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2240 Return to Planet Earth

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Did someone order a post- apocalyptic story with a side of conspiracies, adventures and romance? After 25 years asleep in space, a crew comes back to Earth to see humanity has been wiped out by an invisible radiation. Is Earth survivable? Is any human alive? With the advanced technology of 2240, the post-apocalyptic life doesn't seem to be a fight for survival, but if humans are alive, there will always be chaos.

219 pages, Paperback

Published February 25, 2021

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About the author

Daniela R. Morassutti

2 books28 followers
I am Daniela Rincon Morassutti, but people call me Dani. I am from Venezuela and I call myself an entrepreneur since I do several things that I love and I couldn't choose just one to be categorized by. By profession, I am a structural engineer but I love sports, art and writing. I have loved writing since I was 10 years old, I even wanted to have a channel to have all my stories on TV. However, I stopped writing for quite sometime. When I moved to the US to pursue my master's degree in engineering,  I needed to balance the technical side of my life. For me it was all numbers so I slowly started writing again. 
My first book was a romance book since I think romance books inspire us the most, but since I am an engineer I have always been fascinated with science fiction. Thus, I latest book is a sci-fi post apocalyptic book. I do believe this will stay as my main writing genre from now on since this lets me fantasize about the future and it's technology. 

Thanks for reading about me, Dani.

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Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews
Profile Image for Samantha.
110 reviews46 followers
April 26, 2021
3.75* This is the kick off to my sci-fi reading I really needed! The pacing throughout the story was beautiful. I felt everything was handled well. There wasn’t much down time. When there was, characters were having really mature conversations that really showed their values as people.

I felt some things were spoon fed to us rather than letting us infer meaning. I do think with time the author will develop this because I think it got better as the book went on. At first I thought I knew where the mystery was going but near the end I wasn’t so sure which I liked!

The setting was described in such a vivid way I felt like I was watching a movie. I really loved Blake and Mia and seeing them learning to trust one another. Gabriela is my favorite side character - she’s so funny and sassy.

Overall a solid story! I’m excited to read more from this genre and author.
Profile Image for Karen Siddall.
Author 1 book78 followers
March 27, 2021
2240 RETURN TO PLANET EARTH proved to be a truly rousing action-adventure story set on a post-apocalyptic Earth!

A shipboard emergency forces Pilot Mia Bennet and three coworkers into an escape pod which is jettisoned away from their spaceship immediately before it explodes. The four passengers travel in cryosleep while the AI-monitored pod begins its journey to the Space Station orbiting Earth. But, the pod is drawn off course, and the sleeping astronauts don't arrive at their destination until almost 25 years later, shocked to find out that they've been written off as lost. However, Mia and her friends are not the only ones lost. It seems that during their time in cryosleep, the Earth experienced an apocalyptic event where invisible radiation of an unknown source decimated the human race. Devastated that their families and friends have all been killed, they descend to Earth's surface and their former base to find out what happened and if there are any survivors anywhere.

2240 RETURN TO PLANET EARTH proved to be a truly rousing action-adventure of a SciFi story set on a post-apocalyptic Earth. I quite enjoyed the plot featuring four Space Force astronauts who are rushed into cryosleep and ejected into deep space in an escape pod after an accident destroys their spaceship and kills the rest of their crew. When the pod is delayed for 25 years in its AI-monitored return to Earth's space station, the four sleeping survivors miss the apocalyptic event, which results in the elimination of most of humanity back on the home planet. That alone sold me on this book.

The main characters are all young, 20-somethings, and fairly new to their professions at the book's start. Successful completion of missions before the current action has advanced them to positions of authority and skill, presenting good role models for younger readers. And since the story unfolds from two points-of-view, Mia's and Blake's, there is both a male and female perspective to the storytelling, which is nice. The author has included a variety of characters who are confronted with big decisions to make and must then deal with the consequences of those decisions. Each character is revealed to have experienced tragedy in their lives with the loss of family members and friends during the invisible radiation event, which has wiped out 99.99% of the human population. The friends and coworkers display both personal flaws and strengths but stick together to help each other overcome adversity.

