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The Dark Elements #2

Stone Cold Touch

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Every touch has its price

Layla Shaw is trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered life—no easy task for a seventeen-year-old who’s pretty sure things can’t get worse. Her impossibly gorgeous best friend, Zayne, is forever off-limits thanks to the mysterious powers of her soul-stealing kiss. The Warden clan that has always protected her is suddenly keeping dangerous secrets. And she can barely think about Roth, the wickedly hot demon prince who understood her in ways no one else could.

But sometimes rock bottom is only the beginning. Because suddenly Layla’s powers begin to evolve, and she’s offered a tantalizing taste of what has always been forbidden. Then, when she least expects it, Roth returns, bringing news that could change her world forever. She’s finally getting what she always wanted, but with hell literally breaking loose and the body count adding up, the price may be higher than Layla is willing to pay…

453 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 11, 2014

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About the author

Jennifer L. Armentrout

149 books142k followers
Hey Guys! Please note: I don't send out ARCs for review. If you're interested in reviewing a book of mine before release date, please contact the appropriate publisher. I also do NOT check my Goodreads email.

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# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Charles Town, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. In early 2015, Jennifer was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a group of rare genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and death of cells in the retina, eventually resulting in loss of vision, among other complications. Due to this diagnosis, educating people on the varying degrees of blindness has become of passion of hers, right alongside writing, which she plans to do as long as she can.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Tor, HarperCollins Avon and William Morrow, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her Wicked Series has been optioned by PassionFlix. Jennifer has won numerous awards, including the 2013 Reviewers Choice Award for Wait for You, the 2015 Editor’s Pick for Fall With Me, and the 2014/2015 Moerser-Jugendbuch- Jury award for Obsidian. Her young adult romantic suspense novel DON’T LOOK BACK was a 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA. Her adult romantic suspense novel TILL DEATH was a Amazon Editor’s Pick and iBook Book of the Month. Her young adult contemporary THE PROBLEM WITH FOREVER is a 2017 RITA Award Winner in Young Adult Fiction. She also writes Adult and New Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

She is the owner of ApollyCon and The Origin Event, the successful annual events that features over hundred bestselling authors in Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult Fiction, panels, parties, and more.

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Profile Image for Jen.
1,080 reviews92 followers
December 8, 2014
After I read White Hot Kiss, I was like...

Team Roth!

But then I read Stone Cold Touch and I was like...

 Team Zayne!

Now I'm like...

But seriously, here are 10 reasons you should read Stone Cold Touch...

1. Jennifer L. Armentrout wrote it. You know it's gon' be good!

2. The relationships. They're honest, real and lasting. Layla is a lucky girl.

3. The unique love situation. I'm calling it a "situation" because "triangle" isn't really the right word. Read it, then you'll understand.

4. The club scene. 
(I heard the Eagles' song, Hotel California, in my head as I was reading.)

5. That.Car.Scene.

6. The locker scene. 
*Insert Brad Pitt's voice... "What's in the locker?! What's in the locker?!"*

7. The introduction of Witches. 
(Again, leave it to JLA to make me rethink my, "I don't "do" those." list. I swear, one of these days she's going to make me like owls too. Maybe.)

8. A twist I DID NOT SEE coming!

9. The ending. Which broke my heart and not for the reasons you might expect.

10. And finally, you should read Stone Cold Touch because...

UPDATE: Come see what happened when Roth and Zayne (and Bambi) stopped by to bake cupcakes for Layla. http://jenuinecupcakes.blogspot.com/2...
Profile Image for Wendy Higgins.
Author 20 books7,980 followers
October 4, 2013
One of the first times I've ever beta read a book and not had any kind of feedback to give other than "DROOL! OMGOSH! I AM DEAD!"
This series...this heroine...these freaking boys!!!
Profile Image for Josu Diamond.
Author 9 books33.5k followers
October 27, 2021
La trilogía no deja de mejorar.

Mi experiencia leyendo este libro ha sido cuanto menos curiosa. Le di un parón de como 3 meses, pero en cuanto lo retomé volví a estar sumido en el universo de Layla, Zayne y Roth. El estilo de Jennifer L. Armentrout es tan perfecto para mantenerte enganchado y refrescarte los pequeños detalles que se podrían haberte olvidado, que no he visto mi lectura afectada por ese parón lector.


