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They hurt me, abuse me, use me…

I signed up for it. Literally. I agreed to the contract that made me the Lords’ Lady, a position that requires me to do whatever they want, but only as protection from someone worse. I agreed to be in their beds, on my knees, and punished should I disobey.

I just wasn’t expecting punishment like this.

Killian is two-hundred-and-twenty pounds of muscle, brutal physicality, and pure spite. He thinks I don’t know that he watches me when I sleep.

Tristian is fair-haired and charming to anyone who doesn’t know better. To me, he’s the man who seeks to control me, with his cold eyes and possessiveness.

Rath is the dark-eyed tempest who took me into his bed. Even having been subjected to his barbed tongue, he’s the first man to ever make me feel safe.

I hadn’t realized how much they’ve worn me down and made me feel complacent, but it turns out they’ve messed with my head just as much as they abused my body. Despite the awful things they've done to me, they actually made me feel special. Cared for. Protected.

And then I found out it was all a lie.

The way Tristian cares, Killian’s vigilant eyes, and worst of all, my contented moments in Rath’s bed, were all part of a game.

A game to see who can use me best.

A game they’ve been playing since day one.

And now?

It’s a game I’m going to win.

WARNING: This book is a DARK/BULLY romance. It contains graphic content of abuse and assault that some readers may be particularly sensitive to. If you have triggers or are even remotely unsure, please heed the note at the beginning of this book.

The Royals of Forsyth University is a three book, reverse harem series by Best Selling Authors, Angel Lawson & Samantha Rue.

Lords of Pain
Lords of Wrath
Lords of Mercy

422 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 11, 2021

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Angel Lawson

150 books3,429 followers

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Profile Image for  ⚔Irunía⚔ .
430 reviews4,497 followers
February 7, 2022
3.5 stars. ✨Cute book with a nice touch of ludicrousness.✨

Before starting the 2nd book, I was mentally prepared and excited to gush about it and hype everybody up for this story as if I were on the authors' payroll.

See where it got me?
MoneyLESS, joyLESS, senseLESS Irunía in search of her next read.

I swear if this series made a tiny shred of sense... a plausible turn of events, a realistic detail (in other words, if it had ✨a n y t h i n g✨ remotely coherent about it) I would have rated the first book 1 star and moved on without a care in the world.

Yet the more absurd the merrier.

If you're embarrassed that you are yet to achieve anything significant in your life, this book kisses it all better since

my boys' (Rath🙃, Tristian🥵, Killian🤢) biggest accomplishment in their lives amounts to driving an innocent girl to suicide; 🤷🏼‍♀️

— my girl Story's (h) biggest accomplishment in life comprises siccing one lunatic monster on three other delusional monsters. Press reverse action. Play on repeat.

Anyway, to make the review short and simple:

I truly expected more darkness from this book. 🌚 The authors went to great lengths to warn sensitive readers that the story takes a darker, more twisted turn in the second installment. It forced me to expect the worst for only the first dozens and hundreds of pages before I realized that the worst happened while I was being caught up in the web of my own revenge fantasies. 😈

I guess abuse, non-con, mutilation, voyeurism, as well as dumb, arrogant, entitled men and excitable young women in romance books are no hard limit of mine anymore (probably never were, to be fair).

🎸Sum me up🎸

The driving force behind this book is three Lords who seek to drive their nails in their Lady's coffin (if ya know what I mean).

Preceding all the questions no one really wonders about, I'll tell you how the whole thing did go just in case:

Killian would do it fast and roughly, forcing all his nails in the girl's coffin while she was fast asleep. Or pretended she was being fast asleep. 😗
Tristian would do it with a saccharine, satisfied and evil smile on his face, making sure he gathered a nice, big group of people around to show off his finesse.
Rath would do it with fake sweet concern, asking the girl how she prefers nails to be driven in her coffin. He might also have pretended a time or two that he hurt his fingers while at it so the girl kissed it all better later. 😉

I can start shitting on the revenge schemes of our girl Story and the retaliation she got when exposed, but I have more common sense than that.🤡 This is just a smutty book after all, not a goddamn thriller.

It was initially meant to be more about her rubbing her thighs together rather than rubbing her two brain cells together.

Yet I gotta mention (I swear, my brain won't let me rest until I've said my piece 😭🤬) that I was mildly satisfied with how elegantly and mercilessly she had fucked over the sweetest of the trio, Rath. 😂

This is something he could probably play in his sleep, but now his fingers lurch over the keys—the same fingers that have brought me such rapture and such misery—and his shoulders grow stiffer with each error.
I wonder if it feels like it felt for me, that night down in the basement. Is he trying to ignore us? Is he on the verge of crying? Does he imagine he’s somewhere else—somewhere softer and kinder?
Does he want to fucking die?

Unbelievable as the idea that Story's little stunt actually ruined Rath's musical career for good sounded to me, the boys thought otherwise, and that's what really counts. I was kinda happy the guys were distressed, unhappy and frantic to find the rat that had framed them. 🌚

When it was Killian's turn to experience one of her little revenge plans, my eyes rolled back into my head so damn hard.

My mind is still stuck on alternative, more bloodthirsty ways Story could have used that gun of hers in her grand plan to get back at Killian. Getting his dick wet would be the last thing on my mind.💀

The worst thing about this book, in my humble opinion, is literally everything that takes place during the last 20%.

All the events had the effect of a buzzkill. I couldn't turn pages fast enough to avoid those cheesy, unbelievable, anticlimactic conversations and situations that the characters found themselves in.

When authors force their heroine, the abused party that finally gave her abusers the taste of their medicine, to apologize to them willingly (that is, w/o any coercion/manipulation involved) it gives me such a whiplash. What a bullshit. 💀

That being said, I love ending my reviews on a high note so I'll try to drag a fly that I had single-handedly put in this ointment of a review out. 🤡

+ I still stand by what I said in my review for the 1st book. I loved the heroine, Story. I have a soft spot for sweet heroines that are neither a pushover nor a raging female badass. The one that has a backbone with a mean streak on top is an additional bonus. 😈

+ I enjoyed the relationship development between the four of them. That tracker implanted underneath Story's skin...Or those initials carved into her unmarred skin. 🤤 I expected nothing less of their fast progressing collective madness.

