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Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman

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Join Beth in an in-depth and very personal examination of this great story of threat and deliverance. She peels back the layers of history and shows how very contemporary and applicable the story of Esther is to our lives. If you've ever felt inadequate, threatened, or pushed into situations that seemed overpowering, this is the study for you. Just as it was tough being a woman in Esther's day, it's tough today. This portion of God's Word contains treasures to aid us in our hurried, harried, and pressured lives.Leader Kit includes6 DVDs (10 teaching segments and bonus content) 1 Member Book 1 Leader Guide


First published November 1, 2008

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About the author

Beth Moore

343 books2,478 followers
Beth Moore has written many best–selling books and is a dynamic teacher and a prolific Bible–study author whose public speaking engagements take her across the United States to challenge tens of thousands. Beth is focused on teaching women all over the world and is known and respected wherever she goes. She is a dedicated wife and mother of two adult daughters and lives in Houston, Texas, where she leads Living Proof Ministries and teaches an adult Sunday school class. Beth is one of the best known women in the evangelical Christian market.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 234 reviews
Profile Image for Lisa Wuertz.
116 reviews28 followers
October 9, 2010
I know a lot of Christian women really love Beth Moore and her studies. This was my first exposure to one of her studies. I was trying to keep an open mind about the whole experience, but at the same time also trying to figure out what all the hype was about.

My first impression of this study after doing week one with our small group was that Beth Moore seems to have discovered a formula that she feels works and written yet another study. The way it reads and the workbook itself feels very formulaic and reminds me of language arts workbooks that I had to do for homework as an elementary school student.

There were some historical and cultural insights offered that I did find interesting. For example the part about the time line of this story in relation to the Jewish calendar year.

Overall though I found most of what she had to say to be simplistic and repetative.

I found it especially annoying when she would ask the reader to answer a comprehension type question and then provide the answer in the paragraph below the space for filling out the answer (perfect example of this on p. 40).

I also did not find the places where she had the reader do copy work to be beneficial. Copy work is fine for an elementary school student practicing handwriting, not in a study aimed at adult women.

I further felt that the tone and the target audience were definitely aimed at a woman much different from me. As such, I had a hard time connecting to her.

Speaking of target audiences, this brings me to another point about target marketing and how the line between marketing and doing ministry have been increasingly blurred. I did not appreciate the inclusion of musical lyrics by Christian artist Steve Curtis Chapman followed by a plug to buy his CD on page 103. Another thing I picked up on was her attempt to include current lingo and phrases in her writing. For example when she says, "true that," a few times. First of all, I believe the correct slang lingo phrase is "tru dat," and second of all I highly doubt Beth Moore in real life says such things. It was probably thrown in there by some editor or even by herself to try and reach some group of people they felt fell into the target. But all it does is wind up making her sound incredibly cheesy like she is trying much too hard to be cool. Like when Christian musical artists try to make music that sounds almost just like a secular song, but not quite and then you just have a ridiculously obvious rip-off that sounds like some Christian record marketing executive had too much of his hands into the production.

Christians need to be real. They need to be who they are if they are going to be effective. Not try to be copy cats of the secular world.