En La caricia del infierno las amenazas se vuelven más grandes, la tensión crece y Layla deberá enfrentarse a cosas que no le hacen demasiada gracia... y que ponen patas arriba todo lo que conoce. La verdad es que este segundo libro no es tan inocente como el primero, ni cae en explicarnos más sobre el universo de la novela: las bases ya están asentadas y ahora toca jugar con ellas. Muy bien estructurado por parte de Armentrout, que consigue engancharte desde el primer momento con los giros de trama.

¿Los personajes? Ay, yo no soy mucho de esto de desvivirse por protagonistas ni shippearlos en redes ni nada, pero... Lo de estos libros es demasiado. El juego que tiene Layla con los dos chicos me vuelve loco. En esta ocasión veremos cómo en ambas relaciones da un paso hacia delante, a cada uno sus cosillas, pero demasiado para mi corazón. Sigo siendo Team Roth, eso sin dudarlo, pero Zayne me ha ganado un poco más en este libro y he agradecido ese toque de humanidad realista y no tanta sobreprotección.


En cuanto a los giros solo puedo aplaudir a Jennifer. Son una maravilla, y aunque algunos me los esperaba, la manera de enfrentarlo desde el punto de vista de Layla siempre me parece acertado. Crece mucho como personaje del primero al segundo, y siento que ahora coge más al toro por los cuernos. El tema del Lilin, las muertes en el instituto, los nuevos superpoderes... No sé, tantas cosas que me han gustado que quiero gritar. ¡Esto es un maldito urban fantasy en condiciones! Me recuerda a lo que leía hace una década, tiene ese pequeño toque de nostalgia que me recuerda a sagas como Entrelazados de Gena Showalter o Soul Screamers de Rachel Vincent.

Además, lo que pasa en las habitaciones... PASAN MUCHAS COSAS, ¿OK? Pierdo la cuenta de los infartitos con tanto beso, de un lado, del otro. Pero nena, Layla, ¿a qué estamos jugando? Mira, me fascina que ella esté entre dos hombres pero se ralle un total de cero unidades porque los dos le ponen igual de cachonda. ¡Y entre ellos encima hay tensión por ella! No sé, un triángulo de esos que disfruto como el mamarracho que soy.

He comentado ya que el universo no sufre más explicaciones o expansiones que las ya planteadas en El beso del infierno, y honestamente creo que así está perfecto. Son unos libros que -no vamos a engañarnos- están hechos para leer de corrido, sin mayores pretensiones y los eventos son explicados con una agilidad que hace que no paren de pasar cosas y te lo ventiles en horas sin soltarlo. Sin embargo, hay momentos decisivos en cuanto al worldbuilding en esta entrega, especialmente respecto a Layla, y muero por ver con qué se nos sorprende en la tercera parte.


Que me encanta esta saga y estoy ahora mismo con el tercero directamente. Sé que se me van a mezclar los eventos de un libro en otro, pero estoy muy enganchado. Nivel: apagar la TV con un reality de Telecinco para leer. ¡Yo! ¡DEJANDO DE VER UN REALITY! El poder de Jennifer L. Armentrout, nenis.
Profile Image for Lucia.
737 reviews906 followers
February 9, 2017
My Roth, Layla and Zayne:

I have always been a fan of paranormal YA stories by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Why such a low rating this time? I had to take one star down because of cheesy dialogues and writing style. Second star was taken down because of stereotypical characters and dragged out plotline. And another stars was taken down because of the worst case of love triangle ever. Let me explain.

- Cheesy dialogues and writing style -

Cheesy according to Urban Dictionary: "Trying too hard, unsubtle, and inauthentic. Specifically that which is unsubtle or inauthentic in its way of trying to elicit a certain response from a viewer, listener, audience, etc." This is exactly what Mrs. Armentrout achieved in this book. I guess she was aiming for sounding young and cool. However, phrases and dialogues she presented felt foolish and over the top. Constant use of phrases like "holy granola bar", "crap on a cracker", "Christ on a crutch", "thank baby Jesus and cuddly angels" or "holly shit balls for Sunday dinner" annoyed me big time and made characters look rather immature in my opinion. I am sure many readers won't be bothered by it, but it didn't work for me at all.