✨ The guys were so basic and hilarious when they leaped at a sliver of attention from Story. Her doe-eyed face and an occasional hint of gentleness in her voice turned them into addicted, affection-starved beasts. 😂

I’m not sure why or how or when that happened. It’s perfectly clear that Tristian cares for me more as an object than a person. Why should it matter to him whether I’m hot or cold?
Testing this theory, I reach for the hand still on the gearshift, gently resting my palm over his knuckles. He remains still, but I don’t miss the flick of his eyes to our hands, that sulky crevice between his eyebrows disappearing instantly.
So easy.

+ In the end, the book convinced me that they all were made for each other.

You just know you've found your true love when the idea of him/them caring about your consent sounds outrageously ridiculous to your ears. 🤤👉👈

She doesn’t just look like she’s sleeping.
She looks like she’s dead to the goddamn world.
My cock fills up instantly.

Story isn’t asleep. She’s drunk. Barely conscious and completely pliable. My dick gets harder the longer I watch her. Looking as though he’s testing the waters, Tristian reaches out to brush a strand of hair off her face. She sighs gently, but doesn’t wake.

+ Spoiled, entitled, obsessive, addicted, pathological, D U M B (Killian, sweetie...) male leads who truly believe that treating their woman as an animal is the epitome of kindness, patience, attentiveness (quoting them makes me giddy 🥵)

Anyway, who, if not me, can fully appreciate the lack of control when it comes to fictional lurve.

The way I jerk her panties to the side is bordering on violent, but I can’t stop it now. It takes one twist of my hips and a hard shove of her shoulders to impale her on my dick. She makes this shocked, bitten-off cry, right into the cavern of my mouth, and I capture it like an animal.
I fuck her like one, too.

In the third book, the authors will finally grant us a foursome or at least a threesome scene, right? Asking for a friend. 🥺👉👈

P. S. omg, what devil in the seventh level of hell possessed me to write so many fucking words. 😓
July 27, 2021

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Okay, so after I read LORDS OF PAIN by Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue, I had a lot of thoughts. Like, oh my God, why am I reading this? And, why do I want more? And, what kind of literary cocaine did the authors inject into this book to even make me like a story that has so many tropes I hate? I don't like reverse harem and I don't like caveman alpha heroes, I don't particularly like crime/mafia stories, and I hate stories that fetishize virginity/purity, so the fact that this book had all of those elements and I still enjoyed reading it made me feel like I should call shenanigans.

And yet, here I am. Champing at the perverted bit.

To be honest, I wasn't really sure what the authors were going to do with the story. It's a really weird story where frat boys act like mob bosses. The Lords of this story are one such frat and the girl they have chosen to be their live-in prostitute/sex slave is the stepsister of one of the boys, Killian. The other two, Tristian and Rath, helped sexually assault her when she was underage. So now that she's legal and still a virgin, they're like YAAAASS. And it's still really, really gross.

Story, the heroine, was really hard to relate to in the first book. She made all kinds of questionable decisions and felt like such a victim. I felt really sorry for her but she really didn't have a lot of agency as a character, and she was veering too close to one of those heroines in dark eroticas that just sort of takes everything thrown at her at the cost of her self-respect. I don't deny that this can happen in real life situations but it's not fun to read about and doesn't make for a good romance. So I was REALLY fucking happy that the glimpses of occasional maliciousness we saw from Story in book one took hold in book two and she becomes a one-woman revenge act who's ready to fuck things up. It was a total 180 in character development but it also made sense and I just loved her character so much. Her revenge was brutal, too. One of them actually made me gasp. I was seriously impressed.

Regarding some of the negative reviews for this book, I can totally understand why people wouldn't like this book. It's basically a modern-day bodice-ripper. There's rough sex, torture, dub-con, cult-like situations, abuse, and violence. Things get DARK in this book and really bad things happen to the hero and the heroine. I was actually expecting way worse because I've read things like SWEET SAVAGE LOVE or BLEDDING SORROW, and apart from having more graphic sex scenes, this book really didn't have anything that shocking if you're familiar with old skool romances. Hell, I can think of three bodice-rippers right off the top of my head with graphic torture and one where the hero gets castrated (partially). So, you know, I'd say that this looks like a puddle of sunshine in comparison.

I loved it, though. I tolerated the first book and appreciated it the way you appreciate movies like Glitter or greasy hamburgers, but this second book was a much more polished and sophisticated work because it had real emotional development and character-building arcs, tons of suspense, and some REALLY intense scenes that added drama and kept me turning the pages. I could have probably read this a lot faster than I did but part of me also wanted to save it so I could keep enjoying it.

So yeah, if you like dark reads and have a high tolerance for WTFery in your romance books, read this book. I roll my eyes at a lot of the so-called dark romances out there but this one actually fits the bill. Even if you do feel like you and your browsing history need a severe and thorough cleaning after.

4 to 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Mareeva.
382 reviews8,869 followers
February 26, 2024
4 stars

I went into this book fully expecting to hate it just as much as the first one. And I did.....kind of. I despised this 10x more than Lords of Pain and loved it about a million times better.

I thought I abhorred Killian before. Well, that has nothing on the hate I had for him when I started this. It has grown into a separate entity, it was now a living, breathing thing, expanding with each passing chapter of this book.

I even made a whole ass shelf dedicated for Killian, where he and other stupid fuckers like him can all rot in harmony.

Speaking of petty shit....I was supposed to be all about Story's revenge, but really, I was dreading it. I thought without a shadow of a doubt that girl will fuck it up somehow and all the progress she made with the boys would instantly go back a million steps.
Turns out I am just as stupid as Killian, because my assumptions obviously went in a very wrong direction.

The heroine finally grew some balls

Story went from being a dirty mop they used to clean their floors with to a manipulative, conniving, empty shell of herself and it was magnificent.

All that complaining I did about her being a naive child?

Her decision making and overall logic still lacked any sense whatsoever -like girl escape these abusive ass psychos tf is wrong with you - but I don't even care anymore. I have accepted the fact that she will make choices no one in this universe will ever understand so I've made my peace.

Plus the wonderful logic was made even better by all the more wonderful revenge😈


🧹 She started out with small things. Like building the boys' trust, "unintentionally" getting under their skin, making them "eat out of the palm of her hand" as she liked to say. I wouldn't go that far but whatever makes you sleep at night Story dear<3

But then she moved on to bigger plans....

