, she doesn’t even need to call for her yoma power, that is until Priscilla, the young and unexperienced #2, decides to go after her head by using more yoma power than she can handle.

In this volume we learn that the more yoma power they use, they’re more likely to become a monster, and so, they can never change back to being half-breeds. Despite knowing this, Priscilla decides to strike Teresa, and not even then, she can make her sweat.

Unfortunately, she deceives her and gets close to her, so with a swift move, she chops both of Teresa’s arms off, and then beheads her. The mix of emotions Priscilla’s feeling turn her into a whole new creature that is powerful enough to beat the remaining claymores down.

After Teresa’s death, Clare searches for the man in black robes that collects the money from missions, and she willingly joins the organization.

Now, back in the present, she gets called into a new mission: the organization sends a group of claymores to finish what they call a “voracious eater”. People commonly mistake them for older, wiser yoma, but the truth is that these creatures, these monsters are the result of failed Claymores that couldn’t shift back, just like Priscilla.

We also learn that Clare has the lowest rank, being the #47, but I have a theory that the reason of this is because she only had Teresa’s remaining parts inside her, instead of a full yoma, like the others.

Either way, the group faces a new challenge, because the voracious eater is not a female claymore, but a male one. His abilities are on a complete different level and he practically beats them all down as if they were flies.

How will they defeat him? I can’t wait to read the next volume to find out!

Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4
Profile Image for Hosein.
235 reviews103 followers
January 6, 2023
به نظرم توی این قسمت تازه قدرت داستان مشخص شد، توی چهار والیوم قبلی من کاملا حس می‌کنم کلایمور ورژن ملایم‌تر برزرکه، اما اینجا شخصیت‌پردازی‌ها بهتر شدن، حتی تغییر کردن تا خودشون رو از منطق داستانی برزرک جدا کنن. یکی از ایراد‌هایی که خیلی از مانگاها (مثلا اتک) داشتن، تکرار کردن اطلاعات به صورت خیلی مسخره بود، اما اینجا هر چیزی رو واقعا یکبار می‌گه و رد می‌شه.

تا والیوم پنج، مشکل اصلی من طراحی‌ها بوده. بخش‌های جنگ و درگیری خوبن، حتی ریتم سریع و جالبی دارن. اما شخصیت‌ها خیلی شبیه به هم دیگه‌س قیافه‌شون. یکسری جاها طراح کاراکتر که توی والیوم قبل بوده رو دوباره میاره و نهایتا یکم موها و لباسشو تغییر میده. حتی به طور کلی طراحی اونقدر قوی و تحسین‌برانگیز نیست، صرفا خوبه و برای روایت داستان کافیه.
Profile Image for Diana.
517 reviews36 followers
June 12, 2019
Te pasas, Teresa. Hasta yo lo vi venir 😂 aunque me gustó mucho más este tomo, siento que le falta más tragedia a la infancia de Clare.

Profile Image for Subham.
2,949 reviews83 followers
July 4, 2021
This was such a great and emotional volume!

Teresa continues to fight the 4 Claymores but then we see the difference in their power as she subdues them all but then Priscilla loses it all and gives into 100% of the Yona inside her and unleashes it all and what follows is an emotional and shocking moment with big consequences of the future and thus is born Clare. Her new mission to hunt down a Voracious eater/Awakened being with other Claymores named Helen, Deneve and Miria goes on but when they find him its gonna be shocking battle!

This was a great volume and just shows the world of the Claymores is different and deadly and not all that roses and sunshine and what they face is not only deadly but dangerous and this volume does a good job at showing new thing and giving expositions and I love the dark origin that Clare has and how she became a Claymore and the art just gets better especially the terrifying Yona monsters drawn here. Another ball out of the park by Yagi-sensei.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mandy.
1,394 reviews147 followers
December 23, 2015
Claymore is a manga about Yoma who pretend to be human in order to kill and eat the humans. The Claymore are the hybrid of the two stronger faster but still human with the ability to slay the Yoma which they do for a price. They travel from village to village slaying Yoma with nothing but the sword on their back using the Yoma abilities but slowly turning into a monster that they hunt. When the time comes a Claymore will send a black card to another claymore to be slain before the Yoma takes over and so they die as a human.