- Stereotypical characters and dragged out plotline -

Mrs. Armentrout presented nothing new in this book. We have seen it all in her previous books or in other books within YA genre. There is nothing special that would distinguish main characters of this series from other YA heroes and heroines. Yes, author came up with some pretty interesting twists towards the end. But even exciting last 20% couldn't change the fact that I was a little bit bored during first 80% of the book.

- The worst case of love triangle -

What was my biggest problem with this love triangle? The fact that Layla acted on her feelings towards both boys. If she was with one boy and internally struggling with her feelings for another boy, I could survive that (sort of). But the fact that she was leading both guys on simultaneously, alternatively being with one while thinking of other and vice versa... Who does something like that? A character I can't feel any compassion for. Plus both guys were willing to forgive Layla everything. And I really mean EVERYTHING. Zayne especially. And that is unhealthy. I couldn't respect them because of it and they all lost my sympathies in this book. And when I don't feel for characters, I simply can't enjoy the story.

So whose team I am on? Team Roth or Team Zayne? TEAM BAMBI!

MORE REVIEWS ON MY BLOG Reading Is My Breathing
Profile Image for Wendy.
612 reviews49 followers
December 7, 2014
DO I love this series? Yes
Do I love Stony... I mean Zayne? Until this book? Heck nah. After this book? He's...meh
Do I love Roth? Now that's a heck YEAH!

We get to know the characters a lot better in this book and we undertnad the world much better as well. I finished this book in about two days and I can honestly say I enjoyed it and everything it uncovered. If you like YA fantasy/paranormal books then go for this.

Now just to wait for that last (wah. I'm gonna cry. I don't like good series ending) book.
And hope that people still love Roth and that Layla won't end up with Zayne. He's...ok, but not my style. he's not the guy I see ending up with Layla.

Profile Image for Anniebananie.
611 reviews480 followers
August 27, 2017
Das kommt auch eher selten vor, dass mir der zweite Band einer Trilogie besser gefällt als der erste. Aber ich hab an diesem Buch überhaupt nichts auszusetzen. Die Geschichte schließt nahtlos an das Ende des ersten Buches an und endet dieses Mal sogar mit einem noch fieseren Cliffhanger (🙄). Ich fand die Entwicklungen der Charaktere toll und der Schreibstil war auch wieder super angenehm und flüssig. Der Plot war super spannend und es gab unerwartete Wendungen. Selbst das Liebesdreieck sagt mir hier zu, weil es irgendwie Sinn macht und auch wenn ich Team Roth bin, mag ich Zayne und seine Dynamik/Beziehung mit Layla super gern. Ich bin gespannt auf das Finale der Trilogie, obwohl ich eigentlich gar nicht will, dass es zu Ende geht... 🐍
Profile Image for Stormy.
500 reviews71 followers
April 27, 2022



Ugh. I feel so so lame for not realising this would mainly be about Zayne from the Title. STONE COLD TOUCH. DUHHHH.

I seriously cannot believe the things that happened in this book. Jennifer really is striving to blow minds. There's so much crazy. Crazy good and crazy baaaad.

Don't read on if you haven't read the book. Spoilers will be EVERYWHERE.

Okay. Number one major shock is this love triangle, y'all. Wth is going on?! Roth or Zayne, girl?! You cannot play them back and forth. I personally think that Roth is a better match for you, but Zayne was kicking some serious sexiness in this one. The Bambi scene was whoa. Big shock. And then the side of the road makeout session, where wtf! They can kiss! And then that just all falls apart like it was bound to anyway.

Abbott is a major asshole, Zayne is so slow to figure that shit out, and Dez you are amazeballs.
Had to do a shoutout for him.

Zayne and Danika would make a sweet couple. Let's make that happen, YEAH?

Layla can rock Bambi all she wants, it wont change the fact that she belongs with Roth.

Roth is just a freaking god. Ugh. Jen does this to me with Seth and now Roth. Similar sense of humors, right? And that's all it really takes for me to be sprung. Well, there's more to it but that's the gist.

The whole dying scene...gah! I can't believe he said it.
He said ily. Wow.

And then there's Layla's ever present doubt that she hears such things. Ugh.
She's not the greatest, but she's alright.

Poor sweet Sam. What the hello kitty, guys!? How did that happen? I kind of suspected something because he was changing so drastically and wasn't saying much. I have no clue how this will all go down in the next book.

I hope Layla picks someone. Roth Roth Roth.

