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Planetside #3

Colonyside: A Novel (The Planetside Series)

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A missing scientist and deep pockets pull Colonel Carl Butler out of retirement, investigating another mystery that puts him and his team--and the future of relations with alien species--in danger in COLONYSIDE, the exciting follow-up to Planetside and Spaceside.

A military hero is coming out of disgrace—straight into the line of fire…

Carl Butler was once a decorated colonel. Now he’s a disgraced recluse, hoping to live out the rest of his life on a backwater planet where no one cares about his “crimes” and everyone leaves him alone.

It’s never that easy.

A CEO’s daughter has gone missing and he thinks Butler is the only one who can find her. The government is only too happy to appease him. Butler isn’t so sure, but he knows the pain of losing a daughter, so he reluctantly signs on. Soon he’s on a military ship heading for a newly-formed colony where the dangerous jungle lurks just outside the domes where settlers live.

Paired with Mac, Ganos, and a government-assigned aide named Fader, Butler dives head-first into what should be an open and shut case. Then someone tries to blow him up. Faced with an incompetent local governor, a hamstrung military, and corporations playing fast and loose with the laws, Butler finds himself in familiar territory. He’s got nobody to trust but himself, but that’s where he works best. He’ll fight to get to the bottom of the mystery, but this time, he might not live to solve it.

1 pages, Audio CD

First published December 29, 2020

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About the author

Michael Mammay

7 books520 followers
Michael Mammay is a retired army officer and a graduate of the United States Military Academy. He has a masters degree in military history, and he is a veteran of more wars than he cares to remember. His first novel, PLANETSIDE, was a Library Journal 'Best books of 2018' pick and the sequels, SPACESIDE and COLONYSIDE, received starred reviews. GENERATION SHIP is his first foray out of the military SF sub-genre and comes out in October of 2023. He lives with his family in Georgia.

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Profile Image for Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller.
766 reviews1,467 followers
December 8, 2020
When Michael Mammay publishes a new book, I am so there. His writing, characters, and plots have drawn me in like few others, and Colonyside was no exception. I’m thrilled to have another Planetside novel to add to my collection.

Butler’s character profile is one of my favorites. His no-bullshit attitude is incredibly appealing (for the same reasons I love Corey’s Avasarala from the Expanse series) and I appreciate that his character seems to have grown and adapted a bit since the first book. I LOVE how analytical he his. His perceptions of the world and how other people tick is a constant through-line of the series. Psychoanalyzing people’s motives is something that always fascinated me, and he takes it one step further by using that analysis to influence and manipulate to get the outcomes he wants. It’s extremely satisfying. Because I’m so enamored with it, I eat up every page, but I could see how that constant evaluation might get a bit repetitive for other readers. It certainly worked for me though.

Of the three Planetside novels, this one was the most relaxed, probably because the stakes weren’t as high. But I didn’t mind that because the plot was fast-moving and the mystery interesting. The first two books had a fantastic payoff at the end (shocking me out of my seat), but this one lacked a bit of that for me, mostly because I predicted where it was going. I missed that element of surprise, but other than that really got into the characters, the setting, and the politics.

Recommendations: Planetside is one of my all-time favorite scifi novels and a very high recommend for any fan of the genre. The audio version is superb – R.C. Bray’s performance really elevating the character (my full audio production review is available on AudioFile.com). I enjoyed it so much I endorsed it for an Earphones Award. The series continues to delight and entertain me with each installment and I’m hoping it’s not the last we’ll see of Carl Butler.

I’d like to thank Avon and Harper Voyager, Netgalley, and Michael Mammay for the chance to read an early copy of Colonyside!

Via The Obsessive Bookseller at www.NikiHawkes.com

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Profile Image for Michael Mammay.
Author 7 books520 followers
July 14, 2020
Yes, this is my own book. But I just reread it cover to cover and made some minor changes (word choice, that sort of thing) and now it's done. I don't ever touch it again until release day.
Profile Image for Dan.
91 reviews2 followers
October 4, 2020
I got a free ARC in order to provide this review.

This is my third Michael Mammay book. I really liked the first of the series. The second was good as well. That made me worried about the third. My fears were quickly unfounded. Really good book here!

Plot: Each of this books takes place in the setting that the name implies, and this one is no different. Colonyside is set on a colony planet where an extremely rich man's daughter is missing and presumed dead. Carl Butler, a retired army colonel, is sent to investigate, but we get a hint early on that it might be for nefarious reasons. This leads Butler and his team (more below) on a wild goose chase toward the truth. Really good plot line that seems to wonder a bit at places, but never gets lost. I didn't personally note any plot holes, which is always nice.