In the fifth installment Teresa has battled her fellow Claymore’s but left them alive with plans to leave the village with Clare. However that’s not going to happen because Priscilla who’s #2 can’t get over the fact that she broke the rules and uses her inner Yoma to attack Teresa. After a fierce battle Priscilla is successful in taking Teresa’s life but not at the cost of her own. Unable to control the Yoma inside she turns into an awakened which is like a super Yoma stronger and more powerful. Poor Clare has been left alone again but even though short her time with Teresa has changed her life forever. Now she’s a claymore on the hunt for a male Voracious Eater with her fellow claymores.

I like Clare she’s a sword carrying slayer who isn’t afraid to die charging in risking her life. She may not survive every encounter but that doesn’t stop her from doing what has to be done protecting the humans. While most Claymore’s wouldn’t allow Raki to tag along she accepts him and maybe it’s partly because they are kindred but he needs her and she him to keep her humanity. I find Clare to be an intriguing character and can’t wait to see more about her back story as well as what’s going to happen next. We are given a little back story on Clare which introduces us to Teresa a Claymore whose life was changed by Clare.

I’ve seen all of the episodes on Netflix a few years ago actually binge watched them over a long weekend. I love the concept for the Claymore the hybrids created using parts from the monsters that they have been created to fight. While I am familiar with the story it’s interesting to see it play out as I read it. The art is great it gives me just enough to create the story in my head as I read each detailed page. This is only my 2nd manga so I don’t have a lot to go on but so far I’m super exited to read the series. Claymore is a fast paced loaded with action series that is captivating right from the start hard to put down till the last page. Can’t wait to start the next one in the series they just keep getting better. I feel like a voracious Reader because I can’t get enough.
Profile Image for Wing Kee.
2,091 reviews32 followers
June 20, 2019
Expected gut wrench.

World: The art is superb with the amazing action and kinetic art. The world building is also solid with little more info on the organizations and the nature of Yoma.

Story: The end of the Teresa arc was an Expected gut wrench but it still was sad to read but it was also well done. The next story is also strong as we come back to the present to see Clare and Raki and their further adventures. The action is brisk and the dialog little but the art does pack an emotional punch.

Characters: Depth for Clare is good and context. I also liked how Teresa was handled giving a nice emotional punch for readers. New pieces were well don't and tied to world building which I enjoyed.

Gut punch.

Onward to the next book!
6,632 reviews74 followers
January 27, 2019
Perfect Saturday night read!! Awesome and action packed!
Profile Image for Tania.
839 reviews8 followers
February 6, 2023
Me quedé así 👁👄👁 cuando vi lo que pasó entre Teresa y Priscilla. No me lo esperaba, la vdd. Buenísima trama, pero a qué precio.

Este manga me ha sorprendido gratamente y estoy siempre emocionada por saber qué va a pasar.

Además, acá dieron mucha información, como la existencia de los awakened y quiénes son en realidad. También el hecho de que al parecer Clare es la Claymore más débil (cosa que yo no creo, eh, pero bueno).
Profile Image for Cassia Watakabe.
97 reviews1 follower
October 6, 2018
Claire is not exactly the best fighter among the Claymore ... she was not born strong either but she will become strong and that takes time ... And this organization has its principles dubious...
Profile Image for C. Varn.
Author 3 books341 followers
March 10, 2017
The end of the Theresa arc and the beginning of the hints that both the mythology and the corporation are more mysterious than has been let on. The addition of "awakened beings" gives so real diversity to the monsters as Yoma were much more one note. The art remains clear and clean lined, although sometimes the characters are only differentiated by small details and can be a little confusing in battle scenes although the character design is consistent. The integration of the flashback with the main storyline begins in earnest here.
Profile Image for Greg.
693 reviews38 followers
August 5, 2022
4.5/5 Another solid quick volume. We finish up the last arc involving Clare's past. We also learn what Awakened Being's AKA Voracious Eaters actually are. Claymore's that surpass their limits and don't black card or kill themselves in time. We learn this in quite a brutal way. This also leads us to how Clare became a Claymore.

We then return the normal timeline where we learn that Clare is actually the weakest of the Claymores at rank #47. Clare then joins up with a team to take on an Awakened Being and a male one at that.

Teresa on the cover of Volume 5.