🧹 What she did to Dimitri? UNACCEPTABLE. He was the first of the trio she struck. It wasn't ruthless or bloody or really all that insane. But it was completely below the belt, humiliating, and hit him RIGHT where it hurts. It was such a dirty thing to do and I'm so mad I couldn't appreciate the cunningness of it because of how furious I was with her. Not only did she go for my favourite boy first but she hurt him the most too.

🧹 Killian's payback was real poetic and all but she could've been a tad more ruthless🙂. Like stabbing him in the heart for example.....Just an idea tho idk😗

🧹 The boys thought that any kind gesture they bestow upon her would bring her to her knees. They thought she was so easy to figure out. Jokes on them she was manipulating the entire time.

🧹 I liked the way she framed their rivals for things she did to them. She simultaneously made them pay while making the lords paranoid and distrustful of everyone.

🧹 Even though I was incorrect on her revenge being a total failure, she did get busted (shocker) and punished.

What do you buy someone after carving your initials into their flesh, jacking off onto their cheek, and then fucking them with the hilt of a knife and leaving them on the floor in a puddle of come, blood, and their own tears?
Hallmark doesn’t exactly make a fucking card for that.

But the way she handled it? Best moment of the series so far. All the hate, rants and pain was worth it for the speech she gave them👏👏👏 she learned.

🧹 This:
“So what, he followed you around the country, apparently murdered your gay roommate, and you just decided…‘ hey, might as well go see those three guys who done me wrong and hope he fucking kills them ’?” He pushes a fingertip into his temple. “Are you fucking crazy?!”

Homegirl thought all of that up and went
Personally I don't see the problem. Two birds, one stone if you catch my drift

Everything else got vastly better in the second half as well. The touch of ridiculousness was still there but it was backed up by character growth, relationship development and some pretty "crazy" yet interesting moments that made this a page turner. Even my hate for Killian went from a raging boil to a steady simmer for now (which speaks volumes)


Lords of Pain (1) - 2 stars
Lords of Wraths (2) - 4 stars
Lords of Mercy (3) - 3.5 stars
Dukes of Ruin (4) - 4 stars
Dukes of Madness (5) - 4.5 stars
TBR the rest when released
Profile Image for Matilda.
269 reviews2,626 followers
October 25, 2021
The plot for the series is basically this, the heroine is being stalked by a serial killer so she becomes the sex slave of her stepbro and his 2 friends so they can protect her.

In book 2, she gets pissed by the way they threat her so she decides to enact revenge on them by manipulating, assaulting and ruining their futures. In any other case, I would be like "yes bitch! Show them how it fucking feels", but ma'am...you are being stalked by a serial killer...I feel like there's a point where you gotta decide, do I wanna get dicked down by my stepbro while I pretend to sleep because he's into me being "unconscious" while he fucks me or murdered?


book 1 review
book 3 review
Profile Image for Meredith {semi-hiatus}.
805 reviews587 followers
June 13, 2021
“You built the wheel, boys. I just gave it a nice little spin.”

I don't have it in me to write a proper review for this book; Lords of Wrath left me exhausted. If I'm inspired I might write a more cohesive review later. maybe.

Random thoughts/notes:

Story has a backbone in this book. She gets her revenge. I was never frustrated with Story's lack of agency in book 1, because I recognized the foundations for her revenge were being put in place. It all comes together here. I even felt sorry for all the guys at one point, despite everything they had done.

The writing was excellent. Excellent dialogue, excellent inner POVs (Especially for the guys. They really all sound like dudes), the smut was excellently written. Usually when I read erotica, there's always at least one or two cringeworthy lines...I was continually impressed with the authors' ability to write smut. This was also cleverly plotted. Although stepping stones were still being put in place for the first 50% of the book and things didn't ratchet up until around 55%.

The authors started out this book promising it was darker and way worse than Lords of Pain. I'm going to go against the grain and say they could have made it darker. There were a few scenes where I could tell the authors were holding themselves back. I've recently cut my teeth on BR's like Dangerous Obsession by Natasha Peters and stuff like Stormfire - so while this series is refreshing for its unapologetic exploration of darkness, for lack of a better term, I think the authors were holding themselves back a bit. The first 50% of this book wavered between 3.5 to 4 stars for me.

Once the book reached about 55%, and Story started getting her revenge? All the moving pieces in the plot started coming together in a clever way that was amazing to read. It was perfect for the story. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm believing in the love and I hope this has one of those smooth, dark heas that I like the most. (if that makes any sense)

The last half of the book was so good, I'm rating this 5 stars. I struggle with the new adult genre a lot, so I appreciate it when I come across one that's as good as this. Also I don't typically like reverse harems, but I'm loving this one. Props to the authors for that. I want to read more new adult books like this one. I'm seeing some similarities between Penelope Douglas' latest release Six Tryst Venom when it comes to writing styles. Both of those books have good dialogue (not OTT cringeworthy dialogue other authors use), both books have dark humour & wit, both books have unique characters. I know each character's food preference, the type of clothes they like to wear, their tattoos, their pet peeves...nothing about the characters feel formulaic or commercial. The dynamic between all the characters feels 3 dimensional and real. And the writing is just smart. At no point did this book ever start to take itself too seriously. At times it even felt like a parody of the new adult genre, but written in an engaging way. You have to suspend a ton of disbelief to enjoy this series, but it's written so well you want to suspend disbelief.


The bullying:

“I regret being caught,” he says, eyes unabashed. “If you’d never found out about the game, then maybe you could have trusted me. And god knows I regret pissing you off, because you’re apparently really good at being a scheming bitch.”

I still have mixed feelings on what Story did to Rath. Emotionally she was hurt by him the most, but damn. She screwed him over in a much more serious way than what he deserved imo. The authors didn't hold back on that element, so I'm not deducting a star for it.

Another plus: This book is long! Over 100K words. This installment feels like a full story. The cliffhanger was soft, and while I can't wait for the next book, I'm leaving this installment feeling satisfied. I can't express how refreshing this is compared to most other authors who are churning out 'full length' books that barely reach a 50K word count.