I will now admit to you that I did not finish this study. Week six did me in. I just couldn't take anymore. The final straw? Beth Moore's suggestion that we are making better disciples thanks to technology. I know she loved her friend the dear handicapped videographer, but to say that, "Without exaggeration, God used one individual to alter the entire landscape of Christian discipleship as we know it," is stretching it, a lot. If anything I would say that technology and the evangelical church in general are doing a far worse job of making disciples than the apostles did. Watching a video Bible study, or going through a Beth Moore workbook does not make disciples. I acutally think it is bordering on blasphemy to make such a claim. God working through Christians in relationship with others makes disciples. It takes mentorship and a lot more than a powerfully delivered sermon or Bible study.
Profile Image for Renee.
9 reviews2 followers
June 29, 2013
I first did this study with a church group 4 years ago. I was distracted, and didn't keep up with the assignments.
When I revisited the study a few months ago, my goal was to learn to behave like a princess, so that I could be a wife. I was going to take a dating fast, and devote myself to physical and spiritual beauty treatments; expecting a phone call from Mr. Right the moment I closed the book for the last time.
By Week 5, I realized with horror that I was no Esther! In fact, if it was not for the grace of God, my pride may have plotted all sorts of evil just like Haman. This study challenged me to stare my pride in the face and say, "Die already!" Just like Haman, I thought I deserved so many things, things that I haven't received, if for no other reason, because it would be my god instead of The One True God.
I've read many reviews criticizing the fluffiness if this study. First, as a sanguine, Beth Moore is animated in her 100% girlish writing style. This should come a no surprise to anyone who does her studies. Second, the study is on Esther; she is a QUEEN. Let Beth have fun imagining castle life! Ironically, There were many days that I ended a study in tears of conviction for how poorly I represent the royal priesthood of God. This study cuts to the heart of our sin issues. Then Beth lovingly reminds us that God LOVES us and what's to redeem us. That isn't fluff, it's love.
1,035 reviews24 followers
March 25, 2012
Another excellent video series. My favorite part of Beth Moore Bible studies is doing the homework she writes. She does good research and has insights that are always new and applicable. I think the outstanding thing about this study was not so much how Esther 'came into the kingdom for such a time as this.' Or even Esther's willingness to die to save the Jews, "If I perish, I perish." In this study the God who is not mentioned in the Bible book is the real hero. God's timing is perfect. The whole situation turns on the king's sleepless night when he reads the chronicles. I'm amazed at Esther's sensitivity to God in not making her request at the first banquet. She waited on God's timing. Lots of good information!

Other insights:
* The more detached and self-absorbed we become, the more we mistake annoyances for agonies.
* We're not called to any easy life, but to a purposeful life.
* We have no greater burden than our own egos.
* We form mental strongholds toward those who won't give us what we want or need.
* Few things make us feel more out of control than being large on emotion and low on information.
* Sometimes people advise us to do instantly what can only be accomplished gradually.
* God's grace is given to us for our need, not our vain imaginations.
* Esther shows that ordinary events are never coincidental in the lives of God's people.
* God can turn it all around.
* We are not responsible for the HOW.
Profile Image for Alicia Simon.
9 reviews2 followers
July 17, 2010
This is a bible study for every Christian woman. The book of Esther is the only book in the Bible that never has God or Jesus written in it. But that is for a reason. Have you ever felt like you are all alone and hopeless? Just like Esther she felt she had to much on her plate and was completely helpless. But even thought we cant see or touch God that doesn't mean He isn't there. Through all the little details in out lives God works through us and helps us out each step of the way. Beth Moore helps us dig deep into out lives and find what God is trying to say to us through those little detail. This study opened my eyes and helped me realize i am never alone and without the guidance of a great and powerful God!
Profile Image for Sara.
33 reviews12 followers
February 28, 2010
I finished the book on the very day Jews around the world celebrate Purim. I loved so much about this study. It really helped bring the story to life for me so I could see myself in it. I never thought, "If I perish, I perish" would become one of my favorite parts of Scripture, but now I can look fear in the eyes and put on the courage Christ offers. Thank you, Beth, for journeying with ME!
Profile Image for Sarah Maxwell.
82 reviews
January 16, 2011
Wow, where do I begin with this review? I absolutely loved this study. It had moments where I wasn't sure how any of my life could ever take on "Esther-like challenges", but then I really began to understand Beth's approach. Of course I can! Esther's purpose in the bible is still quite a mystery. The only book that never mentions God a single time. The only book of the bible where it's protagonist isn't mention at the beginning or the end, but carries the title of the book. Simply incredible.