Read 8/5/2022
Profile Image for Jane.
340 reviews51 followers
August 7, 2019
Clare’s past is really interesting! And I wonder how will she turn out in the future??? I definitely can’t wait to find out!
Profile Image for Riddhish Bhalodia.
318 reviews1 follower
June 5, 2022
This one is pretty great! We are starting to see some real building of the world and getting little pieces of information about it.
Profile Image for MajesticalLion.
644 reviews61 followers
August 24, 2022
This volume brought some big revelations with it. It gave a good idea of who the main antagonist will be, and it solidified that Clare is... The weakest Claymore?? THAT'S a plot twist, for sure. 😂
Profile Image for MC.
614 reviews67 followers
October 31, 2019
Volume Five of Claymore delves even deeper into the mythology of the manga series than the last volume I reviewed, the third one. Now, we are closer to exploring who some of the heavy hitters among the villains are, and what is more, this is connected to the back-story of the main character Claire.

It seems that when the half-human/half-Yoma hybrids that Claymores are take on most of the supernatural Yoma powers within themselves, they turn entirely into a hybrid that is even more powerful than either a Claymore or a Yoma. This process is called "awakening" and the person fully emerges as a sort of new species. These creatures are incredibly powerful and even several high-ranked Claymores don't stand a chance against them.

We also find out that most of the early members of these Awakened beings are males. Early on, most of the Claymores were male, as opposed to the current entirely female membership of the warrior group. This is supposedly because Awakening is extremely pleasurable and males gave into it more likely. I don't remember if it is explicitly said so, but it seems strongly implied the "pleasure" involved is sexual in nature.

I don't really have much of an issue here with this story other than that the transition to the origin story a few volumes ago, and back to the main plot now, seemed kind of disjointed. It could have been done more smoothly and fluidly, methinks.

The art was quite good as far as manga art goes. It wasn't the most beautiful I've seen, but it did have it was pleasing to look at. Norihiro Yagi did a very good job on the visuals.

A solid addition to the series. I'm looking forward to more in the future.
Profile Image for Dorin Lazăr.
495 reviews101 followers
December 3, 2022
The creation of Priscilla, the main antagonist of the series, is really an emotional point. Teresa is beaten through trickery, not fair fight.

The series go back to the present day, where Clare has to join three other Claymores to slay a „voracious eater” which is really an awakened being. It's the moment when the organization turns slightly creepy, but that's only for a few moments - their inside fight for hierarchy pales when they end up facing a more difficult monster to slay. And the group is at a disadvantage.

The series still keeps a good pace, and the reading of the volume flies by you. It's pure entertainment, with an occasional informational dump where the writers look like they try to rewrite some ideas from the past (they re-rank the mummy in the cathedral as not being a voracious eater so that the voracious eater could be an awakened being). But the rewrite is subtle, and it works quite well.
Profile Image for Daken Howlett.
489 reviews15 followers
February 6, 2017
Si conclude la storia di Teresa e inizia la nuova saga di Claire, che questa volta si ritroverà a dover affrontare uno dei segreti meglio custoditi e più letali dell'organizzazione...
Il volume 5 è un passaggio straordinario nell'ottica dell'evoluzione della serie, non solo offre la storia completa di come Claire sia entrata nell'ordine Claymore e perché, ma ci offre due notevoli colpi di scena che arricchiscono notevolmente il mondo in cui è ambientata la storia e offrono risposte a due quesiti rimasti sospesa dal primo volume, senza contare che rifinisce e muta completamente la natura e il ruolo della nostra protagonista semplicemente mettendola per la prima volta a confronto con altre claymore, e non semplici umani o yoma, ed il risultato è assolutamente sorprendente.
Profile Image for Sara.
1,884 reviews14 followers
April 19, 2013
So, we see how the dynamic between Clare and Teresa started a chain of events- which leads to Clare's birth.

Now, jump forward to current events, and Clare is part of a group hunting an 'Awakened Being,' or a Claymore that has turned into a monster. We end with another cliffhanger and our monster has pretty much taken out much of our group.

Gosh, I love these badass warrior women!!
11 reviews12 followers
June 18, 2016
I love the story so far, it's action packed, but the faces all look the same, and it's getting hard to differentiate between different characters, also all those information dumping in the middle of a fight didn't make sense...
Profile Image for Max.
1,293 reviews9 followers
November 24, 2022
This volume wraps up the flashback and then launches the story into a new adventure for Clare. The flashback is definitely the strong part in my opinion. It’s much more focused on the combat and action, but it manages to do some new interesting things. We’re finally shown what happens when a Claymore loses control of her powers, as Priscilla is driven mad by her defeat at Teresa’s hands and turns into some sort of horrible monster beyond a Claymore or a Yoma. Clare is at ground zero of the transformation and survives only because as a human she’s so far beneath the ascended Priscilla’s notice that she’s not worth bothering with. The story finally explains how Clare came to be a Claymore, with the fascinating note that she actively sought out the transformation and the organization. I’m a little sad that all the non-Clare characters who were developed won’t be showing up again, but I hope that this flashback will resonate through the rest of the story, and I can’t help wondering how things would feel if it had started the series.

