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There’s something really strange about the maid I just hired! No normal person could be so beautiful, or cook such amazingly delicious food, or know exactly what I want before I even ask. She must be using magic—right, a spell is the only thing that can explain why my chest feels so tight whenever I look at her. I swear, I’m going to get to the bottom of what makes this maid so...mysterious!

130 pages, Paperback

First published April 22, 2020

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Wakame Konbu

42 books10 followers

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Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews
Profile Image for Tim.
477 reviews782 followers
August 15, 2021
Wow… that maid sure is mysterious. Repeat. Every. Page. That's the manga.

No, there's a bit more. The young lead says something, the maid interprets it in a way that makes her blush. "Comedy" apparently ensues. She goes back to being mysterious and the reader is left uncomfortable and wishing child services would show up and save the day. Now repeat, over and over and over and over.

The only, literally only thing this manga has going for it is the decision to have the maid's eyes colored in every frame she's in. Given that manga are typically black and white images, this adds something a bit unique which made me curious. Well, bravo whoever made that decision because that's the only aspect that is notable and gave your otherwise god awful book something for people to be curious about.

1 not so mysterious star out of 5.
Profile Image for Scout Steinmiller.
231 reviews9 followers
August 10, 2021
The art really carried if I'm being honest. The story wasn't that great, and every chapter they mentioned that she was mysterious. But the art was so beautiful that I had to take a picture with my phone on almost every page. I will be getting the next one.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,300 reviews199 followers
July 15, 2021
The young master has hired a new maid and boy is she mysterious. So bloody mysterious she is. Can any one book handle how much mystery that this story contains? That’s sure a lot of mystery. Did I mention the mystery part? Sorry, I just needed you to realize how mysterious everything is, what with the mystery and all.

This book belongs to a genre of manga that I am not a huge fan of, which I will generously entitle ‘Where Exactly Are Child Services?’. This is clearly set in modern times, despite appearances that it could be a Victorian melodrama. It seems wrong to point out only this one contrivance, but there we go.

Problems abound with this book from the jump, one that seemingly means well, but keep in mind that somebody thought the Hindenburg was a good idea too and that didn’t go so hot either.

Let’s start with the obvious one - this book is in the same boring-ass boat that Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie is in, based on the one volume of that book that I could handle. The same thing happens in every single story there and here too.

Young master says the maid is mysterious, he interprets something wrong, she toys with him, he ends up saying something incredibly heartfelt and romantic, she blushes. Literally every chapter is a variant on this idea. It’s not enough to do anything with, but apparently that’s not stopping this mangaka!

The other problem is that I just used heartfelt and romantic in the context of a maid working as hired help and a, hmm, ten year old boy? It’s a very cute story if you can ignore the massive age gap - and make no mistake, there has to be one given then maid’s, uh, huge tracts of land - but in no way, shape, or form am I suggesting you ignore something that, well, wrong.

I give this the barest pass because it doesn’t amount to anything more than some blushing and over-stimulated banter. Still, this is woefully inappropriate and it’s pretty much the point at which I realized this wasn’t going to work for me, then I waited for the book to mysteriously end. It just feels so utterly pointless.

2 stars because it doesn’t go fully awful, just real close. But then it isn’t even interesting enough to justify its being so wrongheaded to start with. It doesn’t feel like this book’s making an attempt at being anything, which ultimately puts it in the big old ‘nope’ pile for me.
Profile Image for Claire.
267 reviews15 followers
July 12, 2022
A young wealthy boy that has apparently been abandoned at home by his parents (??) hires a live-in maid to take care of him & the family estate. Said maid is super hot and wears clothes that are "more revealing than what maids normally wear"

If the boy that hired her wasn't literally a CHILD I would have thought this manga was cute, but it hit creepy territory very quickly...and stayed there.

The repetitiveness??? I'm gonna need a very long break from the word mysterious that's for sure. The same lines are recycled over, and over, and over again, and this isn't even a long manga?

The art is very pretty which is why I'm giving this 2 stars instead of 1, but there's just no redeeming qualities to the ultra creepy plot.
Profile Image for Renee.
154 reviews
October 3, 2021
Maybe it's a cultural difference, but it seemed inappropriate, (SPOILER) especially when she asked if he wanted her to pet him like she was petting the stray cat.

The book read very fast, partly because of the redundancy.
July 3, 2024
Young master Yuuri has just hired a new maid but some things aren’t adding up about her… She’s just too mysterious, and Yuuri is bound to get to the bottom of it— whatever it takes!

This is a really cute manga taken from a simple concept. The mangaka executes the elements flawlessly and it feels perfect for either online or serialized magazine consumption. Some reviews claim that the art carries the story and while that’s true, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. As a matter of fact, I think that’s mostly the point.
I appreciate how the mangaka tantalizes the reader with a bit of mystery as well so that Yuuri is not the only who pulled in by Lilith’s strangeness.

If you’re looking for a particularly deep and cohesive story, you’re looking in the wrong place. However, if you’re looking for bite-sized fun and an easy to follow story with a hint of intrigue and mystery, then this will be suited to you.
8 reviews
July 31, 2021
I guess this is what I get for buying sight unseen only for hot maid but this is worse than bad, it’s just boring. You’re basically just reading the same unfunny jokes repackaged over and over again for 13 chapters then it ends.
Profile Image for Pip.
135 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2022
Pretty cute manga about a young boy who lost his parents and a maid who looks after him.

The beginning was a bit rough, as the running shtick of the manga is that the maid will make a remark to tease the young master, but the young master is both innocent and straightforward, so he amplifies her teases and throws them right back at the maid making her blush. This got especially irksome when every chapter in the beginning opened with practically the same skit each time. However, the manga does open up more in the latter half as the character dynamics change.