Beth's goal of using Esther's story of blind faith and trust is strong throughout, but really requires the studier's focus on their own quest for providential enlightenment. I was moved, I am changed, I am forever in love with Esther's story. A true woman of faith, a truly incredible drama.

Bravo as always, Beth! Bravo!
Profile Image for Cindi.
124 reviews
November 12, 2009
I know this version says "leader's kit," but I couldn't find a "Bible study student" version. I am currently attending a Bible study that is using this series for the book of Esther. We meet once per week to discuss our reading and watch the weekly session recorded by Beth Moore (about an hour per session). We also have a workbook that we use to guide our readings at home. Beth Moore has an incredible knack for bringing Scripture to life and making it relevant to our everyday lives. I love watching her sessions because she always brings to light something I haven't thought about before (and because she's funny and makes me laugh). I highly recommend this Bible study, and I look forward to exploring her other studies.
Profile Image for Alana.
1,723 reviews51 followers
February 19, 2017
Despite its very girlie theme, Beth Moore's study of Esther is very insightful and, as always, chock full of information and study not only of the culture surrounding Esther at the time, including the history and culture of the Persians and surrounding world, but also the various routes the Jewish people had taken by that time and what it was like to live in a world that virtually denied God. The focus of the story is watching how God works when He seems completely absent...as in a book where His never is never once mentioned. Some very good insights into some of the darker times of life when the outcome seems anything but certain.
Profile Image for Heather.
35 reviews
April 9, 2009
This was the first Beth Moore bible study I have done. I really enjoyed it. IT was amazing to me that the book of Ester is so short but Beth Moore could do an 11 week study on it!!! It was very powerful as a woman and helped me to realize it IS tough being a woman. I will DEFINITELY do another Beth Moore study.
Profile Image for Denise.
40 reviews1 follower
October 14, 2009
This was the best Bible Study I have ever read. Beth Moore is an amazing teacher. Her examples and sense of humor allows you to retain the info with such clarity. This was not the first time I have read the book of Esther but it is the first time I have understood exactly why it was included in the Bible and what God was saying through it. I cannot wait to read more of Beth Moore.
Profile Image for Sarah Risner Gilpin.
32 reviews1 follower
December 8, 2009
This is one of the best studies by Beth Moore I have done. This one and Daniel. I had read Esther before and never felt or knew the historical facts before, so I didn't know how much this book meant till this study and how God chose this woman for such a purpose as this. I mean how beautiful is that. He loves us so much. Praise God!
Profile Image for Nicole.
70 reviews11 followers
November 2, 2010
I love the book of Esther! I had already done one Esther study (from the Coffee Cup bible study series). Beth Moore is awesome and had so many different points and interesting views that I would recommend either study to anyone new or familiar with the book of Esther.
Profile Image for Heila.
Author 1 book7 followers
December 5, 2010
After I got used to her very feminine (but tough), Southern style - and the format of the writing - I found this incredibly encouraging, educational and pleasantly challenging. And funny! Esther is a powerful book!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
66 reviews1 follower
April 11, 2012
Beth Moore is pretty phenomenal. I enjoyed this book (and the accompanying video) on the book of Esther and reversals of destiny. Very apropos for me of late.
Profile Image for Melanie.
197 reviews6 followers
March 23, 2014
Growing up the stories of Ruth and Esther were my favorites, I think largely due to the fact that the main characters were women. Doing this study I found that I knew the basic outline of the story well, but Beth Moore really did her homework and helped to really break down the history and details of the book of Esther. However, speaking of homework, I found large portions of the homework in the book to border on ridiculous. Copying passages word for word, or asking simplistic questions only to provide the expected answers in the following paragraph felt like a primer from elementary school. Perhaps as an individual with 2 masters degrees I was expecting too much in that regard. My other major fault with the study was the amount of inference and assumptions that Beth Moore made regarding feelings and motivations. I would have preferred her to stick to statements from the Bible and generalities known from history and to point out where we don't know what individuals were thinking and feeling, rather than to spell out her assumptions. It was easy to read and I did learn a fair amount.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
166 reviews
April 20, 2013
We did this as our Ladies Bible study at church when it first came out. I enjoyed studying Esther, reading the study questions, and watching the video each week. I like how Beth Moore studies get you in the Word every day.