I enjoyed the combinations of settings for the action in the book. The story begins in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars, goes to the Space Station, returns to Earth, and the emptiness of post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, a high-rise smart building, and the surprisingly fresh destination of Venezuela.

Yet, with all its good points, this book still needs a lot of work on language, grammar, and continuity. These three issues were numerous enough to inhibit the story's flow, and I had to constantly stop and re-read sentences to understand what the author was trying to say (i.e., missing words, the wrong words used, words used improperly, and typos.) Phrases were often repeated over and over again. Action described in one paragraph would be duplicated two paragraphs later. These things took away from what would have been a very good reading experience. However, all of the problems mentioned above are things that an editor could help resolve.

Without a lot of hardcore SciFi tech-talk and featuring a cadre of quite young protagonists, the target audience seems to lean toward YA, teen, and perhaps even upper middle-grades (once the grammar and language issues are corrected.) I urge the author to have this book looked over; I think the end result would be golden. Until that time, I recommend this book with reservations.

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from Reedsy Discovery.

Profile Image for Jason Pettus.
Author 13 books1,390 followers
March 9, 2021
I'm very proud to say that I helped author Daniela Morassutti get this book into shape as her freelance editor, and I'm thrilled to see it finally out. It's an old-fashioned space adventure story about late-teen astronauts, VERY much in the straightforward, swashbuckling style of Robert A. Heinlein's 1950s juvenilia tales, but mixed with Joss Whedon-type soap opera angst over romantic partners, ex-romantic partners and potential new romantic partners. It's delightfully gung-ho, earnest and funny, hitting exactly that kind of crowdpleasing level as, say, a perpetual author guest-of-honor at sci-fi conventions -- not the best or most famous writer but the one who's most fun to hang out with. Although Daniela initially self-published this to start building an audience, she's currently submitting it to bigger places like Tor, Pyr and Orbit, so who knows? Maybe you'll see her at those conventions soon after all! In the meanwhile, I recommend checking this out when you have a chance, a lighthearted space opera where the heroes all proudly wear their white hats.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
5,736 reviews218 followers
April 2, 2021
I am done reading this book. I have to say that I really enjoyed it a lot. It is just what I needed for a sci fi fan. This book was giving me the 100 vibes. You know the TV show or books. As I was reading this book, it was like I was transported into the story. This book is my first introduction to this author but it won't be my last time.

Instantly, I connected with all of the characters and the story. It was like there was a mini movie playing in my head the whole time I was reading this book.

Mia is the leader of the surviving group of astronauts. She and the rest of the survivors come across other survivors who have been living in a Tower waiting for Mia and the others to awake. There is a little hint of romance but it is very minor. Which I am a fan of this factor. This story would actually have suffered from romance.

When it comes to sci fi books, there was to be some form of believability for me. In the case of this book, I could see the human race being extinct from a silent radiation and only a handful of survivors left to start over. So for this reason, I would recommend this book.
3 reviews
March 21, 2021
I got this book from the author Daniela last month. I don't read much sci-fi but it has a great balance between science fiction, romance, mystery and adventures that it was very enjoyable and exciting to read. I was hooked since the first chapter and couldn't put it down until the last page that had a very emotive and cute ending. Reading this book, even if it is about the end of the world, it gave me a sense that humanity still has hope if we all try to be good.

"This world can be as good as we humans can be"

2 reviews
March 21, 2021
I loved the ending and the underlying message.
Profile Image for Apurva Mula.
38 reviews8 followers
May 8, 2021
This was absolutely mysterious, adventurous and captivating sci-fi story with suspense, technology, conspiracy and romance.

An invisible radiation has wiped out all human race from earth. A space force has come back to earth after 25 years and have discovered this news. Now they set out on a mission to find any survivors left and to unravel the mystery behind this invisible radiation.

I really liked the writing style. It was to the point while also keeping me on the edge.