Ok, I'm expanding on why the bullying didn't fully work for me in this book. I just read a 1 star review, and while this book is still 5 stars for me, I agree the way Story bullied Rath made her come across as unlikable (though I was able to get over it). I'm also going to explain why what Killian, Rath, and Tristian later did to Story as punishment didn't bother me all that much. Serious spoilers:
Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,318 reviews3,490 followers
June 9, 2021

I'M BACK TO REVIEWING!!! This is the biggest break I've taken from book reviewing since I first set up my blog three years ago. I've had exams, which is super weird to think about, because the pandemic means I haven't even had to sit any exams that counted for anything since 2018. Crazy that my entire degree came down in the end to four papers...

Anyway, I've officially finished finals now and I graduate from uni next month. Nothing to do until then but catch up on the TON of books I've left unreviewed whilst I revised. What better book to start with than Lords of Wrath, which I've been DYING for ever since I read book one.
I was a bit nervous to start with, because my expectations were so high from Lords of Pain. I'm pleased to announce that LoW is even better. Here's why:

✔️ It's a good length. 144,000 words - which is long, and at times the book feels like it moves slowly, but I enjoyed being with the characters so much that I didn't mind. I had my penultimate exam the day I received the ARC, and I still managed to finish this book in one day!

✔️ The characters are getting even more complex and interesting - Story in particular. I thought the authors were great at conveying how conflicted she feels about the heroes, and (this is super rare for me) I felt like all her decisions and responses were relatable. We also get deeper into the psyches of Killian, Tristian and particularly Rath, though not as much as we do for Story.

✔️ I am most thrilled about the fact that any element of the book which threatened to become irritating was pulled back before it reached that point. What I mean is - it's dark, but not so dark I doubted the heroes' feelings. (Admittedly I can take a lot of darkness...) Story was vengeful, but not so vengeful that I lost patience with her. Then again, she also wasn't so forgiving that she turned into a saint. There are secrets and miscommunications in the book, but they aren't allowed to linger for so long that I get frustrated. Not everyone will say this, I'm sure, but to me everything struck the perfect balance.

✔️ I like Story's vengefulness and manipulativeness. It's not always effectively channelled, at least against Tristian and Killian, but what she does to Rath feels like real revenge with long-term repercussions.

✔️ I love the ending. I was worried it would end with a cliffhanger, or them separated, but neither of those things occur. I really like the place and mood we leave the characters in. I also can't wait to learn more about the other frats - the Princes in particular sound fascinating.

Obviously, you can tell I enjoyed this book because I gave it 5 stars, but there's no such thing as perfection really. So I will also say that:

❌ Story was honestly pretty terrible at coming up with a revenge that couldn't be traced back to her. I felt like there was a lot more she could have done to cover her tracks, because it was laughably easy for the heroes to expose her.

❌ The thriller element is not very well integrated into the book. It's absent for most of the story, apart from small communications from Ted, and then suddenly gets ratcheted up right near the end.

❌ There was less focus on the concept of a Game - whether it's the one Story discovered her boys playing, using her for points, or the one between all the frats - than I thought there would be. It may be that this is all coming in book 3, but we still don't know about how the points system works. Or like, are there other LDZ members trying to win the Game the way KTR did last year? Etc. In general, I would have liked to see the university setting - other students, frats, and so on - exploited a bit more rather than leaving it largely as window dressing.

On the whole, though, I'm really glad that the story enthralled me as much as book one did. Now to review the other 23570138 books waiting for me...

Warning: there's more violence directed at Story by the heroes than there was in book one, but I was personally alright with it. I've found that I can't tolerate heroes who smack the heroine around for the hell of it - this happened once in an Anne Stuart book and it INFURIATED me - but here there was more of a sexual/vengeful inflection. Overall, this is definitely not the darkest book I've ever read.

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Profile Image for Marti .
264 reviews154 followers
November 25, 2022
This was a million shades of fucked up.
And I loved every second of it.

How unhinged is it of me to say that this might be my favorite read of the year so far? The only word I can think of is obsessed because that’s exactly what I am.
I don't understand why. The story is ridiculous. You keep thinking this is ridiculous while you're reading, but fuck. I couldn't put it down. I just couldn't. It blows my mind because really, I expected to find it just fine. Just a ridiculous, alright book.

This book is addictive. I expected it to be addictive. What I didn’t expect was how much I enjoyed Story as a character. If you know me, you probably know I end up hating most heroines. It has probably more to do with me than them, I am aware that I am too picky sometimes. But Story, she really hit the mark for me. Yeah, she did a lot of stupid shit. But at least she tried, you know?

The boys are all psychopaths obviously, but it’s not as simple as that, or this series wouldn’t be a thing. I hated Killian significantly less, and that’s how I know the character growth was great in this one. Not that I love him or anything, but the burning hate I felt during book 1 is (for the most part) gone.
Tristian solidified himself as my favorite of the boys, but I guess there's no surprise there. I clearly have a type 💀😂

A couple of you asked so yes, I can confirm that it is darker than the first book. Is it a lot darker? I don't really know if I'm the best one to answer that question, as I've already established I don't have many triggers. To me, it felt a little darker, not a lot. There are definitely a couple of scenes that have you cringing. Just to be safe though, be sure to check the trigger warnings to decide if it's something you can stomach or not. There's definitely more blood and gore.
Profile Image for Lisa (Remarkablylisa).
2,394 reviews1,843 followers
June 23, 2021
What a f*cked up novel. Half way through i was vibing with the dirty behaviour and our heroine sneakily fighting back but then the other half was straight up abusive. Our heroes are delusional freaks who cause our heroine pain because they thought she deserved it and should own her mind body and soul. She even tried to kill herself at one point. This is not romance. This is a book about sexual assault and abuse.
Profile Image for Valkyrie ✨.
651 reviews876 followers
May 20, 2023
My girl Story Austin is a fucking Queen and I’ll worship the ground she walks on for the rest of my life. What a legend, y’all.

The way she single-handedly ruined Rath’s life with a piece of paper… poetic cinema.

224 reviews39 followers
June 11, 2021

My review of first book was very lukewarm as I thought some of the content was highly disturbing/demeaning in respect of the attitudes it endorsed as regards the position of women in College settings, especially in this day and age. However I said I wouldn't rule out reading no 2 to see if the heroine got her revenge.

I really wish I hadn't.

The whole thing just got sicker.

Killian brutalized Storey with rough sex and it turns out he has a sick fetish for sex with unconscious girls (aka rape), which he indulges.

Tristan wanks along with this on at least one occasion.

She gets some level of revenge but the way it is done makes heroine unlikable as well.