Characters: Carl takes his team of Mac and Ganos, which we first met in the first book. Love those two. As in the previous books, they go a long way to making the characterization work. Carl Butler himself is just himself. I like his character a lot. I think he's a lot like me if I were a retired colonel in a much future world. But I don't know that other people are going to think he's special. Added to the old characters are two new ones, Captain Fader and General Oxendine (nicknamed Ox). Ox is a person who made general by following procedures and not doing anything stupid, so she's not like Butler at all. Fader is assigned to Butler by higher authority. Ostensibly to help him, but Carl's assumption early in the book is that she's really a spy. That sets the stage for a growing relationship and an opportunity for mutual respect.

Bad note: It's not really bad, but it is the reason I gave the book four stars. I felt that I was getting just a little too much of what Butler thought. I know this isn't quite true, but it seemed like all the dialog tags from Butler included what he was thinking at that moment. It got a little redundant for me. That's literally the only thing I found wrong in the book.

Final note: This is a good book. The plot is on point, the characters are near perfect. Dialog flows really well for the most part. The action scenes are really well done. I will be recommending this book to everyone.
Profile Image for Unseen Library.
861 reviews49 followers
January 31, 2021
One of the most impressive rising stars in science fiction, Michael Mammay, returns with the third entry in his outstanding Planetside series, Colonyside, a captivating science fiction thriller that sees Colonel Carl Butler return for another epic adventure.

After blowing up a second alien planet, former war hero and current “disgrace” Colonel Carl Butler is living a quiet life as a recluse on a remote planet. While Butler is more than happy to be left alone by everyone, he knows that it is only a matter of time before the government or the military attempt to draft him into another crazy adventure. This time, a powerful and rich CEO wants the maverick Butler to head up an investigation into the disappearance of his estranged daughter on a newly formed colony.

Knowing the pain of losing a daughter, Butler reluctantly accepts the job and takes the next ship to Eccasis. Working with old associates Mac and Ganos, as well as a new government-assigned aide, Captain Fader, Butler soon finds himself leading an investigation in a controversial colony where a dangerous and lethal jungle environment lurks just outside the bio-dome. The missing woman, a talented biologist, disappeared whilst on a routine research mission for her father’s company out in the jungle. While most people believe that her disappearance can be blamed on the planet’s predatory megafauna, her father believes that there is more to the case.

While everything initially seems on the level, Butler soon becomes convinced that something more is afoot when someone tries to blow him up. As he begins his investigation in earnest, Butler is forced to contend with corrupt and incompetent local politicians, a hamstrung military presence, a militant environmental organisation and a greedy corporation determined to cover themselves. Once more caught in the crosshairs of dangerous people with sinister agendas, Butler is forced to bend all the rules to have a chance of surviving. But has Butler finally found a problem that even he cannot blow his way out of?

To see the full review, click the link below:

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Profile Image for Jim.
Author 7 books2,066 followers
March 7, 2023
Very much like the previous 2, just a continuation that's self-contained enough to stand on its own. While the story comes to a satisfying end, there's certainly room for more books.
Profile Image for Tracy Gold.
Author 8 books39 followers
January 20, 2021
Oh man, is this the last we're going to see of Carl Butler?? I hope not! Colonyside was a great installment in this funny, riveting series about a grumpy retired Colonel called back to investigate a murder mystery/disappearance. I call it "funny" because Butler's view of the world is so often tinged with humor but the book also grapples with deep questions of human nature--our selfishness, our damage on our environment. And just because that's shown on an alien world doesn't mean the questions don't apply to planet Earth.
Profile Image for Ernie.
29 reviews37 followers
December 9, 2020
I was lucky enough to be an early reader of this book, and I can’t tell you how much I love Colonyside. MichaeI Mammay’s books just keep getting better and better. Colonyside was a blast to read, and I can’t recommend it enough. It has great dialogue, multi-dimensional characters, and an action-packed storyline that’s perfectly paced from start to finish. If you’re a fan of military sci-fi,I guarantee you’ll love this series.
Profile Image for Bee.
459 reviews3 followers
November 20, 2023
Fun but ultimately forgettable, much like Jack McDevitt. All the ingredients are there, but ultimately it leaves you wanting a little more.
Profile Image for Lianne Pheno.
1,217 reviews77 followers
January 22, 2021

Une réussite ce troisième tome, et ce malgré le fait qu’on perde un peu de l’élément de surprise, connaissant bien le principe des livres de l’auteur.