This book releases on May 14. Thank you to the author for giving me a copy before the release date for review and I absolutely loved it!! Do give it a read everyone.
Profile Image for Emmzxiee.
258 reviews7 followers
April 25, 2021
Review posted here:


Daniella Morassutti
06:30 PM April 23,2021

I received an E-ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. Rest assured that my stand against the book is not influenced nor intertwined with the author's perspective.

After 25 years asleep in space, a crew comes back to Earth to see humanity has been wiped out by invisible radiation. Is Earth survivable? Is any human alive? With the advanced technology of 2240, the post-apocalyptic life doesn't seem to be a fight for survival, but if humans are alive, there will always be chaos.

My Thoughts:
It has been a long time that I haven't read a scifi book. I am so glad that the author herself reach out to me to be part of this amazing project. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to review her work.

To be honest, Sci-Fi is one of my faves in terms of selecting a Novel. 2240 is a kind of book that sets its place into a post-apocalyptic scenario wherein humanity's existence is futile. I like the idea in this book of seeing our world after massive destruction.

As for the characters, I guess it could've been better if Mia(the main protagonist) has a strong leadership grasp on what she was assigned. I understand that she is kinda hesitant about the role but as a reader, I am seeing a lot of potentials in her. With the other characters, I felt so confused about them on what or how their role works. On the other hand, I love Gabriela since she is more knowledgeable in terms of handling the task specifically about technology.

There is also a love aspect that was discussed in this book and I think it is quite a nuisance for me as a bibliophile. I can't even stand a fact that android technology is having some thoughts or ideas about what is happening to the life of our main character. It could've been better if the love interest of the main character was slowly roasted and developed in a slow burn. I felt that the pacing was too fast and there no proper transition.

Story-wise it is so-so, I like the vision of racing cars in the future incorporated with survival. It reminds me of the movies such as MadMax, Tron, and The 100 Series. I guess there is always a better way for improvement in making the novel more shocking, stunning, and surprising.

For the writing style, I notice some of the grammatical lapses in this book. I will not get into the details since I know to a fact that English is not my mother tongue. However, if it can be more polished (which can be aided by an editor). I guess it also affects me to connect with the characters because some thoughts are mentioned in a scene that for me is unnecessary to add.

Overall I quite enjoy this novel but somehow needs to have more improvement. I believe that there is always a space for these dwellings and I am rooting for the author to release amazing books in the future.

Final Rating: 2.5 Stars
Profile Image for Alex Clement.
346 reviews6 followers
June 11, 2023

Thank you so much to the author for this ARC.
The book will be released on the 14th May 2021, which is actually my bday 🥳

This is my first ARC which I’m excited to be reviewing. When I first heard about this book I was so intrigued. It seemed right up my street and nothing I’ve ever read before. It started off with great characters and a plot which intrigued me from the very start, but it is a tad messy when it comes to correct grammar. Unfortunately there are quite a few (yet minor) issues with spelling, grammar, sentence structure and the flow of words and sentences. I often had to re-read some areas just to understand the author’s meaning. Sometimes words were missing and some sentences were often repeated as well. However, I’m sure with the right editor, it can be something easily worked on before release date. The story itself though, is fast-paced and is definitely a real page turner. I love hearing about the technology used and trying to picture how our own planet would be like when we hit that year one day... I like Gabriela the best. Her character intrigued me the most as she just said it how it was and I loved that about her. I could picture her a lot easier than the other characters. I liked the short chapters and how each chapter changed up perspectives, from Blake to Mia and back again. I think things like that make it more fun and interesting. The one thing that confused me a little bit were the relationships and how they seemed a bit too intense, especially when the timeframe felt like a mere few days not weeks or months. This book has the potential to be something great and I can’t wait to hopefully see the final (improved) version of the book.
4 reviews
March 5, 2021
I got this free pdf a few days ago from the author before launch and I couldn't put it down. I read it in 2 days. It is great how it combines current social and political issue in a light way in to a history that is places in 200 years from now. I loved the technology the author imagined in the future and how the city of Los Angeles would look like. And if you love a nice love story within a science fiction this book will not disappoint you. The romance present in the story is very well balanced with the adventures of knowing why the world ended and to fight evil after the end of the world.