I hope that she can get Sam back, without making a deal with the Boss to get his soul back.

I do know mommy dearest will break free eventually and I'm kind of excited about that. What kind of mayhem will she cause for Layla? Is it weird that I'm suspecting she will hit on Roth? Or maybe Zayne...she does have a thing for wardens, no?

And what's the favor for saving Layla's life? I don't know bout those witches, as they're a wee bit ominous.

Ugh. I. need. the. next. book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Aseel .
233 reviews112 followers
February 20, 2015
Oh. My. God. I'm completely speechless, but one thing for sure, how could ANYBODY be team Zayne??? Just how? Nope, no, nope. Just no!
#TeamRoth all the way baby
Profile Image for Sara.
211 reviews147 followers
October 1, 2021
This book is a mess😭. Like should I continue?

Here you can find my list of alllll the things that I find so wrong with this book:
1. Layla
2. Abot 'her father figure'
3. Layla thinking she is better then other girls and shaming them.
4. Layla playing and using 2 boys at the same time.
5. Layla being mean to bambi
Yeah kinda hate this book.
Profile Image for Karla Martínez.
Author 1 book17k followers
December 3, 2020
AYYYYY, la Jenny lo hizo de nuevo.

Este libro fue una montaña rusa de emociones y creo que fue una muy buena segunda parte. Eso sí, le doy 4 estrellas porque tuvo muuuuucho foco en Zayne y debo admitir que aún no me gusta este personaje y no me puede gustar. Lo he intentado, les juro. De hecho, lo encuentro tierno y adorable y una buena persona para Layla, pero mi corazón le pertenece a ROTH Y PUNTO. Lo que me dio mucha risa es que este libro me trajo flashbacks de Luna Nueva con el triángulo amoroso y me encantó eso jajaja.

Después del final del primer libro (que fue épico y lo amé), sentí que la trilogía tenía mucho potencial y creo que esta continuación tomó un giro interesante, aunque también un poco predecible. Es demasiado rápido de leer, al igual que El Beso del Infierno, pero aún me molesta un poco que los capítulos sean tan largos.

Y bueno, con ese final NECESITO urgentemente continuar con la trilogía.

Espero que lean estos libros <3
Profile Image for Sasha Alsberg.
Author 8 books65.3k followers
June 5, 2014
Jennifer does it again! Stone Cold Touch is truly a riveting and beautiful read. If I could rate this book 10 stars I would!!
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,015 reviews2,446 followers
August 5, 2015
4.75 stars!


Stone Cold Touch continues the series with Layla adjusting to her usual life again without the demon Roth. Pretty soon she and the Wardens discover a Lilin has been born, a powerful demon that can turn humans into wraiths, and it seems to be Layla's fault.

I thought that this was a wonderful middle book to a trilogy. It brought on all of the feels and the angst. Plus Zayne finally got a shot at wooing Layla which I am all for. I root for the underdog about 99.9% of the time, so for this books guys I am a member of Team Zayne.

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No really, I even voted for him.

Not to say that I don't love Roth either, I just have a feeling he's going to win the fan vote, so I'm crossing my fingers for the sweet guy who's loved Layla for years. The bad boy is welcome to stick around too.

I also loved all of the Buffy references, being the ridiculous nerd that I am. I mean, what else would demons/vampires use for poker currency other than kittens?

Anyways, not my best review but all I have to say is, read this series. It's like book crack for your brain!

(And why not 5 stars? Because she threw in the "Holy Granola Bar" AGAIN. I was really sick of that in her other books Stay With Me and Opposition, so luckily she didn't use these exaggerations too often in this one).

***Quotes to possibly be added at a later time.
Profile Image for Patricia Bejarano Martín.
442 reviews5,553 followers
April 15, 2017
Me ha encantado, como todos los de Jennifer. Ella nunca me decepciona. Si este libro no tiene las 5 estrellas es porque he tenido Zayne hasta en la sopa y no me gusta Zayne. Creo que queda claro que soy del equipo Roth. Porque sí, en esta parte es mucho más visible el triángulo amoroso, y hacía tiempo que no leía uno que me tuviera tan loca y enganchada, aunque me ha hecho sufrir, vaya.
Y Jennifer, podrías dejar de hacerme sufrir con esos finales. No es justo. Ahora tengo que esperar y no quiero. Es que lo hemos tenido delante todo el libro y no lo he visto hasta el final y eso me ha encantado. Quienes lo hayáis leído me entenderéis.
En fin, que si no os habéis adentrado aún en la trilogía de Los elementos oscuros, no sé a que estáis esperando.
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,694 reviews25.1k followers
November 11, 2015
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Stone Cold Touch is book two in The Dark Elements series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. OH…MY…GOSH!!!!! This book was amazing. I don’t even know where to start except that I loved it!