Only thing that bothered me was Beth kept referring to all that she had learned and had to condense, and couldn't possibly give us everything she had learned. She gave us some idea of what the king was like based on historical accounts. I just don't like getting things watered down; I want the whole thing. Or at least to have the option of digging deeper if I want to. I do not like to be spoon-fed portions of what it took Beth months to put together. At least give me an Internet link so I can learn more if I choose to. That's the only improvement that I would suggest.

We did have some good discussions as a group. I would recommend this study to others.
Profile Image for Nancy Boyd.
536 reviews3 followers
July 11, 2012
Absolutely fantastic! Every woman, young and old, should read this book! So encouraging, and it really helped me feel better about certain obstacles I've faced. The only thing I didn't like was that if you order the study guide offline (like myself) and don't do it in a Bible study group, you don't have access to the video sessions that you're supposed to use to fill in the blanks at the beginning of every week. Each session is available for download on her website, but I refuse to pay $5 per download for 10 sessions when I can get the book for $7 plus shipping from Amazon! So, if you're like me, try to find someone who's done the study already and will let you borrow their study guide pages for those sections to save you some $$. That was my only complaint.
Profile Image for Marja.
48 reviews
April 8, 2009
I recently finished this bible study with one of my best friends and a group of ladies from my church. It was AMAZING! I got so wrapped up in the way Beth brings to light every single detail. My husband told me I liked it so much because “It’s just a big biblical soap opera.”

“God’s name may not be written in it, but it’s written ALL OVER IT!” -BM
Profile Image for Jenny.
30 reviews7 followers
July 9, 2013
I started this with a group, but then I kind of got distracted. I picked it back up and loved it!! Love Beth Moore!
Profile Image for Stephanie Gleizier.
Author 5 books10 followers
April 16, 2020
I’ve known the story of Esther from growing up in church, but this deep look into this story made me see it in such a different light. Beth brought up history and deep spiritual facts and points. We are warriors and God has us here for such a time as this.
Profile Image for Robyn.
370 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2015
Actually did the video series as part of a Bible study in 2009, but this book just sat on the shelf until last month (6 years later), when I decided to read it & do the study by myself.

I know that Beth Moore puts a lot of work into these studies, & this one is no exception. As informative & uplifting as her video lessons are, sometimes I have a hard time getting past many of her personal quirks & nuances. For one thing, I feel like she's yelling at me in some segments or just preaching over my head in others, while maybe others (Priscilla Shirer, etc) might teach in my style of learning. Not to mention that a lot of it is directed at me using "pet-names" that my mom doesn't even use ("Girlfriend", "Beloved", "Darling", "Sweetie", "Honey", "Dear One", etc). It's easier for me to get past those overpowering nuances while reading her, rather than watching her. But that still doesn't shake the pet-names.

If I think of Beth Moore studies as a battlefield of her personal quirks vs the lasting story message, in this study of Esther the lasting story & message wins out. Beth opened my mind to many ways that Esther is a form of great literature. I also learned about "chiastic structure" from this study (Don't live to eat, just eat to live, etc), & turned tables, ironies, & destiny reversals. I feel I've gotten more out of this study than what work I actually put into it! Esther definitely shows that God is the Master Storyteller!