Storey gets caught out and events thereafter are grotesque. They mutilate her chest by carving their initials into it. They masturbate all over her and then use the knife on her in a sexual way. It's made clear that mutilation is in such a place that will be obvious forever more and looks pretty awful. No one has any remorse, even afterwards and they appear proud of what they have done.

There a weird side story of her stepfather who molested her and who turns out to be involved in the sex trade. At some stage she gets kidnapped and has filmed sex with Rath in front of a crowd of perverts at the instigation of the evil stepfather. Skim reading only by this stage so how/why this happened are beyond me.

The Lords decide to let her go as she is unhappy/suicidal at events but then of course she decides to come back. No idea why as was skim reading only.

This book is not sexy. It is not a romance. The male characters are vile. The misogyny is rampant. Women should not be treated this way. There is nothing acceptable about this story line.

The whole thing is just sick/disgusting.

Will not be reading anything further.
June 18, 2024

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 🤎🖤💜
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌏🌍
Character development: ☺️🥲😚🥰

The heroine: Story Austin - at one time, she may have fallen in love with her stepbrother Killian Payne, but he saw something he shouldn’t have and thought it was something it wasn’t. From then on, he has been her bully. He and his friends abused her, and she left. Though someone found her, and she came back to them because she thought her stepbrother and his two friends were the only ones strong enough to protect her, since they were now the Lords of Forsyth University. But after being used and abused by them time and again, she struck out and the one that found her is now after all of them.

The Heroes: Killian “Killer” Payne, Tristian Mercer, and Dimitri “Rath” Rathbone - They are the Lords of Forsyth University, they are powerful and manipulative.
Killian - He is a tattooed god of the football team at Forsyth. He is always angry and can be cruel.
Tristan - He is a tan, blond, blue-eyed hunk of a man who shows a charming façade to the world, while inside he is able to plan and scheme with the best.
Rath - He is dark and broody, ruled by his emotions. He is also dangerous and calculating. He can be sweet and gentle one minute and devious the next.

The Story: Story is still the Lady to the Lords, though now she knows that everything is a game to them and when she thought they were actually changing and seeing her as a real person, they were only manipulating her for their game. She decides to start doing some manipulation of her own, as far as she can and do whatever it takes to get back at them. There are still so many secrets in this book, like the secret of her stalker, Ted and the fact that Story sent him proof that her virginity was taken, the secrets of the games the guys are playing with the other Fraternities, the secret of what Story’s stepfather did to her that made her want to run away in high school, and the secret of what the guys do on the South Side of the city.

I sometimes hate all the secrets in books. Especially the secrets that even the reader doesn’t know about. In this book we know most of Story’s secrets, but don’t really know most of the secrets the guys have until they come out into the open. Even though this book is told in all four points of view. But the secrets do make for a suspenseful book. This book had a lot more steam than the first, though the first book had plenty of steamy scenes, I was glad that Story finally lost her virginity at the end of the first book. I liked the fact that Stormy and Killian had more than just hate going on between them in this book.

Much of this book is about Stormy getting revenge on the guys for using her in the way that they have, though I like the fact that she is standing up for herself in her own way, I really just wanted her to tell them what she found out when she looked at Killian’s computer and found the “Game” file. The way she went about her revenge was just too mean spirited for my tastes and I ended up feeling bad for the guys and disliking her. Especially since she basically provoked a murderer to come after them. I also kind of loved Rath in the first book and even though I could really see how what he did to her hurt her the most, I thought what she did to him was so much worse.

Like the first book, this one was unpredictable. There were some big surprises that I didn’t guess until right when they were happening. There were also some that I didn’t guess at all, which I love in a book. The plot often takes the reader to uncomfortable places, but it certainly never left me feeling bored. I have no clue where the story will go from here but again, I can't wait to find out.

Profile Image for Melluvsbooks.
1,386 reviews
October 18, 2021
Well, this was straight ridiculous. 🤡 And I kinda like ridiculous. But there were several elements here that made it difficult for me to relax and enjoy the OTT crazy.

I’m just gonna post my reactions as I read:

- Rath gets hard for the secretary 😒

- Ms Crane confirms that Story is not the first f*ck toy for these guys - 😐

- Where’s the kid that was acting as the assistant?? - MIA

- Now that Story popped her cherry she had no issue slutting it up for these assholes - full porn star virgin mode. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

- They force her to meet and make nice with the bitches who lured her into a kidnapping and attempted rape - good times

- she asked to sleep with Rath again - the guy that used her and tricked her into trusting him in the last book - the very worst betrayer… I realize this is probably part of her plan, I’m pretty squicked out at this point - revenge via cuddles and mind blowing sex??? Guuurl… 👀

- Now she’s really into cars 🙄- not like other girls 😎

- Oh look Killian is trying to fuck around with bimbos. Again

- Oh. Nevermind. Killian and Tristian are just gonna be creeps with Story. 😬👀😒

- Awesome. And now Tristian is getting hot thinking about screwing his ex. Standing next to Story. Cool.

- Still thinking about the ex while intimate with Story. 🤢 you know what really makes me swoon? When the jackass H compares the h to other women while they are having sex.

- Oh we’re really gonna see this plan through. I’m sure f*cking these guys will be great revenge. 🙄

- Great. These losers are regular visitors to a whore house- first name basis….. probably have a Frequent Flyer punch card. 💅🏻

- Just realized there have been no condoms. 😱🤢🤬

Hot sex
Hot sex

Carve her up, rape her with the knife, cover her with spunk, then send their last f*ck toy in to clean her up. Cool.

- kinda sorta Suicide attempt - that wasn’t important enough to mention to the other dudes - sure thing

- oh for Pete’s sake, Now she’s a race car driver. 🤡

- This explanation just makes my head hurt

- They carved her up like a jack o’lantern and completely traumatized her, and now are all, “if you love something you have to let it go” 😐 - are you freaking kidding me??

- and she’s back. 😵‍💫

BOTTOM LINE? I’m going to take a break from this sh*t show. Not feeling particularly compelled at the moment to know who Ted is. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sex scenes are hot when they aren’t creeptastic. The plot is… well… I don’t even know what to say. I like crazy plots… I think it’s the subpar relationships here (or the lack of anything real from either side) and that no one is particularly likable anymore. Story’s revenge (on Rath) made me cringe. If it’s that bad, babe, just leave. 🤷🏼‍♀️ ⭐️⭐️ 1/2


- no cheating - again, not for lack of trying by Killian

- sharing - its RH 🤷🏼‍♀️ - plenty of exhibitionism with loads of men watching Story get it on. Again.