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Roth has been gone about two weeks and Layla is grieving. She believes Roth to be suffering in the depths of the fiery pits of hell. Roth became important to her. She can’t label her feelings but knows they are deep. And she misses him desperately. So you can understand her surprise when he shows up at the Warden’s compound looking just fine. Roth is back!!!

About here is where there is so much I want to say but don’t want to spoil anything. I will say that my love for Roth took a blow at this point.

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Layla’s relationship with Zayne began to change about this time. He started spending more and more time with her, touching her, cuddling with her. Layla knew this was dangerous. The part of her that is half demon feeds off of souls and because of this, she can never kiss Zayne. There can’t be a future with him, can there? But Zayne has other thoughts on this subject.

“It’s obvious to everyone but you, Zayne wants you. And, he’s in love with you.”

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Part of the reason Roth was sent back is to hunt for a demon called the Lilin whom they believe has been killing innocent people and turning their souls into wraiths. But try as they might, they couldn’t find any evidence of whether there was a Lilin or not. Layla’s demon powers have been changing, evolving, getting stronger. Could all the bad events that have taken place have anything to do with her? Could she have caused them? Is she dangerous without even knowing it?

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When Layla is with Zayne, she feels warm, safe, special, comfortable. She spent her life following him around like a puppy dog. Is it possible that all her childhood dreams could possibly come true? Roth, now, is a different story. He challenges her and evokes all sorts of tummy swirls. But he’s a demon. All he could do is hurt her in the end, right?

“Roth was like this little devil on my shoulder, urging me to be bad and to enjoy every freaking moment of it. Except he wasn’t a little devil. He was the Crown Prince of Hell.”

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At times my heart broke for Layla. I mean, she doesn’t feel like she belongs anywhere. She eats her meals alone or in the kitchen. Never in the dining room with the rest of the family. At school, no one knows what she really is. She is constantly at war with herself, taught that her demon side is evil. But the wardens don’t accept her either. Where does she belong? And her sort of adoptive father, Abbot. I never liked that guy. Yes, he took her in, but he never really showed her any affection or made her feel like she was a part of the family. And in this book, my feelings of dislike turned to feelings of…well, lets just say they are now much stronger than dislike.

One little insignificant point I want to make is that this takes place right around Thanksgiving so even though it really doesn’t mean anything, I like that I read it when it is almost Thanksgiving.

And lets talk ending…well ladies and gentlemen, I want to warn you to hold on to your hats because the last 20% or so of this book will cause you great anxiety. Yes, you will freak out. So don’t say I didn’t warn you. And yes, there is a HUGE FREAKING CLIFFHANGER! And the final book doesn’t come out until I think it said the end of July 2015. What a cruel punishment this is, leaving us like this to wait eight months for the grand finale. This is torture.

So, did I enjoy this book? Well, if I wasn’t clear enough already, YES, I loved it. And am I still team Roth or have I gone over to the Zayne team? Team Roth, baby, all the way!

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Profile Image for The Y.A. Bookworm Blogger.
175 reviews1,131 followers
October 23, 2014
My love for Roth has officially been solidified after that ending! Roth reminds me so much of Daemon; he's witty, sexy, sarcastic, and extremely romantic/passionate! #TeamROTH

-That cliffhanger is going to cause one serious book hangover...where's book three?!?!
-Bambi the snake is awesome-sauce and apparently also a fan of Wardens
-Abbott = boooo
-Loved all the action that went down
-Roth, Roth, and ROTH!!
Profile Image for Booknut 101.
849 reviews998 followers
December 22, 2014
When the words 'wickedly hot demon prince' appear in a book's blurb, there's only one appropriate response.
 photo tumblr_n5xog0tRpf1t6roozo3_250.gif

Don't get me wrong...I know he's a demon *cue fainting & much waving of holy water*

But Roth is just so...so...hot. White hot. Get it?! (Please ignore that mildly horrid pun)

If I were Layla, & I was in the same vicinity as Roth, odds are I'd be all like:
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Please, Ms. Armentrout - just let Roth and Layla be together.