On est sur une série de policier de SF.

Dans cette série on suit l’ex-colonel Carl Butler. Celui ci est un enquêteur qu’on envoi normalement pour résoudre des problèmes. Dans ce tome Carl sort de sa retraite forcée. Il est appelé pour tenter de résoudre la disparition mystérieuse de la fille d’un gros magna de l’industrie qui a disparu sur une toute nouvelle colonie lors d’une expédition dans la nature. Comme d’habitude, les moyens de transport sont longs et du coup Carl n’arrive sur place que des mois après l’événement en question.

Une fois dans la colonie, il comprend tout de suite que la situation n’est pas idéale. On a d’un coté les militaires chargés de la sécurité qui n’ont vraiment pas les moyens de faire leur travail, de l’autre le gouverneur qui est un incapable, sans doute une marionnette d’on ne sait qui, qui passe son temps à changer d’avis et les règles à respecter. Sans parler bien sur des compagnies minières ou autre qui espèrent faire de cette nouvelle planète un bien profitable, et des organisations écologistes qui tentent par tout les moyens (même illégaux) de protéger ce paradis naturel.

A peine arrivé, l’équipe de Carl est victime d’in attentat à la bombe, leur véhicule officiel explose alors qu’ils allaient rentrer dedans. Celui ci comprend donc qu’il y a des enjeux forts sur son enquête, et que certains ne veulent pas que quelqu’un retourne les cendres.
Et c’est exactement ça qui le motive à aller fouiller de partout. Déterrer des magouilles et des choses que certains ne veulent pas qu’on découvre est sa spécialité …

Ce qui était bien avec ce tome c’est que malgré le fait qu’on connaisse le principe et le genre d’intrigue qu’aime l’auteur, il a quand même réussi à me surprendre sur certains points. J’ai trouvé ce tome quasiment aussi excellent que le premier (j’avais un chouilla moins aimé le second). La dernière centaine de page a bien fait évoluer l’intrigue.

A ce niveau la de la série on commence a bien connaitre le personnage principal. Et c’est un personnage que j’ai beaucoup de plaisir à suivre. Il est très analytique, perçoit rapidement les personnalités et analyse bien la situation générale. J’adore suivre ses pensées et sa façon d’arriver à tout de suite à mettre des mots pour expliquer les motivations de chaque personne qu’il rencontre. Il en joue totalement d’ailleurs, arrivant à manipuler les gens pour faire ce qu’il souhaite, enfin il essaye parce que ça ne marche pas tout le temps, bien sur.

Au final une excellente lecture et si il y a une suite je la lirais avec plaisir !
Profile Image for Betsy.
592 reviews224 followers
December 29, 2021
[28 Dec 2021]
This third installment of the Planetside series was something of a disappointment. Carl is talked into going to a distant colony planet to investigate a missing person. Most of the book was rather slow. Like most real life investigations, his endeavors mostly involved lots of talking to people. Aside from a couple half-assed attempts on his life, not much happened and the investigation seemed stuck on the obvious solution. Then about 80% into the book everything came to a head and there was lots of action. But the resolution was a little unbelievable. Rather deus ex machina.

Not as good as the first two installments, but still worth reading.
Profile Image for Greg.
689 reviews38 followers
January 17, 2021
4/5 Colonyside wasn’t quite as good as the last 2 but it was still great and at least we skipped the ambiguous ending this time.

The first chapter once again neatly wraps up the events of the previous book. Once again a lot quicker than you thought it would be. This time around Butler is sent to a “Colony” on a jungle planet where people live in domes to protect them from the vicious wildlife and flora.

Again We find ourselves with a sci fi military mystery to solve. This time it’s the missing daughter of a prestigious business man. There is a lot more action in book 3 and Colonyside is a bit longer than the previous installments which makes it feel well flushed out.