The small plot revolves around discovering the maid's identity and her relation to the master, but let's be honest, the only reason I'll keep reading is because the maid looks a lot like Jahy from Wakame's other manga. She has a lot of the same expressions and faces, which is enough to keep me going page after page.
781 reviews4 followers
August 21, 2021
OMG this is adorable!!!

Young Master Yuuri, all alone after the death of his parents (at least, that's what we are led to believe about halfway through the volume), agrees to give a nice young gal (My God, she had purple eyes! PURPLE EYES!) Room and board in exchange for her services as his maid. We eventually learn that her name is Lilith. Ima tell you what, she is smoking hot! Well, she jokes around with the young master, after all he's only a boy, so while he has strong feelings towards her, it's more like she's his cool big sister, rather than anything romantic. However, he finds her a bit suspicious, so he's always watching her do her duties. She often catches him and gives him a coy smile. One funny thing is he keeps having "AHA!" moments where he thinks he's discovered her ruse (if she actually has one), and says things that, if he were a few years older, it would be obvious he was smitten with her (who can blame him? She a straight up hottie), however, since he's like 11, he doesn't realize the things he says to her make her beet red and make steam pour out her ears lol. At one point he literally orders her to stay with him until he grows up, so he can figure out exactly why she puts butterflies in his stomach. Both of these two are so precocious and innocent. It's such a sweet, loving story. I hope it continues on this path!
871 reviews2 followers
July 5, 2021
'The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious' is very one-note; kid is enchanted by mysterious maid, suspects she's up to something, turns out she's just got a crush on him but is flustered by any of his attention. No plot, no character development, just the same half-flirting extended across the entire volume. If your thing is maids who have a thing for young boys, this could be fun, but there's nothing else really to recommend here. (Although I do like the one touch where they've added a purple tint to her eyes and the occasional bit of flair, in an otherwise black-and-white manga; it's a really striking effect.)
Profile Image for Noah Ward.
10 reviews
November 9, 2022
An okay slice-of-life with some romance elements and rather repetitive comedy being based on misunderstandings and teasing. The chapters are short and follow a similar structure of the male lead Yuuri suspecting the maid Lilith is up to something, which leads to her teasing him because he misinterpreted the situation, but then becoming embarrassed because of Yuuri’s straightforwardness and him frequently saying something romantic. Also worth noting the age gap between the leads, with the onee-san and shota dynamic. Ultimately, nothing remarkable, but it is a cute slice-of-life with great art from Wakame Konbu.
Profile Image for Sheepy .
2,125 reviews12 followers
September 19, 2022
When I brought this volume it wasn't the premise that got my attention it was the cover! The Maid looked so well drawn I had to have a flick through, then to see each drawing of her had her eyes coloured in such a fantastic shade of purple I knew at that moment I was getting it and any future volumes!

As repetitive as the series is so far and this is only the first volume, I still enjoyed the pure wholesome moments within and and curious if the series will continue along its current path or actually add something a little more? Only time will tell!
Profile Image for Laurel.
34 reviews2 followers
September 17, 2021
Enjoyable for any shota-cons out there! This manga is essentially about a maid serving her young master. She excels so well at everything that he feels she's a suspicious figure who is casting spells to allure him. Thus blossoms this wholesome and cute story between the two of them. Their dynamic is adorable and while slightly repetitive, I enjoyed the interactions between the two.

The characters are beautifully drawn out and enjoyable to look at. I will DEFINITELY be purchasing vol 2
Profile Image for Erica.
9 reviews
November 3, 2022
I gave this 4 stars, and Vol.2 and 3 got 5 stars. It’s a rocky start. There is a repetition to the beginning of each chapter, but I think that’s because it was originally a web- and then magazine-comic…sort of like recaps for tv shows. By the 3rd volume that starts to lessen, and the characters become a bit more endearing. Also secondary characters will be introduced as well as mildly deeper plot. If you even half like the first one, I think you’ll be happy with the next volumes.
Profile Image for William Dwyer.
3 reviews
January 29, 2022
Fun and wholesome

It's a fun and wholesome romp. If there was a critique, I would say the constant running gag of teasing the Young Master and having it thrown back at the Mysterious Maid gets a bit old, quick. But this is definitely a series I love. I would call it a change of pace series. Something to pick up between whatever series you are currently into.
Profile Image for Scott Bechtel.
54 reviews3 followers
August 18, 2021
If not for the bonus story and how Lilith is drawn I would say this is a children's Manga with how it's written and it's repetitivness. If not for the final pages pointing out there is something mysterious behind her and the bonus story, this would have gotten one star.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mary.
345 reviews31 followers
October 3, 2021
So there’s really not much of a plot — read more like mini stand-alone chapters.

The maid is actually cute though! Did love the eye color throughout the volume.

Probably not going to continue the series though.
1 review
January 16, 2023
I stopped reading before the second episode ended…
I got honestly creeped out by the maid especially the way she teases the boy and her outfit . i watched it cause the ratings weren’t bad but this is not for me 😂
July 19, 2021
I wasn't expecting this

Still cute if you read this book within a couple days. But had to take pauses because it gets a.little repetitive.
Profile Image for Caitlin.
2,590 reviews30 followers
February 16, 2022
Cute purple eyes, striking in a black and white magazine, but the story is the same joke over and over.
Profile Image for Emmanuel Nevers.
403 reviews8 followers
July 30, 2021
This was great!! This was a really cute fast read. I love the punchline of each story and its just kinda heartwarming. The art is gorgeous. I'd compare this to an almost non ecchi version of Elder-Sister like one, has the same kinda story feel.
Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews

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