On the other hand I kinda like the sound of Layla and Zayne getting together so Roth and I can ride off into the sunset.

Either way, it works for me! ;)

**Full review to come**
Profile Image for Gabs.
233 reviews191 followers
August 4, 2021
4/5 ★★★★☆

“Love is a strange creature one thinks one has a grasp on and understanding of, only to discover later that it was only the barest taste of the real thing.”

I will not say much about this book because I'm already reading the third one and I would probably mix things up, but I confirm that it was as or more addictive than White Hot Kiss.

Although it's clearly a transitional book, things were always happening that keep me from sleeping 😂 It has a fast pace and an immediate hitch. I was never bored.

I liked that the author gave relevance to Layla's friends. They aren’t there just for the sake of it, but they have a role in the story and are constantly getting into the plot.

It's not the best story in the world, but I really enjoyed it and became more fond of the characters.

1. Layla: She still isn't my favorite protagonist and sometimes I wanted to slap her, but I liked the evolution that she began to show throughout the book. Her way of dealing with all the problems that come her way is sometimes funny, which is curious because things go to hell pretty quickly.

“There were so many risks, but as my heartbeat skipped, I realized that half demon or not, life was full of risks and I was tired of not living—of not trying.”

2. Zayne: Remember when I said that I had to get to know him more to form an opinion about him? Well, I discovered that Zayne in love is a cinnamon roll and it melted my heart entirely 🥺

“I would know if a part of my heart was gone.”

Oh, c'mmon! Why are you doing this to me? Yes, he sometimes acted like an idiot, but in the end all he did was support Layla and defend her against everything and everyone. I loved that he was there for her and that he gave her that great level of trust.

He's basically a sweet muffin and I don't want him to get hurt, thank you very much.


3. Roth: For more than half the book I wanted to slap him. Yeah, I figured he was lying and wanted to be with Layla, but I still wanted to kick him. Also, did I already mention that I wanted to slap him? 🤣

“I love you, Layla. Do you hear me? I’ve loved you since the first moment I heard your voice and I will continue to love you. No matter what. I love you.”

And then JLA dropped that to me! Do you think I'm going to forgive all his shitty attitude after being extremely sweet and attentive?


You are absolutely right, I did. 😍😅

Still, there’s something that doesn’t make sense. SPOILER ALERT: Roth said he left Layla to protect her from Abbot's threat, right? But when Layla found the necklace in his place, he was there with her. Why did he let two weeks pass before he showed up? Why did he walk away from her back then if Abbot hadn't threatened him yet? END OF THE SPOILER.


The plot twist at the ending? I saw it coming almost from page one 😶 I don't know what that says about me, but maybe I was expecting something twisted 😆

Anyway, I recommend this series if you are looking for something addictive and entertaining. It has clichés and YA drama, so keep that in mind because it won't be a story for everyone.

P.S. Abbot is an idiot 👌🏻
November 26, 2021
“What you are doesn’t change who you are.”

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narration: 🎧🎧🎧🎧
Romance: 💙💚🖤💜❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙📔
World building: 🌎🌍🌏🌎🌍
Character development: 😳🤬😏🤓🥰

The heroine: Layla - she is half gargoyle, half demon and lives with the gargoyle Wardens who protect humanity from demons. She learned that her mother was the demon Lilith whom escaped from Hell nearly 18 years ago and got pregnant by a gargoyle.

The Hero(s): Zayne - a gargoyle shifter and son of the head warden. He is four years older than Layla and her best friend. Layla has had a crush on Zayne for years. Zayne is very good to Layla.
Roth - an upper level demon, he is tall, inked and cocky. He was back in Hell at the beginning of the book and returns with awful news.

The Story: Layla had always loved Zayne but also she had always known that they could never be together because her kiss can kill. Like a succubus, she sucks in the soul through a kiss. Since she grew up with the wardens, she has always fought against her demon nature and spending time with Roth in the first book, she was finally able to be with someone she could kiss.

So much happened in this book and it was so good. It was so different than I expected. Every time I though something would happen, it got turned all around. I love when a book can surprise you so much. Also at the end of the first book, I was seeing shades of the Edward, Bella, Jacob triangle, and I was totally team Roth. However, nothing went as expected. I am still totally team Roth, but I did switch back and forth a bit.