The dialog and pacing remain top notch and a few favorite returning characters as well as some excellent new ones make this a series to continue following.
Profile Image for Tracy.
2,149 reviews40 followers
April 2, 2021
This was very entertaining! I thought Butler was a stitch most of the time. I think he is a sci fi sort of Jack Reacher. I kept waiting for him to turn into a real hardass, but instead, I feel like he apologized for his behavior a bit much. As a person solidly in middle age, I have plenty of "too old to care what anyone thinks of me" moments, and I didn't see that in this retired military officer. We all make mistakes, but rarely does the confident person keep apologizing for them. I will have to read the first two now and get more of a feel for where he's coming from
69 reviews3 followers
January 7, 2021
The best of the series, and that's saying something. Butler is at his best, cantankerous but reasonable, loyal and even affectionate.
Profile Image for Gilbert Stack.
Author 73 books75 followers
March 6, 2021
Colonel Carl Butler is back! The man who twice launched weapons of mass destruction and is hated by half of the human race for a genocidal action that he took to save them is pulled into another complicated and intensely exciting mystery that once again involves an alien species. This time he’s hired by one of the richest men in the galaxy to find out what really happened to his estranged daughter when she went missing and was reported killed outside the dome on a small colony world. His mission is supported by the president which one would think would mean that people would bend over backward to help the investigation, but the opposite is happening. Most everyone, including the company owned by the man who launched Butler’s inquiry, are all being quietly obstructionist. Everyone appears to expect Carl to rubberstamp the previous report on how the woman died, collect his money, and go home. But obviously, they don’t know Carl Butler!

This novel is a completely worthy successor to its two predecessors, Planetside and Spaceside. The tension builds to excruciating levels as Carl gets deeper and deeper inside the mystery. And he’s finally up against an opponent who is frankly better than he is and the odds against him are crushingly high. It’s always hard to write a review that doesn’t give away critical plot elements, but I will say that I’m impressed by how deep inside Carl’s skull Mammay gets in this novel. Every single thing Carl does—correctly or mistakenly—read true right down to his stubborn willingness to die rather than be untrue to himself. In fact, death seems like a very probable outcome of the novel despite the fact that Carl is narrating the action, so if you’re like me, you’ll be looking for opportunities for him to record what he knows, and waiting for someone else to come in with the epilogue to the story. That’s how serious the action gets. I just hope there will be another book in this series soon.

If you liked this review, you can find more at www.gilbertstack.com/reviews.
Profile Image for J.C..
Author 15 books184 followers
January 11, 2021
Another fine Ferra-3 pour from the same bottle as the first two

If you loved Planetside, heck, if you tolerated Spaceside, if it didn't give you a rash just from reading, you're going to want to dive into Colonyside, because Butler is back, an army is still an army, people are still liars, and Carl just can't catch a break.

If you've been wondering if Butler is dead, the first sentence will settle that mystery for you, but this time, Butler's making a go at civilian life...until his past comes calling. But unlike the Butler of Planetside, or the once-burned Butler of Spaceside, this time around, the old man has learned how quickly winds shift and how one action can be a cover for another. Mac and Ganos are back, and if you liked them the first two times, I have good news. If they gave you a rash, swig some benadryl and start reading anyway, because it's worth it.

I don't know if this is Butler's final deployment, or if somehow the quiet wars waged on the edges of space will drag the old man in once more, but I do know that this is a book, like the previous two, that grabs you with compelling voice and hangs on right until the end.

And if it is? Raise a glass to Carl Butler, and Mammay, for an every-man narrator who just wants to destroy his liver in peace--and won't be allowed
Profile Image for Mary Soon Lee.
Author 104 books66 followers
March 12, 2021
This is the third book in a military SF series centered on Carl Butler, a former colonel who is enjoying retirement as the book opens. Needless to say, Butler soon gets drawn into an explosive situation. As with the earlier books, this is smartly plotted and grabbed me throughout, blending military elements, mystery elements, and action scenes. I like Butler. I like the confident prose, the moments of humor, Butler's concern for his team. To me it feels like a perfectly updated successor to classic military science fiction, where the technology and the attitudes have moved into the 21st century. For instance, the supporting cast of characters include several likable capable women, none of whom . If there were any more books in the series, I'd gobble them up. Highly recommended.

About my reviews: I try to review every book I read, including those that I don't end up enjoying. The reviews are not scholarly, but just indicate my reaction as a reader, reading being my addiction. I am miserly with 5-star reviews; 4 stars means I liked a book very much; 3 stars means I liked it; 2 stars means I didn't like it (though often the 2-star books are very popular with other readers and/or are by authors whose other work I've loved).
Profile Image for Alex Anderson.
362 reviews7 followers
April 8, 2021
Easy, entertaining military-themed sci fi. The sci-fi part is just filler, and this instalment is pretty much like the previous 2 in the series.

Written in the first person, everything ordered and in place by the hardworking, dependable and slightly goofy ex-colonel-private-investigator.

Although, there’s killing, mass slaughter of indigenous species, etc. the storyline is straightforward, glib and military shallow (or deep, depending how you prefer to look at it) with two-dimensional characterisation throughout.