- OW drama - Tristian’s ex he’s all messed up over shows up at their college. He goes down a sexual memory lane in his head. Mind blowing sex and all that… 😐

- OM drama - Killian is still convinced that the girl he deflowered himself, very recently, was a slutty seductress with his father when she was an underaged teen. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

- dubcon/noncon - including somnophilia and drugged forced sex

- h has gone from blushing virgin to professional seductress using her body for revenge. 🤡

- no condoms to be had or discussed despite these dudes being manwhores who frequent brothels. Fantastic. 😵‍����
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Miftahul.
369 reviews194 followers
July 22, 2021
I said in my review for the first book that i like Story, Tristian and Rath...yeah i take it back. The heroine is so fucking obsessed with sex that she asks for forgiveness to the heroes after they abuse her, fucks her in her sleep, mutilate her body by carving their initials, humiliates her, degrades her, forces her to do shit, controls her ... and the end of the day our “strong and amazing” heroine 🙄 asks for forgiveness to THEM. These guys dont even feel remorse. I get it that it was a dark romance and again, the dark aspect of the book does not bother me. But this is supposed to be romance book. Heroine almost takes her revenge but then saves them, and also apologises to them after they did so much shit to her. Like how obsessed are you with sex dude? These guys dont even feel bad, they are psychopaths who think that the heroine is “asking for it” literally tho they are the guys who rape the heroine and said “you were asking for it”. They mutilate her body and say “you deserve it, my dick is getting hard”. They hurt her and think she likes it. 🙄🙄🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
Someone tell me where their university is located so i ll find the nearest psychiatrist hospital and room for 3 patients.

Again, whatever they did was the dark side of the book which i have no problem but it is disgusting how they dont feel bad even after the heroine tried to kill herself. Whats worse is that THE HEROINE APOLOGISING TO THEM. WHAT THE FUCK. I CANT ANYMORE. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU SEX OBSESSED FREAK. Lord idiots are literally brain dead, they are delusional people. I swear Lord limp dick (killian), Lord half brain cell ( Rath) and Lord dumber than the dumbest person in the world needs a good slap or 50. Seriously tho, is it so hard to make the heroine at least make them regret? Like seriously, is it that hard to make her strong? Throughout the whole book she manipulated them and used them without letting them know so she can fuck them over BUT at the end she saves them and did i mention she apologieses to lord idiots? CUZ YES SHE DOES.

It was done for me when she tried to kill herself and the heroes didnt feel anyone. Like thats not love. They didn’t feel bad carving her body or didnt even care that she might be hurting, THEY WERE FOCUSED MORE ON THEIR LIMP DICK GETTING HARD. Like why try to hard to rise smtg that is already fallen. Ugh
Profile Image for mira.
849 reviews1,326 followers
February 7, 2022

“They say if you care about something, you should let it go.” There’s a long beat of charged silence, and then he finally lifts his eyes to mine. “For the record, that’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. If you really cared about something, you’d put that shit behind lock and key and never let it out of your sight. I voted to make you stay.”

i'm kinda disappointed with this book. i still love the series and the characters but this book, imo, was kinda boring. idk something about the first 60% was so hard to get through i was about to give this book a 1 star but then the punishment came <3

my psycho ass finally woke up and got some action. that scene is the only reason why this book is getting 3 stars. that scene ALONE just holds me hostage. i'm a whore for these men.

anyways, story surprised me. i didn't think she would get through with all the revenge shit. but i'm also crusty af bc what is this personal attack on rath for???? i don't get it. i felt like the most manipulative was tristian. that man didn't get any revenge on him????? wtf is this. this is so unfair.

i felt so bad for rath. poor boy DIDNT DO ANYTHING and got the most ass whopping tf.

killain <3 <3 <3 ya he's def my fav man. something about him wanting to fuck her in her sleep has me on a chokehold. idc i love him way too much.

i liked tristian in this book way more than in pain but i feel like he was more background in this book. he wasn't featured that much. so i'm probs gonna LOVE him in mercy.

Profile Image for Neelakshi.
482 reviews371 followers
November 12, 2021
first of all

Okay so.

“Killian…I know because of my mother…because of everything…you think I’m a whore, but—”
“You are a whore,” he says, snorting. “But you’re our whore, Sweet Cherry, and my boys and I don’t share with anyone but each other.”

Romance much? 👉👈

• she was a dumb bitch. But a smart dumb bitch if you're getting me because see the thing is...... She has a fucking tracker IN her skin and she thinks about going away and shit like that.
(Continuing the smart dumb bitch thing..)
She really had to decide? About the fact that she's getting stalked by a murderer or living with the guys?

• the thing about turning the guys and Ted against each other? Smart. Very smart. But ehhh really? I mean....

• I would say I wasn't impressed by the way she got back the guys. But seriously what happened with Dimitri was A LOT. That was wrong for the man.
What was written for Killian happened to Rath. I SO BAD wanted her to rip it off Killian because what she pulled on Rath was ruthless.

• Killian grew a little on me in here.

• She played them well I'll give her that. She wasn't some rag doll in this one.

• Low-key wanted to see Tristian going down harder because even though the sister hit was nice I could still do with more.

• Her ACTUALLY leaving would have been a 'take-it-in-your-face' but with the plot that built by the end I understand her coming back.

• The plot around Ted was a clusterfuck. I said it before I'll say it again. Smart dumb. Because Ted should have been the thing she fought with first. She could have taken down Ted first with the guys and after one problem dies she could have taken the three guys down. She also could have HURT DEEP if she gave them a little more that she could strip away.

• Killian should have shot Daniel right in the middle of his ribs for fucks sake.


• Her dealing with the aftermath and not even flinching and refusing to sob and beg when it blew up and giving them the cold stare stays the highlight. Because the guys wanted her to rile up and down and SHE GAVE THEM NOTHING.

Pls again ...
These are college kids but okay.

“Can we go back to this Ted fucker?” Rath asks, spreading his arms. “So what, he followed you around the country, apparently murdered your gay roommate, and you just decided…‘hey, might as well go see those three guys who done me wrong and hope he fucking kills them’?” He pushes a fingertip into his temple. “Are you fucking crazy?!”