I don’t want to give anything away, but I loved the action, the drama and the angst. The romance had some great moment and there were definitely a lot of longing looks between these guys and Layla. It was a young adult romance so there were no overly steamy scenes. But I liked the fact that it’s about the kiss. Sometimes a good kissing scene can be every bit as intimate and steamy as doing it all.

The narration was good, but I won’t give 5 out of 5 headphones unless it is dual narration with at least one man and one woman. I think that even a book told by the heroine’s POV can have dual narration.
Though I have to admit that Saskia Maarleveld does a fine job at using different voices.

February 22, 2016
Oh my goodness. For one thing, I just finished that book in one day. In less than six hours. Also, that was a STUNNING BOOK! I have to admit, I wasn't sure how the second book was going to. My breath was blown away with what I encountered in the second, and somewhat better, installment of the Dark Elements.

So this book starts up from the major and upsetting cliffhanger at the end of White Hot Kiss. Layla is still upset about Roth but that makes sense since he only left two weeks prior. What makes it worse if Zayne, her incredibly gorgeous best friend. Who is totally off limits because of who they both are. And because of the fact that Layla can take his soul if they kiss. Along with that, the lack of trust that the other Wardens have for her have her fearing that they are keeping even more, and worse, secrets. To top it off, there are mystery accidents going on in the school. Overall Layla thinks that nothing could make this worse. But alas, it does.

Layla's powers begin changing and she gets the chance to see what she has been missing, which leads to a very steamy car scene. Those of you who've read the book, know what I mean.

On top of that Roth returns. At that point, Layla (and I) think that everything is going to be alright. But again alas, its not. Layla has her heart ripped out again as things continue to spiral downward and the death count continuing to rise.

So now it's time to describe what I like.

That about sums it up but I'll continue to try anyway.

The love...shape. It wasn't exactly a love triangle but I don't know how else to describe it.

“I love you Layla. Do you hear me? I've loved you since the first moment I heard your voice and I will continue to love you. No matter what. I love you.”

“I’d find myself unable to stop staring at you, and it was hard not wanting to spend time with you. Why else did I always get up so early?...Can’t think about you? Can’t tell you that you have always been the most amazing girl I’ve ever known? That I can’t hold you? Touch you? Because the last time I checked, I could do all those things.”

Layla. She was an amazing lead girl. I thought that she might be a little weak from the first one but she was very strong in this one. All of my doubts about her just threw out the window.

Roth. I was laughing at half of the things he was crying and crying at the other. I was heartbroken and crying with Layla because I was rootin' for him since the first book.

Zayne. I was growing to love him too but I was still a little reluctant to fully accept him. He is a great character and I want to read more with him.

The action was very good. There was always twists and turns that I didn't see coming. I really loved that there was not one problem throughout the book. There were layers. Like an onion.

The ending. I knew that there was something wrong with him! No one listened to me! Didn't they hear my internal screaming?! I guess not. No, I wasn't expecting it to be that bad but I knew that there was something a little off with you-know-who that doesn't just have to do with confidence.

So, there wasn't a thing that I didn't like in this book and it was amazing.

You should read it because:

1. The reasons I just listed

2. Jennifer Armentrout wrote it
do you need a better reason than that? I don't think so.
Profile Image for Selly - Leggere Romanticamente.
1,226 reviews301 followers
September 3, 2015

Sul blog trovate una doppia recensione qui http://www.leggereromanticamente.com/...

Ho tergiversato e aspettato un po' a leggere questo secondo libro della serie The Dark Elements perché sapevo che mi avrebbe fatto imbufalire.
Sapevo già che questo era "il libro di Zayne" e che quindi avrei dovuto sopportare molto la sua presenza a discapito di quella del mio favorito, Roth.
La Armentrout è stata bravissima come sempre, mi piace il suo stile e come riesce a scaturire emozioni diverse con le sue storie e soprattutto a far amare e odiare al tempo stesso i suoi personaggi... ma qui mi ha proprio fatto venire il sangue amaro.


ROTH: perchè devi saltare fuori con quelle frasi a inizio libro? La volevi buttare tra le braccia di Zayne? Ebbene, ci sei quasi riuscito.
Per fortuna che ogni volta che entra in scena lui tutto diventa migliore, la sua è una presenza FONDAMENTALE.
E il finale... 1.000.000 di punti per il nostro Principe degli Inferi.
Sarei sempre il migliore.