This is definitely not the typical post- apocalyptical book. Don't expect fight for food and power and savages fighting for technology. 2240 is a technological world and takes this drama out of the picture. Very unique, light, funny and enjoyable book.
2 reviews
March 4, 2021
I got this e-book for free by registering as one of the first one hundred people. I was really excited to finally receive the book and it did not disappoint.
It is a great book! It contains a lot of well thought-through futuristic ideas and it has very detailed writing which makes you feel like you are living the story yourself. It is also of good length and I enjoyed reading it. If you wanna read something that it's not your typical book, go give this a try!
March 21, 2021
I really enjoyed reading this book! It is a nice combination between a science fiction/futuristic story and a love story. After reading the first page I really wanted to know what was going to happen next and it stayed like this throughout the entire book. I also liked that the author included her backround and a political "critic" in a very subtle way.
Profile Image for Holli (bookish.vibes_) VZL.
3 reviews4 followers
May 12, 2021
Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌘🌑3.25/5

After 25 years of floating in space, Captain Mia and her space crew return to Earth and defrost from cryogenic sleep. But the world they wake up to is nothing like the one they left. After an invisible radiation killed off most of the human population, Mia and her crew struggle through readjustments and trying to find more survivors whilst also trying to help establish a new system of government. Through twists and turns the team sticks together, but it seems like the person who released the radiation and killed the human population is even closer than they once thought....

2240 was a super fun and engaging read, and I easily finished it in one sitting! For the most part I really enjoyed the characters, but some of them felt a little immature for their ages. Along the same lines, the romances felt a little superficial. I think more character development and descriptive world building would have definitely helped there! Ultimately, I found the story super interesting and compelling! The book is science based but not super strict to the rules and regulations of science, and the mystery aspect of the piece was definitely appreciated. I found myself rooting for Mia and enjoyed seeing the friendships she created. As a debut novel, I think the author was definitely successful in producing a fun piece that many readers on the lower YA spectrum would enjoy. I would recommend this to an audience in the ages of 12-14, and especially for some of my more reluctant readers in my classroom! Also, I think this is a great book for ELL students, as many of them may see themselves in the author considering her second language is English as well.
306 reviews3 followers
April 6, 2021
The astronauts under Pilot Mia Bennet, had to undergo a cryosleep, as their spacecraft crashed on their way back to the Earth. After 25 years, they eventually reach their motherland, only to see that the whole human race had been wiped out from the planet. But is it the real end, or just a new beginning? What if someone had survived the apocalypse and still alive?

Set in the post apocalyptic Earth, the book offers a unique plot. The futuristic themes and technologies described are highly creative. Each of the characters are well developed and has their own talents and importance. The book also contains action, adventure, romance, plenty of twists and a strong message.

The only drawback I could figure out is the language. Had the language and narration better, it would definitely been a five star read.
2 reviews
April 21, 2021
Mia was in her spaceship in the year 2187 somewhere between Mars and Jupiter, when suddenly a fire alarm started. She had to break up a call with her boyfriend Marcus and knew immediately that she had to get to the cryosleep chambers in three minutes, if she wanted to survive. Only four crew members made it in time. Sydney‘s hologram appeared. She is an artificial intelligence. „You have twenty seconds before the doors close“ she said calmly and that she would wake them up when they were back in the space station on Earth. Shortly after that the emergency pod was ejected into space.
Sydney did as she said but not as expected 8 month later but in the year 2240, 24 years later.
When Mia woke up her worst fears came true. What happened to her mother and her boyfriend Marcus?
Sydney searched for information and found that an invisible radiation killed humanity!
Mia and her 3 crew members searched for lif e on earth and tried to find out more about what had happened.
From now on an adventure starts and an unexpected love finds Mia.