^^^the book in a nutshell basically.
Profile Image for Aplis.
562 reviews42 followers
July 16, 2022
Another perfect example of how the second book in a series topped the first book!

TW- dubcon, physical harm, suicide attempt

This book is so much darker than book 1 and I surprisingly kept reading and enjoying it (Yep..I have officially changed). After Story finds the score sheet, she purposely keeps the guys at a distance.. wondering if every touch is just another game for them. I've always been disappointed in books where the heroine tries to get revenge from the guy/guys and it's almost always nothing big! Like she manages to cut off their hair or something equally mediocre, especially when the guy/guys have managed to do far worse things to her! And don't get me started on how the heroines melt whenever the guy/guys touch her!

Here...Story knows what the guys are capable of and each step she takes is to make sure that they finally get punished. That goal is pretty much always in her head whenever the guys initiate anything with her or when she initiates anything with them. This added drama of "I know what you did" was entertaining to read because the guys are on the side of being clueless, unlike in the first book!

Story's revenge tactics DO NOT disappoint!! What she did to Killian was daring, but what she did to Rath??! RUTHLESS!!! She played on his insecurities and managed to destroy his dreams. To be honest, I felt sad for him. But at the same time, I was confused because Story deserved to get back at them regardless of how they may or may not have "changed".

Story waiting for her stalker to arrive felt like a sick joke and I couldn't stop *evil laughing* wondering what the guys' reactions would be to see a murderous middle-aged man standing in their way. However, the stalker is still left under the dark and it's so much more confusing about who this *sick man* could be?!

But, everything is finally out in the open and that ending, after all the unexpected drama, was something that helped to calm me down. Now I can peacefully check out till October when the next book releases.

Again...I DON'T recommend this book to everyone. It's dark...really dark. So proceed cautiously. But to those dark romance lovers out there, this one you will definitely enjoy!❤️
Profile Image for Ashley Muzz.
100 reviews13 followers
August 8, 2023
Their arcs took me by a surprise, the characters aren’t just their seemingly superficial reputations, their deep-rooted issues are slowly unraveled as they spend more time together. Their relationship is complicated and a unabridged enigma, it’s what makes this book so alluring along with the world-building established for the next book.

This is about VENGEANCE. Raw, ugly, brutal. But also spicy, fiery, and passionate. The Lords will suffer the wrath of our Lady as she refuses to concede docilely.
The only reason she signed the contract to be their Lady is to escape a stalker that goes by a pseudonym. (**Book 1 delves into this**) Taking advantage of the protection offered but at a cost, she gives them a part of herself knowing they will delight in ruining her. If they play the game, she will play too. A fight for survival while trying to preserve her sanity. 2 dangers. Lets kill 2 birds with one stone.

Most dark romances often glorify the harmful ministrations of morally grey characters and the heroine ends up being quite forgiving. Maybe, at first, with slight resistance or uncertainty. There’s nothing wrong with it, I actually love reading those kind of books. it humanizes all of us— flaws and all. But this series steps outside the box, talking about the reality and severity of the things people will do to survive— submit, k!//, steal, r@p3, backstab, and retaliate. (**check the trigger warnings**) The Lady doesn’t fall in love with the Lords, she HATES them even though she does empathize with them— just not enough to forgive them. So she gives them a taste of their own medicine.

I thought I knew what was coming, the identity of Story’s stalker seems to be clearly hinted, WRONG. The authors tricked me😂 The story about Story is unpredictable, keeping me on my toes with the wild twists. This series is just as f%^ked up as Haunting Adeline but this has the upper hand for element of mystery and surprise.
Profile Image for Briana.
556 reviews21 followers
June 28, 2023
Trigger warning ⚠️ think of all the triggers that go with the different tropes represented from book one and said triggers are involved. Read at your own discretion.

So why was this better than the first book? LIKE IM MORE INVESTED THAN EVER.

Miss. Story freaking grew up in one book my friends. She became who I longed for her to be! But when Killian said “She either leaves or fucks shit up.” I agree. But her development?! Guys I’m very happy. Or did the first book give a low expectation and so when I read this book it seemed as though it was this great thing but maybe was average? ….damn.

But I had so many emotions literally in battle with each other for these characters and also these predictable situations.

Plot was basic. But the characters are everything. Hated Killian then all of sudden he has a heart. Still crazy but not that crazy not to finish a job. (Read the book to figure out what I mean). Dimitri my man! Became a side character then the author remembered he had a story line. So good.
Tristian is my dude. Tbh I now love each one of these boys evil and caring sides. They still too much in real life but all of them can get it.

The writing was a step up from the last book. *claps* still had the bad porn acting going on with the dialogue but I see the cunning and conniving tendencies of all of them! Like now we are finally getting the depth to these characters.

4stars. Very invested. Very much raging over this book with my book besties. Definitely reading the rest of the series.

PS. I was 80% correct. Also fertile, virginity, ect? What is up with these royals man. So archaic but sooo invested.

Profile Image for Abstract ♥ Books.
1,236 reviews1,711 followers
June 15, 2021



Star Rating : 4.5 / 5 Stars

POV : Dual

Cliffhanger : Yes

Hero : Rath , Killian , Tristian

Heroine : Story

Pace of the story : Moderate

Angst Rating : 5/10

Heat Rating : 7/10

Triggers Involved : Abuse , Knife play , Bully (Dark) , Self harm , Suicide Attempt

Plot Summary :
Everything Story thought she knew has been a lie. She knows that the Lords are monsters but she still hoped that they all were reaching a common ground only for them to bring her smashing to the earth , making her realize that everything has been a game all alone. And now it’s their turn to be destroyed. She is going to use their weakness against them all in the worst way possible to make them feel the same pain. There will be no stopping her until she sees them as broken as her.

Overall Opinion :
Holy shit , This series definitely has to be one of the best romances of all time!! I am a huge fan of Dark romance and this series is making my heart soar. I wanted to read the first book when it came out but then I got a whiff of the fact that the cluffy in that one is so freaking bad so I held off reading until book 2 was out and now I finally binged them both. The cliffhanger in this book is not that bad , at least it is better than book 1 and I will be waiting for book 3 in a more patient way than a violent one lol.