ZAYNE: lo zerbino geloso che si risveglia quando entra in gioco il rivale. Avrai anche tirato fuori un po' gli attributi ma.... NO. E poi secondo me le sue motivazioni fanno acqua da tutte le parti, non dico che non voglia bene a Layla, ma sembra proprio che cerchi di sedurla per tenerla lontana da Roth per gelosia.

LAYLA: il cuore spezzato la butta tra le braccia dell'amichetto d'infanzia verso il quale aveva una cottarella... ma non riesce a togliersi ROTH dalle mente nemmeno quando volano via i vestiti. Quello si chiama chiodo scaccia chiodo, oppure volere la soddisfazione di togliersi lo sfizio della 1° cotta. Ma la testa (e il cuore) sta da un'altra parte.

Colpi di scena non mancano nemmeno stavolta, soprattutto nel finale!
E la Armentrout come al solito ci lascia sul più bello, in attesa di scoprire cosa succederà e chi Layla sceglierà e riconoscerà come sua vera anima gemella.
Per quanto mi riguarda non c'è dubbio che sia ROTH.
Lui e tutti i famigli demoniaci della storia sono spettacolari, unici.
Spero di avere tra le mani il gran finale al più presto!
Profile Image for Cecilia.
320 reviews471 followers
June 30, 2021
Si bien esta entrega se centra más en el otro protagonista del triangulo amoroso; la trama continuó siendo entretenida y ligera de leer; lo que no quita que se extrañe a Roth 🥺

Peroo... Omg!! ¿¿¿Por qué este final??? Ahora solo quiero leer la tercera parte!! 🤯
Profile Image for Veronika.
23 reviews
August 31, 2017
I have really mixed feelings about this book. I love Roth and Layla together and their scenes were the best part. I was absoulutly bored with Zayn and Layla. Roth is just perfect and was the only character who didn't annoy me at all.
I loved the beginning and I thought it's getting even better than the first book. Than something happend and it got so boring. I was annoyed with all the characters ( except Roth )and basically rolled my eyes the hole time . There was no action and it was all about this very complicated love triangle. I just couldn't force myself to sit and read about Zayn and Roth fighting over Layla. Zayn was too annoying and protective . It really bothered me that Layla would just let him order her around and treat her like she's a five year old who can't defend her self and will get hurt and die if she would be left alone. She was a half Warden and half demon so it's just didn't make sense why everyone (icluding her) thought she needs protection all the time. Warden's rules about women really made me angry which caused my huge hatred towards them (although they are the good guys) . It just didn't make any sense. Why would they stay home and gave birth to kids and be protected when they could also shift and have superpowers??? Very confused (and angry). The explenation is that they supposedly had to be protected so Wardens could continiue with their bloodline or something like that. It just doesen't make any sense. They could've anlist make decisions .
Also I was relly dissapointed with lack of action through the middle of the book. Everything was about their love triangle and nothing about the fantasy aspect of book . It was just thrown here and there to make some plot twists while Layla is hooking up with either Zayn or Roth. At some point I even stoped paing attention to anything about Lilin. But the book got really better towards the end and I really loved it later. There was more action and more Roth . I really like how things developed later . Also there is huge plot twist at the end although I kind of predicted it way before. I love this book ( despite it's flaws, that I choose to ignore )and I love the world and characters in it. I can't wait to read third part and see what happens at the end. Team Roth and Layla till the end.
Profile Image for Sonyreader.
187 reviews114 followers
April 2, 2019
Todos los libros que he leído de esta autora me han encantado... y este no iba a ser menos. Es el segundo volumen de la trilogía, por lo que no puedo decir mucho porque si no contaría detalles importantes del primer libro.
Sin embargo, lo que sí puedo decir es que me ha encantado. Los personajes principales (Layla, Zayne y Roth) me gustan mucho. La historia me parece muy original y respecto a la pluma de la escritora, decir que es maravillosa y que transmite muchísimo.
Tiene diálogos divertidos, frases románticas preciosas... En fin, que es un lujo leer a esta escritora.
Os recomiendo el libro, a la autora... y estoy deseando leer el tercer y último libro de la trilogía para saber la continuación y el final de esta historia.
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