Beth Moore also noticed something that I've noticed in the past few years, but she says it better than I can, & that is that the survival of the Jewish Nation (as fragmented as it may be) is a huge testimony to the veracity of the scriptures. There is no other better explanation as to the survival (& thriving!) of the Nation of Israel than God ensuring it. In the post-Darwin world of "survival of the fittest", applying those principles to even nations & governments as though they were living things, there is virtually no way that Israel could survive on their own, yet they have even thrived despite the plans of Haman, the Crusades, the Holocaust, & more--while other bigger & seemingly stronger kingdoms & empires (Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, the Nazis, etc) have "eaten their dust".
41 reviews5 followers
August 18, 2016
I adore Beth Moore Bible studies. I encountered them at a time in my life where I was really hungry for the Word of God, and that is exactly where Beth took me. Her own commentary inspired me, and the scripture she references got me flipping the pages in my Bible so fast that I got to navigate the Word pretty well. Now if I could just get all of the minor prophets down 26

As I grow more mature, and my needs change, I still enjoy visiting a Beth Moore Bible study. 1CEsther: It 19s Tough Being A Woman 1D is obviously about the woman, Esther, and the book of the Bible that bears her name. But it is not your typical Beth Moore. Sure, the writing is great, the Bible study is life-changing, but it 19s only nine weeks instead of Beth 19s conventional 10-week format and so far, the video segments are a bit more energetic than I recall from her previous work. This is some wonderful Bible teaching filled with humor and information about the 4th century B.C. culture and how the time and culture may change, but life issues don 19t. The study can be done alone or with a group, with or without the videos 13 but I definitely recommend WITH the videos.
4 reviews
November 15, 2013
Every woman should do this Bible study irrespective of whether you are a Christian or not. The short story of Esther that appears in the pages of history centuries ago is so unbelievably relevant and current to the struggles that we as women go through in this modern world.
Even if you plan on doing only one Bible study in your life, this should be that one. Beth Moore and her team have given us women an amazing platform to meet other women and share our wisdom and challenges with each other. Many times we meet women in our lives who have a negative outlook on life and this Bible study helps us realize that as women we need to be supportive of each other even when we are not aware of the struggle another woman may be going through.
Trust me, you will be uplifted through this book because you will learn bout the providential faithfulness of the LORD towards you.
Profile Image for Larisha.
646 reviews4 followers
June 10, 2010
group is finishing up this Bible Study. It is excellent! The way Beth Moore writes her workbooks is great. She gives you so much rich historical background and also challenges you for today. If I read the book of Esther just on my own from the Beth Moore does it again!! Bible study group took our time with this study and we began in September of 2009 and wrapped up mid May.

Beth Moore gives so much rich history and weaves God's Plan together for the students so that time and again you can see how God's hand is in everything. She has a way of telling God's word so you can see word pictures so vividly in your mind. I would highly recommend this study along with the videos to tie it all together!
Profile Image for Whitney.
437 reviews5 followers
March 16, 2016
This was my first time with Beth Moore and with her studies. My feelings on the Bible as the Word of God and the truth it teaches grew over the months it took to complete it with our group. I adored Moore's commentary, personality, and encouragements. My confidence grew in studying and loving the Word of God, instead of being intimidated by it, I feel confident in studying and sharing it with others. Highly recommend and I looooved the Book of Esther, what an amazing story of God's providence!!
Profile Image for Karen.
73 reviews8 followers
April 2, 2009
All I can say is this was "on time" for me. Esther was called for "such a time as this" and God called me to "this time" in studying her life again. Beth is an amazing communicator and knows how to relate to women. God used the past nine/ten weeks to speak His Truth over me again and I love Him for that.
Profile Image for Kelli.
1,209 reviews40 followers
April 26, 2010
In-depth, informative, passionate. I love Beth Moore's love for research. She brings biblical stories historical significance. As a girl, when asked what my favorite biblical character was, I always said Esther. I thought I knew this story pretty well, however, after reading I see where there is so much more information that makes this biblical account so incredible.
Profile Image for Katie.
22 reviews5 followers
July 20, 2010
I finally finished this indepth study of the book of Esther by Beth Moore. Since I hadn't ever finished an entire study by Beth before, I saw just how historically and factually accurate her studies are, as well as heartfelt and relevant. I highly recommend this study about Providence and Courage.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 234 reviews

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