The narrator, R. C. Bray’s reading style fits and works to compliments the writing style.
Profile Image for Michelle Hauck.
Author 8 books251 followers
August 4, 2021
This series keeps getting better! Colonel Butler really comes into his own as he's once again thrown into a confrontation that tests his integrity. I love how realistic the personal struggle is in this series.
Profile Image for Michael.
1,125 reviews41 followers
January 17, 2021
Colonyside is the third book in the Planetside series by Michael Mammay. In this one Carl Butler has retired to a remote planet where he has a small farm. The people there either do not know about his past or if they do they just do not care. But his past comes back to haunt him when a government representative comes to convince him he is once again needed. A powerful CEO's daughter has gone missing on another remote colony and they believe Butler is the only man for the job of finding her. Paired with his former comrades Mac and Ganos along with a government-assigned aide named Fader he will once again be in the midst of intrigue and trouble. It will take all of his skill and that of his team to solve the mystery of the girl's disappearance and to also survive the investigation.
This book is a great read in this series.
Profile Image for cosmo.bookshelf.
92 reviews28 followers
September 17, 2023

Trzecia odsłona przygód Carla Butlera, pułkownika na emeryturze, jest już trochę nużąca. Rozpoczyna się podobnymi wątkami, co rok pierwszy, ale fabuła prowadzona jest innymi torami. Dość szybko staje się przewidywalna, a kończy się tak, że niczego nie wnosi. Butler kolejny raz gra według własnych zasad, kolejny raz mozolnie dąży do prawdy, kolejny raz popełnia błędy i kolejny naraża siebie i swoich towarzyszy na smierć albo przynajmniej „konsekwencje”.

Dwa pierwsze tomy były spójne, przedstawiały moralne wątpliwości wobec kolonizowania obcych planet. Trzecia po prostu odgrzewa opisane już wcześniej wątki. Nie powiedziałabym, że ta książka jest totalnie zła, ale po prostu nie miała nic do opowiedzenia tak naprawdę. Korporacje są złe i pazerne? No shit, Sherlock.

[nieco szersza opinia pojawi się na insta @cosmo.bookshelf]
Profile Image for Laura.
203 reviews3 followers
November 19, 2023
So...I totally messed up by reading the third book in a series first. However in my defense I just read Generation Ship by Michael Mammay which was amazing. So when this book popped up at my local goodwill, I had to buy it and read it right away.

Mr Mammay writes in a very clear and straightforward style which I really enjoy. Like I said in my review of Generation Ship, I normally don't like military fiction, but the author's writing is engaging and I constantly find myself wondering what will happen next. I guess I will read the other two books now even though I was spoiled on the endings.

May the goodwill gods smile upon me so I can get more of Mammay's books! Btw the cover is also really cool!
Profile Image for Andi.
1,922 reviews
January 1, 2021
Colonyside was a very satisfying conclusion to the Planetside trilogy. But do I want to see more of retired Colonel Carl Butler? Heck, yes! He’s a perfect protagonist for this type of work - he’s a smart leader who always seems to be one step ahead of his adversaries. I wouldn’t have thought that military sci-if would be a genre for me, but Mammay makes his characters and plots so interesting and relatable.

In Colonyside, Butler is asked by a very wealthy man to investigate the disappearance of his daughter on a colonized—but environmentally hostile—planet. He is aided by two of my favorites, Mac for his security detail, and Ganos for her AI/hacker skills. He is also given Capt. Monique Fader, a political appointee, to aid in his investigation.

While the first half of the book was slow and methodical, the last half moved at a mind-blowing pace. I just love Mammay’s writing and his ability to build a clever plot with engaging characters. Did I say I wanted to see Butler again? Please, YES!!
Profile Image for Bram.
239 reviews74 followers
May 17, 2021
There's something weirdly magnetizing reading about Carl Butler doing his investigating and rubbing people the wrong way. The way he thinks and analyzes EVERYTHING resonates with me, as well as his clipped, matter-of-fact way of talking and thinking.

This is the 3rd installment of the Butler-machine and I'm not getting bored of it. Reading this is like falling back in a comfortable rut and I loved every minute of it.
Profile Image for Eric.
394 reviews4 followers
January 15, 2023
This one fits the same mold as the previous two in the series.

Carl still doesn't really grow or learn... we get more and more back story, and that's good, but he gets played again and again. His blind spots are massive and he ignores them.

This is a good book that fans will enjoy. I'm glad I read it to finish out the series (and this one does end a little better) but I think I'm done.
21 reviews
March 24, 2024
If you’re looking for deep and profound sci-fi experience, this is not it. If you’re looking for a classic sci-fi military romp filled with action and intrigue, snap this baby up. Fun times!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 156 reviews

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