2240 -Return to Planet Earth by Daniela R. Morassutti is an easy read. I loved it from the first sentence on an can highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Marie-Lyne (Gonewithflynn).
402 reviews13 followers
May 13, 2021
I was pleasantly surprised by this action packed adventure and actually binged it in a few hours! It definitely gave me some The 100 vibes hehe. That being said, being a scientist myself, I had a few cringe moments/moments of doubt 🙈 because while the ideas were phenomenal they're not exactly biologically accurate. But hey, it's fiction! Lol. The characters also had some intense reactions sometimes and were definitely passionate. I would love to see this more fleshed out - more character development, more world building and for things to be less spoon fed to the reader, though this does get better as the book progresses! All in all, a promising dystopian sci-fi debut and would recommend to the middle ages of YA.

Rating: 3.25/5

A huge thank you to the author for the arc in exchange for an honest review.
April 5, 2021
Normally I don’t read fiction, but this book captured me. Behind the story there are so many key aspects about our society that are challenged and I love that the end highlights hope, love, compassion and light.
1 review
April 2, 2021
A captivating story that traps us with important events that quickly drag our attention one after another until the end. Very entertaining
Profile Image for Emmawho97.
158 reviews
March 26, 2021
3.5 ☀️ i was sent the PDF of this book by the author, thank you so much! I mostly enjoyed this, and have No doubt i would have enjoyed it alot more had i had a physical book, the PDF was a bit messy and that was very distracting. There was a bit of spelling errors which also distracted me. But the story itself had an interresting concept, it was very fast paced and I read it in a few hours. Im looking forward to reading the rest of the story, and unravel the secrets of the story.
May 3, 2021

I was sent the first half free of this book by the author and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was nothing like I was expecting.

You follow Mia as she tries to figure out this new world and Blake is on a mission to find more humans and figure out Mia.

My favourite characters were Mia, Eliza and Gabriela they’re super badass but kind, loving, and loyal.

For entertainment they race flying cars on a track they have made in the abandoned city. I loved this and its not like anything I’ve read before in a post apocalyptic book.

This truly was an awesome book please give it a try
Profile Image for Miriam.
10 reviews
March 24, 2021
This was one of the best books I've read in March so far!
There are two POVs in the book: Mia's and Blake's. I love them both, even if Mia is too ideal to be real.
Whole book is practically soaked with action, but there are also some calm parts (especially the end that I adored). The post-apocaliptic world is excellency elaborated and original, as the story is. The entangle was simple and it was very easy to find the traitor in the Tower. Some things were predictable, too.
I kinda regret anyone important didn't die (except poor second twin that they didn't find), but thanks to that I relaxed a bit while reading.
I also found a lot of great quotes in this book.
If you want to read post-apocaliptic, sci-fi, adventurous and still relaxing book, definitely read this!
(sorry for the errors, English is not my first language)
Profile Image for SJ.
32 reviews
February 27, 2023
"Earth is not destroyed by any pandemic, climate change, global warming, etc. It is destroyed by man's who and greed for more 'n more power."

The story is a sci-fi about people saving earth. But taking the depths, it's a mission to save earth from the wrong hands of greed and power.

I loved the book. The author had done her work beautifully, depicting a good message with it too.
1 review
April 18, 2021
I loved the combination between friendship, love, science fiction and futuristic technology. This book has it all, got hooked on, and finished it in 2 days. The final message was very pretty as well. I'd love for the author to write a second part.
Profile Image for Angie Blocker.
164 reviews1 follower
March 21, 2021
📚📚📚Book Review📚📚📚
First I would like to thank the author Daniela Morassutti for the free digital copy of her book in return for my honest review.
I have never read a futuristic, sci-fi kind of book before. Honestly, I didn't think I would like them. Well, I have to admit that this book totally changed my mind!!! There isn't a dull moment in this book. Daniela sent the first chapter and I was hooked! I couldn't wait to see what happened next. This book is very well written. I could easily visualize everything happening. I felt what the characters were feeling. To me, it just can't get any better.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 stars
I would recommend this book to everyone that enjoys a good book. I highly recommend stepping out of your reading comfort zone for this one!!!
Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews

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