The second half of the volume starts a new storyline, now in the present. Now that we know that Claymores who give into their Yoma energy become ascended monsters, it’s time for Clare to fight one. I will give the author points for going all out with the designs for the ascended, as the two in this volume are pretty unique and nicely different from the Yoma, who were starting to get a little boring. In general it feels like this story is designed to up the stakes now that Clare has been shown taking out Yoma so easily. In addition to revealing the ascended, it turns out Clare is actually the lowest ranked Claymore, though frankly the higher ranked ones here don’t make the best showing so far. There’s also some more details on why men aren’t turned into Claymores, and in general it feels like this volume is heavy on building the lore.

I’m a little torn on revealing Clare as the weakest Claymore, but it does at least give her character more of a hook. On the other hand, the problem of samey character designs for the Claymores persists and continues to make the fights more difficult to follow than they should be. It’s funny - it was the fight scenes that drew me in so much in the first volume, and now my reviews seem to be fluctuating some based on how much non-fight stuff there is, as I discover how well the author can do character moments as seen in the third volume and feel that that’s where I really like this series the most.
Profile Image for Lynn.
1,601 reviews42 followers
November 20, 2017
Today's post is on Claymore volume 5: The Slashers by Norihiro Yagi. It is the fifth in the long running Claymore series, you need to have read the four volumes to understand the story. It is 195 pages long and is published by Shonen Jump Advanced. The cover has Teresa in an action scene from the volume. The intended reader is someone who likes dark plots, high action, and strong female characters. There is mild foul language, no sexuality, and lots of violence in this book. The story is told from third person close of the main character. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- The Claymore warrior Teresa has broken the cardinal rule that forbids her kind from killing humans. In time, a group of Claymores comes to killer her, and yet Teresa defeats them all with her superior skill and experience. but rather than slay the powerful ringleader, Teresa decides to spare her instead- an act of human weakness that will have devastating consequences for them all.

Review- We see the end of Tesera and the beginning of Clare in this volume, and we get a lot of plot in this action-packed volume. The leader of the Slayers is Priscilla and losing to Teresa pushes her past her breaking point. She becomes a monster called an Awakened Being. More powerful than a Yoma and with all the power of a Claymore. Teresa and other Claymore never stood a chance against her. But Clare takes Teresa's head and becomes the first Claymore to want to become one. The volume ends with Clare and three other more powerful Claymores being sent to fight an Awakened Being. We learn that because men have a harder time ignoring the desire to Awaken they were stopped from becoming Claymores, now only women. The volume ends with them all in a bad state so I cannot wait to read what will happen next.

I give this volume a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.
Profile Image for Matthew.
486 reviews4 followers
April 1, 2023
The battle between Theresa and the 4 claymores ends in shocking fashion when Theresa, fully in command for the entire time up to that point, is suddenly decapitated by an “awakened” Priscilla. (Awakened beings are super powerful unique monsters that result from a claymore losing control of her abilities.)

In a way, this had to happen. Because it’s Clare’s story, not Theresa’s, and as long as Theresa was around, Clare could rely on her for protection, and so had no reason to struggle and grow. Without Theresa, she is forced to become stronger and stand on her own. This is why “death of the mentor” is a recurring trope in literature.

Theresa’s death also gives Clare a long term goal, though she never states it explicitly (unlike Emma from Promised Neverland, who is wont to recite her goals multiple times per chapter). Clare wants revenge against Priscilla, who is now the most powerful awakened being in existence. A suitably lofty aim that will perhaps necessitate eliminating the yoma threat altogether.

After the death of Theresa, Clare asks to join the Claymores, hoping to carry on Theresa’s legacy, and that concludes the long flashback.

Back in the present, Clare has a new mission to eliminate an awakened being. We meet 3 more claymores — miria, deneve, and Helen — who are jerks to clare and we find out that clare is ranked 47, the lowest of all the claymores. Though there are hints that she has a vast hidden power, inherited from Theresa.

The awakened being turns out to be a male, and we learn why all claymores are female — males cannot control the power and invariably become awakened.

This volume is almost all battling and is a little repetitive. However, there were actually quite a few significant revelations.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 142 reviews

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