Now let's talk about emotions , this book made me soooo pissed! Not in a bad way lol because I loved the book , it’s just the heroes were such asses. I hope they grovel especially for the ending part because I swear if they act all manly about that too , my soul will be haunted forever. Killian specially, because he messed up the most and the fastest. Story went through so much and seeing her so broken in some scenes of this book had me blinking back tears! I just love these characters so much. The most shocking and amazing part is that I literally hated the male characters in book 1 because they were downright repulsive , but their character's progress has been good and I am softening towards them. I won’t say I love them all because that would be a stretch since I am still pretty pissed but I am more lenient towards them now.

The ending of the book was a calm one and for that i am grateful , i can;t handle another bad cliffy lol since the next book is almost 3-4 months away. This trilogy has a shit ton of triggers so if you don’t like 3 messed up , irredeemable heroes who torment the poor h , then please stay away. They do some messed p shit and I will admit that it is not for everyone. However if you love those twisted characters then by all means one click this trilogy , it’s one of my top reads of all time in every genre it had!! Highly recommended.

My-Post-3 Website | Bookstagram | Facebook Page | Newsletter
March 27, 2022
Ok, so this is the second book in the series which, as I mentioned in the review section of book 1, is really just a long, continuous story. I don't rate those until I get to the end because it would be like rating stand alone books after only reading 1/3 of it.

This book got much darker, though. If you read the first one, you are probably thinking, "How?" This one has physical and mental harm being done to the mcs, and there is a possible trigger with the h that involves thoughts of suicide (I don't put that as a spoiler because I think that is a trigger that has to be clearly noted).

Yeah... hold onto your pearls because this one is a definite clutcher.

Note: Cover art is Rath/Dmitri for this one.

Plot --- /5
Main Characters --- /5
Supporting Cast --- /5
Steam Level* --- 4.25/5 (no menage action yet - just some watching activities; no M/M or anal)
Violence --- Yes, and some on the h by the H's (in addition, )
Language --- You betcha
POV --- Multiple; the POV was rotating (though h probably had a solid 1/2 of the book)

*Note that steam level is not a rating so much as a how hot was it: 0/5 - clean; 1/5 - mild (nothing descriptive); 2/5 - 3rd base action/1 home run; 3/5 - now we're getting somewhere (a couple of full-on steamy scenes); 4/5 - yes please! (erotica territory); 5/5 - they did EVERYTHING in this one, y'all
Profile Image for &#x1f4a4;.
112 reviews5 followers
October 5, 2023
she’s so stupid el oh el, they’re all so stupid and she didn’t even take revenge and they treated her like shit so i don’t even know why this silly bitch went back to her like did u forget what they did to you 2 days ago??? girly has issues xx and the boys r literal psychos they all need to go to therapy together

𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉. “𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑳, 𝒅𝒂𝒅.”

like bffr… i’m surprised he didn’t emote after this 🫤 anyway as shit as this was i’m On my way! to read the third book 🤣
Profile Image for Lindsey.
329 reviews6 followers
November 17, 2022
I loved this book, but WOULDNT RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE! (unless you are fucked up like me..)
Please do not read this book or my review if you are not 18+ or bothered by any of these trigger warnings! This book is dark and terribly graphic!

Trigger Warning: This book contains graphic abuse, somnophilia, non-consensual sexual situations, pyromania, intense bullying, abuse/assault, public and private humiliation, physical mutilation, suicidal ideation, self-harm, blood and knife play, murder, and other uncomfortable situations.

This one quote really shows how the entire book is...
These men are thugs. They get off on this lifestyle. Revenge, chaos, pain, and torture.

Thoughts through the book:
Profile Image for nikki rose.
699 reviews332 followers
March 1, 2024
Re-read 27/02/24: I'm pretty sure y'all are sick of me yapping about this series atp😂

Re-read 13/11/23: Damn. I don't think I've re-read a series this many times. With that being said, the Princes will ALWAYS be number one for me. Then the Lords. And finally the Dukes (because their trilogy was painful AF)

Re-read 16/09/23: 4⭐️
Is it weird if I say this series grounds me and is my comfort series (as fucked up as it is)?😂 The men in this series are characters that piss me off and soften me up (eventually) in equal parts. I love to hate them and hate to love them lmao. One thing's for sure though...I def wouldn't want men like them irl lolololol. Ngl, but this series is addictive asf. It's my personal source of crack (or Viper Scratch ifykyk teehehehe)

Re-read 03/08/23: 4⭐️
I hate them I love them I hate them I love them. Pretty accurate description of how I feel about the guys. For more than half of this book, I wanted to do very violent and unspeakable things to Killer, Tris and Dimitri. But the ending made up for all the shit they put my poor baby Story through. Also can I just say how fucking proud I am of my girl? Like the way she got back at them will never not hit. That shit was poetic fr. The second book def has a lot more drama and pain (which makes me honestly scared for PoA lol) but it also led to a deeper connection between the characters. Also for those of y'all saying that the Princes always looked at other women...let me tell y'all so did the Lords. So did the Dukes (before they got with their fl obv - except for that dipshit Remy). Not that I'm excusing it or justifying it. But I've come to notice that all the guys from the frats like to be delulu when it comes to how badly they're into their fl (in the first book mainly. It's a pattern I've noticed fyi). Which is why they like pretend and think that their dick doesn't belong to their woman when SURPRISE SURPRISE it does!!! The third book is my fav from the entire trilogy (for obv reasons aka the HEA) and I can't wait to re-read LoM. Also, I just realised that exactly one month from now, it'll be one year since I stumbled across this series and became an addict.

P.S. I had a fucking migraine that was threatening to split my skull open while reading this baby, but I still finished it in less than a day. THAT'S how obssessed I am.
Profile Image for S.
Author 1 book429 followers
September 14, 2024
Now that the hilarity and the novelty of the first book have worn off, I was now left with a very annoying heroine who left me dissatisfied with her actions/lack thereof.

...Literally what is wrong with her?

You either own it or stop complaining...

Especially during the whole mirror room scene... (I was so bored with her during that scene.)

Her revenge was so fucking lame!

I rolled my eyes every time she repeated the same things over and over again in her inner monologue, and then proceeded to let these guys do things to her...

Like, girl, you have a choice... Many choices actually. From the beginning actually.

If these 2 authors insist on writing such a comically depraved story, the least they can do is give me a heroine to root for!

I don't root for doormat heroines and heroines with critical body betraying syndromes that overpower their personality/decisions.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,729 reviews

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